#breath aspect
starlit1daydream · 22 hours
Jay is definitely a Light player, constantly motivated by a search for the truth and largely kept alive by his own dumb luck and fortune; plus there's the whole 'bringing attention to everyone involved by posting everything on fucking YouTube' thing.
Tim is a Heart player, which seems pretty obvious given his alter-ego of Masky. A great deal of his angst comes from his lack of self-control and his fear of what he does when he dons the mask; the crux of Tim's arc is rejecting his other personality and trying to get a solid grasp on his own emotions.
Alex? He's a harder one to pin down, but I'm gonna say Void. He does begin his arc as fairly Light-focused (a pretentious college film student who wants to put himself out there into the spotlight) but when you consider his primary role in the narrative? Alex is the one desperately trying to spread obscurity and obfuscation because he believes the mere knowledge of the Operator is dangerous - he's motivated to create secrecy and destroy truth & relevance in the name of covering up the cognitohazard that is the Operator.
Brian is really fucking with my head right now. I feel like he's also somewhere on the Light-Void dichotomy? He operates in shadow & secrecy but at the same time he's obsessed with spreading the truth of everything and taunting Alex with the knowledge he holds. His constant tendency for mind-gaming also makes me wonder about Mind? (Which would work quite nicely alongside Tim being a Heart player to place both them and Jay/Alex as opposites.) Also arguably more tied to knowledge than Light, and I did just mention he's fucking with my head.
No strong thoughts on Jessica yet either, but my gut tells me Breath? I'm not too sure, but I guess there's an argument to make that her arc is about freedom from the Operator and disconnection from everything else going on around her.
Experimenting with new formatting here so my posts are more uniform (as opposed to being some late-night stream of consciousness). also pretty colours
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alicesoinions · 8 months
My views on Homestuck's Aspects. Part of this analysis is the idea that Aspects have relationships to each other, each bringing the other about.
I will use my own custom Aspect symbols throughout, but the analysis itself is based on canon.
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Space is the Aspect of beginnings, of new things. Space experiments and improvises. Space cares about what is possible now, and cares more about the discoveries made in a journey than about a specific endpoint. Space is infinite discovery and potential.
Space is represented by art, fashion, atoms, and frogs.
Space is the color of the night sky, empty beyond human perception, endless and unfathomable but not featureless. Inky darkness, dotted by stars. Space has no color at all, which sometimes results in it using Sburb’s default texture.
Space is opposed to the Aspect of Time.
Space is the fundamental force of creation that gives rise to the duality of Life and Doom well as the unknown mysteries of Void.
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Void is the Aspect of the unknown. Of hidden, ill-defined things impossible for us to know or give names to. Void is the Aspect of true reality, of things on a spectrum, of quantum and biology.
Void is represented by water, darkness, and pumpkins.
Void is the color of deep waters, hiding what lies within; its color somewhere on a gradient, but impossible for humans to pinpoint or define no matter how long they stare; Void is the shifting hues of the color of the sky.
Void is opposed to the Aspect of Light.
The unexplored unknowns of the Void hide the untapped potential that is Space, leading to new creation.
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Life is the Aspect of agency and self-direction. Life is self-directed and idealistic; Life concerns itself primarily with what Life wants to do, not caring for obstacles or drawbacks. Life sees an infinitude of options, and picks the one it desires.
Life is represented by plants, food, coins, and wealth.
Life is opposed to the Aspect of Doom.
The ultimate freedom to do whatever one wants eventually leads to the ennui of Breath. The interplay of Life and Doom leads to defining one's self in Heart or hiding in Mind.
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Doom is the Aspect of fate and constraint. Doom has burdens and limitations; Doom concerns itself with practical issues instead of lofty ideals. Doom sees no escape or negotiation, going with what others demand of you.
Doom is represented by skulls, death, and fire.
Doom is opposed to the Aspect of Life.
The practical matters and the knowledge of our limits leads to the endless toil of Blood. The interplay of Life and Doom leads defining one's self in Heart or hiding in Mind.
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Breath is the Aspect of detachment. Breath goes with the flow, not caring about anything or anyone in particular; Breath does whatever feels right in the moment, not worrying about much.
Breath is represented by wind, leaves, and rivers.
Breath is opposed to the Aspect of Blood.
The freedom of exploration of and detachment of goals leads to the compromise and negotiation of Hope and to exploration of the self in Heart.
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Blood is the Aspect of effort. Blood has lofty expectations, from both itself and others, and runs itself ragged to accomplish all of them. Blood cares intensely about what it does, without rest or thought.
Blood is represented by blood, sweat, stone, and iron.
Blood is opposed to the Aspect of Breath.
The exertion and toil of Blood eventually lead either to hiding in Mind or to the revolution of Rage.
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Heart is the Aspect of self and emotion. Heart is a person's identity and definition, their emotions and their friendships and their biases. Heart goes with its gut. Heart cares about what its heart directs it to.
Heart is represented by music, hats, and horses.
Heart is opposed to the Aspect of Mind.
Heart’s loyalty and instinct lead to the upheaval of Rage and Heart’s caring nature leads to Blood.
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Mind is the Aspect of thought and masking. Mind coldly adapts itself to circumstance, hiding the true self in order to blend in with what's acceptable. Mind is impartial. Mind weighs all the options, and picks the one most suited to the situation.
Mind is represented by masks, blindfolds, and scales.
Mind is opposed to the Aspect of Heart.
Mind’s bottling of emotions leads to the real detachment of Breath; and Mind’s adaptive nature leads to Hope.
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Rage is the Aspect of rebellion. Rage is skeptical of what society presents as true, and fights tooth and nail for what it stands for. Rage riots and fights back; Rage would sooner bring revenge than healing. Rage fights for sudden change.
Rage is represented by fangs, beasts, and waves.
Rage is opposed to the Aspect of Hope.
In fighting against their shackles, one gains the newfound options of Life. Rage’s sudden changes forms half of the past events of Time.
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Hope is the Aspect of diplomacy. Hope believes everyone is good at heart, and that everything could be solved if only everyone talked things out. Hope has blind faith and will sooner comfort a friend than hurt an enemy. Hope solves things slowly and steadily.
Hope is represented by religion, ribbons, and blankets.
Hope is opposed to the Aspect of Rage.
Hope’s compromises and negotiations lead to new shackles in the form of Doom. Hope’s slow changes form half the past events of Time.
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Time is the Aspect of the past. Time is concerned with traditions, patterns, and the inevitability of what came before. Time brings the authority of established rules and governance. Time looks to what was to decide what will come about.
Time is associated with gears, crowns, sand, and clocks.
Time is the color of a gear turning to rust, of blood leaving a vein, of a game timer running out. Time powers shine in all colors at once before they settle on one.
Time is opposed to the Aspect of Space.
The knowledge of the established patterns of Time leads to the knowledge and definition of Light.
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Light is the Aspect of definition. Light has clear rules, clear definitions, and clear answers. Light creates frameworks of understanding and puts things in black and white, right and wrong, relevant and irrelevant, which can sometimes lead to ignoring the gray areas between. Light is the Aspect of human knowledge of the world, our ideas, stories, and sciences.
Light is represented by the sun, fire, and compasses.
Light is the blazing color of the sun, impossible to look at for long, but shining its light everywhere, a white light that returns as a myriad of colors.
Light is opposed to the Aspect of Void.
The sharp delineations of Light ignore the gray areas outside definition, creating Void.
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charmikarma · 5 months
Breath as Influence and John in the Epilogues
Breath is probably one of the better understood aspects. “What is it?” someone asks – and the whole fandom is like, “Oh, Breath is about freedom and wind and detachment.” Which I don't disagree with. But I think most people miss a key piece of it – Breath as influence.
I'm no seasoned classpector, but I am a Mage of Breath, so I feel like I have a deep and personal understanding of Breath, particularly because of how it has manifested in my life. Yeah, I know, claiming I'm an authority on the subject because of my self-imposed alignment within a fake typology system makes me sound like an asshole. But I'll have to ask you to trust me, because if I start talking about my own experiences, I'll sound like even more of an asshole.
Anyway, let's kick this off with the official description of Breath, per the Extended Zodiac:
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In summary: the Breath-bound are flexible, driven, detached, and maybe a little self-centered. Also, other people tend to get caught up in their personal development, which tends to make them good leaders. But the most important thing here for the point I'm making is this:
others ... feel inspired by them.
This word, inspired, has been rolling around in my brain for the past few weeks, because of its connection to Breath. Hey, did you know that “inspire” comes from Latin spirare, meaning "breathe"? And if we include the Latin prefix in-, it becomes "breathe into."
The Breath-bound have an ability to breathe into, or inspire others. They're not aware of it – after all, they are just living their lives for themselves. But wherever they go, they are inspiring people. Or, more accurately, they are influencing people. Actually, the influence of Breath goes beyond just people. I could even get meta with it (and I will. I apologize in advance). But let's start small for now.
Tavros Nitram
So, Tavros. Page of Breath. Pretty much all of Tavros's contributions to Homestuck as a story happen as a result of someone doing something to him. Vriska paralyzes him, which kickstarts the whole FLARP cycle of revenge arc. And again when the truce is broken in Act 5 Act 2, it is because Vriska kills Tavros. If this doesn't sound like influence to you, you're right. Tavros has very little influence. He's a Page, after all, and if there's one thing I know about Pages, it's that they're weak as shit until they reach their "true potential," which is pretty much always something stupidly overpowered. Y'know, like Jake overpowering Jade's first guardian powers. That was pretty batshit, I'd say.
But Tavros's contributions don't end there. He actually does reach his true Page-y potential right at the very end of Homestuck, when he gathers an army of ghosts – honestly, probably every single ghost in the furthest ring – by just talking to them. Was this something of a punchline to a very long joke? Probably. But it is also a pretty good example of the kinds of things Breath players typically do.
On a meta level, though, this argument kind of falls apart, because... As far as I can tell, the army of ghosts doesn't really do anything. Nothing important, anyway. Lord English's defeat is pretty much entirely at the hands of John, Dave, Davepetasprite^2, and alt!Calliope in the body of Jade, as described in the Epilogues. The ghost army just isn't relevant, in the end.
But you know what is relevant? Vriska.
Half the people reading this just groaned, I can feel it. Why are we talking about Vriska, a Light player, on a post about Breath?? I hear your question and I raise you this: Why the fuck is Vriska so obsessed with Breath players???? Personally, I think it's because she has an innate sense for their passive ability to decide what's relevant.
But before we get into Vriska, let's talk about John.
John Egbert
John, Heir of Breath. The protagonist of the story. In the context of my thesis of "Breath as influence," isn't it interesting that the protagonist is a hero of Breath? And even beyond that, he's an Heir, a class typically interpreted as "becoming" their Aspect, or "inheriting" it. If you find my argument compelling, you could even say John is the influence that drives the story. Which is exactly what a protagonist does - after all, what is a story without a protagonist?
This question is actually addressed in Homestuck, kind of. At some point in Act 4, Terezi manipulates John into visiting his denizen early, which gets him killed. The story is left without its protagonist, and progress grinds to a screeching halt. Jade doesn't enter the Medium and presumably dies. The reckoning never happens. Dave and Rose are trapped in a doomed timeline. They lose contact with the trolls. For what is a world without the breeze, without air, but a place of complete standstill? The story needs John to continue. Okay, it needs Rose and Dave and Jade just as much. But it's interesting that the story makes a point of John's death being the turning point that makes this particular timeline doomed.
Okay, sorry for the wait. It’s Vriska time. Vriska's driving motivation is to be relevant. She does everything in her power to steal the spotlight, which may or may not be related to the fact that she's a Thief of Light. Again, I'm not an experienced classpecter. I only really have a surface level understanding of Light. But I'm getting off topic here.
In Act 5 Act 2, Vriska starts talking to John. Why? Well, partially because she wants to compete with Terezi, who is talking to Dave. But there's also the fact that she wants to be the force responsible for Bec Noir. And also for John reaching god tier. And everything relevant really??? She's really fucking good at being relevant, I'll give her that. Or at least presenting the illusion of relevance, but that's a big topic that I think I should save for another day. Another essay, maybe. The point here is, John has a tremendous amount of influence over Things That Happen just by existing, and Vriska knows it. Maybe she torments Tavros because she senses the same sort of potential in him, but that's probably a stretch.
In any case, this is baby shit. There's better evidence than this. Let’s talk retcon powers.
You could argue that the retcon powers are separate from John's abilities related to his classpect, and on some level you'd be right. But in a game that "knows" everything that is going to happen, I have to question if extraneous powers like this are taken into consideration when Sburb "decides" what classpect it gives a player. I feel similarly about Jade's First Guardian powers. Teleportation is a pretty space-y power, in my opinion. And definitely one that... "breaks rules," I guess. Among all the other things First Guardians get to do. Once again, I'm no classpector. But Jade getting access to First Guardian powers upon reaching God Tier strikes me as very Witch of Space-y. I feel similarly about John's retcon powers - they strike me as very Heir of Breath-y.
And not just because I view Breath as influence, though that is definitely the most obvious way the retcon powers could be interpreted as Breath-y. Even on a surface level, they're pretty Breath-y. When John first talks to Roxy, he gives a whole spiel about everything he's been to up until this point, most of which is obscured by "blah blah blah." But little phrases come through occasionally, and when he starts talking about his brand new retcon powers, he uses the phrase "UNSTUCK FROM CANON." Which sounds a lot to me like "freedom from the narrative." But maybe more telling is the fact that John's quest as an Heir of Breath requires that he use his retcon powers. Getting rid of the oil, freeing the fireflies - his quest as established at the very beginning was always intended (in universe at least; I can't speak for Hussie's intentions) to be solved by his retcon powers.
So retcon powers are at the very least Breath-adjacent. What’s that got to do with Breath as influence? I’m sure you see where I’m going with this. Retcon powers are basically the ability to do whatever the fuck you want to any point of any timeline. I’d call this influence but I’d sound silly, actually. It goes way beyond influence. It’s way less subtle. I guess you could call direct intervention like this influence at its most powerful. Well, almost. There’s one step above this that John never really taps into. Which brings us to...
The Epilogues
For better or for worse, I fucking love the Epilogues. I think Candy, on its own, is a fantastic and surreal deep dive into a mind high on depression. And as for Meat, I’m an absolute sucker for metafiction and narrative fuckery. I eat that shit right up. My favorite anime is Princess Tutu, etc., etc. This is your warning: Yes, this section will contain evidence toward my claim that Breath is influence. It also doubles as an Epilogues analysis. It kind of turns into one at the end. Sorry, but I needed to get it out of my system.
So, in case you missed it, the step above retcon powers that John never taps into is direct narrative control, like we see Dirk engaging in throughout the Meat side of the Epilogues. The fact that Dirk is revealed to be the narrator of Meat begs the question: who is narrating Candy? It’s never outright stated, but it’s probably alt!Calliope. Unlike Dirk, alt!Calliope doesn’t have an agenda, as far as we’re aware. So why is Candy so fucked up and weird? Why is everyone out of character? I know this comes as a shock, but: it’s probably John’s passive influence over the narrative.
Before the Epilogues even begin, John’s been wasting away in his house all day, every day. He’s depressed as hell. Sort of dissatisfied with how artificial and "perfect" Earth C is. Some have suggested he also feels disconnected from the post-retcon versions of his friends, and I think this holds some merit. It would explain why he feels disconnected from reality in Candy.
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(Candy, 11)
Depression colors your view of reality. It darkens some parts, brightens others. People who look happy will appear so to an unsettling degree. Fucked up things will appear even more fucked up. Depression ups the contrast, if you will. And that’s pretty much what happens in Candy. Jane’s pretty bad in Meat, but she’s like a billion times worse in Candy. Jade causes some awkward moments in Meat, but she is pretty much a sex pest in Candy. The positive parallels are a bit harder to find, since Meat pretty much sucks too, but you could speculate that John perceives Rosemary to be happier together than they actually are, so they’re, like, uber happy together in Candy and raising a daughter and shit. It is John’s warped perception of reality that in turn warps it beyond recognition.
This isn’t just me theorizing, by the way. There’s pretty compelling evidence to suggest that this idea is accurate to what is happening. It’s pretty clear in a conversation between (Vriska), who has just arrived on Earth C via the black hole in the furthest ring and her descendant/clone Vriska (aka Vrissy in HS:BC). The two of them stare up at the sky, pointing out clouds and what they are shaped like, when (Vriska) has a realization.
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(Candy, 37)
John’s influence over the reality is so absolute, even the clouds bend to his will. I think Vriska only notices it because she’s a new arrival to Johntown. It isn’t long before she’s absorbed into the John-ness of the timeline. And then, she goes on to say exactly what I’ve been saying this whole time. Remember earlier, when I said Vriska knew that John had an incredible amount of influence over Things That Happen?
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(Candy, 37)
Yeah. That wasn’t speculation.
The last thing she says, though, that he’d be relevant even if he was dead, is actually a reference to Meat. So let’s talk about it!
As we know, Meat is narrated by Dirk. Dirk’s narrative style is a lot of fun for me, personally. He’s sassy, kind of an asshole, and has no time for bullshit. The second John puts that meat in his mouth, he gets to work, pulling the strings of his little puppet show.
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(Meat, 1)
He wastes no time putting words in John’s mouth, writing him out of the story of Earth C as quickly as possible. It’s almost with a sense of urgency that he pushes John to complete his mission. Which is probably necessary, seeing as the sanctity of canon relies on him going back to tie up the loose end that is Lord English. But I think Dirk has ulterior motives. I don’t think Dirk has the ability to impose his will so overbearingly with John around, because for some reason, John’s power of passive influence prevents him from doing so. Is John more powerful than Dirk, even after his ascension to Ultimate Selfhood? Maybe. I certainly think so.
But John’s pretty gullible. He’s easily influenced. He doesn’t have the same safeguard around his own mind, for some reason. Or maybe he does, and it’s just taken Dirk this long to crack him? This is speculation at this point. Not important.
So Dirk eventually kills John. Why? Well, first of all, it’s harder to control the narrative with him around. Though I speculate that’s not very important to Dirk anymore since he fucks off to who knows where around when John comes back. I think, more likely, Dirk finds John’s influence on the narrative unsavory. I mean, just look at Candy. What an absolute disaster of a timeline. Maybe his awareness is such that he knows that letting John live will result in a similar degradation of his friends’ personalities as he knows them. I can’t really say one way or another. It’d explain why he wants John’s body on the ship with him, though. Y’know, to make sure he never gets revived. And yes, he wants him on that ship. He pretty much tells Terezi outright to captchalogue his body before convincing her to join him.
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(Meat, 35)
There’s one problem, though. I don’t think John being dead even erased his influence on the narrative?
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(Meat, 36)
Right there at the end:
The gentle breeze is all she can hear. It’s louder than my voice, and in some understated way, makes my case for me more persuasively.
I don’t think there’s any other way to read this than the breeze representing John. This is a literal manifestation of John’s influence. I guess it could be symbolic – like Terezi doing a “what would John do?” kind of thought process. But I dunno, Dirk doesn’t strike me as that kind of narrator. Besides... It’s a little too on the nose. Say what you will about the Epilogues, but I believe a great amount of care went into them. This certainly isn’t a throwaway line.
Okay, sorry. I really went off the deep end into Epilogues Analysis Land there. You may have noticed that I didn’t talk about Homestuck: Beyond Canon. That’s partly because I haven’t gotten there in my reread, but mostly because I’m not yet convinced that it has – or will have – nearly the level of plot consistency of its predecessors. We’ll see, I guess.
In any case... Breath as influence, huh? There’s probably more evidence for this hidden away somewhere. I probably could have talked about Rufioh. I didn’t want to though. I also probably could have pointed out the word inspire from the Extended Zodiac thing and called it a day, but instead I blacked out and wrote this. Weird!
If you read all, uh... *checks word count* 2.7k words of this??? Jesus fuck. If you read all this, thank you for reading. I’m open to feedback! I’d love to discuss some of this more! Especially the Epilogues stuff. I have a million thoughts. Bye!
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nekropsii · 10 months
so, can i ask you about how a prince can be good? i know classpects dont automatically determine a character's morality, but im definitely scratching my head on how destroyer classes of a "positively associated" aspect can be a great addition to a session. all of the canon princes end up working or contributing for the antagonist in some way or form. its confusing to me. like say, if a prince of breath ends up in playing the game, all i can think of is that they'd be a tyrant to their friends or that they'd a ticking bomb in their session, i just have no idea how they could be a good teammate.
sorry if this sounds harsh, i really didnt mean it, im just confused since me and my friends might be making a homestuck thing and the classpect topic comes up.
Oh, no worries about sounding harsh. You didn't, but even if you did, I understand where the question is coming from. It's a pretty hotly contested one, and due to the title of "Active Destroyer," it is a bit difficult to read it as anything positive. That is, until you take a step back and look at it from the perspective of it being a magic system, rather than a personal condemnation.
Aspects are inherently neutral but variable concepts, not definitively good ones. Which means that depending on how they present + define themselves in any given situation, their presence can genuinely be a negative force. In situations where the Aspect of a Prince is one that is proving itself to be a detriment to a particular Player, Team, or the whole Session, the Prince can be a force for good by destroying it.
Though a Prince is an Active Class- meaning they tend to utilize their relationship with their Aspect that mostly benefits and/or affects them- it is extremely possible that one can do good, as "Active" does not mean "Bad". This is because "Personal Benefit" is a pretty loose term- sometimes people are nice because it makes them feel nice, and no other reason. This does not make the niceness tainted, and it does not make them a bad person. If someone does good things for what can be defined as selfish reasons- sans expecting it to be transactional, especially with regards to Kindness for Sex- it is still a net positive. It's like how donating to charity to get that feel-good effect for yourself is still, ultimately... Donating to charity. Just because you're donating for your own personal benefit doesn't mean others aren't benefiting from your actions.
A Prince of Breath can do good by cutting out excess Breath- mitigating the distance between Players and the aimlessness of their Team. They can very, very easily be a grounding force for those around them. It's pretty likely, though, that they suffer from an inability to give themselves any kind of break- or, to put it in other words, Freedom from their Obligations. They're working overtime on being the Session's group therapist and constantly working to keep everyone on track. Yes, they could be a tyrant, but that's only one interpretation of the title. There's many things you could do with a Prince- good, neutral, and bad- if you get a little creative with it.
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peachyclown · 7 months
Holy crap I am one and a half witches behind all bc of this dumbass
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His name is Callio Nitito and he’s my Witch of Breath
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giftofclasspects · 5 months
hello friends!! i'm back with more classpect playlists!! this time, i've made playlists for the breath aspect under the cut!
maid of breath
page of breath
mage of breath
knight of breath
rogue of breath
sylph of breath
seer of breath
thief of breath
heir of breath
bard of breath
prince of breath
witch of breath
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lime-bloods · 4 months
Blood and Breath as "mediums"? Blood as, of course, the confining medium; the universe of frog-flesh whose lifeblood is literal blood, versus Breath as the freeing medium outside of the flesh... "The Medium" as it is represented in Homestuck is literally a version of space filled with breathable air, i.e. a medium allowing for absolute freedom of movement: but on Alternia, "...paint sets are manufactured with the pigment from the blood of culled wigglers", meaning that blood is also quite literally an "artistic medium" for them
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relaxxattack · 2 years
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“those bound to the aspect of breath are, above all, expansive.”
x x x / x x x / x x x
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brospit · 17 days
Homestuck Aspect Favicon
BS: Here's some Favicons! Mostly images I just shrinked, haven't posted anything like this on here before, so here.
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whatisthisblogforsure · 2 months
err.. john serket
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can you do jingyuan from honkai star rail ?
aaaaaa my first request! and of course~
Jing Yuan: The Seer of Breath
Seer: The passive knowing class
One who sees their Aspect or one who sees with their aspect
Alternatively, one who understands their aspect or informs others of/with their aspect.
Abstract: Freedom, Isolation, Detachment, Influence, Individuality, Movement, Direction, To be on a path
Literal: Actual Breath, Wind, Air, Flight
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Lets start off with the first half of his title: The Seer.
Seers in Homestuck are often known as the analysts in a group, for their role is to see their aspect or to see using their aspect. Their strengths lie in understanding their aspect and using what thy know to guide others towards their goals.
Seer of Mind Terezi, though never going god tier, had the ability to view the choices an individual could make and its consequences. Mind is concered with logic; choices. An intricate web of actions and consequences was at her disposal and she could choose to inform others which line would take everyone to victory. Once the timeline was doomed, she was able to guide John Egbert via a list of choices that he has to change , or influence, in order to avoid the chain reaction that causes their downfall.
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We will come back to Egbert later.
Next, there is Seer of Light Rose Lalonde, whom of which is given powers that allow her to clarify what was previously hidden. Light is the aspect of knowledge and fortune, therefore, Rose is able to present others with information that was previously unknown. In the early acts of Homestuck, Rose made a SBURB walk through by scraping as much info as she could in order to guide others through the confusing game.
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There is also another line spoken by Aradia, which surmises the role of a Seer pretty well
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As you can see here, Aradia calls the Seer class strategists, something that has been used to describe Jing Yuan quite often. This is especially when you consider the Path he is on:
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Yet that alone does not define how calculating and clever Jing Yuan truly is. The man was been given the title of Divine Foresight for a reason.
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During his first stellar expedition, Jing Yuan's ship was forced to land on an ocean world infested with parasitic jellyfish that can take over the minds of other lifeforms with the goal of converting their vessel into a hive.
It was Jing Yuan though who was able to identify the invaders the moment they appeared. He was also the one who came up with a plan to get rid of them, guiding his crew with what he learned about their enemy and leading them towards an outcome which turned out to be successful and earn him praise amongst the Cloud Knights as well as a promotion in their ranks.
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Next, lets talk about his aspect: Breath.
Those aligned with the aspect are known to be influential, leaving an impression to those they come across:
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With how everyone describes the man himself and his position as a centuries-old general, it sounds like Breath fits him to a "t" doesn't it? Garnering a reputation for being a drowsy man and a headache to work with, yet a not only a competent general, a successful one too.
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It's safe to assume that everyone working in the Cloud Knights has some sort of opinion of the Divine Foresight. Especially to Yanqing, who is his retainer and to Fu Xuan.
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From here, there is more to say when talking about Jing Yuan through the lenses of someone who is a Seer of Breath rather than just discussing how he relates to either part of his title in isolation.
Let's talk about the character arc that all Seers take. A Seer starts off often blinded by their aspect's opposite. It is when they're able to rid themselves of what obfuscates their aspect could they start to learn about their aspect themselves and provide their insight on it for others.
Rose was once shrouded in Void, first confused by her mother's nonsensical affectionate shenanigans and again by Doc Scratch who pushed her over the deep end and turned her Grimdark.
And Seer of Blood Kankri, his aspect concerned with bonds and ties, was isolated by Breath. He was the only one of his blood color to be born on Beforus. Unable to belong or relate to any of the existing blood casts on his planet.
It's important to remember that Breath is also the aspect of Individuality; one deciding to take their own path in life.
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A small example could be found in the short dialogue present in the Light Cone "Before Dawn". A subordinate of Jing Yuan's warns him of the consequences of making a huge decision, of how it could impact his legacy. Jing Yuan replies saying how he doesn't care how his choice affects him.
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We know a little about Jing Yuan's past, but from what we can glean off of his character stories we learn that he was born to a family of scholars and was expected to continue their family's legacy of becoming important officials for it was in their blood.
It was during a ceremony that the infant Jing Yuan has decided what he'll become for himself and threw away any expectation his family had for him:
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Then we have his relationship to his mentor, Jingliu.
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There is not much known about their time together, but it's apparent that they were close and that under her guidance Jing Yuan became an excellent sword-wielder.
Under her training, Jing Yuan had came face to face with people he once knew become corrupted and mad, Mara-struck. During a fight with someone we can assume has has know for a while, he hesitates killing him. He doesn't kill him right away because of their bond.
Long after that, Jing Yuan then had to make a choice that battle with his Mara-struck mentor in front of him. It was during that battle that he decided to not let his bond with his mentor hinder him and free her of her affliction, no matter how painful it was to him. He knew that this was the best decision for both her and the Xianzhou.
It's there where I would consider him ascending towards his role as a Seer of Breath.
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The current Jing Yuan has come into his own since then, being able to lead the Xianzhou into years of peace under his leadership. This would also translate well into him being a good Seer of Breath right?
Why don't we look into the game of chess that the Dive Foresight and Master Diviner play together:
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Not Fu Xuan but the gif helps to visualize.
Jing Yuan has an affinity for playing chess, a game of wits and war. A game that requires the player to not only be several steps ahead of their opponent, but also to be able to predict their next moves and plan accordingly for their victory to be possible.
A game that Fu Xuan is confident she can win in.
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There is a question that the General proposes to the Master Diviner: Why does chess use round pieces yet is played on a square board.
Fu Xuan answers with the claim that a chess game mirrors the old beliefs of a flat earth and a domed sky, represented by a square board and circular pieces respectively.
Her opponent however, only half agrees.
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The checkered pattern represents the fixed motions that a piece could take and the roundness of a piece represents an individual.
With those perimeters set and his experience in war, Jing Yuan was able to identify what set of moves he needed in order to win the game before organizing his pieces to execute them. With subtly and suavely, he was able to beat Fu Xuan, despite her clairvoyance.
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A more recent example would be during the end of the Windswept Wanderlust quest, in which Jing Yuan and Fu Xuan have a conversation of the origins of the Stellaron. The Master Diviner still believes that Kafka and the Stellaron Hunters were the ones who planted it, but the Divine Foresight thinks otherwise:
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Even he had suspicions that the Stellaron Hunters weren't the ones behind the chaos, and Kafka had confirmed his notions.
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In addition to this, Jing Yuan has not only already known where the stellaron is in advance, but also has predicted the movements of the opponents next move and placed the Cloud Knights in a position to corner them.
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Jing Yuan is an excellent leader and an amazing strategist, being able to accurately predict his enemy's movements and deal with them accordingly, he is befitting of one who is the Seer of Breath. Despite his laid back and seemingly lazy attitude, he is able to keep a watchful eye of the Xianzhou's Luofu and maintain tranquility through diverting the movement of trouble rather than solving it once it appears.
Although this analysis states that his arc as the Seer of Breath is complete, there is still a lot in store for our Divine Foresight. As of the time of writing this, Jing Yuan does not have a lot of screen time and his tale isn't quite done yet. There is more for us to see of not just him...
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But for his retainer too, if his prediction comes to fruition.
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8sharkie-bites8 · 7 months
I've been trying to come up with motifs for aspects to give classes a little more ✨️personality✨️
I have a few-
Heart- heart motif. Obvious
Hope- feather and wing motif. Also obvious- but specifically I want tiny floating wings on the backs of humans and printed wings on the back of trolls where their actual wings come from-
Void- i like the idea of fabric having a floaty element and that it just slowly... disipates- like Equius's heir hood trailing into nothing and losing form at the end. I'm not sure I'm explaining it well-
Doom- I like the idea of their clothes being kinda frayed and raggedy and torn
Space- stars, but also I like to think on the inside of their hoods an capes are galaxies. Actual pocket dimension galaxies you could stick your arm into-
Time- that sort of cog key or indent style on cogs aswell as arrows like hands of the clock-
Those are the ones I have thus far- not sure about the rest of them. Was thinking maybe ribbons for breath, spikes for light, bandages for life....
Then theres rage which i have no clue what to do with-
So just... send me thoughts ig-
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nekropsii · 2 years
Not sure if you’ve done it before but your discussion of the concepts associated with Time made me curious about if you’ve made a list of the concepts you associate with each of the aspects!
I have not done that before, actually! This list is by no means comprehensive, as Aspects can manifest in a whole number of strange ways- especially depending on Class... But it is a start, at least!
TIME: Death, Decay, Preservation, Rhythm/Flow, Entropy/Heat.
SPACE: Birth, Creation, (Personal Expression of) Femininity, Art, Destiny, Physical Space/Matter.
BREATH: Freedom, Direction, Disconnection, Air/Wind.
BLOOD: Connection, Obligation, Groundedness, Unity.
VOID: Nothingness, Obscurity/Unknowability, Fluidity/Infinity, Stagehands, Stealth.
LIGHT: Everythingness, Knowledge/Information, The Spotlight, Theater, Risk-Taking.
HOPE: Belief, Idealism, Positivity, Empowerment through Friendship/Ideology.
RAGE: Disbelief, Skepticism, Negativity, Empowerment through Selfhood/Rebellion.
DOOM: Control, Code, Sacrifice, Suffering, Mental Illness, Terminality.
LIFE: Opulence, Growth, Autonomy, Physical Wellness, “Procreation.”
HEART: Emotion/Feeling, Love, Soul, the “True Self.”
MIND: Logic/Reason, Balance, Rules, the “Outer Self.”
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derseprinceoftbd · 17 days
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classpectpokerap · 1 year
Thoughts on Neon (Breath+Light)?
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Neon (BreathLight)
(icon by victis-stelar)
So! Neon is a fun dual aspect, because it's one of the ones that inspired the entire classpecting system! By that, I mean it has canon representation, in the form of poor, dear, Tavrisprite.
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Tavrisprite, according to the ERIJANCENTRAL.COM dual classpect calculator, is a Spy of Neon, or ThiefPage of LightBreath. (Other notable details - Spy is an inverse of itself, and its paired class (active/passive swap within the verb group, so Thief to Rogue and Page to Knight) is Hunter, which is Davepeta's dualized class.)
In a sense, Tavrisprite is the ultimate showcase of what can go wrong with dual classpecting. The two personalities are incompatible as a living being, exploding just seconds after being created. This is obvious in the classpect name itself - Spy of Neon. A spy is thought of as sneaky and subtle -- neon is anything BUT. Their fusion was doomed from moment zero.
On the other hand, Neon itself isn't a fundamentally broken classpect. Obviously, the Tavrisprite fusion had permanent personality-altering effects on both (Vriska) and Ghost!Tavros - Vriska discovering how to cool her fires, and Tavros discovering how to be a leader, even though the fusion was merely seconds long. (For more discussion on that specific note, check out my fanfic, polyfrag.)
Neon also could represent a coming together of John and Rose. A "Herald of Neon" - a herald being a messenger containing news - could fit their relationship, vibeswise. I won't really get into it here, since that'd just end up being a Why I Like Grimdorks apologia, lol. But I do quite like it.
Finally, the popular fan fusion/pairing of John/June and Vriska results in a "Vagabond of Neon." Again, I can't really go into this specific one beyond just, "those vibes feel kinda right for that pairing," but yeah. (Hi godfeels fans lmfao - my new fic about June, featuring her wandering in Alpha Timeline Earth sort of aimlessly yet directedly, does evoke this classpect intentionally.)
I just realized I got to the end of this post without talking about Neon.
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@nihilistic-janitor and I named the aspect Neon because it's bright and obvious, yet literally a gas. It's one of the more literal names, since it is just Light But Windy, but I feel like it fits.
Where Light oftentimes blinding and scattershot, and Breath leading in all directions, Neon is a pinpointed alternative. A neon sign tells you where to go and why you need to be there. It combines knowledge and travel in a nicely neat way.
(Special thanks to @victis-stelar for the dual aspect icons!)
Please send in more asks! I can do ones about specific Classpects, Classes, Aspects, or meta stuff, like the dual system or how classpecting works with player-fused Sprites.
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masked-phantom-47 · 6 months
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Stuck at home?
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