#but cheating is still A Choice
vaamiel · 24 days
Wait okay I'm not done with my Eddie thoughts
As an asexual/demisexual person, I gotta say this whole, triangulation/fixation on one's first love? SO on brand for Eddie.
Lots of speculation ahead, but I relate to so many of the elements of Eddie's storyline so much, I had to get this down:
Once upon a time, I literally had panic attacks when trying to date years after my First Real Love I broke up. Heart palpitations, the whole thing. It fucking sucked and tbh made me quit dating.
Now, though I never cheated, I can absolutely see that being a possible path for someone who experiences that sort of attraction and then combines it with PTSD.
Not that I'm using either as an excuse, but rather, I understand how, particularly if Eddie is a part of a sexuality that's based on deep emotional connection or even no sexual attraction at all, how he would justify his behavior in his own brain.
To Eddie, Marisol and even Ana don't /really/ count as True Loves - they're just women he went on dates with and maybe had some degree of connection, but more like, in a friend-he-had-sex-with way. It's not, and never will be, the same as with Shannon.
That's not even to say his relationship with Shannon is perfect or even good or based on mutual attraction, but rather when you're asexual, it's easy to idealize relationships you're in when they're bolstered by outside forces (in Eddie's case a child, but also circumstance/close quarters, even shared interests can forge this false connection).
This creates... Almost like a false narrative to look back on. You want to reflect on the things you think were perfect, and then try to connect those to future partners and their behavior. Problem with that is, there's usually this fog that sits over those 'perfect' relationships in your brain, corrupting the source of all your nostalgic emotions, so you're perpetually assigning potential new partners poorly put together science.
All of this makes it so difficult to work around your relationship history and build new, strong connections.
Compound that with PTSD from SO many sources, and you have a mess of a human barely capable of forming platonic connections, let alone romantic ones.
Seeing Shannon certainly, obviously triggered something in Eddie, and I think it's important to embrace this storyline head on so that Eddie can either come to terms with his sexuality or even just move on from always looking for Shannon in the crowd.
I'm for sure projecting a lot of my own sexuality on this, but I really do feel that, with the things we've seen about Eddie so far, this could easily connect the dots on the issues he's having with relationships in general.
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bumblingbabooshka · 4 months
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“I have a home and a spouse on Vulcan.“  - Tuvok, St Voyager: Alter Ego Redraw of this: X Patreon | Ko-fi
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So what I’m getting from Tim posting a 9-1-1!Vertigo movie poster and including Buck, not Marisol, in what is presumably Midge’s role, is that there didn’t necessarily need to be cheating for this arc to work. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
I love a good dramatic arc and Vertigo is a banger choice for Eddie’s Catholic guilt and Shannon grief arc, but as far as I know (yes, in my hour of Wikipedia and Twitter deep-diving), that movie doesn’t actually contain cheating, so I’m curious if there’s a reason for it other than drama or not making a carbon copy 9-1-1 version of Vertigo. Is it to make the audience start to dislike Eddie like the Vertigo audience is meant to slowly dislike Scottie, as he continues to make bad choices? Is it to encourage the GA to see Buddie with Buck as the pining Midge? Desperately want reassurance that Tim realizes by making Buck a part of this storyline (especially as Midge), there is no feasible way to dismiss that. Even if Buck’s feelings aren’t explicitly addressed, that poster and any potential on-screen pining aren’t going to be swept away. Season 7 paralleling season 4 regarding Buddie and it’s because The Will and the Vertigo Arc won’t be ignored by the fandom. We’re all gonna go a little crazy methinks, and I can’t wait.
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movedtodykedvonte · 8 months
My personal feelings in the Fionna and Cake ending is that it was perfect.
The story showed about how we can only control what is in our very personal and small world and not worry about or take on the responsibilities of that outside ourself.
We will make mistakes and wish we could rewrite them over and over and over until it’s perfect but we can’t. We will hate aspects of our lives and adore aspects of lives we don’t know the intricacies or hardships of but we can not insert ourselves. We have our own lives to live and rather than define it by a given purpose let us define the purpose as we go along. Not everything is revealed when it’s over, you may not get the answers but it’s okay to go somewhere and not know.
Some endings are happy, some are sad and some are just that, endings. They don’t have neat little bows or a “The End” on the last page but they allow us to put the past down and move on to whatever else lies ahead.
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realnielsbohr · 4 months
if i pass my midterm im attributing it to gay baroque st sebastian
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electracraft · 2 years
i got curious and went to watch the vod bro dream doesnt even sound mad he just sounds defeated no way this is what people are so pressed over he literally called it himself “baby rage” in the saddest most pathetic tone 
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yourqueenb · 8 months
I think Dirty Little Secrets is interesting so far. And I’m surprised I haven’t seen more about it. It feels different than PB’s usual in some ways
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peach-pot · 9 months
"I always thought the choice was mine
and I was right, but I just chose wrong"
^^ about Shirley Bennett when you're me
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aethernightmare · 2 months
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#i'll be real i've been feeling some kind of way this week and needed this reminder.#the refusal by him to go to therapy is also a conscious choice.#the refusal to at least attempt to get sober is a conscious choice.#the refusal to still pin blame on you when you're not the addict and you didn't lie or cheat in the relationship is a choice.#the refusal to improve any area of their life (job - therapy - medication - better friends - an apology to those they hurt) is a choice.#so much of what i mourn is that my partner was genuinely a different person before the substance abuse.#i don't know who this current man is but it feels like a stranger who murdered my husband and stole his body.#because the man i loved might as well be dead. i don't even see glimmers of him anymore. not towards me or other people.#there's no comparison anywhere. not even in appearance.#i can't even know if he'd go back to the way he was if he got sober - because it was impossible to get him to quit more than 3 days.#if it wasn't alcohol it was weed. if it wasn't weed it was alcohol. often blended with days of not logging off mmos.#like none of these things in a vacuum are bad but his relationship to them at the expense of everyone and everything else was.#to this day he thinks i 'left him' when -in an inebriated rage - he told me to never talk to him again. so i haven't.#when he was the one who burned our bridges - so it's also his responsibility to improve and reach back out. even just as friends.#which he said he'd do - but never has.#he may not even remember some of the awful things he said and did to me at the end because he was always getting blackout intoxicated.#but as a result he thinks i was the one gaslighting Him when his memory was full of holes. because he thinks he's above being that affected#he probably thinks i'm manipulative for wanting him to get help and do these things.#but if he actually went to therapy (and was honest) or attend AA he'd see these are the professional steps - not ones i 'randomly made up'.#idk. some days are harder than others to deal with the absence and the silence and the trauma he left behind. today is one of the hard ones#a letter to my ex
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Rewatching The Search For Spock has made me remember how Star Trek introduced us to the trope of "If I Don't Fuck, I Die" with Pon Farr, and how after Amok Time, not a single other mention of Pon Farr has been remotely Not Gross...
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sarcasticgiggler · 3 months
The tag about women is completely relatable lol
"Snazzy" is funny, but isn't exactly... direct (men do not get subtlety). Trust me, go with "handsome," it's flustering AND he's going to know what that means.
thank you i’ll keep that in mind nonnie /gen
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legovasavouchi · 10 months
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Dent & Bix, these were gonna be panels in a silly lil comic but I never quite finishes its
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guideaus · 8 months
reading With the light after recently reading nana is weird, bc nana was kinda endless and had no developments for characters that needed it, and i keep thinking nothing good will happen (which is bad), and dreading it, but then that doesnt happen in With the light. a good thing happens instead, and then i feel bad for feeling concerned
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I need the BG3 narrator to read the ‘reload a save file or persist in the doomed world you have created’ message when a main quest critical NPC dies in Morrowind
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perenial · 1 year
"my chances of sex are considerably lower with wilson" okay but not zero right. like lower still isnt zero
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pop-punklouis · 1 year
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