#but i do love the idea that like for a while raph was just Resistances Best Uncle and he never lost his big soft heart or gentleness
if i had to stop at only one headcanon about casey jr and future raph ever its that middle ground where casey did know him just when he was younger so the vibe is 
someone asks about future raph at some point and with ALL the same reverence of talking about greatest ninjas greatest inventors mystic masters amazing commanders and their big heroic battles etc etc casey is just like “he called me little snapper bc when i first met him i was like 3 and i tried to bite him. when i was 7 he looped a rope around his arm and stood there with it held out for hours so i could play on a swing. he was my best friend.”
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cupcakeslushie · 9 months
i love that you said each of the bois have unspoken themes to them, that makes characters so much more deeper and interesting.
if you wouldn’t mind can you say what unspoken themes Leo, Mikey, and Raph have?
some are more obvious than others, and while i have a decent idea of what they are, i want to hear them coming from you ✨
adore your work btw, your storytelling and style enraptures me
This might be a big post just so I have everyone all in one place im going to reiterate what I said for Donnie
Donnie: Identity/Depersonalization
When Donnie's first introduced Draxum doesn't even consider him a person, and hadn't even given him a name. And then, later Donnie's got too many names to choose from. That alone would cause someone to have an identity crisis. Personality wise, he enjoys making tech, but aside from that, Donnie is never sure of which emotions he should be feeling, or what his likes and dislikes are. A lot of the time he's mirroring how his brothers are emoting, or he's just smiling to cover up the fact that he doesn't know or trust his own feelings. Future Donnie will have a horrible time with depersonalization after merging with the Technodrome and the Kraang, which will cycle around to impact present timeline Donnie during the movie.
Mikey: Worth
While Donnie was treated like nothing, Mikey was treated like an object/accessory by Big Mama. When she threw him into the Nexus, Mikey imagined it was something he did or didn't do well enough to meet her high standards. After he's reunited with Splinter and Raph, Mikey finds the little roles that neither of them have filled very well, such as cooking, and cleaning, and makes sure he excels at them almost obsessively out of this fear that if he's not useful, then he will be discarded. Future Mikey works tirelessly as the only brother with his mystic powers still intact, to the point that his body is so overworked by the time of the movie, he looks like he's moments from shattering apart, only held together through his own force of will.
Leo: Doubt
Leo has lived his life being ordered around and having his memories and personality altered. Even once he is free, his emotions are almost as erratic without Kitsune's influence, than they were while he was under her control (at least until his own cleansing ritual). His instinctual gut reaction to use most violent tactic first, clearly makes his family uneasy. So when Raph tries to get Leo to act as co-leader, Leo is very hesitant. He doesn't think he should be trusted with such a responsibility, but learns he can trust if he goes too far, his brothers will stop him. Future Leo has a really hard time with raising Casey. After Raph's gone, Leo doesn't trust any of the decisions he's now having to make solo, and he certainly doesn't think he can be a guiding force for good for a young child. Casey needs a teacher who will shape him into a strong warrior. Leo learns as Casey grows, that being the boy's Sensei is not the same as being his Master.
Raph: Regret/Guilt
Raph blames himself for almost every horrible thing his brothers and father have gone through. He's recounted the night that Leo and Mikey were taken, and gone over it a thousand times in his head, trying to work out how it could've gone differently. All the amazing things he's done by bringing his family together--being the stable bedrock that they can grow into a true family under--none of that feels like it'll ever make up for the times in the past where he failed to protect them. Raph takes on the job of shield because he wants to make sure nothing else ever hurts his brothers again, and doesn't care if hurts him instead. Future Raph is constantly putting his brothers' lives before his own. Unfortunately, doing it one too many times results in a devastating loss for the Resistance, when their Leader sacrifices himself, and the chain of command practically falls apart for months before it can recover.
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kathaynesart · 1 year
What do you take from the Rise movie’s “This isn’t about me,” message? *It’d be interesting to see this become a Tumblr thread cause I’d love to see what others think too.
That's... an important line to decipher. Deep enough to mean so many things but vague enough to be easily taken out of context. I have a lot to say about it, but I'll keep it under the cut to save others the trouble.
TLDR: Future Leo's a dum dum hypocrite
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I think... when Leo used the line in the future timeline. He was trying to remind Casey of the harsh reality that they existed in. That this was a world where they sometimes had to set aside their personal wants for the greater good. It's for that reason that Leo was able to ask Mikey to do the unthinkable and sacrifice himself in turn.
What I find fascinating about the movie, is that it both supports and counters this message. It tries to find that healthy middle ground, between present Leo's narcissistic attitude in the beginning and the downright sacrifice he's willing to make by the end. Because him sacrificing himself was NOT the happy ending. And while we get that "ending" for only a moment. We can see that method doesn't feel right either.
In that way, I don't think "it's not about me" isn't actually the "message" of the movie as some might assume at first glance. Merely a gentle reminder to check yourself before you wreck yourself. Because technically, yes, "it's not about me" does apply to many aspects of life. We can get so caught up in our own worries and concerns and perspectives and it just... muddles reality in a way. We need to see how our actions and words affect others and understand that there's so much more out there than our own little bubbles. But we also should understand our own worth within the big tapestry of life and be willing to fight for the things that matter to us.
That's why I think the actual message of the story isn't "it's not about me." It's about balance. It's about the knowing look Leo and Raph share in the end and the fact that Mikey was able to achieve the true, best ending with his brother's help to save Leo, because they know that the world may mean more in the long run, but they mean the world to each other, and I think it's really important to understand.
But that's just my long-winded opinion on the subject and there’s plenty of other interpretations I think I can totally get behind as well. It will be an element within Replica but let's also remember that Future Leo is kind of hypocrite with this line. He's says "It's not about me" but that's coming from someone who the entire resistance has centered around as its leader. He's probably a little tired of the idolization by now and does not like the idea that he's somehow more important than others. I think that's where that line really stems from for Leo. It's obvious that Casey isn't just talking about his importance as a leader, but Leo with the same line is asking him to set those feelings aside even if he is one of the most important people in Casey's life.
And then Leo turns around and throws one of the most important people in his life through the portal. A damn hypocrite (/positive)
EDIT: I was sort of ending it on a silly note but @dandylovesturtles added such a great point that I haven’t been able to put into words but feel in my heart when it comes to future Leo and definitely something I want to show with the healing process he’s been going through in Replica: and that’s the “not all about you” sometimes just means that bad things happen but you can’t just blame yourself for it, and it’s not some cosmic attack for your mistakes. The world did not come to an end because of Leo’s mistake, even if he might have once felt like that. What’s more it means you can’t put the whole world on your shoulder or always try to fix things on your own like how Leo tried to after Raph’s capture. It’s ok to seek the aid and support and ideas of others your trust. It really lines up so well with a lot of the events in the film.
Thank you @dandylovesturtles and everyone else’s amazing comments! I want to hear all of them and take notes.
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tizeline · 3 months
I was actually wondering what the Sep Au Brothers feel about fashion? I read an analysis the other day about Rise Donnie and he seems to have the best fashion sense out of them all (and may or may not have his own fashion line?? Idk but I love that idea)
So I was wondering if it was the same or different for your Donnie? Do the Drax brothers have more of a yokai fashion sense or like- idk, what do they think of human fashion?
I have no idea is that makes sense but words are difficult
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I think I've seen the same post actually, haha! Yeah, I really like the idea of Donnie being into fashion, and I don't see why it would be different for AU Donnie. As for the Drax Bros, I mentioned it in This Post but their outfits are mostly inspired by what Draxum wears, which in universe would be explained by them wanting to be like their father by emulating his sense of style. After the whole Redemption Arc thing and the Draxum family decides to abandon their Evil Plan, the trio might start exploring and developing their own taste in fashion.
Leo I feel like would be quite excited to try out human clothes, considering he already has an interest in human stuff. It might actually end up being a bit of a bonding experience for him and Donnie when they properly become friends, with Donnie helping Leo find the right outfits for him!
Mikey and Raph would proably still mostly stick to yōkai clothes, while they do eventually become, not just more open-minded about humanity, but also curious about it, they'd still wanna stick to what they're familiar with.
Actually, with Raph it might be more of a necessity. It would be really hard to find human clothes that'd fit his size, and also work with his spikes. Yōkai on the other hand are a lot more diverse physically than humans, so the people in the Hidden City who work with designing and creating clothes would take that into consideration. So needless to say it would be easier for Raph to find yōkai clothes that fit him rather than human clothes.
Seasons probably don't effect the Hidden City that much, I'd assume? Cuz it's underground? So the Drax turtles might not have that much experince with seasons. Still, I don't think they'd love winter considering the fact that they're reptiles and as such are more sensitive to cold. (I think Draxum would've made sure they're more resistant to cold than normal turtles, it would be quite inconvinient if they started brumating in the middle of a fight just cuz it was snowing lol, but they're still more susceptible to it than mammals)
I think Mikey would appreciate autumn, when all the leaves turn a vibrant orange. Both because as an artist he'd appreciate the autumn aesthetic and because... y'know, orange. I think all the bros would like summer cuz, again, reptile biology, they'd like the heat.
I'd assume yokai would have their own unique holidays that the Draxum family would celebrate, no idea what those would be, though.
Draxum has definitely informed his sons about how dangerous Big Mama is and how bad it would be if she found out that they were literally created with her favorite champion's stolen DNA. They don't like her and know to avoid her, if any business is being done between their family and Big Mama then Draxum is the one who handles most of the negotiations.
And lastly - episodes like Todd Scouts and Snow Day, and then The Mud Dogs - none of these I have figured anything out for of how they would be handled in the AU sooooo no answer for ya there, sorry!
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chiscribbs · 9 months
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Apocalypse Future Donnie Concepts
I wasn't actually planning on posting these until I had a definitive final design to share alongside them, but- It's probably going to be a while before that happens and I feel bad for how inactive this blog has been lately. I've been working on stuff, but only in-between projects, and none of it is really ready to post. So, here's a little something to prove that I am still alive. ❤
Donnie's design is so hard to update. It's just...so good in its simplicity??? Every element feels necessary to his character - so figuring out what to keep, what to get rid of, and what to change slightly is a definite challenge. It's even harder when we're given so little (canonical) information about what role he played in the Resistance and what effects the Krang Apocalypse may have had on him...including how long ago he was killed in relation to the movie. Or how he was killed, for that matter.
So, I'm playing around with some potential ideas and trying to get something that feels right - feels like Donnie, but if he had to adapt to the apocalypse (while also trying to stick to the show's simplistic, shape-heavy style, so nothing too terribly detailed or complex.) I'll share a few of these ideas below, for anyone who's interested.
(Also, yes - I know the spot-goatee is in no way an original concept, but I have a deep affection for it and had to include it in my design.)
One of the concepts I'm considering is giving Donnie a prosthetic leg, something to sort of parallel Leo with his Robo-Raph arm. But in Donnie's case, he probably lost his leg long before Raph was killed or maybe even before he built the robots of his family (maybe this serves as the inspiration or catalyst for the idea.) My working theory is that he was attempting to detonate a mine field full of some Krang dogs and something went wrong which caused him to get caught up in the resulting blast. He was lucky enough to keep his life, but lost his leg and probably some of his hearing in the process. Naturally, because it's Donnie (and because they're living through an apocalypse), the leg will be more than just a prosthetic limb - it'll have some kind of weaponry or technological capabilities built into it. Just haven't decided what that's going to be yet, lol.
I'm also toying with the idea of him creating some kind of "Ninpo Protection Device" - something to act as a defense mechanism against the Krang's mystic-cancelling (or, more accurately, locking) abilities. He's testing it on himself before green-lighting it to be used on his brothers (which, obviously, never happens.) The problem is I can't decide how to visibly convey this idea, I was thinking something along the lines of one of those medical aid devices that become permanent attachments to the user's body. But most of the visible parts of his body are covered in natural armor, save for his limbs and head. So figuring out the best placement for a thing like that has been a little challenging.
I was considering giving him a mechanical hand along with/in place of the robotic leg, as well. Reason being - he works primarily with his hands and almost never wears practical protection gear (another thing I tried to partially remedy with the addition of the gloves), so if any part of him is going to be lost, his hands would be the logical first choice. I also think there's a poetic element to the guy who relies on his tech becoming more and more "mechanical" himself (but only in the physical sense). It would also imply that there was a time when he couldn't work as efficiently on his own as he normally is able to, due to having one less hand, so there was likely an adjustment period wherein he had to lean into his mystic abilities (and the aid of others around him) far more than he's used to doing. A little background character development for him, because I love that kind of stuff.
These are about all of the definitive concepts I have for him at the moment, but obviously, I'm nowhere near having a finished design just yet. So, all of these could potentially be scrapped or tweaked in the final version.
If you read this far - kudos! And thanks for your interest! :>
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dandylovesturtles · 3 months
Does the movie still happen in SideLines AU? \
Yes! Though it would be radically different and I haven't thought much about how exactly events would play out. Leo already got his character development, though, so someone else would be the driving force of the story. Probably Raph, or maybe Mikey?
Ooooo, actually, idea for a very Raph and Mikey centric movie plot: Mikey wants to prove himself but Raph keeps trying to protect him (because he has even more ptsd about not protecting his brothers with what happened to Leo) that they are the ones fighting in the beginning, and Raph's inability to trust Mikey is what leads to the key being stolen. And the way to win is for Raph and Mikey to reconcile their differences, with Raph acknowledging that Mikey is as strong as the rest of them and he needs to trust him, and Mikey acknowledging that his brother's help isn't meant to be a sleight but is there out of love.
I'd have to think about this a lot more to give you, like, a chain of events. I actually had a completely different answer ready for this and then thought of that while I was typing lol.
As for what I was going to say, while I'm not sure exactly how the movie events go down in Sidelined AU, I do have some idea of how it changes the bad future timeline.
By the point where the timelines diverge, Leo is recovered as fully as he ever will, able to walk around the lair most days and even go out on missions, provided he's careful and knows his limits. He still uses a range of mobility aids, given how he feels on any particular day, including the wheelchair for bad days or days where he knows he would be walking more than he could otherwise handle, but he's still relatively active.
The Krang invasion reverses a lot of this. As supplies dwindle, Leo starts suffering from malnutrition and a lack of sleep, and doesn't have access to medicine to help with the pain and fatigue, which takes a big toll on his body. Also, he really overdoes it and pushes himself too hard in the early days of the invasion, which accelerates his decline. By the time Casey is old enough to remember things, Leo is entirely wheelchair bound and doesn't often leave the base, only using his portals when he needs to to evacuate members of the resistance or help civilians.
He is still very much Master Leonardo - he's highly respected in the resistance, and anyone who wants to look down on him for his disability (or for being a turtle) either learns quickly or dies. However, he's not Casey's teacher in this timeline, instead leaving that to Raph and sometimes Donnie and Mikey. So Raph is Sensei now, and Leo is Master Leonardo or just Uncle Leo.
Leo takes over most of the care of Casey after his mom dies, since he's always at base, only sometimes sending Casey to Donnie or another adult when he's particularly busy (he's still the guy in the chair here, and also handles a lot of the day to day running of the resistance). Sometime early on, Donnie builds Leo a new chair that either hovers or has some other way of mitigating rough terrain (spider arms maybe?), and he frequently lets Casey ride on it. Even as Casey gets older, hanging off Leo's chair as they move around the base is second nature to him.
Casey was so used to Leo only being in his chair he was a little shocked on coming back to the past and seeing that Leo walks fairly frequently. He also grabbed onto Leo's chair sometimes out of habit, which made younger Leo tense up initially; something they eventually work through as they get closer.
Though all four turtles make it longer in the invasion than I usually headcanon (since I usually think of Raph as dying while CJ was too young to really remember him), they do still die, and Leo is the first to go. Casey is about 11 or 12 when this happens. When the Krang finds their base while the others are gone, Leo tells Casey he loves all of them and then portals him and the other non-combatants to safety, giving his all to hold the Krang back and give them a chance to escape. After that, Raph (who was already close to Casey anyway as his teacher and another of his uncle-dads) took over as the main adult looking out for him, and started taking him out on missions.
I'm not sure what happens next but I think it's Donnie who goes next, and then Raph and Mikey's deaths playing out the same way Leo and Mikey did in the movie. Especially since that goes with what I was saying above: Raph in the future comes to see and accept Mikey as an equal rather than someone to baby, foreshadowing what their relationship will become under happier circumstances.
Thanks for the ask!
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tangledinink · 1 year
heyy!! srry to bother u again but ive started my drabble (which is actually gonna probably end up being like 3-4k augh) and i just have a question
ik mikey has ADHD and is medicated for it, but are any of the others? i would love to project my adderall woes onto as many of the turtles as possible LMAO
this particular oneshot is leo-centric insomnia stuff he learns how to play chess and it's a whole Thing
anyway thanks!! and i LOVED that comic abt them at the fancy restaurant ohmygof it made me wail
Eeee yay!!!! I’m so excited to read it when you’re done!!! :D I do think Leo probably has ADHD, but it’s not as ‘severe’ (or at least doesn’t present as classically) as with Mikey. He and Raph are currently not diagnosed with anything, but lowkey Leo probably has ADHD (at least lol) but has kind of “gotten away with it” so to speak, at least this far. Raph most definitely has an undiagnosed anxiety disorder, and their Dad (and brothers…) have been side-eyeing them both for a while now.
Yoshi has been trying to get Leo and Raph into therapy for a while now but they’ve both always been kind of resistant to it. For Leo it’s mostly because he associates the concept of therapy with Mikey and Donnie and their struggles, so he looks at them and looks at himself and is like “??? What no. I’m not the same as them so why would I need therapy or anything???” and also plays the comparison game (“yeah sure I have a hard time with X but it’s not as bad as Mikey’s time blindness or Donnie’s sensory issues so this is fine and normal, actually.”) Raph, similarly, tends to use Donnie as a “benchmark” so to speak and thus is like “well my panic attacks aren’t anywhere near as bad as his, so I’m fine,” bless his heart.
Mikey doesn’t have anything going on besides ADHD (though he does also struggle with eating a little at times coz,,, adderall), but he’s just SO ADHD. Level 100 ADHD. Donnie, my sweet baby boy, kind of has a gaggle of neurotypes and issues (autistic, anxiety, disordered eating, some OCD traits, handful of other uncategorized things…) and his family has always been very supportive of him, but the downside is that Raph and Leo are now internally kind of like. What? No. I don’t have issues. [gestures to Donnie] HE has issues!
For some reason I like the idea that Leo occasionally bums adderall off of Mikey when he’s having a particularly hard time with schoolwork or a project and is always like “lol it’s a study drug makes brain go brrrrr” and Mikey is like :||||| mmmhmmmm… yah…. that’s what this is…..
But!!! This is all very up to interpretation? I think? If you wanna diagnose Leo with ADHD and put him on Addy, then please, by all means, go right ahead! Also!!! THANK YOU!!! :3c
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mintyyyshake9000 · 1 year
and then cue leo getting KILLER phantom pains, not just in his old organic arm, but also constantly missing his literal other half
I want to entertain the idea that Leo's original right arm prosthetic was Donnie's right robotic arm because Donnie was kinda not around to use it anymore, but then it breaks or malfunctions. Maybe he was using that Raph robot arm as a placeholder while someone (most likely himself, because I think he'd sooner mince up Baxter Stockboy regardless of his contributions to the Resistance if he dared to "improve" on something Donnie did) fixed up the old one, and THEN everything went to crap.
More angst because I'm on a roll apparently. Leo is SO annoyed that he cant use the Raph arm on his left side because even if it's just a placeholder, the weight is OFF. He's supposed to be heavier on the left regardless of the support the said left is giving because even if Donnie had his own foot, it was still weight. Now that weight is on the right and Leo can't do anything about it.
Ok first: I AM SO SORRY I NEVER GOT TO THIS ASK 😭 I had completely forgotten to check my submission box cause I haven't been on tumblr much until just recently!
The thought of Leo being half robotic prosthetics is kinda funny to me cause he'd basically be a cyborg at that point XD
And when Leo loses his right arm he would totally use Don's prosthetic arm. And adding Baxter in there's a nice touch lol but I highly doubt that something that Donnie made would break or malfunction BUT yes, he would def use Raph's robotic arm as a temporary replacement while he fixes Don's arm cause: since they were conjoined for so long, Leo knows quite a bit about Donnie's tech.... but then everything goes to hell in a hand basket when the movie happens and he doesn't have time to finish fixing it :')
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dakotafinely · 1 year
heyyy !! i saw ur reqs were open and im literally about to binge everything youve written- and i hope whatever happened you’re okay now !!
im so sorry if you dont take x readers but may i request the rise turtles (separately ofc) with a reader who says the corniest, cheesiest, mind numbingly stupid pick up lines
like they think they’re safe until the reader starts spewing pick up lines at the most random moments
thank you if u decide to write this !!
Poiuhgfghjkjhnbghui hello! Thanks, the thing happened months ago I'm just super slow at responding to things oiujhjolkjh but still thanks! I hope you enjoy your reading binge!
I don't really do a lot of X Reader requests (mostly because I don't get that many) but I assure you I'm never opposed to them! Plus how can I resist such an idea, as a corny cheesy dork myself I must represent all the corny cheesy dorks out there!
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Say what you wish but this man is already a corny cheesy pun master
I mean have you HEARD his puns? He is a man of the corn(y lines)
So he's actually very good at matching your energy most of the time
Heck sometimes he can even guess what you're gonna say before you get to even say it
Tho sometimes, in the moments where he truly doesn't expect it, you can get him red as a tomato
Honestly, why do you think he likes to use cheesy and corny pick up lines? Because he's a romantic little sap who wants someone to match his energy and romance him that's why
He'll cover his face and smile wide when he blushes hard
"Ya can't just catch me off guard like that you know?" He jokes
Bc truly, he adores it that you can keep him on his toes and guessing sometimes
Complete opposite of Leo, but are we surprised by this?
Either it goes over his head by taking whatever you said literally (which you find adorkable let's be real)
Or he rolls his eyes and tells you you're a sap
But if you stop? If you stop bc you believe your annoying him or you've had a bad day and don't wanna deal with his reactions?
"Are you okay? What's wrong, you haven't made a pun and you've been here for at least ten minutes."
Worried, he won't show it, but he will pry and make sure your okay
Bc yeah, he doesn't really care for puns or cheesy pick up lines, as their not his thing in the slightest
He still likes that you do them, their your thing, and it's what makes him love you, even if he doesn't admit it
And trust me, he'd probably rather die then admit it
Mikey either giggles from them or smiles and rolls his eyes depending on the level of cheesiness
He loves you! And he loves that you love him! And he loves that you express it in a adorkable way!
What more can he say? He'll try and reciprocate it but he's not quite the pun master the way Leo is
Still, if he does and you two get the ball rolling back and forth his heart flutters with joy and that's the thing to keep him smiling for months alone
His favorites are your arty based puns, as they often come with a little doodle or are a left behind sticky note he can keep as a little token of you in his room
Plus their the easiest for him to reciprocate too as an art nerd
Just a lil cheesy doodle with a pun based pick up line and boom! You two are giggling like dorks in love
Tho he's most frequent response is often just a string of giggles and hugging you tightly
Raph is a very big pun lover as well as pun despiser
While he may laugh and rolls his eyes at everyone else's puns, if he makes one without thinking he just goes :| (contemplates life choices)
Tho in truth if he does get a laugh or giggle out of you with a pun, he'll smile wide
And he loves your puns and cheesy pick up lines so deeply
He is a blushy boy I refuse criticism
While he may roll his eyes and scoff lightly
It's SO obvious that he truly enjoys it from the blush on his face and smile spreading on his beak
He doesn't really ever return the energy you throw at him but he does always accept it and embrace it
He honestly enjoys clever puzzle based pick up lines
Or any pick up line or pun that makes him think for a minute
== == ==
This was cute! Thanks for the ask, I always enjoy 'em! Hope you have a lovely day, afternoon, and goodnight!
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funneylizzie · 2 years
i had this idea a little while ago now but uh- feel free to ignore this, it is a bit on the more.. massive oof. side of things.
so do u think casey has had to kill ppl? cuz in an apocalypse most people would come together to protect themselves and i'm sure that's what happened in casey's timeline [seeing as todd and big mama were both in the bg of the opening and how the turtles are implied leaders of the resistance] but there's always gonna be a couple people that somehow choose that fighting their own at the same time as fighting the kraang is the right choice. and sometimes situations get outta hand, so, somehow, maybe, casey's had to kill a normal non kraang-ified person.
[i love morally gray characters and a guy that grew up in the apocalypse, despite having been raised by folks that have pretty good morals, he'd probably be a bit skewed into the gray just because that's how it Is for him]
i'd personally play this for laughs, like raph tells donnie off for one of his more dangerous ideas with something like "we don't kill people" and casey's just like "ah, well, <(。_。)>"
We are gonna get real ANGSTY in here are u ready
I guarantee Casey has had to put down multiple people as an act of mercy while they’re in the process of getting Kraangified. Sometimes it’s a quick process, but sometimes it can be slow and agonizing. It’s like a secret agreement all the humans have with eachother, the “if I ever turn evil, please kill me.”
I’d imagine Casey has had to do that a few times, when the adults weren’t nearby to do it for him. (They would always offer to do it instead of him.)
It doesn’t truly dawn on Casey, just how scary that truly is until he is in present day New York. There’s so many people… there’s so many people… they all have their own lives, lives he has so easily had to take from them as an act of mercy. And after learning how good living can be when you’re not fighting for your life on a daily basis, he never wants to do that again.
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bubblybeetle · 1 year
So I’ve been thinking a bit about an Age Swap AU for Rise. I’m not very involved with the fandom yet, so I’m not sure if anyone already made one, but here’s my take!
So Mikey would be the oldest! As such that means Mikey would probably be the Leader. He kinda took a more parental role growing up, which is what influenced his love of cooking here. He started out of necessity but ended up growing to love it. While he’s of course protective of his brothers, he’s not as anxious/overprotective as canon Raph. He’s very encouraging as a leader, to a fault even. “If you believe in yourself, you can do anything.” He genuinely believes his brothers can do anything they try, even if it’s outside of their skill level. Mikey also definitely gives out color coded star stickers after each mission, with different colors meaning different things, like best teamwork, best ninja skills, etc. Donnie and Leo are very competitive about it.
Meanwhile, Raph is now the youngest. He’s still physically the largest, but the others are still quite protective of their baby brother. He never had the stress of being the one responsible for keeping the family safe, so he’d probably be more relaxed than canon Raph, and more willing to go to the others for support when he needs it. Still a bit nervous and definitely still the worrier of the group. He gets babied by the group, much like canon Mikey does, but he doesn’t mind it as much.
So Hot Soup: The Game would be about Raph’s first solo mission. Mikey would be the one to suggest Raph go on a solo mission, to which Donnie and Leo would object, saying Raph wouldn’t be able to handle it. Raph would agree. He gets nervous being on his own, and would really rather have his brothers with him. Mikey will encourage him, insisting he’s capable of doing it on his own. Raph, on his own and faced with Cass would panic, and it would be the audience’s first time seeing Savage Raph. It could be a good lesson for Mikey that sometimes there are things his brothers can’t do, and that’s okay.
I would say that Donnie and Leo are relatively unchanged here, which is true, except for the movie. I know that it was because of Leo’s capabilities that he became leader, not him being second oldest, but I couldn’t resist switching it here and having Donnie be the leader post season two. His main issue as the leader is he tends to overthink his plans. He comes up with “perfect” plans for every mission, but if they fail, he kinda..panics. He freezes, trying to come up with a new plan, and ends up wasting time thinking rather than acting. It’s great to have a plan, but he needs to learn to think on his feet better. He also doesn’t much listen to his team, because he thinks his ideas are always the best. Mikey as a leader had too much faith in everyone, Donnie doesn’t have much faith in them.
With the role swap, Mikey would also end up being the one captured and turned into a Krang zombie here. When Mikey gets captured, Donnie tries to keep everyone in the lair from going after him. Not because he isn’t worried about Mikey, but because he’s terrified if he can’t make the perfect plan, he could lose another brother. Leo would try to go anyway, getting Raph to agree to come with. Being outnumbered, Donnie would cave in and go with them. After they see Mikey is being controlled, and stop to regroup, with the technodrome breaching the portal, he’d start panicking. There’s so much that still needs doing. He can’t do all of it at the same time! But then he realizes he doesn’t need to. He entrusts controlling the ship to Leo and Raph, so he can prioritize going after Mikey with his tranq gun. The plan is just to get Mikey out of there, and after the ship is back through the portal, they can worry about removing any of the Krang infection and getting Mikey back. Of course, in his fight with Mikey he loses his tranq gun, and his other brothers are captured and his entire plan fails. But this time he doesn’t panic. He tells Mikey he believes in him, and knows he can fight this. And of course it works.
For the most part it wouldn’t be too different, but I still think there’s a lot of fun potential for an Age Swap au for these guys.
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year
How do you headcanon Future Donnie amd Future Raph died? What about Splinter? What did the boys do when they lost Splinter, did they go to their mother? How did the HC fall?
OOOh lots of questions! i love it : )
Ok, i'm not exactly sure how Raph died yet, but it was pretty early on. he was the first to die out of the four (maybe even before splinter? though i'm toying with him being taken over by the krang for a while like in the movie so idk. I'll get back to you on that.) Donnie, i have a very specific idea in mind, but i'm going to write it out in fic form so i don't want to stay too much (it's demanding to be written lol.) What i will say is that Donnie dies protecting Casey jr.
Again with Splinter, i'm not exactly sure how he died yet. But he did, and i think the boys would actually get a lot of comfort from Mama.
The Hidden City fell b/c the Krang knew what to look for. I headcannon that the yokai are just the decendants of humans that got mutated when the krang first came to earth (their sacred Crying Titan has a dead Krang inside and the shredder got his armor from a krang. *points at consperacy board* It's all connected!) So finding a city that's literally based off of their own technology wouldn't be that hard. The fact that the Hidden City is no longer hidden, is pretty much the beginning of the end for them.
Thank you!
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I think it's possible? Like she would have hope her kids survived, but since the Hidden City would have been in lockdown and they can't get much word from the surface past "everything's gone" she logically wouldn't think there's much of a chance that they survived.
It isn't until they're all forced to flee the City and get picked up by a so called Resistance, that she realizes her boys are alive and running the place. (it also helps that Donnie had built a damn Fallout vault under the lairs that the Krang can't seem to get to.)
thank you!
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anglepanda · 1 year
Leo x reader pt.6 (Easter fun)happy easter
Narrator: it was Easter Sunday and you were super excited about today because you were going egg hunting and you had the most cutest idea ever you decided you and Leo should wear bunny ears and bunny outfits while egg hunting Leo also thought it was a good idea and both of you put them on and started to head out.
Leo: listener darling this was a great idea I love wearing bunny ears on Easter we look so cute.
Reader: I know right my best idea yet I can’t wait to go egg hunting the best time of spring is Easter time.
April: aww now don’t you too love birds look like the most cutest love bunny couple you guys ready for the egg hunt to-
Mikey: yeah! Yeah! We are all ready for the egg hunt today now let’s hurry up and go already before all the eggs are gone.
Narrator: Mikey was way too excited to wait any longer and neither could you so you and Mikey both raced out of the sewers and to the surface. Raph was more concerned about them taking you rooftop to rooftop to get were you need to go instead of Leo portaling you guys their or just taking the turtle tank.
Raph: now explain to me again Donnie why we couldn’t just take the turtle tank their or why Leo couldn’t portal us their instead of us risking their life jumping for rooftop to rooftop.
Donnie: because Raphael to my knowledge of countculations this is their first time doing something like this in their entire life. And cause they asked if we could do this.
Leo: relax raph if I can trust that reader my sweet partner will be ok and safe on this trip jumping rooftop to rooftop to the town hall then so can you stop being to over protective all the time I know reader can handle themselves.
Raph: fine only this one time I’m going to keep my guard down cause it’s Easter and just this one time Leo.
Mikey: hey guys! We’re here!
Reader: yes finally! I can’t wait to start looking for some eggs.
The Mayor: welcome everyone to the annual Easter egg hunting event! We hope you all enjoy finding eggs around the town hall garden.
Narrator: everyone cheered and when the buzzer went off everyone started searching for eggs around the town hall gardens. After about 20 to 40 minutes the buzzers went off again and everyone was finished collecting eggs and it was time for everyone to go home and when you and the others got back to the lair you and Mikey were just bragging to each other how many eggs you gotten and what candies were inside.
Reader: hey~ Mikey~
Mikey: what?
Reader: guess what I found in the town hall garden
Mikey: hmm…chocolate egg with white chocolate on the inside?
Reader: that to and POCKYS!!
Mikey: no way! Really!?
Reader: yep…you want some?
Mikey: uh duh of course I want some
Narrator: you gave two pocky sticks to Mikey and then the others came over to get some. After you gave everyone some pockys from your first box you took the second one for yourself and went into Leo’s room Leo followed after you cause he wanted “alone time” with you. When he gotten into his room he saw you sitting on his bed reading a book and you were taking out a pocky stick from the box put one end in your mouth. Leo walked over lifted up your chin so you were looking at him and before you could ask what he was doing he put the other end of the pocky stick in his mouth.
Leo: I wanna play the pocky game…
Reader: uh Leo you do know that we don’t need to play the pocky game for you to get a kiss right…you do know you can just ask me since we’re dating right?
Leo: I know but I just wanted to play it since we already have the pocky in are mouths please reader just one round.
Narrator: you couldn’t resist his tiny little begging so you agreed to play the one. So you and Leo were just about finished with the game but when you finished the pocky and kissed Leo he somehow wanted more. Leo cupped your face and before you could say anything he started kissing you and the small kisses started going into a more passionate kissing with Leo slowly sliding his tongue onto yours and yours sliding onto his and you to were now making out after 10 minutes of making out you two moved away to take a breather.
Reader: I thought I only said one game~
Leo: we’ll you know me darling I don’t hold back when it comes to me kissing you…I’m very addicted to you darling and I love you so much.
Reader: I love you too Leo
Narrator: you gave him a gentle kiss on the lips and after that you started watching a movie with him on your phone cuddling up close to each other.
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purpleturtle9000 · 10 months
Stares at you from the dark corner of the ceiling and a holographic turtle sticker floats down
Hey so. How do the Reds and Oranges feel about the hoard of blues? Are any of them particularly attached to one or more/do they do activities with them?
Also, are there any *whole* family outings? Like as one giant group all together? My first guess would be a birthday. Which also raises the question of how do they handle the blue/purple birthday with so many of them?
Last question (for now), I promised. Do missions still happen? Do the villains just suddenly have to deal with a rotating cast of turtles or is there just a select group that goes out to fight/mess around?
Parting thought. Leonardo in his Batman arc now. I’m giving him a cape to hide the maximum amount of children in
Slowly dissolves into the corner, taking the spiderweb that was up here with me
STICKER *puts it directly on my forehead*
This is the most ridiculous nonsense Angelo has ever seen. He knows good and well that Leonardo had zero ideas in all this beyond Obtain Horde and that the future is probably going to have a lot of mistakes in it. Some of these children are getting lost their first time away from home. He knows it. But any thoughts he might have about holy shit you moron are promptly wiped out by the fact that Unicorn adopts him immediately, because Orange was her favourite brother, and therefore so is Angelo. He then adopts all the rest of the little blues because it's like seeing a bunch of puppies, they're adorable and he can't resist loving them all.
His favourite is Unicorn, though, and nobody pretends otherwise. He also gets along great with Heiwa, who's a bonsai artist and likes having someone to talk to about it. (Also Jihi lets him pet them and Angelo is lowkey jealous about Heiwa having a pet crab.) He also has some Gender Conversations with Spruce, cause they're genderfluid and it's fun for them to talk about how their genders are similar and different.
Mikey, upon seeing, his big brother come back with fourteen mini blues, knows that that turtle is having a mental break of some kind. He's briefly worried he's going to have to step in and do something about this to help Leonardo stabilise, but Angelo reassures him that he doesn't have to do anything, and then Mikey's just immensely curious about all his new siblings. He updates the family drawing to include them all. That gets him adopted into the blueberries in return and he has a great time getting several new BFFs.
He and Lee are the same age, at fifteen, and they get along great, which means that by extension, Mikey and Echo are also friends. Some of the younger blues also ask Mikey for advice about how to find their place in a family. Not all of his advice is applicable, because his family was much smaller, but they have plenty of things to talk about regardless.
Red is laughing hysterically at all this. She's very nervous around some of the smaller ones though, like Baby Blue and Pep, because she's pretty sure they would never recover if she accidentally stepped on one of them. They're all awestruck by how tall and spiky she is, and several of them have nicknamed her 'kaiju' because of course Tello insisted on them all watching Pacific Rim on their first family movie night. It wasn't a unanimous vote but they have teeth and quite possibly rabies so.
If you try to take Baby Blue from her, she will tail-whip you all the way to Jersey. Her baby now, fuck you. Same thing applies to Pep, who is not above texting Tello for a 'rescue' while he's being cuddled by her just to see the unfolding carnage. He's a feral little bastard. She also gets roped into tea parties by the dozen with Unicorn and River, and teaches them how to paint their nails like Leo once taught her.
Raph is a little stressed at first because they're family and that means that it's his job to help protect them. He's also vaguely weirded out by there now being several more Leos that are older than him. But then he sees that Hamato, Alpha, and Vanilla are all helping to wrangle the Child Horde and is slightly less stressed about it. There's no way that the Horde are going to be kept safe without other people, takes a village and all that, and he's relieved that the older blues are a built-in support system.
That's part of the reason that he gets along with Vanilla so well! He's the most businesslike blue out of all of them, and Raph respects that and appreciates how it makes it easier. And to the surprise of pretty much everyone including him, he also gets along with Alpha pretty well. Alpha doesn't have to worry about much hurting Raph with how tall and strong he is, but not so tall and strong as to be intimidating like Red is.
There are family outings, and half the future family is wheezing with laughter at the sight of Leonardo with over a dozen children trailing behind him like a bunch of ducklings. The blueberries have organised three teams in case of emergency, with Hamato, Alpha, and Vanilla being team leaders. They manage to wrangle their mini-hordes fairly well, but random children keep disappearing to tail after Leonardo instead (or Tello, in Pep's case).
Leonardo also takes them all to the Hidden City to show them that there's other non-humans out there, besides Krang. They're all very fascinated with it, and of course they have to be warned away from Big Mama and Draxum, and introduced to Hueso. The look on Hueso's face when 16 Leonardos walk into his pizza place is literally priceless. Tello remembers it fondly.
Most of the blueberries have their own birthdays already. For those that didn't, or don't remember, they get to choose new ones! Their family calendar suddenly gets flooded with blue dates and Leonardo finds it hilarious. He's also very soft for the fact that Leon and Don also share a birthday as twins.
Blueberry birthdays are special events! Generally speaking, Leonardo takes the blueberry out for lunch and then they do whatever the little one wants for the afternoon until meeting with the whole family at Hueso's for dinner. Hueso appreciates the money, but at what cost?
(Some blueberries, like Alpha, do not care for outings. They stay at home and finds things to do there instead, like video games and movies, or sometimes board games. He let Monopoly happen once and it did not end well.
Missions still happen! Some of the smaller blueberries are banned from going on missions because they are Baby and nobody wants a twelve-year-old getting suckerpunched by Meat Sweats or some shit. On occasion, they are allowed to come along and sit in the turtle tank for a safe view from the sidelines.
Generally speaking, children under fifteen are not allowed on missions where weapons and villains are in play. Cobalt thoroughly ignores this whenever Alpha is out because he'd be safe in a war zone with Alpha there to maul anyone who comes near him. Alpha is rather stressed by this but nobody can get Cobalt to behave including him.
Hamato, Alpha, Vanilla, Heiwa, and Echo and Lee are the usual ones who are added to patrol teams. There was mass confusion on the villains' part when seven blue turtles showed up because clearly they had missed something. All the old-enough turtles (and Cobalt) go out sometimes but not all of them are interested in doing so regularly.
Occasionally younger turtles end up on missions because a day off gets gate-crashed by some asshole who wants to cause trouble. Leonardo always fusses over them when they're anywhere near any kind of danger, which they find hilarious. Pep flings himself toward danger with the reckless disregard of a hedgehog on a highway, content in the knowledge that Tello is right behind them.
Leonardo would love a cape, Batman arc or not. He does have a habit of wearing large blankets across his shoulders, during movie nights and such, so that he can blanket-burrito whatever child cuddles up to him. There's always a cuddler at hand. Usually four or five. He loves being in cuddle piles so it works out great. Sometimes when the littler blueberries get nervous about something, they'll hide in the blanket and he's gotta remember not to knock them over when he starts walking again, which is... shall we say unsuccessful a couple times.
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okamiprincess15 · 1 year
List of rottmnt fanfic crossovers I’d currently LOVE to see:
Some kind of Final Fantasy crossover (preferably FF14 but I’m not too picky on this, I’ll take what I can get). I just wanna see the boys dressed up in Final Fantasy esque outfits and use FF type magic and summons. (If not Final Fantasy then some other sort of JRPG series like Wild Arms, Dragon Quest, the Mana series, the Tales series, the Star Ocean series, or the Xenosaga series will do. Donnie would probably be ecstatic with the technology of either of those last two.)
RWBY (they’d almost NEVER be bored for long on Remnant with all those Grimm to kill. And Donnie would LOVE the weapons, as well as the chance to study Dust)
Stargate (either SG1 or Atlantis) Possible Idea: What if one of the two missing female turtle siblings (I’m thinking Jennika, although she’d probably be named Jennifer in this instead. I just love the idea of a heavy metal loving snapper type female turtle.) winds up in the custody of a member of SG-1 as a turtle tot (Perhaps having been rescued from the NID?)? And post Kraang invasion Casey Jr. is the one to inform the rest of the Hamato Clan that, ‘Hey Draxum? Those two female turtles you thought were dead are actually alive. One of them’s Big Mama’s assistant, and the other was raised by a member of the US Air Force.’
4. ASOIAF (NOT THE TV SHOW, THE BOOKS!! That last season was especially awful.). I love the idea of the turtles having to navigate through politics and political intrigue (Rise Leo would probably be especially good at it). I’m thinking maybe the Krang had a failsafe that would cause the planet to slowly start dying, that was put into place not long after getting out of the prison dimension, in case they were somehow sealed away in the prison dimension again (they may all have a superiority complex but they’re not stupid, if it could happen once it could happen again). And that Sister Kraang activated it before being captured by the E.P.F. (It was never utilized in the bad timeline because they were obviously winning, so Casey Jr. didn’t , nor anyone else in the resistance, know about it). The Kraang, knowing that Earth still didn’t have the technology for interstellar space flight, assumed that this would spell the end of Earth native sentient life if activated.
However Donnie was able to get an early enough warning (a few months after the invasion) with sufficient proof through his tech, that the Hamatos were able to warn the human and yokai governments of the world. There wasn’t enough time to develop and build sufficiently advanced space ships to get most of Earth’s population off before the Earth expired. However it WAS deemed possible to make a very large dimensional portal to a planet with a similar environment to Earth’s with enough mystic artifacts designed to handle dealing with the immense strain, with Mikey with the help of a bunch of other yokai mages opening the portal. And while Earth’s entire yokai population is small enough to be brought through, they’d still only be able to bring with them a fraction of the Earth’s human population (a fact that haunts the Hamato Clan for the rest of their lives), and thus the human governments had to prioritize who would make the journey.
I’m thinking since so little is known about it, that they wind up in the mysterious landmass of Ulthos when Raph is 19, in the year 295 AC. And through a series of events (including the fact that they saved Earth from the Kraang invasion and Mikey’s instrumental role in the ‘evacuation’ of Earth) that the Hamato Clan practically becomes major nobility, possibly being the closest thing to royalty, in the new Ulthos civilization by the turtles early twenties.
Suggested Pairings: I was thinking they could be Leo/Usagi (they met during the beginning of the preparation for the evacuation and got married not long after arriving in Ulthos)
Raph/Dacey Mormont (A Mormont woman would probably be the only type of noblewoman not to be scared off by Raph’s appearance and size, plus she’s awesome and I hate how she got killed off in canon. Her being in Ulthos with her husband, would be better then killing her off in my opinion)
Donnie/ a daughter of Bu Gai, the current Azure Emperor of Yi Ti (initially a political arranged marriage due to Yi Ti’s close proximity to Ulthos, as well as being a major trade partner, but they do eventually fall in love. Leo and Raph are NOT happy about their family being put into a position by the newly created Ulthos government where their father had to accept the betrothal, since Leo and Raph both married for love, but Donnie is pragmatic enough to not publicly put up too much of a fuss. Might make for good plot, since Yi Ti by the time ASOIAF starts is based on Imperial China, vaguely based on the Three Kingdoms era.)
Mikey/ A daughter of a Braavosi Magister (another arranged marriage from another major trade partner of Ulthos, but they do grow fond of each other). Course these are just suggestions, feel free to pick what you want as long as it makes sense.
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dandylovesturtles · 1 year
once again writing fanfic for an AU that's not mine
uh hi so I guess it is Crying About Future Donnie Hours except this is actually a different future Donnie than the one everyone else is crying about.
I have wanted to write something for @kathaynesart 's Replica for awhile now and I got an idea and I decided to use @tmntaucompetition as an excuse to write and post it, so I guess you could say this is propaganda I didn't expect it to be the day after my poll though so I kinda scrambled a bit aaaaa lol
Replica is one of my favorite ROTTMNT comics, it's one of the first I found after I watched the movie, and I love it so much. If you haven't read it please do! However, there is one part of the comic in particular (and especially one line in particular) that has stuck with me since I first read it, and I think about it a lot. So consider this my little homage to that part of the comic, and to the character who says it.
Also there is a short section of this that is just dialogue from the comic so obviously all credit for that dialogue goes to Kat!
And Kat I really hope you don't mind me playing around in your sandbox a bit /)_(\
Anyway I don't normally title these but I did give the gdoc for this one the title: The Needed Functions to Appreciate It
I hope you enjoy!
As an AI, experiencing the apocalypse was different.
S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. did not have to feel the aching gnaw of hunger, or the bite of the cold. He did not feel the sting of acid rain on skin, or the seeping of blood from injury. All the physical sensations his family and friends suffered, S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. was spared them all.
That did not mean he didn’t feel.
“Hey Dee?”
The “Hm?” he got in response was distracted. Donnie was often distracted those days. S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. didn’t resent him for it. He knew how busy Donnie is - he cataloged and prioritized the to-do list himself, after all.
“I still have the timers Raph asked me to set for his training in the system, and all his old records. What…” He hesitated. “What should I do with them?”
“Oh.” That got Donnie to pause in his work oh so briefly. His finger tapped twice on the enter key without pressing. “You can delete all of that. Might as well free up memory space where we can.”
“Okay.” It was the right answer. Members of the resistance were allowed to set timers and save some personal files on S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.’s system, and protocol dictated that forty eight hours after loss of vitals, S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. should clear such files.
It had been three hundred and fifty seven hours since Raph flatlined. He should have cleared these ages ago.
“Hey Dee,” he said again, more quietly this time, and Donnie actually looked away from his work and gave him his attention.
He hadn’t had a physical body since a raid over a year before; he was just an artistic representation on the monitor. Donnie promised to make him a new one, but S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. could see both the parts inventory and the to-do list and he doubted he would be able to do that. Usually it didn’t bother him, but he thought that day that it bothered him a little.
“I don’t want to,” he admitted, and Donnie’s face shifted to something more sad.
“Ah. You have developed a lot of sentimentality…” Donnie sighed, not unkindly. “Well, you can keep it. I won’t make you delete it.”
S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. bounced around the monitor a moment while he mulled it over. Donnie didn’t look away, though one of his battleshell arms took up the task of typing on his computer.
“Isn’t that not good, though, dude? Like… it’s useless now. It’s just taking up space.”
“Yes… sentimentality and practicality are often in direct conflict.” He leaned back in his chair, eyes roving to the ceiling. “Sometimes we just can’t let things go, even against our better judgment, because they remind us of something or… someone.”
S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. zoomed himself in so he filled more of the screen. “Do you get sentimental, Dee?”
Donnie’s lips quirked up in a smile. “Yes, unfortunately so. I find it vexing… though, Mikey would say, “That’s what makes you a person, Donnie, don’t fight it!” or something like that.” 
“But if it makes you hold on to useless stuff, or do things that aren’t necessary, isn’t that bad?”
“Ah, such is the nature of emotions, Shelldon - they often lead us to do things that are, for a lack of a better word, suboptimal… Sometimes I think it would be nice to have a switch so I could just turn the pesky things off. I would focus so much better if I never had to feel… anxious or frustrated or… or sad.” He slumped forward, hugging his arms around himself. “If I didn’t have to… to miss anyone.”
“...That’s the worst one,” said S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N., and Donnie nodded.
“Yeah… yeah, it is.” He turned to face S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N., eyes glossy. “But-”
ERROR: Memory file corrupted.
“It is a convincing replica. Expertly crafted. You act just like him… Be careful that it does not interfere with our intended purpose.”
“Need I remind you, one of my core purposes is to act as a support to Donatello’s family. That includes you, even if you have chosen to forego the needed functions to appreciate it.”
“A necessary purge to keep the Kraang’s whispers at bay.”
“Was it? That is not what Donatello ever wished of you. Even when you decided to take on this burden.”
“Not having to ‘feel’ has its… benefits.”
“And Donatello was quite firm that you not lock yourself away-”
“Such advanced artificial intelligence, yet you still fail to recognize your own ignorance.”
“To what, exactly?”
“To the bliss in not having to miss him.”
Password: ****************
Enter date: XX/XX/20XX XX:XX
“But even if missing them keeps you from performing optimally… Running from bad emotions means running from the good ones, too.” Donatello sighed. “At least, that’s what Mikey said to me after Papa… And it took me awhile, but I realized he was right. Don’t tell him I said that, though, or I’ll never hear the end of it.”
“Your secret is safe with me, dude.”
“Thank you, Shelldon.” He reached with his hand and touched the screen, and even though they couldn’t actually feel each other, S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. moved like he was nuzzling his palm. “When you see Raph’s training records, it makes you sad, but also makes you remember all the things you loved about him, right?”
“I guess, yeah… He’d always scratch my head when I came to give him his training report. When I had a body.”
“Mm, so that’s why you always went to do it in person.” Donatello chuckled, rubbing his thumb on the monitor. He was sad, then, thinking that he couldn’t build S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. a proper body. Always lacking the time and materials…
“Is it worth it, though?” asked S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.. “The good feelings, when there’s bad feelings, too?”
“Maybe that’s one of the great mysteries of life, Shelldon. All I know is… I don’t want to give them up. Not anymore. And… it’s easier to deal with, when you’re not alone.” Donatello pulled his hand back, and looked at him very seriously. “Anata wa hitorijanai. That’s as true for you as it is for any of us. Your family will always be here for you, when you miss Raph, or anyone else.”
Maybe it made S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. feel better. He smiled, as much as his facial design would allow.
“Okay. And I’ll always be here for you too, Dee.”
“Thank you, Shelldon.”
“Love ya.”
“I love you too.”
End playback? Y 
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