#but im having a lot of fun. so far i mostly make collars lol i would like to make some real harnesses sometime soon...
saintadeline · 6 months
Finally got to work on something I've been wanting to do for ages, the research hall patients' harness :)
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(for context/ingame 👇)
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star-crochets · 2 months
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sorry i totally goofed and forgot to post any progress pictures while i’ve been working on this cardigan lmao
it’s looking like a little vest now! i tried it on and i think i need to make it a little longer and make the front panels a little wider, but im going to add edging around the bottom and the insides of the front panels so i’ll be adjusting that later
i am loosely following this pattern but i wanted to use the yarn i already had (which is like, medium weight acrylic) and she uses bulky yarn for her pattern, so I’ve had to make a lot of changes & adjustments to accommodate for the smaller yarn & hook i’m using.
since i didn’t post any updates (lol sorry) here’s some of my progress pictures under the cut
i started out by making a bunch of these daisy squares.
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tbh I really like how the little flowers look before adding the rest of the square around them. maybe i can find some other application to use these flowers for something. they were really fun to make!
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i had a knot in one of my skeins of black yarn and panicked but it turned out to not matter at all — you can’t even tell the knot is there once all the squares are sewn together
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i added several rows of dc, hdc, and triple crochet stitches to the panels to make them longer & wider. i kind of just played around with holding the panels up to my body and deciding if it needed more rows based on if it looked like it would fit.
there wasn’t really a set reason why i was using all those stitches other than adjusting the length. i mostly used a variety of stitches bc i was bored from doing dc over and over for the squares and wanted to mix it up a little bit lol. i think the variety of stitches looks nice together though
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here are all the panels laid out and ready to be assembled!
i also added pockets! (not in the original pattern). for some reason i didn’t take any pictures during the process of adding on the pockets but it was super easy, i literally just made two more daisy granny squares and just sewed them on top of the front panels where i wanted the pockets to be.
next i just need to add the sleeves and finish off/clean up the edges on the insides of the front panels and the bottom and add a collar.
if any of y’all try this pattern, i would highly recommend you don’t be like me and use the yarn she says to use lmao. but as for me; i’m liking how this is turning out so far! i’ll be so excited when it’s finished and have my first wearable crochet piece!
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ginminowas · 1 year
grumpus designs addendummm
ANYWAYS. felt like doin a post talking abt how i draw the grumpuses or whatever for funsies bc im bored + since i did the design meme. lets go
in General : i draw them like furries, vaguely. which is fun because im not much of a furry artist so i have no idea what im doing and it shows. in general i give them sorta snouts in varying... snoutyness depending on their over/underbite. eg floofty, snorpy gramble and shelda have flatter faces while liz, lillow and wambus look like weird dogs, i guess. i draw them with human-shaped hands but put pawpads on them. sometimes. you could say i give them ears but to be honest they dont look functioning i just slap some squiggles on their heads and move on. i also give some of them tails. because i walk around irl like why dont i have a tail and well its their problem now.
I also give them more/detailed-er hair and clothes. character specific stuff below
Filbo is still just a guy. I mostly just slapped some freckles on him because I thought theyd be cute. in a spongebob kinda way. i put a hawaiian shirt on him. not pictured, i think he would have a little tuft of a tail. average goober
I draw Beffica with more... idk if id say realistic hair, but it’s less of a hat. as far as I can tell, her in-game model has orangeish-red eyes (color makes me think of ketchup), but I made them browner. not a lot of brown eyed characters in media but this is partially habit on my part coming from drawing genshin fanart (nobody has brown eyes). i made her nose heart shaped and put her in a off the shoulder shirt. she has a sort of... cheetah? pattern bc i think its cute.
Eggabell is round soft and pink. not as egg shaped in my style i suppose, but she prob looks more egg fullbody than just her bust lol. i like the ........ floofy thing ive seen ppl put on her so theres that, i also think she’d look cute w/ short hair. changed her med belt into a sort of... satchel lookin thing?
Liz. in the meme I forgot about her hat, LOL. I give her a ponytail haircut - she kinda looks like a wolf and less like a walrus I suppose... she’s muscular and scared from The Adventuring, and I put a vest thing on her. she still has the belt.
Wambus I made look a bit dilfy... kind of wolf shaped in my brain. him and Triffany feel like the types to be that thick beefy kind of muscled. gave him bushy eyebrows and sort of hair, w some grey hairs. he and Triffany are around 40-50s to me, they both have some wrinkles, but im. bad at drawing older ppl
Triffany..... her hat was a menace to draw. she’s just as beefed up as Wambus, but she’s very fluffy and soft looking. her vest is more Open in canon but I didn’t wanna redraw it but im sure she has amazing chest fur. she has curly-ish hair in a ponytail.
for Cromdo I tried to make him like.. idk... uncleish. danny devitocore. I’m not used to drawing characters like him so ??? its a little funny looking but I tried to make him look like he had body hair as if he wasnt covered in fur lmfao. gave him some wrinkles, he’s probably in his 40s. put a shirt on that freak. also, had trouble w his nose.
I’ve had trouble drawing shorter characters in relation to taller ones (chandlo) but I liked how I drew Gramble. I put freckles on him (cute factor), turned his vest into a full sweater (w shirt collar), gave him some curly strawberry red hair under the hat. he’s cute. I know he weighs like 3 apples
WIGGLE my beloved! I felt I made her a bit Much but honestly? fits her. I gave her short curly hair - I do like how other designs give her the spiky mohawk look from the cheepoof tho! in her model her eyes are blue, but I darkened them similarly to how I changed Beffica’s eyes, but its less noticeable with the glasses. I gave her a sorta... half tube top w a see thru part (forgot the word.) probably wears beach party clothes
Oddly, I have trouble with Chandlo. He’s kind of dog-ish like Liz an Lillow, also made his nose heart shaped cuz its cute. gave him hair under the hat but idk how I feel on it. he’s beefy obviously, but I think he’s a bit more defined than Wambus. I couldn’t quite show it but I imagine he has rather calloused paws, but is otherwise careful when carpenter-ing and such (unlike Snorpy and Floofty, OSHA enemies.)
SNORBYYYYY I love this little yellow thing. I draw him (and his sibling) with casual glasses usually, because I imagine the magnifying glass isnt Always necessary. I also put him in a sweater. I gave him some freckles and changed the direction of his hair + the style to be in a ponytail idk. his arms and hands are particularly scarred, from equipment and engineering accidents and such, probably has some burns too.
Floofty my beloved rude asshole. I have a little trouble w their hair on the left side of their head 😭 I also give them simpler glasses to wear when they don’t need the goggles because wearing that shit all day hurts. I put them in a hoodie/jacket + lab coat combo. I imagine the lab coat is blood stained. stuff’s hard to clean. They’re equally if not more scarred than their brother, and have a particularly bad burn/scar double whammy on their right hand which I hc they get after getting fired when having a meltdown. ANYWAYS
Shelda my gramma. I love her but MY GOD coloring the flowers was hard lol. I imagine her fur is on the shorter side. I don’t have too much to say I guess? I want to give her a hug.
Clumby I just drew a kind of Aunt-y ish garfield. the glasses and hat were hard. definitely the type of woman I saw in the middle school’s reception office.
is that all? I guess that’s all. there’s Lillow, but I dont have much to say I guess? besides that the scar on her nose is from snaktooth. what was it clumby said? “dont fall off a cliff onto your face?”
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icharchivist · 3 years
hello icha!! i finally got around to finishing the stranger haha,, by which i mean i just watched it today. was veryyyy excited for it as i really like the poster design for this one. anyways. this event starting w/ the sort of portrait format or whatever / that narration is like. god. threw me right back to autumn troupe. I kind of love that the storytelling format itself is so distinct for autumn! the moment I realized it was omi I started getting teary… like oh man oh man… omi…. And the connection with him taking photos! ahh!! now that I think about it… omi kind of seems a bit like early version tsumugi, huh? also I keep forgetting this man is a college student lol. suspension of disbelief I suppose. onto the play i think like. mankai should invest in a fainting courch for tsuzuru. i also went to watch the play and 1) im betting yuki had a hell of a time costume design wise like the vines on the body? such fun costuming wise and 2) the ethical implications of whatever this play has,,, fun fun. tsuzuru was clearly having some kind of thoughts. i love zeros design and am always up for a3 characters crossdressing bc 1) i think its fun and 2) the costume design. i also dearly wish this whole thing was animated bc I feel like it’d be o fun to see taichi act as zero. or at least I hope this event gets full voiced one day... moving on to the scene where omi adds soy sauce to the paella I know it’s just like haha homare funny so lets five him a lil bit but like everyone in autumn troupe making their comments on the paella and like homare just jumping in. homare autumn troupe besties. just thinking. also the way they just r like. no no no omi it’s fine if u made a mistake!! it’s ok! we like it (you) anyways <3 it’s got it’s own special taste. something something omi’s perfectly pleasant as he is now but even if he weren’t on his a-game and was dealing with all of the biker gang stuff they would love him just as hard. another thing that got me was omi telling banri that he’ll give him something sweet so juza will stop grinding his teeth in his sleep… guys… guys you’ll give him cavities…. mb omi is a college student after all lol.
anyways when i saw the actual costumes. appreciative of them, i like the lil circuit-esque detailing on banri’s outfit, and that sakyo and taichi (nine and zero) both share that like collar detail? its very symbolic and probably also literal but its a nice way to sort of signify their relation to each other visually! also sakyo just looks nice. seeing him without glasses is so great. whoever thought up the like two mole detail for him was doing gods work.
something that confused me was ryo mistaking juza for nachi for a split second? like. does juza… look similar to nachi? or was it just that ryo only heard juzas voice and made that mistake. if it’s appearance wise too. kumon nachi confirmed. I’m joking lol bc I feel like I would’ve heard at least something abt it in one of the like small conversation comments, plus that doesnt seem like itd fit summer troupes style and kumon is for sure the wrong age… but still.
i really like how for this event, the roles for taichi and omi were kinda reversed. and taichis just so like. idk. smiley. rly lifts ur spirits. its kind of nice how this event contrasts to that cg where taichi is crying on omi. I also think like. idk. considering the story of the stranger. wolf gives zero a sense of purpose and life and I think that zero helps wolf lose his apathy. it’s about “the stranger” and the ending makes him like… not a stranger, right? because he’s got a companion. in the same way, taichi brings omi out of his emotional isolation. the picture taking! also the stickers coming back… thats such a good setup! the found family of it all!!
when he was trying to work out zeros character as soon as taichi mentioned a sharp speaking style I KNEW it was Yuki… yuki would never be as honest as zero is though lol… to me i imagine she’s got a sort of juza internal monologue feel? anyways. the taichi yuki dynamic intrigues me. havent yet decided how I feel abt it but when I do… yes. sorry that I make literally no sense. I think it’s very obvious that yuki is my fav chara kind of? I’m just. hmmm it makes me think! I’ve been monologuing to myself abt the yuki and juza dynamic lately which, to my a3 knowledge so far, doesn’t exist, but its ok bc I’ll make it exist! uhhh anyways this event was very good i liked the pacing. i think it didnt drag too hard and it really properly honed in on just omi and taichi, which was quite nice. they really did a lot for just an event!
time to listen to the event song,,, ok so. ah. i rly enjoyed just for myself it was very much to my taste so. out of curiousity i was like ok lemme look up the composer / producer AND IT WAS YUYOYUPPE....... that guy is like!!!! one of my FAV producers ever!!!!!! i know him from like. his vocaloid days and god leia is still one of my fav songs to this day...! this knowledge gives me so much joy omg!!! like wow!! wowwww!!! like i knew yuyoyuppe was out there doing other stuff (i know he worked on a lot of babymetal music which is cool) but like idk. to suddenly encounter it like this. heheh.... its so nice! made me soooo happy. going to relisten to leia now haha
WAIT ONE MORE THING. i was like "haha let me look at other songs i remember liking a lot" which. for me was rakuen oasis and don't cry. anyways. rakuen oasis is ALSO by yuyoyuppe???? oh my god!!! oh my god... sigh. feel like im in heaven.
OH HI FRIEND!! so good to see you with an a3 update!! :D
godd yeah The Stranger started so strongly and the idea to still incorporate portraits in his story was really something to make us cry!
And linking Omi and Tsumugi like this is pretty interesting :O <hat is your reasoning exactly? :O
For the fainting couch for Tsuzuru LMAO and i'm letting you know there's a webcomics that addresses it in Act 2 (hough there's no spoilers aside from the fact Chikage is here)
Im glad you liked the costume and the play!!! yeah i love the designs and it is always a blast to see them this into it, and yeaaah Tsuzuru has thoughts huh. It'll get voiced sooner than later hopefully and there we'll see more in details :3c but also that's what made the seiyuu live so fun bc they perform the songs in play cosplay and replay a bit of the play everytime and it's *chief kiss*
And yeah the scene itself was so cute TwT they all want to reassure Omi and be there for him it's so sweet :( but yeah i love how you say it all, Omiimi TwT
and dLKFJDFLKJFDFD Giving Juza cavities is the price to pay for sleep i guess??
yeah agreed on the costume they all look so cool! and nice catch on how those three seem linked like that with their costumes, Yuki (and the designers) does such a good job! and god yeah for Sakyo.. yeah. He has sucha good design dLKJFDF
aND DLKFJD yeah no Juza is supposed to look like Nachi physically, but mostly his face? like i think Nachi was had green hair? we see a sprite of him in a future story, and yeah, everything is in the eyebrows. so Kumon should be safe? Omi mentions he sees a lot of Nachi in Juza, and while it is mostly due to their passions i think, the fact they're also rough looking guy with a heart of gold must play a part as well. but yeah, he does look like Nachi a bit.
and i love your deeper analysis of the event yeah!!
I feel like Taichi is really an emotional core of the troupe in the sense that is, he tends to catch on what others are feelings easily. And he uses it in the early chapters to ease off the tensions and stuff, but he was being held back by knowing he was deceiving them. So now that he's more free, he can be more of himself. but yeah i also love the contrast with how Omi was the one to help Taichi through his breakdown and guilt, and now it's the other way around, it's Taichi helping him through it. and the parallelism between the play and their dynamic is spot on imo! well said!!
and god yeah the sticker things made me cry sO HARD, and the pictures! and everything!! sobs it's such a sweet found family i'm going to cry :(
And! i love what you say about Yuki, Taichi and Juza on this one. I love that Taichi keeps bringing it back to "that childhood friend" and it's always like. so obvious who it is for us rip. But it can make you wonder if Yuki was more honest as a kiddo when Taichi knew him, though now he's clearly not. I love the mention of how Zero is more like Juza's internal speech (which, if anything is another argument about why you should let Juza wear a dress, cOWARD)
but also your mention of the Yuki and Juza thing, while i can't think of them having a dynamic per se yet, but i actually wrote a post during my reread about how i was baffled at the fact they treated Muku the same way?? like both of them tried to push Muku away because they were scared of how people would react if they say pure, sweet Muku was associated to them. And i find it fascinating because i guess those two are pretty aware of how the world see them, and it used to stop them from fully allowing them to be themselves.
I also find it relevant with the fact Yuki says in his personal song that while all of this way people judge him weight on him, he rather be himself, and "I want to love myself". Meanwhile we have Juza who's also aware of the way people judge him and it weight on him, and he wants to change himself from this person he hates, this self loathing - and in a way, he can grow in a way to be "someone" he may not hate, even on stage. I feel like those two have quite a bit in common in this way of being rejected by their peers in some sort of way.
I really want them to share some stuff at some point because there's really a groundwork on it all :(
But i'm really glad you liked that event!! agreed on the pacing and i do love what it brings to the characters! it really fleshes them out and have them move forward a little and it's pretty sweet.
AND OMG THAT'S SO COOL FOR THE SONG!! i'm so glad you liked it, but that's incredible it turned out to be from one of your fav producer!!! ahah sometimes life is like that where you end up finding the stuff you loved back into new stuff! and the fact Rakuen Oasis was from him as well... that's so cool!!! just, so so cool!
im pretty sure he has more songs going forward so i hope you'll enjoy the ride even more!!
thank you once again for sharing your thoughts about a3 :3c it always makes me so happy to see them!!!
Thank youu <3 have a good day :3c
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bladekindeyewear · 5 years
Boots Reads Homestuck Epilogue(s) Part 12 - Candy Page 18
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Time to see what all the fuss was about Page 18.  We’re with Jane... that might not be good.  Especially given Lollipop proximity.
Jane scoffing at troll genocide again.  :(
Gamzee seems more woke than Jane here.
GAMZEE: sO yOu SaYiN yOu NeEd DiFfErEnT sHoEs FoR yOuR hUmAn DiCkS aNd WhAt NoT?
Jane narrows her eyes at the disingenuous buffoon.
I dunno, he sounds like he’s being pretty goddamn ingenuous right now.
It’s not the first time they’ve had this conversation?  Are they black with each other or something??
What’s more likely is he’s attempting to get a rise from her. To get her a little hotter under the collar. To put her in a certain mood.
Oh my gosh she’s genuinely black for him, hahahahah
GAMZEE: AnD AlL I EvEr bEeN TrYiN To dO Is gEt yOu rIgHt tOo, WiTh mOrAlS AnD GoOdNeSs, AlL fIlLeD uP iNsIdE yOu As TiGhT aS yOuR tAsTy HoE bAlLoOnS aRe WiTh HuMaN mOo JuIcE.
Jesus christ that’s not the kind of metaphor i want to be hearing from canon
or anyone for that matter
JANE: No! I’d rather die than touch your disgusting clown baton ever again.
....yyyeah, context is showing she’s PROBABLY super Black into this.  Still, pretty jarring to see a clear consensual “NO” right in the middle of things.
Quit calling her a dairy queen!!! D: D: D:
Oh god they named the baby Tavros.
Alright, there’s some grade A discomfort in this scene, which I’m enjoying, really.  I can see why they singled out page 18.  I could traumatize some people with some of these paragraphs out of context.
JAKE: Anyway whats up with you? Hows life with davekat going? JADE: oh its great! im really glad i just went for it JADE: all of us together... it really is the best of every world
God damnit Jade why are you obliviously torturing them????????
JADE: theres no way me and dave could have a regular baby together because im... JAKE: Whats wrong? JADE: well lets just say that after all the sburb stuff its done some things to my body JADE: like merging with bec mostly
Oh my FUCKING GOD please don’t canonize this.  This didn’t need to be spelled out so-- D:
D: D: D:
This... is actually making my stomach roil again????
not because id object to-- i mean, it’s one thing to deal with
ISOLATED divergences from canon where she has to deal with that and its kind of hilarious, but can be safely ignored when it comes to her character arc as a whole
but once its CANON????????   D: D: D:
suddenly you can’t IGNORE the full import when you’re done with, like, an RP or something, of the psychological struggle she would be forced to deal with given an abnormal biological situation.  Instead of thinking “Oh, that could be pretty painful to deal with! Let’s explore it temporarily for fun” it becomes “Oh, that would be painful to deal with and you have to think about her having to deal with all the complications of that whenever you hear about her LITERALLY FOREVER.”  D:
andrew i know you couldnt resist because of how funny and practically-xenoprogressive it was but whyyyyyyyyy did you have to canonize that WHYYYY
Now instead of a fun joke thought it also has to be SAD FOREVER
i dont know why this would be the line thats crossed to upset me
Rose surrogate?
JADE: no jake, dave wouldnt be the father in this scenario!
Pffffff.  Andrew’s just diving RIGHT into the, er, doggy fanfics here.  I should... TRY to lighten up about this.  Try.  D:
(...wait, shit.  Knowing my friend, THIS whole bit is why they alluded to this page.  God damnit.)
[[ EDIT:  askshenhibiki said:
Now that you read Candy 18, flash back to Meat when Roxy is talking about gender... and look at Jade's reaction looking at "where her hands rest on her lap". Yes, Meat hinted at that "mix" too.
Ah, let’s see...
ROXY: and so i got to thinking ROXY: what even is gender ROXY: amirite lol? JADE: oh yeah JADE: that makes sense i guess........
Jade looks at where her hands are folded in her lap. Bites her lip. She has her own concerns about this, her own thoughts. Reasonable thoughts, I’d say. But I’ll refrain from any further comment. I’m staying away from this subject, from now on.
...yeah, guess Dirk at least had the decency not to spring all that on us before Jade got the opportunity to do it honestly. ]]
Guh, back to Jake suffering in his sad, trapped scenario.  I hope THAT gets at least resolved by the end of this.  Someone save Jake from this, because it looks like he’s not really that capable of saving himself?
Dammit, Jade, I’m cringing at these descriptions of your intrusion.
Oh wow, John went for the mustache.  Guess we knew that from, like, his stuffed statue oldself?
Jade doesn’t pick up on the obvious subtext in the conversation, however, because she’s been willfully undermining the subtext in her own personal life for nearly a year now.
D:  D:  D:
Seriously, Jade, how is what YOU’RE doing any better than what you were frustrated at seeing THEM doing, avoiding the real feelings and truth of anything even if it was conspicuously on body-language display?
It’s like Andrew wants us deprived of even a happy imagined future for Earth C on top of everything else!!!  What the hell! >:(
Is this about politics?  Is Andrew just venting his anger that the Orange Guy is going to get away with ruining everything forever??  Because as understandable as that is, he could at least give us some imaginary happyfutures to look forward to.
Reading on... Hm, yet another intentionally-misused fridging reference.
Yep, that triangle’s fucked.  Wonder if the conversation’s going to transition to the CURRENT triangle’s problems...
...yeah, John using the R word there isn’t far from the fucking truth from the looks of things.
JADE: maybe that would work for a few days, but one thing i learned from dating around a lot in my youth is that no ones going to leave a bad relationship until its THEIR idea to leave
She takes in a shaky breath and shuts her eyes. Her hair spills around her face when she leans forward to put her chin on her knees. Dave and Karkat exchange a look that is equal parts confused, miserable, and desperate.
Oh SHIT.  Is JADE going to be the one to finally vocalize about the problems here???
Something else comes hurtling out of the hole in the sky, too fast for Jade to catch. It hits the ground with a clap of green lightning. The collision sends a geyser of dirt, rock, and vapor into the air. Dave flash-steps to shield Karkat. Jade doesn’t move, taking the brunt of the explosion face on, using her abilities to warp the energy around her so that she’s a mote at the center of the storm. When the dust clears, she’s the first to jump in the crater, trailing smoke behind her.
There’s a body at the center of it. The torso is bloody, tangled, and curled into a fetal position. Its shoes are missing, but otherwise the outfit is quite familiar to her: it’s a dead ringer for her old Witch of Space uniform. Jade touches the body with the toe of her shoe, and then gasps when it rolls over to reveal its face.
JADE: its... JADE: ME???
Okay what the FUCK.  It sounds like there’s going to be some context for that postscript after all.  Something to bridge the gap between when that 16-yo Jade falls into the singularity and when Aradia goes off with her through a wormhole
I’m going to guess up front that this happens BEFORE the postscript... this younger version of Jade fell into the black hole and came out in THIS alternate timeline, possibly rather changed by the experience.  But then again, the way the sky opened up... actually, couldn’t that be just a “natural” manifestation of the black hole abilities encouraged by Calliope or done by the singularity alone, followed by later in the Postscript this Jade actually getting control of it??
And... reading on, from the sound of it, her eyes aren’t black yet, either.  Sounds like that’s to come, before the postscript.  Question being, is it alt!Callie black eyes, or some black-hole-powers visual manifestation?  Wait, never mind, I misread; this teenage Jade-corpse has NOT opened their eyes yet, so they couldn’t possibly tell, and the stuff about them “shaking” was about the adult Jade standing over her.  Never mind.  Let’s see which timeframe this Jade came from.
Page 20...
Stop letting babby not!Vriska bully babby not!Tavros.
Hm... same stupid tooth poison?  No, Jade didn’t get hit with a tooth... so it’s more getting hit with shards of spacetime and spiraling down a black hole.  Also whatever alt!Callie did to just barely keep her alive.
Hm, so the Heart stuff falls apart if you’re too separated from the mass-whole at Light’s center?  That’s certainly a hypothesis at least.
ROXY: sounds like its time for another funeral lmao
And where the fuck is Calliope anyway, she’s just being left in the dust and nobody’s even talked to her from the looks of it.
Hm, cut apart by political differences, this group...?
ROXY: woah ok karkat i get ur all fired up about politics and stuff but lay off gamz ok
JADE: dave what the FUCK did you say to him downstairs?
Oh my god you asshole don’t blame DAVE for this >:(
ROXY: this time next week well corpse party like its the end of the world!
I don’t want to think this has anything to do with Aradia, but we DID see her in that postscript bit...  And, I mean, what the hell could she even do??  It’s not like this Roxy is just Aradia in really convincing cosplay or something.
She leads John and Jake into the building and down the center of the nave, humming happily to herself the entire time. An equally effusive Calliope trails behind her, carrying a bouquet of purple flowers.
Well there’s Callie. What is WITH these hypnotized motherfuckers.  I need a revelation on these shenanigans STAT.
What is with people being bathed in light here?
each time we witness death, we fall in love in with the important people in oUr lives all over again.
Calliope is gazing at Roxy with glassy eyes. She sniffs as she plucks the last petal from her rose. A breeze washes through the cathedral from the crack in the door at the end of the room, brushing the petal off-course and causing it to get stuck in Roxy’s over-sprayed hair. Calliope reaches out with a visibly shaking hand to remove the plant offal, but she does not draw back. Instead, she lets her hand graze down the side of Roxy’s face and cup her cheek. Roxy puts her own hand over Callie’s and holds it.
Uhhh.... huh.
If Roxy was just lying to herself, then............ WHY??????
John tilts his head and squints at the image in front of him. Hmm.
Is John realizing he’s in some sort of fanfic drawn by another character, hence all the people in serene lightbeams at tender but unjustified moments?
Everyone whips their heads around to see, of all people, Aradia hovering in the foyer
(...I hope Aradia didn’t come here, like, from the postscript.  Where the “action” she talked about might have just been this corpse party.  Because that would be pretty fucking lame.)
The description of Human Jesus we all had in our hearts, but were too afraid to voice.
Alright, now we see the body we took our eyes off of.  Is it going to get back up, or did it escape earlier?
since nobody was willing to dislodge the huge, otherworldly shard from her chest
My damn god, people.
...alright finally, everyone’s talking.
JANE: Agreed. I’ve always felt that Kanaya has done an exemplary job of providing a model for compassionate, empathetic behavior, which others of her kind would do well to follow.
CALLIOPE: please. roxy gathered yoU all here for a reason. CALLIOPE: at least listen Until the end. CALLIOPE: after that yoU can argUe all you want.
...Huh.  Huuuuhh.  What the fuck is all this for.  Are you saying ROXY caused this? Or...?
Okay I like this reinforcement she’s making in her speech about how different changes can influence how all of this unfolds, gives me hope that maybe these two cliffhangers aren’t all we’re going to be left with and we’ll be able to at least think of an IMPLIED future different from them if we wanted to like we thought about the seemingly-infinite-possibility original ending of Homestuck that I’d rather have been stuck with than this oh god breathe boots
okay there’s the labor going into good distraction
alright corpse get back up
JADE: i am not jade.
Right, so like the black eyes in the postscript suggested this is more just a... vessel for alt!Calliope now?  To give HER a future beyond the one she sacrificed for that black hole business?  And between alt!Callie’s became-the-black-hole nature and Jade’s Spacey Green Sun connection that’s been singularified, she has access to cool Black Hole powers?  And is gonna do cool shit with them in implied future adventures we won’t see while Aradia gleefully watches the carnage?  Huh.
The congregation watches her go, but no one moves to help her, or even looks in her direction. In her wake, she leaves a primal, echoing wail.
Oh my god why wouldn’t they have just a brief discussion or something IT’S NOT THAT BAD  D:
JADE: and while i cannot say the same thing for the rest of you, JADE: i, at least, am exactly where i am meant to be.
Well fuck.  So she just disconfirmed this timeline as... something.  Relevant, possible, I dunno.
JADE: and i have entered this body to protect your world.
Okay that’s good.  So thanks to alt!Calliope these side timelines where things unfolded differently MAY be preserved.  Pretty fitting given alt!Callie’s origins.
.......unless there’s some other stupid interspecies civil war threat that she’s going to be fighting too, here, when the political situation falls apart.  Dammit.
Terezi talk Terezi talk
-- JOHN EGBERT sent TEREZI PYROPE the photo “ghostrain.jpg” --
TEREZI: WH4T TH3 4CTU4L FUCK JOHN: it started a few days ago. the sky above the capital of the troll kingdom just cracked open and ghosts began raining down everywhere.
Oh my GOD.  So alt!Callie kind of “saved” all the doomed ghosts that got swallowed up in the black hole by redirecting them all to THIS UNIVERSE and timeline???????
That’s pretty interesting!  Heck my stomach’s even calming down!
they can’t even be judges! TEREZI: G4SP
Yeah that’s pretty terrible!
...yep, the resistance WOULD put him in charge.  I had a feeling it may have ended up in that direction in Candy since it wasn’t in Meat.
--oh FUCK YOU Jade for splitting up what he had with Karkat before they could sort it out!!! You did the OPPOSITE OF HELP and neither of them are going to end up happy thanks to you! D:<
PFFF wow, John’s so concerned about babby not!Tavros’s living situation that he’s considering legit kidnapping.  That means things must be pretty fucking bad.
--okay Calliope’s still out and about with Roxy instead of being cooped up in her room like in the other timeline, that’s good.
Pff, trying to redeem Ghost Eridan in front of Ghost Feferi.  Yep, that’s Gamzee.
GAMZEE: fIrSt, A LiTtLe RiGhTeOuS sPlAsH oF tHe NaNnA nEcTaR tO cLeAnSe ThAt DaNkNeSs FrOm YoUr SoUlS...
Gamzee takes out a baby bottle and flicks it, covering them both with little drops of milk, as clergy does with holy water. He then takes a swig from the bottle himself before returning it to his codpiece.
Jesus.  Fucking.  Christ.
I don’t want to believe that what’s in that bottle is what he’s making it sound like it is, but OF COURSE it is.  Why would it be anything else.  I bet there’s not even any Lifey hypnosis going on, it’s just the literal stuff.
The crowd falls silent as they raise their heads to watch a drone ship pass by overhead.
Jegus fuck stop going whole hog condesce janey
ROXY: lmao you worry too much ROXY: janeys got her head on straight shell show you yet
Touching photo.
Alright lemme post split.  I haven’t gotten as far as the last post plowed through since I’ve been typing so much... ah well.
26 notes · View notes
blkpnkwriting · 7 years
bad for you
part i. / part ii. / part iii.
bad!girl Rosé x Reader
Warnings: swearing, mentions of drug use, mentions of violence, blood, and injury
Word count: 5,499
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    Light slatted through the blinds of your bedroom. You think it’s your bedroom.
    Cracking your eyes, you groaned again, the feeble morning light still too strong for your sensitive eyes. Yup, it was your bedroom. Which was strange because you couldn’t remember how you got there. Why did you feel so gross?
    Rolling in your sheets, you blinked at the Tylenol sat on your nightstand beside a bottled water. For a moment, you couldn’t understand how it got there. Then it slowly dawned on you.
    You sat up quickly, flinching at the onslaught of pain in your head. But you wanted to know if she was still there, in your apartment. With you. A scan around the room proved she wasn’t anywhere to be seen. You popped a couple Tylenol and chugged some water before getting up and heading into your small living room.
    Where she couldn’t be found.
    That's okay, you reasoned. It was probably for the best anyway. Last night was a mess and it was guaranteed that you made a fool of yourself. Now you’d never be able to see her again, not after that. They probably noted that you didn’t quite fit in with their people, couldn’t handle your liquor like they could, just generally wasn’t what they expected. At least, that’s what you thought about it. Well, it was fun while it lasted. Now you had to pick up the pieces of your heart you felt chipping away at the thought of not seeing her again.
    What a horrible first... and last date.
    You sunk into your couch cushions, sighing with relief at knowing you had the day off and could recuperate from your hangover in peace. Sipping your water, you turned on the TV for something to occupy your mind, distract you from your embarrassment, and surfed the channels before that too bored you.
    A chime from your bedroom resulted in yet another groan. You pinched the bridge of your nose as you stood up, skulking into the room and grabbing the damned device.
    rosè 😈 🚬 😘
    It felt like you were going to fall down. It was as though your hangover dissipated... it hadn’t, but you were so ecstatic that you could forget about it. A smile spread across your cheeks, and you opened your phone to the text message.
    There was already several messages waiting for you, and you swore under your breath when you realized just how late in the day you slept in. No wonder she tried multiple times to get a hold of you.
    rosè 😈 🚬 😘     ur key is hidden behind ur apartment plate btw sleep well!!!
    rosè 😈 🚬 😘     i dont wanna be THAT girl but can u text me when u wake up???
    rosè 😈 🚬 😘     ok but seriously r u alive
    rosè 😈 🚬 😘     i know where u live & if u dont text me back soon im coming over
    That was the most recent message, and as much as you wanted her to come back, to apologize for everything last, and to maybe play up the hangover so she could cuddle you, you didn’t want to trouble her.
    You     Yeah yeah I’m awake but definitely not kicking
    You sat back down on your couch with much more enthusiasm than you had just a couple minutes ago. Legs balled up under you, you waited for the next message. It came quickly.
    rosè 😈 🚬 😘     u shouldnt try to drink as much as me next time 😉
    You     Nice contact name btw, really captures your character
    rosè 😈 🚬 😘     actually i put my number in & u told me it was boring so i had to put some emojis on
    rosè 😈 🚬 😘     u legit forced me
    You     I regret nothing
    rosè 😈 🚬 😘     thats surprising
    Oh god, she was mentioning last night. You picked at the collar of your shirt --- which you don’t remember changing into --- and hid your sheepish smile as you continued typing.
    You     Yeah... about that
    You     I’m sorry about... anything that I did, really. I was really drunk
    rosè 😈 🚬 😘     dont be!!! you were hilarious actually & i had a great time
    rosè 😈 🚬 😘     especially when u put ur hands down my skirt 😉
    You stared down at the words on your screen and felt the color drain from your face. You did what? Now that you thought about it, you remembered the stumbling idiot you were as she dragged you out the back of the bar, how she piled you onto her motorcycle, and how even though you leaned against her back with all your weight, she still wanted to you hold onto her.
    And yes, you did put your hands down her skirt. She grabbed your arms to make sure you would hold on and you took the initiative to warm your hands in the space beneath the waistband of her skirt and whatever shorts she had underneath.
    This time, you did smack your forehead for real, and then regretted the action as it sent a agonizing pulse through your skull. The hangover was still there alright.
    You     Wow. I went right for the money, didn’t I? 🙈
    You     And after how you nice you’ve been. I didn’t properly thank you for the drinks last night. I mean... you did pay for them, right???
    rosè 😈 🚬 😘     lisa paid for them lol were friends with the owner & jennie was pissed that she blew like 200 last night on free shit
    rosè 😈 🚬 😘     besides that dont mention it 😘
    rosè 😈 🚬 😘     thank u for letting me treat u right
    The text had you halting again. It was such a strange thing to say. Again, you thought about how she reacted to your compliments and how she seemed to brush them off, like she didn’t know how to respond at all. Like no one told her how beautiful she was enough. Now this? She was thanking you for letting her be nice to you.
    It made you sad all over again. There was something you didn’t know about Rosé and it was important. But you had gotten this far, and you knew one thing for certain.
    You were hooked and there was no going back.
    rosè 😈 🚬 😘     ur different
    You didn’t have much of a chance to respond, but there she was already texting again.
    rosè 😈 🚬 😘     i sound totally weird saying this but ur different & i like that
    rosè 😈 🚬 😘     ur not like anyone ive met before
    There wasn’t a whole lot you could respond with, and if you could, you would just send her the blush you felt spreading up your neck and across your cheeks. So she did like you. The same way you like her. It wasn’t all in your head, a game some pretty and free-spirited girl was trying to play on you.
    You     I could say the same for you, Rosé
    Rosé never responded after her last series of messages.
    It worried you at first, but you rationalized that she had other things to do with her life, and as much as you wanted to spend all your time with her, she couldn’t do the same. In fact, you didn’t know what she did with her spare time. You knew she loved her motorcycle, and probably ripped around on it a lot, but she had to have some way to pay for the gas and upkeep. Not to mention her rough group of friends to keep in control. It was like she was their logic or something. That, or she didn’t quite fit in. Which you didn’t mind, because it meant you didn’t have to worry about her getting arrested or getting in a bar brawl.
    You spoke too soon, however.
    Another boring day sat behind the register with only a small fan to keep company turned south when Lisa entered. Apparently, she didn’t have a motorcycle of her own or else you would have at least expected one of them to come waltzing in after the rambunctious noise.
    At first, you were excited to see her. But then your smile faltered, and any joke you had prepared on the tip of your tongue was quickly dissolved.
    A nasty cut split her lip just above her labret piercing and gone was her usual hyper demeanor. She did grace you with a small smile at least as she stepped up to the counter, but then she was leaning on the glass display, holding her face in her hands with a low, drawn-out groan of discontentment.
    “Lisa, are you okay?” you asked, concern lining your voice. She lifted her head and you could properly see her lip. It was totally busted, but didn’t look too bad on her as far as attraction went. Sort of fit the rogue role you pinned her with. Probably still hurt like a bitch, though.
    “Could be worse,” she muttered. A finger with chipped pink nail polish traced a lotto ticket underneath. “Could be better. A fight broke out at the bar a couple nights ago. Pretty dicey shit.”
    “What happened?” you pressed. You didn’t want to outright ask about Rosé, but that was really what you were trying to get at. It could have something to do with the reason why she hadn’t texted you back. Which you seriously hoped wasn’t true.
    “Gang rivalries,” she digressed, leaning on one elbow to scan the mostly empty store before facing you again, as if it wasn’t supposed to be talked about in public. “It’s usually okay when they’re in the bar at the same time, but there were a few too many drinks that night and shit was said, blah blah blah. It got out of hand fast, and some dude wanted to grab one of my bottles to make a fuckin’ shank --- like he was still in prison or somethin’. I wouldn’t have it, he got mad at me, started grabbing at me, actually ripped my favorite shirt --- asshole. But... uhm. Rosé stood up to him...”
    Dread filled your stomach. It had to be written all over your face because Lisa reached out and took your hand, in a way that was much less flirtatious than in the past. 
     “Don’t worry about her. She’s okay. Just banged up a little, but Jisoo has been taking care of her. Trust Jisoo, she’s a good one, a close friend of ours. Doesn’t involve herself with all that shit, just so happens to hang around Jennie a lot. A lot.” There was a flash of the old Lisa you had seen at the bar in the way she winked at the innuendo, and even though you didn’t know either of the girls she spoke about, you still giggled at the gossip.
    “I’m just picking up some cigarettes for Rosie,” Lisa said, back to business. She let go of your hand, which was nice. You didn’t want to have to reject her again. Instead, she twisted her piercing a little as habit, then flinched at the pain, as it appeared to be swollen since she got hit in the mouth. “She didn’t want me to come here and bother you about it, but I thought you should know anyway.”
    “Thank you, Lisa. Seriously,” you replied, nodding your earnesty. You knew where to look now to grab her Luckies from the compartments, but you stilled before handing them over. A market sat to the side, and you took it without questioning it. On the back of one of the packs, you stole a second to write a quick message.
    Get better soon... I miss you.
    You tried to slide them across the counter for Lisa to have on the house just like she had done for you, but she refused. Unfurling your fingers, she forced a couple bills into your hand and then snatched the cigarettes before you could do anything else, jumping away with a cackle. She blew a kiss at you and you rolled your eyes, then she was out the door. It didn’t seem like there was much that could destroy that girl’s spirit completely.
    There was no way you were going to be able to stop thinking about Rosé, though. Somewhere. Hurt. Laid up to rest. And then hopefully smiling when she finds your message on her cigarettes.
    “Sir, I really can’t stay!”
    Your boss actually stamped his foot like a toddler. And he was an older man, divorced and all.
    “I have no one else willing to cover the shift, so you’re going to have to!” he insisted. He glanced at a small watch on his wrist like he was in a time crunch, and then waved at you. “It’s extra pay, you shouldn’t be complaining.”
    “It’s a double shift,” you tried to explain. You were up bright and early and now you were tired, how hard was that to understand? “I have other plans. I actually have a life outside this job.”
    “Well, if you want to keep this job, you’re going to stay,” he deadpanned. The argument was coming to a close and you were on the losing side. Fucking dickhead.
    “Just put... that other guy on. It’s not like he does anything anyway, since all he does is sit on his phone here.”
    “Y/N, I’m not going to do anything,” your boss spat, sliding his wallet into a pocket, preparing to leave. “You’re going to stay if you want your paycheck. Now, I have to go ---”
    You wanted to scream at him. He had you pulling ridiculous hours ever since you started working here some odd months ago. You were the only capable employee of this shitty convenience store, and the owner was never even around to take care of it himself, case in point. Was it really even worth all this trouble? There was a time you would have taken the punishment without a fight. Before, there wasn’t even a life to speak of. This would have been your whole life. But you didn’t want that anymore, and truth be told, you didn’t want this job either.
    “You know what?” you snapped, bringing back the owner’s attention. There was a displeased expression on his face, like he’d rather be anywhere else. That wasn’t going to happen. “I fucking quit. You can take your stupid, ugly ---” you yanked the polo over your head, leaving you in a thin camisole, and threw it at him. “Shove it up your ass! Maybe you’ll even fit it over that big head of yours that’s stuck up there too, and wear it!!”
    The rush of adrenaline had you feeling all flighty, but the look on the guy’s face was everything to you and you certainly didn’t want to miss even a second of it. He remained there, frozen, mouth agape. You prided yourself in this feat and felt more coming to the surface.
    “That’s enough,” a voice said in your ear. Fingers curled around the crook of your elbow, pulling you away. 
    You knew who it was before you even had to look.
    Outside, you swore in an exhale, kicking the ground as you walked to the black motorcycle waiting for you both. There went your last paycheck, and now you were wondering how you were going to pay for rent. You were about to swing over the back of the motorcycle when Rosé stopped you again, turning you to face her.
    “Are you okay?” she asked, genuine concern in her voice and in the way she ducked her face in front of you to garner your attention. You were beyond relieved to see Rosé, even more so without a scratch from what you could see, but you were seething with frustration. Her hands ran up and down the sides of your arms in a soothing manner, her palms smooth. After a moment, she brought a hand to lift your chin up, meeting her eyes. “Hey, talk to me.”
    “I’m fine, he didn’t do anything,” you muttered. The want to push her hand away from your face was present, but at the same time, you reveled in the fact she was showing so much affection. You really should be asking about how she felt after her fight, but she seemed far more focused on other things.
    “Let’s get you out of here,” she said, reaching over to grab the spare helmet that was beginning to feel more and more like yours. “I know just the place, don’t worry. Just enjoy the ride, let it clear your head.”
    You wordlessly took the helmet and clambered on behind her. Inside the store, you could see the owner arguing on his cellphone, arms gesturing around and in the air. It made you smile knowing you put him in a pinch just as willingly as he was going to throw you under the bus. Served him right. He looked up just as Rosé revved the bike, a vicious noise echoing in the lot, and you knew he could hear it. You waved, and he flipped you off, but you were already peeling off the cement.
    The ride was a blur. You rested the side of your helmet against the back of Rosé’s jacket, listening to the way it chattered against the studs embroided on this particular garment she wore today. It felt way more natural than the first ride did, and you didn’t even mind the fact that your hands were laced around her middle, resting just below her navel, a throwback to that drunken night. Every once in awhile, her hand would drop and cup the outside of your knee, pressing you close like she was hugging you while she drove. You enjoyed the gesture, but did nothing to return it. You saw the scenery change without processing it. All you were thinking about, so grateful about, was that you were holding Rosé again. After what felt like weeks that were just days, you were so ready to see her again. It had been too long.
    You blinked and you had no idea where you were. Rosé slowed your ride, weaving up a small unkempt track, dense woods surrounding you. It was only afternoon but it felt more like dusk here. A canopy stretched out overhead, casting shafts of sunlight sporadically upon the rocky road. Abruptly, Rosé swerved off to the side, rolling to a stop behind some brush.
    “What are we doing here?” you asked after removing your helmet.
    Rosé slid off her seat, helping you down, and then took off her headgear. She did the same routine of fixing her hair and adjusting the ripped shorts she wore today, then answered you. “I brought you to my favorite place.”
    You glanced around at nowhere in particular. The woods?
    The puzzlement was written all over your face, and Rosé giggled. It was adorable enough to bring a smile to your face for the first time since she showed up, and you continued to look at her timidly excited expression as she took your hand and began to lead you through the foliage. After a few steps, you realized there was the faintest of paths, probably worn by Rosé herself. She didn’t say anything else, crooked smile in place. You were content just holding her hand for the first time, walking through the emerald trees. It was scenic, for sure. The sound of birds chirping, echoing through the vast space, the shuffle of leaves underfoot, a crack of a fallen branch. There was no one else around, just the two of you. The sudden realization had a spark igniting in your stomach, and you let your hair fall around your face to curtain your flushed cheeks.
    The random appearance of an abandoned tennis court was totally unanticipated.
    Nature had claimed it back for the wild. Vines tangled in the chainlinks, dirt and debris darkening the previous green texture of the court. The net was slashed rather than stolen, hanging limp at their respective posts. The singular umpire chair had been knocked to its side, splintered and covered in cobwebs. It was obvious that it had been long forgotten.
    Except by Rosé. You could see as you approached the fence a section on one end of the court where someone had brought a broom and had cleared away a spot for a blanket. There was no doubt that she had planned this, for you or simply for herself.
    “Where are we?” you whispered. For some reason, it felt like you had to.
    “An abandoned development,” Rosé spoke. She brought you to a portion of the fence that had been cut and pried away. The thought of a delinquent Rosé showing up with a set of bolt cutters was oddly appealing. “Someone intended to build a luxury condominium out here, away from the bustle of the city, but it fell through a long time ago. I don’t know much else, but it’s been here since I can remember. It’s my favorite place to go to escape... everything.”
    The way she finished had you casting a curious glance in her direction, but she didn’t bother meeting your eyes this time. There was that feeling that she was hiding something again, like she knew everything about you but refused to tell you anything about her. For once, it pecked at your heart, making you a bit angry.
    Of course you couldn’t stay angry at her for long, and it dissipated the second she brought you to the blanket and motioned for you to sit. The blanket had to be cleaned regularly because it felt so plush underneath your hands as you folded onto it. Rosé joined you once you were comfortable, stretching out those long legs of hers and reclining back on her hands, sighing deeply. Her eyes fluttered closed and you were given the opportunity to just gaze at her. She was so stunningly beautiful, and you wondered briefly how you ever ended up with her.
    “I figured you could use this place too,” she whispered without opening her eyes. She looked so peaceful, and she was right. It was so quiet out here, save the natural sounds of the woods providing ambiance. You laid down on your back, arms tucked under your head, and gazed up at the sky. Despite having been overgrown, the trees hadn’t grown close enough yet to construct their canopy. There was the gentle warmth of the sun stretching to reach you in your little cove. It would be growing dark in a couple hours, and you mused about what Rosé would come up with to give you light.
    “Are you feeling well?” she asked, interrupting you daydreaming. You nodded, no words needed. Above you, she smiled, turning her attention down to you. “You looked lost for a second. I guess you like it here.”
    “I do,” you admitted, eyes shifting to her lips, then her eyes. “Are you okay? I haven’t seen you for like, a week.”
    At that she chuckled, looking away again, out to the distance. “Yeah, it’s all good. Just got involved with that dumb shit again. Like usual with those guys.” A finger poked you in the ribs, evoking a laugh. “I got your message --- thank you.”
    “I was worried,” you confessed. You didn’t want to hide how you felt when it came to hearing about how she was hurt. “Lisa said it was nasty.”
    “Could’ve been worse.” Rosé shrugged. It was something they both said to you now. Just another casual occurrence apparently. “You never know what’s going to happen there. Tensions have been high recently, what with a lot of the gang members falling apart. Loyalty doesn’t mean much to people these days.” There was a pause and you swore you saw something flit across her features. “It means everything to me.”
    “That’s because you’re a good person,” you stated, sitting up onto your forearms to garner her attention. All you got was a jagged swallow, as though what you said didn’t sit well with her. “You know that, right?”
    Rosé looked at you suddenly, and before you could ask about the tears in her eyes, she was gasping out, “Am I really?”
    “Why not?” you countered, the need to justify boiling in your chest. “You’ve been nothing short of... fuck, just amazing to me. I couldn’t care less about the people you hang around or any of that other shit. You’re a good person, Rosé.” You said it like you were trying to drill it into her head.
    The red-blonde blinked back her tears, swallowing again, avoiding your gaze. She took a moment to breathe. “You don’t know what I’ve done.”
    “I don’t need to!” You sat up the rest of the way, twisting to face her properly. Still, she didn’t meet your eyes. She was looking somewhere else beside you to keep from losing her composure. “I may not have known you for long, and I may not know a lot about your life, but I know how I feel when I’m around you. I trust you. You can tell me all about you, what you’ve done, what you plan to do, but whatever you say won’t change that simple fact.”
    When Rosé looked at you again, it was with that look. That look, a concoction of amusement, surprise, and puzzlement --- like she had you all spelled out in her head and you suddenly jumbled it all up. That look she gave you when you told her you didn’t like her smoking instead of keeping the opinion to yourself. That look when your facade gave a moment and she got to see that shy persona hidden away under the confidence you built with shaking hands. That look...
    It was cut off by a bitter laugh, shoulders sinking, glancing at the sky.
    “I have great parents,” Rosé started. It was your turn to be surprised, eyes widening a moment. “They’ve never done me wrong, but after everything I’ve done, I feel like I fall short of their expectations. Like I’ve failed them. They tried to give me the best life I could have, encouraged me to do well in my studies and with singing.” That was a neat little fact to tuck away. “It just seems like life has a different plan for me, no matter what they wanted. I guess I’m really easy to frame, put the blame on. It only got bad at the end of high school, and I started getting in fights with kids because they thought they were hot shit and would pick on people who couldn’t stand up for themselves. I have a soft spot for those people, like it’s ingrained in me to protect them. But of course, it made me look like the aggressor, and I would get in trouble for all of it.
    “I’ve been arrested once, for aggravated assault. I can own up to that. But since that one time, I’ve vowed to stay out of jail. It wasn’t so bad, I was only in for about a month, and then had to do community service and pay a fuckton of fines. But I didn’t want to be known for that, someone people are scared of being around because I might fuck them up or something... I don’t know. I’ve never gone out of my way to hurt someone if they didn’t deserve it in the first place.”
    It felt like there was more she was going to say but she stopped, and you were left in the silence to muddle over all she had just told you. It was a very brief overview, but it was more than you ever thought you’d know about her. Despite it, there was no sense of danger being around her. Rosé would never touch you like that.
    “Oh,” she perked up. “I don’t do drugs. I mean, I’ve smoked pot in the past, but all I have nowadays are cigs. That’s for the others, not my style. I have my hands full of blood, not drugs.” Then she laughed, shaking her head, blonde hair highlighted by the low sunrays wisping around her face. “That sounded really bad.”
    “I like it.” You hadn’t expected that to come out exactly, but it was true. And it was part of you speaking your feelings, not cowering behind your own thoughts. Rosé lifted her face, eyes shining, and offered you a weak smile. She sniffled and wiped at her nose, such a soft gesture in comparison to the story she had told you. You knew that wasn’t who she was beneath the leather and metal and smoke.
    “Well, after it was all said and done, my parents didn’t and I didn’t like disappointing them. So I left. I didn’t want that on them, to deal with a daughter like this. I moved out here, falling easily into the wrong crowd. The only person who really kept me afloat was Jennie.”
    “Jennie, the bar owner?” you interrupted.
    “Yeah, random, I know,” she chuckled. “I was looking for work and Jennie was the only person who didn’t immediately turn me out on my ass by one look at my record. But she didn’t have any real openings for me. So she made me her financial supervisor.”
    “Whoa,” you breathed in astonishment.
    “Yeah, I’m really good at numbers and stuff like that. With so much on her hands, owning just about the only bar that houses the roughest and rowdiest, she thought I could help her out with some side work, and that way, it would keep me out of trouble. She saw potential in me. And it really worked out. I’m often busy with her business and it’s a great job. She also really did need the help, so she’s happy I’m around. I’ve been with her for a while now. I met Lisa and Jisoo through her, the only girls --- the only friends --- I’m ever around a lot.
    “Don’t get me wrong, they bring around their own drama. Especially Lisa. That girl’s a fucking whirlwind. You know she was there that night at the store?”
    “She was?” You could hardly remember anything about that night besides Rosé. When you thought about it, it was always that first impression of the hardened girl walking through the doors and stealing your heart that you remembered.
    Then you faltered.
    Rosé really has stolen your heart, and you weren’t even privy to this obvious fact.
    “Yeah, she walked in with me, remember?” Rosé tried to jog your memory, laughing lightly, unaware of the revelation you were going through. “She told me you were staring and I---”
    In retrospect, you would never understand what came over you then.
    The kiss was so sudden that you both never expected it. Your heart hammered in your chest so loud, it was all you could hear right before you dove in. It was messy, unsaid words catching between your mouths, teeth crashing against each other’s, and you almost tumbled against her when your hand slipped off the material of her jacket on her shoulder. But it only served to throw your hand on top of hers on the blanket, and as soon as she registered what you were doing, her fingers laced with yours and a hand clasped the back of your head, holding you against her lips.
    The kiss became something else. It was so much and not enough and everything you dreamt. The world fell away around you and all that remained was Rosé’s lips, that faint taste of smoke on them, how soft her skin felt against your cheek, between your fingers, how she tangled up your hair. And her moan that just escaped? You swore you sank further into her.
    All this time you entertained your feelings for this bad girl.
    But you didn’t know you would fall in love with Rosé instead.
    When you opened your eyes again, it was nearly dark. Fading light in the colors of melting cotton candy tinted the horizon. The air was cool but you remained warm, blushing at how close you two had become on the blanket. One of Rosé’s legs had slid between your own, her entire body angled for you. You took a deep breath, the first to reach the depths of your lungs. Every kiss stole a little more air from you, leaving you dizzied. Adrenaline streaming through your veins acted like a drug that numbed anything that wasn’t Rosé.
    There was so much that Rosé wanted to say, you could see it in her eyes. Nothing came forth and you knew the feeling of having it jammed in your throat, unable to say a word. The only thing she gave you was a smile, a genuine, unadulterated smile, and you knew there was one thing that you wanted to say to her.
    “Rosé...” you whispered, feeling weightless. “I---”
♡ part iii.
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s3venpounds · 5 years
thank you my dewd for giving me something to do! ngl was going kinda insane and i’ll take anything over doing chores tbh also sorry if this is hella late
weird asks that say a lot
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
coffee mugs usually because they hold more liquid and i use them for everything lol tea, coffee, alcohol, soda
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
lollipops, i like having something in my mouth for long amounts of time(and yes pun intended)
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
cotton candy oh my god. I have such a sweet tooth its ridiculous. I once bought 7 large bags of cotton candy from K days and ate them for the next 2 months even when they got hard and probably nasty lmao i just love that shit. even cotton candy flavoured stuff ( except vodka. thats a trap. )
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
shy, reserved, well behaved basically i was a wimpy little shit
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
I like them in glass cups so i can clean it afterwards and use it again later, waste makes me feel guilty
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
if its applied to me? pastel. I love brighter colors after i stopped wearing blacks greys and whites. they feel so good and look so nice. on someone im interested in? sportswear, formal, grunge, goth, pastel, tomboy. in no particular order. if its sportswear stuff that really highlights muscles and how toned they are just MMMMMMMM. formal is fuckkkkkkking attractive. like if the white collar shirt is unbuttoned halfway and the blazer is rolled up? or no blazer but with suspenders and the sleeves rolled up? OMG i will literally lick their collarbones idgaf
7. earbuds or headphones?
headphones, mostly because its just healthier for your ears, as much as i like earphones and use them more often i just prefer headphones cuz people usually dont bother me, i do dislike the hat hair though and how bulky they are
8. movies or tv shows?
im kind of a weeb so i much prefer tv shows with regular releases so im not waiting 6 years or something for avengers lol i need my fixxxxxxxxxxx
9. favorite smell in the summer?
after rain smell or during rain smell idk. carnival food? the ocean? just water scents i guess
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
dance or volleyball both of which im still doing to this day very happily c:
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
cereal, maybe some nutella, whatevers left over if someone cooked the night prior or just basic bacon eggs and rice. fried rice if im feeling lucky
12. name of your favorite playlist?
Emotions empty. YEET
13. lanyard or key ring?
lanyard. I’ve had the same spidergwen/ghost spider lanyard since like 2015 and i refuse to use another lol. it feels so cool to yank on the lanyard and swing it around
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
rock candy. hands down. that shit makes me nutty. like if i was an earth bender or some shit i’d make a giant club made of the stuff and smack people with it and lick it afterwards
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
the outsiders probably i mean its not like crazy favourite but like its the one i enjoyed the most out of the ones i was forced to read (i really hate being forced to do shit)
16. most comfortable position to sit in? criss cross as im doing right now lmao or sitting on one of my legs
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? ah shit I just threw them out cuz they were old af but i had these nike high tops with the little puffy thing that inflates the sides of the shoes to make it more comfortable and it was so good in the winter and summer. it like breathed enough to let my feet stay nice and cool but it also stayed warm and never let snow get in my shoes cuz they were so high they acted like boots. i wore those for like my entire highschool experience
18. ideal weather?
raining. or breezy day. wind makes me sleepy and rain makes me excited to jump around in puddles and run as if my lifes calling is pulling me towards it
19. sleeping position? 
I always sleep on my stomach. its my most comfortable position and i knock out so easily if i do. apparently its a family thing too lol my siblings all outgrew it but w.e
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? 
on a laptop or in my journal. the tapping of laptop keys makes me feel productive while writing in my journal makes me feel like itll be saved for the rest of my life
21. obsession from childhood?
psychology and the inner workings of the mind. why something thinks lowly of themselves, why someone thinks highly of themselves, how they came to this decision, why they thought to refuse this and that its really interesting to me to see peoples reasoning
22. role model?
not even a physical person but ALL MIGHT from my hero academia or boku no hero academia. yknow that phrase ? “ what would jesus do?” yeah its “what would all might do?” for me luuuuuuuuuuuuul
23. strange habits?
i dont really know any strange habits myself but im sure my friend justin knows a few
24. favorite crystal?
crystal???? uhhh i dont know much about this but i guess i would go with emerald? since its my birth stone?
25. first song you remember hearing?
a barney song. i shit you not.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
I dont really like the heat all that much. summer is just suffering to me tbh lol like what do you do when youve taken off all ur clothes, ur AC is dead and your room is the highest room in the house where all the heat gathers? nothing. you do nothing. you cry and almost get heat stroke.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
I loooooooooooove snowboarding im not good at it though but god damn its fun. specially with friends and learning together it makes me so happy seeing people grow c:
28. five songs to describe you?
fix you cold play(currently listening to this), im still here (treasure planet soundtrack) by john reznik, Good things fall apart Jon bellion, lost stars Adam levine, After Dark Asian Kung Fu Generation. is what i can say so far? i’ve got tons of songs i relate to those are the ones that just popped into mind
29. best way to bond with you?
be physical. touch me, graze me, be comfortable with me and hold up a conversation. As much as i like talking I LOVE hearing about the people im interacting with. hobbies, dreams, goals, nightmares everything. other than that? just spend time with me. any time is fine. i do prefer really deep conversations at like 3 am lol
30. places that you find sacred?
sacred to me? St. Clements park and not much else. a looooooooooot of shit has happened there. my first kiss, my worst break up, my best make up/make out, my best date. 
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
I got these leather boots that do a clack sound on pavement and i feel powerful as fuck. I got this really high quality black formal shirt from le chateau that breathes really well and highlights my figure. I have these black jeans with zippers above and below the kneecap that make me feel dope. so yeah full black lol. theres also this grey sweater i have that flows in the wing like a cape and i feel like a superhero when wind blows it behind me
32. top five favorite vines?
ok ok theres this one i cannot find again for the life of me but its like this asian guy sittin in a stall taking a dump and it cuts to an ice cream dispenser then some dude knocks on the door and the asian guy gasps and it cuts to the ice cream dispenser but goes backwards so the poop is like going back in and the asian guy goes like “ unnnnnnnnhhhhhhhhhhhhh” and shudders and i like fucking collapse a lung everytime i think about it. some of king vaders anime parodies are fucking hilarious, the dude who made that vine where “ if johnny has 23 dish soaps” and he goes “ wait why does johnny have 23 dish soaps” and he goes “ mind your business david” while playing with dishsoap lmao. OH OH and that one where the kid puts random shit on his head to signify its his mom like where he goes “ I like ya accent where ya from?” “ im from liberia” “ *in a whisper* oh my bad I like ya accent where ya from” yeah this is longer than i thought i’ll stop it here i still got like 60 questions left
33. most used phrase in your phone?
“lmao” i’ve now used to as a similar term to lol. sometimes i say it in irl like “ le mao” and i internally cringe everytime
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
pizza 73, sleep country canada “why buy a mattress any where elseee” and some spotify ads cuz theyre fucking everywhere
35. average time you fall asleep?
midnight or 10 at the earliest
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
god... uhhh.. one of those rage comics those old ass black n white memes
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
duffel bag, i am NOT organized enough for a suitcase plus duffels i can carry across my chest like a backpack
38. lemonade or tea?
oof. lemonade from k days was really gooooooood. but tea is something im always comfortable with.. ill go with tea
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? cake defnitely. cake tastes more mellow while meringue is like a burst of flavour right away
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
a dude OD’d during school hours or that time a dude had a seisure in class
41. last person you texted?
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
jacket pockets if i wanna look badass, pants pockets if im just being a panda
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
oooof. uhh leather or bomber. leather because i love biker aesthetic too and bomber just looks comfy
44. favorite scent for soap?
i dont particularly have one but i do like old spice or irish spring
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
SUPERHERO. HANDS DOWN. fantasy second and sci fi 3rd.
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
.... naked. only on days i cannot sleep at all
47. favorite type of cheese?
uhh fuck dude uhm.. toss up between cream cheese or parmesan
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
durian. I hate durian. its spiky on the outside, smells like burnt asshole but taste is redeeming
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people don't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
inside jokes with justin. just hanging out with the dude I had the best gut wrenching laughs of my life. laughs where my jaw hurt from laughing, i lost feeling in my cheeks, my face was red and couldnt stop crying. those laughs.
51. current stresses?
job security, love life, and friends who are currently getting more and more busy and cant hang out as often
52. favorite font?
IDK? Helvetica?
53. what is the current state of your hands?
dry and typing.
54. what did you learn from your first job?
People are stupid as fuck. and coworkers are dangerous thanks alex for throwing a kitchen knife at me
55. favorite fairy tale?
idk if it counts since disney always makes fairytales but treasure planet?
56. favorite tradition? 
probably christmas because i think its super important who you choose to spend it with and who you DO spend it with is a sign of how much they mean to you
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
dads abuse, my biggest break up, my friends attempted suicide
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
yknow the devil sign you make by closing your hand in a fist except your pinky and pointer finger? i can make my pointer and pinky touch. I also have been told my volleyball spikes have been really good recently. uhh my dancing I guess? singing?
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
My hero academia. hands down.
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
You got the makings of greatness in you, but you gotta take the helm and chart your own course! Stick to it, no matter the squalls! And when the time comes, you'll get the chance to really test the cut of your sails and show what you're made of! And... well, I hope I'm there, catching some of the light coming off you that day. TREASURE FUCKING PLANET BOIIIIIIIIIIS
62. seven characters you relate to?
jim hawkins, hikigaya hachiman, shoya ishida, natsuki subaru, Hinata Shoyo, Hiccup, roxas.
63. five songs that would play in your club?
oh god. uhhhh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. learn to fly foo fighters? castle on the hill ed sheeran? man idk im not huge on clubs, just shit from like 2000′s rock bands that white person knows the lyrics to and probably screamed in their room when they were mad
64. favorite website from your childhood?
YTV when they first released those side kick things thos games were so cool except that one day where the sidekick turned into a monster i legit got scared lol
65. any permanent scars?
tons actually and i love em! they remind me that things happened and that i wont ever forget them. currently tryna get a scar for volleyball HEHEHE
66. favorite flower(s)?
i dont know much about flowers but roses and lavender is nice. and that flower in philippines where if you touch it, it like curls into itself. 
67. good luck charms?
the keychains people i’ve fallen for have given to me. like this one bullet bill keychain AB gave me when we first met in highschool. i still have it. its faded and chipped in places but i feel like it makes me feel stronger yknow?
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
birthday cake vodka. hands down. and i’ve literally tasted my own puss from an infected wound on accident
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
in philippines flies are always swarming around peoples food so what i learned was to rip up the napkin to look like that thing people used to dust the house and it keeps them away if you swing it at them
70. left or right handed?
right handed c:
71. least favorite pattern?
pattern? uhh anything disorienting i guess
72. worst subject?
math. 100% math. 
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
meatball marinara sub with like every sauce from subway
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
8. i think i have a high pain tolerance
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
i dont remember.. maybe like 6?
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
not a big fan of plants....
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
sushi from a grocery store. just cuz im not willing to pay 30 bucks for somewhat fresh stuff from a retaurant
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? school id funny enough
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
...what? i guess jewel tones?
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
82. pc or console?
console. i have a better understanding of how console plays vs computer. computer is too finicky for me and aiming is a lot harder. console i know how people on console move and how i move and how to aim. 
83. writing or drawing?
writing. if i knew how to draw though thatd be a different answer
84. podcasts or talk radio?
talk radio cuz i like to phone in and talk about my experiences lol i got to be on one actually it was dope
84. barbie or polly pocket?
uhhhhhh barbie?
85. fairy tales or mythology?
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
death. or atleast what happens afterwards
88. your greatest wish?
to be a hero. 
89. who would you put before everyone else?
90. luckiest mistake?
one time in gym class we were playing dodgeball and i slipped trying to run backwards and a dude threw a ball at me but i kicked it in a way it went straight up and i had enough time to catch it
91. boxes or bags?
boxes, much better leverage and storing is like a game of tetris!
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
lamps or overheads. sunlight has glare on my stuff and its hard to play and fairylights arent enough 
93. nicknames?
tin man, AG, metal man, poetry man, silverado, silver city, quick silver anything with silver really.
94. favorite season?
fall and winter. winter being the best
95. favorite app on your phone?
Epic seven
96. desktop background? its a picture of hinata shoyo from HAIKYUU!! doing a spike with wings on his back!
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
only 1. thats my own lmao
98. favorite historical era?
uhhhhhh shit idk. they all seemed pretty shitty tbh..........
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