#bull centaur
milkshakeram · 1 year
Very messy warmup sketch I’ve decided I like enough to post 👍
I might at least do the rest of SBI even though I told myself I’m done with DSMP stuff
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Yandere farm x farmhand reader 🌾
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A/n: this contains few nsfw mentions, mdni please! They're not all that yandere, just a bunch of dumb silly hybrids trying to catch their favorite humans attention. This is their intro
★yandere farm x farmhand reader. I know this isn't original, but I always love the concept. Just minding your business, sweaty and hot from the sun, when suddenly a certain German Shepard hybrid starts sniffing you up and down, lapping up your sweaty skin and grinning when you swat him away. How did you end up here?
★maybe you came here for a summer job, maybe some relatives owned the farm, maybe you were always working here. Either way, it doesn't take long for the hybrids to notice you once you arrive.
★the bulls and cows watching curiously from the fields, the centaurs trying to peek from their stables, the merfolk living in the lake just down the property poke their little heads out. The dogs barking from their Little homes, and the cats watching from the windows. You couldn't help but gawk at the variety of hybrids, there were so many! Merfolk, avians, cattle, cats, dogs.
★your first week there was nice, the other farmhands were nice, and the owners were so sweet! Always speaking fondly of their pets, the old couple would watch them run in the field or play by the lake. You yourself found them a little annoying. Always sniffing, grabbing, nipping at your clothes. You've had to fight your overall bottoms free from one of the pooches one too many times. The cats were no better.
★your second week you meet the cattle and centaurs. And unlike the house cats and guard dogs, they're less handsy. Simply observing from afar. Occasionally sniffing you before nodding their heads and pulling away. Letting you do your job of combing, cleaning and fixing up them and their stables. The cattle would happily let you milk them, applying the breast pumps to the females and a cock pump to the males. You ignored how they looked at you strangely during milkings
★the third week you meet the avians. Odd little bunch, hopping around and puffing up their chests. They watched you enter their enclosure curiously, you were busy picking up their molten feathers because you thought they were pretty. So bright and colorful! Walking around bent over a little when you finally notice the peacock male standing right Infront of you. He gave you a pointed look before his tail feathers expanded. Looking prideful, tilting his chin up as if in an arrogant way. Swaying side to side and closer to you, while you just held the feathers in your hands, a little confused. He got closer until he let out an incredibly loud squawk. Turning around abruptly to glare at the cuckoo who bent down to poke his butt. The cuckoo gave you a grin before climbing back up the tree, using this time as distraction, you quickly escaped.
★on the fourth week, you meet the merfolk. Having been here a month, they were eager to meet you. Watching you walk on the dock with fish feed, eagerly Perking up and swimming closer. You shook out a good handful and chucked it out for the koi fish to eat. They swarmed the area until all the food was gone, simply staring up at you. One poked her head out, tilting it a bit and making a 'click' sound with her tongue. You mimicked her, doing the same. She seemed elated, making various whistles and clicks, splashing up and down the lake. The lake was manmade and filled with koi fish when it was finished, but then again there may be more fish not even the owners know about since it was so deep. How'd they get in there? You're not sure, but you just know it.
★on the fifth week your owners told you about how they had bought multiple sheep, and goats. One male for each group. Watching the loading truck approach the little barn they were finished building. So that's why it was there, they started construction when you arrived the first week. You helped the other farmhands get them situated, at first they were rowdy and a little aggressive but for some reason calmed down when you approached them. Your colleagues now called you the sheep whisperer. You quickly learned how to shave their wool and milk the goats properly. Sometimes braiding their long hair, you just wish the ram would stop headbutting the nearest male colleague for your attention.
★On your sixth week, you went for a walk in the forest when suddenly a little body of fluffy fur tackled you, growling with it's teeth barred. You looked up to see a Pomeranian hybrid, trying it's best to look intimidating. Their fluffy tail gave them away, it was wagging 100mph. They visibly deflated when you reached up a hand to pet them, letting you for A couple minutes before getting off. Walking back into the woods towards three wolves. Dissapearing with them. Not soon after you found a friendly garden naga. Just lounging on a rock and enjoying the sun. You asked to join and they let you, laying there for a good while until you had to go back to the farm. Noticing they had wrapped their tail around you, oh boy. It'll take a good while to get out. Welp, might as well make yourself comfortable and wait for the dogs to come find you
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Week one, cats and dogs;
Brutus, dog hybrid, 18, German Shepard, he/him
Dolly, dog hybrid, 26, doberman, she/her
bladviba, dog hybrid, 25, black Russian terrier, he/him
Molly, dog hybrid, 17, chow chow, she/her
Sweet pea, dog hybrid, 17, samoyed, they/them amab
bubba, dog hybrid, 37, borzoi, he/him
Princess, cat hybrid, 18, ragdoll, she/her
Prince, cat hybrid, 19, Norwegian forest cat, he/him
King, cat hybrid, 27, Khao manee, he/him
•°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆
Second week, cattle and centaurs;
Miss bené, cow hybrid, 49, white park cattle, she/her
Miss blackberry, cow hybrid, 22, Aberdeen Angus, she/her
Miss Polly, cow hybrid, 26, Aberdeen Angus, she/her
Miss frufru, cow hybrid, 28, Aberdeen Angus, she/her
Miss Vivian, cow hybrid, 35, Aberdeen Angus, she/her
Big daddy, bull hybrid, 52, Aberdeen Angus, he/him
Johnny, bull hybrid, 18, Aberdeen Angus/white park cattle, he/him
Jacqueline, centaur, 19, shire horse, she/her
Timothy, centaur, 21, galineers cob, he/him
maya, centaur, 17, fjord horse, they/them
Casper, centaur, 23, ardennais, he/him
miguel, centaur, 18, Andalusian horse, he/him
harmony, centaur, 25, Breton horse, they/them
•°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆
third week, avians;
Sydney, avian, 22, cockatoo, they/he
Evangeline, avian, 19, peacock, she/her
Gabriel, avian, 20, peacock, he/him
fajarah, avian, 24, indian ring necked parakeet, she/her
Foolish, avian, 26, owl finch, he/him
simon, avian, 28, tyto alba, he/him
•°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆
Fourth week, merfok;
tancho, koi fish merfolk, 19, tancho koi, he/him
kiko, koi fish merfolk, 19, kikokuryu koi, she/her
hime, koi fish merfolk, 19, hirenaga koi, she/her
Tsu, koi fish merfolk, 19, doitsu koi, they/them
koromo, koi fish merfolk, 19, koromo koi, he/him
Mason, lake 'monster' (crocodile), 20, freshwater crocodile, he/him
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Fifth week, goats and sheep;
Sally, goat, 25, angora goat, she/her
Opal, goat, 24, Tennessee fainting goat, she/her
Sasha, goat, 26, australian cashmere goat, she/her
kim, ram, 23, dutch landrace goat, he/him
Poka, sheep, 19, Valais black nose, they/them
Juniper, sheep, Valais black nose, she/her
violet, sheep, 18, harri, she/her
azucar, sheep, 17, Columbia sheep, she/her
Wehrner, ram, 21, American black belly, he/him
•°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆
Sixth week, the forest creatures:
roxy, wolf hybrid, 19, grey wolf, she/her
Silas, wolf hybrid, 21, grey wolf, he/him
Milo, wolf hybrid, 20, albino Grey wolf, they/them
Kiki, dog hybrid, 18, Pomeranian, they/them
Coachella, naga, 27, garden snake, they/him
•°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆
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obsessivevoidkitten · 2 years
Animal Farm
Male Yandere Farm Harem x Gender Neutral Reader (CW: Noncon, brief mention of cockwarming, brief mention of scenting, cum milking, yandere farm hybrids, detained reader, breeding kink, harpies, bull men, centaurs, dog men, cat men) Word Count: 860 (Was chatting with a friend about how I had a farmer/gardener hat and how I just need overalls, a white bandana, and a pink shirt and I will look like a professional trans monsterfucking rancher, this short fic is the result of that discussion, I hope it will eventually serve as a source of asks in the future. I know it is brief, but I loved writing this.)
(Animal Farm: Mondays, the mini-fic involving the harpies, can be found HERE.) (Animal Farm: Tuesdays, the mini-fic involving the dog-men, can be found HERE.) (Animal Farm: Wednesdays, the mini-fic involving the centaurs, can be found HERE.)
 When you had first taken the leap to add monster ranching to your farm you were unsure if it would be a profitable venture, there were not many such places where you lived, but you did not know if demand would be high for unorthodox products such as monster semen.  You started off with just one centaur, he produced huge quantities of cum from milking him twice a day, and it sold so well that you were soon able to add yet another centaur.  Two was plenty to keep fulfilling the centaur semen needs of your small community so once you had enough funds you invested in three harpy men that laid a ton of eggs, despite being males, and they also produced some extra ball batter for you to peddle as well.  Now you were making money from your usual crops, harpy cum and eggs, which were highly prized, and centaur cum. In almost no time at all you were ready to add yet more monster men to your growing ranch.  Three large bull men now called your little slice of paradise home, their jizz was similar to the centaurs, but the flavor was quite a bit different and used differently in recipes. It also had a slightly different use in folk medicine as well.  Milking and feeding all the monster men on your ranch was hard work but very profitable, but soon you noticed that eggs were being stolen and you eventually caught the culprits drinking from your centaurs early one morning.  Two cat men desperate for food. You adopted them and used them for pest control around the crops and provided them with food and shelter in their own stable. You also added their cum to your product list.  To make sure you did not have any more thieves though, and possibly more dangerous intruders, you got three dog men who patrolled your property in shifts, all they needed to keep them happy were some holes to breed and you, and the cat boys who were constantly in heat, were happy to provide them with a place to dump their seed.  Now you had cat, dog, bird, bull, and horse hybrids on your property as well as many exotic crops which you had learned responded really well to having monster cum mixed into the compost. Your business was BOOMING, it was perfect. The monster men all got along with one another for the most part, and they were all extra sweet to you, the brawny bull hybrids even helped you plant and harvest your fruits and vegetables.  It was a great life, for a while.
 But you grew so many things and sold so much monster cum that you were gone off at the market far too often for your monster’s taste. They convened and decided that the proper place for you was with them, at the farm where you had an entire harem of mighty beast men to look out for you.  After they decide this they confront you when you get back from the market. You try to reason with them but they are all very adamant, you will be their little mate that they kept close and safe and that was simply all there was to it. They could milk themselves and the centaurs and bull men could easily haul the cart to market and one of the cat men could deal with customers because they were so sweet and charismatic.  There was only one problem, who would get to spend time with you?  They made up a strict schedule to avoid any fighting. On Mondays you would spend your time with the harpy men, who greatly enjoyed tweeting and singing to you when they were not busy breeding with you.  On Tuesdays you were property of the dog men, who always left you smelly and covered in their musk and cum.  Wednesdays meant you belonged to the centaurs, they liked to run around with you riding them while wrapping your little human arms around their muscular torsos, and they also adored using you as a cock sleeve, bulging your tummy out as they bred you.  Thursdays you belonged to the felines. They were normally bottoms for the dog men, but they still greatly enjoyed using you as a cumdump. When they finished mating with their beloved human they became the cuddliest of all the hybrids, purring and nuzzling and sleeping all snuggled up with you.  Fridays you were with the three bull men, which meant that you spent damn near the entire day being used as a cock warmer that was swapped between three equally well hung dicks. When they weren't having you sit on them, and oftentimes while they were, they were grooming and licking you, feeding you, and in general babying their sweet owner.  Saturdays and Sundays you were allowed to rest, and you needed it. But you never had anywhere near enough energy to even attempt an escape, and even if you did the dogs would just sniff you out. So you had had to accept your imprisonment at the hands of the monster men you supposedly owned.  
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magnoliawriter · 7 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀I'm crucified ,⠀⠀crucified like my savor⠀ . ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀saintlike behavior ,⠀⠀a lifetime i prayed⠀.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀abt me ⠀⠀✦⠀⠀byf ⠀⠀✦⠀⠀dni ⠀⠀✦⠀⠀what do i do
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♒ ─ open! the gate of the water bearer! = talks ♉ ─ open! the gate of the golden bull! = reblogs ♋ ─ open! the gate of the giant crab! = accepted ♍ ─ open! the gate of the maiden! = rejected ♐ ─ open! the gate of the centaur! = completed ♌ ─ open! the gate of the lion! = f/o's ♈ ─ open! the gate of the white lamb = mutuals ♏ ─ open! the gate of the scorpion! = important ♑ ─ open! the gate of the goat! = promotions
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reigohoo · 3 months
(CLOSED)New adopt here!
Family Moorrs🧡🤍🤎
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SB - 70 USD
MB - 5 USD
AB1 - 135 USD
AB2 - 265 USD
AB1 means auto-buy.
AB2 outbids the AB1.
The auction ends 48 hours after the last bid (24 hours after the AB1). Bids are placed in the comments.
You can buy an adopt with a reservation. Then you don't pay the entire amount at once and do it in installments (the first payment must be at least 35 USD). The adopt must be paid in full in a maximum of two months.
A bet without a reservation outweighs a bet with a reservation.
When you buy this adopt, you get:
-5% discount on commissions from me with these characters (permanently)
With AB1, you get:
-10% discount on commissions with these characters (permanently)
—I draw any sketch art with them (except NSFW)
With AB2 you get:
-15% discount on commissions with these characters (permanently)
-5% discount on 5 commissions with any characters
—I draw any rendered artwork with these characters for you
Payment only❗via Boosty
After the payment, I will send you all the images with these characters in high resolution (jpg, png).
I can remove all the text from the picture if you want, or change it as you wish.
The characters have only one rule — to love them!🤧💕
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Bernard and Chris' relationship has always been based on honesty, respect and love... And they started with honesty. Chris, who was in great need of money, caught up with Bernard and returned his lost wallet to him. Bernard wanted to thank him, but he got confused, and Chris left.
The next time they met was at a cafe where Chris worked as a cleaner. Bernard gave him cream as a token of appreciation. He started coming in more and more often, started inviting Chris to lunches and dinners. But when he was just a guest in a cafe, he noticed the terrible conditions in which the cat worked.
Wanting to save Chris from terrible overwork and nasty treatment, Bernard soon called him to work for himself - clean the house, cook food, keep clean. Chris gladly agreed.
Both understood that this was the beginning of family life. Chris was incredibly happy - he had wanted to be a househusband and have a big family since childhood. The couple got married and soon had a son. The boy was named Bermi, and he fully justifies his breed.
Bully is not about him: he is a wonderful child, a gentle and sensitive boy! He really likes baking, and it is thanks to him that every weekend the house smells pleasantly of pies~
When Bermi turned three, a second child appeared in the family - a kitty, sweet Lily. Daddy's daughter, she likes to fall asleep on Daddy's bull's back, and she's the only one who Bram allows to do anything with herself — from braiding pigtails to making pretty nails.
Despite her pretty appearance, she is an active and naughty child, and only a gentle but strict papa cat can cope with her whims;)
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danskjavlarna · 7 months
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My collection of vintage centaurs is galloping along.
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oddos · 2 years
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I admired the centaurs on Pinterest and wanted to make a centaur bull out of Tommy ><
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gardhoulthehermit · 9 months
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Another critter from that randomized box I got. Looked it up and guess warhammer has bull centaurs called taur'ruk? Either way it's pretty cool! Had to do a little work on his head, it was originally double the height to fit the horns. Didn't much care for the look so I chopped it up and sanded it!
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voidimp · 6 months
turning off rbs bc i explained this poorly u can stop voting on it
i forgot to add an option for other so just like. pick whichever one u think is closest (or the results option if u really cant decide)
feel free to elaborate on your opinion if u would like. i am Curious i want to know everyones thoughts
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carrionsong · 7 months
*watches AT to watch f&c bc petrigrof has intrigued me, forgetting i thought that the ice king was hot as a teen* auhg. me pingy
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gracegrove · 1 year
Ok but what if Billy was a unicorn centaur and Steve was a bucentaur that Billy had no intention of liking but he was just so.... Beefy.
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aeaeaexxzd · 6 months
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zhetersart · 1 year
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Freebies from the telegram art channel 🌱✨
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monivyle · 7 months
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some adoptables! If you're interested, head over here!
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reigohoo · 3 months
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I've gone a little crazy/j, and I'm doing a furry adopt:>
And yes, they will be centaurs too!!
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danskjavlarna · 1 year
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My collection of vintage centaurs is galloping along.
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