#but I don’t have any frames
takeshitakyuuto · 6 months
Taking donations of picture frames
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l3irdl3rain · 6 months
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these are far from all of them but i print a picture of every single pet I’ve ever owned to put somewhere in my house.
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communistkenobi · 4 months
My friend, Please tell me what you are studying, for I greatly desire to study it too. With many thanks, A frustrated philosopher
I’m assuming you’re asking after seeing that Adorno post lol - I don’t wanna get too specific but my dissertation work is on fascist movements in north america! the first text I encountered that really made me want to study it (in addition to just like observing and experiencing what’s happening in the world, especially as a trans person lol) is The Authoritarian Personality by Adorno, Frenkel-Brunswik, Levinson, and Sanford. I think it’s a pretty flawed text for a lot of reasons but it + some of Adorno’s other work are pretty formative for my research interests and understanding of the social world. I’m deeply indebted to it intellectually and it’s a landmark text in western studies on fascism (so it contains all the issues of western thought on fascism in general in addition to Adorno’s flaws and limitations as a thinker more specifically).
It’s a thousand pages long so if you wanted to read parts of it, I would recommend finding a pdf of the 2019 edition and reading Adorno’s critical reflections on the work written after it was published (it’s inserted as a preface in the 2019 edition) + the introductory chapter. The intro outlines the context and rationale for the study (basically: why did people support Nazi Germany, what motivates antisemitism in the modern day) and describes the methodology of the study. The methods section is incredibly interesting, the authors talk about how they go about collecting fascist sentiment from the public while basically deceiving their participants, since one of the methodological problems they (and prior research) run up against is that most people do not publicly and openly declare, even on anonymous surveys, their support for fascist governments, so you should instead measure their support for the underlying rhetoric and sentiment of fascist beliefs without explicitly telling people they’re being polled on how fascist they are (their unit of analysis is the potentially fascistic subject, not necessarily explicit fascists - they wanted to, in addition to outright fascists, measure potentiality for fascist support and were interested in people who might reject explicit fascist talking points but still agree with the underlying logics of fascist thought). The study is very heavily wedded to psychoanalysis, which I have a lot of problems with, but I think they capture something legitimate and real with their psychological framework. Part of Adorno’s defense of their psychological approach is that personality is the medium through which ideology gets expressed (essentially his claim is that you are your beliefs about the world, and that you become a different person when you believe different things, an argument I find basically compelling), so measuring personality ‘traits’ of a person will reveal their potentiality for fascist support, possibly even moreso than their publicly stated beliefs. Again I think generalising from this framework needs to have a lot of qualifications attached to it, but despite my many reservations with psychology I don’t think this is a totally illegitimate approach.
anyway lol going a bit long but I hope that answers your question !
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stuckinapril · 3 months
#I think people treat others on here who share any sort of news like they’re actual professional journalists and we’re not#I genuinely don’t think a single person on here is#We’ve just taken it upon ourselves to share the news bc the actual journalists are the ones who mince words and have ulterior motives etc#But usually if someone on here makes a mistake it’s an honest one & they will rectify it if you notify them#You do not have to attack them or say they’re misleading on purpose like I think most ppl on here#Don’t have that sort of agenda. At least the ones who’re fighting for legitimate causes like Palestinian and Sudanese genocide etc etc#I just hope no one on here gets attacked in light of the Samara situation#I just think we should be more open to making mistakes instead of jumping to bad faith interpretations#News have to be accurate but mistakes r also ok and usually a simple communication resolves it#Tumblr is the bad faith interpretation website so I’m not surprised but I also think we need to be more graceful#Bc how else can anyone improve / learn more etc etc#Whenever someone on here shares an opposing opinion it’s not that I dislike that or want to intentionally suppress it#It’s usually just framed in a very inflammatory way that doesn’t even give me the opportunity to give my side and might motivate other ppl#To think I’m basically like a normal journalist who intentionally misleads 💀💀 I am An Iraqi Girl Who Is Trying To Help#At least this has taught me how to gracefully own up to mistakes and take accountability etc that’s pretty cool#Bc even w all that said I think it’s important to hold urself accountable if u do make a mistake regardless of intention.#We just shouldn’t demonize making mistakes bc how can someone grow Ok I’m done
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tsubasagirl · 3 months
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My seventh photo featuring my 3 fav edge lords
(Also an attempt at making a funny photo ‘3’)
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brookheimer · 10 months
very funny that one of the main responses to the lizzo fat-shaming accusations is “but SHE’S fat!!!” as if internalized fatphobia doesn’t exist. like, you do realize that fat people have had that worldview beaten into them by literally every single person around them their entire lives, and famous fat people even more so. celebrity body positivity is so frequently performative — less about genuinely feeling positively about your body and other bodies that look like yours, more about trying to claw your way to having value in the eyes of society through any means possible. it’s out of spite and the desire to fit in. it’s not about conventional beauty not mattering, it’s about trying to expand the lens of societal atttactiveness to include you. lizzo was never trying to dismantle beauty standards as a concept, as a hierarchical way of perceiving society, as a value system. she just wanted to be valued within it — and that’s understandable, because we all want that, we all need to feel desired and worthwhile and valuable. but the best way for an outsider to become an insider is to know the hierarchy inside and out, then to enforce it yourself. if you’re able to gatekeep beauty and value from others, that implies you have access to it yourself. the only way for fat people to be valued within modern societal beauty constraints is to carve out a spot within that hierarchy and guard it with your life. i’m sorry if this is news to people, but so long as our perceptions of beauty remain the same, fat people will never be viewed as equally human — and especially fat women will never be viewed as equally woman. our beauty constraints are premised on a dehumanization of fatness. there is no way to exist as a fat person within that sphere without perpetuating those constraints yourself to prove to skinny people that you deserve to be there. this is why celebrity body positivity is so infrequently helpful long-term or big-picture — it’s not about setting all bodies equal to one another, it’s about raising your particular body equal to those at the top of the hierarchy. so of course lizzo bodyshamed her employees, her backup dancers, her assistants — that’s exactly what enabled her to become a “voice” for “body positivity.” without a position of power in that hierarchy, not only would her calls for body positivity not be heard, they likely wouldn’t exist in the first place; how are you going to feel positive about your body in our ever-competitive pyramid of beauty unless you have people below you to feel better than?
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weirdercateyes · 1 year
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Two very related things, a drawning and a little animatic thing that took me an hour, very wishful thinking. Anyway, brain go brrrrrrr at somehow pulling Deimos out of you know, endless suffering in pergatory
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Me: [gets recognition for doing something good, completely of my own volition, with no outside influence whatsoever]
My dad: “I know you did something wonderful; but I want to say one thing to you: Never forget Jehovah. He’s the reason why you tick the way you do.”
Dad? I am one step away from opening the metaphorical can of beans and having to tape it shut again for the second time within the span of a year. My sanity is hanging on one fucking thread. Do not do this to me. Please. For once in your sorry fucking life do not do this to me, or anyone else. I feel like I’m being punished. Stop it.
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yonemurishiroku · 8 months
Everytime someone posts st like “AB is the best ship”, the angel in me dies a little and the demon is ready to set the world on fire and proceed to chug milk whilst watching it burn.
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lovecoredeity · 2 months
would y’all be interested in seeing my crappy little paintings I made recently or like seeing jewelry art from me?
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astrobei · 1 year
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held @bookinit02 at gunpoint and made her hold my hand for this pic
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sevenines · 4 days
i find how in fics i’ve read recently, writers (who clearly are normal-to-tall height) write in short characters’ povs sooo interesting. interestingly it’s mostly with peridot (rather than steven or amethyst) where shortness is a fixation. they’re constantly reminded of their shortness and “curse this tall world and tall people!!” when in reality short people don’t always think about being short because that’s just how they live.
#the reason i’m only calling out fics and not published works#is because published works just don’t have short people povs at all LOLLLL#well i mean there probably are if i look for them#but i’m no literary nut so i’ve found none#anyways in fics it’s clear the writing is in the perspective of a tall person#bc it makes me think of a video i saw that was like ‘this is the pov of a short person’#and for the first time i actually saw a video pov that looked normal to me#i just accepted that people filmed videos up high because that’s what i’m used to#and people in the comments were freaaaaking out#and it’s only then that i see how inconvenient being short is#like yeah i suppose i can’t really see what’s on even the bottommost shelf of a ceiling cabinet#and forget any shelves higher than that#but that’s just how cabinets are! they’re not like that because i’m short they’re just like that because /theyre/ tall#to put it more concisely the framing is less ‘i’m short’ and more ‘things are just tall’#and in the times where i have to say get a stool#i’m not thinking about how annoying it is that i need it#or at least direct that anger towards my own height#it’s the objects fault /obviously/#that doesn’t mean friends won’t make fun of me endlessly for being short though LOL#oh and when it ACTUALLY becomes an obstacle…#then yes it’s actually really annoying (rock climbing :/)#but hey i’m happy that being short is written at all if that makes sense??#like amen for su having an abnormally large cast of small characters
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
“Why do you care so much?”
“Because I don’t know how else to be.”
—Under the Whispering Door, TJ Klune
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arthur-kilgore · 1 year
If Charles wanted to beat the gay allegations he should have talked to more women
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Oh god. Do I go back to the community theater that’s half an hour away that had a kinda shitty director this summer just because they’re doing Newsies and I genuinely think I have a shot at Davey and I REALLY want to play him?
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faarkas · 1 year
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