#btw. gorgeous art youre one of my favorite artists
hybbart · 1 year
Do you have any artists in the fandom that you just absolutely love the way they draw the ranchers? Or just hermits/empires in general? I think my favorite (besides you) would be shepscapades, aliensssname, doodle-list, or kitsuneisi. Btw these are absolutely recommendations for if you havent seen their art yet
Oh gosh, I'm gonna forget a bunch of people cause I'm terrible at remembering lists and am also awful with names, so if they aren't on here that doesn't mean I don't adore them I just have awful memory, but...
excluding ones already on your list- and i'm not bothering to separate the people who regularly draw/write ranchers and the ones that baited me in with a single ranchers piece then dropped gorgeous art of other characters on me instead so- and also yes I am including writers I do what I want-
Lunarcrown, aquaquadrant, sincerely-nines, Joifee, kiszoneszczury, xmaruu, daftaiyo, applestuda, scribbling-dragon, pixiemage, terracottakore, tallaroo, wasyago, brick-rolled, seanagtala, goodtimeswithgrian, elipsis-art, and falconearring
There's like two dozen others that I adore just as much as these guys, but those are the ones I can actually remember the name of/art has been on my dash recently enough to remember. I'm the kinda person who forgets my own birthday so there's def people I'm forgetting that I'd list first if you asked me any other day.
I don't really have much of a tier-list or like top ten type list in this regard, I kinda just... If I like them I love them. So I could probably just list every artist I've liked or saved the art of. But then we'd be here all day.
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marciabrady · 9 months
What is Cinderella's hair color?
This is totally up to interpretation! Ilene Woods was pretty much the basis of everything when they were creating Cinderella, from her temperament to her facial structure to her coloring to her sayings to her eye placement when she smiled, and even Ilene's hair color is hard to read. She was definitely objectively blonde- she was referred to as such on radio shows and even in the press announcement that was released when she was cast as Cinderella. But in a lot of photographs, her hair appears brunette on camera- and there's a few reasons for this. First and foremost, the relatively primitive nature of cameras from that time period really couldn't capture nuances in natural tones- so unless your hair was platinum white or bleached, it would probably read brunette, and everything else would register as darker, inevitably. Plus, we're used to seeing people with bleached/colored hair these days, so what is truly considered a natural blonde- albeit dirty or a darker or just a more "natural" toned blonde- many contemporary people refer to, on a superficial lens- as brunette. So, I think Ilene was a dirty blonde, even though I've seen pictures of her later in life where she looks like a neutral blonde that is neither very light or very dark.
When it comes to Cinderella's intended/official hair color, that's also a can of worms. So, people are quick to discredit the platinum blonde Cinderella has appeared with in the 80s/90s/2000s/2010s merch and say she's a 'strawberry' blonde. They claim this is because of how she looks in the 'original' movie, but they're using the 2013 blu ray/2005 dvd master to go off of, which is even influencing current artwork of Cinderella in the Disney Princess franchise, and that master- beyond scrubbing all the linework out of the film (see screenshot below- look at how even the 1988 VHS maintains the lines in the bedding better than the 2005 and 2013 rubbery effect) also had inaccurate representations of the color relationships between elements in the film, which- again- means that you're not going to see what was intended.
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The team that worked on remastering the current 4K edition of Cinderella that came out this year (which I love btw! I'm still not super pleased with certain changes BUT it's a MASSIVE, MASSIVE improvement over the 2005/2012 master that had been done in 2003 and is far more pleasing to look at and, generally, my favorite restoration Disney has officially done) said that they referenced the original cel artwork, as well as promotional materials like lobby cards to better understand what the artistic intent was...and that's tricky. Because, while they interpreted it better than remasters of the 2000s/2010s which sought to LITERALLY make the film look exactly like the raw cel art, these movies were not meant to be viewed as, I do think they still stuck too close to the cel colors. Due to the nature of technicolor, a lot of color tests had to be done so that the artists could see what the finished product would look like after it had gone through the process of being printed on film- because it was always apt to differ greatly from the artwork on cel. A good example of this is the fact that blonde hair didn't read so the artists had to color it with a green tint on the original cels (see first screenshot below) so that it'd appear blonde on camera. However, again, I think the team looked too deeply into this and now we've ended up with a master, a gorgeous one, but a faulty one that depicts Cinderella's hair as almost green in 2023 (see right screencap from 4K remaster)
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When it comes to lobby cards, they're not going to be accurate either. I've seen lobby cards that were released in 1959 that depict Aurora as a brunette, blonde, and redhead, and they even change the color of her peasant dress to green, blue, pink- anything you can think of. And Cinderella's hair differs greatly in the lobby cards from the 50s themselves
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The funny thing is, it really seems to be decade dependent. I actually have access to a 1973 print and I think that's what the basis for the 2005/2013 master was, because the colors are very similar to that strawberry blonde and even the hues of the hallway in the chateau look nearly identical to the 2005/2013, and we never seen those colors again outside of those two masters. It's so odd it premiered in the 70s, that specific master, because in that decade, and in the 60s, they marketed Cinderella more as a brunette and gave Aurora the blonde title (which was reversed in the 2000s, where they almost made Aurora a light brunette and made Cinderella platinum beyond belief):
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You can even see Disney's confusion at what her hair is supposed to be; in the sequel, they gave Cinderella the platinum hair of the marketing at the time, but in the third movie, they tried to be more 'faithful' and cinematic and went off of the current, faulty, master of the time...which resulted in an unappealing turnout, imo? Like her skin and hair shouldn't be that close, color relationship wise, on film? (again, merch is always a different color)
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Also in House of Mouse, which is generally accurate with a lot, they make Pete put a red wig on when he's in Cinderella garb, indicating they thought that was the color of her hair at that point:
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Also, I feel like she's not supposed to be a true redhead or lean as close to strawberry blonde or people say she is? Again, cels shouldn't be viewed strictly for the color themselves, but if we observe the color relationship between her hair and that of Anastasia's- who is a true redhead- there's a huge difference:
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There are also a few production notes that we do have that can help a little. We know Cinderella's Prince was made to have much darker hair to contrast hers, so they could be visually striking with one another, again leading us to the conclusion that she does have light hair (which kinda dodges the 60s/70s artwork where she's a dusty brunette). We also know that Disney tried to make the Prince in Snow White sandyhaired, but it came across on camera as dark brown and didn't provide that much of a contrast to Snow White, which they were able to capture more successfully in books of that era, all through even the 80s/90s. I, personally, really love this book especially and I find the colors of everything- the interiors, Cinderella, her dress, etc- ring true to me, personally:
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And this color can be seen anywhere as brunette to some, to sandy, to blonde, to dirty blonde, to slightly red- and that's how I think Cinderella's hair is. I think she's a warm level 7, if we're going by a professional hair chart, and it's like a russet blonde color? Hints of red that could make someone see her as a redhead, or just a blonde, or to some who view blondes as solely being platinum, she'd almost even appear as a brunette. That being said, Aurora is definitely a blonde and in the current master we have, her skin appears pink/red and her hair looks greenish, so if anyone who's working on the future 4K master of Sleeping Beauty could fix that, it would be greatly appreciated!!
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qrowscant-art · 2 months
What artists/books/movies/music/etc would you say have been most formative to your style/subject matter? What inspires you most?
oh maaaannnn there’s a lot. what inspires me most is the fact that if i don’t draw or create regularly i turn evil <3 (thats mostly a joke, but i do get very irritable if i dont have some kind of creative outlet haha)
but here’s a too-long list of things that have rewritten my brain chemistry 🥰 dont take this as a list of reccs because some of these are 100% not for everyone LOL
for movies,
the alien franchise (except three fuck 3), the thing, 2001: ASO, colossus: the forbin project, videodrome, and mad god have all done irreparable psychic damage to me. if you can handle it, pleaaaaseeeeee watch mad god. absolutely gorgeous movie. i wish i looked like the assassin (shoutout 2 data for showing me it)
electric dreams is also good but it feels weird sliding it between those other reccs 😭 the tonal whiplash
for books,
house of leaves, obviously. absolutely disorienting narrative that was very fun to pick through and jump around. johnny’s sections are some of my favorite pieces of character writing, and i adore how the text and formatting turns the book into a labyrinth. my only complaint is figuring out similar things in css is HARD.
things have gotten worse since we last spoke is a disgusting novella (said with the utmost affection). its not something i can recommend to most people because it deals with some sickening topics, but it def shaped my love of horror
ihnmaims and tuf voyaging are two short story collections i read when i was far too young, and still enjoy today. also colossus the forbin project (the book). good 👍
the locked tomb series! what else is there to say but Jod Damn! alecto please
for games,
marathon trilogy! me when the ai have issues disorder🥰🫶 it can be difficult to play (use walkthroughs or mods to make things a little easier if you arent in the mood to be frustrated), but its worth it imo. shotgun and mousetrap if you even care btw
cecile richard and kitty horrorshow have been integralllll to my artistic development. cycles and gutless by cecile is the reason I started writing in twine, actually. still some of my favorite works :^)
disco elysium is amazing but everyone knows that. i think making readers feel uncomfortable and kind of pathetic is good, actually.
scorn is like. absolutely gorgeous. the game plays awful imo but its worth it for the eyecandy of lovingly crafted biomechanical horror. i got the art book as a gift and now it permanently resides on my desk.
signalis is a recent one but i watched my friend play through some of it and am itching to try it because AUGH. the vibes are immaculate (even if some of the combat is annoying hehe). @ that one anon who sent me a signalis recc, YOU WERE RIGHT. IT IS 100% MY KIND OF THING
there’s a LOTTT more, many of my inspirations i often forget about because i have an awful memory. i approach a lot of media consumption with the intent of “what can i learn from this?” (both narratively and mechanically) and fucking loooooveeee deconstructing things i enjoy. my toys 🥰
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tibbycaps · 6 months
🎨 for the ask game? hope you have a nice day!
🎨 favourite piece of fanart? link it!
oh gosh it's so hard to choose just one. (you too btw :'D) went thru my rbs and here's a few bangers:
technically an animation and not fan art but this animatic by volcanocraft is my favorite life mcyt animation of all time. the style is just to die for, the song choice is perfect, and while lots of traffic fan art and animations tend to be very dramatic and theatrical (which is totally fine, it rules) this is sort of a rare case where the artist manages to perfectly encapsulate the inherent silliness and comedic effect of using minecraft to tell your story. the goofiness of the little minecraft characters running and jumping around like bugs is perfectly captured which i feel like is a hard vibe to get in art sometimes
fan art that resembles renaissance paintings and even takes inspiration from said paintings is so beloved to me (i minored in art history so its very dear to me). specifically sillyfairygarden and floweroflaurelin come to mind! (thello's life series designs are also very dear to me, as the costumes they design remind me a lot of shakespearian plays, and make me imagine the life series as a shakespearian tragedy being told on a stage. as someone whos url is a shakespeare reference this also scratches a very specific niche in my brain. their bigb design is especially gorgeous and reminds me of 1996 mercutio)
cherri's life series as an rpg series is a banger, it really makes you yearn for the game to be real, it's also nostalgic of a lot of old rpgmaker games i used to play as a kid which is probably why i'm so drawn to it
i LOVE this secret life scar by felix convexsolos because i think the scene of scar standing in the wheat field is one of the unintentionally coolest most cinematic scenes from the life series, the off-putting angle and his stone-cold expression captures his silent rage, unhinged and unpredictable energy in that series so well this double life fan art by ghost3a i'm absolutely obsessed with the colors and expressions, each pairing has different colors and the color choices for each pairing is so telling and the way each piece kind of fades into the next by having a hint of color at the bottom is awesome. i'm a sucker when it comes to bright contrasting colors used to convey emotions/feelings.
this last life mumbo by stackofeggs has always stuck with me because i feel like it captures red life mumbo really well; he's terrifying and dangerous with his end crystals but it also still kind of retains that wet cat energy mumbo always has. he's scary and unstable and fragile just like the end crystals
this bdubs by imflyingfish is SO COOL AND CUTE, the style is so unique and captivating and i love the choice to draw bdubs' building the earth arc as it's honestly the only fan art i think i've seen of that specific secret life moment
i'll end off by mentioning the Common Applestruda W, where i honestly can't even link a specific piece or i'd be here all day. but her color work and compositions are wonderful
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flowersofevilvn · 5 months
I'm reading flowers of evil because of you BTW. It's really good! I was never one for poetry because I thought I was just too stupid to understand it, but I feel I have been missing out.
How have you been? Any development or life issues that we can help with? I think your game is really something special. Take care. 💚
I'm so glad to hear that!! I'm a firm believer that art and writing is for everybody and it always makes me happy to hear people are expanding their genres and experiences :) there are lots of resources that provide annotated versions of classical poetry so flowers of evil is actually a great text to look at if you're wanting to break into the romantics a little bit more! Different translators also change the tone of the work significantly, I have 3 separate copies of Flowers of Evil in the printed English format by dofferent translators, some with and some without original french text and annotations, but my favorite of all time is Ruth White's 1969 early electronica album based on the text! your personal experience with the writing is more important than an "objective" truth some people may try to convince you is true of the thing- historical context and literary analysis only go so far. Your enjoyment of a text doesn't have to have anything to do with what is academically accepted. I like flowers of evil the poetry collection mostly because of the visceral descriptions! Other people might enjoy it more because of its peculiar place in its time period, its relevance in the modern goth scene or the classic gothic literary scene, its gorgeous bound editions in book collecting circles, its raunchiness, its holiness, whatever! all that is to say, I don't believe in stupid people, and I belive even less in a stupid way to approach poetry, writing, and art- art is for everyone, and there are lots of ways to feel and interpret an artists work!
I wish I had good news on the development front- I had a week off of work I was hoping to dedicate to working on the game but I mostly either slept or cleaned. Being disabled and working has. Significantly altered my trajectory on the game. I wasn't expecting to have to use my body to work and it's been affecting me pretty brutally. Unfortunately because it's been so long since I started it up I'm wondering if I should gut and reproduce it entirely into something newer and cleaner instead of continuing to roll with a framework I've come to find pretty flawed and hard to work with. I haven't dropped the project by any means but I'm struggling to find the motivation to finish it. In any case! I'm really hoping to have at least a major update by March. fingers crossed, and happy reading to you!
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toastchild · 2 years
OK, I'm not sure if I can phrase everything I want to say correctly, but I'll try anyway: YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!
Like, really!
Your art is just GORGEOUS, both old and new! And I love love LOVE that you included a bisexual trans male character! (SERIOUSLY, AS A BISEXUAL TRANS GUY MYSELF IT MEANS A LOT TO ME!) I just love Tristan so much, and (what seems to be) his li'l crush on Gabe is just adorable!
Although, to be honest, as much as I love those two (being laid-back and "looking for a dream boy" are two things I can heavily relate to), in terms of personality so far my favorite is perhaps Alizée, and design-wise it would be Noah. Like seriously, when it comes to Noah I can't decide if I just want to look like them or date them??? *fanboy scream* THEY'RE TOO COOL!!! (>////<)
Regardless, I just adore your comic, and everything about it. Everything looks great, everyone is adorable, the diversity is just AWESOME! Bianca and Penny's interactions are just so awkward, funny, cute, and relatable! I just love it! Thank you for bringing a little joy into my life as a non-straight, non-cis person looking for "rainbow" content.
Compliments aside, though, there's something I want to say. I just recently noticed you changed how you identify as, and I have to ask - how did you realize you were aro AND ace? If I remember correctly, you used to identify as aromantic and lesbian (sorry if that's not true, btw). Was it a case of you realizing you only liked girls in the aesthetic sense in spite of being open to intimacy and/or a relationship with them?
Sorry for the weird questions by the way, you don't have to answer them if you don't feel like it. I don't mean to be invasive, I'm just genuinely curious about such things, considering I am neither asexual nor aromantic exactly, and I have never felt any true semblance of being a lesbian (since I'm a trans boy who likes more than one gender, I could not feel any connection to the word "lesbian" when I learned about it even though I'm really into ladies).
If it somehow alleviates whatever discomfort I might have brought to you by bringing up a (possibly) unpleasant subject amidst such praise, I'd like for you to know that I have kind of aromantic/asexual -ish values myself. That is, in spite being a huge fan of romance and, er, "bedroom bonding," I think platonic love should always come first, and I always feel aces, aros, demis, and everyone in the ace/aro spectrum deserve better both in real life AND in fiction.
Anyway, I'm glad your art, comics, and characters exist, they're a treat to the eyes and a warm embrace for the soul, especially for LGBT+ people. I hope you continue to bring smiles to peoples' faces by being your lovely self, and I hope you always find people who do the same for you.
You are a rare jewel, and I wish you good luck on your journey as an artist, as a person, and as a human being.
(P.S. I just realized i made this message WAY too long than I had originally planned. I really went overboard with this one. Oh well... *shyly walks away*)
DUDE!!! I can't thank you enough for such an absolute essay I'm seriously so grateful for the time it must have taken to write this!! All your thoughts about my characters make me so so happy aaa I can't believe it <333
You're right, I used to identify as aromantic and lesbian and I still think women are very lovely! You're spot on, I'm definitely more into girls in an aesthetic sense I think they're funky and cool but god I would never want to date anyone.
I actually realized I am definitely asexual recently - basically w/o getting too explicit someone offered me the option to try "it" and it freaked me out so much it kind of set off an "ohhhh okay, I'm definitely not a sexual person" moment. Honestly, I kind of grew up being told I was too young to identify as asexual and to just wait until I'm older, but bro I'm older now and I still feel the same way so 🤠🤸‍♀️ Honestly I think my thoughts are if a label is resounding w you - give it a try, nothing has to be permanent! You're allowed to change your mind, there are no rules.
Anyway!! I just wanted to thank you again for writing to me and making my day, I hope you're absolutely thriving <333333
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walkingcorpse03 · 1 year
hi!! I loved your anime recommendations, especially the ones about romance, I watched them all and I agree with you on them! so I wanted to ask you if you have more recs on the same genre :) or just ones that you really like please! thank you in advance!
Hello !!!! thank you so much for the ask !! I’m happy you liked the recs :)  I’d like to know more about your thoughts on them if you're comfortable because they are some of my favorites,, 
anyways, I’ve taken a break from anime for a while, but I do have a few more recs for you if you haven’t already seen them:  (this is a very weird mix of anime btw, the themes can jump from complete fluffy goodness to emotional damage so sorry in advance for the very mixed bag I have constructed for you)
1. Sasaki to Miyano
I love this anime so much, it’s so wholesome and it’s always refreshing to me to see lgbtq+ pairings that aren’t absolutely toxic. It follows a boy named Miyano and he slowly starts gaining feelings for Sasaki and coming to terms with his sexuality. All of the characters are super lovable too which is always a plus. Its short, light on angst, and a super cute watch! (Genre: Slice of Life, Romance / 13 Episodes) 
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2. Orange
Orange put me through some things I’m not gonna lie. It was a very emotional watch for me and that’s why it’s so high up on the list. it’s a bit of a slower anime and it has a lot of layers, but I really enjoyed it personally. It kind of had similar vibes to My Little Monster, but it does have a darker plot. It also has a cool time travel/sci-fi twist without making it to technical (just how I like it). You can really feel for a lot of the characters and I think it makes for a very captivating story. I would recommend it to anyone. (Genre: Drama, Slice of Life, Romance / 13 Episodes)
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3. Umibe no Etranger/The Stranger by the Shore
This is a movie, but it’s absolutely stunning. The art and animation is so cool and as an artist I really found myself appreciating the amount of detail. Every scene is gorgeous. It takes place on an island where two people re-connect and fall in love. There’s angst, happiness, and a really pretty vibe to the whole thing. It’s not my favorite, but I do think it’s worth a watch. (Genre: Drama, Romance) 
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4. Beastars
okay hear me out-- This anime is a little out there, but genuinely really good. The characters being animals threw me off, but the story and the world is insanely well planned and thought out and I was hooked from episode one. It’s definitely not your typical romance, in fact it’s barely a romance, but its definitely present and a part of the the main storyline. It has dark themes and the storytelling is really good. I give this anime an 11/10 and I say that with my full chest. It's just really different from other shows and my pattern-scouting brain can normally guess the plot of an anime by episode three, but not this one, I genuinely had no idea where it was going.  (Genre: Drama, " Coming-of-age Drama Fantasy” / 2 Seasons)
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5. Horimiya
Just a silly little anime that I did really like. Sometimes I like taking a break from stories that really drag me into the plot and the emotion and just watch lighthearted things that can take my mind off stress for a little bit, and this anime falls into that category. The characters are very modern and the story was actually really refreshing so if you're looking for something like that then this is definitely an anime you should consider watching,, the art style is also gorgeous.  (Genre: Romance, Shojo / 13 Episodes)
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6. Romantic Killer
A funny/lighthearted anime to mix in with the group incase you would rather save yourself from any angst. It was corny and fun to watch and the art style is really bright and pretty. I also really liked the character designs. I really had to give the anime a good fighting chance, but I did like it after a few episodes. It follows a girl who finds herself stuck in all sorts of stereotypical/trope type romantic scenarios with multiple love interests and she’s just like “this is a no from me” the entire time and it made for a fun watch. It helped take my mind off the day to day, and it’s nice when a show can do that. (Genre: Romantic comedy, Comedy drama / 12 Episodes)
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That’s all the romance/romance-ish recs I have at the moment, sorry it took me second to respond I wanted to sit down and answer it correctly when I had the time to do it,, but like I said, send me your full thoughts about them if you're comfortable I’d love to hear and I hope you like some of these ones as well!! 
- Have a nice day !!
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blumen-draws · 7 months
What's your main source of inspiration?
Lovely art btw, you're style is gorgeous!!
Hi there! Thank you for the compliment, that's so sweet! 😭💕
This is kinda tough to answer, since there are so many things that inspire me!🤔 I love looking at vintage photos and art styles for inspiration, so that's probably the influence that shows up the most in my work since I've gotten comments before that my art style reminds people of old children's books or comics like Charlie Brown.😊
The artists I've followed over the years have also been a big influence on me, but this post could get out of hand if I tried to name them all.😅 So here's a few of my favorite artists and some things I love about their style!:
K0tteri - One of my top fav artists whose work I could look at all day. 😭💕 I'm always amazed with how expressive and engaging their art is, especially when they make use of simple lines and colors!
Yvecz - Another big favorite of mine! There's always something so infinitely charming about her work, and I've loved following along with the development of her latest graphic novel project.
Umishima Senbon - I love the body motion, colors, and interactions between people in their work. Here's a few of my personal favorites from them🥺 (one, two, three, four)
Ruiriel - I love their colors, composition, and the angular way they draw people. I especially love their OC art they've got archived under the name #Fogkmire 😭💕
Liliuhms - Has a really cute and vibrant art style! She's always working on so many different creative projects, and seeing her enthusiasm for her work makes me want to work hard on my art too. 🥺💕
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lilyoffandoms · 1 year
Crimes Drabble - Trystan x Noel
Hey there @hydn-jpg. If it’s not obvious from me tagging you in this 😉 I got you for the @choicesfandomappreciation Secret Pal exchange this year. I know we’ve not interacted much but I forever love seeing your art on my dash and I still stare at that loveliest of art you created for me of my two favorites! Thank you for always brightening our little fandom and Merry Christmas and Happy Nee Year!
A/N: I was lookin through some of your Noel and Trystan art (gorgeous gorgeousness right here btw) and I couldn’t shake the idea of doing a detective noir with them. Now, fair warning, I’ve never attempted to write noir before, I just ran with my idea, but I hope I did your Noel justice and you enjoy this gift.
Warnings: No warnings that wouldn’t also apply to canon.
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She was a talented, gorgeous, up and coming artist. Her nobility certainly wouldn’t help matters. Last place she - or anyone - would expect her to end up was on Ruby’s slab. I shake my head as I toss her smiling photo back onto a stack of grittier ones.
I can’t shake the tension in my shoulders as I look up at the clock.
Another late one, I pinch the bridge of my nose. But that’s nothing new.
My eyes find the day old coffee across the room and I sigh.
I’m the one that wished for a new case, something exciting to walk through that door. Someone other than the usual jilted spouse. Never expected it to drag murder and an exiled prince with it.
I glance skeptically at the coffee again. Fresh or not, I could use the caffeine.
As I stand up from my chair, it goans and creaks. Stepping out from behind my desk, I roll my shoulders, trying to coax my muscles into moving me across the room. A swipe at my bleary eyes clears my vision enough that I manage to safely traverse the space between here and there.
Looking around, there’s probably not an inch of this agency that I don’t know.
To my left is my desk (with a few more than a few coffee rings staining the worn surface) is our evidence board and Luke’s way too neat desk. Various screens and panels still buzz from that corner though it sits dark now. Across from me are two doors. One connects to Mafalda’s pristine office with a line of filing cabinets stacked against one wall. The other door leads to the outside world where a few cars still honk angrily at each other despite the late hour.
I pour a stale, lukewarm mug and take a sip.
It tastes like shit, I cringe and take a gulp.
Pacing around the office, walking the same steps that the floor has witnessed a thousand times over on nights just like this. Force of habit, I guess.
Some fresh air would be nice… and maybe some fresh coffee…
I turn when someone tries the locked door. I groan to myself. Only one person it could be this late at night, at this place without a key, looking for me.
My suspicions are confirmed with a rhythmic knock to the door.
I set my coffee aside and move slowly across the room. Too slowly it would seem for my visitor when my phone chimes with an incoming text. My suspicions are confirmed when I pull my phone from my pocket and see the message.
I know you’re in there.
I barely suppress my smile as I type a response back. And I fail to stifle my laugh at the shouted reply.
I debate making him wait a bit longer until he shouts through the door that he has coffee. That settles it.
I open the door and Trystan stands in front of me, dashing as ever with that same killer smile on his lips.
“Took you long enough, Rose.”
I hide my smile behind the cup he offers me and allow it to warm my hands as I inhale the roasted nutty aroma before taking a tentative sip.
His eyebrows arch and his lips quirk into a wide smirk at the contented moan that escapes me with that first sip.
“Not a word,” I mumble as I leave him standing in the door way.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, detective. Mind if I join you?”
I can’t help but give him a once over. Taking him in. Damn if he doesn’t look good in those trimmed trousers, tailored jacket, and pressed shirt with a few too many buttons undo per his usual m.o. Probably helps that the fabric of that suit alone costs more than my rent.
He flashes a smirk and I clear my throat, “By all means.”
He sits across from me and picks up a file, flipping through it thoughtfully as he sips his own drink.
I do the same but soon enough, my mind drifts to other things…
Like the way he steals glances at me when he thinks I’m not looking, the touches and small shows of affection that he pretends are innocent as he grabs another file, the way that he’ll understand what I mean with just a single word or look.
He waves his hands in front of my face and grins, “Noel, you alright there?”
My given name. That does the trick. His eyes ground me as I manage to wrench my gaze up to his face.
He leans across the desk, closer. “You like what you see?”
Shit. Was I staring?
I hide my eyes behind the file I’m holding. I feel a flush creeping up my neck to burn at my ears. My head swims as I attempt to dismiss the feelings that threaten to overwhelm me whenever he’s near.
I clear my throat and risk a glance up at him. Mistake.
He knows he’s caught me and he leans back in the chair, stretching out on display. Muscles even more taut beneath his tailored shirt.
“Just tired?” I lie through my teeth.
“Mmmhmm.” His smirk is infuriating and what I wouldn’t give to kiss it from his lip.
I focus on the case file before me in a vain attempt to hide the heat still flooding my face.
A moment passes.
Then two.
I peek out from behind my file. I quietly laugh upon seeing his face. He has a look on his face I’ve not seen before. One that worries me.
“Never thought I’d see you speechless.” I can’t help the quip followed by a grin. Anything to lighten the mood that threatens to stifle.
Trystan’s smile has changed. It’s softer. Lips poised like they want to say something. Emotions lie unspoken there that leave me even more confused by my own.
But he settles upon, “Well, detective, you always leave me speechless.”
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eerna · 1 year
Hello I just wanted to tell you that I love your art, is beautiful! And I wanted to thank you for drawing the Duarte sisters (The Cruel Prince) especially the twins Taryn and Jude. They are just as I imagine them when reading the books. I also love the fact that you like Taryn (I love her), I just finished the books and she’s awesome I can’t imagine why some readers hate her that much, I think they are really dramatic and exageratting. Literally you are the only artist that I know that has drawn her. No one ever draws the sisters, their relationship is one of my favorite things in the books! Honestly the only fanart of Vivi and Taryn that I’ve seen it’s yours and it’s gorgeous and for that I am eternally grateful. 💕
✨Btw I have on of your drawings (Duarte Sisters) as my phone background✨
Thanks, that's so nice od you :D! YAAYY ANOTHER SOLDER FOR THE TARYN DEFENSE SQUAD!!! I agree, the hate she gets is completely disproportional to the level of her awfulness. Yeah, she is a bad person, but she is far from the worst in this story. The sisters' relationship, and their entire family dynamic, were my fav thing about the books and I shall yell about it forever. 2ghosts has some artwork of her, as well as may12324, and check out Gio Navas' song about the sisters if you want more content~
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calamari-inari · 1 year
I'd like to ask, how did you learn to draw and how long have you been drawing? I've been wanting to get back into drawing. I find your work so inspiring. I love your art style so much. Your works are always gorgeous. <3
I've been considering getting myself a beginner's level pen table, so I'm curious, what kind of pen tablet are you using?
AWWW that is very sweet of you to say, thanks!! 🥺❣️❣️ I encourage you to try drawing again!!
Going back to the roots of what really got me interested in drawing... embarrassingly enough it was because of Super Smash Bros Brawl and I just really wanted to be able to create stuff for my favorites lol. I was barely a teen, about 12 years old? My favorite character to play as was Ike btw (and also what got me into Fire Emblem) 💙
I didn't really take digital art more seriously until 2018 actually when my parents bought me my first laptop. I was more of a traditional artist (I think my specialty was in pastel and gel pens). And to avoid all the mess that may happen with traditional media, I invested more in digital art and that's how I came to be where I am now lol
So doing all the math, I've been drawing for about 10 years (counting the few that I did not draw in between lol)
As for a pen tablet... I am very inexperienced myself because I've been using a 2-in-1 laptop for the past 5 years, but the one I recently bought is called UGEE M078. Personally, I think it's nice since it has essential hotkey buttons and a fairly large drawing area. It's also reasonably priced (and comes with a lot of accessories and tools!) and you can find this on Amazon. It's on sale currently (as of 12/9)! If you like the feel of drawing on paper, there is pen scratching ASMR lol
Link to the tablet is here!
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happylandfill23 · 9 months
23, 20,1 and 8 for the music asks!!!
thank you for the ask julian!! /gen
23. what's a song that makes you feel like a hot badass?
"cat people (putting out fire)" by david bowie!!
instead of being painfully predictable and putting a photo of damon albarn, here's kurt cobain with a cat :]
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1. what is your favorite song. right now. tell me.
oh man. it's hard to pick but one i've been really enjoying lately is "all i think about now" by the pixies
8. tell me about your favorite band. go on infodump for me.
oh boy get ready for me to infodump about gorillaz
i just love everything about them tbh, i loveee the music and the art and everything. i think my favourite album is probably demon days, not just by them but in general and when i found a copy of it on vinyl i literally cried in the middle of the store lmao you would think i'd actually seen damon and jamie there in the flesh i could not calm down. but it's in my possession now and i love it. only problem is it doesn't have the fade between dirty harry and feel good inc and it skips a bit during dare but it's perfect otherwise and every time i hear the fade between don't get lost in heaven and demon days i cry even though i've heard that fade several times before on my cd of the album it just. hits different on vinyl idk. i think phase two also has my favourite art style of all the phases?? idk though i loveeee the plastic beach artstyle and they all look so cool in their outfits (i even have that plastic beach era poster that i'm pretty sure everyone has lmaoo) and i love cyborg noodle!! i wish what happened to her was more clear and not changed like a million times, i also would've thought it would be cool to see her and noodle become friends. THEY COULD'VE BEENN SISYERS :( but no :(( also plastic beach always makes me sad i really really wish damon and jamie had gotten to do everything they'd wanted to with that album and it makes me so sad thinking about all the lost music and stuff. especially crashing down cuz that snippet from the russel ident was so beautiful :( also why did they delete all the plastic beach teasers from their official youtube channel??? like all the close-ups of the gorgeous model they built pretty much just for the album cover with the little snippets of music we never got (i'm quite fond of the one known as mr. light, which based on what we hear in the snippet i think it was reworked into damon albarn's daft wader, which is a gorgeous song from a gorgeous album) and the little character idents too. my favourite one is probably the cyborg noodle one, i love the creepy music and how we get to see what all the wires and stuff look like, it's just super cool. the russel one makes me really sad though :( man russel has been through so much. he deserves better man
ok this turned out even longer then i thought it would lmao i'm adding a cut before this rambling session 😭😭
thank u again for the asks btw!! /gen
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pervysenpaix · 2 years
Our Bestfriend| Kami X Kiri(BlackFem!Reader)
Hi besties! I'm back at it again with my random lewd thoughts. I was def inspired by this fic from @plussizeficchick & this ask that someone sent @kingkatsuki , cause let's be honest, we love some polypie ❤ Not proofread btw
Warning (18+) NSFW Content| Viewer Discretion Advised
Aged Up/ ProHero! Characters
Chubby Reader
Established relationship
mentions of MFM threesome
Somnophilia ?
dry humping
I do not own MHA, MHA characters or anything associated with the brand. I do not own the art, all images were obtained from google. If you know the artist please tag them. Do not steal my shit.
©pervysenpaix 2021
Ever heard the phrase, "couple goals"?
Well, that's you and Eijiro!
Everyone knows about the magical relationship between you and Pro Hero Red Riot, your faces are plastered on almost all the couples pages on social media. It's great, the fans adore you. The soft chubby bunny that stole the heart of the rock hard hero.
Kirishima is always gushing about you and the things you do together. With him you never have to lift a finger, he gives you everything you want; including, a new bestie !
Denki has been around since the beginning. Apparently he's the one that gave Eijiro the courage to approach you after coming into your shop everyday.
"Ya gotta ask her out, man ... She's gorgeous!"
He'd been on almost every date. At first you thought it was kind of weird, like why is this random guy thirdwheeling? But, as you got to know Kiri's energetic bestfriend, he grew on you.
Now, it's weird for Denki to not be around.
It was perfect when you two finally moved in together because now it was easier for him to spend time with the both of you. He was always at you guy's apartment; he practically lived there.
"Oi idiot, do you ever go home ?" Bakugo would snap, eying the blonde as he hovered close to you in the kitchen.
Kacchan loved his friend but he knew how clingy he could get and he didn't want anything to ruin Ei's relationship, especially since you made him so happy.
"Why would I go home?" Denki frowned, resting his chin on top of your head while his arms were wrapped around your waist. "I get free food, soft cuddles, and I'm with my two favorite people!"
"Awe, you're so sweet Kami" you'd coo, reaching up to bring his face down to your level so you could kiss his cheek. He'd blush and bury his face in your neck earning giggles from you and soft chuckles from Kirishima who was leaning against the fridge. "Yeah, man. I don't know what it is but it just works!"
Katsuki would scoff, rolling his eyes and gathering his things to leave. It was obvious that there was something going on but he wasn't going to worry about it if Ei wasn't. Might as well just go home and fuck Gabbie.
Denki was there even when Kirishima was out on patrol or on assignments. He didn't mind at all. Actually, it gave him peace of mind to know that you'd be protected while he was gone. When he got home late, he'd often find you two curled up on the sofa tangled in eachother's arms. The two of you would be so cute that he didn't want to wake you but it wouldn't be manly for him to take up the huge California King by himself while you two were smushed on the couch. So, after taking a few pictures he'd pick you up and nudge Denki awake so he could join the two of you in the bedroom.
None of you questioned anything. It just worked. Why fix something if it ain't broke?
Denki couldn't be happier.
One night, you were asleep in his arms while he spooned you in the massive bed, waiting for Kirishima to return home.
He loved simple moments like this. When he could listen to your soft snores and feel your warm body pressed against him. His hands would travel up your bare legs so he could rub at your thick thighs. The oversized Chargebolt tee you were wearing gave him easy access to your fluffy body.
Denki placed soft kisses on your neck and shoulder while he spread your legs and cupped your warm pussy. "Fuck,," he groaned against your shoulder when he felt the heat coming from the slightly damp material.
Now, Denki had thought about this quiet often. Imagining what it would feel like to slip his fingers inside that sweet brown cunny, scooping up all your juices and slurping them down. He just knew you'd taste amazing. Whenever the two of you were cuddling he'd have to restrain himself from biting you because you smelled so damn good.
Deft fingers slipped underneath the thin fabric and he grazed your folds making you shiver. Already so wet he thought, rutting his hips against your ass while his fingers explored your pussy.
Your reactions were priceless, when his knuckles brushed over your clit you'd whimper and press against his hard on. Soft sniffles sounded when he pinched and pulled at your clit, sending light shocks to the bud.
You were getting so wet.
A damp spot was forming on the sheets and his hand was soaked. He wanted to fuck you so bad, but what Ei think?
"Fuck, Ei" he whimpered, hips stuttering at the thought of his extremely hot bestfriend.
The things he wanted to do to him were way worse than what he wanted for you. See, you were soft and sweet and squishy. He'd want to be gentle with you. Soft kisses, cute laughs and hand holding.
But Ei ....
He wanted Eijiro to thrust his hardened cock so far down his throat that it threatened to dislocate his jaw. Then after drinking all of his bestfriend's cum, he wanted to turn the red head around and ram his cock up his ass. No prep.
Oh, how he'd love to see the rock hard hero screaming on his dick like a little bitch. He'd just laugh, but not too hard because he knew that Ei would probably have him in the same position a little while after.
Both, of you were moaning now. His fingers were moving faster. Thrusting in and out and scissoring your core while his thumb rubbed at your entrance and he rutted against your ass.
"Ngh~ K-kami." you moaned.
Fuck, he didn't even realize you woke up. Even better.
"S'good. Feel so fuckin' good around my fingers." he whined, hips jerking faster and harder against your rear. He was so close and your ass was so soft and your pussy felt so good. Too good. "Cum for me so I can feel you."
His voice was so desperate, it had you clenching and gushing around his fingers. He came with you, a loud groan rumbling from his chest, as he shot his load in his boxers. Embarrassing.
Denki didn't give a fuck though. He was estatic !
"c'mere baby" he turned your head and pressed your lips together. The kiss was deep and passionate. You were whimpering in eachother's mouths as your tongues wrestled. He was already getting hard again.
The two of you didn't stop kissing until you felt the bed dip. Kirishima was fully naked and stroking that monstrosity he called a cock. Denki's mouth fell open, he knew he'd probably be big but fuck....
"Don't stop on my account, little ones. Daddy wants to cum too."
Nasty Girls| @xogabbiexo, @plussizeficchick, @thicksimpx, @namjoonswifeyy, @tenyaiidasslut, @po3ticb3auty, @presidentmonica, @angwritez, @arielspoem, @kaizokuluv
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starlitheaven · 3 years
🎉 NEW GAME: Introduce your mutuals to everyone and what do you think of them? 🎉
this ended up being long, sorry if I forgot anyone!! I love all my mutuals, we have a good energy in the studio here. but really, I haven't had this much fun being in fandom in a long time and I never feel judged on here unlike other sites. everyone is great and supports each other as writers/artists. muah.
@saturnsonnet lucia!! imy so much and my favorite on here <3
@saintchrollo ophelia, who always has 10/10 ideas and is very funny and always right <3 chrollo needs you to get him high and drunk on wine. easy to talk to but doesn’t put up with nonsense!
@conflatemochi suiren!! very talented writer and artist and isn't letting my knife kink go hdsfafs also very mature and good taste in 2d men <3
@reitani rei my love, you have to have a libra placement or something anyway amazing taste and aesthetic!!! one of the only people who has similar taste as me here (which is fun to talk about), I love seeing you on my dash and talking to you <3 also all your themes are perfect. suguru would be head over heels for you
@tojisfangs SAM!!! So talented and kind, and has Toji's characterization completely on point! everything he writes is amazing and can either be wholesome and domestic or spicy. we love it, thanks for the food <3
@shinakki shin....shin has a big brain and everything she says (especially about gojo) is correct and not to be debated. so funny and sweet, love talking to you <3
@haraiko ana, absolutely talented, brilliant, never been done before, one of a kind, whatever else lady gaga said in that interview. great taste and an amazing writer, it's so immersive and draws you in! also very nice, muah <3
@laudthingcat winter!! versatile and very fun writer, I love everything she puts out <3 a sweetheart
@licantropa hel....this sounds so random but your myspace would've been peak aesthetic. everything you do is so sexy and dark, you have an eye for the vibe you're going for and your writing absolutely matches it. seeing you on my dash makes me happy <3
@princesatoru BUNNNNNN omg okay first an absolute gem and lovely person. she has so many cute headcanons and ideas, I really love their characterization for gojo!! so fun and on point. satoru would absolutely adore you no doubt <3
@rafzaha honey!!! love seeing you starting to write and I always look forward to your comments <3 they’re very motivating, you’re the best
@venussins loni! we haven't talked but you're such a versatile writer and your theme is so pretty and dark <3 also your smut is (I'm on my laptop but pretend I put the fire emoji)
@izanaphoric we haven't talked much but I love seeing them on my dash <3 also your theme is gorgeous I love that shade
@honouredsatoru Lilith! the sweetest soul, you deserve only the best <3
@cyancherub cassie!! I just started following you but first of all: your writing is so unique and alluring...I read some of your Sukuna fic because I'm a monsterfucker and ok I need to read it all first but PLEASE—I'm not a horror person but I love how you write it, the plot is so simple but also so different, it feels like a movie. you also seem really sweet <3 btw you write Sukuna extremely well it's so good.
@pretty-toru tina! we haven't really spoken but I love your theme and your headcanons <3 also I read your toji smut and hehehehehehe hot
@sukisaturday suki!!! I loved all of your chrollo art, really fed us!
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jonkentt · 3 years
Sept 20 ‘21 ~Baking~ @samwilsonfest for @presidentrhode-s who baked a work of perfection on my birthday, ily
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Sam yawns and tries to blink the sleep from his eyes as he pulls ingredients out of the kitchen cupboards. Once he’s got everything laid out on the counter he turns on the bluetooth stereo and looks for some good vibes tunes. Can’t go wrong with Etta James.
I want a Sunday kinda love…
Sam sways his hips and sings along. He measures flour, sugar, baking soda. He takes the butter out of the fridge to thaw and grabs a few eggs.
I do my Sunday dreaming, oh yea And all my Sunday scheming Every minute, every hour, every day
He sings and stirs, cuts and measures, and feels wonderfully, perfectly at ease. There was something about baking. Maybe the repetition of it, the easy movement through the kitchen, the step-by-step instructions, the certainty of a great result, or the room to improvise. Maybe it was everything about baking, but Sam found it more calming than almost anything else in the world.
He took up baking after he started at the VA, though he can’t quite remember why. He wanted a new hobby and why not choose one that results in food? He started with full size cakes that he’d often end up sharing at group therapy. Then he moved on to little cakes figuring he could try new flavors and styles more often. He bought colorful sprinkles, dabbled in seasonal flavors, and watched youtube videos of frosting techniques.
Alright, so his cake decorating skills weren’t amazing at first. He’d send pictures to Sarah who would call him just to tease him.
“Sam, what the hell is that?”
“One step away from a masterpiece!”
Sarah would crack up and they’d both laugh while Sam tried to justify his attempted artworks. Then he’d try to convince her that it tasted much better than it looked. After a while, he started getting good at it. Like really really good. Like cakes-in-the-window-displays-of-a-bakery level good. His favorite was making frosting flowers and covering his tiny cakes till they looked like tasty bouquets.
And that’s exactly what he found himself doing on this weekend at home with no plans or pressing concerns about global safety. He swirls together a rainbow frosting for the base layer, cause why not go all out? Then he makes delicate blue and yellow roses all along the edge. He even pipes leaves down the sides. When he stops to admire his work, it looks like a rainbow flower explosion. Sam giggles.
He’s sitting in the kitchen absently flipping through one of Sarah’s cookbooks when Bucky comes downstairs, yawning loudly. He glances at the cake on the counter and snorts.
“That’s cute. What’s it for?”
“Just wanted to make something’.”
Bucky stares blankly. “You made this.”
“When? This morning?”
“You’re fucking with me.”
“It’s so hard to believe I can bake?”
Bucky examines the cake intently and then raises an eyebrow at his partner. “This is a work of goddamn art, Sam.”
“I know it is. But thanks.”
Bucky stares so hard it looks like his brain is gonna malfunction.
“Where’s Sarah?” he asks finally. “SAARRAAAAAAH!”
“WHAT.” Sarah appears around the corner.
“Sam says he baked this.” Bucky motions to the cake. Sarah had witnessed an in-process version but the complete work was more impressive. She leans over it to admire it.
“Mm damn bro when’d you learn to frost so good? This is much better than what I’ve seen before.”
Sam frowns. “Rude.”
“Wait you’re—” Bucky’s blinking so hard it’s giving Sam a headache. “You’re telling me he didn’t buy this?”
“Oh my god.”
Sarah grins. “Oh, no, he baked it. Sam’s got a whole passion for baking tiny cakes.”
“Excuse you.”
Bucky is way more shook than Sam thinks he needs to be. “WHAT.” He turns to Sam. “You—”
Sam rolls his eyes. “Of course I baked the fucking cake!”
Bucky’s mouth hangs open for another minute and Sam can’t quite decide if he’s amused or annoyed.
“This is beautiful, Sam.”
“Sure it is! Gonna make a tiny cake, gotta pack it with a lot of love! And I deserve all the love.”
“Yeah you do, Sam, and this is— this is!” Is Bucky about to cry? “This is AMAZING! OH MY GOD!” Bucky leans real close and admires it from all angles. Sam can’t help the huge grin on his face.
“How did you mix all the colors like that? It’s fucking gorgeous!” Then, forgetting she was literally just here, “SARAH! Come see this! Sam made a cake!”
Bucky looks at Sam completely awestruck. Sam rubs the back of his neck. Sure, when he did a cool heroic stunt this kinda look from Bucky was expected but now? This was only a hobby. Just a little something Sam loved to do for himself.
“Wait! Hold on, I have to take a picture before you eat it.”
Sam might be feeling very warm under the unexpected praise. Bucky whips his phone out and starts meticulously documenting the tiny cake. Sam is laughing so hard he grabs the counter to stay upright. And then Bucky’s taking pictures of Sam and begging him to hold still and not drop his masterpiece. Sam’s phone buzzes that afternoon.
Sam, you are an artist! Looks too good to eat! [Sam making a dorky face and holding his cake.jpeg] This is Shuri btw. Is it your bday? Happy bday!!!
Sam laughs. “Bucky, did you tell Shuri it was my birthday?”
“I told her that you’re amazing! And that you gotta have a bake-off in her lab cause now she has a worthy rival!”
“And this goofy picture of my face?
“Proof of your mad skills!”
“Wait, how many people did you send that to?”
“Shuri and Ayo. Have you shown Joaquin? He has to see this!” Sam groans.  “What? You can’t horde this talent from us! Where have you been hiding these cakes, anyway?”
Sam giggles. “Been eating ‘em.”
Hey Shuri! It’s not my bday but thanks anyway :)
Sam ends up texting Shuri most of the day. Turns out she’s very passionate about the science of food. They gush over the cool tech she’s made just for baking and Sam agrees to visit soon for ‘the cake-off of the century’. Bucky gets way too excited about that.
Sam’s eating his cake, which is absolutely delicious by the way, and Bucky is sitting across the table with his chin in his hands grinning stupidly. It’s been all Heart Eyes For Sam™ all day.
“You can have some, you know?”
Bucky just hums happily and doesn’t quit grinning at Sam. He pokes his finger in the frosting and gently lifts off a blue rose. He leans across the table to stick the flower on Sam’s nose.
Sam beams, showing off that cute tooth gap. And what a sight. Wow. Sam Wilson smiling with frosting on his nose? Spare the weak hearts of us poor mortals, Bucky thinks. Sam starts trying to lick the flower off and it’s too cute. They both start giggling uncontrollably.
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hey!! btw just wanted to stop by and say you're very neat and genuinely one of my favorite artist. Your colors are absolutely gorgeous and your designs for every character both ocs and the stuff you're a fan of are absolutely incredible. your art is a huge inspiration for me and when I'm stuck I always go to your blog to get inspired. You are so talented and creative and just very neat!! I hope you know that. And overall you are pretty awesome, I love interacting with you and really hope we can more :]
oughhgghghhh thank you so much jayme!!! i dont know what to say honestly i really appreciate it <333
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