#bundle theory
myrandompolitics · 1 year
If anyone tries to use the “define woman” argument hit them with the wikipedia page for Bundle Theory.
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thepoisonroom · 5 months
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fuck they really did it the mad lads
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fuckyeahkagepro · 10 months
Ayano no Koufuku Riron - cover + PV by NIJISANJI
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iqmmir · 2 months
'do you seriously think thats all thats the reason behind their motive?????' have you not met other people like this do you not interact with others is your understanding of a person only through the fiction you read and watch and hear do you seriously think people like that dont exist
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ghetsis · 6 months
It had been months since his team had last opened a rift in Ultra Space. Now, enough time had passed that the people of Alola considered the last Ultra Beast encounter to be an isolated anomaly. The equipment was reconfigured and much progress had been made in their ability to target specific alternate timelines. No more randomly punching holes and seeing what popped out.
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"Give me another Paradox from the distant future," Ghetsis requested.
His scientists nodded and massive machines hummed to life as its energy consumption sent another rolling blackout across the islands. With a flash and a tremor, the fabric of reality tore open and a new pokemon fell from it with a metallic clunk.
The pokemon rose to its feet, rotating its head 180 degrees to the right, then to the left, digitally 'blinking' as it examined its surroundings. This place was downright frigid and not in the good way and the people in front of it hardly seemed to be the jolly sorts. It would really like to leave.
A wild Iron Bundle appeared!
"Interesting," Ghetsis smiled. He tossed a Master Ball which the automaton immediately caught in it's cannon.
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'01101000oo! <3'
Yes, it was definitely time to leave, but Iron Bundle would at least be kind enough to return Ghetsis's Master Ball. In the form of a hyper-frozen projectile launched at mach speed. The shot narrowly missed the team of scientists who dove out of the way and left a three foot wide hole through chamber's steel door.
Of course this couldn't just be easy, Ghetsis though as he released his Eelektross. "Subdue it quickly," he commanded.
'Hoo H0110111o!'
Iron Bundle used Blizzard!
Eelektross was strong enough to endure the attack, but the room was now filled with snow. Pointing its cannon behind it, Iron Bundle propelled itself over the frost and out the damaged door like a rocket powered snowmobile. Booms, crashes and shrieks could be heard as the little robot blasted its way to freedom.
The wild Iron Bundle fled...
Ghetsis sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. Clearly the next hiatus would have to be spent engineering some better methods of containment...
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bywandandsword · 6 months
have you seen a guy in shorts drinking an iced coffee while standing outside in the snow while it's actively snowing yet?
Not yet, but I have heard a couple guys in the ecology department talk about going swimming in the Penobscot River next week
You know, like crazy people who like playing fast and loose with frostbite
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sweetpea-sprite · 2 months
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kaoharu · 2 months
hi friends i got a thank you card from my band director today LOL
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dapurinthos · 6 months
that hole in the universe is 312 500 000 times bigger than our solar system.
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i just want to do a funny thing with the whole 'a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away' and have the gffa (star wars galaxy) be one on the outer reaches of our universe, in-universe for my fic. like how we see how hd1 was ~13 1/2 billion years ago because of the lookback time/distance it took for its light to reach us.
i don't need to know this! this is superfluous! why do i keep looking!
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Headcanon #5 - Pirates!
While there have been a few crews of pirates in Neverland, there have been very few Neverland Pirates; one of the only known real Neverland Pirates being James Hook.
He was actually born in Neverland, although he grew up in the Human Realm. His mother was a Pirate who managed to find Neverland and made truces with some of the other groups of citizens.
James grew up hearing stories of Neverland from his mother but believed them to be just that, as she had retired pirating by the time he went to school.
The other pirates get along fine in Neverland and even enjoy it there but, other than James, it doesn't feel like home to them. James finds the island welcoming and, even though he hadn't been there before, it felt familiar to him.
Although he never manages to recreate his mother's truces quite as well due to his past transgressions (and continued transgressions) towards the others, he does manage to become somewhat friendly with them and gain some level of trust – to the point that he can trade with them and is even welcomed on some occasions.​
James has an innate understanding of how Neverland works, although he doesn't want to accept it sometimes. He finds it entirely reasonable that attempted murder is fine but betrayal is a major insult; which makes what he did to Zarina so bad.  ​The other pirates don't really feel this way but they're pirates so they don't mind attempted murder either way. ​
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robinsnest2111 · 1 year
capturing the rolling thunder and bright flashes of light is impossible but this bastard weather is giving me the meanest headache right now ⛈️
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optimistpax · 2 years
M-dashes vs the Double Hyphen in Transformers Comics
Update on the quest for M-dashes vs double hyphens based on the transformers comics I have on hand:
Team M-Dash:
LSotW (IDW1)
Dark Cybertron (IDW1)
Optimus Prime (IDW1)
Combiner Wars (IDW1)
Unicron (IDW1)
Dinobots (IDW1)
Autocracy (IDW1)
Windblade (IDW1)
IDW2 Main Comics (IDW2)
Drift: Origins and Empires (IDW1)
Team Double Hyphen:
Beast Wars (IDW2)
Transformers '84 (Marvel)
Regeneration one (IDW1)
Shattered glass (IDW2)
Last Bot Standing (IDW2)
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ghetsis · 6 months
“Heh. Thanks.” Ree drops to their knees, taking the bag back, before opening it fully and offering the rest of the beans. “These are for you. You’re a long way from home, I take it? You hungry?”
The robot's head tilted as it took an offered bean. It didn't need to eat, really, but converting organic matter to fuel was one way it could recharge. And it had expended quite a lot of energy during its escape... So it popped the bean into its beak and trilled happily, its head spinning 360 degrees. It wanted to give something in return, but unlike the Delibird it was modeled after, its bundle held no gifts.
It's head extended upwards, rotating around as it scanned the area. Iron Bundle locked its sights on a boulder, launching a powerful Ice Beam which shattered the rock and flushed flocks of frightened Pikipeks and Oricorio from the surrounding trees. The Paradox ran to the rubble to collect something and returned to Ree with a gold Nugget.
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chuluoyi · 6 months
✎ daddy-to-be
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- gojo satoru x reader
in which you're worried about how he'd react to you carrying his baby
genre: fluff and comfort, mentions of pregnancy and dizzy spells
note: i feel soooo warm writing this *sigh* thank u anon who asked this!
a part of gojo's love entries
series masterlist | oneshot masterlist
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"Gojo-sensei! Must we do this?"
"For real?!"
"Yoohoo! Hehehehe~"
You sighed at the sight of your tall paintbrush of a husband. Satoru was supposedly teaching his first years—Maki, Panda and Inumaki—and yet, from where you were standing, it looked more like he was bullying them into following his whims more than anything.
A kind reminder that… this silly man is the father of your unborn child.
He didn't know that you were pregnant yet, because you had discovered it just a few days ago and chosen to keep it a secret for the time being.
In theory, this was normal. You two were married and engaged in a high level of sexual activity—something Satoru made sure of—and therefore, conceiving a child was bound to happen sooner or later.
Admittedly, accepting the fact that you were carrying his baby wasn't as easy as you thought, even knowing that. You hadn't seriously talked about having kids, and sure, your husband might have just taken a young cursed boy Yuta into his care—and way before that, Megumi, but it wasn't the same with your own child. It can't be the same.
And not to mention that you two were jujutsu sorcerers. Where would raising a baby fit in this bloody, cursed world you lived in?
...and above all, as things stand now, does Satoru even want a baby?
You released another sigh as you walked away, but then your vision tipped and you had to grab the wall for support. Right, you hadn't even been feeling well these past few days. You got queasy easily, and you experienced sporadic bouts of vertigo too.
"Sensei?" Yuta's worried voice greeted you, and you forced yourself to remain upright. "Are you okay?"
"Ah, yes, I'm fine," you assured him with a smile.
"Should I get Gojo-sensei? You seem pale..."
"No, no, that's—"
"Ooh~ Wifey!"
You cursed his impeccable timing as the striking white hair of your husband came to view. A mischievous grin adorned his face, a bundle of sunshine and trouble as always, as he wrapped an arm around you.
"Don't you have to teach the second years? My pretty wife, you can't be slacking—"
His smile abruptly fell when you subconsciously leaned on him and he noticed your shallow breaths. Satoru promptly tightened his grip on you.
"Yuta," his tone had taken a sharper turn. "Go to the training grounds and train with the others. Class ends after that."
As Yuta nodded and proceeded on his way, he immediately turned to face you. "What's wrong?" he asked with genuine concern. "Are you not feeling well? Can you walk?"
"I'm fine," you insisted, even though the edges of your vision started to blur.
Satoru pursed his lips, and you could tell even with his blindfold on, he was staring at you hard. "Don't be stubborn. Come on, let's get you home."
In an instant, he teleported you back to your shared home, his arms securely under your knees. You didn't know when the dizziness started to ramp up, but you were sure to fall if he didn't have a secure grip on you.
"How long have you been feeling unwell?" he inquired as he carefully lowered you onto your bed.
Realizing there was no point in hiding it any longer, you squeezed your eyes shut as your head rested on the soft pillow. "...since this morning."
Satoru expressed his dissatisfaction with a grunt. "In that case, you shouldn't have gone to school. From now on, you're on leave."
He fussed over you—removing your shoes, fine-tuning the air conditioner, and ensuring you were snug in bed. "What is causing you to feel this bad? Is it something you ate? We had dinner together, and I feel perfectly fine..."
You raised your gaze to him just as he tore off his blindfold, his eyes locking with yours. The blue of his eyes scrutinizing and assessing you, and suddenly, you felt insecure as he quirked an eyebrow, seemingly suspecting something. “Is there something you aren't telling me?”
This is it. You couldn't keep this from him any longer. This was his child as much as yours, he had to know for you to be able to decide on the next steps.
You exhaled. "I'm… pregnant."
Silence. For the next five seconds, you could've sworn that Satoru held his own breath.
"Pregnant?" he repeated, stunned, widened cerulean marbles blinking several times. "You...?"
You sat up, reaching for your nightstand and retrieving the five pregnancy tests you had stashed in the drawer, handing them to him.
Satoru fixed his gaze onto the two red lines on the sticks, examining them and then shifting his eyes between you and them several times. You didn't dare to look at him, feeling your hands starting to shake and your gut twisting.
But contrary to your dread, before you could blink, he pulled you into his embrace. Your heart melted as he softly murmured, "Dummy, why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"I... I was worried. I didn't think I..."
He nuzzled into your neck, breathing in deeply. "Silly... I'm supposed to be your safe space. You can and absolutely should tell me these kind of things..."
A lingering fear persisted in your gut as you croaked out, "Are you... okay with it?"
Satoru snapped his head so quickly, his brow furrowed. "What do you mean—of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?"
You didn't know why, but his impromptu and steadfast declaration brought tears to your eyes.
"Stupid," he chided, his voice tinged with slight giddiness and overflowing fondness, and doubled with the wide grin on his face, you were starstruck. Holding your hand, he pressed a tender kiss on your knuckles, and then on the wedding band resting on your ring finger.
His sincere, warm eyes spoke volumes as he said, "You are my beautiful, lovely, and amazing wife. And now you're about to make me a daddy. Why wouldn't I be thrilled about that?"
You had given him love that saved him in countless ways, some of which you might not even realize. And now, you were about to gift him another piece of you to love—his own family to cherish. Satoru was convinced he couldn't love you more than he did in this moment.
You cried even harder, wiping your face sloppily as you pouted at him, voice clogged with tears, a mixture of relief and happiness overwhelming you. "Why are you so s-sweet? You're u-usually... such a menace..."
"Hey! That's slander! I'm always nice to you!" he protested with a mock frown, trying to lighten the mood.
Satoru brought you into his arms again, affectionately stroking your hair. His excitement was palpable as he chuckled gleefully at the very idea of becoming a father to a mini-him or you in a not-so-distant future.
With that sentiment in mind, he genuinely meant every word of what he softly uttered in your ear:
"I love you, sweetheart. And mark my words—with everything I have, I won't let anything happen to you or our baby… I swear it."
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tacticalprincess · 1 month
hi im sorry for this random urge but like i have the horny thought of any of the cod men who have a s/o whos pleasure only comes from their clit so the poor guy does everything that he can to their little nub (cough like putting the shower jet on tbe nub COUGH)
in my mind, könig’s obsessed with your clit regardless, because he sees it as a cheat code. during sex, he’s sometimes more engrossed in chasing his own pleasure than worrying about getting you off, so he knows that when in doubt, he can always fiddle with your sensitive bundle of nerves and knock a few good orgasms out of you. it’s lazy and selfish of him, but that’s neither here nor there. however, if you only felt pleasure from your clit? oh, it’s getting bullied :(
because of his ego, he’d want to test out the theory, in complete disbelief that his cock doesn’t do anything for you but fill you up and stretch you out. but after that, he would never let the poor little bud rest. his favorite activity would be trying new methods and techniques to see just how many ways he can send you over the edge. suckling at it with his tongue, mercilessly rubbing it with his thick fingers, making you glide it along his throbbing cock until its puffy and throbbing. the shower jet was one of his more inventive ideas, your back pressed to his chest as he hiked one of your legs up, giving you no choice but to take the stream of overstimulation to your worn out button while you ground your hips into nothing :(
it also comes in handy when you’re being bratty, or if he just feels especially cruel that day. he’ll fuck you countless times, filling you up repeatedly until you’re sore and crying, begging to cum. he’ll pin your hands above your head when you try to give yourself relief, lift your hips off the bed if you try rubbing into it. he loves the authority it gives him over you, not letting you finish until he’s satisfied. safe to say, he’d have lots of fun with you.
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word-for-today · 8 months
Two words you might not expect to share an etymology: faggot and fascist. Linguists have a few theories about how a word meaning “bundle of sticks” came to be a slur for gay men—probably a connection to back when gathering small sticks to start fires with was a light chore delegated to old women or young boys—but as a word for a bundle of sticks it’s a diminutive of fascis, the big bundle of rods used as a symbol for strength in unity (as pictured on the US dime)
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(I really hope Tumblr is mature enough to handle a linguistic discussion of a slur……)
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