#but I actually have no OTP there
heartbreakmosh · 7 months
tagged by @local-ethernet ! Thank you!
three ships: Hikaru/Lala (StarPre), Yamato/Mitsuki (IDOLiSH7), Amehiko/Kamiya (SideM)
first ship: Chad/Ryan from High School Musical
last song: New Genesis by ADO
last movie: One Piece Film Red lmfao
currently reading: getting ready to start The Wretched of the Earth
currently watching: One Piece
currently consuming: hot choccy
currently craving: cuddles from my deranged cat I'm not tagging anyone because I'm Bad at that but please by all means do this!
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tcmmykinard · 10 months
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incorrect 9-1-1 33/?
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senditothemoonn · 10 months
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I was watching series 1-4 of new who and needed to get my feels out
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wistfulwatcher · 7 months
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As for myself, I gave birth to a healthy baby girl. The creature spared our lives, and in return I honored her with my absolute silence. Some things, no matter how magnificent they are, are best left alone. And as to whether I'd ever see her again, the answer is yes. But that's another story.
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the-woman-upstairs · 1 year
Definitely want a second season of XO, Kitty if only for the ensuing hilarity that would come from the two most popular students in school fighting each other over the dorky American transplant who barely passed her classes.
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delusionisaplace · 8 months
can you pls write some banter prompts <33
ofc!! and thanks for the ask :)))
𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙩𝙨:
have fun with these | tag me if you use any | if yall want more prompts like this, jus drop an ask
“Do you trust me?” “Yeah, but I feel like I shouldn’t?”
“If you were a movie, you would be a comedy.” “Aww, because I make you laugh?” “No, because you’re ridiculously stupid.”
“You’re like a good book: I can’t seem to put you down.” “You know how to read?”
“Did you steal my fries?” “No, I just borrowed them indefinitely.”
“You’re a clown.”
“You’re the most unique person I’ve ever met.” “Unique is just a nice way to say weird.”
"You're like a puzzle I can't solve." "Oh, so I'm a brain teaser now?" "More like a never-ending Sudoku."
“You love my cooking, right?” “It’s like an arduous adventure for the taste buds.”
“I’ll pay you to leave me alone.” “I thought you said I was priceless to you?”
“You’re just like cotton candy—full of hot air.”
“Are you sure you aren’t missing a few brain cells?” “Of course not!”
“When we’re together, it’s like WiFi: a strong connection.” “It’s more like 3G data, but alright.”
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queenofinys · 16 days
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— the oresteia
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rui-drawsbox · 5 months
Step 4 posting!
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"I like sunflowers" "Yeah. Those are nice too. They're bright and awesome. You match with them." 8 years old Cove was smoother than step 2 and 3 Cove
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Oh she did a little *more* than torment him
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Random relatioship stuff, they're so embarrassing 🙄
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my most underrated Kataang take is, I think, the inclusion of Katara's epiphany in The Fortune Teller at all. We've talked ourselves hoarse about how it's the clear turning point in how she consciously thinks of Aang (I will always mandate that she was just unknowingly down bad since the pilot because Look at her behaviour dear god) and how it's important that she has this epiphany even after knowing Aunt Wu's predictions 'aren't real' or necessarily set in stone.
What I want to talk about is why I think it's important that THIS is the moment she sees Aang in a new light amid his previous attempts to have her think of him 'differently' than she did at the beginning of the episode.
When Aang is being sweet to her (making her a woven accidental-betrothal necklace that she happily accepts), Katara is appreciative and responsive, but still says "he's just a good friend, a sweet little guy, just like Momo".
When Aang tries to flirt with her under Sokka's aloof guise, it falls flat. When he tries to get her attention in general (and when having parallels with Meng), it likewise doesn't work.
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Finally, he tries the flower but it falls into the lava (symoblism, anyone?) and they have bigger things to deal with, like making sure the town isn't completely wiped out by the volcano. It's also worth noting that after Aang's conversation with Meng:
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He never actively tries pursuing or wooing Katara in the same way. He's still kind towards and supportive toward her, of course. He, at some point (probably after the 2nd cheek or third cheek kiss) eventually starts to think (understandably) that Katara has feelings for him. But as of The Fortune Teller, he's stopped trying to have her see him in a new light or do a big romantic gesture.
And that's exactly when she does, consciously, fall for him.
Not when he's trying to woo her in failed, false personas, not when he's being his sweet romantic self, but when he's being the most himself all episode: Aang, "the bravest person [she] knows, who's done nothing but help people and save lives" since she met him (1x12).
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He's not paying attention, he's not trying to impress her. He's just being a good, determined Avatar. A good, helpful person. A powerful bender, completely in control of himself and his element. Being himself.
Her Aang.
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ineffably-human · 11 months
"Nandor should suffer to teach him a lesson," yes, of course, but please consider:
You cannot beat him up. He just gets horny.
You cannot hint at him, he just misses the point and then you're frustrated and tired.
You cannot depress him, like you can but he is unexpectedly good at being pretty and upsetting when he's sad and then all the rest of us are also sad. Also he's even more of a dick, usually.
You cannot trick him, he'll just continue wishing for dumb shit.
The best, most proven way to elevate Nandor in any form is for a bossy little guy with the patience of a saint to slap him around a little bit and then order him around. He usually listens, it's very sexy, the guy slapping him around gets a little self-esteem boost.
Guillermo Top Rights 2023, is my point. We've got to get him back into form, it's the only way.
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lover-of-mine · 4 months
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Buddie Countdown to Season 7:
21 days.
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rosemarytrash · 2 years
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YES this is a month late but YES i still giggle at amity making a fool of herself
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andsjuliet · 9 months
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lover ⇾ taylor swift
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tim-lucy · 2 years
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#she matters more
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hauntinghyrule · 4 months
Vio is grayromantic (only very rarely feels romantic attraction (it's basically just Shadow))
His friends joke that he is grayromantic (only romantically interested in those who are morally gray)
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arcandoria · 11 months
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The Kiss.
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