#but klaus is the best character ever created
alirhi · 2 years
I really just need an entire season of TUA that's nothing but Klaus and Five getting each other into and out of random hijinx. Every time they interact it's like a dose of pure serotonin flooding my brain
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spikingtheodds-if · 10 months
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Time seemed to slow down as your muscles coiled, every fiber of your being honed in on that one moment. As the ball reached its apex, you launched yourself into the air, a burst of controlled power. Your arm swung back, and with a thunderous crack, your hand connected with the ball. You could almost hear the collective intake of breath from the crowd. The ball rocketed downward, a streak of white lightning aimed unerringly for the opposing court. The ball hit the floor with a triumphant thud, a resounding echo of victory. In that fleeting instant, you felt invincible. And you were.
Is there a better match than you and volleyball?
You, arguably the most promising spiker of your generation, led your highschool team to victory by winning against your ex-bestfriend slash rival, Nikita.
You couldn't believe you won a volleyball scholarship for the university of your dreams; and maybe you were right not to. An anonymous source convinced the university that you partook in doping and steroid use, which led them to drop you.
With no options left due to the allegations, you decided to accept a scholarship to a minor university with an unknown and lacking volleyball club, the Boarwood Titans. What's worse is that you are now forced to become a battery with your childhood rival, Nikita being the setter and you the spiker.
Can you work together with your rival to lead your team to the victor? Or will hate prevail? And will you find out who really spread the rumors against you?
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A fully customisable main character, including gender, pronouns, personality, looks, jersey number, playing style, and many more!
Choices that impact the story throughout, including your team's ranking and dynamic, your reputation as a spiker, your grades, your fame, and more.
Choose between 7 romance options - figure out the love/hate relationship with your rival, fall in love with your childhood best -friend, fall back in love with your ex, the coach's child, a dedicated supporter, a mysterious med student, and the team's ex-spiker whose place you took.
Solve a mystery: who is the anonymous source hellbent on ruining your dreams?
Content suitable for 18+ readers, such as sexual themes, substance (steroids, drugs and alcohol) use, explicit language and themes, and violence.
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Nikita Raymond [RO, F/M/NB]: Once your training buddy and now your rival, you wonder if the infamous "Tiger" is the one behind the allegations.There is no place for love between you two. They hate you as much as you hate them; but you'll have to to put that aside if you want to win. Can you?
Klaus/Klara Padel [RO, F/M/NB]: A stern and strict figure in your team, they're especially wary of you ever since you took their spot as a spiker. They've since made it their personal goal to make your stay at the university a living hell. They want to get their spot back, and they've got the motivation. Part of them hopes you'll be able to impress them and show them you deserve their spot, but until then, you'll have to suffer.
Jeremiah/Jerilynn Blake [RO, FtM/MtF]: The team's sweetheart, they're loved by everybody, and for a good reason. Always sporting a smile on their face and snacks in their hand, they quickly become one of your closest friends at Boarwood University.
Bree [RO, F/M/NB]: Your best-friend and setter in your previous team. They quit volleyball but still enrolled at Boarwood to be with you. A constant in your life since you were little, you'll find that Nikita's presence will create tension between you two. What's really going on between them?
Andrea Michelle [RO, F/M/NB]: Despite being the Boarwood Titans' most dedicated supporter, their stoic and hot-and-cold behaviour confuses you. They take an interest in you, only to ignore you for days. What's really up with this mysterious med student?
Angelina/Angelo Shasco [RO, F/M/NB]: Your charming ex. Things get messy when you find out your least favourite ex is at Boarwood, and they seem dedicated to not making you forget the past you had, and not in a positive way. Oh boy, spotting them at one of your games might cause either the win of the century or your life's biggest blunder.
Meet a wide cast of characters, including your classmates, teammates, opponents, and more!
-monaco & clessidra <3
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cancerian-woman · 10 months
in one of the panels JM was asked how klaus would single parent hope (i think Hayley was cursed) and both him and DG agreed that freya would do the lion's share of the childcare like why did y'all ever introduce this damn baby if you never intended for him to actually be a father like...
thank you! this is exactly what I meant. This is long for a warning lol. I thought my two lined comment was understood but lmao but okay!
I’m not naive I was never expecting the Mikaelson’s raising a child to be easy or not drama-filled. I was expecting plenty of issues. A family that has lived for a thousand years and accumulated plenty of enemies was never going to have it easy with a helpless baby around! The last time that family had someone young around them was their brother. Who they rarely mentioned in TO.
I get Freya and Hayley were new compared to Klaus/Elijah/Rebekah & later Kol. They had to build foundations for them and this is no way I’m blaming Freya/Hayley but the writing(cause I know how some of y’all think lmao.) In return Hayley is the best mom-werewolf queen and fighter ever! Freya is the selfless witch for her family! Now, again I DO believe the Mikaelson’s would’ve fucked up at points. Plenty of times actually because who can say they were “perfect” at being family…nobody lol. But, question proposes again why introduce the magical baby that we can all agree doesn’t make sense. If Klaus or any of the Mikaelsons that was propped up into this plot prior to Hayley or Freya etc etc if only timeline wise was going to give them 2-3 years with Hope in total span of 5 seasons that stretched over 15 years of Hope’s life.
Klaus reason for creating hybrids was because he didn’t want to feel alone. Rebekah at that time of TVD was the only one who caught on. Hope would’ve finally been his chance at not feeling alone and yet Hayley spends more time parenting than Klaus ever does. Now, who was expecting perfection? Nobody, but why is he NEVER with Hope vice-versa. Hayley had more time as a parent and even a werewolf. TO completely ignored Klaus’ werewolf side and only showed us his biological father for one episode? They didn’t so shit but allow Hayley to suck up all the development and storylines in that regard. Then have characters such as Freya or Declan/Hayley’s boyfriend throw in Klaus’ face repeatedly throughout s5 of TO how Klaus is never around as that’s his fault. Yeah, Klaus could’ve contacted Hope for sure but physically being there would’ve went against the whole point of separating the Hallow. Even then if the writers wanted to break the rule for Klaus and Elijah then they could’ve done so for Hope. Instead, Hayley’s constantly held as the better parent/option. Mind you Hayley herself continued to bounce back and forth with her thoughts on the Mikaelsons..
Now despite all of this we could’ve been praising Marcel and the Mikaelsons as a family but the plot constantly is racist towards Marcel.(often inflicted by Elijah…) Typically his feelings towards the Mikaelsons become ignored due to his relationship with Rebekah.
I have zero issues with Hope but most fans that do have problems with her. ONLY find issues with DRR!Hope they never have animosity towards the baby-child Hope. Yes some fans hate the baby plot and that’s okay! I’m not referring to those fans I’m talking about the ones who suddenly go on this tangent that Hope has always been the issue in her family. She’s spoiled, bratty, entitled etc etc all because she dared to have feelings about how her family treated her and went drastic measures to see her dad. It shouldn’t have taken Hayley’s death for Hope to finally say she feels apart of the family. She spent most of her years alone with Hayley and clearly while she’s love Hayley, it simply wasn’t enough. Period. I do think Hayley shouldn’t have had to die for this be understood by her family but atp oh well. I don’t see an issue in fans wanting to see the Mikaelson outside of Freya & Hayley spend time with Hope or watch her grow up lol. The narrative that LGCS ruined all of the Mikaelson’s characters is false. Hope called it out that no one would care for her if Klaus died. Which is very true. The Mikaelson’s literally sent her back to school and moved on with their lives. TO knew how to “function” with the impressionable baby-child but did nothing to prepare for the teenager-woman.
TO could’ve centered on their past lives since they never let Hope stay around her family.
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roma-northr · 1 year
While trying to write for my unfinished fanfics, I think I feel the need to reorganize my opinions on certain relationships on the show/shows of the TVDU. I’m aware nobody asked for my input, this post is purely to indulge myself and get my thoughts out of my head. These are only my opinions on these ships, I’m not trying to say that anyone should share them or agree with them.
Here goes 🌪️
Stefan/Elena: Very first love type of relationship, I can see the vision. But as with many of the Stefan ships, I don’t find it very interesting. I love the romance and the fact they’re so tender with one another. I wouldn’t have been surprised if they had been endgame instead of Delena - it could’ve gone either way for me and I would’ve been okay with it.
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Damon/Elena: While I was watching the show I became bewitched by Ian Somerhalder as Damon and his and Nina’s chemistry. I was sold and continue to be, what can I say? Also, I tend to like the older brother-coded characters better. Loved that he was often unhinged and that he was so so desperate for Elena.
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Klaus/Caroline: Yes, of course. I love the dynamic, it’s my kind of trope 100%. I wish the writers had given them more, gave them a chance to truly develop their relationship. But the chemistry!!! Amazing I think. There was so much wasted potential - I suppose that’s why I enjoy writing about them so much. And I get why people like other Klaus ships better, so many of his other relationships had More of everything, screen time included. No matter, I fell in love with them through their counted scenes together.
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Bonnie/Damon: Oh I wanted to see them happen so badly. I was extremely disappointed that the writers weren’t braver about them. Still, their friendship was one of the things I enjoyed the most about the show. And I do think that Bonnie would’ve been better for him than Elena, she brought out the best in Damon.
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Klaus/Camille: When I started watching The Originals I was angry that Camille even existed, it seemed to me that the writers were trying to replace Caroline in Klaus’ new world. But then I realized that Caroline’s and Camille’s similarities began and ended with the color of their hair. Actually, I quite like Camille as a character and her and Klaus’ relationship. I was gutted when they killed her off. I feel like their love was very pure and grew so naturally over time.
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Stefan/Caroline: It came out of fucking nowhere I feel like. To me, it was very obvious that the writers were trying to pair off whoever was left and they were just there. I like them much better as friends because I never got any romantic/sexual chemistry from their scenes together, even when they were officially a couple. It did feel like Caroline was second best to Elena for Stefan with how and when they wrote their romance.
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Elijah/Hayley: I loved that they were clearly so important to one another BUT I always thought that the writers were imposing the idea of them on us even when they weren’t the best suited for each other. I don’t know, I wanted to love their relationship but they never made me feel anything. Very plain, got ZERO excitement from them.
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Bonnie/Enzo: Idk, one of the things I hate when introducing a new couple to a show is when the writers deprive the audience of the process of their falling in love. Maybe I’d like them better if they hadn’t already been so established after the time jump. The flashbacks were sweet and made my indifference fade a bit, but still. Bonnie deserved to have a real love story shown.
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Caroline/Tyler or Caroline/Matt: Hate these two ships simply because I don’t like Tyler or Matt as characters AT ALL.
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Hayley/Klaus: Now, these two... the writers completely failed them. There was SO MUCH POTENTIAL. I was never sure whether there was ever any intention of making them happen or if their having sex was only a device to create the plot for The Originals. In the show, they have so many moments that could be read as flirting and pining, and that’s why I’m convinced there was something more than just friendship with them, I really wanted it to be there. Recently I read a post about the cast talking about a love triangle in season 1 between Klaus, Hayley, and Elijah and I SEE IT, but I guess the writers were (wrongly) convinced Elijah was it for her. I think this is one of the few ships that I adore equally as platonic or romantic. I’ll remain disappointed for eternity about this failure to launch. Maybe I’ll write about them in the future - it’s extremely likely.
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Well, all this to say, I think I enjoyed most of these ships to a certain capacity while watching the show. It’s fair to say they all had their moments all thanks to the incredible actors playing them.
Conclusion: I would read and write fanfiction about all of them under the right circumstances. 🕯️🕯️
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may0tuna · 2 years
Part 2 Friends in High Places | Umbrella!Ben Hargreeves x Reader
Summary: Your life is falling apart so you thought why not throw yourself into the void completely. You got yourself mixed up in drugs and now you're finally in rehab. You are also very clumsy - you would get random cuts and bruises from the simplest things - but for some reason, ever since you met Klaus in rehab, there has been this invisible force protecting you from these random clumsy moments.
Part 1 is here. Part 2, reader gets into a brawl and obv Ben is there to help but this made the reader even more curious about this "unknown force" that reader decided to finally confront Klaus. Also, created a new character, not sure how I feel about it but it works? Part 3 will be Ben's POV on the fight.
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You've been busy drawing this figure that had appeared in your dream last night when you hear the lunch bell rang. Everyone started to walk towards the dining hall which was in the room down the hallway. There were a mixture of reactions from the people, some were excited, some were hesitant, some full of energy like Klaus Hargreeves who was still trying to figure out the steps from the dance class he had just participated in, and some were just in an overall bad mood. Yes, you're talking about Big Martha, that's what most people call her.
Big Martha did not get along with anyone and is often found starting fights here and there. You have always been the person who avoided conflicts with other in-patients and it comes naturally to you because you typically match the energy of the people you meet. You can say that that was your only gift in this life is that you rarely have any enemies because of this one social skill. But you knew that you should avoid any kind of interaction with this person from the very start.
You slowly walked towards the dining hall and made your way quietly to the back of the line. You were about to grab a tray but instead of doing this (no thanks to your "perfect" body coordination), you ended up toppling the stacks of tray that was neatly arranged near the entrance. What's worst is that Big Martha had just come in, resulting in the trays hitting her shoulders.
To be honest, a couple of trays will not hurt anyone but, as mentioned, this person liked to start fights for whatever reason.
"Hey," as she walked towards you reaching out her arms to grab you by the collar. "You did that on purpose"
"No," you started to stammer. "Sorry, I..."
Then, things moved a little quickly because before you know it, you're on the floor, trying to pick yourself up back on your feet after Big Martha had pushed you with such force you tumbled back as if a bulldozer had hit you. You tried to stand back up as Big Martha moved in, and you prepare to defend yourself. Now, you know that you have never been in a fight ever, at least not a physical one, so you awkwardly balled your hands into a fist and placed them in front of you as you made your best attempt at a fighting stance.
She moved in and you closed your eyes, you find your arms moving to its own accord, about to swing and you pray to god that your first punch lands.
You swing with your eyes closed as you calculated the distance between you and this person who may be ending your life soon. And then, you missed! You had your eyes closed still but it felt like your fists did not hit anything but then, you hear a loud thump. You opened your eyes and see your opponent on the floor with a busted lip.
You hear people shouting and you see Klaus clapping his hands and cheering you on. The staff at the dining hall was scrambling to call security. You look back at your opponent and then, at you hands. Did you really just punched her? You swore your fists did not hit anything. But before you could contemplate how it was possible, your opponent was back on her feet and moving in again. You balled your fists up again and prepare to do the unthinkable when suddenly, your opponent just fell flat on her face. It was as if some unknown force had tripped her. You looked down on her as the others laughed at her. This made her even more angrier and your half-smile had completely turned into a frown when you see Big Martha had picked up one of the chairs and had lifted it above her head, ready to hit you with it. She was way taller than you and you knew you had no way to counter that attack but instead of running away, you stood there frozen from fear.
Just as she was about to swing, you felt a pair of hands grabbed you to the side. That was weird! No one was near you and you swore that this was not because your balance is improving. You hear Klaus' voice among the sea of screaming in-patients, "You go Ben!" Who the hell is Ben?
Lucky for you, just as your opponent was about to swing again, a group of guards had come in and had taken her away to a solitary room. After a couple of minutes, everyone went about their usual routines. Somebody had checked up on you and you had confirmed that you were not hurt in the little brawl that had just happened. You were thankful that you had no bruises or cuts whatsoever but you were also thankful for that unknown force, which by the way, you now know is named Ben.
It's too much of a coincidence, you thought to yourself. You knew you lived in a world where there are people with super powers, talking animals, and so on. The idea of an invisible force, living or dead, is not quite far from the realm of possibility. In just a span of a few minutes after your near-almost-death experience with Big Martha, you had become slightly obsessed with getting to the bottom of things.
As you grab your lunch tray, you just knew that the one person who can give you answers is Klaus Hargreeves. And so, you made your way to where he was sitting.
"Hey Klaus," you asked sitting down across from him.
"Y/N! That was a hell of a fight back there. Woohoo! Who knew you had that in you, huh?"
"Who's Ben?" You ignored Klaus' remarks and decided to jump right into it. You see Klaus looked to his side and back at you.
"Well? You keep mentioning him and this day had been so weird that I feel like some invisible force had been following me. I know I did not punch Big Martha earlier and I know that you were once part of the Umbrella Academy, that super hero crime-fighting group a few years back, so who's Ben? Is he someone from the academy? Maybe someone who's powers is invisibility?"
You had all of these questions in your mind that you realized you had not once let Klaus speak. Klaus did not attempt to interrupt you as well so you just sat there waiting for him to respond. He had looked again to his side as if he was thinking. No, as if he was looking at someone.
"Is..Ben here?" You asked quietly, not really sure what to expect now.
"Y/N, okay okay, I'll tell you about Ben but not now as I'm enjoying my perfectly, and I'm pretty sure well-cooked, beans" Klaus had said sarcastically as he played with the beans on his plate with his spoon.
"I'll introduce you to Ben tonight" This was the last thing Klaus had said before changing the topic to the weather.
You giggled at Klaus' idea of small talk so you gave in, and you and Klaus had talked about the weather all afternoon. But at the same time, you feel your heart race a little at the idea of meeting this mysterious Ben tonight.
Part 3, Ben's POV
I will probably write 1 or 2 more parts before ending this haha I'm kinda running out of ideas bc Umbrella Ben (as a ghost) makes the interaction kind of limited?
tagging @mayempress​ @hiraeth-maximoff​ @keiladragon​ @ohmyitsfaith​ @sparrowb3nscloset​ @cff3kat​ @ben-er-ino​ @harleyquinn3289​ @chariottie​​ @sanzusmile​​ 
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memoria-99 · 4 months
Wizardess Heart: Personal thoughts about seasons and routes Part 2
(This post contains a bit of spoilers.)
Starting from S6 basically 90% of the routes are in consecutive order, but the new romance starts every route. So basically, all the other data is maintained and only the romance data is reset every route.
It's pretty sad that the MC and LI swear eternal love in some route, and then the moment you start the next route, they remember everything except for their love.
The stories focus on the "plot" more compared to earlier seasons and that's why the romance kinda lacks compared to those seasons.
S6 is the best season in prefect mc routes. Good chemistry overall, well balanced romance, and interesting plot.
Zeus? Cute relationship with good chemistry. Interesting story. Well written. (Let's forget about his betrayal for now)
Klaus2 is ummm actually this route is the least memorable route in S6... and his arrogance never goes anywhere but at least he was less bossier than S2
Hiro... his route is the best imo. Not only the story included interesting dynamics, but I honestly think mc and Hiro made the most well-balanced, healthy romance with nice chemistry. Smooth development from comrades to couple and they really care for each other a lot. And sweet as ever.
Imo S7 is kinda more like good friends route
I like Alfonse as a character but don't really like his route... mostly because Klaus just gets in the way all the time with that (spoiler)stupid fake dating thing
Caesar the piggy boy... idk if mc really did love him even in his own route. He likes her from the very beginning, ok that's nice, but after finishing the route it was like... his confession just made her more generous to him? His love for mc just worked as some kind of excuse for what happens afterwards about him. The most memorable character was Mischa and the most memorable scene was the eating battle.
Lucious is who I mentioned a lot in previous posts, I would just say he should have been with Claudia.
I think no one in s7 had real romance with mc, but still Alfonse and Lucious were very good friends in their routes whereas Caesar was... relationship itself went nowhere
Starting from S8 either MC or LI is already smitten to their partner from the very beginning... otherwise it's just a very rushed shallow romance
Hugo is enemy to lover, better version of Leon but it just seems he has zero chemistry with mc.
Hisoka idk why mc brought a random merchant guy to the academy and seemed she was just smitten with this guy from the start somehow? And she followed him around like a puppy.
Willem another enemy to lover. But it just seemed they added a drama of (spoiler)"they actually met in the past"+ "miracle tears to save the guy" nothing more memorable than that.
I think the "plot" they focused on started to lose track from about S9? I mean I still dunno why that season exists... the phantom thief appeared out of nowhere and tower of memories stuff has nothing to do with dragonkins or future plot. Kinda useless season.
In Nox and Rex routes, the devs did it really dirty. At least in the other routes, mc starts with no interest in the other guy and no other guy is romantically interested in her(I mean after s6) but these two routes create a very... annoying love triangle. Plus in Rex route, this girl switches to another guy just because (spoiler)she's disappointed with Nox's identity
I don't think either Nox or Rex made a proper healthy relationship with mc. Both were just smitten with her at first sight and kinda forcing their feelings for her?
Gray is kinda creepy considering he basically knew everything about her from the start. Like he was stalking her for her whole life...
S10 and S11 at least make sense but still romance is mostly nowhere
What I don't like about s10 and s11 is that there're some fake routes kinda made for... surprise for canon routes
Since s6 there were a lot of routes that indicated there was still something left unsolved(which will be in another route), but at least the issue on that route was solved properly. But in those fake routes nothing was solved properly, and makes me um... feel what everything happened there just went to waste? Idk
Those routes end like "I thought so but..." that sounds so damn ominous and incomplete (Yes you Lars, and you Florin too)
And then there's a guy who's got real hot looks but got nothing in his route (Looking at you Mr Auburne)
At least the canon routes, which are the last routes of each season, are written fine I think.
Clive. Maybe a controversial one, but mc shares rather dark side of herself in front of him unlike when she's with the other guys and I think that's a uncommon yet nice way to build relationship. Nidhogg was very cute too.
Light. Him and mc sharing a lot of time in the same place made a natural growth of their bond. I liked it.
Last of all, it's a shame that Felix and Vain and Viggo never got their routes... I mean look at their beautiful faces how could those faces never got a chance to stand as a proper LI daaaaang
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h-worksrambles · 2 years
Spoilers for Xenoblade Chronicles 1, 2 and 3:
Thinking about how all the major villains in Xenoblade portrays our struggle with human nature’s worst aspects and our own capacity for evil.
Ok, that probably sounded super pretentious but seriously. The entire event that kicked off all of this was the reckless actions and selfish curiosity of a single man. Klaus performed the phase transition experiment out both a cynicism with the current state of the world and the arrogant belief that he could surpass humanity and all its flaws. And in doing so, he not only destroyed the world in a way that took millions of years to heal, but ripped apart reality itself so badly that, as we learn in Xenoblade 3, nature itself is STILL trying to repair the damage he did after god knows how much time, by bringing together the fractured universes he created.
Zanza is very clearly inspired by the Gnostic demiurge, a false god that keeps the world in their thrall. But the very thing that makes him a demiurge is that he has the power of a god, but he THINKS like a human. Because he once was one. His evil is rooted in human emotions, ego and fear. He sacrifices his creations because he fears death and would rather cut down his ‘children’ before they forget him than fade away. Zanza was once an ordinary man, but now he has the power of a god. And he demonstrates how disastrously wrong it would go if a single human ever had that level of power to do with as they wished.
Or look at Amalthus. His entire character is built on the dichotomy of a man who has seen the worst of people, has witnessed the lengths of peoples cruelty in war across so many years, but is incapable of perceiving those same flaws in himself. He’s a lot like Klaus was, waxing poetic about humanity’s evil while making the same mistakes. He’s right about humans on a lot of counts. But he’s also a hypocrite who thinks he’s above those evils, paradoxically becoming just as, if not more monstrous than the people he hates.
Even when the villains of Xenoblade aren’t human, their villainy is often a product of humankind. The clearest example of this is Malos. Like all Blades, his personality is shaped by the Driver who awakens him. And Amalthus nihilistic outlook and hatred of the world bleeds into him and feeds his desire to destroy it. He’s a non-human living weapon, sure. But he’s a man-made weapon as well.
And now we have Xenoblade Chronicles 3 where the source of all the awful things in Aionios is a machine. Origin responded to the thoughts and feelings it recognised from the people of both worlds, their fear of death, of change, of the unknown. And that reaction created Moebius (and by extension, Z) who created ‘the endless now’ as a supposed escape from those ugly parts of the world, but only ended up repeating them, creating a hellish war torn false reality that kept everyone trapped in a pointless cycle.
Like Malos, Origin is a machine whose damaging actions mirror the flaws of its creators. Like Zanza, Z fuelled himself with peoples lives, using the people of the world as a tool to escape his fear of his own inevitable end.
The villains of Xenoblade range from gods, to AIs to abstract metaphysical concepts but they are all ultimately human or born from humans. It’s never just, ‘humans against the monsters/a machine/god because those non-human entities were typically created BY humans in some way. When you combine that with how many of the more minor villains are disgusting, despicable people, (Mumkhar, Bana, Gort, most of the consuls, D especially), it’s easy to say that Xenoblade has a very cynical outlook on human nature, that it’s saying we’re all just self destructive monsters the world would be better off without.
And yet, the protagonists challenge that by showcasing the best of humanity. Shulk breaks the cycle of violence in Bionis and Mechonis and gives everyone a future. Rex witnesses the worst of Alrest but instead of letting it break him, remains committed to change things for the better. Noah, Mio and their friends question the system that control them, symbolically face the fear of all of humankind, and resolve to restore their worlds (in turn laying the way for a new one), even if they have no guarantee that they’ll see each other again. Their only certainty at this point is each other but they’re wiling to give that up to give everyone else a chance. Unlike Z or even Zanza, they choose self sacrifice and accept change even if they personally come off worse.
Xenoblade is a series where people are the cause of 99% of life’s problems, but they’re also the solution. Even when the villains are monsters, machines or even gods (all of which can be very stock tropes in RPGs especially) they’re nearly always man-made in some way. And triumphing over them represents overcoming our own capacity for evil.
It can be discouraging to accept how much we routinely ruin everything around us, but that’s the first step to realising what we can fix as well. It’s so easy to feel defeated and assume that we’re all awful and beyond saving. That’s the conclusion Jin and N both came to: The world is fundamentally awful and you can’t change it. Xenoblade’s stories show the best and worst of people, And I found that statement really moving. We can be utterly despicable, but we can also be better.
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accidentalslayer · 11 months
💗 Comfort Shows 💗
Thank you @elegantsplendour for inviting me to join in on the fun! Plus, it kind of helps me break the ice of my deep lurking/rabid reblogging LOL. I don't actually know 10 people on Tumblr yet so I'll just tag the people I do know~
@rosecentury @closetedwh0r3 @ren-drake @brandyovereager @leonorasbabygirl @catmikaelson20 @green-eyedshooter-blog @margueritetheduchess05
Rules are as follows: post 10 of your favorite comfort TV series and then tag 10 people. ♡
1. Once Upon a Time. (I used to be super heavy into watching/interacting with the fandom. Tbh, it was mostly because I simp for Rumplestiltskin and Belle/Lacy. Oh, to be a single piece of straw that Rumple spins into gold...)
2. Versailles. (I am a HUGE fan of period pieces & disaster brothers. The chaotic dynamic between Louis the 8th, the Sun King, and his brother, the Duke du New Orleans really had me hooked! Plus the cool polycule that the Duke, the Chevalier, & the Princess Palatine was 🤌🧂👩‍🍳)
3. Bridgerton. (Do I even need to expound the joy and excellence of Bridgerton? They recently dropped some teaser pics of Season 3 with Penelope and Colin and I am literally frothing at the mouth. It exists now to torment me in the back of my conscious mind. 🙃 😭)
4. The Originals. (Around the same time I got into OUAT, I was also addicted to the Originals! Klaus was my immediate favorite because of his BIG YANDERE energy but also because we're both artists. I also paint and create visions that I'd like to see in the world. Recently re-watching it again so I can write Dawn Misplaced, I began to switch allegiances to Elijah. I love his classy, polished "business man" vibe. I wonder how he'd fair against Rumplestiltskin...?)
5. The Vampire Diaries. (I realized that I had never seen this show before I watched the Originals and I'm currently blazing through Season 2. I love Damon and Stefan. More so Damon. I have a bad boys thing, I know. Tbh, I don't trust Stefan for some reason. I also think I'd enjoy sitting and writing in the same room as Elena. And I would Homer Simpson fade into the bushes whenever Katherine is around.)
6. Shadow and Bone. (Ngl, I was only in it for The Darkling and no one else. I do not care about the Sun Summoner or her whole entire character arc and would have happily watched the series if it'd centered around Kaz and Kirigan fighting for the destruction or expansion of the Fold. I also found the main protagonist super annoying. But she is a light magic user and the common trope or dark side of the light is righteousness and hypocrisy.)
7. Hotel Del Luna. (I LOVE K-dramas! This series is an amazing, quirky story that tackles themes like death, trauma, and shedding the past in a way that makes you laugh & and feel vindicated. Plus, the female lead is super confident, cool, & empowered throughout the narrative and has a lot of yandere traits without being too ridiculous. Also, I just love the concept of a hotel for ghosts in the afterlife. There's so much potential in that trope.) 8. Mr. Queen (Another quirky K-drama about time travel that takes place in the austere land of Joseon. There's time travel, sarcastic and witty banter. Gender swapping through crazy awesome Korean magic. And a clever, irreverent protagonist who slowly redeems himself over the process of the whole series from asshole to best boy. At least imo. Also, the outfits, and the background of the whole show is just really well-done. I can tell a lot of love went into those hanboks.) 9. Hannibal. (Okay so not exactly a comfort show as much as it is a "Yandere Crave". When I'm writing villain or misunderstood characters I sometimes just start binging on this show. I love Mads Mikkelsen. I guess I just have a thing for the last name "Mikael's son" and variants of it. The dynamic between Hannibal and Will was maddening and intense and I love how obsession and finding yourself reflected in another person plays a part of it.) 10. The Untamed (Have you ever watched a TV series that moved you to tears both in it's narrative, setting, outfit, and actors? Have you ever burned with longing for two characters to embrace each other while they both fought on opposite sides of philosophy and politics? Have you ever burst out in tears crying ugly sloppy happy and sad tears at the end of it and felt an emptiness so profound in your soul upon completion of it? Number 10 wears the crown in my list. It has no equal.)
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prpfs · 1 year
💛 I'm desperately looking for Vampire Diaries, Originals, and Legacies rp'ers that are down to do smut centric plots. However i'm also willing to crossovers with canon characters from different fandoms, for example Klaus X Cheryl from Riverdale, Elijah X Cassie from Euphoria, or Sandman against some of them. I'm all for worldbuilding and creating a unique plotline to bring the characters together. Especially would love Elena Gilbert, Davina, Josie, Cheryl, Cassie opps against my male muses but open to tons more. I do generally prefer to only write the male side of m/f but i have occasionally written f/f depending on the writing partner and my comfortability writing with them.
I'm willing to play males from a wide variety of fandoms against them or in general such as Marvel, DC, Riverdale, Peaky Blinders, Lucifer, Sandman, Euphoria, etc
I would be wanting the plots to be fairly smut centric and involving a wide variety of kinks including but not limited to orgasm control, forced orgasms, size differences, breeding, lactation, degradation, humiliation, daddy kink, free use, bimbofication, and many others. I will not write noncon or con noncon ever. The rest of these can all be discussed and we can work out what works best for the muses and comfort of muns.
I consider myself fairly active, however there are times where i won't be able to reply for 2-3 days depending on work situations. I like to write para's, snapchat threads, and occasionally text threads. I love to share inspo whether it be FC pictures, random shippy things i find, or playlists and songs that go with a ship. So it'd be nice to have someone equally excited about a pairing. In terms of formatting i specifically write on discord and i prefer to use tupperbox to keep things looking nice but i also prefer to use and have my partners use gif's or icons depending on which is easier for my writing partners.
I'm hoping for someone that is willing to build ships and potentially universes for our muses. I'd even be down to having entire groups of muses that interact with each other. I've rambled too much.
give a like and anon will get back to you
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Shaping the World One Frame at a Time: My Evolution as Animator
(6 minutes reading)
By Sofi Ojeda
Animation is something I once believed was too difficult for me. I had thought I would dedicate myself to illustration, which is by no means easy, but animation? It is totally different. My first drawings were of the shows I watched as a child. I even created a little space in my room, a sort of hideaway where I could turn on my lamp, and lose myself in drawing all day and night.
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I believe that aspiring animators like myself, did this because we found a safe place to be, plus the emotions that cartoons brought showing us wide worlds, making it impossible for us to look away. Ever since I fell in love with animation, I've watched small and large studios productions, independent, experimental, local, and international too. Choosing among them is a daunting task, but I've decided to focus on my top three mediums that have changed my life.
Dreamming Era: Avatar - The Last Airbender (2005) by  Michael Dante DiMartino, Bryan Konietzko, Aaron Ehasz, John O'Bryan
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Let's begin with "Avatar: The Last Airbender". As a child who loved drawing and fantasy, I connected deeply with this animated series but not only beacuse of that. "Avatar" is probably one of the best-written script I've ever seen in an animated series. It tells the story of the rebirth of a spiritual being who seeks to bring peace to the world. The obstacles and friends he encounters along the way, along with their unique stories, make this journey unforgettable. In a world where the power of the elements - water, earth, fire, and air - exists, character development, dramatic arcs, and three-dimensionality are as precise as the fact that it explores topics such as war, peace, morality, and personal growth. I think this series grew up with its audience, making it appealing to both children and adults. And there was I, an ecuadorian little girl who needed to believe that peace could happen, but the world is more complex that that and it can be overcome.
2. Technique Era: Klaus (2019) by SPA Studios (Sergio Pablos Studios)
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Next, I'd like to discuss "Klaus" which was the first time I discovered the revolution in animation techniques. These productions such as Klaus, Arcane or Spiderverse blend 2D with 3D in ways that shook me to the core. Sergio Pablos pushed me into a state of curiosity and research on this subject and how to achieve similar results. These experiences led me to realize that animation knows no bounds in order to convey our messages more effectively. Technique is beautiful, such as lightning, texture and color keys, but it is not transcendent without a meaning or a clear message. "Klaus" serves as a masterpiece that demonstrates that even a "cliché" theme or something that works can truly work when revitalized and improved upon.
3. Purpose Era: "Onions" by Anna Scott
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Lastly, I need to include an indie, non-popular short film. It was a final project by Cal Arts graduate Anne Scott, so it's indie, I suppose. It seems it found me precisely when I needed it. I was on a challeging period of my life an also, the city I grew up in had a peculiar pattern of cloudy days all year. It often left me feeling uninterested in doing anything. And this piece happens on only cludy days.
This short film began to appeal to me because I saw a piece of hand-drawn animation that was exceptionally well-executed. I fell in love with it. "Onions" tells the story of flying creatures called onions, all identical, except for two who couldn't fly. This meant they had to journey through the forest to rejoin their herd for the annual migration. As the story unfolds, these two onions begin to feel different - they don't belong to their herd. But, they learn to enjoy the journey and embrace new things. Yes, it never became sunny, and yet, this short film made me want to cherish those gray days and savor them.
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To wrap up, yes, I want to change people's lives and convey emotions. But, as I mentioned earlier, the illusion of being the savior of the world is unrealistic. For me, it's crucial to be aware of the privileges I have, and the ones I don't. And choose the causes I can champion by my own artistic means. The techniques are essential too but only tracendent with a good storytelling to convey messages.
As a Multimedia graduate I collaborated with three NGOs and a foundation. Also I developed video games in a woman led studio, focused on the ancestral cultures of the country where I was born: Ecuador, the cultures that surrounded me as I grew up, and those that are slowly fading away. So that is how I want to keep walking on this animation / visual journey, and keep learning and resetting my goals.
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moistvonlipwig · 11 months
Saw your Spike post and thought you really hit the nail on the head. Great observation!
In that post, you mentioned some bargain bin imitators, and I was wondering: which characters do you see as falling into that bucket?
hm so it's hard to produce a definitive listing because while i think bargain bin spikes are definitely a Thing, i haven't necessarily seen all the media in which they appear -- for instance, i've heard that both damon and klaus from the vampire diaries would probably qualify, but i never saw that show (and don't really want to lol).
and on the other hand there are lots of bad boy characters who...may or may not be actually trying to imitate spike. i think some bad boy characters are not very spike-like and thus we can safely say they are not bargain bin spikes -- kylo ren, for instance, is i think far too broody and self-serious of a character to be a bargain bin spike.
then you have ones that i would generally say fall under the 'bargain bin spike' umbrella, in that they are misogynist bad boy/comic relief characters who fall for the lead and thus (allegedly) change but unlike spike are romanticized and boring, but in a lot of these cases it's hard to say whether or not the writers were deliberately attempting to invoke spike with their characterization. a prime example of this type of character would be mon-el from supergirl (who is, incidentally, one of the worst characters ever put on television, and a massive disgrace to his perfectly likable counterpart from the comic books). therefore, while i would feel comfortable calling such characters bargain bin spikes, others might see the comparison as unfair.
however the character who actually inspired me to make that post is so quintessentially, undeniably a bargain bin spike that even if you like him it is impossible to argue (without looking like a very silly goose, anyway) that he is not a blatant attempt to ape spike's success. and that character is captain hook from once upon a time.
(to be clear -- there are two versions of captain hook in ouat, and i am talking about the one from s2-6, not the one from s7 commonly referred to as 'wish hook' on account of being from an alternate universe created by a wish a la the btvs wishverse episode. wish hook is my best friend and my silly rabbit and one of my favorite characters ever. and imo he is a far more successful character than his s2-6 counterpart largely because he is not a crude imitation of spike but rather a unique attempt to actually engage with the mythology of captain hook as a literary/folkloric character and figure in popular culture. ANYWAY when i refer to captain hook for the rest of this post just know that i am referring to the s2-6 version.)
if you haven't seen ouat, captain hook is a white dude with a british accent (his actor is irish and has an irish accent but specifically puts on a british one for the role) who wears eyeliner and calls people "luv" a lot and his signature look is a black leather duster with a red shirt underneath (yes, really). he starts off as a bad boy/villain character who is sometimes played for comic relief but has vague sexual tension with one of the protagonists, emma swan.
then in the third season he rather abruptly decides that he's in love with emma (why? who knows) and takes it upon himself to pursue her romantically, refusing to take no for an answer and hitting on her at some pretty inappropriate times and in some pretty gross and coercive ways, even sexually assaulting her at one point. unlike spike, he is not portrayed as creepy for this; at worst, he is portrayed as sort of comically out of touch, and often he is portrayed as sexy and romantic. he ends up in a romantic relationship with her and changes his wicked pirate ways to be good enough for her or what the fuck ever, who cares, it's all very unconvincing and played completely straight when it really shouldn't be.
if it weren't already obvious that he is ouat's answer to spike, there's also the fact that the showrunners were huge btvs fans and often took inspiration from that show's storylines -- the wishverse is one example, but they also do an eyeroll-worthy homage to buffy killing angel, a musical episode where the characters are self-aware, et cetera. so why did captain hook fail (in my opinion -- in the court of public opinion, he's quite popular) when spike succeeded? well, for the reasons i laid out in my earlier post -- the showrunners wrote hook the way they did because they all liked spike and wanted hook to be like spike. there was no one in the writers' room (or no one with power, anyway) to push back against the romanticization of the character or to challenge the audience to think about him differently. it's like if the btvs writers' room had only jane espenson, but no david fury or joss whedon or any of the other, more spike-critical writers.
and uh. when i say it's like if the btvs writers' room had espenson but not fury or whedon, what i really mean is:
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a final note: i think one of the few examples of the spike archetype being done well by a show that isn't btvs is nathaniel plimpton from crazy ex-girlfriend -- a character who is a deliberate parody of bad boys who turn good for the love of a woman. he has failings as a character too, but they're much more akin to spike's own failings as a character, e.g. hogging too much screentime and narrative importance in a show that's supposed to be about women. he is certainly not portrayed as an aspirational love interest or hero. i think it says something that the best imitation-spike is the one that's making fun of him, not trying to be him.
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livlepretre · 2 years
Do you feel like there are any parallels between Spuffy and Klena?
Honestly, no, but they do share some similarities and parsing why they're still so different is a fascinating game in thinking about themes and overarching meaning in character relationships.
Obviously there is the most apparent similarity: both relationships involve an evil vampire and a human heroine either explicitly or implicitly coded as "good." Both Spike and Klaus show up with the clear and explicit goal of murdering the heroine, not because of the who the girl is, so much as what she is. Klaus wants to sacrifice the doppelganger, Spike wants to bag his third Slayer. Nothing personal. There's stalking and a lot of bizarre sexual tension in both instances. Both heroines are meanwhile preoccupied with their own deaths, because each are fated to die young, in a brutal fashion, one way or another.
But there the similarities really end.
For one, it's not really possible to compare Spuffy to Klena, because Spuffy is a full-fledged canon relationship that is one of the major pillars on which BTVS is built. Klena, of course, had its unforgettable moments, and had crazy levels of chemistry and potential, but is ultimately a fanon creation which is basically fantasy and speculation on what their relationship could look like.
So we are left with examining themes and imagery if we are going to examine the two relationships side by side.
This is the primary reason I think the relationships don't have any true parallels: the meaning and import are totally different.
With Klena, we are dealing with a relationship that is about power. Who has it? Does Klaus have power over Elena? Of course he does. He's a thousand years old, and if he wants to murder her in some creepy sacrifice, or use her body for its blood to create hybrids, what can she actually do to stop him? She's supernatural but still powerless... except, of course, she's cunning and resourceful and so her entire dynamic with Klaus is about how she can steal power back from him and treat with him as an equal, or better yet, how to get the upper hand on him. There is an implication of sexual fascination (at least on Klaus's part) given Klaus's past history with two women who shared Elena's face, and there are fascinating elements of being fated lovers tied into all of the death (Death?) symbolism, as well as passionate imagery such as the fire at the sacrifice which make it very easy to ship this in a very dark and twisted way.
Meanwhile, Spuffy is about intimacy. It's, in my opinion, the quintessential enemies to lovers story, because it takes two enemies who begin as strangers, and they get gradually closer and closer to each other, knowing each other better and better, until that line gets blurred. Until somehow Spike becomes the only person Buffy can confide in, and you get all of those lovely scenes in later seasons of the two of them on her back porch. Somehow, Spike becomes Buffy's best friend. And of course, there is a whole arc about redemption and the mutability of the soul and of character as well, and free will, and a host of about a million other things. It's not really about power though--Spike wins their first fight, but after that, Buffy basically trounces him every time, and Spike would have to have his one good night to beat her-- and death is more of an ever present theme in Buffy and her character development than it is something specific to their relationship.
There are probably a thousand more things to say about this, but those are my initial thoughts.
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myladyofmercy · 1 year
I got tagged by @tessabennet to do a
8 shows to get to know me
list and she did it as a kind of watch history and I loved that method so I am copying it
1. h2o: just add water
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this show defined my childhood. i was obsessed. i remember only being allowed to watch the rewatches on saturday mornings but not the premieres that came mondays through thursdays. when s3 came around my parents allowed me to record the episodes on vhs and then watch the episode the next day. when the finale aired i had a friend come over after school the next day and we watched the last two episodes even tho she already watched them the night before. in the scene where lewis walks down the stairs in slow mo she pulled out her flip phone and recorded the scene because she thought he looked so cute.
also rikki made me gay and i was always her when we played mermaids in the pool.
2. glee
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my first big teenage obsession. i think i started watching when season 2 was airing. the last two seasons took so fucking long to come out dubbed that it was the first time i streamed an episode right after it aired in the us even tho my english wasn't that good yet. i also got my mom and my aunt to watch it. my aunts favorite was finn and when i read that cory had died i called her right before bed to tell her and she told me later she couldn't sleep that night.
my favorite characters were quinn and kurt. quinn made me gay(er)
also i wasn't in fandom spaces back then so i managed to escape all the crazy shit that went on in the fandom back then but i have met some new friends recently who were in it and told me some horror stories and i really feel like I dodged a bullet.
3. gossip girl
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i only watched this show after it aired but it's so messy and a definite guily pleasure.
also unpopular opinion but my favorite character was jenny (i am also obsessed with her band and their music and covered two of their songs in my school rockband)
4. the originals
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i always preferred the originals over the vampire diaries because i just liked klaus and the other mikaelsons more than elena and co. i also became obsessed with the soundtrack of the show and used to listen to the tracks on youtube and would then convert my faves. that's how i discovered my love for ruelle.
5. shameless
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another big obsession I discovered between s4 and s5 airing. i remember crying real tears when ian and mickey broke up in s5. i think gallavich was the first pairing i watched fanedits on youtube for and also how i discovered twenty one pilots and my ultimate beloved florence and the machine. i also had a fan account on instagram at one point that got some likes from emma kenney.
6. supernatural
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oh supernatural.
i discovered the show at a very low point in my life and bingewatched 10 seasons back to back while staying home from school. destiel was the first ship i ever read fic for (twist and shout anyone?) and even tho this show went on for wayyyy to long and made some very questionable choices it still has a place in my heart.
7. 911
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at this point in time this show is probably my biggest obsession right now (probably because a new season is airing right now) i saw gifs of buck and abby on tumblr when the first season was airing in 2018 but only started watching when the spin off started and i rediscovered it via tumblr during s3. i have done multiple rewatches at this point and this show can truly make you laugh, cry, look away in disgust and believe in humanity at the same time.
also either buddie is the best slow burn of all time or the biggest queerbait since destiel and i am down for the ride.
8. young royals
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where do i even begin with this show. it showed up on tumblr in july of 2021 and then i watched it the second weekend of the month and my life changed. since then i have started being truly active on tumblr, creating content myself, reading fanfic earnestly and by some great writers who i can call friends now, learning swedish (even tho the bird scares me), found a bunch of friends from all over the world and flew to fucking canada all on my own to visit people i met through this show. like what the fuck. even tho my obsession is a bit dormant right now they have just started filming the third and last season and as the amount of content will grow my obsession will too. i know it.
okay so this was a fucking essay but i really enjoyed this little deep dive into my watch history and even tho i don't expect anyone to do this I'm gonna tag some of my lovely friends (who i may or may not have found through that small swedish show at 8.)
@tooindecisivetopickaurl @i-love-semicolons @prince-simon @angelbabysimon @cloudywilmon @royalwilmon @oatmilkovich @ungaroyals @aro-of-artemis @little---versailles @cantputitintowords
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funtimelolmix · 1 year
I cannot stand the chance to miss out on this opportunity. A Hawaii Part II DOAI AU will be the best DOAI AU ever created, even better than the Breaking Bad DOAI, arguably.
The main character MUST be Simon, due to the fact that the main characters of the album is named Simon. So, Simon takes his pet bird, The Flock, away from Canada to get away from Clyde and into the depths of the seas to sail to Hawaii. After getting off the boat, Simon and Flock find themselves at peace and start to get used to Hawaii. Although, a certain orange gremlin wasn’t happy about their escape to Hawaii, that being Clyde. Therefore, Clyde sent Winfrey, Klaus, Jack and Lankmann off to Hawaii in search of the scarecrow and crow. Simon and Flock didn’t know what was to come, they just chilled in Hawaii, and eventually decided to go for a picnic in the woods, along with the trees and birds, but something else looming beside them. As Simon and Flock were out in the forest picnicking, Simon went to collect some flowers to keep as decorations for his farm, leaving Flock alone for a while with the picnic basket. That was his worst mistake ever however, when Klaus snuck along and chopped down a loose tree, landing on The Flock and killing him. Klaus was able to sneak back away before Simon came back, but when the scarecrow saw the Veldicorpse of his beloved pet bird, he was absolutely heartbroken.
Something else was happening while Simon was dreading of The Flock’s death however, since Simon was the only one known to be with Flock, many residents believed that Simon was the one who did the deed, thought to have dragged the bird out there and slaughtering him, thinking nobody would know. That, of course, wasn’t true, but the residents have believed that story, and Simon was sent off to court to plead his innocence. Nobody would ever give him the chance at explaining himself, the doubt held against him was just too much, forcing him to choose being Guilty or Insane. Simon thought long and hard about either rotting in jail or weeping in an asylum, but he had made his decision, and it was final; he had chosen to plead for insanity. The judge Winfrey condemned him to the infirmary, in which the scarecrow was thrown into the asylum, still disappointed in the fact that nobody would believe his story.
Days passed by, but it felt like weeks to Simon. Being trapped in that asylum was the absolute worst experience for him, but nothing could compare to what happened next; Lankmann, the owner of the asylum, condemned him to the electric chair, actually turning Simon insane. The scarecrow in distress couldn’t take it anymore, so he fled the asylum and searched for a way out of Hawaii. He got on his boat, got the sails ready, and completely escaped from the land he thought was safe.
Yet another unfortunate event was to come for him, as he was now lost at sea, with no sense in direction, no food left, and no hope ever found in his heart. So he’d been left out there to die. That, however, brought him happiness, as a miracle happened; he was finally able to reunite with his pet bird after all in the afterlife. The end.
(This entire AU was based off of the story in Hawaii Part II, check it out, amazing album.)
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shadowbends · 1 year
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I posted 5,560 times in 2022
That's 2,468 more posts than 2021!
21 posts created (0%)
5,539 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,559 of my posts in 2022
#rottmnt - 1,905 posts
#leonardo - 1,067 posts
#donatello - 990 posts
#umbrella academy - 894 posts
#michelangelo - 851 posts
#i laughed - 818 posts
#raphael - 804 posts
#asdfghjkl - 571 posts
#five - 431 posts
#klaus - 282 posts
Longest Tag: 82 characters
#i’d bet $10 rise!april taught the boys how to do doughnuts in an empty parking lot
My Top Posts in 2022:
I looked at my notifs, and one of my favorite ROTTMNT fanfic writers visited my blog??? The stars in my eyes you would not believe, screams—
11 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
I don’t know if it’s turtles having me feeling nostalgic, but I’ve had such an itch to get involved in fandom lately. I’m not much of an artist, and I don’t feel quite brave enough to try my hand at fic again. Gosh, it has be over twelve years since the last time I wrote, and I’m just too rusty. 
The ROTTMNT fandom is super cute, though. I’m deeply enjoying all the fic and art and other creative fan content that crosses my path, and the fans seem very friendly. 
It makes me want to contribute too, even if it’s just in a small way. In line with that, I’m thinking of putting together a fic rec list? Just not sure how I want to go about doing it yet, I’m tossing around several ideas ranging from a simple list to... something a bit more ambitious. We’ll see how it goes.
Idk, though. It’s so funny to me that once again turtles have me feeling like this. I’ve dabbled here and there in other fandoms, but the only one I was actually ever a part of was the 2k3 TMNT series from back in the day. So it’s just kind of serendipitous that ROTTMNT would be the one to make me feel this way again. 
20 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
Hello again, cultured turtle fans! Do you enjoy good fanfic? Hopefully so, because I’m back with more recs! Whether you’re new to the fandom and diving into the ROTTMNT fic scene for the first time, or a veteran looking for content you might have missed, my hope for this project is to point you to something you’ll enjoy!
This rec list is the second of three and focuses on short stories in the fandom, with a length between 5,000 and 15,000 words each. Much like a stuffed crust pizza, they’re the perfect option when you’re feeling for something indulgent, but don’t want to go all out. If you want to browse a little more though, feel free to check out the other lists below!
If you enjoy any of these fics, make sure to reblog and spread the love! Don’t forget to check out the other works by these authors; many of them have written multiple wonderful stories not featured here that are just as good. Additionally, consider leaving the authors a comment! I’m not always the best at that myself, but fic writers work hard and deserve all the love in the world.
Now, let’s get to the recs. Bon appétit!
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The Corner Store by KicsterAsh
12,790 words, 5/5 chapters
Character Focus: Raphael & his brothers, w/ Splinter coming in later
Genre: Fluff, Adventure
“I know what I’m spending my three dollars on,” Raph said. He and Donnie dragged Leo to the machine, which was near the front desk of the store, and sat him down against the wall. “Make sure he doesn’t fall asleep,” Raph said to his other siblings, before rushing to the front desk.
The man, who had been watching them since they dragged Leo into view, looked at the turtle as he ran over. Raph tried ignoring that he noticed this and only looked back once he had reached the counter, where his chin just reached over the top.
“Hello, Mister,” Raph said as politely as he could in his urgency. “How much is a small cup of hot chocolate?”
The man pushed up his glasses and looked at the machine. “It’s two dollars and seventy-five cents after tax,” he said.
“I dunno what tax is, but here.” Raph slapped three dollars down on the counter and then pointed at the machine. “Can you show me how to pour one, please? I’ve never done it before.”
I have such a soft spot for this fic; it was one of the first I ever read for the fandom, and it has the perfect blend of adorable turtle tot hijinks with just enough risk involved to make you concerned and keep the story gripping. To summarize the premise: Splinter lets the boys play topside in the snow while he scavenges for food and supplies, but is gone longer than anticipated. As the hours pass and the temperature drops, a young Raphael decides to break the rules and seek out human shelter to keep his brothers from freezing. All of the turtles’ budding personalities shine through in this story, but good older brother Raph is especially a treat here.
Lost and Found (Family) by ashtreelane
7,007 words, 2/2 chapters
Character Focus: April & Michelangelo, April & The Family
Genre: Fluff, Adventure
"Wow!" April says, her eyes wide with fascination. "Are you some sort of…turtle alien?"
"Yeah! Well- not the alien part, but I am a turtle!“
"So how can you talk?" April asks, leaning in to peek into Mikey's head hole. Her voice echoes slightly in the shell.
"Cause I'm not allllll turtle, duh!" Mikey says, smiling. "Our dad doesn't really like to talk about it, but he says that we’re the product of parental love and ‘unholy sorcery’!
"Oh wow! That’s way more interesting than how I got born!"
After being left behind on a field trip and struggling to find a way home, a young April finds someone just as lost as herself. A charming little story that tells how April met the turtles for the first time.
responsibility by TheWhitesOfYourEyes
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101 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
New York Style, Baby!! ROTTMNT Fanfic Recs (under 5,000 words)
Greetings, dudes and dudettes, and anyone in between! Do you enjoy good fanfic? Well, then you’ve come to the right place! As something of a collector of fics, I welcome you to peruse the many links below. Whether you’re new to the fandom and diving into the ROTTMNT fic scene for the first time, or a veteran looking for content you might have missed, my hope for this project is to point you to something you’ll enjoy!
This rec list is the first of three and focuses on ficlets in the fandom, with every one clocking in under 5,000 words. As such, all of them are also complete. Think of these as the New York Style pizza of fanfics: thin, but cheesy goodness that’s pre-sliced and ready to go when you have a killer craving, but no time to sit down. If you want to browse a little more though, feel free to check out the other lists below!
If you enjoy any of these fics, make sure to reblog and spread the love! Don’t forget to check out the other works by these authors; many of them have written multiple wonderful stories not featured here that are just as good. Additionally, consider leaving the authors a comment! I’m not always the best at that myself, but fic writers work hard and deserve all the love in the world.
With that said, sit back, relax, and let’s grab a slice!
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An Act of Yokai Kindness by BiographyDivider
2,834 words, 1/1 chapter
Character Focus: Splinter & The Boys
Genre: Fluff, Angst
“Okay, boys,” Lou Jistu said, kneeling down to look his gaggle of sons in the face. “What are our Topside Rules?”
“Hats on all the time,” Blue said, pulling his beanie down a little further.
“Or hoods,” Purple chimed in, scowling at his brother for forgetting that he liked a big hood, not a tight hat. Lou nodded.
“And jackets buttoned up too, right? To your chinny-chin-chins?”
A darling little fic about Splinter taking the boys on a trip to the local library—what might be their last trip, as it’s become increasingly difficult to pass them off as human. Features both Turtle Tot goodness and some absolutely on-point Splinter characterization, and is just all around wholesome. 
Coming of Age, Coming to Terms by Drifting_Andromeda
4,018 words, 1/1 chapter
Character Focus: Leonardo & Splinter, Ensemble
Genre: Family Bonding, Fluff
“Huh.” Was all he said, which made Splinter chuckle.
“That’s not the reaction I was expecting.” The rat admitted.
“Really? What were you expecting?”
“Oh I don’t know, maybe some more denial? I was definitely in denial when I first realized I was attracted to men.”
Leonardo realizes something about himself on his 12th birthday, but struggles putting those feelings to words. Thankfully, his dad is there to both offer support and help him sort it out. 
Cradled Close by Poppyseed20
2,903 words, 2/2 chapters
Character Focus: Splinter & Leonardo, Ensemble
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121 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
It’s me again, folks. Do you enjoy good fanfic? We’re reaching the end of the line, but I’m here to hook you up! Whether you’re new to the fandom and diving into the ROTTMNT fic scene for the first time, or a veteran looking for content you might have missed, my hope for this project is to point you to something you’ll enjoy!
This rec list is the last of three and focuses on longfic in the fandom, with a word count reaching anywhere over 15,000 words. You’ll find a variety of fic here, from novellas to full-blown novels—some complete, but many still ongoing! Though it may be heresy on the streets of New York, this is the list you want when you’re craving something really thick to sink your teeth into: a sit-down experience exploding with flavor. Don’t have time for that, actually? Then consider checking out my previous rec lists as well!
If you enjoy any of these fics, make sure to reblog and spread the love! Don’t forget to check out the other works by these authors; many of them have written multiple wonderful stories not featured here that are just as good. Additionally, consider leaving the authors a comment! I’m not always the best at that myself, but fic writers work hard and deserve all the love in the world.
With all of that said, it’s time for the recs. Let’s dig in!
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Quick note: On previous lists, I separated the recs by the general time period they took place in. I’m not going to that here, largely because—uh. Well. Nearly all of them are post-movie! This fandom’s sure been active in the last couple of months, huh? Given that, I’ll be sorting them by a broader method, but yes. If you’ve not seen the movie, this is your warning that spoilers abound in the recs below. 
The Aftermath by Starrcrossrose
57,262 words, 9/? chapters (last updated 11/03/2022)
Character Focus: Everyone (Leo-centric)
Genre: Angst, Family Drama, Hurt/Comfort
It would’ve been easier to say what he was feeling, but he honestly didn’t know how. He wasn’t sure why, either. He knew his brothers would understand and comfort him and be there if he wanted them to be. Hell, Donnie’s surprise sleepover and everyone showing up for it in the living room had been proof of that.
Yet he still couldn’t do it. He’d tried to talk to Donnie and the pain on his brother’s face had been enough to make him never want to speak about things ever again. He didn’t want them to hurt the way he did; he wanted them to be okay and normal and happy.
You know they aren’t happy. Why do you keep pretending to be fine when the others aren’t either?
Leo squeezed his eyes shut and buried his face into his knees as he pulled himself into an even tighter ball. He wanted to go into his shell as much as possible, but at the same time, a searing energy was making his legs feel like he could run or swim for miles. He could just go and go and go until he collapsed.
Maybe… maybe that'll help.
Set a few months after the movie, Leo struggles with the long recovery time needed for his injuries to heal, both physical and mental. Unable to talk about it, he turns to unhealthy coping methods instead. The rest of the family is doing no better from the fallout of the invasion, however, with each of their own stresses mounting the longer things go unaddressed. That is until Chapter 8, when things come to a head...
There are a lot of post-movie recovery fics out there, each one unique. The Aftermath’s hallmark has to be in its slowburn foreshadowing, and excellent character writing. Throughout many chapters, we get a glimpse into the heads of just about every beloved character the series has to offer, including April and Casey Jr. Little clues to what’s going to go wrong are set up early on, but just like the characters, I was blind to how serious of a turn things were about to take until the problem finally reared its head. This fic does a good job of showing how important it is to talk to one another, even if it’s hard.
Aftershocks by Katiemonz, McBethins, octolingkiera, theashemarie, and this_kills_the_man
153,543 words, 12/15 chapters (last updated 11/06/2022)
Character Focus: Everyone
Genre: Family Drama, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
“Good game,” Leo said to Donnie, smiling at Mikey in the same sly way as before.
“Thank you, Leonardo, but as I’ve said Uno is—”
“But you still lost,” Leo continued. He swept the cards up and began to straighten them for another shuffle.
“Second place is hardly—”
“Honorary title,” Leo cut in again. “Mikey won, so we owe him.”
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268 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Tyler Lockwood; Muse info
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"Are you busting us? Or are you joining us? "
Full Name; Tyler Lockwood Nickname; Ty (by Matt, Vicki, and Hayley), Wolf Boy (by Damon and Klaus), Lockwolf (by Hayley and Damon), Little Orphan Lockwood, My first Hybrid, Poor Lad, Disappointment (all by Klaus), Tween Wolf, Copernicus, Idiot, Lockwood (all by Damon), Kid (by Marcel) Face Claim; Michael Trevino Gender; Male Pronouns; He/Him Marital Status; Single Sexuality; Bisexual Age; 29 Date Of Birth; February 10, 1993 Occupation; Unknown Residence; Species; Hybrid (Werewolf & Vampire) Sire; Niklaus Mikaelson Family; Jacob Lockwood (Paternal Ancestor), Benjamin Lockwood (Paternal Ancestor), Nancy-Marie Lockwood (Paternal Ancestor), Barnette Lockwood (Paternal Ancestor), George Lockwood (Paternal Ancestor), Marianna Lockwood (Paternal Ancestor),Richard Lockwood (Father), Carol Lockwood (Mother), Mason Lockwood (Paternal Uncle), Gracie Lockwood (Paternal Relative) Jeffery Lockwood-Hamilton (Paternal Relative) Verses; None Side Note; Ty’s bio will be rewritten at some point to fit better with him staying as a hybrid.  Biography; Tyler Lockwood was a former main character, protagonist, current werewolf and a former hybrid on The Vampire Diaries, who played for the football team at Mystic Falls High School. Tyler was also an antagonist/anti villain of the episode Bloodletting of The Originals, where Tyler carried out his vendetta against the infamous Klaus Mikaelson.
He was the son of Richard and Carol Lockwood, and the nephew of Mason Lockwood who was also a werewolf. He was initially portrayed to be arrogant, selfish and a bully. But after triggering the family curse which turned him into a werewolf, he has learned to tone his behavior down. Before this revelation, he was referred to many times as a "dick," by both his best friends; Matt Donovan and Jeremy Gilbert. He was shown to have an athletic build, and great strength as a human. He also had a short temper and became angry very easily. 
He didn't understand why he behaved the way he did, at least until Mason came to visit after Richard Lockwood's death. Initially after becoming a hybrid, he was extremely grateful to Klaus for taking away his pain of turning every month. However, he soon becomes angered at the prospect of being sired to him after he bites his girlfriend, Caroline Forbes. He manages to break the sire bond and continues to help other hybrids break the curse of being sired. This came at a price once Klaus found out about his actions, as Klaus murdered his mother and last remaining family member. Since then, he swore revenge on Klaus for his actions. 
He had an on-and-off relationship with Vicki Donovan until her death and after he triggered his werewolf curse, starts to fall for Caroline after she helps him on a Full Moon, despite her relationship with his best friend, Matt, at the time. His relationship with Caroline has gone through the rocks over the series yet it fell apart after he chose to avenge his mother in favor of staying in college and being with her.
After a failed attempt to kill Klaus and Hayley's child, he was imprisoned in the Garden until released by Rebekah as a "parting gift" to Matt and in 500 Years of Solitude returns to Mystic Falls. He later grew suspicious about the relationship between Nadia Petrova and Matt, leading to the discovery that Katherine was, in fact, inhabiting Elena's body without anyone realizing. In Man on Fire, Tyler became possessed by Julian, a Traveler, in the same manner as Matt and Elena were possessed by Gregor and Katherine, respectively. His control over his own later resurfaces without the Travelers realizing, allowing Tyler to uncover what they were planning: the eradication of spirit magic and everything that witches ever created through it. He ultimately escaped and quickly relayed what he learned to his friends. 
After the Travelers used the Body Sealing Spell on Tyler, Julian got permanent control of Tyler's body and due to Markos destroying the Traveler's Knife that was needed to remove Passengers, Julian could not be banished. Later, Julian was captured by the Travelers and they brought Julian to Mystic Falls, where they had cast the Magic Purification Spell, which can undo any non-traditional magic, including the magic that created vampirism. As a result, when Julian was forced to enter Mystic Falls in Tyler's body, Tyler's vampirism and activated lycanthropy were both stripped away before Tyler and Julian both died, as vampirism was what was keeping them alive.
Tyler, ended up on the Other Side, but thanks to Bonnie's sacrifice and Liv's magic, he was able to be resurrected and rejoin his loved ones in the living world in Home. Shortly after he returned, he discovered that he was no longer a hybrid due to the Travelers' Magic Purification Spell. At the beginning of the sixth season, Tyler was seen struggling to control his renewed anger issues due to his return to being a human with a werewolf gene, and desperately wanted to prevent himself from triggering his curse once again. 
He ultimately reactivated his curse, despite his best efforts to avoid it, when an already-dying Liv begged him to kill her and save himself; Tyler done as asked and mercy-killed her to re-trigger his werewolf curse which saved his life in I'm Thinking Of You All The While. While he was saying his goodbyes to Elena, she encouraged him to leave Mystic Falls and do whatever it is that he wants to do, insisting that he embrace his lycanthropy and let it be what makes him extraordinary. So Tyler left town and moved to the city.
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