#bring palestinians home
queenwille · 2 months
i’m gonna say this once more, so maybeeeee someone finally gets it.
the only jews “living” in gaza currently are the jewish hostages out of the 134 hostages still in gaza. not one jew is permitted to live there since 2005 by law. yes, it’s against the law.
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floralcavern · 2 months
People after simplifying an extremely complicated conflict that has been going on for decades that they knew nothing about until a few months ago to “one side good, one side bad”:
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i-am-aprl · 4 months
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The Israeli occupation authorities extended the detention of Palestinian journalist Mervat Al-Azzeh, from occupied Jerusalem, knowing that she was arrested on November 16, according to the Palestinian Prisoners' Affairs and Liberators Authority and the Palestinian Prisoners Club.
Local and press sources reported that the Israeli occupation authorities summoned the journalist Mervat Al-Azzeh, 45, to the police station of the settlement of Nevi Yaqoub, which is established on the occupied lands of Jerusalem, against the background of her Facebook posts.
Al-Azzeh was transferred to an Israeli military court in Jerusalem, and her detention was extended for trial on charges of "incitement" on social media, a charge that the occupation authorities attach to all those who stand in solidarity with the Palestinians and the genocide they are subjected to in Gaza.
Since last October 7, when the resistance of "Qassam", the military wing of Hamas, launched Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, which resulted in the death of more than 1,200 Israelis and the start of the occupation's aggression on Gaza, the Israeli forces arrested 38 journalists in the West Bank governorates, 30 of whom are still behind bars, bringing the number of journalists currently in the Israeli occupation prisons to 44.
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alwaysisrael · 21 days
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Source : Jewish pride always on Instagram 🇮🇱💙🫂
Gaslighting calling it fake news
Really ???
Despite all the videos on social media of Hamas bragging about the crimes and filming the crimes themselves.
They we're proud of what they did !
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the-ind1gen0us-jude4n · 6 months
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Credit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ISR/comments/18kw2ct/nsfl_viewer_discretion_is_advised/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
Feminists, human rights activists etc. Your silence has been deafening. Where is your condemnation of Hamas-ISIS. Where is your support for the hostages.
Activists for Palestine, don't try and sweep this under the rug, don't pretend this didn't happen, don't pretend Hamas-ISIS is some sort of "Humane organisation". Stop pretending the Palestinian cause is immune to criticism when stuff like this happens on your watch.
Where is the Red Cross? Where is Amnesty International? Where is the UN?
Edit: reblog this as much as possible. We cannot allow one side of the argument to have all the attention and to demonise us for speaking the truth about this stupid war. Fuck Islamism
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sunbeamedskies · 7 days
Just like how some celebrities on the popular blockout lists HAVE spoken up for Palestinians, some celebrities I’ve seen people complain about because they believe they haven’t said anything condemning October 7 HAVE spoken up for Israelis. One of those people is Angelina Jolie.
Her statement about I/P on Instagram had a large part dedicated to condemning the Hamas attacks, right on the first page. It is the kind of statement I wish more celebrities would put out there which emphasizes empathy for both peoples, and yet the hate she continues to get is unreal. Just because she’s against the Israeli government’s actions does not mean she’s against Israelis. Please continue to fact check as well as check your own biases. We are all susceptible to falling for misinformation
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snarkleharkle · 3 days
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gxlden-angels · 8 months
I cannot express the anger I experience being unable to do anything about anything while Christians salivate over the idea of the Israel-Hamas conflict being a sign of the Rapture
#anyways Free Palestine#Hamas attacked innocent people#The Israeli government is terrorizing innocent civilians that just want the right to live#Jewish people deserve to have land where they are safe to go to if there is another rise in antisemitic attacks in their current home#Palestinians deserve to have their homeland respected and safe for them to live on#All of these statements can be true at the same time#and I say all of this from the safe comfort of the US#I am not the one that you should listen to about the situation.#I am not the one who you should trust to give correct information about what is going on because I get the same information you do#We should be listening to Palestinians and the Israeli civilians affected#And unfortunately the news in the US is based on Christians who want nothing more than to escalate this#They do not want to recognize Palestinians unless it brings about a world war that triggers the Rapture#And I am enraged by it#I know people currently living in Israel#I know students from Palestine#And I am infuriated by christians treating them like pawns in their little Jesus War#These are people. These are fucking people#They are friends and family and lovers and so much more#I genuinely cannot express just how frustrated I am by my inability to do anything as I sit in safety#If you get nothing else from this post please listen to Palestinians and the war crimes they've experienced for decades now#If you get nothing else please listen to Israeli civilians begging for their government to stop escalating this conflict#Please listen to Jewish people and Muslims when they say shit like this increases violence against them around the world#Anyways I'm at the doctor and someone had CNN on and I'm tired#antisemitism tw#islamophobia tw#israel-hamas war tw#rapture tw
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chaiaurchaandni · 7 months
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taviamoth · 6 days
❗️Qassam Brigades releases a video titled, "Your own army, under orders from Netanyahu, insulted your captives' dignity; alive and dead." According to them, these captives were killed by israel.
WARNING: Partly blurred images of dead bodies
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deborahdeshoftim5779 · 6 months
My friend did not leave his house after over 12 hours to get his parent a needed medicine, passing the streets seeing countless of bodies on the sidelines of the streets, for people to say the masscare didn't happen.
My other friend did not go to 10 funerals last week for people to say the masscare didn't happen.
My TV isn't full of families begging to have their voice heard to return their familes from being held hostage by Hamas, for people to say that the kidnapped people are "fake news".
I didn't have a part of a rocket hitting the building next to mine (we're a total civilian area), while I squeezed into a bomb shelter with 14 more people, for people to think that "Hamas are freedom fighters".
People should have some shame for tearing down pictures of the hostages. And if someone so little as think "look how Hamas are treating and releasing people!" they forget the "who they kidnapped from their homes brutality!". Even more stupid - Hamas who they defend who tries to look more human (we know it's just PR) claim themselves to return the hostages "for humanitarian need".
Really. Some people are so stupid even with actual evidence from both sides in front of their eyes.
You're absolutely correct, and I can only say how deeply sorry I am for the trauma you and other Israelis are facing.
It's worse than stupidity. It's outright malice motivated solely by a deep hatred and contempt for Jews. That's the only reason they deny the massacre and downplay Hamas Nazism. If this were just a political dispute, nobody would hesitate to stand with Israel after October 7.
When the Russians committed war crimes against the Ukrainians in Bucha and other cities, millions condemned Russian soldiers. There was no debate. The fact that even worse terrorism against Jews has produced celebration, obfuscation, denial, and worse, equivocation, shows how many people worldwide are antisemitic.
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4ft10tvlandfangirl · 4 months
Update from Mansour's team
This is what they're asking of us to help:
Sign and share the petition to bring Mansour home. They want to get it to a million signatures but at my last check it's still just under the current goal of 200k. I've seen petitions for the most random things do numbers in record time surely we can do this.
Put pressure on the Canadian government. PM Trudeau and many government members are on various social media. Don't be afraid to tag them and call them out when posting about Mansour.
(This is especially for the folks in Canada) visit the offices of your reps/MPs, call them & email them. Mansour's team also shared an email template you can use which can be sent to Trudeau, the foreign minister as well as other officials.
At protests for Palestine, also call for the release and safe return of Mansour.
Truthfully, there are countless people who've been unjustly taken by IOF including medical personnel, rescuers & civilians. Some we know the names of, many others we don't. And like @like-wuatafauq said its sad that we can't do this for everyone by name.
It's why we can't stop calling for a permanent ceasefire until it is official and upheld. We also can't let up on pressuring our governments and leaders to do something to end the genocide.
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secular-jew · 1 month
I’m back from a short trip on a social network with photographs and videos from Gaza, with some brief personal conclusions.
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First, it is quite clear that there are those in Gaza who know how to make extensive use of the networks and social media for the purposes of emotional extortion and also false propaganda, exactly like they live-streamed the October 7 massacre and somehow turned it into “justified resistance”, they use quite a few Western buzzwords such as “genocide”, “occupation”, “oppression” and “Zionism”- and this is the simplest way to distinguish between Hamas propaganda posts and authentic people in Gaza, whom I’ve known all my life, who use much simpler words and not this indoctrinated manipulation bullshit.
I was looking for THESE authentic people - the real voices. And I think I found a few.
So first of all, what do I think there is NOT happening in Gaza? There is no genocide and no famine.
Yes, there is quite a lot of suffering, shortages in some places and lack of decent shelter etc. And there’s a lot of cynical exploitation of it for propaganda purposes. I’m saying it because you can see children are getting payed for it, you can see the absolute control of distribution and you can see how basic needs and the way out is blocked with money- Israel is not taking money for any of it, the West is sending free aid, so the money is demanded by those who want to control the suffering and use it.
You should know, that before the war - there was already quite a lot of very poor population in Gaza, but now the economic difficulty has greatly increased for two main reasons: one, the war damaged many sources of livelihood and the second - a major source of livelihood was working in Israel and this option was closed for a long time now, since October 7, and is now much less operational.
So in fact the main source of income is donations and funding from Hamas for control purposes of course.
This is how, among other things, Hamas uses the population to "work for them", and also to smile or cry for the cameras on demand.
Now on the issue of claimed famine- famine is when there’s NO food and water, enough for the population. As I said, my personal conclusion is that there is no shortage of food and water in Gaza at all.
The problem is that the food is not distributed equally, it is controlled by those who are powerful (usually Hamas operatives) and then sold at high costs to the population without them having sources of livelihood.
Food that should be distributed for #free is actually sold at a high price, the shelter tents are also paid for and the exit from Gaza is particularly expensive (5000$ that are paid to the transporters).
There are quite a few who refer to Gaza as a "prison" but Gaza is not a prison, Hamas has simply created a situation where it is very expensive to leave it - and thus the poor and the new poor are completely dependent on Hamas and other clans (Hamulas) in everything to do with food, shelter and exit, and they play with them as pawns.
If Gaza is a prison - then it’s because Hamas are imprisoning it.
All the suffering in Gaza started because of #Hamas it continues and increases because of #Hamas, but the main point is that #Hamas is also the one factor that can stop it.
If Hamas surrendered unconditionally and released the Israeli hostages, as done in any war in which you are forced to admit defeat - they would truly liberate Palestine. Remember- this is a war that #Hamas started, a war that on Oct. 7 was celebrated in the streets of Gaza.
But #Hamas prefers to keep the Palestinians captive so that it can showcase suffering (which they create) and use it as a tool for financial donations, manipulation of the West and a messianic jihadist war that will never end for them.
If the West doesn’t wake up to this ongoing manipulation- they will never help the Palestinians in Gaza or in general, and they will bring this jihadist chaos to their doorstep.
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lovelylunas-world · 3 months
THEY SHOULD JUST OPEN THE BORDER AND LET THE AID IN. Everyone parachuting aid are just looking to humiliate the people and their struggle making them look exactly how the west wants to view Palestinians as less human.
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the-ind1gen0us-jude4n · 2 months
We should not be negotiating with Hamas and the Palestinians to end this war.
They have made it very VERY clear that October 7 and the subsequent war will be repeated until Israel stops existing.
It is not in Israel's best interest, nor in anyone's, to push for a ceasefire which will only lead to more war and death. If Hamas is to remain in power, it WILL lead to far more death and destruction for both Israelis and "Palestinians".
Israel should not be negotiating with the same people who wish to kill every Jew on earth. Israel should not be negotiating with the same people who killed up to 1500 Israelis.
Hamas is making Israelis give "Palestinian" terrorists who have been locked up back to Hamas, who will only use them to kill more Israelis. Hamas isn't even offering to release the hostages.
To negotiate and make a ceasefire with these terrorists is admitting defeat, and it is suicide. We must keep pushing and defeating Hamas until they no longer rule Gaza. Only then will there be any opportunity for peace between Israelis and "Palestinians". It is a short term pain, it will lead to more death in Gaza, but we MUST NOT let Hamas keep oppressing and leaching off of "Palestinians" and killing Israelis.
Fuck war, but Fuck Hamas and Islamist Jihadism more.
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Double standards
Why is it that for every other ethnicity living without the fear of being hate-crimed is a right that must be upheld but for Jews, it's a privilege to be revoked? The untold facts and Neutral language used by Western Media
For some reason, Western media and news outlets don't report the many terror attacks constantly occurring in Israel. Nor do they report all of the rockets launched at Israeli civilians.
This is why when Israel strikes back, people around the world think that it's unprovoked and unnecessary. Once again, some credible numbers:
Terror attacks- In 2022 alone there were 1933 terror attacks on Israel, in addition to approx. 460 attacks that were prevented.
These numbers have risen significantly in 2023, with hundreds taking place so far. The following statistics are official numbers released by the IDF& the state of Israel, and are up to November 8th.
Rocket - thousands of rockets are shot at Israeli civilians annually. Between October 7th - November 5th, over 9000 rockets were fired.
During that time. over 800 failed launches feel back into Palestinian territory. Would you agree to constantly fear rockets sirens and terror attacks?
Your answer is probably no.
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