#but it could have been worse
abybweisse · 4 months
Ch208 (p3), Life in a cage
So the machine translation I did was just so-so, as expected. He didn't simply wake up in a cage; it's all he remembers. No recollection of the outside world or his life before being kept as a side show attraction.
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My translation of this next page was pretty good, though. Yay, me? Anyway, the kid wants to see "Snakeman", and the showman tries to sell dead (or stunned?) mice for sixpence each. The father is disturbed by all this, as he should be. The showman calls Snake a "half-man half-snake freak" and that he's the only one in the world.
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The side show guy gives a ridiculous explanation that Snake's mother was somehow impregnated by a snake and that she died soon after giving birth. He even claims the father is one of the large snakes in another cage. The kid is impressed (because he's too young to realize how weird that all sounds), and he wants to "feed" Snake something (anything, probably) just to watch him eat it. The dad gives in and shells out for the mouse. The kid offers up the mouse as a "treat". Poor Snake is so used to this that he only hesitates a moment before showing off his fangs and forked tongue as he accepts the mouse directly into his mouth. (Until this chapter, I didn't know he had a forked tongue!)
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The kid is both intrigued and grossed out, and the father is thoroughly disgusted, as Snake seems to be chewing the mouse... fur and bones and all. The father's had quite enough of this and tugs his kid away to go look at something else. Then, once the showman leaves, too, Snake spits the mouse back out...
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...and hands it over to a snake in a cage sitting on top of his. Looks like Wilde to me. Snake says that he and the snakes all came from someplace far away, and that of course the story of his birth was just a lie; his father isn't any of the snakes here. As far as he knows, he has no father. No family.
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It's interesting how he doesn't really see the other snakes as his family, since he can already talk with them.
Found family coming up....
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orions-beltloops · 7 months
Izzy Hands probably spent the last few decades of his life sure he would die for Blackbeard.
But he died for Ed.
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ignisgalaxia · 1 month
So I finally watched Wish and wow.
You guys were really getting worked up over nothing.
The movie is ok. It’s simple and cute. It is not the worst thing Disney has ever made. Not by a long shot.
Is it a worthy celebration of 100 years of Disney? Not really.
Would I have preferred the Starboy love story and evil villain couple? Yes.
But as is, it’s fine. Not groundbreaking, but not awful either.
Y’all are just haters.
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 4 months
Dawg, you really going through it huh 💀
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Honestly, I'm such a train wreck that it wasn't even the worst thing to happen so far this year lmao
But in good news, I had a dream where I was super fuckin' ripped, like my arms were so defined that I thought my skin would burst when I flexed.. So I think that's a good sign for this year ❤️
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set-wingedwarrior · 1 year
I wanted to make a big-ass analisys on Tai, but I kinda don't feel like it. Have a summary instead.
In a few words, I think people on both sides are taking a very complex situation and giving it a black or white interpretation, which doesn't sit right with me.
My opinion, explained as simple as possible, is that Tai has been a bad and neglective parent not for lack of love, but for lack of ability in the given circumstances. He was a broken man who did the best he could, and still badly hurt his daughters in the process, sometimes by making terrible mistakes.
Taiyang was absent and Yang took over as the caretaker role for her baby sister, and that's not good for a child. That is indeed a textbook parentification case, which very often do take place when one parent passes away and the other is frozen by grief, but I wouldn't consider this a case of abuse as well.
Abuse to be called that has to be pretty extreme and consistent for a long time (honestly, internet is ruining the word by using it every time someone makes a mistake or when your friend treats you badly once), and let's be honest: we don't know how long Taiyang has been shut down. Yang doesn't specify it in Burning the Candle, nor is it ever mentioned by writers or such (at least to my knowledge). Considering what we saw of the relationship he has with his daughters though, I'd argue that it wasn't for the long time that people believe and that he stepped up at some point (I'm pretty sure their relationship would be much more ostile if he didn't).
"Why does Ruby say that Yang raised her then?" because she already had formed an attachment to Yang as parental figure. You can have multiple attachments as a child of course, but that also means that Yang simply couldn't step down from that role, even with Taiyang being back, because Ruby kept treating her like one (that's not to blame on Ruby of course, it was a natural response from her).
Now, let's not forget about intentions: it is true that abuse isn't always made with conscious ill-intent, but it's also true that not all forms of hurting are abuse. Considering everything from the little we know, I'd say Tai falls more into the neglect category, which can but doesn't always allign to the point of abuse (see again the point about consistency).
That's what I think but, truth to be told, none of us has enough information to make a proper analysis or statement. It is a very complex matter that in real life would require a deep study/analysis and lots of therapy sessions. Meanwhile Tai is a fictional character we barely see in the show he's a part of.
It is fine to speculate and discuss (in a civil manner please) and share our opinions. I'm not expecting everyone to agree with me or text me about how I changed their minds; I just wanted to share my opinion. But let's not pretend that there's some sort of real final answer or interpretation when we get so little to work with. Maybe not even the writers know clearly, and just had his character as a tool, who knows!
Maybe some day we'll get more information that will make me go "damn, I was completely wrong!", o maybe not. Honestly, I don't particularly care. But I'd like for people to chill, stop treating this as a trial, and recognize that different interpretations from different people with different experiences and backgrounds aren't a bad thing.
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karnaca78 · 1 year
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Don't mind me I'm still crash-testing things~
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krawdad · 1 year
Muscle gun started making scraping noises the day before the window to return it closed
Not this time fucker
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anony-mouse-writer · 2 months
stuff hermits have been excited about the mail system for
- spam
- sending each other tnt (doesnt work because shulker boxes dont light tnt)
- reaching impulse about his equine extended warranty
- licking hermits faces
- spam
- stealing other hermit’s mail
- committing mail fraud
- spam
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blueskittlesart · 6 months
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Now that you're gone
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littlefluffbutt · 2 years
A little sore right now:(
I was pumping up our front tire and was walking around to the other side to check the other tire’s air pressure when my foot tangled up in the cord and I went flying. I not only fell but rolled and it left me breathless as I hit the ground pretty hard. I’m lucky though as it’s muddy out so not as hard a surface and fell in such a way that while I am sore I only got a couple scrapes on my left knee and will have a large bruise on my right hip. Owie though.
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Ya know... I'm not sure staying up to read jenette mccurdy's autobiography was the right move for me...
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izhape · 2 months
hi...i could really use some help
im trans, gay, indigenous, and my ankle is. very much broken
i had an accident and broke all of my ankle and the back of my leg, resulting in a plate and 4 screws being put in. i have 5 weeks until i can begin physical therapy to walk again and up to three months (around May) before i can continue my usual job which is hard labor.
here's the problem: unemployment denied me and i don't have short term disability insurance with my job. this means i have absolutely zero money coming in at this time.
i have roommates which is a good thing but i need money for my car, my phone bill, and moving when my lease is up in june. my living situation right now is pretty difficult, it's a long story that i can explain in dms to anyone curious but tldr my roommates don't really want to sign another lease to give me more months to work and get back on my feet (physically and metaphorically) enough to move out. living here has been a mental struggle that has left me exhausted and genuinely suicidal. i need to get out
im trying to find remote work and if you have tips for that, that would be awesome, but im also in need of donations.
a single dollar would help. i can do tarot card readings (i have well over 8 years of experience) for cheap pricing, and i have some furries on sale over on toyhouse if that's your sort of thing.
my paypal
my venmo is @/hylian
i do not have a cashapp at this time but could figure something out if that's your only way of donating
donate what you can really mean just that! even $2 can matter
reblogs help!! thank you 💖
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ace-lemonade · 2 months
chilchuck saw middle class top-of-her-magic-academy marcille and decided she had ulterior moves entering the dungeon. and he was ansolutely right
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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I want you whipped into shape!
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ahhrenata · 11 months
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I’m having an ‘oh’ moment while you bandage my hand, man
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jeeaark · 10 days
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So. Looked at egg lad's grown up stats. Egg baby is. Interesting! Terrifying!
Can't help but see egg baby be Arabella's very helpful friend in next upcoming big adventure I'll tell you that. Already has the weirdest origin backstory for it. 'Oh yeah, I was raised by two weirdo rogue illithids and the Prince of the Comet's Champion, No biggie. My brother and I hatched on the same day- What? Oh no, my brother is an owlbear. Don't even get me started on who my aunts and uncles are.'
I don't quite understand how the sending letters work in BG3, so I'm resorting to ye ol' DnD style Sending Spell instead. Pretty sure Gale could easily figure out how to bend the fabric of reality to use one of those.
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