#buddy ocelot
ochibrochi · 2 years
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(i got a lot of feelings about this). Let me know your buddy ocelot ideas, too!
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meirimerens · 1 year
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Adam, my friend, you're seeing ghosts!
Happy February the 25th ❄️
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bravelittleocelot · 1 year
rowena and sam pretending to be a couple like they aren't banging in secret
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scariercnidaria · 6 months
ocelot: got some straight gas🔥😛 this strain is called “vocal chord parasite” 😳 you’ll be zonked out of your gourd💯
venom: yeah whatever. i dont feel shit
*15 minutes later*
venom: dude i swear i just saw paz
my buddy kazuhira, pacing: that sniper bitch is lying to us
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artymcartist · 14 days
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designs for a group au me and my friends are doin really inspired me to doodle today
I yoinked Lukas and M!Jesse because of course hehe The idea is that this is post s2, (Jesse twins in this au) and F!Jesse is the only one present till the end of s2. She goes with Petra, but calls her brother to town to ease her mind.
they have the same name but different middle names and I think its hilarious. My buddy came up with that. So Lukas is relatively the same, but Jesse? Small village boy from the edge of the world. Moved there to escape the memories of the Wither Storm. Oh, and the Ocelots are a guild now and I freakin love it
and I will die for ponytail Jesse of any variety
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myaoiboy · 5 months
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MGS has a very tight color language, especially obvious in V and PW, but it's present throughout if you know what you're looking for. The main ones that get played on are red, yellow, and blue.
Red is kind of obvious. Violence, etc. Ocelot is typically wearing a lot of red, like in this image. In V, characters who are doing/about to do violent acts are often back-lit with red lights that seem to come from nowhere.
In PW, red incites dissonance by foreshadowing Paz being a double agent, while *also* painting her as an innocent little red riding hood analogue. But I digress.
Yellow is also kind of a no-brainer. It's typically associated with allies, general good-heartedness, and maybe a sense of naivete. Think about Amanda and Cecile in Peace Walker.
Kaz even *changes his outfit* from yellow ascot (and blond hair) to red tie and beret post-GZs incident.
Blue is a little harder to tie down. It's best described as deception (including self deception), "something isn't what it seems." Sometimes it's used for grief as well. Think Paz's whole room's lighting, the blue butterfly, or the way Snavid is described as a blue rose-- pretty, technically biological, but unnatural.
The lens flares in V are used a LOT to toss a flash of the appropriate color behind someone. Here we have Ocelot saying "yeah boss I'm over it dw" and the lighting going
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Which. We know he's lying. We know because of the way he acts for the next THIRTY YEARS. We know bc when he has a senior moment (a multiply-hypnosis addled senior moment, but still) and mistakes snavid for john, the first thing he does is plant a kiss on him.
But sure buddy. You're totally over it.
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themayomambo · 11 days
Anyone ever think about how just genuinely good of a guy Lukas is especially in season 1?
No matter the outcome of the build contest or how you treated him up to that point, he still helps you make the slime block. He got scared and froze in the beginning but no matter what he never just packed up his things and left to be on his own until he thinks he can save the other ocelots. If being nice to him, he seems conflicted about leaving the Order of The Stone group for his buddies. And I never thought it was possible to convince him to stay, but when he does (and after saving his buds) he comes through for Jesse in the end. On top of that, despite the fact that his group has utterly turned against him by the time episode 5 he seems more betrayed and sorry for them instead of spiteful.
Then throughout the portal arc, he's just incredibly supportive and understanding no matter what? What a guy.
Axel always starts to get on my nerves on my recent runs for trying to start shit with him because he honestly just doesn't deserve it. Could never be me, cannot even imagine being mean to my boy.
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 7 months
The phantom pain of how Ocelot was supposed to be a buddy character.
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seinaet · 2 months
I thought it would be cute to get fire support from ocelot since quiet isn't supposed to be present post-game but I forgot buddies also show up in the acc and he is making it kinda awkward
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MCC Teams for QSMP Guys
Disclaimer: These aren't official teams or even official predictions or anything. I have no idea if the QSMP guys who aren't in MCC already want to play or even know it exists. I'm just autistic.
RED RABBITS: HBomb94, Philza, Forever, Cellbit
This was the first team that came to me and it all spiraled out of control from here. H is the master of teaching new players, which is good if it's not a whole event of new people (spoiler alert: it is). Philza is also a solid player who knows the Brazilians well enough to teach them how to do MCC and also hold his own just fine. I expect Forever would hold his own just fine. A lot of the games that are hard for newcomers are hard because a lot of MCC guests aren't Minecrafters. I expect Forever to be able to handle himself with an elytra, for example, and H is the SOT king and also a Buildmart enjoyer so he can pick up the slack for the rest. Cellbit may be an unexpected popoff in Parkour Tag with his Esconde-Esconde experience. I'm not sure if he's ever touched an elytra.
Sorrel Assigned Sandkeeper: Cellbit. He can have red puzzle too though, as a treat. And the rest of the spawn puzzles will actually get solved for once!
ORANGE OCELOTS: Roier, Tubbo, Quackity, Punz
Roier is Good At Minecraft but he's also shy about the fact that he's good at Minecraft and not particularly interested in tryharding. He would most likely be looking for a team that isn't throwing on purpose, but also doesn't mind if he's not doing homework for the video game. Pairing him with known goofball Tubbo and good buddy Quackity makes sense for that. Punz is a very versatile S tier. He's fully capable of being a sweaty little bastard, but he's good at not being toxic about it and especially at not getting toxic towards his teammates. I think he could do well with just hanging out with a couple old friends and making sure a new one has a good time.
Sorrel Assigned Sandkeeper: Quackity is the best choice as the full bilingual and least likely to survive in the tunnels.
YELLOW YAKS: Shadoune, Etoiles, Aypierre, Baghera
The French Team. Frankly, I think the chance of Etoiles getting into MCC is pretty slim. He is simply too powerful. Scott has talked before about having enough S tiers and needing more mid and lower tier players and Etoiles would Not help with that. Adding Shadoune and Aypierre to that is honestly a bit ridiculous. Baghera is not a nerf to this team either. She doesn't have nearly as much Minecraft experience as the others but she is learning very quickly. I did nearly switch her out to try and balance this obscenely powerful team. Their big weakness though is their MCC inexperience. Shadoune is the only one who has played MCC before and he hasn't even been in a handful of events yet. Late games with high learning curves could seriously hamstring them.
Sorrel Assigned Sandkeeper: Pierre. I was super super impressed with Pierre's comms with Foolish when they broke into the Federation and I want to see him do comms more.
LIME LLAMAS: Illumina, Spreen, Slimecicle, Mariana
Yeah, okay, this is Pink17 with a twist. This is the only chance we're gonna have to pair Spreen with another S tier though so we gotta take it. To be fair, I don't actually know how good Mariana is at Minecraft. That being said, I do know he's not super comfortable in his English abilities. This is essentially two teams speaking two languages wearing a giant trenchcoat, so I figured it would be best to give them Illumina, king of minding his own business and showing up at the end of the game with half his team's coins.
Sorrel Assigned Sandkeeper: Slime. The Spanish speakers know more English than the English speakers know Spanish and asking someone to sandkeep in their second language in their first MCC is cruel.
GREEN GECKOS: Jojo, Vegetta, Maximus, OllieGamerz
The Spanish Team. I really tried so hard to pair Vegetta with Foolish, but ultimately I think he would just be most comfortable with people who all speak his own language. This is another scary powerful team, by the way. Jojo and Ollie were half the team that got the first canon team with two new players a win since MCC 6 and Vegetta is widely considered to be a Minecraft god. I'm not sure his skills transfer to MCC, but it can't hurt! Maxo is here instead of Mariana despite being more comfortable with English because I couldn't deprive the people of their Slimeriana crumbs, however he's another one whose MCC skill I'm not sure of. He's known mostly for his RP like Quackity Slime and Wilbur, but he also has an extremely dope Create mod house so he's definitely more cracked at the craft than them.
Sorrel Assigned Sandkeeper: Ollie. He's trained for it and studied for it before his first MCC and Vegetta and Maximus should both be able to at least survive dungeon conditions.
CYAN COYOTES: Mike, Pac, Fruitberries, Cubfan
Obviously, Tazercraft come as a duo. Do not separate. For them, I wanted people who matched their energy. Specifically, strange, bewildering, and staggeringly competent, while still making the most baffling decisions you've ever seen in your life. Fruitberries was an obvious choice. I think introducing them to Cubfan might be dangerous lest they give each other ideas for projects, but hopefully they'll be too focused on the games for any old projects to come up. I sure hope none of the games resemble any games Tazercraft have previously designed!
Sorrel Assigned Sandkeeper: Cubfan. He is like the Only guy in MCC who I trust equally as a runner and a sandkeeper which means that I trust him to sandkeep here.
AQUA AXOLOTLS: PeteZahHutt, Jaiden, Fit, CPK
This is just a pretty regular MCC team. Pete and CPK is a very strong combination and I don't expect Fit to be bad at Minecraft, but given the absolute powerhouses that are the French and Spanish teams, I think this is probably fine.
Sorrel Assigned Sandkeeper: Fit. Pete has a habit of making risky plays that don't always pay off. I think the scary teacher voice could check that impulse.
BLUE BATS: Badboyhalo, Krtzyy, Smallishbeans, Grian
Here's a PG team for you, king. You've earned it. Yes, Dave can be PG when they need to be. For the record, I'm deeply curious about what Bad puts down on his sign up sheet for his PGness preference. Either way, this is a team of all around strong players without a standout star. We're looking at a repeat of Aqua29 here.
Sorrel Assigned Sandkeeper: Krtzyy. Everyone on this team can run but Dave enjoys it the least and actually had their first decent time ever playing Sands of Time as a sandkeeper for Aqua29. They've been playing since MCC1 by the way.
PURPLE PANDAS: Scott, Shubble, Foolish, Purpled
This is the part of the teams list when I went "okay I guess I'm making a full ten teams now, so I have to get the guys with standing invitations in". For the record, that's Scott (it's his event), Shubble (she's Scott's bestie), and Wilbur (he was one of the earliest believers). Purpled is here instead of Wilbur because he's Ever So Slightly More Cracked At The Craft, however this team is actually impossible and would never happen in canon. Scott Smajor has made it very clear that he would never put Purpled on the Purple team. Anyway, Foolish is also here!
Sorrel Assigned Sanddaddy: Scott.
PINK PARROTS: FireBreathMan, Felps, AntoineDaniel, Wilbur Soot
Y'all remember everyone wailing and gnashing their teeth about Blue29 because FBM was being unfairly nerfed by being saddled with three "bad" players and it was so incredibly mean to those players he was with and also like they got 6th overall and did Literally Fine? No? Only me carrying that grudge? Anyway, here's a perfectly fair and balanced team that no one would complain about at all. No but for real, this is the team I couldn't switch Antoine and Baghera on because that would break it.
Sorrel Assigned Sandkeeper: Wilbur. Sorry Scott got to the daddy joke first.
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starseekerz · 1 month
I'm currently writing an introduction post to my main winglet for my stories alfjslkf but it's super long. So this is the first draft of the winglet, minus our Hivewing because he's my buddy's.
Titanium Winglet --
Cardinal -- Skywing
Ocelot -- Rainwing
Hurricane -- Seawing
Canyon -- Mudwing
Jackal -- Sandwing
Frigid -- Icewing
Starseeker -- Nightwing
Mahogany -- Leafwing
Tiger -- Silkwing
Now, one problem I know people may have here is Tiger and I'm ready to defend them with my life because that's dark brown not black and she's modelled off a Garden Tiger. >:[
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lilybug-02 · 4 months
I don't know how Kris gives revolver ocelot vibes eithier, I just feel like they'd get told something like "other than that you're pretty good" and hold onto even after brainwashing themselves into thinking they're someone else and say "youre pretty good" to a clone of their mortal enemy/bestest buddy Naked Snake years down the line as their last words after having a battle that echos their previous battles across their rivalry in one epic moment that nobody except for them could understand
I've no clue why I get this vibe from chara timeline Kris, I am gonna keep trying to figure this out
.....I'm gonna be completely honest. I only understood about 5% of that.
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froggychair05 · 6 months
Wrote this little thing for @enden-agolor :)
Jesse needed this to go well.
In all of his adventures, he’d never had to face a challenge quite like this. Taking down the Witherstorm? Terrifying, but he managed. Saving Sky City? Aiden didn’t stand a chance. Murderers, supercomputers, and battlefields of gladiators? Piece of cake.
Baking cookies, however…
Jesse had no clue where to even start. All of the ingredients were spread out in front of him and he held the recipe in one hand, the other resting on his hip as he studied Lukas’ neat handwriting. It seemed easy enough. He’d watched his boyfriend do it countless times (though he usually paid less attention to what Lukas was doing and more to whatever conversation they were having).
Lukas was busy at some book-signing event that day, so Jesse had to hurry. He knew that those kinds of things always stressed Lukas out—there were always people shouting questions at him and demanding his attention and it was all very overwhelming for the poor guy.
Jesse knew exactly how it felt, so he wanted to do something nice to surprise him. Besides, Lukas deserved it. He was always doing nice things for Jesse and he wanted to return the favor.
…If he could just figure out how, that is.
He sighed, carefully setting the recipe on the counter. He could do this.
Dewey wandered into the kitchen then, rubbing against Jesse’s legs.
“Hey, Dew,” he said, bending down to pet the ocelot. “Where have you been?”
Dewey just purred in response. Jesse smiled a little, standing up again. “Well, maybe you can help me.”
He pulled a chair out and watched as Dewey hopped onto it before turning back to the counter.
“I built a Formidi-Bomb. I can make some cookies.”
He rolled his sleeves up, measuring out the flour. Into the bowl it went, Dewey watching intently as Jesse began to go down the rest of the list.
“This isn’t so bad,” he said, smiling proudly at the bowl of ingredients. “See, Dew? Told you I could handle it.”
Dewey, by this point, had hopped onto the counter and was watching Jesse intently. His tail swished back and forth as he started batting at one of the eggs.
Jesse glanced at the ocelot. “Aw, is that next? Thanks, buddy, I— Dewey, no!”
Unfortunately, he was too late. The egg splattered onto the floor.
Jesse sighed. At least it hadn’t spawned a chicken—that would certainly be interesting to explain to Lukas.
“C’mon, Dewey, we don’t have a lot of time here.” He looked at the egg in dismay. “And it was going so well…”
Dewey at least seemed somewhat apologetic. He walked over and nuzzled his head against Jesse’s shoulder, purring. He was pretty cute…how could Jesse stay mad?
“Okay, okay, I forgive you.” He pet the top of Dewey’s soft head, smiling a little.
It wasn’t a total loss. They definitely had more eggs, and he could just step around the mess and clean it when he was done. The important part was getting the cookies finished before Lukas got back.
Jesse grabbed another egg, glancing back at Dewey, who was sniffing the pile of cocoa beans.
“No, Dewey, those aren’t for cats!” He rushed over, waving his hands at the ocelot until he backed away. Jesse felt something wet make a crunching sound under his foot.
Oh. Right. The egg. Wait, hadn’t he just been holding…?
He looked back at where Dewey had been standing. On the wall behind him was…another splatter of egg. It must have flown out of his hand when he was waving them at Dewey.
Jesse groaned in frustration. Fighting the Admin had been easier than this.
He peeled his sock off and draped it over the egg mess on the floor. It needed to be washed anyway. Cleaning the wall shouldn’t be too hard, either. As long as nothing else went wrong, Jesse was certain he could salvage this batch of cookies.
“Okay, Dew, I’m gonna need you to get off the counter,” Jesse sighed. “You can stay on the chair.”
Dewey only gave Jesse a look, not moving from where he was sitting next to the bowl.
“Dew. Please.”
Dewey did not listen. Dewey instead stuck his entire kitty face into the bowl of ingredients, sniffed, and sneezed. He lifted his head, blinking. His whole head was white.
“Dewey!” Jesse stared at the ocelot in disbelief. The situation would have been hilarious if it weren’t for the fact that Jesse would have to start all over now. Of course, he’d have to clean Dewey first, because he couldn’t just leave his boyfriend’s cat covered in flour.
Bathing Dewey was going to be a hell of its own, but it would probably be easier than baking cookies at this point.
Just then, Jesse heard the door open. His heart sank as he heard a tired but unmistakably familiar voice announcing his boyfriend’s presence.
“No,” Jesse whispered, staring at the mess. “He wasn’t supposed to be back yet…”
Dewey hopped off of the counter and ran toward the voice. No, no, no, this was all wrong!
“Dewey? What’s all over your fur?”
Jesse took a deep breath and walked out of the kitchen. “Hey, Lukas. You’re home early.”
“Yeah, thank goodness. I got through the line pretty fast today. Do you know what happened to Dewey?” He glanced over at Jesse. “…Where’s your other sock?”
Jesse sighed, reaching down and scooping Dewey up. “I was trying to make cookies. I wanted to do something nice for you since I knew you’d be stressed from today, but it didn’t really go well.”
“Aww, Jesse, you didn’t have to—“
Jesse shook his head. “I wanted to. You deserve it.”
“Well…thank you, then,” Lukas said, leaning down to kiss Jesse’s cheek. “I appreciate it.”
“But it turned into a disaster,” Jesse mumbled. “The kitchen’s a mess and Dewey needs a bath and the cookies are ruined because he sneezed into the bowl.”
Lukas laughed softly. “That explains a lot. But it’s okay, really. We can clean the kitchen and give Dewey his bath, and then we can make the cookies together. Does that sound good?”
Jesse shrugged. “They were supposed to be a surprise for you since I knew you’d be tired from today, though. If you’re making them, then it’s not really a surprise.”
“Well, I didn’t know you’d be making them, so I was surprised. And getting to spend the time baking with you is just as nice,” Lukas said, smiling. “It’ll be fun.”
Jesse couldn’t help but smile, too. “We’ll just have to keep Dewey away from it. He’s cute, but he’s a little menace.”
“Aww, he probably just wanted to help. Didn’t you, buddy?” Lukas pet the ocelot’s flour-covered head. “You’re definitely gonna need a bath, though.”
Dewey shook his head, a cloud of flour drifting off of him. Lukas laughed a bit and carefully took Dewey from Jesse’s arms.
“I can clean the kitchen while you give him his bath,” Jesse offered, dusting flour off of his shirt. He was realizing that he should have worn an apron.
Lukas nodded. “We’ll finish faster that way. Thank you.” He kissed the top of Jesse’s head. “You have flour on your nose.”
Jesse blushed, dusting his nose off as Lukas left with Dewey. He went to the kitchen to clean the splatters of egg.
Baking was hard. Maybe he should just stick to stopping world-ending catastrophes.
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subsequentibis · 7 months
hold ON i just realized buddy ocelot in mgsv would have had OUTFITS you could put him in i'm fucking unwell
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the iconic trio but if they were normal kids with normal lives, normal parents and in a normal town
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this is a little peak of my modern/slice of life au that I love, it's literally one of the first things me and my bestie did when getting into mgs. it's very wholesome and cutesy, the exact opposite of its source material. I will talk about it fully later though, as I have other things planned for this month. This au is completely safe for other people to insert their OCs in. It is also set in Alaska, and most birthdates remain unchanged. But I'll give you some fun facts about this three little fucks and their normal lives as kids in my au.
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Eli Sears (12 y/o)
Son of John and Eva Sears
half white American half Italian (in my head Eva is Italian stfu)
is the middle child (for a few seconds) and gets treated like it
lives in a very fucked up family (fucked up in the Family guy way)
vapes (thinking it's cool)
the vapes are stolen from uncle Venom
he despised his brother since the day they came out of their mother
acts all mean and angsty but still cries to his mama when he can't do his math homework
thinks he is the leader of the trio
cant tie his shoes
has braces
is a bit of a bully, or at least tries
is in their chuch's choir (in this AU the Sears are Catholics)
has a skateboard
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Azedi Miller (14 y/o)
Adoptive daughter of Kaz Miller, that single-fathered her for most of her life
has a very deep and healthy bond with her dad, even if he is very overprotective
her race and ethnicity are the same, and she is still in touch of her culture even if she has been raised by an American man. But now she has a more southern accent, coping her dad.
at 14 she became a loving older sister of Catherine Miller was born
tomboy, and is a soccer champion
is the bodyguard of the trio (the one who protects and takes all the countabilty of their actions because she is the oldest)
tries to hold Eli from doing dumbshit most of the time, but at the end joins him
is a scout girl
has lived in the countryside in her first years.
gets herself into dangerous shit because her little ADHD brain tells her to do them
Azedi is neighboors with Quiet, that is Eli's cousin bcs in this AU she was adopted by Venom (don't ask why), and they are besties even if Az is 14 years younger than Quiet.
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Tretij Rebenok (12 y/o)
lives in a foster-care home
autistic and has been nonverbal since 7th grade
knows that he is slavic, doesn't know much else of his past
trans boy, but only his friends know about it (even though, since he didn't talk, they only ever adressed him with "It")
he is the racoon of the trio (lives in a trash can and bites)
scares a lot of people just by the way he looks and is banned from most public spaces
instigates Eli into doing dumb shit
deadname is unknown. Before he asked them to call him Tretij they just called him "the other one" or "third friend"
literally eats bugs
in his foster home he is a neglected a bit, so he may often look messy and he may stink
he has a burnt scar on half of his face (I had to make up for the canon scars)
evilest fucking kid ever
just hangs in the background most of the time thankfully though
Some other fun facts about the trio in the au
Azedi and Eli have known each other since they were born, since their dads are buddies. they met Tretij when they entered primary school and became the neighborhood's terrors ever since
they raid Ocelot's house every once in a while
Eli and Azedi used to communicate with Tretij with mostly sign leanguege, that they learned with Quiet (since she is also autistic and nonverbal in this AU), when he was nonverbal, even though they also didn't really need to sign anything with Tretij bcs he understood them even without gestures (since they are that close with each other :3)
Eli and Azedi had started dating at the end of Eli's 7th grade, but the only thing that they do different from what they do with Tretij is giving each other little kisses and calling each other petnames
also Miller despises Eli, but this is in all universes
they all have matching bracelets made by Az
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niakku · 5 hours
Lord help me I am having some THOUGHTS about Ocelot being on the ground with his legs apart in that trailer
you and me buddy, I wanted to take a seam reaper to his crotch and open his.pants up like a gift on Christmas eve. we all know he was bricked up and soaking wet under there
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