#brave 10 hanzo
primewagner · 2 years
Sasuke: She was poetry, but he couldn't read.
Jinpachi: His name was Jared he's 19.
Saizo: When his parents built a very strange machine.
Anastasia, singing: Watch that scene, digging the dancing queen.
Isanami, singing: Eyyyy, Macarena!
Hanzo: Horrible job everyone.
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undertale-anomaly20 · 9 months
Mortal Kombat 11 x reader: Chapter 10 To hell and back
(OK I know this might be shorter than the other chapters but that's because Scorpions part in the game didn't run for that long. On another note do you guys know how hard it was to try and figure out a way for Hanzo to live in this chapter?)
Across the shoreline, (Name) and the Grandmasters of the Shirai Ryu and Lin Kuei walk toward their destination. They stop to take in the view of a large bridge of rock - too thin to be a natural occurrence, and with no visible support from one end to the other - stretching across the skyline.
The camera cuts to the bridge itself, showing the massive army - numbering in the thousands - of Netherrealm oni and Cyber Lin Kuei walking across it. A glowing figure beaming light from her being hovers high above the bridge, and that figure is Cetrion.
A close up on her face reveals she is visibly straining, and her arms are held aloft in the air. It becomes apparent that the constructed bridge of rock is her doing, and she is focusing on keeping it aloft for the army of demons to traverse across it. Back on the shoreline, Hanzo Hasashi looks to Kuai Liang.
"Those warriors must be headed for Kronika's Keep" Hanzo stated "Agreed. But why not use Kharon's fleet? The bridge clearly taxes her power" Kuai replied "The fleet's bound to Kharon. It sails only by his command. That it's still moored suggests he won't help Kronika" Hanzo said to which Kuai replied "In which case he may help us" (Name) looks to them both "true but Kronika wouldn't allow Kharon to roam free. so where is he?" she questioned making the grandmasters think.
Back on the bridge, the last of the Netherrealm army has finished
crossing. Still focusing as best she can, Cetrion disperses the bridge, causing it to disintegrate into a green mist. On the shoreline, a scream of agony resonates across the surroundings. Scorpion turns to look at a nearby shack, determining that was where the scream came from.
"It looks like Kharon is home, perhaps hosting some unwelcome guests" Hanzo says then he turns to Sub-Zero and (Name) "Return to Earthrealm. Tell the others we've found him. We'll deploy as soon as I return" he says "Are you certain Kharon will aid us?" asks Kuai "No. But he's our best chance"
Kuai leaves but (Name) remains with her arms crossed with a stern look "you're not getting rid of me that easily, Hanzo" she says then smiles uncrossing her arms "I can handle this on my own, (Name), It is not necessary-" "what have you always told me?" (Name) said interrupting him. he is silent for a few moments "Be strong enough to stand alone, be smart enough to know when you need help, be brave enough to ask for it" he said sighing when he looks to her. she walks to his side and holds his hand "I'm not leaving you to do this on your own" she said. Hanzo slowly smiles and hold her hands "and for that I am thankful" he says as they look at each other lovingly in this one moment.
The scene cuts to a closer shot of the shack. Hanzo and (Name) approach it, taking cover behind an outcropping of rock. The camera cuts to him peeking through the window of the shack, where he sees Kharon.
Kharon himself would almost pass for an old human, were it not that his skin on the top of his head is pitch dark and his eyes a milky grey. He is also laid on a table, wrapped in a webbed cocoon. The camera pans across the shack to show the creature
responsible, who drops down from the ceiling.
It is D'Vorah.
"You should have aided Kronika, Kharon. Now you must suffer" she says as she approaches the table and releases a swarm of insects from her hand. They engulf Kharon's face, but he remains defiant "I am immortal, D'Vorah. You cannot kill me" he says "This One needs only render you unfit to ferry Kronika's enemies" she replies smirking when she suddenly lurches forward in pain as something plunges into her back.
D'Vorah is violently yanked out of the shack window, courtesy of Hanzo's chained kunai. She falls onto the shoreline in a crumpled heap, but as Scorpion lands nearby, she pulls herself to a standing position with the help of her extendable stingers.
"First Shinnok, now Kronika. You fight for lost causes" Hanzo growls as (Name) follows behind with a deadly glare "This One ensures the Hive's survival. You will not save the Shirai Ryu"
They fight. In the past, D'Vorah has managed to overcome Hanzo, and her fighting ability and unique control over parasites and poison has not waned since then. But Hanzo's discipline and skill have also improved immensely, and he takes the fight to
the Kytinn. After a brutal exchange, he beats her into unconsciousness.
"The Shirai Ryu will not fall"
A noise from behind him causes Hanzo to turn, but he reacts too late. His younger self teleports in to punch him square in the face but (Name) steps in catching his fist in her palm and throws him back "don't touch him" she growls surprising Scorpion as he stands back up "why? why do you protect this man who has abandoned his traditions!?" Scorpion yells "because changed for the better. because he found a way to be happy and let go of the past. because he is the man I love" She replied her heart finally feeling free, finally saying the words she held back. Hanzo's eyes widen and his heart melted at her words that's he's waited so long to hear. Scorpion didn't know how to feel on the one hand he was filled with an unknown warmth in himself at the fact that (Name) was in love with his future self but on the other hand his future self had abandoned his traditions and his anger towards those who took everything from him.
"Your clan of impostors will indeed fall" Scorpion sneered looking past (Name) to Hanzo "I've restored the Shirai Ryu. Built a clan that's never been stronger" Hanzo replied walking in front of (Name), placing her behind him. Scorpion angrily points a finger in his direction "On a foundation of pretenders and outsiders! Kronika told me" he yells. He pulls out his ninjato sword and twirls it in his hands. Hanzo pulls out his own ninjato. Scorpion charges his older self, who meets the charge with one of his own. They clash, with Hanzo pressing the attack. His younger self blocks and parries his sword strikes, pushing back on him after their blades briefly lock.
They each block and deflect one another's strikes until Hanzo ducks a swipe from his younger self and delivers a counter stab, but Scorpion teleports away in a flash of hellfire before he can connect. This time, Hanzo is ready and does a 180 degree turn just as his younger self emerges behind him.
In slow motion, Scorpion throws his chained kunai, but Old Scorpion skillfully knocks it aside with his sword before it hits. He then grabs the chain, tugs on it to unbalance his younger self and ignites the chain with some hellfire of his own. The fire travels down the chain in an instant, torching Scorpion and forcing him onto his knees in pain.
Hanzo stops attacking, but his younger self is not willing to surrender just yet. He remains on one knee "Without our original bloodlines, there is no Shirai Ryu. Our clan's massacre extinguished them. Kronika will revive the true Shirai Ryu in the New Era!" he yells as he stands back up and assumes a fighting stance. Hanzo does so as
well "Do not trust Kronika! She uses your anger to enslave you, as Quan Chi did both of us. I let go my rage, and it saved me. To save yourself, you must do the same"
They fight. The battle is truly an epic one, with both kombatants equally matched in strength, fighting skill and powers of hellfire. But the elder Scorpion has one thing the younger lacks; control over his anger. He uses it to fight intelligently, gradually finding weak spots in his younger self's attacks and taking advantage. After a hellacious battle, the younger Scorpion is finally beaten into submission.
"It's past time you were freed. We both know what truly drives you. It's not Shirai Ryu pride... it's your wife...and child" Hanzo said walking towards his younger self. (Name) follows him quickly "Harumi and Satoshi were stolen from me. Murdered. Seeing them again is all that matters" Scorpion says as he stands back to his feet, still enraged "We share this pain. I fought through Hell to end it. But Kronika's New Era is not the remedy. She would resurrect Shinnok - the same devil who brought death to our family and clan. He cannot be allowed to return!" Hanzo said angrily while (Name) looked on in worry. Hanzo walks up to his younger self, who is ready to fight, but taking in the words spoken to him.
"When I revived the Shirai Ryu, I vowed our clan would ensure Earthrealm's protection and promised (Name) a life where she would never again need to fight" Hanzo said as (Name)'s heart melt. (Name) stands in front of Scorpion, his milky white eyes meeting her warm amber eyes "Kronika only wants to use you to complete her goals. she doesn't care what happens to you or anyone else" she says and holds her hand out to him "please Scorpion...help us" She pleads.
Scorpion looks away from her, lost in thought. As he looks
as her, remembering that back in his time she is there a bright and happy 18 year old girl, how she had grown from a playful pup into a fierce and protective wolf. Then he looked to his older self in the eye again, his look changes from thoughtful to horrified, as four stingers arise behind Hanzo. He turns around just as D'Vorah stabs Hanzo in the chest, the blow so powerful the stinger goes clean through his body.
(Name) turns around quickly her eyes widen in horror "HANZO!" she screams. Hanzo grabs the stinger with his hand, but is unable to pry it loose. D'Vorah comes in closer, fondling his cheek with her hand in what could be described as a twisted lover's embrace. Her other stingers lightly tap Hanzo's body, until one of them finds a soft
spot, stabbing into his side. He groans in agony, but remains defiant, and he suddenly channels hellfire through his entire body, blasting D'Vorah away from him. He struggles to remain upright, though.
"Poison..." he struggles to say. He groans and falls to one knee. D'Vorah stands back to her feet, grinning sadistically. "Kronika knew your past sins would distract you. Now This One ends your misery" D'Vorah says smirking.
Unbeknownst to her, Scorpion sneaks up on D'Vorah from behind and chops off all four of her stingers with his ninjato. She falls to her knees in pain "Now, you die!" Scorpion yells. D'Vorah suddenly whirls around and blasts a swarm of insects into
Scorpion's face. As he backpedals and destroys them with a burst of hellfire, D'Vorah scrambles backwards on all fours in a reverse crab walk, before going to burrow herself underground when a blast of fire hits her sending her flying into the wall of rock.
Scorpion rushes to his elder self's side, who still has not risen from one knee "Raiden is at the Fire Gardens. Enlist Kharon's aid. Bring Raiden's army to the Keep. You must!" Hanzo begs "You have my word" Scorpion says.
D'Vorah struggles to get up when a pair of brown boots enter her line of sight. she slowly looks up to see (Name), her (e/c) eyes glowing menacingly, her hands set ablaze with her flames, her teeth showing her sharp canines and her face showing a variety of emotions. rage, anger, fury and hatred. for the second time in her life D'Vorah felt true and utter Fear.
"You" (Name) growled sending a chill down D'Vorahs spine. (Name) grabbed the stunned D'Vorah by her throat, picking her up off the ground with one hand extinguished, and pinning her to the wall "how DARE you lay even one finger on him!?" she yelled. she squeezes her throat harder making D'Vorah gasp for air "this...one cares only for the survival of the hive. not pitiful men" (Name) raises her other hand in full view, making the flames brighter, and brings it towards D'Vorahs mouth, causing her to panic, (Name)'s glare hardens as she brings her hand down on D'Vorahs mouth burning and melting the flesh. D'Vorah tries to scream in agony but only muffled screams are produced. once (Name) removes her hand from D'Vorahs mouth all that remains is a mangled and melted glob of flesh where once was a mouth. (Name)'s cold eyes glare into hers "never again...will you harm those I love" (Name) says as she pulls her fist back "I'm going to do what I should have done 2 years ago" and with that (Name) thrust her fist through D'Vorahs chest and grabs her heart. D'Vorah spasms a bit trying to scream in pain but all that stops once (Name) pulls her hand back out, dripping with dark green blood, with D'Vorahs bleeding and still beating heart in her grasps. the light in D'Vorahs eyes die out as her body hangs limp.
Hanzo almost stands fully, but staggers. Scorpion catches him before he can fall, bringing him to gently rest in his arms. Hanzo groans snapping (Name) out of her rage as she snaps her head in Hanzo and Scorpions direction "no..." she whispers as she drops D'Vorahs corpse and rushes to them, dread filling her heart "The new Shirai Ryu are worthy. It's heart, not blood, that makes them warriors" Hanzo says struggling to stay alive "Hanzo!" (Name) cries out dropping to her knees at his side. Scorpion allows her to hold Hanzo in his final moment.
Hanzo, with his head on her chest, looks up at her and smiles weakly "(Name)..." he says her name in almost a whisper "I wish...we had more time" (Name)'s eyes fill with tears threatening to spill over, her heart breaking "what are you talking about? you're..you're gonna be fine. wh-where gonna go back to the fire gardens a-a-a-and you're gonna get help and then you and I will retire from fighting" she stammered as she held him tighter, her mind running through every way to save him, the tears rolling down her cheeks. Hanzo weakly reaches his hand up and caresses her face. (Name) quickly hold that hand to her cheek nuzzling it as Hanzo rubs his thumb across her cheek wiping away her tears "my love...you and I both know I will not survive" "no no no" (Name) says in denial. " I want you to promise me..." "I can't....I can't" she babbles " I want you to...promise me that...you and Calithea will live happily" "I CAN'T!" (Name) yells, her eyes squeezed shut, a silence hung in the air "how...how can we live happy...with out you there...please don't leave us..don't...don't leave me" she begs. Hanzo can feel his time drawing near as it becomes harder to breath for him "I know you can...if not for me or yourself..do it for Calithea" he says. (Name) finally opens her eyes...finally accepting the cold hard truth. she sniffles and nods "I...I promise...I promise I will" her voice trembling. Hanzo smiled softly "I love you with all that I have, my beloved" he says looking into her eyes. she gives him a wobbly smile "and I love you in this or any universe, my Hanzo, my love" she says lowering her head and capturing his lips. every memory they shared flashes through their minds. the first time they met, their first fight against one another, there first fight, their heartfelt reunion, there time training together, the injuries they patched together, Hanzo's first confession, Hanzo meeting Calithea, raisng Calithea together and their first kiss. Hanzo's hand goes limp and his head lolls to the side breaking the kiss. (Name)'s eyes widen in heart break and horror, her lips trembling and her tears falling faster than before as Scorpion can only watch her as she breaks down, his own heart feeling the pain, and she wails in pain with her voice echoing throughout the realm.
The scene fades from the Netherrealm to the Fire Gardens, just as a breeze blows the autumn leaves into the sky. In the gardens, Liu Kang and Sub-Zero walk together in conversation.
"Your Shaolin masters, they're ready?" Kuai asks "They will fight until the last man" Liu Kang replied "That is likely what it will take" "There will not be a fight if Kharon does not help us. Is there any word from Grandmaster Hasashi?" "No. If we do not hear soon, I will return to the Netherrealm"
Before them, Scorpion emerges in a flash of hellfire with (Name) in his arms. she looks weak, her eyes puffy, red and half open. Instantly, Liu Kang and Sub-Zero shift to fighting stances, but Scorpion does not follow suit, instead looking around at the scenery while keeping a firm hold on (Name) "Wrong Scorpion. This cannot be good" Liu Kang says to Kuai "Get Raiden!" Kuai shouts
As Liu Kang runs off, Sub-Zero faces Scorpion down "The Fire Gardens, rebuilt? The Shirai Ryu are indeed restored" Scorpion says amazed, (Name)'s head is on his shoulder staring off into space "Why are you here, Scorpion? Where is Grandmaster Hasashi? What have you done to Lady (Name)?" "...He is dead" Scorpion replies and then looks down at (Name) in his arms, his heart aches knowing how it feels to loos someone you love, and brings her closer "as for Lady (Name)...she is grieving" Kuai grits his teeth "And now you have come to finish us" he growls causing Scorpion to look up at him "I understand your mistrust, but I am here to assist you!" Scorpion tries to explain "I find that impossible to believe! now release her!" Scorpion knows nothing will stop Kuai from fighting him so he carries (Name) to a near by tree to put her down but as he does something stops him. (Name) is holding his clothes in a tight grip "lady (Name) I must-" "no..." he hears her mutter "please...I must quell Sub-Zeros anger. I promise you I will come back" he says trying to convince her as Kuai watches in confusion. (Name) reluctantly lets go of his clothes and allows her hand to drop into her lap still staring at the ground. Scorpion goes to face off against Kuai.
They fight. As has been the case with their many fights before, Scorpion and Sub-Zero are equally matched in skill, strength, speed and powers. But this time, it is Sub-Zero who fights recklessly, allowing Scorpion the opportunities he needs to exploit his weaknesses. After a back and forth exchange, the wraith knocks the Grandmaster to the floor.
"You misunderstand my intentions"
Suddenly, a lightning blast catches Scorpion square in the chest. He is hurled backwards and crashes to the ground hard. Raiden stands above the beaten Sub-Zero, his hands charged with lightning. Liu Kang stands beside him, who quickly runs to (Name)'s side worried "Who sent you here, Scorpion? Raiden demand. Scorpion struggles to his feet and says "My future self is dead. I am here at his behest"
"Grandmaster Hasashi sent you?" Liu Kang asked turning his head away from (Name) to look back "I honour his dying wish. Kharon will ferry your armies to the Isle of Kronika. We must leave at once" Scorpion replied "Do you have proof of Kharon's offer?" Raiden asked not believeing him "...Only my word and Lady (Name)'s but as you can see...she is in no state to answer" everyone looks back to (Name), who is staring at the ground with a blank expression.
"Your word is worthless. At the tournament, I trusted you to spare Bi-Han, and you betrayed me" Raiden says glaring "A mistake born of rage. I seek redemption Scorpion tried explaining "Lies, Scorpion! You are a slave! And Kronika is your master!"
They fight. Scorpion finds himself in the battle of his life. Raiden himself is at full strength in Earthrealm, he has the power of thunder and lightning at his beck and call and thousands of years of fighting experience. It takes all of Scorpion's martial arts skill and powers of the Netherrealm to even keep in the fight, but he refuses to fall, and manages to knock the Thunder God to his knees for a moment.
"Raiden, you must listen!"
"Spout your falsehoods elsewhere, Scorpion! Kronika will not entrap us" He says as he stands back to his feet "It is no trap! Kharon awaits you in the Netherrealm"
(....I said TRY to figure out how to make Hanzo survive....never said I actually succeeded....yes I know I'm an evil bitch trust me I cried writing this part but I can make it worse...who's telling Calithea her daddy isn't coming home)
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atemourisan · 2 years
Fire Shadow and Sun Princess
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The first time I ever drew Brave10 Hanzo because my goodness he is so handsome and cute and beautiful 😍 ❤❤❤😍😍😍😍😍
And I must say, that ending to Brave10 both the anime and manga was not it for me 😤😤😤😤😤😤 And Hanzo-Sama deserves so much better and since I heard that the mangaka of Brave10 Kairi Shimotsuki also worked on the Sengoku Basara manga, I decided, "Why not put Brave10 Hanzo in my Sengoku Basara fanfictions, Alternate Universes?
And I can still never forgive that moeblob thing named Isanami with Mary-Sue syndrome who is also an Izumo No Okuni wannabe for hurting Hanzo both in the anime and the manga 👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿
I know the Isanami simps will be repulsed by what I have to say about their Mary sue queen, but let's hope they have the common sense to scroll past and move on from me not liking her neither. 😌
But sorry Isanami, you are no special izumo shrine maiden nor are you a goddess in my Sengoku Basara fanfiction crossover with Brave 10.
And I am more than aware of the Okunis in Sengoku Basara Battle Party and the Brave10 S manga, but those moe blob designs were not it for me neither, And so I came up with my own Sengoku Basara Okuni, Reference sheet coming in the future.
And my basara Okuni is the reincarnation of the shaman Queen Himiko and is able to communicate with the sun goddess and even speak as Amaterasu's messenger for the people and the daimyo of Izumo and the best dancing shrine maiden in all of Japan due to her being a miko ever since the age of 3.
She has a reputation of being the most beautiful woman in all of Izumo and to some, the most beautiful woman in all of Japan. But she is not loved by everyone because some people have no interest in her, and some even want what she has.
And the way Okuni became the daimyo of Izumo was simply because of Motonari Mōri's conflict with the Amago clan and driving them out of Izumo, And while he occupies Izumo, He meets Okuni who tells him of the sun goddesses' message for him which makes Motonari put Okuni in control of Izumo and giving her the position of daimyo.
Later on Okuni would fight for the Mori and eventually would meet Hattori Hanzo when and a part of my au where the Mori fights the Tokugawa faction and there Hanzo and Okuni fall for each other ofc lol 😆
And there are 2 options where Hanzo either turns Okuni against the Mōri or there is a peace agreement between the Tokugawa and the Mōri clans.
And my basara Okuni has a goal of her own which is to exorcise Japan of the darkness of war. And while at first Okuni's and Hanzo's relationship is platonic, Okuni believes at first that Hanzo is emitting an miasma towards her, but it isn't the case as she is falling for him. They do fall genuinely in love with each other.
Okuni does ofc becomes friends with Naotora Ii, Kasuga, Tsuruhime, Lady Matsu, Aya-Gozen and Magoichi Saika. During a peaceful time of the war, the head priest would task Okuni to go to Kyoto to dance the kagura for the people of the capital, the gods and the emperor himself, there Okuni puts all her training into the kagura dance into work, dancing gracefully like a swan which suddenly makes 19,000 ryo or yen which makes history for the Izumo shrine, And the head priest decides to adopt Okuni as his daughter.
Okuni does have rivals with Anastasia and Kaiyo as all 3 girls are competing for Hanzo's heart and she does ofc has a bitter rivalry with Isanami, for Isanami seeks to destroy Okuni's reputation and overthrow her as the daimyo of Izumo and sabotage her from receiving the head priest's favor.
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xisanamii · 2 years
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doodles based on some old rps i had with friends! for some reason there is still a part of my mind dedicated to brave 10 huh. those rps were fun hehe i hope you’re doing well my old partner if you see this <3
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Moved on
I honestly think this fandom is dead to non existing but maybe there is someone out there who is into Brave 10. I just had the urge and need to write something You were with him from childhood to his teens. From the start of his “journey” to the end were he is now. You were with him when you made friends, laughed, cried and lost friends who were dear to you both. You overcame everything because of him. Because he was always there. To an extend. At one point, it all turned around. At one point, you weren’t as important to him anymore, then you were before. You were replaced. easily. Fast. It still hurts to think about it. It hurts to see them both. Saizou and you never really ended. But it seems, you never ever really begun. So it seems from your point of view. Seeing how he just replaced you. He didn’t talked to you, nothing. He just suddenly.....prioritized Isanami at one point and didn’t looked back at you. You sympathize with the girl. You really do. She had a hard past and a hard present. She had to overcome so many bad things as someone who lived such a sheltered life. She was kept away from the harshness of life but then everything crashed onto her at once. You can’t come to hate her, but there wasn’t a friendship between you either anymore. There never really was because all she ever really did, was hanging onto Saizou. At first, it was awkward for him. Prying her away from himself and then going over to you. Then it stopped and he just let her but ignored her. At least, he begun to like it. Like a soft-spot, only reserved for her. He forgot about you while you stood next to him all the time. While they fell in love, right before your eyes. It was when Saizou questioned you why you got so cold to him and Isanami. Why you and him fight so often. Why you were at Anas and even Hanzos side, but not his anymore. “What do you mean with ‘not on yours anymore’? Did you forget that it was you, who left me behind?” The Kirigakure Ninja looked at you questioning. Not understanding the meaning of your words. A dry laugh escaped your throat. “Right. I forgot. Your fixated on Isanami now. You don’t really pay attention to anything else anymore. But I am surprised you even noticed that I am no longer always at your side. What? Does it feel weird? Empty?” Saizou wanted to say something. Opening his mouth but you didn’t let him come to word. “It can’t be right? I mean, you have her now. Always at your side like you are Twins glued to each other. Did I ever said something about it? No. SO why is it bothering you so much that I am friendly with Hanzo?” “You know what I think of him. Even now. You should be careful.“ “Why?” “You know what he did to Isanami so-” “So what? Since then happened a lot and a lot of time has passed. Since then he helped us all. So why are you wary of him now? You didn’t say anything at the beginning?” Your voice was steady, it surprised yourself how calm your voice was. You wanted to scream at him. Strike at him. Hanzo who was a few feet away from you observed your talk. He was a Ninja so it was not hard to hear what you talk about. His usually giddy attitude wasn’t there right now. Too focused and worried about you. Since he joined you, he and you started a friendship. A bond he begun to cherish like he cherish you. He confined in you and you in him, so he knows what you’re feeling and how hard it was not punch the lights out of Saizou. Believe me, as skilled as Saizou is, you’re far from lacking. “I...Because.....I am just worried about you!” “No you’re not worried about me. Since we found Isanami you never were! You never gave me a bit of attention since then! Do you even remember what you always told me? The sweet words you whispered to me? The little smiles? Do you even remember any of the moments we had or of our feelings for each other? Because for me it doesn’t seem that way!” Your voice rose with every word you told him. Rising octaves higher and louder. Hands curled into fist so hard, your fingernails digged wounds into your skin. Saizou looked like you had slapped him across the face. Gaping at you like a fish, it was almost amusing if it weren’t so serious. “You clearly...don’t remember or it was never serious for you but now, now that I begun to cherish someone else, now you can pay attention? Now you want MY Attention suddenly? What when Isanami hears that, huh? She will cry oh so bitterly: Shaking up the world again and everyone will run to her immediately like she is the Sun everyone moves around. Do you know, how hard is was to see you two fall in love right before my eyes? How it hurt? But I kept quiet because I want you to be happy but now that I try to move on, you try to destroy it. Why, Saizou? Tell me why?!” It was hard to hold back the tears. It weren’t tears of sadness anymore, it were tears out of frustration. You try to move on. You try to cherish Hanzo, like he s´cherish you: But this is making it so hard again. “Listen...I never wanted to hurt you. I never know you felt that way. You know how important you are to me an-” “Oh? Do I? Didn’t felt that way.” “Please listen-” “Saizou!” When you speak of the devil. Isanami pounced onto Saizou. Totally obvious to the air surrounding you both. Looking with big, bright eyes at Saizou. Talking and rambling on and on about something you didn’t bother listen to. The Ninja was overwhelmed for a second. His eyes switching from Isanami to you. You just stood there, looking at him as if to say “That is what I talk about”. It seems like it Saizou realized what you talk about but it was too late. Hanzo was already at your side, wrapping his arm gently around your waist. Nuzzling his nose into your cheek before giving Saizou a warning look. Leading you away. At this moment, Saiztou realized what he did. What he lost. Everything you felt, crushed him at that moment. Isanami forgotten. He just felt guilt and sorrow creeping into his heart. He wanted to follow you and tell you how sorry he was. He wanted to make it up to you but you moved on. Like he moved on once.
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mysaldate · 4 years
10 Brave Demon Slayers – Part 3
This took me way too long but I’m finally back with this little series. I had to make some gifs first because the characters I’m about to introduce today had near nothing? Or nothing I could use at least. I will also be skipping any world-building part since I’m not sure what to say that hasn’t been said yet. Hopefully, I’ll be able to come up with something for the next part.
Miyoshi Seikai Nyudo – Earth Pillar
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A spirited young man who grew up in the Izumo temple much like Isanami. In order to find the right way of faith, he traveled all of Japan when he was still just a teenager. He encountered some of the Demon Slayer Corps members on his journey and decided to join. Seikai heard of the rumored breathing techniques and managed to develop one for his own use. Though he may seem scary, he’s actually very kind and despises pointless fights and killing. Once he’s heard of what happened to Izumo, he rushed in to check up on Isanami, even abandoning a mission he was supposed to be carrying out. He was forgiven since it was such a deeply personal reason but also received a warning not to let it happen again. When Isanami joined the Demon Slayer Corps, Seikai was one of the first people to show trust in her abilities.
Breath of Earth has four forms
First form: Homage to Infinite Light – thrusting technique, the user deals a powerful blow while spinning the sword to inflict more damage, once the sword has stabbed into the demon, the handle is punched, either from upfront, burying the blade deeper in, or from a side, creating a particularly deep slash.
Second form: Perfection of Wisdom – a single strike upwards from a low position, both fast and precise, although it is not as powerful as the first form, it can deal a surprising amount of damage as it can still be easily used after the user has been knocked to the ground.
Third form: Great Mountain Rumbling – three diagonal slashes in rapid succession, usually used from the high ground but very effective even on equal standing, with the right footwork, the form is very hard to avoid.
Fourth form: Six Virgin Ancestors – blocking and defensive technique used when the need to protect defenseless people comes up, using the sword’s side rather than the blade, the user is able to stop and reflect incoming attacks.
Daisuke Sanada/Rokuro Mochizuki/Benmaru – Breath of Flames
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Taken in by Sanada Yukimura, Benmaru is a little boy abandoned by his parents at a very young age. He’s been fending for himself for as long as he can remember. He specializes in explosives and setting traps rather than sword fighting but he picked up that as well after Yukimura adopted him. Though he’s still a child and hasn’t yet passed the Final Selection, he works as hard as anyone to perfect his techniques. The situation around his name is a little confusing so everyone usually just calls him Benmaru.
Hattori Hanzo – Pillar of Flames
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The first one to become the Flame Pillar and not come from the Rengoku family, Hanzo was never able to master the ninth technique, Purgatory. However, he partnered up with Benmaru and came up with one of his own to make up for it. He is not necessarily cruel or heartless but he also doesn’t hesitate to cut anyone down in pursuit of his personal benefits. This attitude brought him much dislike among his fellow slayers but it bothers him very little. He’s committed himself to slaying demons in order to avenge his fallen comrades from Iga Five. The only other member still alive, Anastasia, is also said to be the only one who understands him. He was heard multiple times saying he would retire from the Demon Slayer Corps as soon as he’s slain the demon responsible for his friends’ deaths.
Hanzo’s original form of Breath of Flames is:
Tenth form: Red Lotus Dazzling Flame – using explosives tied to the blade, the slayer increases both the speed and strength of the multitude of powerful slashes centering around the enemy, if used for multiple times in succession, the sword will get coated in gunpowder and deal a devastating explosive blow.
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10868letsgo · 4 years
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nefeliibxta · 7 years
“ immortal history “ ll hanzou & yuna
      HATTORI HANZOU watches the other – his expression unchanging, as he examines the NEW COMER.
      He had been stationed in UEDA momentarily. Hired by their eccentric L O R D, to help out for a short time. With the permission of the man he served p e r s o n a l l y – he decided to take the job. If it would help out the person he’d dedicated himself to? He minded little who he needed to work with.
      However: He’d begun to be more aware of an oddity of this group – apparently, they had h a d a Hanzo working with them before. A man who had . . . disappeared.
       THAT WAS HOW THE NAME “ H A N Z O U “ worked, however. It was the very reason for it’s existence. To strike fear into those who would fight against IGA, the immortal “ H a t t o r i ‘ H a n z o u “ would always exist. Whenever someone failed or fell in battle, another would be given the name. And if history ever looked back at them, Hattori Hanzou will have always existed. It was a seamless transition. No one mourned the loss of IGA’s greatest shinobi. Because there was no one to mourn. They lost their individuality the moment they were mounted with the “TITLE/NAME” that became their identity.
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       “Are you another of the Brave’s I’ve been informed I’ll be working with, for the time being?” Hanzou asks, raising a singular eyebrow. He was a professional – he wouldn’t ask more then that. He simply needed to know who were comrades and who was just travelers.
       He’d already sensed the mood-shift around here, when he’d introduced himself to some of the others – his very existence proved two things. ( One: The title no longer belonged to their friend. Two: . . . he likely would never return. ) The title only passed when the bearer died. But, he wasn’t sure if this young woman was also a member of the BRAVES . . . Or whether she knew that particular rule or not.
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kosuukeh · 7 years
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Twitter update [2017/06/14] - In full Hattori Hanzo costume for today (they had a video shooting for some of the casts). And photos of Hanzo!Kousuke with Benmaru, Anastasia and Isanami. *edited
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coraledits · 7 years
character: hanzo hattori
media: brave 10
19 icons
cleaned & edited
like/reblog if saving.
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atemourisan · 2 years
Capcom pls copy and paste this Hanzo into Sengoku Basara 5
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For any of my fellow Sengoku Basara fans don't know, please look up and watch the anime Brave10, and fun fact: Brave10's mangaka Kairi Shimotsuki also worked on Sengoku Basara's manga series.
Everytime I see Hanzo in this series, I feel that he was meant for Sengoku Basara, And this Hanzo is the Hanzo Sengoku Basara needs ❤
And I do love the idea of Hanzo and Basara Ieyasu Tokugawa being polar opposites since that would be pretty interesting 0.0
And as for the ending of Brave10, that ending was not it for me, and I didn't like the protagonists of the series since to me they were pretty bland.
But something about the villains especially Hanzo and Okatsu and the Iga League Of Five made me think of Sengoku Basara and of how much artistic liberties Sengoku Basara.
The Brave 10 may say "the iga league of five must die!"
But when Hanzo receives Basara powers he's now laughing.
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smiletorn · 7 years
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they pretty and they know it, but hanzo ain’t having it ( karin and kousuke )
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Creepy Pasta - CP’s reacting to you blastin S3RL songs (GN!Reader, headcanon) [BEN Drowned, Homicidal Liu]
Gravity Falls: - How they hint that they like you (headcanon, GN!Reader), [PineTwins, GleefullTwins] - Kidnapping you (headcanon, GN!Reader), [GleefulTwins]
Pokémon (Game): -  Happy Ending (OneShot, GN!Reader, a bit angst), [Green Oak]
Beyblade/V-Force/G-Force: - Glasses (OneShot, GN!Reader, fluff), [Kai Hiwatari]
Digimon Adventure/02/Tri: - Mornings (OneShot, GN!Reader, fluff), [Yamato Ishida/Matt Ishida]
My sweet Candy Love: - Colorfull World (OneShot, GN!Reader, fluff, SoulmateAU, request), [Armin]
Five Nights at Freddy’s: - Different kind of Company Chapter1,2,3,4 (Fanfiction, GN!Child!Reader, angst, gore, blood, abuse of different forms), [all characters]
Degrassi: - Relationship (Headcanon, GN!Reader, fluff, requested) [Eli Goldsworthy] - First date (Headcanon, GN!Reader!, fluff, requested), [Drew Torres] - Jolene (OneShot, GN!Reader, angst), [Eli Goldsworthy] - Black Nailpolish (Imagine, GN!Reader, fluff?, requested) [Eli Goldsworthy]
Brave 10: - Moved On (OneShot, GN!Reader, Angst, hurt), [Saizou Kirigakure, slight!Hattori Hanzo]
Sailor Moon: - I’m sorry I forgot you (OneShot, GN!Reader, angst, hurt) [Mamorou Chiba]
Solo Leveling: - Are you okay? (OneShot, GN!Reader, angst, hurt) [Sung Jin Woo] - My best friends Shadow Soldier (Imagine, GN!Reader, fluff) [platonic!Sun Jin Woo, platonic!Igris] - S-Rank Girlfriend (Headcanon, Female!Reader) [Sung Jin Woo]
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mysaldate · 5 years
what's the color of their nichirin blades? for the ones you have so far, but if you could do the rest of the braves too (assuming they aren't... demons) add them too~
I knew I was forgetting something in the info summary! I don't have everyone figured out yet but hopefully this will suffice.
10 Brave Demon Slayers — Nichirin sword colours
Isanami: Deep oxford blue — it's a nice contrast to her hair and dark colours reflect light better.
Saizo: Sky blue, almost white — everyone keeps saying he should switch with Isanami.
Sasuke: Emerald green — helps him to blend in and it's a gentle colour reflecting his gentle heart.
Kakei: Dark gray/Black — it really depends on the lighting but he's satisfied, he wouldn't want Saya catching crazy colours.
Rokuro: Indigo blue — ok, you expected this, everyone did.
Hanzo: Red — yes, here comes the legendary flaming red like the sun, of course it's Hanzo getting it.
Benmaru: Gold — little guy's still mostly training but he has talent so he has a sword.
Seikai: Sandy beige — no comment here, you probably expected this too.
Yuri: Fuchsia — it's not that he's thrilled about the shade but it sometimes looks red when the sun hits it in the right way so it should be powerful, right?
Anastasia: Berlin blue — it has silver highlights and it's even thinner than usual swords, a truly cold weapon.
Jinpachi: Pitch black — like the storm clouds, also it's still a spear, he doesn't like the limitations of swords.
Musamune: Violet — fabulous just like he is and almost as tall too.
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ade237 · 7 years
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Hanzo&Isanami / Brave 10 Fanart
Basado en; https://kosuukeh.tumblr.com/post/161816066703/twitter-update-20170614-practice-in-full
Siempre quise hacer algo Hanzo/Isanami y he aquí mi oportunidad. Muy probablemente esté haciendo varios fanarts de Brave 10, específicamente de Isanami.
Hecho en MediBang PaintPro con mouse.
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Brave 10
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