#but alas it was not meant to be
in-asterism · 30 days
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I am in fact still on this kick. the mind of this character fascinates me
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undead-knick-knack · 10 months
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Kimothée Chalamet
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pokemonheadcanons · 11 months
Headcanon #685
Cave paintings found all over the world suggest that fallers may have been around since ancient times.
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demon-neverland · 1 year
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RIP to Gern Blanston I was really hoping to see your chaotic Irish?Welsh?Boston? Dragonborn and crew of zombies. But alas some brooms are not meant to be stolen and some characters just could not make it. Will miss you and hope to see you in a future episode with more of your chaos energy.
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randomnameless · 1 year
Rhea was an amazing villain in CF. She finally wasn't a hapless uwu victim waiting to be rescued, she took charge, kicked ass, showed her determination to take back control by burning a city down while she was in it, and went down fighting without any "mommy are you there?" nonsense like in SS. Also Cheremy turned in an epic performance showing all the rage and tragedy as her millenia of work collapsed in on itself. 10/10 female villain with agency, would experience again.
I'd say antagonist, rather than villain, but sure, the lack of uwu is surprising!
There's no "sad uwu" with sad music and violins and "choices" ending with a very meaningful "i wanted to walk with u" to a person she might only have talked to 3 times in the past 6 years!
CF!Rhea shows her determination, in a twisted way, as she loses more and more control and relieves her PTSD, doing everything she can to survive and failing - failing to survive (well duh she's killed), failing to reunite with her mother, failing to live with humans, etc etc.
Seeing her lose more and more and her ultimate breakdown when Flayn'n'Seteth is really something - I have already made my point known about the different VA directions - and while Cherami Leigh's anger is really well conveyed - Inoue's performance conveys how you litteraly broke her! There's anger yes, but also despair and sadness.
She wants to reunite with her mother, even at the end - that's all she wants, and it's Inoue's peak performance between anger, anguish and despair that really sells Rhea as a character.
I think I felt as bad when this was over as that moment in ToX1 where you defeat Muzét on Jude's route, and she begs Maxwell to help her, only for him to, uh, don't do a thing. Then she goes bananas, and the ultimate line to Gaius where she replies with anger to his "well think by yourself" with her own "I don't know how" is just - that awesome. It's the perfect blend of off-putting, to make you understand that this character is more than just angry, but this character is feeling "feelings" (duh!) and they're shovered in your face, and sometimes, those feelings are uncomfortable and you can't ignore them.
In ToX1, imo, we're supposed to think that yes, while Muzét is an ass a bit too happy to be a perfect tool, the second she is abandonned she's a complete mess - and why the old fart abandonned her? Well...
Ditto for Rhea - her actions grow and grow more desperate, culminating with Bernie's Firdhiad adventure - but that anger and pain? They can't be ignored.
Alas, where ToX1 ends Muzét's breakdown with Milla accepting to make a place for her by her side (as unsatisfying as it is!), CF ends with...
Well, nothing.
But back to your post (I disgress too much lol) :
Yep, CF!Rhea isn't brainwashed, lobotomised, randomly "berserk" or anything, nope. Now, we can have other discussions about a genocide victim being hunted again and forced to relieve her PTSD until she breaks down.
But for a female character with agency, who decides how she will go down and is fully on board with her own plans, I think Azure Moon's Edelgard takes the cake.
She will meet Dimitri and her enemies in her palace, even resort to transform in her Hegemon Husk form if it means killing them to make her ideal world see fruition. No uwu, no crest stones used as poke balls, nope, nothing. It's only her, her ideals and her vision of the world.
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ugh you know those memories that never go away bc you have so many things you want to say know but didn’t back then because you were scared
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coffeecities · 9 months
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kathonyy · 2 months
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admiralvermin · 8 months
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no more fighting. wrold peace now.
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reunitedinterlude · 2 months
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coat sharing (2017 // 2024)
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soupdweller · 3 months
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this scene made me single-handedly overcome art block.
from @venomous-qwille's ghost in the machine [chapter 12]
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ohno-the-sun · 2 months
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Doodles of my guy
Poor sun Pfppft
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turtleofthehollow · 4 months
The best way I can describe how I ship radioapple is “intimacy through hatred”
They hate each other, they never stop hating each other, but they grow so used to each other that they look like they’re dating from an outsider’s perspective
Lucifer knows Alastor hates being touched, so he keeps putting his arm around him and finding any excuse to invade Al’s personal space
Knowing that Lucifer hates his opinion, Alastor goes out of his way to advise the King of Hell on all his problems. Lucifer especially hates it when it’s actually good advice, and has no choice but to accept it
They both enjoy pissing each other off so much that they can often be found laughing together, and everyone thinks they’re just having fun
Luci once insulted Alastor's culinary skills, and it somehow lead to them starting a cooking competition to see who was the better cook. It's been ongoing for years because they keep trying to poison the other, so they're never able to declare a winner
Everyone is super confused about their relationship, and insist that they're actually in love and just living in denial, but they do really hate each other, they just can’t explain it in a way that makes sense
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metalhoops · 1 year
Steve didn’t know how to show people he cared about them. It wasn’t something he’d learnt growing up in a household with absentee parents and later, emotionally distant friends. So when he finally got to a place where he was ready to try and show others what they meant to him, he didn’t know where to start.
Steve had craved physical touch for as long as he could remember. Something as simple as tousling Dustin’s hair or letting Robin hug him was hard, despite how much he enjoyed it. So he started with something simpler. He made sure the people he loved had their needs met.
Whenever someone needed a place to spend the night, he’d offer up the Harrington household. He’d drive them wherever they wanted to go, no matter what the time of day. He also made sure they were taking care of themselves.
When Eddie somehow weaselled his way into the list of people he loved, he knew he was in way over his head. 
Eddie was lucky to eat three homemade meals a week, let alone a day which set Steve’s teeth on edge. He’d already gotten into the habit of stocking his pantry full of things the kids liked for when they came over and halving his meal-prepped lunches for himself and Robin to share on break.
Steve started simple. When he dropped Robin off to school, or Dustin off to Hellfire, he’d send them with an extra sandwich or a Tupperware container filled with baked goods or last night’s leftovers for Eddie. It felt less personal if it went through a third party. At first, Eddie had looked at Robin and Dustin like they’d grown a third head, but he always accepted. Eddie wasn’t used to saying thanks, Steve didn’t want him to. So when they were together, they didn’t talk about it.
The notes came later. They weren’t anything special. Steve would slip in a post-it note with the meal offering. They started out mundane, ‘have a good day’, ‘don’t let Dustin stay out too late this time’, ‘you want to smoke out back once the kids are gone?’ But time and Eddie’s inability to acknowledge them beyond a smile or nod made Steve grow a little bolder. 
One night, Steve picked the kids up from Hellfire. Eddie had waved at Steve from the back of Hawkins High. His arms half hugged around himself fighting off the cold in nothing but ripped jeans and a tee-shirt. The next morning, Steve sent Robin to school with one of his old leather jackets. It was the most ‘Eddie’ thing he owned. 
Eddie hesitated in taking it from Robin. Food was one thing. A tan leather jacket, admittedly not quite Eddie’s style, was another thing entirely. Robin levelled him with a look to let him know not accepting the gift wasn’t an option. He shrugged the jacket on finding a note in the pocket.  ‘I owe you a jacket’. Eddie spent the rest of the day grinning like an idiot. 
That grin turned into a full-blown smile the next Hellfire when Dustin showed up with a container of frozen spaghetti, yes actual spaghetti and not SpaghettiOs, with a new post-it note attached to the top. ‘You looked nice today’. It proclaimed. Dustin looked at the note with a screwed-up nose. 
“You two are disgusting,” He proclaimed before bugging Eddie about their campaign. 
He can’t keep ignoring Steve. He doesn’t mean to ignore Steve. He just doesn’t know what to say. He still wasn’t sure how he’d managed to become friends with Steve Harrington. He didn’t know what to do with Steve being nice to him. He wasn’t used to people looking out for him, sure there was Uncle Wayne, but they were family. Steve was something different. 
“Hey Dustin,” Eddie called as the kids were leaving. 
“Tell Steve he always looks nice.” 
Dustin looked at him like he’d just asked the kid to stick his hand in a mimic’s mouth. 
“No way I’m passing that on,” He shot back. 
Thankfully, Hellfire’s newest member Will the Wise, was there to save the day.
“I’ll pass it on,” Will confirmed. It was Mike’s turn to look disgusted. 
The ride back from Hellfire that night was tension filled in a way Steve couldn’t comprehend. The kids had loaded into his backseat with tight lips and pinched faces. For once, Will took Dustin’s spot in the front seat, more astoundingly Dustin didn’t complain. 
“What the hell is going on with you guys tonight?” Steve asked when no explanation presented itself.  
“Eddie said you always look nice,” Will remarked as Dustin fake gagged. 
Steve jerked his head so quickly in Will’s direction the car veered onto the rumble strip. 
“He did?” Steve asked smoothing his hair back off his face.
“Can you two flirt without a third-party involved and put us all out of our misery?” Dustin groaned, kicking Steve’s seat and setting his cheeks aflame as he once more veered dangerously close to the edge of the road while trying to get a better look at Henderson. 
“Wait Steve and Eddie are flirting, gross” Mike spoke, his nose wrinkled in repulsion. 
Steve watched Will stiffen in the front seat and that was enough to set all his walls of internalised homophobia crashing down because there was no way in hell someone was going to make one of his kids uncomfortable, even if it was another one of his kids. 
“There’s nothing wrong with liking another guy. It’s just the way some people are... The way I am.” Will shot Steve a thankful half smile while Mike choked on his own tongue. 
“I didn’t mean gross because you’re both guys. Eddie’s cool and you’re lame. It’s gross he likes you.” You weren’t meant to have favourite kids, but Steve could say Mike was his least favourite.
“So you do like Eddie,” Dustin shot triumphantly. 
Steve wouldn’t be hearing the end of it anytime soon. 
The last note Steve would give Eddie was hand delivered by Dustin, much to his chagrin. Asking Eddie to meet him at Benny’s Diner during Steve’s lunch break. To Steve’s surprise, Eddie showed. He plonked down in the diner booth across from Steve and levelled the man under one of his intense stares. 
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” Eddie questioned, giving Steve a conspiratorial smirk. Surely Eddie knew, right? If the others had worked it out, surely Eddie knew. 
“Couldn’t be bothered to cook last night,” Steve admitted and watched Eddie’s face fall. He imagined Robin, back when the two worked at Scoops Ahoy, deftly adding a tally to Steve’s ‘You Suck’, column. Right. Harrington. Get your shit together. 
“And because I thought it’d be a nice place for a date.” Eddies brows drew together as he examined the diner. 
“Yeah, guess it wouldn’t be a bad place for a date. You got one coming later?” Eddie questioned much to Steve’s dismay.
Steve’s head fell to the table with a thud. He wasn’t good with his words. It was so much easier flirting with Eddie in writing. That way he didn’t have to worry about being rejected. 
In one last act of desperation or stupidity, Steve pulled out a pen from his pocket and scribbled a quick message on a napkin, taking a deep breath before passing it over to Eddie. 
‘Would you like to go on a date with me?’ The note asked. 
Across the table, he heard a strangled sound before two solid hands were placed on his shoulders. 
“Are you kidding me, Stevie? Hell Yes.” 
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randomnameless · 1 year
Are there any characters you can think of (both in FE and out of FE) that were as mischaracterized in the localization as Rhea?
Seto Kaiba in the 4Kids dub of Yu Gi Oh?
I can't think of anything right now, but for FE - people more knowledgeable about Fates might have things to say, but iirc we have Effie who is pretty different in the lolcalisation than in the base game, and Xander too?
I think they were more "mischaracterised" in a way that for some characters we're straight up looking at OCs, when Rhage can be seen as "Rhea the DeathEater".
What's more annoying about Rhea is how the mischaracterisation ultimately led to some people (even VAs !) see negatively her character - or react more strongly to her character, like remember the hair trigger temper and one of the usual devoted fan argument about her being "cray-cray and exploding in anger at the slightest provocation"?
Imo, that's because her agressitivity and anger were played up to 11 - Rhea is someone who bakes cookies and grows plants, Yuri killed her soldiers but Rhea had enough "self-control" not to eradicate him on spot, but ultimately find out the hows and whys he did this and came to trust him.
Hair-trigger temper and "cray-cray exploding in anger at the slightest provocation"!Rhea would have had to be physically restrained from executing him on spot. Aelfie telling her "nuh-uh I'm still going to perform weird blood transmutation fuck off" would have been erased too, but... Both Aelfie and Yuri aren't.
Tl;Dr : the lolcalisation didn't only mischaracterise Rhea, they worsened her for ~ reasons ~ and it made a lasting impression on the fandom (VAs are part of the fandom).
This is why I'm always happy when FeH delivers Rhea content, shitting on NoA's!Rhage - even if whoever is in charge of localising the content tries their hardest - and the Halloween!alt is a perfect exemple. If Rhage "doesn't just try she just is" - then why the Halloween alt wonders if she has to learn how to perform a trick because that's what witches does, or is annoyed because Seteth will give her a lecture about "appropriate clothes" later on? Winking?? Rhage isn't playful she is composed - but Rhea is!
Actually, I wonder if the localisation - bar the hair-trigger temper - didn't mistake Rhea for Ashera in her "just is" + "composed" etc etc. Halloween!Mila sounds more playful than Halloween!Rhea ffs!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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ORV is about enduring the horrors in real time.
(for @everyonesfavoritebastard)
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