#boy do this alien got some attitute
gardeningintrests · 1 year
humans are weird- mental health
now that i think about it, everyone and every living thing will have severe mental health issues upon being put in a bad situation or environment, like how dogs and cats will sometimes get anxious and yell and bite at you if you are a bad owner. and how some plants will be scared when you are a person who has done harm to it before.
so now I wonder, will aliens or other species and life tackle this mental health thing? or do they, like animals and plants, just think it's some form of instinct?
lets see how this goes baby
(also, my apologies for the weird English and maybe a switch between the UK and US ver of the language)
as the Terrans announce they have made a station at a dwarf planet near the Intergalactic Transportation Centre (ITC) that specializes in the form of psychology hospital for checkups and therapy sessions.
a few of the more advanced species in the Galactic Union were happy and most of the latter were confused.
psychology? hospital? what is this, do the Terrans think lowly of us so much that they had opened up a "mental hospital"?
upon seeing the rage of 99% of the Galactic Union ( Many species within systems, something like the EU on Earth) because of this newly opened hospital/ clinic/ office that made others feel they are unwell in the head, the Terrans called upon a press conference.
"We have heard of the unhappy feedback of the newly opened office. And I am sure all of you are aware that we humans are one of the sentient species that specializes in biology, especially the brain." The human, dressed in black with a white inner collar shirt paired with a black tie, a way of dressing different from their military, must be one of the Congressmen or a high authority figure.
"We opened this clinic/ hospital/ office because of various reasons. One is because as much more humans are traveling through the galaxies with the crew they are assigned or out on missions and events, we can safely say that more than 30% of our population, are in space, always on the go."
why do the human keep on talking useless speech? why do they not go straight to the point of this conference? such a waste of time.
"However, space travel isn't easy. it isn't quick either. so our kind has to sit through a very long transport, deal with their business, which takes roughly around a few months to a few years, and return back to home world where another long period of transport is needed."
do humans think they are the only ones with this problem? they might be new but they sure are demanding and self-centered aren't they?
"due to this fact, many become homesick and are dealing with chronic depression from the uncomfortable traveling and all the foreign work needed to do. with this and our conducted survey for both our kind and everyone else in the Galactic Union, we have deemed that unfortunately, many of our and your kind are in a very bad situation in terms of mental health "
the human sent everyone who is watching this channel or present a link to a video created by humans ( the link is in the word mental health)
what... what is this? mental health?
upon watching the video, X'aangrak't seemed to understand now. he now understands why humans were so awfully looking all the time.
"because of the risk of illness and the result that comes after we do not wish for our allies and our kind to fall into such a despairing place. we know we are not the only ones with the problem of homesickness, workplace bullying, abuse of power, and many other negative actions. generations, and generations, we and all of the life here have tried the resolve the issue of lives committing suicide acts just to come back to square 1"
the human wasn't wrong, lives are unique, and they are only able to form under the perfect circumstances in a system. so suicide cases is one of the major issues that the council of the Galatic Union has sought to fix
" so we come up with a plan, to not only help our kind but also all of the life that is existing in the Galaxy."
That's a bold move, how is a hospital full of drugs and equipment going to help us? if the issue the Galatic Union can't do anything to resolve this, how do they think they are going to do so?
" as us Terrans, although great at talking, is not so great in terms of communicating our thoughts and feelings. This is very well-known back at homeworld, so humans throughout history have studied how emotions and feelings affect a person and have made effective treatments and even categories of why a specific person is dysfunctional." oh really?
" so, for the sake of yourselves and your kind. the Galatic Union has come this far thanks to all of you. however it is undeniably true that space travel and work, is a heavy subjects that all of us carry inside, the pain sorrow, and tiredness you feel will eventually bring you down to the depths of despair and agony. so for your sake of yourself, give a visit to the new centre we opened, it is specialized in our feeling and emotion.'
" Be not afraid of letting your emotions go sometimes, as to be healthy is to cry, and soothe your own person, it is not a shameful act. but a powerful one That, is the end of my conference."
as the human steps down the stage and heads back to the vehicle transport, many reporters tried asking questions and begging for answers, but to no avail. no reply, just like how the humans in speeches and public has been
maybe... maybe i should give the centre a chance...
as X'aangrak't looks outside of his crew ship, with no one to talk to and always alone despite everyone on the ship. while the stars shone brightly outside in the galaxy, there has always been this feeling in his chest, maybe this time
he will feel better
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soniana252 · 4 years
Farmageddon thoughts:
Aye thought I wasn't gonna do this?? WRONG. I just took a few days bc I wanted to rewatch it and get all the ideas clear for this post, but I did live blog it in my twitter if you wanna check my rambles there.
K here's here it goes(be warned about spoilers and if ur from the US or Latin America GO WATCH IT IT'S ON NETLFIX AND IT'S GOOD):
-It looked like the writers had fun making this, they knew how to settle the whole 'science-fiction' vibe since the beginning(the intro LOOKS exactly like one of an aliens movie) and there were tons of references that even me, someone who doesn't watch much scince-ficiton stuff, understood perfectly.
-Shaun's introduction literally screams 'I'm the protagonist!!' and I find it hilarious.
-Also the gags were so good?? The one with the letters and where the Hazmats thought Bitzer was an alien dcwsgveh so good.
-Bitzer was being stricter in this movie, which does settle the conflict of him being too strict for Shaun recklessness's liking but idk it felt a little off that he didn't even allow them to play frisbee. I guess it's to help the new viewers understand their dynamic right away but...if it was for them, I think it would've been good to make clear that Shaun and Bitzer don't hate each other too(If I've watched the movie without knowing about the show and such I would've thought that at least). Maybe make Shauun glance at a pic of them playing as babies and him sighing or something?  You know, make clear that is just a disagreement and not an everyday thing.
-Tho him saving the day via rule-breaking to show his development was pretty cool. His interactions with Lu-la were so aaa what a good responsible boi.
-I felt like Bitzer got to participate more than in the first movie, but now the farmer was the one I felt was kinda gone. Like the first movie had all the characters conflicts connected in some way and now they were all doing their own thing. It's not bad, just feels strange after seeing them all so attached in the forst movie(I mean, Shaun and the Farmer didn't interact at all, to give you an idea).
-Still, the farmer's constant 'I want money' attitute was a mood lol. The flock may had less participation but each one of their apparitions were funny as heck(loved the building montage and when they helped Shaun in the climax). I'm glad that they still got arcs in the movie even if they weren't as emotional as the first one.
-This movie still had smotions tho!! Shaun's realization that Lu-la was a child hit like a rock(HIS FACE in that scene guys), and when she mentioned her parents with a sad voice -broken heart emoji- and the scene where Agent red sees the public laughing and it brings flashbacks -broken heart x3- AND THE ENDING, IT DESTROYED ME BOTH TIMES I WATCHED IT.
-Honestly I already knew Lu-la was a child so I didn't to be surprised in the reveal but jesus it still got me?? I thought she was like 8 or something but with her plushie and such I think she's half of that so woah, that's why I said it fell heavy.
-Didn't expect to love the robot as much as I did, he's so funny sadwfsad. Loved Agent red too, she was more aggressive than I expected and I wasn't that interested in her at first but she took of her glasses and omg I love you??  Also you already know I love Lu-la with all my heart so that didn't change after watching it lol
-Kinda wish the hazmats had more apparitions, they disappeared in the climax(I guess bc Red decided to take matters on her own hands) and I was left wanting to see them being dumb in the theme park. They are the best I tell you.
-DISAPPOINTED that I didn't see Slip not even in the bg >:(
-Shaun and Lu-la's friendship guys ;;  Loved to see a more responsible Shaun taking in Bitzer's role and feeling how is it to deal with someone so much like him. Kinda admit I identify with them in a way, I was pretty dumb as a kid and annoyed my big sis without intending too oops.
So yeah, the first movie keeps being top tier of emotions while Farmageddon is more like more fun-centred movie that still had emotional moments and knows how to give lessons to learn to their protagonists. That's STS strong point, it knows how to use their characters to make even the simplest story interesting and with lots of emotions. Really looking forward to season 6 and the christmas special!
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