#build your cloud
moonilit · 15 days
Barret, my king, carrying my team’s back as usual ❤️‍🔥 I LOVE YOU BIG MAN!!
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sleepily-scarlet · 1 year
Bro so I literally almost have the whole Sumeru squad
And when I mean squad
I mean the "roommates" and "best friends" squad
Gay squad
Gay squad
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littlegreenhouseplant · 2 months
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miqo-tia · 2 months
Vierapril 2024 - 07, Celestial
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I don't yet know the specifics myself, but I do know that Healingway felt inspired by the Loporrits and their yearning to help, and ever since then I've kept doodling Healingway with themes of Hydaelyn. I really want to explore what exactly happened.
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discluded · 1 year
I think everyone is aware I try to be as reasonable, fair, and emotionally stable as possible in public to not contribute to fandom noise
I rescind my comment about not being mean to Pond and I'm gonna join the hate club now because
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(please keep all comments about pond to this post and not in my inbox. thank you!)
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yujeong · 11 months
I debated myself a lot about speaking my mind on Tumblr, because I wanted to keep my blog drama free and focus only on VP/Pete thoughts. But it's 9am rn and I feel tired, physically and emotionally, so I might as well get this over with. I support Build. I support him with all my heart. What is happening to him is cruel and inhumane and an attempt to fully destroy a man for some past mistakes and wrong choices, as if every other person on the planet is some saint who hasn't sinned once in their lives. If you want to believe he's some terrible monster, you do you but do it privately or not at all. Move on with your life pls, for the love of God. Now that I made the antis want to block me, I might as well make Build fans want to block me as well. I support BOC. I support Pond. Yes, really. I could explain in grave detail why that is but I assume just mentioning that will get people to send me anonymous asks saying how horrible I am for that or how I'm not actually a Build fan and I'd rather not spend all my morning writing an essay about why I support who I support. If you feel those things are contradictory or bad, then feel free to unfollow/block me.
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insomniacpreacher · 2 years
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Bible Wichapas & Build Jakapan cracking up in their own bubble
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lilliryth · 7 months
ada: *does something literally only ada would think of doing ever*
leon: pshh, women 🙄
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forkaround · 1 year
look, everyone saying that build and poi don't have a good past are comparing making tweets as a young adult to inappropriate behaviors towards a minor as a full grown adult. Like I get that you don't want to support Build and that's fine. But those two things are not comparable. Just look at the ages they are when they did these things. It doesn't change what they did. But tweeting about something is not the same as harassing the cast and especially Barcode.
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moonilit · 16 days
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I love this shot i do but it gives me a question, Barret is charging his gun, tifa is channeling her chi, what is Cloud channeling here???
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dinosaurcharcuterie · 2 months
I just realized I don't want gender neutral bathrooms and changing rooms just for gender reasons. I don't even want them just for practicality reasons, or just for economic reasons.
I want gender neutral hygiene spaces because, in my experience*, women who are bursting to get out of a sports bra and/or pee are wont to say unkind things and excuse it as "between us girls", and men do not wash properly if they think the bro code protects them.
#gender equality#equal rights#diversity#trans rights are human rights#chronic pain#chronic illness#*a shocking number of venues think having one bathroom per gender operational in an entire massive building is good enough#even if all the elevators are broken#this includes my own employer#and the one before that#on the upside#I've checked in five european countries#very very few people continue making a fuss about you being in the wrong bathroom if you say “I need to PEEEEEE” and keep walking#we're all human#we all get the urgency of the moment#including that one bathroom attendant in Amsterdam Main Station#thank you for not making me pee myself in public sir#yes I noticed the men's stalls were also all occupied#I've learned to work around such things on days my mobility is limited but thank you for your concern#that being said#transphobes have a lot of stuff they're weird about#them insisting we should strive to limit our options to piss-scented cave or grotto walls literally smeared with blood is just extra yikes#I don't care what silly fairy tales the cishets have dreamt up about you#you are in public and what you're doing is nasty#wipe your ass#think before you speak#meanwhile every unisex bathroom I've ever been to has been a haven of cleanliness and peace#every unisex changing room has been an oasis of pleasant conversation with a 70% reduction in noxious deodorant clouds#gender was invented by big bathroom to sell more bathrooms#and it made bathrooms worse for everyone
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fruitsofhell · 3 months
Is it hyperbolic to say that FF7R is made of the same brain slush that Disney Live Action remakes are? I know FF7R is technically still animated, but I mean, so was The Lion King 2019.
#shut the heck up#ff7#disney#tag talking#watching the nibelhiem part of rebirth with the council and there were sooo many dumb choices#and like looking at the 7r project as a whole it just lacks so moment to moment vision#i know its building to some grand meta-narrative but like individual scenes are so bleh so generic action camera and mocapitis#im happy there are enough people out there who realize the majesty of prerendered backgrounds for storytelling but like squenix doesnt care#also so many scenes that were originally slow and dialogue based turned into mild action setpieces its shtuupid#or the part in the reactor where while Sephiroth has a revelation youre in a different room doing a random valve turning QTE LIKEDSGFJSHD#lord the balance of battles and narrative#people harp on the original for being dated with its late 90sness but theres so much abbrassive rule-of-coolism in 7R#more than a lot me and my friends kept screaming about sephiroths characterization like why in gods green fuck he smiled so much#and one of my friends was like 'maybe this is cloud making things up cause he wants to feel like sephy notices him' and i was likE-#OFC THEN LATE GAME THEYLL EXPLAIN THAT ALL HIS OOC FANSERVICE MANNERISMS AHVE BEEN A ROUSE THE WHOLE TIMEHDSGJF#THEY DO ACTUALLY KNOW HOW TO CHARACTERIZE HIM THEY WERE JUST TORMENTING US OFC!! HSDFGJSDJ#they dont know what theyre fukcing doing with that guy he shouldnt be fucking smiling during nibelhiem#he shouldnt have even smiled when he said the 'im going to see my mother' line - AND DEFINITELY NOT DURING THE FIRE!!#he was not happy then he was estuans interis he was on a mission not sadistically torturing the townsfolk#HE WOULD NOT FUCKING do THAT
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purple-and-mint · 1 year
BoC is doing such a great job, look, people are supporting different sides or staying neutral, yet they all come to agree with one thing: this is the WORST idea ever
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raylangivins · 7 months
Going to your parents’ house is so sick. I always forget there’s a stage of adulthood where you can afford to pay for heating all the time.
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summer-fire · 5 months
Man for all my issues with totk the hebra ascent is such a good set piece. The atmosphere is unparalleled
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anotherpapercut · 9 months
I'm seriously having to resist so hard the urge to block everyone on this website over that math color post. if you think math is red I'm sorry but you're wrong and you're going to math hell also. forever.
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