#bumbleshit rwby
dragynkeep · 2 years
Hey there, I just wanted to get this off my chest a lot so major apologies here if I vented a little too hard here. The reason why I stopped watching RWBY was for a lot of things one was the goddamn horrendous writing and how it seriously just fucking began to suck especially around Vol 5 .Also the fact that MKEK, Eddy Sleddy, and Ms. Garden of Shite seriously do not want to put in ACTUAL EFFORT in the writing or accept ACTUAL CRITICISM from fans who watched from Seasons one through eight but nope they take criticism from FNDUM pressure. Another thing is how they dont want to put in effort with their lore. Like "Making a timeline is only going to create more plotholes" MY FUCKING ASS. Having or Making a timeline is important to the STORY. And how they just dont want to put in lore but they do it last second like: "Oh Atlas is not powered by Gravity Dust its Powered by the Relic of Creation." Like fucking WHAT?! Then how did they find the Relic of Creation?! It just makes ZERO FUCKING SENSE. Or how unprofessional Arryn "I only do RWBY now for Bumbleby" Zech has become with this, and I'd Rather have a POC voice acting Blake. Someone who knows Blakes character from the start and sticks with how she acted from Vol 1-3 instead of an abusive, toxic asshat who stokes the fires of a toxic ship and its fans no less! And the FNDUM has gotten even more toxic and idiotic they have become. I will admit there are some good eggs out there that do separate fiction from reality. What pisses me off is just how if you dislike Bumbleshit you get labled as a homophobe without question whether if your straight or part of the LGBT+ community!! Like fucking judge, jury, and executioner the FNDUM is not! Even worse is how if you disagree with someone you get blocked for it or laughed at, or worse of all you get called a SLUR for it! And not to mention the fact that they put RWBY on some GRAND PEDASTEL like its the greatest thing to exist when its NOT. And not to mention how they treat people who do ENTIRE RE-WRITES like actual garbage, people who saw the mistakes and try to fix them but instead people who do so get called out and harassed for it! Or how people who RWBY OC's who do their own canon as well while flipping off RT's Canon gets harassed as well. At this point I just want RWBY to get cancelled and be buried in some vault where I never have to see it again...Once more I do apologize about this and it felt really good getting this off of my chest, and once more I do apologize.
absolutely no need to apologise, i definitely get this frustration & how the way the fndm seems to not only coddle mkek but excuse every inch of poor writing & outright bigotry in rwby can really begin to grate on you. especially if you’re part of the marginalized people they malign & then essentially just get gaslit into being at fault for getting mad about bigotry against you being furthered by a bunch of mostly white cishet people.
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solar-pxwered · 4 years
All good things must come to an end. RT reached that point around a year ago for me with how they handled the whole Vic situation. The growing intolerance from a company that claims to be inclusive and open didn't help. Also the bumbleshit that ruined 3 of my fav characters in RWBY: Blake, Yang, and Sun was the last straw :(
Yeah, I ended the majority of support for RT after the Vic situation (Still standing with Vic!) but AH was the one thing that I still watched regularly, that remained fairly true to themselves and their fans.
Now, I have to remember to keep my emotions in check because knowing how they did Vic dirty, I can't help but wonder what Ryan's side of the story is.
HOWEVER, even with Vic, I was disgusted to hear he had cheated on his fiance and to know Ryan has been cheating on his wife (yes, sexting IS cheating) it makes me want to puke and it makes me want to be VERY angry with Ryan.
For now, I withhold too much judgement until I see some more evidence and reliable sources and information as we got with Vic that proved his innocence as far as the sexual harrassment and assault goes, although the cheating was confirmed, that doesn't break any actual laws however and Ryan claims there were no laws broken either.
One thing I will say, if Ryan sees this post somehow: You didn't make MISTAKES, Ryan. A mistake is accidentally walking into room nude while someone is livestreaming and your junk ends up spread around on accident...what you did was make very stupid and selfish CHOICES.
I will never understand why people think they can cheat and not get caught. You will ALWAYS get caught, so just keep it in your pants, guys and girls.
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artsynimbus · 4 years
If they make bees canon while dropping the racism plot entirely I'll lose the last bit of hope I still have left in RWBY. By that point it would be nothing more than virtue signaling wokeness. Forced pandering of the worst degree. Rather than tackle racism in a proper manner or trying to salvage the huge faunus subplot they'd rather bury it in fanservice and hope we forget it for bumbleshit buzz🐝
Im already pessimistic about it, considering there has been no conversation or means to brainstorm solutions about this issue that has been ongoing since the start of the series.. and tbh adam dying to secure bb being a thing was the cherry on top of the shit show for me, cause if you think about it, his 180 character change, with him killing his allies cause he was mad they wouldn’t listen to him because he was just so mad at blake, could easily be written as: “he ended the entire bad faction, they’re all gone, the WF issue is gone and bb ended adam so its over byebye uwu “
Like its only been a volume.. but v7 shows theres racism for faunus still, and the mines with S.D.C crates exist.... soooo the construct of racism and ‘illegal labor forces’ is alive and well but our heroes are going just super hyped that they’re hunters and huntresses, and we’re subjected to focus on this plus the shipping- cause thats all v7 basically was imo.. but yeah.. okay.. can’t wait till M&K end racism in this fantasy world/story in which they could use any means to dismantle in V37.
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The one thing I loved the most about V6C3 was how the god of “destruction” was quick to concede after hearing his brother’s explanation about how Salem lied and took ultimately rejected Salem’s demands.
It’s also nice to see that both brothers were at each other’s side when Salem instigated some sort of civil war against the gods.
Also... if Team RWBY is the reincarnation of Ozma’s and Salem’s daughters then, that one popular ship is going to be gross and you should all feel ashamed for shipping it.
I mean you’re all harping about what’s politically right and what’s a morally right ship.
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thisdonutguy · 11 months
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A quick reminder for the pickiest guys of all that at the time of v6 all the characters are over 18 years old (oh god ew)
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