#but i'm tired of seeing takes talking about how 'evil' it is to host the finals there
fortyfive-forty · 26 days
i've been ruminating a lot on it because i think i'm bad at putting my thoughts into words but i need y'all to understand that while there are absolutely a lot of Not Good Things about the finals being held in saudi arabia for three years...the way people seem to treat is as morally black and white is shortsighted and unhelpful.
realistically the players traveling there will be protected. it may be uncomfortable, it's certainly not ideal, but they will travel there for a few weeks, play their tennis, then leave. there are a lot of women, a lot of queer people who actually live in saudi arabia who cannot just leave, who are actually subjected to laws and social climates...and to me it just seems very disrespectful to that actual lived experience, for everybody to sort of turn their noses up and get on their high horses. of course, if the players wish to opt out, that is their choice, but that is their choice to make. that's their judgement. not ours.
and then, what about a tournament like miami? florida is literally experiencing one of the worst active regressions that i've seen in the us (granted i'm young). things like critical race theory and lgbtq+ ed are being removed from curriculums, rights for trans youth, trans healthcare, etc. are going backwards. abortion rights? gun violence? and yes i know that the laws and climate in saudi arabia are different gravy, i understand that, but my point is, no one would ever DREAM of arguing against hosting a tournament in miami despite all of these issues. and we can extend this to a lot of other tournaments! i mean, all the outrage about fifa hosting a world cup in qatar, but we don't have any of these sentiments about doha? i've seen other people bring up that the finals were hosted in singapore when gay marriage was still illegal there. we've already talked about italy's fascist prime minister. and i could go on and on and on about the war crimes of countries like the us or the uk - is the us not participating actively in genocide right now? where is the standard? if you argue against hosting the finals in saudi arabia for the reason of human rights, to me it seems you have to uphold that standard for the location you do land on. and i can guarantee, you will not find a single country in the world with clean hands.
i want to be clear i am not arguing that hosting the finals in saudi arabia is a good thing, especially for three years, especially because it's definitely going there because of money, and not for any of the "good" reasons i think some people want us to believe about "improving the region" (which is very weirdly white savior-esque anyway). i don't really have an official "conclusion" to this discussion.
what i am arguing is that i think a lot of the protests against saudi arabiahosting the finals are more an example of implicit anti-arab bias and islamophobia, rather than genuine discussion. key word implicit: i don't think most people are purposefully trying to be anti-arab/islamophobic. or at least, i'd like to believe nobody is. but i also think, particularly in the west, there is already so much of this xenophobic sentiment ingrained. and this is why i think it's really really REALLY important to check ourselves when we talk about it instead of just jumping straight to the human rights conversation without a second thought.
i'll say it plainly: i don't think the finals should be held in saudi arabia. but for me, it has more to do with sportswashing, with the dangers of the way money is thrown around in sports, and because i think it's more evidence that the wta doesn't care about player welfare but rather about making a profit (what else is new). human rights are absolutely a concern of mine, but how is it fair to hold saudi arabia to a standard that we don't seem to care about for literally anybody else?
literally look at the us's ugly ugly history, past and present, and tell me why we deserve to host a tennis tournament.
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tacticalhimbo · 1 year
Hi, I wonder if you have some theory / thoughts about damnatio memoriae ending, losing faith and his (worsen?) mental state.
I'm not Catholic but the connection between mental health and faith is one of my favorite issues to talk about.
Also why Gary tried to make John as the new vessel?
Hey, thank you so much for asking!
I personally see the loss of faith having a few possible explanations! And Gary's focus on John is entirely intentional, both from a mental health standpoint and a general-ish standpoint.
A recap for the general audience (and myself, because I had to look a few things up since it's been a while):
The ending, "A New Vessel" is accompanied by the soundtrack (and text, if I believe) Damnatio Memoriae, which comes to mean a "condemnation of memory", akin to where a person or event is stricken from all official records.
As for the plot of the ending, here's the Wiki's summary -> On the day of the Profane Sabbath, Ward finds his house surrounded by cult members and unlocks the crucifix-riddled door. Inside he confronts Amy, and he begs for the nightmares to end. Amy drags him into her gaping portal, and John finds himself at the abandoned Martin house in complete disrepair, somehow much worse than it was only a month ago. Inside, he discovers that the twins he's been searching for throughout the entire story never existed. Nancy, Amy's mother, miscarried the twins, but was in complete denial of it, going so far as to host a birthday party for them. Eventually, John finds two effigies in their room and succumbs to his despair. Amy and Michael appear and take his hands before a giant demonic hand appears and swallows them up. Then the entire Martin house vanishes.
Please let me know if this needs to be tagged! I also apologize for any grammar errors, I got excited to answer this and I'd just woken up, so my brain isn't all there yet sdjdkdkd—
I'll put my thoughts below the cut, though, because this got more wordy than I'd thought ^^;
In regards to John's deteriorating faith, the explanation for why his faith is so weak/withers so easily is dependent on how the game's plot is interpreted (at least, in my opinion). So, to circle back to some of the points I made in my first solid meta post regarding John [LINK], I'll break down the two primary perceptions.
If assuming everything happening is 100% real and John's perspective is reliable:
It's simply a matter of fighting a losing battle. Seeing your faith be challenged so successfully (re: multiple dead priests, a church taken over by demonic entities, etc) is... a lot!
As someone who's loosely Catholic (vaguely raised, abandoned, and now on the fence of re-converting), the main lesson people are taught is that sin and evil are two very powerful things. They swallow and consume a person. They're what made the world the place it is today, and why humanity could not remain in the Garden of Eden. Of course, the emphasis put on these points and the way they're told is variable on the individual church's belief system (re: the difference between "normal" Catholics and fascist Evangelicals), but that's besides the point.
So John seeing that happen over and over and over, and ultimately failing to save Amy, is just tiring. It's draining. He realizes by the end of Chapter 3 that he's lost, and Gary has won. Gary was right.
However, if assuming that either everything was "in John's head" (lack of better phrasing), or that some things were true but exaggerated by John's mental health:
Then I believe that John's loss of motivation/faith could genuinely be him coming out of an episode and perceiving the gravity of everything.
This is a bit harder to explain given the precursor for this ending is not entering Garyland, and the strongest case could be made by pointing to the fact that, allegedly, John was the one to eviscerate the cultists in the bloodied room... but still. A lot of things happen in Chapter 3 outside of Gary's labyrinth that would weigh heavily on John's consciousness. One of the other most notable circumstances being if he cannot save Lisa from Alu/the cult, and she dies because he (while possessed or in a state of psychosis) ultimately kills her.
That, and there is the idea that John is outright killing the cultists/people he flashes the crucifix to.
Now, before I explain part of that, I just want to say that all cops are shit at their jobs. They protect nobody and often target folk just because they can, and use "self defense" as a way to get out of the repercussions. However, it is interesting that when John raises the crucifix (when exiting the front door of the daycare, opposed to the back entrance), the cops state that he has a gun. Of course, this could be that classic "shoot anything that moves and make a move" mentality, or it could be a genuine observation (after all, they are fictional so there is a chance they have some intelligence).
My disdain for the law aside, the very act of exorcism is a banishment. A damntation of demonic entities back to Hell, where they either are imprisoned (returning to their natural states and unable to re-enter the surface) or executed (if the demon is too weak to presumably recuperate from Christ's intervention/flee to Hell). So, in the assumption that the UNSPEAKABLE really is grasping every cultist's soul... Yeah. They're gone. John has effectively killed the person and, maybe, left behind a husk. A shell of who they were.
And that acts as a segue into the second question:
Why in the hell (pun intended) would Gary want to use a priest as a vessel?
The short answer is that John is, genuinely, the perfect vessel. My understanding of the process is that the victim must be on the younger side, physically healthy, and (most importantly) non-consenting to the process (able to be manipulated and coerced into "consenting").
John is in his early 30s, is pretty healthy minus the achey knee and dormant asthma, and very much non-consenting, seeing as he goes through so much to attempt to stop the UNSPEAKABLE's commanding demon, Gary/Astaroth. Plus him being in active bouts of psychosis makes it so much easier for someone like Gary to affirm the delusions and essentially become the little devil on John's shoulder.
EDIT: I've posted some audio files regarding this! Check it out here [ LINK ]
But aside from that, it comes down to power. Gary wants to demonic rebellion to have influence. To be something that compels people and leaves behind a great legacy.
What better way to do that than take a holy man (assuming John is/was ordained) and make him a tool for the devil?
In context of a cult structure, the move is one of the biggest chess plays Gary can make as a leader.
Cults, especially those with destructive and a religious structure, are hierarchial and authoritative. There is supposed to be no question to what the leader wills. What Gary says should go. That's why he ultimately ended up targeting Lisa. As a failed attempt by Tiffany to make Lisa a vessel (and therefore prove her own worthiness to Gary), she knows too much about the true intentions. She is a flight risk. She's been found to be communicating with John (an extension of the church). People like Lisa are dangerous to the cult's imbalance, as are the ties they have within the greater community.
Which is why, too, John becomes such a pertinent target for Gary (lest we forget one of the Chapter 1 endings has him and his cult confront John on an empty highway).
It all shows that, even if he were not a demon, that he is convincing. That he can wear down at someone with a (presumably) strong conviction and duty to Christ. People would be fools to question him! He must know what he's doing if he can "break" a priest.
TLDR: Gary's entire mentality as a cult leader (and demonic commander) trying to regain control after a critical incident ks
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And this, ultimately, is what is referred to with the idea of Damnatio Memoriae! John is so overshadowed and overtaken (whether by the UNSPEAKABLE, the cult, or his own mind) that he's effectively erased from memory. Him, the twins, Michael, Amy, they all mean nothing in the grand scheme of what would come should the cult succeed in its plan. They were all mere cogs in the machine.
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fuzedatti · 1 year
XI. Memento mori
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───── ❝ 𝐀𝐧 𝐒𝐂𝐏 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞 ❞ ─────
—Have you ever wondered how bad it is to love?
Nicéphore's tired feet brought out his irritable side, carrying the little boy on his shoulders did not help his now short temper.
—What do you mean?– Asked the doctor. —What kind of trick are you doing now?–
The mask was silent for a few moments, thinking about his answer.
—Nothing.– He tolted his head. -I just want to know.-
The distant lights of the city seemed like paradise at that moment, shining among the emptiness of the frozen desert, they had been walking for about 15 hours or so; Not being human, tiredness was the least of their concern, but when it came to their mind, it could not be controlled. The doctor stopped dead in that place, alerting the minor to the situation. Louis turned to see his lover with an arrogant face, knowing exactly what to answer.
—Makes you weak.– Dyo didn't answer. —Wasn't what you wanted to hear?–
The gusts of wind accommodated the few loose hair of the Frenchman, mesmerized by the petrified God.
—Yes, that was it.
Junior kept his head down as he listened to his "parents" speak. He was not a child, not as they thought, he was analyzing the environment, observing. He adjusted his hat a bit to continue harassing their presence, now tense from the discussion.
—Do you think I'm weak, Louis...? Do you think I'm a fool?
A slight tic in his eye made him react, taking the doctor by the neck to slam him against the ground. His head thudded against a nearby rock, without reacting, Louis looked directly at Dýo, hollow inside.
—Even after all these years,– He said as she helped him up. —You still don't know how to respect me.–
The plague doctor chuckled, taunting his lover discreetly. He took the minor by the hand to rest his numb shoulders. The monstrosity remained silent, its steps heavy against the rough earth, watching its footprints disappear against the wind. Will the other prints disappear too?
The hours seemed to slip away easily. The sound of rampant addiction and sin reverberated through their heads. The thousands of flashes could blind a mortal, but to them, it was insignificant.
One night on the last day of October marked history. When witches were burned to scare away evil spirits, but what they did not know is that they had created new monsters; Mythical monsters, worthy of nightmares, human monsters.
The crowd of people were all in costumes, too distracted to notice the presence of the Keter and Euclid class entities. The foundation was lying when it said that no one, and I repeat, no one should know about the anomalies; Ironically they adored their "costumes", hailing how realistic they looked and their creativity in doing so.
Louis's heavy voice whispered something to Dýo, in a language already forgotten by mortals, even the smallest could understand it. They talked about the escape, what they would do next, and most importantly, finding a new host for Dýo. The current body was already on the verge of disintegrating, the bones stopped looking like props, and his height decreased every day. Both eternals analyzed the environment to find a suitable host, it had to be someone tall, strong and especially resistant. He must have someone young with a lot of energy, the human metabolism sped up wildly when Dýo was ported, having to eat exuberant amounts of food a day to stay on his feet.
Among all the people, a woman of approximately 6'5 caught their attention, she seemed vigorous and fit for a guest, his eyes never leaving her. Cautiously, the pair approached her, imitating each other's movements, as if it were a reflex. Every step the mask took was one less limb for him, the humans too drugged to notice the decomposing corpse next to him. Once at a safe distance, Louis pulled a syringe from his robes and while the woman was distracted, he nimbly injected the liquid right into her lumbar vertebra, letting her spinal fluid absorb the toxin.
The woman began to deform in a matter of seconds, scaring the other mortals not understanding what was happening. Her brain totally drunk on new forms of life surrendered to hers, leaving her body at the mercy of Dýo, who, theatrically, extended his arms to engulf the female body and become one with her. Its dark tentacles embraced the limbs, bursting their veins and arteries. The mask settled on the face, now destroyed by the weight, leaving the deity in total control. The horrified people screamed for help, but it was all a Halloween show in their eyes. The mask gave a long stretch to crack the remaining bones, a new body to possess felt good.
Beneath their naivety, people kept praising the costume, the hollow shell of the soul that is now in a better place. The doctor turned to his creation, which was now laughing non-stop for no reason.
—You didn't have to do all that theatrics for something so simple.
—They adore me.– Dýo sighed. —Like old times, they adore me.–
Louis said nothing, letting his partner's dream not be broken into a thousand pieces. The bad thing was that, apart from the terrified people, they had to keep moving forward but the deity obviously wouldn't want to, she wanted to have fun and her subjects must entertain her. Soon the doctor lost sight of his Lord, frowning behind his mask. The corner near the main street seemed like a good place to wait for her for about two hours. No matter where he looked, the tide of people seemed to never cease, millions of ornate heads flooding his vision, it was nauseating.
Arms folded, he killed anyone who got close to him, it didn't matter, they just looked like common drunks with nothing else to do in their lives but fall asleep on the sidewalk. His deathtouch was effective, sure, but there were times when he wished he had the powers of the mask, to change his body at will, to create new limbs and that enchanting ability to manipulate, he was convinced he was under its spell, somehow. All his hands did was kill and satisfy, create, but never prove anything. His cure proved nothing.
He hadn't noticed the passage of time, nor the moment when Junior disappeared from his side. He turned to look for him, but there was no sign of his presence, at that moment he began to despair. In his own language, he screamed for him, he began to get dizzy among so many humans, so many identical faces, so many illusions, he felt death near. He yelled and yelled until he got an answer but not from the little one, but from his partner.
—Could you stop making that annoying sound?– She complained. —Why don't you try to have a little fun?–
—No, I just-
—You always make excuses for my potential. I am a God, your God. Why would you disobey your lord and master?
—My Lord, listen to me, I need-
—I need.– She imitated his voice. —What do you need? To rescue you, to make you feel full? Or to give a purpose to your existence?–
Dýo's perpetual smile disappeared in that instant, changing to one of anguish. The human companions looked at this paranormal change with terror and ran away, watching the creature increase in size.
—Are you that insignificant to lose a mere creature?– His voice, though serene, emanated hate.
—If you had only put your human needs aside, he wouldn't be lost right now.
—Humans!?– Dýo yelled. —How dare you call me human!?–
The deity roughly grabbed the doctor, trying to destroy his bones with violence, but the french didn't communicate anything, his expression of indifference remained the same.
—Do you care so much about the baby?
—YOU don't understand.– Dýo growled. —Bring me that creature, NOW!–
Louis was about to do something unthinkable, aiming the spike of his mask at the opponent's center, but he was interrupted by the sound of slow clapping in the distance.
The scarlet necklace wobbled gently, each movement creating a reflection. The man stood on his spot as he continued to clap his hands, his smile poisoned with pride.
—Well done, well done...– Bright whispered.
Both anomalies were released to turn to see their opponent. The crimson figure loomed toward them with power, each step heavier than the last, revealing its hollow, glass-encased eyes. Accompanied by a group of MTFs, he smiled placidly upon seeing that his objective had been achieved, the capture of SCP-035 and SCP-049.
Words were lacking to describe that moment, but the look full of hate towards Bright explained it perfectly. Have you ever hated so much, so deep, that it generates love? Genuine love, a love rooted in the death of the one you hate.
Because on that night, Dr. Jack Bright didn't know he was going to die.
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dariaendzhyel · 2 years
Что у вампира на уме?
What's on the vampire's mind?
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Caleb: You know, it's very strange. Vlad hasn't hosted an event like this in a long time. What did he think?
Daria: Maybe... just decided to take a break from everything and break away to the fullest?
Caleb: I don't think a 200+ vampire needs a "party" like that.
Daria: I don't know, I don't know...
Daria: Sebastian told me that Vlad used to do bad things. This is true?
Caleb: Bad??!? Oh no. Terrible!! He thought only of himself, he felt good when others suffer, loved to insult everyone, mocked all vampires ..
Daria: Can you be more specific?
Caleb: Let him tell you himself...Here he is!
Vlad: Good night everyone, my dear friends...Hmm...I actually thought there would be more vampires...Well, that won't stop us have fun!
So invite the girls to dance and enjoy the evening!
Daria: V-Vlad, everyone is looking at us so strangely.
Vlad: They are just surprised that I have a wife. This is how they look at us.
Daria: You know, we need to talk.
Vlad: Did something happen, my dear?
Daria: Nothing, I just want to ask you something.
Vlad: Is it something personal? Should we retire?
Daria: Yes... Let's get out of here.
Vlad: So... What do you want to talk to me about?
Daria: I would like to talk about you, or rather about your past.
Vlad: About the past? Are you really interested?
Daria: Yes! Vladdy! Tell me.
Vlad: You know, before I met you, you... I was different. I was pure evil. The other vampires were afraid of me. Boys and girls were afraid of me. No one could pacify this darkness. But you Daria was able to see the light in me and thanks to you I began to change. You changed me.
Daria: Vladdy, I'm glad I could help you get rid of the darkness.
Vlad: It's impossible to get rid of her, she's with me forever. But next to you, she calms down ... I wanted to collect all the vampires, to show that I have changed, but I did not succeed. Nobody wants to do business with me, after my past.
Daria: You know, let's go and spend time together.
Vlad: I don't mind)
Vampire: And where is our Count and his wife?
Sebastian: I don't know... They've gone somewhere.
*knocking and moaning from above*
Caleb: Do you hear that?
Vampire: It seems to me that we are superfluous here.
Lilith: I think so too...Let's leave a note that we left and leave them alone.
Daria: Can you be quiet...The bed is shaking!..OW!
Vlad: I'm sorry my dear, it's all because of the dark form. I'll try to be even more gentle.
Daria: Do your best, my dear... It seems to me that everything is heard very well from below.
Vlad: Well... It's okay... You know, I won't last long.
Daria: You know...I'm really tired....I need to rest.Wait! I hope you used contraceptives?
Vlad:..... Y-Yes..Of course!
Daria: Okay...I'm going to bed, good night, my good.
Vlad: I'll close the door and join you.
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splittinghares · 2 years
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content warnings: horror, acts of violence, unaliving, unreality, generally just an absolute mess. please read with caution. never does this get too terribly graphic, but the story elements alone are fairly disturbing.
you've destroyed us. you've destroyed everything. i don't know if you're EVIL, or just stupid!
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when thinking in infinities, 'unlikely' is just certainty waiting for its turn.
THE CAPTAIN not hare, never again is what happens when what typically bends decides it's finally time to break. no matter how low the chances are for particular events to occur, there will still be somewhere, someone that experiences these terribly unlucky, no-good, very-bad thing. THE CAPTAIN IS THAT THING. this is when you should take off running. because people who get in the captain's way quickly, desperately wish that they had never so much has locked eyes with whatever they are.
the consequences of beating a typically gracious person down over and over and over and over again are the consequences that saw themselves handed down onto the crew of the invincible ii. drowning under the onslaught of insults, blame, guilt, death being loaded onto their shoulders, the viewer — rather than allow this to inspire them to seek a solution — elected to do something nuclear different.
THE HEAD ENGINEER IS SAVED FOR LAST. the captain is ignorant to his pleas. captain, what are you doing? captain? wait, captain, you aren't really going to — CAPTAIN! the invincible ii employs quite the staff. the captain takes great joy in how quickly their smiles and polite greetings are reduced to screams, wails, apologies. YOU'RE ONLY SORRY YOU WERE RIGHT.
it isn't a simple process. but the handy little toy they'd taken from the abyss he, YOU! IT WAS ALWAYS YOU, MARK! stuck them in with his pathetic incompetence certainly helps. THE CAPTAIN MAKES A PERFECT HOST. the crackle of the warp core's power beneath their skin makes them feel more alive than they ever have. an unstoppable force meets an invincible object. too bad it's not really invincible, huh, mark? another lie weak things tell themselves.
CAPTAIN, THINK OF THE COLONISTS! of course they do! the captain makes sure each and every colonist gets exactly the rest they deserve. sweet dreams! ( what were they all talking about? — the captain helped you find your way to a new land, after all! ) the head engineer is being extremely annoying by this point. you'd think he would've given up by now. TAKE A PAGE FROM YOUR OWN BOOK AND LET GO!
but he doesn't. the captain isn't surprised, not really — just tired of his yammering. his ugly, streaming tears, his babbles for mercy, his incessant questions. when every other light on that ship has been snuffed out apart from their daring duo, the head engineer meekly asks if it's his turn.
THE CAPTAIN CAN'T HELP BUT LAUGH. they laugh, and stuff the head engineer into the singular cryo pod they had not smashed through. he pounds on the glass. the captain does not care, simply watching until he stills under the affects of the pod. no, mark, you can't die! — if you did that, you'd just come back, and you might try and get in the captain's way again. and they really would rather you didn't. they'd really like it if they just never saw your face ever again.
the captain leaves that empty husk of a universe to its sole occupant.
with a singular warp core left behind, all is as it should be. all the better, really, to keep the head engineer exactly where the captain wants him — can't have the universe failing and letting him loose.
the warp core gives the captain all of the might they could want, and frees them of the control of story. it could almost be sweet. it could almost be exactly what hare deserved. too bad they aren't here to see it.
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the captain is someone who is fiercely protective of what they have taken by force. their sole desire is to be free, and to be able to live the life that they want. typically, if left undisturbed, the captain would settle down on the edge of some reality, away from other people, and live out the rest of their days in peace. but so few stories are so peaceful. for those who find themselves in the company of the captain, they do not inherently wish you ill-will. however, they will not tolerate your questions, your requests, nor your accusations. if you get in their way, they will not hesitate. they are not your friend. they are not your enemy. such terms are far too storybook for them. but most of all, THEY ARE NOT HARE. and they never will be again.
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final notes: honestly this disclaimer is practically unnecessary given how lovely my moots are, and how i trust all of you to take care of yourselves, but i'm saying it anyway: it is purely because of the captain's temperament, their penchant for cruelty, && their frankly catty personality, that the captain is something i use selectively / upon request. i say this in the kindest way possible, but do not initiate with captain unless you are willing to risk things getting dark. i am happy to roleplay with captain — that's why they're here, after all! — but i need people to understand that they are not the same animal, by far, that hare is. anyway. thank you for reading this far. i really hope that people find captain interesting, because i am definitely eager to play around with them. ily all!
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purplexiasphinx · 3 years
ok so I'm hyperfixating therefore I will hyperanalyze Rider's Lullaby please enjoy
I'm on mobile so I can't put a readmore so uhhh beware of spoilers pls scroll
I'm very obsessed with this. First of all, we don't actually... we don't actually have much information on Rider. She's just Rider, y'know? We know a lot about Horse. We know Horse is brave and strong and willing to give up... anything to keep the people she cares about safe. And that's beautiful.
But PAST that. Rider's Lullaby is sort of... well. Okay.
Let me put it like this.
The Nowhere King's song is often called a lullaby. Rider's Lullaby is literally called a lullaby. It's in the name. Okay, now hear me out bc as you can PROBABLY tell this is going to get a little Out There.
OKAY so. They are both lullabies. What if... what if Rider's Lullaby is some sort of... counter to The Nowhere King.
It holds so much love and trust in it, locked hands and bright eyes and longing.
And this fucking line.
I'll never, ever leave your side...
I have not stopped thinking about this line.
I'll stay here through the darkest night...
PLUS I keep accidentally writing nightmare king when I mean nowhere king and that cannot just be a coincidence
I mean it CAN but I refuse to believe that because I am MAKING my crack theories and you're gonna LIKE IT
But PAST that because I had a new idea, WHAT IF...
what if he just didn't want to be alone?
The Nowhere King kind of reminded me of Elias. You know the one maybe.
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this fucking guy.
He reminds me of Elias.
And you know what Elias was? (At least, in the manga, which is all I have as I have not seen the anime yet)
He was lonely.
He had Chise, after a time. And they were happy. Or, at least, as happy as they could be while in constant peril.
Who did the Nowhere King have?
He had the mysterious woman, at some point.
And then she left.
She trapped him in Nowhere.
... she made him what he is now.
All that is good can never last, right?
My theory is he was toxic anyways, but she loved him. Probably still does.
He isn't just... some malevolent being here to destroy everything for shits and giggles.
He's a person with thoughts and feelings and he's hurting. That doesn't excuse his actions in the slightest, but that doesn't excuse hers either.
Sometimes the best thing is to end it all. But... what if? What if he could have been saved, if she'd... if she'd just been a little braver? Stronger? If... if she hadn't cared so much, she could have ended it.
At least, that's how I think she thinks.
What if.
She's gotta be tired of 'what if's. Of wondering. Of worrying. Of tearing herself apart with guilt and remorse, wishing she could have just done something.
But she can't. And there's nothing left to do.
Rider's Lullaby is a sign of trust and safety. The Nowhere King's song is a sign of danger, and unease.
I really like the lines "You will bring joy to the Nowhere King... when he sees the light leaving your eyes" combined with the fact that sometimes the light actually leaves his eyes. His eyes are dark, soulless voids... but also they aren't. They have a light. It just...
I don't think that's a soul. That is an evil presence, a darkness within light.
The woman is a light within darkness.
Now, this is gonna go way out past what I was talking about and just do a complete U-Turn back to the Nowhere King because IN CASE YOU COULD NOT TELL he is one of my favorite characters right after the Gang (they count as one character solely because I could never pick between them)
his song.
It always contains a lot of voices. More than you can see. The plants sing, sure, BUT.
Those plants aren't centaurs. We've seen centaur trees, and plenty of other things... but those plants are just... plants. That Sing.
And from the Shamans, we know that at least some plants are connected and speak easily.
And then there's the flowers.
I think that they are part of the Nowhere King. They aren't just plants, they're roots. They're connections.
And. Going even farther out.
I think they might also be souls. Souls that the Nowhere King has taken. Stolen. Consumed. Each voice in the chorus is someone that has been lost in the inky-black pool that is... him.
He is a corruption. An infestation.
But... what if he isn't? What if the Nowhere King is really just the skull, and the 'ink' is the real problem? What if he was corrupted, just like the rest of the voices?
What if... what if the light already left his eyes, and he's merely a husk for the one pulling the strings?
What if he died a long, long time ago... and she (the woman) just couldn't handle that? What if she couldn't live without him? What if she was willing to do anything to save him?
What if she was willing to even do something despicable, something nobody was willing to do?
I saw a post talking about how there's probably another world, the one where the Minotaurs came from? What if... what if they're not the only thing that came from there?
A human body can only take so much strain before it collapses. Falls apart.
However, a centaur body...
Maybe something needed a host. And the woman was the perfect vessel... to bring it to the host it needed.
Maybe it offered life. An exchange. It could have a host, and she could have the one she loved back.
But it wasn't him anymore. It wasn't the person she knew. He was the Nowhere King now.
A waking nightmare.
So she did the only thing she could, and locked him away.
Where he couldn't hurt anyone. And nobody could hurt him.
Nothing good is meant to last.
Anyways I'm just really hyped for the next season ok bye
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dukereviewsxtra · 4 years
Duke's Monsterween: Scooby Doo The Movie
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Xtra Where We Are Continuing Duke's Monsterween...
Where Yesterday On Duke Reviews, I Reviewed The Original Dracula, Starring Bela Lugosi But On Duke Reviews Xtra We're Going A Little Kid Friendly This Year By Reviewing Some Halloween Movies Done By Disney In An Effort To Somewhat Continue Our Look At Disney...
We're Not Looking At Disney This Week, But Instead We're Going To Look At 3 Scooby Doo Movies This Week, Starting With Scooby Doo The Movie...
This Movie Sees Mystery Inc. Breaking Up After An Argument Between Fred (Played By Kanan Jarrus) Velma (Played By Hawkeye's Wife) And Daphne (Played By Buffy The Vampire Slayer), Leaving Scooby And Shaggy (Played By The Best Shaggy In The World) To Go Off On Their Own...
But Years Later When The Gang Is Invited By Theme Park Owner Emile Mondavarious (Played By Mr. Bean) To Investigate His Theme Park When People Start Acting Weird When They Leave The Park...
Will Mystery Inc Be Able To Put Aside Their Differences And Work Together For This Mystery?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Scooby Doo The Movie...
The Film Starts At The Wow-O Toy Factory Where The Gang Is Working On The Case Of The Luna Ghost...
(End At 2:51)
Once The Ghost Is Captured, We Get A...Pamela Anderson Cameo?...
No Offense, But Of All The Celebs I Would Rather See Have A Cameo In This Movie, Pamela Anderson Was Not One Of Them...
With The Ghost Revealed And Everyone Except Shaggy And Scooby Start Arguing As Fred As He Always Takes Credit For Velma's Plans While Daphne Is Just Tired Of Being Captured During Every Mystery...
This Leads Fred, Velma And Daphne To Quit Mystery Inc. Leaving Shaggy And Scooby To Go Off On Their Own...
Two Years Later, Shaggy And Scooby Are Asked By A Representative For Emile Mondavarious To Solve A Mystery At His Theme Park, Spooky Island, But Not Interested In Going To Anyplace With The Word "Spooky" In It, They Initially Refuse...
But When The Guy Says That There's An All You Can Eat Clause In Their Deal, Scooby And Shaggy Change Their Minds And Are On Board...
Going To The Airport, Shaggy Finds Out That Fred (Who Has A New Book Out) Velma (Who Works At NASA) And Daphne (Who Has Become A Black Belt)
Because It's Sarah Michelle Gellar And We Have To Make Use Of Her Skills On Buffy In Someway...
Have Also Been Asked To Go To Spooky Island As Well By Mondavarious...
But Only Seeing Shaggy, Velma Wonders "Where's Scooby?" Which Leads To Scooby Entering Disguised As A Woman As They Don't Let Big Dogs On The Plane...
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But As Velma Starts Arguing With Fred And Daphne Again, Shaggy Tries To Play Mediator And Try To Make Them Realize How Great It Would Be If They Teamed Up Again...
Daphne's On Board But Only If Fred And Velma Are In, Which They're Not...
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Once On Board The Plane, Shaggy Falls Head Over Heals For A Girl Who Likes Scooby Snacks Also Named Mary Jane (Played By Isla Fisher, Or As She's Called Nowadays Mrs. Borat)
And Yes, I Know Mary Jane Is Another Word For Marijuana, But To Me, It Is Just A Name, Let It Go!
But Unfortunately She's Allergic To Dogs So Shaggy Has Scooby Go Spend Time With Fred And Velma While Shaggy Gets To Know Mary Jane A Little More, But When Scooby Sees A Cat, He Starts Barking And Chasing It All Over The Plane...
With The Gang Arriving On Spooky Island, They Meet Emile Mondavarious, Who Notices A Slight Change In The Teens That Leave Spooky Island, Believing That It's A Magic Spell And They Definitely Notice A Change...
The Type That Causes Your Pants To Poop...
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With Mondavarious Very Terrified And Scared For The People That Come To The Island, They Decide To Help Only Fred, Velma And Daphne Go Off On Their Own...
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Later That Night, Velma Catches A Stage Show Hosted By A Man Named N'Goo Tauna And His Partner Zarkos, Who Tell A Story Saying That The Island Was Once Home To Creatures, Who Lived Undisturbed On The Island..
But When Mondavarious Built Spooky Island, He Antagonized The Creatures And Have Since Been Plotting Their Revenge...
Meanwhile, Shaggy Is Out On His First Date With Mary Jane, While Scooby Gets A Phone Call Saying That Someone Has Hamburgers For Him All He Has To Do Is Go Into The Dark Shadowy Part Of The Forest Where No One Can See Him...
Seriously? Did You Honestly Think Scooby Was Going To Give Up Hamburgers Even If It Was A Scary Voice On The Phone Who Told Him To Go To A Scary Place To Get Them?
Hell, No!...
But Unfortunately When Scooby Gets There, He Discovers That The Hamburgers Are Fakes And That There Was A Monster Waiting For Him...
He Tells Shaggy And Mary Jane About The Monster, But All They See Is A Guy In A Costume...
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But As That Happens, Daphne Take With A Resident On The Island, A Voodoo Man, Who Warns Daphne To Get Off The Island And Stay Away From The Castle On The Top Of The Hill...
Despite Coming Up With Various Stupid Theories On What Might Be Up There, Daphne Gets Shaggy And Scooby To Help Her, Despite Refusing At First Because It's A Spooky Castle...
Joined By Fred (Who Followed Weird Footprints Up To The Castle) And Velma (Who Thought It Was The Most Obvious Place To Hatch An Evil Plan) They All Decide To Split Up And Search For Clues With Daphne Staying Where She Is, Scooby And Shaggy Going In Search Of Food...
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And Fred And Velma Searching Other Parts Of The Castle...
But Someone Activates The Ride And Causes All Hell To Break Loose!...
(Start At 0:11, End At 2:15)
With The Ride Shut Down, Velma Finds The Secret Access Panel That Opens The Secret Room, Leading Her And Fred To Discover What Looks To Be A School For A Secret Cult...
Which Means It Could Only Be One Person...Granny Goodness!
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Ok, It's Not Granny But It Could Have Been...
Meanwhile, Daphne Comes Across A Golden Pyramid That Was Left Alone In The Middle Of A Room, So, She Decides To Grab It, But Turns Out That...
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Luckily Though Daphne Manage To Escape Before The Trap Fully Activates...
But As That Happens, Shaggy And Scooby Discover A TV Studio Where...Well...See For Yourself...
(End At 1:11)
With Alarms Going Off, The Gang Reunites And Quickly Fills Each Other In On What They Found Before Having To Hide From Henchmen Headed Their Way, One Of Them Being Zarkos, N'Goo Tauna's Right Hand Man..
Eventually Managing To Escape, They Head Back To The Spooky Island Hotel So They Can Fill Mondavarious In On The Clues And Their 3 Suspects Which Include N'Goo Tauna, The Voodoo Man And Mondavarious Himself (But Only Because He Freaks Fred Out)
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While Daphne Researches Cults On The Net, Velma Looks At The Mysterious Pyramid She Discovers That There Is More To It Than Meets The Eye.,,
Talking With A Boy She Met Earlier, Velma Tells Him That She Believes That It's Called The Daemon Ritus (After Hearing A Guard Mention That Name While The Gang Was Hiding)...
And That It Describes An Old Race Of Creatures Through It's Inscriptions That Are Reminiscent Of Ancient Pandaemonous Texts Which Explain A Sort Of Ritual...
Eventually Velma Starts Reminiscing About The Past Which Leads To A Flashback About The Old Days Where We See Everyone And I Do Mean...Everyone...
Ok, I've Dreaded Coming To This Moment, But Obviously I Have No Choice Especially Since Since Some People Tend To Complain About This Character, Let's Talk About Scrappy Doo...
First Off, I Would Like To State That I Love The Character Of Scrappy Doo, I Think He Is Very Cute, Is One Of The More Memorable Hanna-Barbera Characters And Sidekicks And Is Not As Annoying As Everyone I've Heard Talk About This Character Believes Him To Be...
The Sad Thing However Is That This Movie Does Not Play To Those Good Traits...
They Make Scrappy An Asshole And A Complete Egomaniac
And I'm Sorry But I'm On The Side Of Mystery Inc, That Brat Needs To Be Taught A Lesson! Maybe Not As Extreme As Leaving Him On The Side Of The Road But Still..
Anyway, As Velma And Her Possible Love Interest With No Name Laugh At Scrappy's Expense...
Scooby Sees One Of The Monsters And Starts Panicking, This Leads Fred To Berate Him Before Telling Everyone That There's No Such Things As Ghosts Before Being Proven Wrong, 2 Seconds After Saying That..
Monsters Scour The Entire Hotel Kidnapping Nearly Half Of The People There, Including Fred, Velma, Her Unnamed Love Interest And Mr. Mondavarious, With Shaggy, Scooby,Daphne And Mary Jane Escaping Before The Monsters Got Them...
They Follow Them To The Area Where N'Goo Tauna Had His Show But Their Path Ends Up Blocked By A Stone Slab, This Leads Mary Jane To Call The Coast Guard But They're No Help As 2 Of Them Are Monsters...
This Movie Is Quickly Becoming Body Snatchers 2...
The Next Morning Everything Seems Back To Normal With The Hotel Repaired And Nearly Everyone Completely Back (Though Not As They Once Were)
Deciding To Split Up, Mary Jane Goes To Find Her Friends While Daphne, Shaggy And Scooby Look Around...
As Daphne Has An Encounter With Sugar Ray...
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Not The Boxer, The Band!
Shaggy And Scooby Find Fred Only To Discover That Everyone On The Island Has Been Possessed By The Monsters As Daphne Gets Kidnapped By Zarkos...
(Start At 0:46, End At 2:12)
But As They're Driving, Scooby Discovers That Mary Jane Is A Monster As Well...
He Tries To Explain This To Shaggy, But He's Too Blinded To Even See It Leading The 2 Friends To Fight, But When Scooby Is Captured, Shaggy... Doesn't Figure Out That Mary Jane's A Monster But Decides To Put His Friendship First Before His Relationship...
Dropping Into The Same Hole That Scooby Fell Into, Shaggy Finds A Vat Filled With The Spirits Of Everyone Who Arrives On Spooky Island...
Hearing Velma's Voice, Shaggy Saves Her So She Can Go Back To Her Body So She Can Discover That The Creatures Are Weakened By Sunlight...
Shaggy Also Manages To Save Fred And Daphne Too (Whether Daphne Likes It Or Not) But There's A Little Mix-Up...
(Start At 0:46, End At 1:33)
Ok 1st, If I Were In Sarah Michele Gellar's Body, I'd Do The Exact Same Thing And 2nd, You're Married To Her, Freddie, See Her Naked On Your Own Time...
When The Gang Reunites, Daphne Gets Mad Over Fred Touching Her Body, But The Problem Is Soon Remedied By The Daemon Ritus Which Switches The Team's Bodies Until They're Back To Normal...
Seeing An Explosion Afterwards, It Leads Them To The Voodoo Man Who Was Doing A Sacrifice In An Effort To Protect Himself From The Creatures Darkopolips Ritual, Which Will Allow Them To Rule Earth For 10,000 Years...
Or In Other Words...
However, In Order To Pull It Off, The Leader Must Absorb A Pure Soul In Order To Do So, Thus...Scooby...
But The Question Lies Who Is Behind All This? And Unfortunately, It's The One That Brought Scooby There....Mondavarious, Who Convinces Scooby To Be His Sacrifice...
With Fred Still Wondering If Mondavarious Wanted Scooby Why Did He Bring All Of Them, Shaggy Tells Fred That It Doesn't Matter And That They Have To Save Scooby...
This Leads To Fred, Daphne And Velma Finally Reconciling So They Can Come Up With A Plan To Save Scooby...
With The Plan Set, Everyone Arrives For The Ritual Including Mondavarious And N'Goo Tauna, But As They Prepare To Start, Fred And Velma Are Discovered As Shaggy Joins A Bunch Of Henchmen In Bringing Out Scooby Which Leads The 2 Buddies To Reconcile...
But They Don't Run Off In Time And The Ritual Begins As Scooby's Spirit Is Taken From Him. Luckily, Shaggy Frees Scooby From The Spirit Pincher And Back To His Body While Hitting Mondavarious With The Pincer In The Process...
Going To Check On Mondavarious, Fred And Velma Discover A Possible Mask But Actually Mondavarious Is A Robot Who Is Piloted By...(Sighs) Scrappy...
First, Let Me Say That While This Is Defiantly A Disservice To The Character, This Was A Good Twist Despite Some People Thinking That It Was Too Obvious...
With Some Souls In Him, Scrappy Transforms Into Scrappysaurus Rex As He Reveals That He Brought The Team There To Witness His Moment Of Triumph...
Meanwhile On The Roof, Daphne Tries To Open The Vent So Light Can Enter The Cave As They Release A Skull Disco Ball Which Will Destroy The Creatures But Unfortunately, She's Confronted By Zarkos Which Leads The 2 To Fight...
(End At 2:46)
With The Souls Released From The Vat, The Creatures Are Ejected By Their Host Bodies As Scrappy Reverts Back To Normal And The Disco Skull Is Released Causing The Creatures To Go Boom...
Afterward Velma And Shaggy Reunite With Their Potential Love Interests, They Rescue The Real Mondavarious And Fred And Daphne Consider Starting A Relationship In Both The Movie And Real Life...
News Crews Arrive On The Scene, So Velma Can Tell Them All What Happened And Who Did It As The Gang Announces Mystery Inc Is Back Together...
We Get A Pre Credits Scene Where Spooky Island Delivers On Their All You Can Eat Deal And Shaggy And Scooby Gorge Until They Drop...
And That's Scooby Doo The Movie And How Is This A Bad Movie?
The Story Is Interesting, The Characters Are Funny, And The CG On Scooby (Despite Some People Saying That Gollum Was Better Done Than Scooby) Was Pretty Good And Lifelike...
Yeah, It May Not Have Been A Great Mystery But This Is Scooby Doo, Not Sherlock Holmes, You Want A Great Mystery, Then Go Solve The Mystery Of Your Huge Ego, But If You Want A Funny Mystery With Funny Antics, This Movie Is Definitely For You...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off..,
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stoopsbookstore · 5 years
The Fan (Chapter 6)
Warnings - Smut, A character is consently used for sex, mentions of dead animals, blackmailing for sex
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A week had went by with no incident.
That was until Jieun woke Y/N and Hongjoong up, demanding they both go to the living room where the TV was ending some informicals and beginning the morning entertainment news.
Another scandal for the girl group Bloom?!
A comeback without Aya?!
Is Y/N dating a bad boy creep?! Is she going solo?!
Is Sanghee leaving due to group conflicts?!
It's currently 7am, I'm your host, Sooyeon, and osn this early morning edition of Koreab-
Jieun shuts the TV off, Hongjoong and Y/N hanging their heads in shame.
"Why is KoreabooTV all over our asses right now?"
"All we did was go to get snacks that night, that is it Ms. Jieun," Hongjoong was ready to get on his knees and apologize, he felt like it was his fault, "we didn't do anything else except go to the store and come back."
"Do you want us to go there and request the tapes? What do you want us to do? What do you want me to say? 'Yeah, we went out a week to go get snacks and instead we decided to fuck in the park.'" Y/N bit back, angry annoyance on his face, tears threatening to fall on her cheeks, "I'm supposed to-- we're supposed to put our lives on hold because of some stalker that the cops can't find?! That's completely and utter fucking bullshit."
Y/N stormed off to her temporary room, leaving Jieun and Hongjoong in the living room alone, "I promi-"
"I believe you. I have a favor to ask you."
"Bigger than having a cute idol in my room?" Hongjoong joked.
"I know from your mother that you're very capable in computers, I'd like to see if you could hack into this guy's account, find his IP address, anything that could help us figure out how he is," Jieun pulled out her wallet, taking out a random amount of cash, "Here."
Hongjoong took the cash, stunned at the money the manager gave him before leaving the room. Taking out his phone and filling the empty pocket with the money, he went to his bedroom, accidentally walking in on Y/N changing, her pajamas thrown on the floor in a messy pile.
"Sorry- Oh shi- I apolog-"
"Do you have a girlfriend?"
Hongjoong shook his head, wondering why Y/N asked him such a question.
"Are your curtains closed?"
"Do you want to fuck me?"
Y/N stepped up to Hongjoong, taking her bra off to join her pajamas on the floor, "I'm stressed out, deeply annoyed and frustrated in every sense of the word. If you say no, I'll just go take a shower and we can forget about this."
"And if I say yes?"
"You get to lock that door, shove my panties in my mouth, put a condom on yout cock, and fuck me doggy style on that bed."
Hongjoong took a moment before kissing Y/N, pushing her against the wall, her nails clawing into his biceps. He licked her neck, stopping at her ear.
"Fuck, Hongjoong," Y/N pulled on his belt loops, rubing her barely covered clit on his jeans, his hands helping move her hips, "bed now please."
Hongjoong and Y/N danced to the bed, Hongjoong peeling off the lace panties of Y/N as she reached in her purse for a foil package, his lips connecting with her pussy, licking up the juices that started gathering.
"You taste amazing, baby," Hongjoong kept lapping up at Y/N's core, bringing her closer to him, "I could eat you for the rest of my life, holy fuck."
Y/N leaned up, her face hot from the pleasure, Hongjoong pulling away from her and wiping his face. Grabbing the condom from Y/N, he took out his pants, rolling the rubber onto his cock. Hongjoong also reached for Y/N's panties, shoving them in her mouth before sliding into her with ease.
"You look so beautiful like that," Hongjoong started humping Y/N, his thrusts sharp and precise, Y/N's wild moans muffled by the homemade ball gag.
Hongjoong bent down, growling in Y/N's ear as he kept up his thrusts at a wild pace, "forget about all of the stress, you don't deserve it, just let it all go."
Y/N opened her mouth to let out a silent scream, the balled-up panties falling from her lips, "Ho-Hongjoong, your cock is so good. Harder please."
Hongjoong had an evil smile on his face, arching Y/N's back to hit that one special spot and fucking her harder, "like that, baby?"
"Yes, fucking yes."
"Such a dirty slut, just using me for your own pleasure," Hongjoong pulled out, denying Y/N the beginning of her orgasm, "flip over, knees to your chest."
"Yes, sir," Hongjoong's cock throbbed at the nickname, Y/N turning over and presenting herself to her temporary lover.
"Using me," Hongjoong pushed into Y/N again, picking up back the same tempo he had before, "trying to fuck me before your friends wake up, before my mom sees us. Before that dumb bitch manager of yours find you with my cock buried in your slick, warm pussy."
Y/N started to clench around Hongjoong, covering her mouth to muffle the sinful noises. Hongjoong moved Y/N's legs to rest on his shoulders, the new angle giving him a deeper thrust, Y/N letting go as she felt Hongjoong continously hit that one spot that drove her crazy.
Hongjoong came into the condom, Y/N's eyes closed as he rested his head against her forehead, catching his breath, "if you want to put your legs down, you can."
"I'm too tired."
"This situation has drained you that bad, huh?" Hongjoong left a kiss on her shoulder.
"You try being stalked by an insane fan and see how you like it," Y/N pushed Hongjoong off of her, pulling off his shirt to wipe her thighs clean, "I owe you a new one."
"Maybe I could sell it on eBay, became a millionaire," Hongjoong joked, throwing the shirt into the hamper, a perfect shoot that left Y/N impressed.
"Not bad, Hongjoong. Can you hand me a shirt now?"
Hongjoong walked to Y/N's suitcase, pulling out a cream colored off-the-shoulder shirt and a black sports bra, unaware of the red light on his laptop, "I don't think my mom would like if your nipples were showing."
"Points for thinking ahead and bonus points for not making one of those 'your nipples are only for me to see' jokes."
"I'd be lying if I said it didn't cross my mind," Hongjoong watched Y/N put on her top, standing up to wiggle back into the shorts she was wearing before their romp, "if you need to de-stress, you know where I am."
Y/N had a half-smile appear on her face, looking down to see Hongjoong's flacid cock.
"I'll keep that in mind."
Later that day, everyone was in the house or backyard, just doing their own thing. The mailman had dropped off that day's mail, a letter addressed to Hongjoong.
"Hongie! You have mail," his mother yelled to upstairs.
Y/N and Hongjoong walked into the kitchen together, Haeun handing him the envelope and reading it, Y/N peeking over his shoulder and being awful touchy for someone who just wanted a quick fuck.
You always love to break my heart, Y/N, don't you?
Fucking that Hongjoong guy, moaning his name when it should be mine. You should be crying out Milton in the throes of passion.
I've seen the video, tell Hongjoong and Haeun to beef up their security, a wifi name 8Makes and the password 1Team is so fucking stupid. Maybe don't make it your so called "group's" tagline.
How's that Sanghee fansite, by the way? I heard she's in talks to leave the group. That's two members done two to go. When Y/N is free of all of those patheic waste of talent and space, she'd be the best soloist there is.
To this Hongjoong guy, watch your back because I'm not letting you take Y/N from me. You really don't think I'd set your friend's photo studio on fire? That I wouldn't hurt every single one of you? Mingi is a patheic double bias cheating scumbag, San has to use you to help him and you....
I know how you were when you were younger. Taking upskirt photos of girls, trying to blackmail them, sex for their photos. How would Y/N fe-
Oh, wait. She used you for sex. That's all you are to her, a human dildo attached to a body.
I'd watch your back and steer clear of that studio. That is unless of course you like the smell of dead animals.
Be careful who you fuck with.
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lostlegendaerie · 7 years
omg, i'm an older sibling and it annoys me how much people ignore the fact that north does nOOOOTHING for south in the aftermath of her falling from the board. look at the way she goes down all easy when he "protects" her from that bridge. she may complain about the impact the perception of them as twins on her identity, but SHE'S USED TO HIS INFLUENCE. and then it just. stops. (1/2)
(2/2) he doesn't try to level with her about things being bullshit at any point? there is NO #REALTALK??? they were the only freelancers (fuck off leonard) that were legit family, and we didn't get that angle from them at allllll. it gives me sads. but i also get what it's like to plainly be e x h a u s t e d with your own shit, so i don't blame north—i blame the fucking director, lmao.
exactly. like i totally, totally understand why a lot of people love north bc he’s a good character so dont assume this is hate in any stretch but like. g o d. its so obvious to me, as someone who has some issues similar to souths, how much it would have stung to basically have my twin ditch me to hang out with the Cool Kids? bc thats what happens. south starts to slide from the leader board and all north seems to do is treat her like she’s some kind of obstacle or issue that he’s responsible for. *cue I’m Just Your Problem blasted over the helmet radios* and like? to see his lack of compassion for his sister in the face of how much he adored theta? (IIRC we NEVER see north defend anything his sister does - we hear him wearily say he’ll go talk to her, have him chide her during a mission. that’s it) it’s so jarring and really serves to show how close they were before the Director started shoving her down the leader board. (PFL was incredible cruel to all of its female characters; and while 9-10 are still my fav seasons there is def some really, really misogynistic shit in those seasons.)
honestly it just kind of adds fuel to the idea i’ve always had, which was that all of the AI were mildly parasitic and influenced whoevers mind they were in into protecting them/making them the highest priority. not to call delta or theta evil or even for doing that intentionally, but i can’t forget the fact that they’re all incredibly emotionally damaged churches, fragments of people, and probably had some kind of strong pull over the though processes and motivations of their partners/hosts.
so like, honestly? you can never ever convince me that north was right to treat his sister the way he did in s10. you can absolutely say that the narrative or the circumstances made him do it (being tired of taking care of her, etc) but it’s still a shitty thing to do to a person. especially a sibling on the way down. you see him be sweet and kind to everyone else BUT HER and its just. god. it hits too close to home for me.
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