kindlyanni · 2 years
A damn long post of asks and replies
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Thank you! I'm glad it's something people want to read again! :3
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You're welcome! I hope you enjoy the comics even though the characters are a bit different from my fanart :'D
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Hell ye! I'd be happy to read and share it when it's out there! :) I'm glad I could provide inspiration!
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Haha thank you! It's been interesting to see so many people share and enjoy my fanart even though they have no idea what they're about :D As a creator it brings me lots of joy.
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Thank you!
Heh, I was thinking here that Dream's kinda mindlesslly fiddling with Hob's shirt collar and when Hob asks if he should remove it Dream takes a second to compose his answer because sure, he wouldn't mind the shirt coming off but he also doesn't want to seem too eager about that.
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I think the flowers are a neat way to show when someone is smitten. I felt like small hearts wouldn't be quite Hob so I drew small flowers instead.
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Oh gosh, thank you very much! I'm glad so many people liked the idea if Dream not wanna undress.
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Haha, thank you! Violet and purple are my favorite colors and I usually pick that when I start an illustration (I always sketch with a colored brush), and my art often ends up being purple. But it's also a very dream-like color (heh) so it fits well for The Sandman fanart :3
I actually struggled a bit with the long comic to make the colors cohesive so I just slapped a layer of purple with a color mode on every page and that sort of did the trick :''D Sometimes all it takes is to play around with the layer blend modes.
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Thank you so much! (p...please don't die, I take no responsibility;;)
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Thank you!
I don't do commisions, unfortunately. Not at the moment, at least.
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Sure! Cat pics are always welcome!
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cat!Dream has very Miette energy tbf!
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Yay, thank you so much!!
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Thank you, I'm glad to hear that! And hey, take your time. Webcomics can be a lot, and when mine's like 1000 pages lmao..... yeah. You don't have to start from the beginning, if you remember approximately where you left, just hop on chapter x from the archive and browse on a little bit. If you made it to Book 2 already, I think the beginning of it is a good place to hop on again. But things come and go in waves, the same is with enjoying webcomics or any media really. Don't feel bad, focus on what brings you joy in this moment.
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Haha, well I'm not gonna stop you ;D I'm glad you're enjoying it!! <3
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Maybe? Maybe not?? who knows.
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When I started Transfusions it was fun to have a vampire who's kinda fresh, still, because vampires are always like 300 years old or whatever in every other media. Plus I'm not a history nerd so I can't be bothered to be historically accurate and have people nag about how I got this and that wrong from period x. Looking back to 1960-1980 is relatively easy lol. And a punk vampire is funny.
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Thank you very much, I'm always glad to hear people finding and enjoying The Witch Door. I've kinda felt like struggling to find it it's audience since it's not BL and I worry if my brain is big enough to write this kind of a story. So comments like these are very reassuring and encouraging! Danke schön! :) (my back is doing better, thought it still gets achy if I sit for too long. Just gotta try to remember to exercise OTL)
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I love watching you lose your shit over Hounds bc I am also completely losing my shit over Hounds and it’s good to know I’m not alone ♥️😭
Hell yeah, it's so fucking good I am constantly dying and @xx-vergil-xx is constantly being forced to endure my breakdown
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Oooh are we talking about fantasy book recs? Have you read the Green Bone Saga by Fonda Lee??
I just read Jade City this summer and really enjoyed it! I thought it was smart and well-done and did interesting things with its characters. Are there indeed more of them?
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landwriter · 5 months
it's a tag game!
thanks for the tag @pellaaearien! favourite colour: moss green and teal and saffron and orange and loam and cream and lavender and ochre and - last movie: unsure last song: christmas music sweet/savoury/spicy: spicy! just give me a spicy salt lick and i'd be happy relationship status: happily and homosexually entrenched in a romantic gestures arms race. in it to win it. last thing I googled: social mores (to settle a pronunciation dispute i very devastatingly lost) current obsession: finishing my ancient cross-stitch, wondering if the pronunciation of perfectly good words in print (succor, mores) is proof we do live in the worst possible timeline, watching her twirl her hair and frown, doing the absolute minimum of work needed to sustain my career and focusing on my holiday passion project, Loafing Around Doing Not Much Of Anything
tags if you feel like it!: @verminetroglodyte @thirrith @ghostboyjules @btwimkindagay @xx-vergil-xx @that-banhus @brightlyandwithbeautyy
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4typercent · 4 months
Tagged by @zzoomacroom my musical muse & my country cousin @sans--seraph
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I used to work at TNSE, if you know what and where that is, it helps. I did Venue Security there, I have met wrestlers, monster tuck drivers, Disney On Ice skaters, Disney singers (Moana), basketball players, current and retired NHL players and coaches, and of course: bands.
• Frint Row: I usually buy the "nose bleeds", but since I know so many people that still work for TNSE, I can usually squeeze onto the floor.
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• Own a band tee: I have almost four dozen band tees.
• Made a mix tape: remember recording songs off the radio? I do. I did this.
• Have a crush on an artist: Have you seen Serg Tankian from SOAD or Vessel from Sleep Token? Oh myyy
• Like Rock & Roll: I lean more towards metal, but rock is a good basis of where it started for me
• Hate a band everyone loves: I hate top 40 stuff.
• Own a vinyl: I have a few, but yes.
• Guitar pick: I have picks from Anthrax, Shinedown and a few more
• Play a musical instrument: ocarina, guitar and percussion
• Met an artist or band: too many to list honestly.
• Like disco: man! Disco rocks!
• Been to a festival: I'm attending (as in not working) Sick New World in late April, but I have worked two Summer Of Sounds
• Own an iPod: Dood, I still have my 30gb iPod. It works... kinda.
• Own concert memorabilia: I have a towel from Slipkot, the members used it and tossed it into the crowd. I caught it and was offered $100 for it.
• Have a tattoo in honour of an artist: 👉👈 Yes. I have a Metallica 'ninja star' and the cover of The Wraith by ICP
• Dedicated a song to someone: I dedicated "I Hope You Dance" by to everyone.
• Backstage at a show: unfortunately. It is NOT exciting. I was also working... My favourite show was (oddly) Backstreet Boys. I had to escort them to the Green Room.
• Like Blues Music: You know what? It's not bad!
• Own a CD: 😂 You're kidding, right?! But seriously, I have all of Metallica's stuff, and all of System Of A Down's stuff, I absolutely love my Burn The Priest CD, and I have most of Godsmack's stuff (one signed!) & some Shinedown (signed!)
• Travelled to another country for a show: Absolutely. I saw The Romantics and Trace Adkins in the US and probably a few more, but drinks will make me forget..., and as I've mentioned, I'm going to Sick New World this April in Vegas. It counts cuz I'm not from the ol USA. 😉
Tagging... damn... uhhh @aceflorins @aquilathefighter @thwippersnapple @shadow-schemer @threefill @invadericee @tryan-a-bex @carnelianmeluha @marlowe-zara @missmacfire @brightlyandwithbeautyy & whoever else would love to jump in, I'm far too drunk to tag y'all 🥂
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thirrith · 4 months
rules: list 9 favorite books of 2023 or 9 books on your TBR list for 2024
Thanks @sleeplittleearth for the tag! I'm also listing the books that I started last year and hope to finish soon XD
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Waiting to be Arrested at Night by Tahir Hamut Izgil
The Overstory by Richard Powers
Babel by R.F. Kuang
Ginkgo by Peter Crane
Empires of the Word by Nicholas Ostler
《文化大革命:史實與研究》劉青峰 編
Wild Swans by Jung Chang
《大陸傷痕文學選集3:苦戀》白樺 等
no pressure tags <3 @vkenoa @brightlyandwithbeautyy @baiwu-jinji @pellaaearien @rooftopwreck @mure-sauvage
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batrachised · 11 months
tagged by @brightlyandwithbeautyy to do 5 comfort characters!
5 comfort characters - i tried to aim for the same definition here, so a lot of these aren't my favorite characters but characters who are cozy to me
Darth Vader. I love that weird little effed up man so much. Haven't we all been tempted to snap an incompetent coworker's neck? (okay, okay, maybe that's going a little far). He's the most powerful person ever except when it comes to emotional boundaries or boundaries in general. He's capable of leveling planets but he's not capable of having a normal conversation with someone. The comedic potential is endless. The tragedy is depthless. You can make him ridiculous. You can make him terrifying. You can make him twisted. You can make him too honest. All of these characterizations are true to who he is yet somehow don't contradict. I also stubbornly enjoy him because I'm observed a new tendency in fandom to not understand how redemption works and he is an excellent example of it (nice try, crylo bin). I think almost every star wars fanfic i've ever written (and I've written over 357k words of sw fanfic) has him in it in some way shape or form. He's one of the most iconic figures in cinematic history for a reason (and one of these days i'll get around to writing my bombastically ridiculous essay about the parallels between him and miss piggy, two figures of rage and puppetry).
Nick Miller/Schmidt. When I need to cheer myself up, I watch new girl clips, and I watch new girl clips for these two characters. I have no analysis here, just they are hilarious.
Siegfried from James Herriot. I think Siegfried is hilarious, all the more because he reminds me so much of my older sister. I haven't seen the new tv show, but imo nothing will ever live up to the books. Siegfriend being impatient, Siegfried being penny pinching, and above all, Siegfried being an absolute hypocrite. Also, Siegfried in contrast to Tristan of all people. I have yet to see that dynamic successfully reproduced in fiction despite the archetypes it provides.
Mr. Darcy. Ah, yes, you nod, we all swoon over Mr. Darcy, but I like him for another popular reason - I find him eminently relatable. I have been compared to him by multiple people in the past. (Hey, so I can be a little antisocial...)
Problematic addition: Uncle Benjamin from the Blue Castle. Do not judge me. I think he is the worst and in being the worst, absolutely hilarious. The Blue Castle is a comfort book for me, and he's one of the reasons why - because Valancy gets to tell him off, and then he solemnly comments about her becoming "violent" in a passage that never fails to make me laugh.
tagging: @dandelionsandderivatives @elegantlyloquacious @the-tomorrow-road @mollywog

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aquilathefighter · 5 months
thanks for the tag @brightlyandwithbeautyy <3 <3
favourite colour: yellow!!! every yellow in the world is my bff but if we wanna get specific goldenrod flowers and the color of dried grasses
last movie: genuinely cannot remember the last movie i saw... does S2E1 of Twin Peaks count XD
last song: West Virginia Chocolate Drop by Larry and His Flask
sweet/savoury/spicy: sweet all the way. i'm literally eating a peach and drinking white grape juice as i write this
relationship status: in a long-term relationship
last thing I googled: "pied billed grebe" couldn't remember their taxonomy
current obsession: Slay the Princess!!! thanks to @tharkuun for the rec <3
tagging (no pressure ofc): @tharkuun @athymelyreply @bruce-wayne-simp
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hardly-an-escape · 2 years
hello everybody! here is a little pinned post with some relevant links and information...
it is Sandman/Dreamling fangirl hour 24/7 up in here! other fandoms you're likely to encounter currently include: 9-1-1, Dead Boy Detectives, The Witcher, MCU (but really only Clint/Natasha and Steve/Bucky), and a few others sprinkled in here and there. this blog as a whole should be considered NSFW. consider this your disclaimer :)
MY FIC MASTERLIST I will do my best to keep this updated! I am hardly_an_escape on AO3 (my fics are locked, so you will need an account to read/comment – please DM me if you need an invite, I have some!)
the my writing tag contains pretty much everything from the masterlist above, plus things like tag game responses, snippets from WIPs, and so on. here is my Dreamling Bingo 2023 masterlist!
I don't have a curated list of recs, but if you're looking for a good read my fic rec tag contains the many many things I've enjoyed and reblogged (99% Dreamling at this point)
icon from adorable Dreamling art by @mayhemspreadingguy
TERFs and fascists are not welcome here
oh, PS: this is a sideblog, follows/likes come from @brightlyandwithbeautyy and sometimes I will send anon asks (but I’ll try to remember to sign my name!)
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athymelyreply · 1 year
me currently ✨
Tagged by @aquilathefighter love you buddyyyy :3
last song: My God by the killers
currently watching:
Nothing I suppose :)
currently reading:
(Technically listening to) the audiobook of moving pictures (discworld) I kinda preferred the watch novels but I’m excited to get to going postal and the others
sandman fables and reflections
planning to start my copy of love, lies, and cryptids by @ml-nolan when I’m on vacation
current obsessions:
Vetvimes and Sybil (I don’t know what that ship name is, sybilvetvimes? Anyways I love them and i can’t get them out of my head)
Honestly just the discworld watch novels in general
that’s currently the most prominent ones
Tagging: @honeyteacakes @threefill @seiya-starsniper @iconsumethesoulsofthedamned @ml-nolan @brightlyandwithbeautyy (no need to do it if you don’t feel like it and also please consider yourself tagged by me if you wish to participate!) anyways I love you allll <3333
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
I have a writing question! (Which you may have answered before, if so please disregard...)
How much of your fic is plotted in advance? I've been enjoying AITWW sooo much, both for the Emotionally Satisfying Naps (TM) and for the emergence of a larger plot. It got me wondering, how much of what is happening now plotwise (ca. chapters 16/17) were you already planning out closer to the beginning? Do you have a particular strategy for drafting or outlining?
Aha, I have written a lot of very long and very plotty fics which mostly consist of me going "oh that's a cool premise/idea!" and therefore leaping headlong into it. I don't always finish all of them, but the ones that I do generally take on a life of their own and solve plot questions as I go. Because of my academic background, I am very good at memorising details and keeping lots of different information in my head and etc etc. I almost never use written outlines, and pay the price for this when I want to sleep and the next chapter of such-and-such fic is in my head like HEY BITCH HOW ABOUT WE DO THIS NEXT?
If I realize that I don't know how to solve a particular plot point off the top of my head, or I have forgotten where I was going with a certain storyline, I also look back at previous chapters and see what details/foreshadowing hints I put in there. That way I can reintroduce them in later chapters and look like I knew what I was doing all along. I am, however, pretty good at overall plot/beats/challenge/climax, and can usually see my way to the end of the story, even if I sometimes have to work out more of the middle. So yes.
As for AITWW, I did have in mind that it was going to be partly the historical backstory/exploration and expansion of the Dreamling relationship from TV canon, and then a continuation that would develop the relationship as I pleased. I did also intend for it to focus on the ramifications of Hob helping Desire get their hands on the Magdalene Grimoire, as that was an easy way to provide conflict and challenge for the next phase of their relationship and center on questions of how both Hob and Dream have changed over many centuries. So I knew that fairly early on, as I had to set the stage with the events of 1485 (chapter 3). I also wanted to incorporate the conflicts present in canon (Dream vs. Desire, Dream vs. Lucifer, Dream vs. Corinthian, all of which we saw coming together in chapter 17) and tie that to the Dreamling arc as well.
I can see the end of AITWW, and I estimate it will be about 20 chapters overall, which is about the usual length for a multi-chapter for me these days (word count varying...) I have a good model that fits within about that many plot beats/sections, and because I have done it for a long time, it's relatively easy to just roll up and do that again. But yes, we shall see.
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4typercent · 1 year
Tagged by the wonderful @sans--seraph I meant to do this yesterday, but crapola hit the fan, I'm so sorry!! 🙏🫣
Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics, then tag ten people! If you’ve written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
Seeing how I'm not SUPER pleased with all my fics, here goes nothing! *cracks fingers*
What Do You Do If Your Hero Is Captured, Too <- Mutherfucker, I need to update this sucker... Violence, blood & gore
Rodrick Burgess, the lord of the manor and Magus of the Order of Ancient Mysterious, lead his followers to his cellar, then they all began to chant "Here in the Darkness".
Insatiable <- SUPER NSFW, longest fic published
"Ahhh! Ahhh!" Hob moaned as he held his lover close to him, one hand on his lower back, the other buried in feather soft hair.
To Sleep, Perchance to Dream NSFW, smutty
He laid there in the new glow of the moon.
Dream A Little Dream Of Me Lemon-lime flavoured, I swear
The year went by quicker than Hob had realized, and the days before meeting his Stranger were nearing.
Presto Chango - Delirium's Delight <- I need to work on this one... 😵‍💫 yikes
"Why isn't Dream here?" Desire asked, they pushed their food aimlessly around their plate.
Morpheus Learns How To Human <- WIP, friends to lovers, well over 20k words, will be NSFW, first line will most likely be changed cuz that's how I roll. Possibilities of being my magnum opus <- just changed the title, so there's that. It may change again, who knows?! Not me!
"What in the..?" Hob rubbed the grit from his sleep crusted eyes, turned on the bedside lamp, groaned when he saw the red illuminated time on his alarm clock.
All of these are from the Sandman fandom, so there's that. 🫠
@q-ueen-potato @queenhomeslices-blog @airlocksandaviaries (Cuz you said you like mah smuts and my dumb ideas!) @alanoctis @repmet @dramaticviolincrescendo @lu-inlondon @brightlyandwithbeautyy
Idk who else to tag Cuz I know ya when I see ya, if I didn't tag you, I'm super ultra sorry! My brain leaked from my ears from all the copying and pasting (plus, I'm watching Victoria, so a particular brown eyed man had my attention)
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