#but I needed time to digest it all
fromtheseventhhell · 4 days
Unlocked a new piece of "Arya can't control herself' lore and, apparently, people think her ability to control herself comes from her pretending to be someone else. So it isn't Arya who has self-control, it's Arry/Weasel/Nan/etc. and that's why she wouldn't be able to control herself in KL, cause she couldn't handle being "Arya". I am fascinated by people twisting themselves into pretzels to deny Arya's capabilities, at this point it's an unhealthy compulsion 😭
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coyotesinew · 3 months
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Some recent thoughts about nonhumanity and my relationship to the community + my personal relationship with it that I cleaned up, my writing style is a bit disjointed, I would like to share more of my writing, if anyone would be interested in seeing that :)
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miss-sternennacht · 2 years
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Anyone else feeling like this?
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gemkun · 27 days
2.2 spoilers below :
my most important takeaway from this patch is that my boy got a cinematic okay thank you please admire how beautiful he is
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now as for the nitty gritty
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why did hoyo have to choose to mention oswaldo when i started considering his ass like how can i say no now smh this clearly shows that he's going to be integral into the game so i don't know the likelihood but i feel like someone who's been so prominent in aventurine and boothill's history won't be plastered onto an npc and he may be playable in the future ( pls hoyo i want to see his model so i can write him cause i cannot choose fcs to save my life )
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additionally extremely important is jingheng they simply stole the show
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also the wife is safe and sound ( unless diamond decides to demote him ) and i screamed so loudly when i saw the ip3 like those are my pookies
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the screwtio moment had me kicking my legs as well
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i self-indulgently want to point out this line and i'm not even going to state the implications it should be obvious
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furthermore i love boothill he's so stupid and danhill is on the horizon
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we got a sneaky little dancae too what a win
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argentio in penacony is another highlight like just look at them and their unparalleled beauty
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friendly reminder this is what argenti said about aventurine btw
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sunday was undeniably beautiful but i think he needs to be psychoanalysed or immediately admitted into therapy ( unpacking him as a whole is going to be an essay of at least 3000 words )
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lastly i would like to address that this clockie puppet has aventurine's eyes and i don't know the implications of that
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anthromimicry · 2 months
okay, so i believe it's time to talk about what kind of powers misao possesses. let me start off by saying that she is by no means invincible and/or invulnerable: so, she can be defeated in combat, of course. i just wanted to affirm that with y'all because she does have an enhanced healing factor. but unlike a regenerative healing factor, which heals a lot of things pretty much automatically, it does still take a good amount of time for her to heal. i'd say it's just a bit faster than a human's ability to heal, and so she can not do things like regrow limbs / reattach her head.
BUT to counteract her lack of a more proficient healing ability... misao and all jorōgumo can produce very sharp, silk-like threads and manipulate them to their liking to attack other's + create constructs out of these silk threads that can be used as weapons. and thus, one could argue that she has a certain 'advantage' over humans since this is a long-range attack, which would mean only they would have to get closer to her in combat if they didn't have any long-range weapons themselves. being a spider in actuality, misao can also make webbing that comes from within her. also, because of her true nature as a spider, misao can control diminutive spiders or just regularly sized spiders at will.
another, and her last ability, is that she has venom available at her disposal much like a real spider that targets the central nervous system / is a potent neurotoxin ( in which she would transfer directly into someone through a bite ) buttt the thing is is that she will often not use this method of killing, and/or seriously harming someone because of how long it takes for her body to regenerate the venom. thus, most of the time, misao will only use it if she is in a very dire situation where she has to defend herself or someone she cares about.
and as a result, those who are in combat with her don't really have to worry about her using this ability unless she's genuinely on death's door or something of that nature. so yeah; i hoped this gave you all a little more insight as to what exactly she can do with her powers as a jorōgumo.
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healingheartdogs · 9 months
Doctors visits as an AFAB person that have absolutely nothing to do with potential pregnancy and do not at all match symptoms of pregnancy be like:
Doc: "When was your last period?"
Me: "I'm currently on my period, it started (date)."
Doc: "And are you on any birth control?"
Me: "Yeah I have the nexplanon arm implant."
Doc: "And are you currently sexually active?"
Me: "Nope, haven't been for years."
~ Fifteen minutes later ~
Doc: "Well your pregnancy test (that we didn't tell you we were doing or ask your consent for) came back negative so it's not that."
No. Fucking. Duh.
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zeltqz · 29 days
Ok we all know you love the Haitani brothers (mostly Ran) so, what's your favorite thing about them? And what do you think of their personality when writing a fanfic?
Honestly it’s I crazy why I love Ran so much even tho he has like zero relevance to the story. It’s mainly the fanfics I read that made me literally obsess over him. So I can’t say canonically the reasons I love him because all we know about him is that he’s tall, has a brother, likes to sleep, likes fashion, expensive perfumes, and taking care of his hair. That’s like the basis of his character. And I love all that about him. But it’s mainly fanon ran that I love. Not the cheating toxic man everybody makes him out to be. But idk it’s like I’ve created my own version of him in my head that I like to bring out in my writing and pretend that’s how he canonically is bc again wakui gave us NOTHING 😔😒
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bunnihearted · 2 months
#soo blah blah need to vent again abt my health issue situation 💀#yuh so like im so sick nd tired of whats going on. nd not being able to just eat whatever i feel like whenever#it's emotionall draining tbh. im always thinking abt what i could maybe try nd im always like ohh gotta make sure the portion is small etc#it's annoying me sm bc i can def feel the effects of me not getting the right nd enough nutrients nd vitamins etc etc#i get dizzy nd my vision is hazy sometimes. nd im like forgetful bc the other the when i walked home i kept getting lost nd had to walk back#nd forth several times nd i was like ?!?!? what?! i've lived here for 25yrs nd now i just cannot for the life of me rmbr the way#also i am so weak in my body. like carrying even a small amound or books nd groceries nd walking for 30min makes me exhausted#my legs are actually shaking when i get back home nd every step feels like im walking in cement#plus i just wanna be able to go to the gym nd build muscle. but if i dont get enough protein in me i cant build muscles T-T#what else... yeah also i do miss food bc of comfort. like my coffee + chcolate everyday makes me genuinely happy lmao#but i just want the food situation to be normal bc even w veggies im like oh no that is too gas building that is too hard to digest etc etc#it's mentally gruelling to not know how tf to get all the important nutrients!! i def have several deficiences lmao :((#im so over it. but theres nothing i can do. i wish i could just not think abt it 24/7 tho#also. im the thinnest i've ever been BUT. i am constantly bloated so i look fkn pregnant. so i cant even enjoy looking the skinnier
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inchidentally · 2 months
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itchose · 2 months
can people stop referring to Akilah as “the normal one” in ref to everyone else
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sga-owns-my-soul · 5 months
as someone who has been misdiagnosed at best and fully ignored and not believed at worst about my health issues, it's really frustrating when people tell me i don't really have something unless a doctor has diagnosed me. doctors don't believe i have any issues to begin with, why are they supposed to be trusted over me?? like i get they have degrees but idiots get degrees literally all the time. idk it's just really frustrating when i tell people i have food sensitives and they don't believe me unless i can procure an allergy test. i tell people i have chronic pain and unless a doctor told me that, it doesn't count. i'm not allowed to identify as autistic until a doctor tells me i can. like i get looking something up once isn't the same as a medical degree but idk can we maybe just. stop pretending doctors are the only ones capable of telling what's wrong with someone? can we maybe trust that sometimes people do actually know what's going on with their body and their health?
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p4nishers · 1 year
"the council should've granted anakin the rank of a master–" i have a gun.
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heartshattering · 3 days
My life feels like one case of "Hey I reallyyyy should've taken this medical condition a lot more seriously when I was first diagnosed with it" after the next 🙃
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nyctoheart · 1 year
I may understand KHUX inside and out, where I have all the little inconsistencies mapped out into some elaborate plan that makes sense after all....
but I still am so confused about KHDR
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kafkaoftherubble · 5 months
Brandi and Lewis are so cute together I love them...
Oh boy, if their Creator is shipping them... I think we've got a winner, boys
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nexus-nebulae · 3 months
the starving street cat headmate has discovered the smoked salmon we bought
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