#but hamburger is bad for you
The hardest part of being an adult is "we have food at home"-ing yourself.
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redvelvetbunny · 2 months
I LOVE U REDVELVETBUNNY... could u draw lou with a ponytail or a silly hairstyle .. grhthdhh
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okay louis we get it you whip your hair back and forth
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petracozbi · 10 months
Okay but something I feel like we didn't talk about back with the Glenn arc, is post prison-Glenn's reaction to tasting real food after only being fed goblinblood for DECADES (food that canonically is described as tasting RANCID)
Yeah he lost his son and got super old and buff, so that kinda overshadowed details like that, but I imagine him sitting by a campfire after the whole demon Jodie and Nicky incident, probably having Ron, Henry and Paeden fill him in on everything that he missed, and then Darryl just hands him a handburger that he grilled up for him.
I could totally see Glenn's last attempts at keeping it together just absolutely crumble away, as he finally tastes real delicious food for the first time in years. Just him silently sobbing with a mouthfull of hamburger.
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lastoneout · 1 year
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this is my entire stance on the "american food is bad" discourse summed up
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The process is a bitch and I want to fight it
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parkersgnome · 2 months
I can’t stand people who shit on introverts.
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airyairyaucontraire · 11 months
One thing that annoys me a little bit, not in a "SMITE THEM" way but just in a "surely they knew that was uncool and they did it anyway" way, is when a person with a professional level of skill enters a competition open to everyone. Like there was a cake baking competition at work a couple years ago. Some fancy bitch entered one of those illusion cakes made to look like a hamburger and blew everyone's normal human cakes out of the water. Fuck off and let ordinary people have fun on our own level, you know? This wasn't for you.
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lezzian · 3 months
the mental gymnastics some ppl require themselves to do, to make them feel good about not being vegan... i feel bad for you actually
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you-will-return · 1 year
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
My byakuya fam view is taken from canon and my own brain so I’m it’s going to spew jt at you
Also this won’t make sense unless you know a bit about his past so I pray you do
Byakuyas mom has blonde hair and soft pick eyes. She’s got pretty sharpe features but they are kinda round so she has a soft resting face and her hair is slightly curled at the ends.
Byakuyas dad has black hair and royal blue eyes, he’s got sharpe more square features and doesn’t have facial hair his hair is straight and he has it slicked back
Byakuya obviously has blonde hair but he has baby blue eyes and his facial feture are like his moms sharper and rounded, his hair curls at the ends and has volume and you can see the curl because his little side burns curl on his face.
Byakuyas mom was part of an elite family but not to the standard that the togami family would deem worthy to have the current heir(Byakuyas dad) have a kid. So basicly she was elite but not elite enough for byakuyas dad.
Now the togami family at a point threw kinda a ball type thing to try and expand there connections, and byakuyas moms friend was invited (she was of a higher status then her) and didn’t want to go alone so she gave another invite she had to byakuyas mom.
Now at this point byakuyas dad already had a ton of kids bc that’s like what he was supposed to do but at this party he feel like genuinely infatuated with byakuyas mom and they dance and talk and things like that then like one thing leads to another and they have byakuya
No this is “bad” for a few reasons
1) byakuyas dad already had his kids and the youngest at this point was like 16/17 witch was no bueno for this situation
2) byakuyas mom was no considered fit to have a togami child/ she wasn’t of status despite being elite and basically still considered not a commoner but not much better witch was considered shameful
Now dispite byakuya dad taking a liking to byakuyas mother and vise versa that doesn’t mean their relationship was healthy
Byakuyas dad was ashamed of her and didn’t see her worthy to be with him, he hated that he felt the way he did and tried to suppress it and he was an angry man and basicly blamed the situation on her and treated her horribly
Byakuyas mom believed that he was a good man underneath everything even though he really wasn’t, she wanted to belive that she didn’t have a kid with a monster of a man
Now after byakuyas born byakuya mom really only survives until byakuyas around 5/6, she gets sick while recovering by and can’t fight it off because it keeps her amune system down though she isn’t bed bound until the last really year of her life
Because of her condition she is kept in one of the togami estates in France along with byakuya, byakuyas father learning what to do in this situation from past togami head desides that is to “risky” to really let byakuya near his sibling a lot because of the fear that his “bad blood” corrupting them, even still most of the togami kids don’t really live in the same house for a few years
Byakuyas dad personally keeps an eye on him when he can because he thinks that he’s make sure byakuya does more than exspected to make up for his “bad blood” but also because of the liking he had taken to byakuyas mother
Growing up with the years he had his mother byakuyas first language was French and he learned things like violin and piano, dispite byakuyas dad being insistent that learning from her makes him soft
Byakuya as a kid was still a spit fire, stubborn and determined but he was much softer, he loved nothing more than to play piano wit his mother, read, and walk in the garden when he wasn’t being bombared with tutors teaching him things no young kid should know(high level learning, byakuya was gifted)
Okay that’s all for now I’ll add more later I have though abt this for so long
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Me reading this (non-colorized, 2023)
Before we get into my thoughts on this, let it be known I did Togami’s FTEs* when I played dr1 the first time - and then continued to Hang out with him later game because it was him or Yasuhiro and you know damn well I’m not hanging out with fucking Yasuhiro (I took one look at Togami and went “oh you look like a bastard I think I’m gonna like you”) I also brushed myself up with the wiki just to be sure
The way that this almost enhances a lot of the things that make Togami *vaguely gestures at him* like that is so so so so so so so incredibly incredible I am holding your hand and swinging you WILDLY. THE PAIN OH MY GOODNESS. AND LIKE. ESPECIALLY THE ISOLATION MIXED WITH THE INSANE AGE GAP BETWEEN HIS SIBLINGS MAKES THE TOGAMI KID HUNGER GAMES RITUAL (patent pending) SO MUCH MORE INTENSE. Hell, Togami being kept in France and away from other family members even brings in the thought that he didn’t even primarily speak the same language as them during TTKHGR(pp) on top of that event likely being the first time he ever actually got to meet members of his family outside his parents.
ALSO ALSO MORE OF A ME THING BUT TOGAMI BEING 5/6 WHEN HIS MOM DIED HURTS SO MUCH. specifically because that’s around how old I kinda decided Shuichi is when sdr2 takes place (aka the fourth time and counting Togami has almost gotten himself killed)and I’m starting to think you’re a psychic (or maybe it’s just intuition?)
Also I just love love love that you took little things and gave them more context to his backstory I eat that kinda stuff up I love it I love it I love it aaaaaaaaauauahaguahahuaagh
Also just. Oooof. Tiny baby togami. Little guye. Ridiculous family standards and gifted bullshit at the same time? I grew up gt and and that alone was a lot on me I can’t even begin to comprehend the insane level of pressure on the guy every fucking day.
Edit *hi I referenced his ftes here I forgor to mention
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consolecadet · 1 year
Do you ever eat a hamburger and just think of this song
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cctinsleybaxter · 2 years
I like to imagine joe biden standing in his office accumulating dust and a rancid plastic-y sheen like those timelapse videos of a mcdonalds hamburger left out at room temp
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cr0wc0rpse · 2 years
I want. Fast food.
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magnoliamyrrh · 2 years
gotta be honest i dont understand those restaurant food challenges they seem like a great way to not enjoy your food, get sick, and then have the stomach pain of a lifetime
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izumistrauma · 2 years
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floral-hex · 4 days
in the ER for the second time this week. They put me in the stinky room 😒
#ANXIOUS!#I’M GONNA DIE!#been told I’m getting some Ativan to take home so I’m thankful.#my anxiety has been SO bad this past week#full blown panic throughout the day#and I’m so hungry and dehydrated but haven’t been able to stomach eating or drinking#although… gosh I did have an awesome burger last night. that was the only good thing I’ve eaten all week.#can’t afford to only eat hamburgers tho#so… gonna go home from here eventually. take some meds. try to sleep.#this room stinks and has a bunch of junk in it#they had me pee in a portable urinal instead of letting me do my urine test in the bathroom 😒#the nurses were super nice tho#I’m so on edge#I feel so pathetic#I’m scared to go home and feel the panic again#I just want to sleep and feel better#I told the doctor they gave me .5 Ativan last time and he scoffed at how small that amount was#but hopefully the script gets filled and it’s not a billion dollars and I can make it to Wednesday#where also hopefully my doctor will give me a longer prescription for something#I’m gonna beg him#I’ll suck your dick dude. I’ll do whatever. I just don’t want to feel that panic anymore.#it’s been a whole lotta me saying ‘I know I should have done this sooner but I didn’t and now I’m fucked. help me.’#THIS being getting back on meds and going back to therapy and on and on#but here we are. it’s been the weekend.#can’t schedule shit on the weekend#just gotta call everyone when I can tomorrow and hope they all can see me soonish#gosh…. ER trip Thursday night and then primary can’t see me until a week later. sucks butts.#too much rambling. good distraction. sorry to bother you.#you can ignore this#text
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