#but i dig it greatly
tillman · 1 year
this ending theme is so unique compared to the others... truly cant get it off my mind
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chiraltalkswrestlez · 2 months
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hey kyle's tron looks different
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rotisseries · 5 months
alright im giving in im finally asking. what in the everloving fuck is narines
HIIIII HELENA honestly I'm so glad you asked I think you'd love them but BASICALLYYYYY one of my mutuals, hella, @tbos-main, has this really cool original fantasy wip, the blood of serpents, which I am OBSESSED with so I do fandom post about it like any other media, and two of the characters are nate and rin. well. naithairan and herines technically but I'm on nickname basis with them. and I can explain tbos in more detail but since you asked about narines specifically, they are two characters who are very much on opposing sides of the central conflict and in a way that IS irreconcilable like. it has to be genuine all consuming hate it's bad. but they're also narrative foils and parallels and whatnot and outside of the main ideological difference in regards to the central conflict, they are very similar people in a very fucked up way, they're both martyr figures with a lot of religious themes, they both have had to learn the language of violence well, they both are willing to go to unfathomably low depths of morality and monstrousness in the pursuit of protecting the people they love, they're both incredibly calculating and callous, and so they have this INSANEEE dynamic that is very much "I see me in you I see everything I hate about myself in you I need to kill you because I need to be killed but yet I cannot kill you because that would be like taking a knife to myself and we recognize each other deeply and intimately in a very specific way no one else can and I HATEE you for it" and so like. they should fuck about that. obviously.
#and they are NOT CANON I SHOULD WARN. IT STARTED AS A JOKE BECAUSE THEY ARE SO INCOMPATIBLE AS A GENUINE SHIP#CANNOT BE IN THE SAME ROOM AS EACH OTHER.#but the GREATTT thing about their homoeroticism is that violence is like. chill to both of them#like they're both trying to hurt each other as much as possible they're trying to break each other#but neither of them is greatly affected by violence. so the way they choose to break each other instead#is that very occasionally in these homoerotic and non canon scenes#there will be a touch of gentleness. there's a scene where nate bites rin HARD and draws blood but he kisses first#and rin FREAKS out he's like “don't you DARE.”#and then the vivisection. where rin literally unironically gently talks nate through having a HAND DIGGING IN HIS GUTS🫶#many such cases#and that touch of gentleness is too much from the worst person on earth who you hate so much#and it's worse than violence to them it's worse than violence to experience that from each other#which is just. SO INTERESTING THEY ARE SO INTERESTINGGGG#I'm assuming you mostly asked this though cause of my tags on that post I rbed from you#so as for THAT#hella has a bit of saying she hates this ship so much and one time#she said basically “dark tbosmaucu is the only universe where narines absolutely couldn't happen thank god”#and then later at some point basically jokingly said it's cause they're medicated in that one#(medicated as in. nate self medicates. with hard drugs.)#and dark tbosmaucu btw is the acronym for “dark the blood of serpents modern au cinematic universe”#cinematic universe both because that's always a funny joke and because we do genuinely have like 6 or 7 versions of tbos modern aus#and the dark one is just basically modern au but you go really ham on the tragic backstory like aftg levels of what the actual fuck#which theoretically should bring the levels of trauma in the modern au the closest to how they exist in canon#and yet. hella shut down narines in that universe😔#anywayyyy. sorry I leave incomprehensible tags on your posts do you still think I'm hot😘#ask#miseria-fortes-virios#hi helena!
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end-orfino · 4 months
It just all feels more pointless now. I think i lost some of the spirit. I dont know if its temporary or how to get it back
#found myself less passionate about my ocs and their stories and about making them real one day#but not in a good way#its not letting me go of my perfectionism or whatever instead its just like. whats the point. theyre not that good anyways#theyre as in the stories#im increasingly aware of the plot holes and the parts that are kind of held together with string in order to make the plot make sense and--#--im not sure if anyone ever could get as passionate about them as i was?#especially since like. *i* dont feel as passionate abt them as i said.#my main baby my main oc project that i cherished and hoped to make real in some way now feels like i should keep it private.#the other one that i was hoping to make into my first long term project remains unfinished plot-wise and i dont feel motivated to work--#--on it further#the one that i think has an alright plot that i could share is just kinda in the bg#and also i always felt like i was good at like...symbolism...metaphors...parallels...this kinda stuff#i felt like my stories were something you could dig into#now it feels like i overestimated them#and theyre actually painfully simple and just. idk. feels like theyre not that good#maybe its because i recently didnt have time to work on them?#and fell into a fandom that has a painfully not-deep story where i also often feel like other ppl in the community dont want me there#maybe i gotta get away from that lol#but it doesnt feel like its gonna help. idk what will.#all of this isnt giving me any relief its just making me feel empty and like i thought too greatly of myself#bcs i still want to Make things and stories and now i just feel like im lacking at that??
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cozypups · 2 years
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haha yeah anyways, rendering experimentation hehe....
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muppet-hell · 9 months
Hey guys wouldn't it be funny if
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Had to fight every urge to add more to the mechanism, but let's be honest I probably will soon (sorry for the ass quality they're screenshots from a larger canvas)
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ashanimus · 2 years
The Wolf and the Cardinal
All right so I’ve got Owl House brainrot, and this may have been commented on already given that my classic approach to a bandwagon is to sprint through its muddy tracks and lurch onto the back end as it rolls over the finish line but!
We’ve seen a ton of animal symbolism in this show--expressed a lot through the palismans and their wielders, and of course all the foreshadowing suggesting the look of Luz’s (probably some sort of winged serpent).
The bird symbolism is the heaviest, and we get it mostly through the Clawthornes (and those associated with them).
Owls (Eda)--wisdom, knowledge, magic, and in a number of relevant cultures, curses and bad luck!
Raven (Lilith)--intelligence, death, bad fortune, chaos and survival
Hawk (Gwendolyn)--vigilance, focus, protection
Cardinal (Evelyn/Caleb/Del Clawthorne/Hunter)--This bird has a lot of meanings, but most typically they’re associated with love and passionate romance which gets the first two, but also devotion (which we can look to Del), and finally with new life and fresh starts (Hunter). Even more fun, they can sometimes be representative of departed loved ones bringing messages peace and hope. The name cardinal even comes from the Latin for door--as in door to spirituality or another world, although we might disregard this part because the cardinal bird was named after the cardinal priest’s red robes. STILL THOUGH. Portal bird.
I really love how intense and intentional this show is about that, but it brings me to another observation that made me smile: Belos named this newest Grimwalker ‘Hunter’, probably alluding to his dream of renewed witch hunting with his brother.
But Belos’ biggest animal association is that of a DEER.
And Hunters? A WOLF, one now associated with rebirth, hope and the loving whispers of the beloved dead.
‘Hunter’ indeed.
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toadallytickles · 1 year
I don't have much expierience in tickling so could you give some advice about technique? How to move ur fingers etc.?
It really depends on who you’re playing with as we are all unique! You have to take into account that every body is different, and every body is going to react differently to tools and touch.
❗️Negotiating is mandatory! You have to discuss with your play partner/s how they like to be touched, how they don’t like to be touched, if they have sour spots, where you can touch them, where you can’t touch them, if they like certain tools, if they don’t want certain tools near them, if they like finger tips but not nails, etc. Every body part, every body!
Some people don’t like rough tickles. Some people may only respond to light tickles in this spot, but rough in another. Some people are feather ticklish, but get nothing from brushes. Some people like mouth tickles, some people don’t. There’s all these different scenarios unique to every single one of us.
There really isn’t one right technique to tickle. You really have to negotiate with who you’re playing with, come up together with how the session will play out, how they like to be teased and tickled, and take things slow as you explore and experiment with them! You can discover alongside each other what you both like and dislike! Just like sex is a skill, kink is a skill too! We don’t start off as perfect players, we learn through experience and discussions! Overtime you’ll come into your role/s and have your own techniques!
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ofmermaidstories · 2 years
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lemememeringue · 2 years
we've reached the Scratched The Surface part of therapy.
#mine#lem experiences cognitive behavioural torture#he always makes a point to say how much work I'm doing and it confuses me greatly#sir I am just sitting here#we talked abt the plans I made w jorge and med stuff and the 3hr prayer confessions mum used to try to get information out of me <3#absolute mess of a conversational flow tbh#bc I'm on edge and snapping at ppl when I don't want to he suggested doing more emotional temp checks#at first I was V irritated bc if I have to dig out that damn emotional colour wheel I'm going to dark red#however he said it's okay if I don't name what I'm feeling. I can start w just ''getting agitated'' and then I can do my favourite action#leave.#I do have to come back later tho 😔#I also told him abt jorge's three rules for when he gets here and he suggested practicing Not Doing That Stuff™ by imagining him here#and focusing on calming down#which I don't want to do bc heart-explosion levels of ??? emotion. but I do want to actually exist in the same room as my friend#therapist said I'm v straightforward (???) and to talk w jorge abt how I'll be working on the emotional regulation so we can adapt#jorge chronicles#ngl not fond of the ''you have to return to the situation once you've calmed down'' thing. like#..I get it. but I don't wanna.#today's session was a lot. we ended talking abt mum and I just... I don't even know how to begin processing that#cliff was waiting in the car w mum when I got outside and he was v high energy and asked what my therapist said and dgkdkgsjf#v vaguely saying ''he says I've got ptsd'' while the cause of said ptsd is less than a foot away is..... 😬😬😬#thankfully mum didn't ask for details so I didn't talk much on the ride home#we got sundaes tho so that was nice
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tiredassmage · 1 year
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YOU SLIPPERY LITTLE SHIT PIECE OF IMPERIAL AGENT DIALOGUE. You have been on my mind since Digging Deeper dropped and I have FINALLY found you!!!
Dw Tyr and him still get along like oil and water and this still ended with Tyr pulling a blaster on a Sith like that’s ever been a reliable solution but. I can die in peace now.
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straykats · 1 year
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and yet you had enough sanity to ask this question 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
i would like to take advantage of technicalities and semantics or whatever to say that technically it wasnt a question so i rule ur argument invalid 😃👍
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v1ren · 2 years
Now that grandkids ask got me super curious lol. What do you think Viren would be like as a grandfather? I know parents who were strict with their kids usually end up spoiling the grandkids. Sorry for the reminder, Viren, but you aren't getting any younger lol
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The Ask in Question~
"Your apology is not accepted..."
This is a tough one for me, actually! Because the inner piece of me wants to say that he would absolutely adore and cherish his grandchildren, and while I do still believe this to be the case, where we are right now - canonically - I think he'd be a terrible grandfather, LMFAO!! But even amid all his spiraling, it is quite obvious that Viren justifies what all the bad shit he does for his goal of 'protecting and saving humanity.' So while he wouldn't be a picture perfect grandfather, I could absolutely see him using his grandchild as a driving force to keep pushing onward. After all, if he does what this pretty, pretty elf says and gets rid of the threat on Katolis, then his grandchild will be safe. On the other hand, if it were mere days prior to the canon events, I think he'd be a little distant - only because Viren be Viren, but he'd remember all of their birthdays. He'd ensure that they received the best of the best for gifts, and there is not a doubt in my mind that he'd try to coerce them/teach them a thing or two about Dark Magic. I feel like, much in the same way Callum believes his thing is 'real magic,' Viren believes this is 'his thing' and it would be a great expression of his love to his grandchild by inviting them into these aspects of his life.
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litlunacy · 3 months
Favorite book you read in school?
Ooh boy. I'm gonna assume you mean in school as in 'assigned reading' and not my massive list of fun reading :)
There was this one book in fifth grade that really stuck with me. The View from Saturday by E.L. Konigsburg. I don't know what exactly it was about it, but it stayed with me and a handful of friends from that class. Years later we'd just out of the blue be like 'hey, remember that book we read in Ms H's class, with the school quiz team and the boy that did card tricks'? I still think about it sometimes. Tbh Ms H picked quite a few bangers that year. She was the best. (And did a repeat performance on my little sibling, who she got to finally enjoy reading)
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sttoru · 5 months
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‘the king of curses doesn’t like sharing. especially not when it comes to his partner.’
☀︎|tags. heian era!sukuna x female reader. sfw/fluff ? ig. set in the heian era, duh. jealousy & possessive themes. size difference (reader gets referred to as small!). tried to be realistic w/ sukuna’s characterisation so. . . don’t be surprised to read about him killing somebody. therefore, mentions of blood. reader is implied to have a fear of blood (dw sukuna takes care of it teehee). reader gets called 'brat'. not beta read; this sucks ass.
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you were taking a stroll outside of the estate, the hem of the floral kimono you’re wearing lightly dragging along behind you. the weather was perfect with not a single cloud in sight.
a pair of silent footsteps follow yours and you sigh. even though it was an usual occurrence, you still aren’t used to having one of sukuna’s servants at your side at all times. your over protective lover insisted that it was for your own ‘safety’. as if anything or anyone could harm you whilst you stay within the four walls of the estate far up in the mountains.
sukuna is continuously busy and thus decided to assign you a personal maid that accompanies you and takes care of your every need when he isn’t able to. well - looking at the bright side of things - at least she tries her best to hide her presence from you. she tags along silently and only speaks when spoken to.
you stop near a sakura tree and tilt your head back to admire its beauty. after a few minutes pass, you hear a different pair of footsteps walking up your way. you turn your head and see a familiar male servant approaching you with his head held low.
his hands were holding onto a platter with a cup of warm tea and a few of your favorite delicacies. the brown-haired man greets you politely. maybe a bit too politely as his voice carries a bright smile, “good afternoon, my lady.”
you return the greeting with a smile of your own. it was like you to treat the servants around the estate with kindness and care — a total opposite of the king of curses. you take a pastry from the platter and look back up at the man, “thank you for bringing me these. i appreciate it greatly.”
the way you treat the ones of lower status has always been an admirable trait of yours. it might have stirred some forbidden feelings for you in the heart of the male servant. he knows that it was impossible - he’d seen how easily sukuna gets rid of those who get too close to you.
but, he isn’t here. the king of curses isn’t present in the current moment. the brown-haired male shifts in his place a little, fingernails digging into the material of the plate he was holding. he was going to do it — no one could hold him back. not even the maid who stood a couple steps away.
“y-you look very beautiful, my lady.” the servant stutters and bows his head at you. you are surprised to hear such a flattering sentence leave the lips of the man in front of you. none of the men around you had dared to be this straightforward in ages. they all knew the possible consequences that such actions could bring after all.
perhaps it was due to the absent intimidating presence of your lover. still, you can’t help but feel grateful. you giggle softly, covering your mouth with your free hand, “thank you so much.”
the male servant gulps at the sound of your laughter. ‘oh, how lucky the king of curses is - to have such a beautiful woman at his side,’ the man thought to himself. he was sure that he could treat you better than the indifferent sukuna himself.
he hesitates to continue the conversation for a second. there was an urge deep within him; to ask if you’d like to have some tea with him in the dining area. it would be extremely bold and maybe way out of line considering that you’re taken.
but, the way you reacted to his earlier compliment gave him a huge confidence boost. one that would sooner or later send him to his grave.
“would you perhaps be interested in joining me for a drink, my lady?” the servant asks and anything that happens after that instant, is all but a blur.
you can’t process the next few moments as everything happens way too fast. the last thing you remember seeing, was the servant before you. a sudden gust of wind passes by and the sounds of quick slashes fill your ears. you couldn’t figure out anything else as your vision gets blocked by something. or rather - someone.
a familiar and large hand covers the back of your head. the scent of the person holding you is also oddly familiar—a certain scent that made a shiver run down your spine from both excitement and light fear.
“sukuna?” you guess and guess correctly. your voice was muffled due to your face being smushed against his torso. you didn’t yet understand what happened, so you try to pull your body away from the king of curses, only for his grip on you to tighten.
sukuna’s face was as emotionless as ever. his eyes look down at the pile of blood near your feet — what was once a human being had now turned into nothing but a pure crimson liquid.
“foolish. absolutely foolish.” the king of curses grumbles, his tone filled with disgust. he doesn’t soften the grip on your body for even a moment. one of his four arms holds you captive against him, his hand firmly yet somehow tenderly cradling your head just above his midriff, “it seems that i cannot leave this place for a single second.”
sukuna glances at your personal maid who had been bowing to him the moment he appeared out of thin air. she could feel his piercing gaze on her and knew exactly what to do without being told: to clean up the mess that stained the garden’s pavement.
“sukuna,” you try to move your head again, but was still restricted. you let out a small whine in response. you just wanted to see your lover after spending an entire day without him. any thoughts about that servant from earlier had long vanished, “i want to see you. can i?”
the request is an innocent one. there isn’t a visible change in sukuna's expression, but the way you asked him that was quite. . . endearing, if he were to explain it. he would comply if it wasn’t for the literal bloodbath he created. which he doesn’t want you to witness.
“not yet.” he replies and effortlessly uses one of his arms to pick your small body up. your lover notices how you try to steal a glimpse at the scene behind you while he moves you around in his embrace. he grunts and gently smacks the back of your head, “no peeking, brat. do as told.”
sukuna knows how much you hate the sight of blood. he's being considerate towards you — even if you do not realise that just yet. however, he also does not have a single regret about murdering that servant. it was to be expected. anybody who dares to make a move on his woman should suffer his wrath.
plus, it's not like you don't know about sukuna's ruthless actions. you’ve come to get used to them; more and more male servants keep dissappearing without a trace after they’ve been ‘too friendly' with you. it's easy to guess who’s behind those disappearances.
it doesn’t bother you in the slightest. as long as you don't see it happening and as long as you get to stay under sukuna's care and protection - you don’t mind.
“can i look now?” you huff after sukuna has carried you away from the garden. the king of curses clicks his tongue at your impatience.
he sighs deeply before allowing you back on your own two feet, “i do not understand why you’re so adamant on looking at me, but fine.”
you waste no time and immediately open your eyes. your gaze doesn’t wander off towards your surroundings—it instantly settles on sukuna. he looked the same as usual; there was not a single change about his appearance and yet you find yourself smiling at the sight of him.
“i missed you.” you hug your lover and feel him returning the gesture a few seconds later. he looks the other way and may seem indifferent to your display of affection, though the man was secretly grateful for it. for you in general.
“mhm.” sukuna lets out a small noise of acknowledgment and that is all you get out of him. he doesn’t have to say much; his body automatically does the talking. he squeezes your body against his — your small frame disappearing behind his beefy arms.
the king of curses doesn’t understand why, but the way your eyes sparkle when looking at him, intrigues him. sukuna had never seen another human look at him like that before after all. they all cower in fear; except for you. you don’t show a single ounce of fear. thus why you are something - someone - he must keep for himself.
he has and will never have any intent on sharing you with anyone. you’re his, for as long as he exists.
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charles-holt · 8 months
I like the new Antonio skin.
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