#brackett tag :]
jaymesdoodles · 2 years
riptide was the only campaign I found on their YouTube o(-( so I’m starting with that but I’ll prob go back and watch the other one too :]
oh you don't have too!!! it's just wild to me!! I started listening to jrwi in 2019 and the fated were very important to me, it's how I meant my 4 very best friends. It's just crazy there are new fans that don't know it but the council (jrwi crew) deserve so much love and support. They have worked so hard on riptide and honestly that deserves more support and I'm glad it's how people are finding it.
the fated was unlisted for reasons.. and I think that all the growth and popularity that jrwi has gotten from riptide it very very deserved!!!
I may be nostalgic for fated but people can enjoy whatever they like
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exdeputysonso · 9 months
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Brad Dourif as Sheriff Lee Brackett | Halloween (2007)
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krikeymate · 7 months
Fictober 2023: Day 24: “Is it over? Is it really over?” - Still Alive. Fandom: Scream Rating: T Warnings: None.
Tara leans back against the couch and closes her eyes, basking in the warmth of her sister beside her.
She can hear Danny puttering about in the kitchen, the click of the radio, the quiet strum of a guitar seeping into the apartment.
She doesn’t know how to feel about the fact he apparently knows their favourite radio station, knows it’s what they need in this moment.
It’s funny.
All this time Sam had been holding her too tight, terrified to let her go, but all along she’d made a life for herself.
Or maybe that was the point she’d been trying to make.
Tara’s desperation to move on, to ignore what happened, had left her stuck. There could be no future without acknowledging the past.
Stupid therapy-logic.
She turns, dropping her head to Sam’s shoulder and slipping an arm around her waist.
It hurts something fierce, but she manages to downgrade the pained hiss that almost escapes to a shaky breath instead.
Compared to last year, this was nothing.
A papercut, all things considered.
That’s what she’ll tell anyone who asks anyway.
“You ok?” Sam whispers, knuckles brushing a path up and down Tara’s spine.
“Mmm,” Tara hums back, eyes fluttering.
It’s becoming harder and harder for them to stay open now that the adrenaline has fled her, exhaustion rearing its head and weighing her down.
Sam’s hand moves up and slips beneath her hair, fingers twisting between strands at the back of her neck.
“We should probably go to the hospital,” she declares, louder than she needs to.
Tara gets the impression it wasn’t for her benefit.
The radio clicks off, and for a moment all Tara can hear is her own heartbeat, feel it in her throat as silence blocks her ears.
Like the instant before a phone rings, or a door flies open. Before a knife slices through her flesh.
Then it passes, and the world fades back into view.
She blinks her eyes open to Sam’s concerned face, head held up by a hand on her cheek.
All Tara can think is that Sam’s not supposed to move that arm. She can already see blood beginning to soak into the bandages.
She’s captivated by the way it spreads.
Like Ghostface.
A single mistake, a single wound, that festers and expands.
It just keeps going, never-ending.
It never ends.
“Is it over? Is it really over?” she whispers, gaze transfixed.
She misses the look Sam shares with Danny.
“It’s over sweetheart, they’re gone and they’re not coming back.”
Tara lets herself be manoeuvred to her feet – not that she could fight against it even if she wanted to – leaning against Danny more than she’d like.
“Yeah,” he chimes in, in that annoying soft tone of his. “You kicked their asses, and you’ll do it next time too!”
“Danny!” Sam hisses through her teeth.
Something about it strikes her. It’s so domestic. It’s funny.
They’re talking about killing people, and it feels normal, it feels like family.
Tara can’t help but laugh. It doesn’t even hurt anymore.
She’s never felt more alive.
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t0ast-ghost · 2 months
Okay I really liked scream 6. Some might argue I just like Jack Quaid too much and that him approximately being in a movie is good enough for me. But No! I think this movie was so genuinely great.
Couple notes on that to elaborate:
- they had a great set up with the last movie, cause we got to see how shitty Richie was as a person and how he died and now we get to watch him get idolized
- the beginning, not one kill that was differing from the norm BUT TWO?!? It must be fucking Christmas (haha I know it’s Halloween in the movie)
- I liked that Jason had posters of metropolis and other German expressionist films on his wall, damn he really is a film student (I’m film student adjacent so I can make this joke)
- the kills were so fucking disturbing, I was left gasping after Anika’s death and almost fucking lost it anytime Mindy or Chad almost died
- that brings me to Mindy, like holy fuck, I really liked her rants in this movie, the last movies one’s felt too preachy and on the nose for me. Her and Anika’s last kiss had me crying. Might be my new favourite character. The terror in the train scene holy shit
- the train scene was masterful. I hated every second, not knowing which party would get attacked, who to trust (it got me to trust Ethan), or just when the fuck anything would happen
- CHASE SCENES! All we really got from 5 was the hospital, this time we get the store, the apartment (truly incredible), and Gale’s house
- Gale actually shooting the fucker was my favourite badass moment (although the end sequence is great I think it’s too sad to be my favourite). I loved how she was taunted but is so skillful and almost beat the fucker
- I also loved the fan theories throughout the movie, from mentioning Stu Macher was alive to how each of the main legacy cast could be the killers
- I found the screams throughout the movie were so intense. I don’t know if I just didn’t realize in previous films but holy shit the screams were so well done by the actors
- The relationships felt so real and they really did feel like people bonded by their past. I loved the way that Tara wasn’t just close to Chad but also Mindy (also that it didn’t feel like her and Chad were close just for romantic/sexual purposes). The part where Tara rests her head on Mindy’s shoulder or where Chad was getting her away from Frankie. Outside of the core four, it still felt real, like the awkward moments with Quinn to how Danny was still a little distanced from Sam since their relationship is new but he still cares for her
- end sequence was so good, I was NOT happy about Chad but I get they needed to get literally every other character out of the way for the sequence other than the two mains (and a cop adjacent character for good measure)
- When Tara and Sam really started fighting back, like he gives his whole fatherly speech and then Sam calls his son a limp dick baby man and you can see his whole facade crumble just a bit and he’s caught off guard
- every time Jack Quaid appeared I laughed because IT WAS JUST SELFIES OF HIM! I really love his acting but when you get a suspect board and it’s a selfie of him in a car with earbuds I’m gonna fucking cackle (though they might’ve used more personal photos throughout to show a more familial connection, make it more homey)
- fairly certain the clip of him talking in his “film” was actually taken from past stuff he’s done? I’m assuming?
- the sequence of them killing everyone was both really well done but also so sad? Like neither of them wanted this, they feel happy about getting back at the people who have supposedly killed all their friends, but Tara starts crying after killing Ethan, Sam doesn’t want to become her father. And she ultimately isn’t, she’s protecting Tara, she’s killing for revenge, whereas Billy did it because he wanted to? (I haven’t watched the first in awhile but I don’t think he had anything against Sid other than the fact he killed her mom) I don’t think what Sam did was something necessarily “right” or “just” she did it for survival, like a bear to protect her cub. That ending in the film it was probably the best turn out.
- Then the ending where both Sam and Tara are coming out from behind the curtain and it says “written and directed by Richie Kirsch” wow just wow. That says so much, cause yeah, he did get his movie, Sam killed a lot.
Well that’s my notes. Really enjoyed, maybe I should rewatch the trilogy and finally watch the fourth movie (I watched one, five, two, then three but wasn’t paying as much attention to three… or two… okay I’m a bad fan)
P.S. I kinda hope they make a series
P.P.S. I have a list of every horror movie I could think of and if you like that sort of thing, check it out! (Maybe even recommend a movie… or five)
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dreamersbcll · 11 months
danny is a himbo in all my potential fics and that will never change. he’s good looking and has nothing going on behind those eyes. just vibing.
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outlawssweetheart · 27 days
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SEE, I'M NOT CRAZY!! I screenshot this last year; a Scream account posted these character shots, and someone commented this. And I'd seen a handful of other people who thought they'd be the killers. I'M NOT MAKING SHIT UP!!! 😭😭
*"Diet Mountain Dew" by Lana Del Rey plays aggressively*
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johnnys-green-pen · 2 years
Alright I’m curious for the ship thing. I’ve seen a couple Johnny/Brackett fics on Ao3 sooo. I guess I’m wondering on your opinion of it?
OH BOY! This is a fun one because I don't really ship it personally, but I fully understand why people might.
There's a very classic Enemies To Lovers storyline in there, which is a Lot of people's favorite ship dynamic
Honestly, the whole "Brackett is technically Johnny's boss and definitely an authority figure" angle probably appeals to people as well. Which I kinda get, I suppose? Especially given Johnny's complicated relationship with authority as a whole; there's some fascinating stuff in there.
Johnny has a pretty good grasp on... wait, let me re-word that, lol.
Johnny clearly understands how Brackett works very early on - he gets snapped at in the pilot and immediately understands that this isn't about him, this is about Brackett being hurt about losing a patient and lashing out. That's fascinating.
Especially because Johnny also takes that kinda stuff to heart so much
They're both deeply passionate and primarily emotion-driven people, which naturally also makes for excellent fic material
This would need its own post, honestly, but something something vulnerability, and how they're both pretty good at it.
"These two are on one wavelength", exhibit B:
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Brackett was reaching out for something to hang on to for most of this rescue, but it was Johnny who finally noticed and actually took his hand.
Brackett is also one of the people who most consistently recognizes and appreciates Johnny's intelligence, competence and resourcefulness. Sure, that's partially because he rarely sees Johnny's really goofy side, but it's still a breath of fresh air.
Given the, ah, the nature of most fics I've seen float around, I'm pretty sure there's plenty of people who just ship it for the Aesthetic (which is perfectly valid) - Johnny is certifiably pretty as hell, and Brackett's probably plenty of peoples' type as well, so smoosh them together for twice the pretty.
TL;DR - Johnny and Brackett are a fascinating combination platonically (which I'm definitely going to explore at some point), and including romance and sex adds some bonus spice and is definitely gonna tickle some people's particular proclivities. Also they're pretty I guess.
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elytrafemme · 2 years
hi o/ a little message for u: 🦎🦞🦘🦝🍁🌻
!!!! :DDD A MESSAGE ... FOR ME !!!!
hm hm hm yes i think i have a message for u! here o/ 💙🌊🌑🐚 <- not sure why the blue theme but it fits i think ^_^
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oldtvlover · 1 year
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Hey E! Gang,
here’s a little appreciation Gif for Randy’s brother Donald and his first appearance in Emergency!.
A second with him might follow but that will be decided later.
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mochitoaster · 2 years
Top 5 shapes top 5 planets 🪐
Oo oo oo! Okay.
TOP 5 SHAPES !!! \o/ in no particular order cuz I’m bad at ranking things:
Circle, triangle, icosahedron (d20 ^_^), pyramid? Or like the long pyramids. Like monuments or whatever, and uhmmm stars! Just all kinds of fun shapes of stars. I like pointy shapes C:
TOP 5 PLANETS!!! Again not in correct order. Ummm only doing solar system ones cuz I can’t think of ones outside of it rn.
URANUS. NEPTUNE. PLUTO. SATURN. VENUS. ^_^ yes I know Pluto is not a planet but I like all the cold ice ones okay. I’d pick an ice comet if I could. Also Uranus is sideways and quirky which makes it number one. Also I like the colour. I like blue and ice I’m sensing a patern. Saturn is cool cuz it has rings (but Uranus is cooler cuz it’s rings are sideways and thinner) and Venus is very pretty with lots of wacky bright colours. Neptune is very blue so therefore it’s good to me C:
Thank you for the ask! \o/ I am full of opinions about nothing and everything thank you thank you
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jaymesdoodles · 2 years
hii tails ^_^! blue heart and uhh trans flag for the ask game :]?
blue heart- well this one's complicated? so my great aunt is a lesbian so I knew about the community for a while but I didn't really know what an "ally" was and I didn't know much about the community when I joined it 😭😭 because I basically said I was bi when all my friends did bc I wanted to "fit in" but I had heard the term before that??? so idk
trans flag- oh definitely the lesbian. it's like sunset colors almost. very beautiful!!
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percentstardust · 3 months
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name: samantha estella martinez carpenter
nickname(s): sam ( call her this only or else! ), sammy ( tara only!!! ), new girl, freak, big sis, rookie, ghost girl, psycho, loomis spawn
age: 26
birthdate: may 19th 1997
species: psychic human with the powers of a medium. she can see and talk to ghosts.
gender: nonbinary
preferred pronoun(s): she/they
sexual orientation: BISEXUAL
parents: christina carpenter [ mother ] ( estranged but reconciling ), emilio carpenter [ step father ] ( estranged ), billy loomis [ birth father ] ( deceased )
siblings: tara carpenter
significant other(s): sam has had various partners. her most notable are as follows: richie kirsch [ EX BOYFRIEND ] ( deceased ) and danny brackett ( current love interest in canon ). her s/o actually depends on the verse but danny is her default s/o.
eye color(s): boba dark brown
hair color(s): light brown, later dyed black
body build: athletic.
height: 5'7"
tagged by: @samcarepeter
tagging: @thvnkpink ( TARA ), @lcveblossomed ( RIPLEY ), @depictedblue, @graunblida, @malumxsubest
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krikeymate · 1 year
Tara crawling into bed with Sam one night after a bad nightmare, not realising that Danny is there too, waking up the next morning cuddled up between Danny and Sam. She feels embarrassed for a minute - but she also feels SO safe! She lets that feeling wash over her, sighs in contentment and goes right back to sleep, not noticing the slight smile on Sam's lips or the way Sam and Danny exchange a sleepy glance of amusement before Sam pulls Tara even closer, never wanting to leave the bed again :)
Anon, thank you for sharing the BEAUTIFUL scene with us all. I'm going to have to make a Sam - Tara - Danny family dynamic tag tomorrow.
I think my favourite thing about this is what you DON'T say, which is that Sam and Danny Do Not cuddle. Sam does not cuddle, except with her sister.
Tara crawls on top of the covers to attach herself to Sam's side. Danny forfeits his share of the covers to wrap over her so she doesnt get too cold in the night.
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prideskullsfics · 17 days
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Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Scream (Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Tamber, Tara Carpenter/Amber Freeman Characters: Amber Freeman (Scream), Tara Carpenter, Danny Brackett, Wes Hicks Additional Tags: Apocalypse, Post-Apocalypse, Zombie Apocalypse, Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse, tamber - Freeform, wlw, Death, Gore, Blood and Injury, Blood and Gore, Blood and Violence, alternative universe, Scream AU, Inspired by Scream (Movies) Summary:
After an zombie outbreak, Tara and Amber run for their lives, as events unfould. Cut to Tara on her way to reunite with the love of her life. Some sectors lay between her and her destiny... We join Tara on her journey.
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walcutt · 8 months
tagged by @eruditetyro for a playlist game... 10 shuffled songs from spotify "on repeat"
1. interlude - my chemical romance
2. jenny was a friend of mine - the killers
3. fuck off get free (for the island of montreal) - silver mt. zion
4. problems - pinegrove
5. train song - feist, benjamin gibbard
6. so far around the bend - the national
7. idioteque - radiohead
8. i want you - paper bird
9. deny it all - the dear hunter
10. brackett, WI - bon iver
i'll also..... tag.... @joculine by specific request, and @kindahaunted and @shillelagh
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womansfilm · 10 months
tagged by the hot dyke mutual @lesbianriverphoenix tyyy🤗
last song played: Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto no.2 op.18
reading: foreign affairs by alison lurie. & i'm at like 1962 in isherwood's diaries and 1936 in charlie brackett's diaries.. going to return to troubled daughters twisted wives soon too
watching: mostly curb your enthusiasm
current obsession: well celia johnson's microscopic filmography but i guess i have to find something new. also ive been away from my home coffee maker and I’ve been so happy to discover the cafe bustelo instant espresso packets they're 6 for 99c and i just want to shout them out bc you can't get anything for 99c these days and they're pretty robust ..
tagging @ablimmingnother @peoplespartiesmp3 @whosafraidofvirginiawoolf @eatingfood if anyone wants xx
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