#boruto e shikadai
boybolt · 9 months
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karol-d-gomes · 3 months
Estava escrevendo isso a mais de meia hora e foi tudo deletado, antes que eu me esgane de raiva vamos tentar novamente !
Minha AU sobre o Clã Kazekage !
Antes de tudo vamos começar pelo um sobrenome, os irmãos da areia por volta da casa dos 20 (Temari já era recém casada) que sua mãe não era nativa sunan, era e seu irmão Yashamaru, eram de um clã relativamente pequeno em Tanigakure, a vila dos rios, é o Clã Tsukishima, Kankurou e Gaara quando descobriram isso decidiram começar a usar o sobrenome apenas por homenagem a sua mãe e tio, não teve problema pq o Clã já tava praticamente extinto então não tinha quem reclamar (um detalhe parecido com o assunto e engraçado, Kankurou sempre foi chamado a vida inteira pelo seu primeiro nome então ele nunca pensou que ele poderia ter um segundo nome, nessa mesma época vendo seus registros de nascimento, ele descobre pro choque de Kankurou que sim ele tinha um segundo nome, que é Lee) Agora que acabamos sobre a questão do sobrenome vamos pro que interessa !!!
Vamos começar pela mais velha : Temari !!
Pra ser justa não mudou muita coisa, é aquela coisa do canônico, Temari se casa com Shikamaru e se muda pra Konoha, e eles tiveram 2 filhos, Shikadai, de 13 anos e Yuna, de 11, Yuna tem um cabelo loiro claro que bate nos ombros, usa uma franjinha de um lado da testa, é muito fofo, ela é mais baixa que Shikadai desd sempre, é oficialmente a mais baixa de todos os primos, não a mais nova, ela tem suas vestes com um verde água muito fofo, seus olhos são iguais de seu pai, escuros e profundos. Seu estilo de luta é uma mistura de jutsu das sombras e o leque gigante, que nem Shikadai
Vamos continuando pelo Kankurou, o do meio !!
Kankurou e Kiba começaram a namorar na casa dos 20, Kankurou com 22 e Kiba com 20 pra ser exata, Kankurou tem um charme assustador que fez até Tsume gostar dele, ela nem esconde que é o genro favorito dela, não é necessário, com quase 1 ano de namoro quem entra no relacionamento é a Kanao, Kanao é uma mulher ruiva ondulada com uma franjinha tipo taylor swift que tem 1,68 de altura, ela é descrita pelo outros como gentil e atenciosa, e desde então os 3 estavam em um relacionamento, dps se alguns anos casaram e Kiba se mudou pra Suna pra morar com o moreno e a ruiva, e tiveram 3 filhos, Kioshi é o mais recente filho dos 3, não ironicamente ele é o mais velho, Kioshi tem 15 anos, tem pelo menos 1,70 de altura, cabelos castanhos não tão claro e nem tão escuros, totalmente bagunçados, olhos tão escuros, esticados e profundos que é fofo e assustador ao mesmo tempo, e temos a mais nova, Kaori, Kaori tem 11 anos e é mais nova que a Yuna por apenas 4 meses, ela é totalmente energética e direta, é um pouco mais alta que a Yuna, tem um cabelo castanho escuro, é liso e podem ser mt arrumados ou bem bagunçados, Kaori por algum milagre da genética conseguiu os olhos roxos de sua avó, Karura, que até então não tinha nem filhos e, até o nascimento dela, nem netos com esse olho, foi emocionante, suas vestes são baseadas em cores pastéis, mas na sua roupa de chunin de sempre é específicamente um macacão preto jardineira com uma blusa roxa com o simbolo de suna na parte do lado da blusa, como já foi mencionado ela é descrita como energética e totalmente impaciente com atitudes idiotas dos outros, e principalmente com alguém que não adimite os erros, pessoas que não admitem os erros nunca vão evoluir mentalmente, foi assim que eles foram criados e vai ser assim que eles vão acreditar (não que estivessem errados, Kank, Kibs e Nao estão certíssimos).
Vamos com o nosso mais novo agora, Gaara !!
Gaara passou a vida toda nunca pensando em sentimentos ou relacionamentos, até mesmo na vida adulta, foi uma coisa que nunca fez sentido pra ele, mas então, na época um pouco antes (tipo uns 2 anos antes) de Boruto de alguma forma que Gaara e Lee nunca ousaram a explicar apareceram namorando, agora eles tão acostumando a ideia de Shinki, filho adotado de Gaara e Metal, filho de Lee, se darem bem, virarem uma familia ( é claro que nenhum dls dois vão forçar seus filhos a se gostarem, mas seria bom se eles fossem amigos) que até que deu certo, Metal e Shinki se dão bem, é ainda uma familia diferenciada em trabalho, Shinki e Metal tem 13 anos.
Tenho tanto pra falar dessa família !!! Por hoje é só, estou orgulhosa que eu finalmente botei uma as AU que eu tenho em mente em um post, é gratificante, mesmo que não seja cheio de curtidas e essas merdas, só botar oq eu penso em palavras já é muito bom, espero que tenham gostado, até a próxima 👋👋👋
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christelightlavo · 2 years
Boruto as Wilbur soot quotes.
Boruto :- if it pleases the court, I would like to say my opponent is talking shit.
Sasuke :-........
Boruto :- if you can't handle me at my worst , you don't deserve my mental baggage.
Momoshiki :- do you think before you speak??
Boruto :- nope.
Boruto, six years old:- I am gay! I am gay for the egg!
Naruto :- wha--
Boruto :- if the shop can't give me what I need: I will just burn it to the ground, and kill the occupants. That doesn't make me a Karen, it makes me a psychopath, okay?
Sarada:- I am so conflicted by you're weirdness and the choices you make.
Boruto :- I just realised there is nothing stopping from drinking lava lamps.
Konohamaru:- please don't drink lava lamps...
Boruto :- Maybe if we just 69 each other,.. The world would be a better place.
Kawaki :- what the fuck is 69?
Boruto :- Well I get to decide the group name. Cum-e squard.
Shikadai :- I have nothing else to live for.
Boruto :- How is being arrested real? Just walk away??
Sasuke :- that is not how things work
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ao3feed-the100 · 11 months
Azgeda: Nação Dominante (Boruto: Naruto next generation)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/iUWG5kf
by Dee_mu
— Que merda, me deixa em paz… — disse entre o choro, agarrando seus cabelos com força e arrastando as costas pela porta até chegar ao chão, se encolhendo e deixando as lágrimas saírem, tremendo. Seu coração palpitava tão rápido que parecia que iria pular para fora de seu peito, o ar parecia que não era suficiente em seus pulmões e a ancia de vomito fazia tudo parecer pior. A sensação da mão áspera contra sua pele era incômoda, assim como a sensação molhada em seu pescoço. — Sai daqui… Sai daqui… — dizia entre o choro.
 A batalha entre os terrestres e o Povo do Céu levava cada vez mais vidas. Além da ameaça vinda do espaço, Boruto Uzumaki precisa lidar com a guerra entre os povos vizinhos desde muito novo. Era apenas uma criança quando o posto de Comandante lhe foi passado. Além do peso de liderar uma grande nação e levá-la à vitória, precisa aprender a lidar com a morte de sua família e as lembranças traumáticas de seu passado que lhe infernizam dia e noite.
O futuro da nação está em suas mãos.
 Um crossover de Boruto e a série The 100.
*Não recomendado para pessoas sensíveis.*
Words: 3621, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Português brasileiro
Fandoms: Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, Naruto, The 100
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Other
Characters: Uzumaki Naruto, Hyuuga Hinata, Uzumaki Himawari, Uzumaki Boruto, Kawaki (Naruto), Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sarada, Mitsuki (Naruto), Nara Shikadai, Nara Shikamaru, Gaara (Naruto), Temari (Naruto), Yamanaka Ino, Sai (Naruto), Kankurou (Naruto), Morino Ibiki, Yuino Iwabee, Kaminarimon Denki, Akimichi Chouchou, Kakei Sumire, Jigen (Naruto), Delta (Naruto), Ootsutsuki Isshiki, Ootsutsuki Momoshiki, Amado (Naruto)
Relationships: Kawaki/Uzumaki Boruto, Kawaki & Uzumaki Boruto, Uchiha Sarada/Uzumaki Boruto, Uchiha Sarada & Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Boruto/Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Boruto, Uzumaki Boruto & Uzumaki Himawari, Nara Shikadai/Uzumaki Boruto, Uzumaki Boruto & Uzumaki Naruto, Uzumaki Himawari & Uzumaki Naruto, Hyuuga Hinata & Uzumaki Boruto, Hyuuga Hinata & Uzumaki Himawari, Hyuuga Hinata & Uzumaki Boruto & Uzumaki Himawari & Uzumaki Naruto, Hyuuga Hinata/Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura & Uchiha Sarada & Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Sasuke & Uzumaki Boruto, Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Boruto, Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke & Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke
Additional Tags: The 100 - Freeform, Uchiha Sasuke & Uzumaki Naruto Friendship, Top Uzumaki Naruto, Protective Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Sasuke Has Issues, Bottom Uzumaki Boruto, Uzumaki Boruto-centric, Baby Uzumaki Boruto, Gay, Gay Sex, Sex, Lesbian Sex, Rape/Non-con Elements, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Rape, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Child Abuse, Abuse, Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Trauma, Psychological Trauma, Medical Trauma, Depression
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/iUWG5kf
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sulan1809 · 1 year
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Boruto Uzumaki - Por que o filho de Naruto é tão odiado pelos fãs?!
Enquanto que em Naruto original e Shippuden, Naruto Uzumaki, apesar de ser um completo desmiolado, cativou os fãs e revolucionou para sempre os padrões dos shinobi, ironicamente, Boruto Uzumaki é o personagem mais detestado no anime em que ele é o protagonista. Só pra relembrar, quais são os personagens de Naruto com o maior número de haters?! Sakura Haruno, quando foi apresentada ao público, era uma menina muito arrogante e abusiva(batia no Naruto diversas vezes, até mesmo quando ele não fazia coisa errada) e passava o tempo todo correndo atrás de Sasuke, o herdeiro Uchiha, em vez de se portar como uma Kunoichi decente no campo de batalha, em Naruto Shippuden, Sakura se tornou mais forte com o treinamento de Tsunade e até ganhou destaque na luta contra Sasori, no entanto, a garota rosada recebeu ainda mais desprezo quando ela fez aquela falsa confissão amorosa para Naruto, e voltou a depender do apoio do protagonista outra vez, fora o péssimo desempenho na luta contra Obito Uchiha; Sasuke Uchiha, por outro lado, foi alvo dos haters desde o começo, principalmente porque ele era um garoto arrogante com complexo de divindade, tratando a todos(Inclusive Naruto), como seres inferiores, e o haterismo pelo herdeiro Uchiha cresceu ainda mais quando ele traiu Konoha para se juntar a Orochimaru, e depois que matou Itachi, Sasuke estava determinado a destruir Konohagakure por vingança. Danzo Shimura, em um certo aspecto, é considerado o personagem mais odiável de Naruto, uma vez que ele foi o principal orquestrador do genocídio Uchiha, tentou matar Hiruzen Sarutobi diversas vezes, além de ter implantado no braço direito dele, vários Sharingan e o DNA de Mokuton do Shodaime Hokage, Hashirama Senju.  
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Sobre Boruto, o que podemos dizer, é que ele tem uma personalidade similar a do pai dele, Naruto, no entanto, o herdeiro Uzumaki é duas vezes rebelde e arrogante, mas também mimado. Naruto teve de passar por muitos obstáculos e dificuldades para alcançar o título de Hokage, sem falar do ostracismo ao qual ele foi submetido por parte de alguns idiotas de Konohagakure, que não sabiam distinguir uma Kunai de um Pergaminho. No entanto, o filho dele, Boruto, não enfrentou nenhuma dificuldade, não passava de um moleque mimado que era desrespeitoso com muitas pessoas, incluindo o pai dele, Naruto, o Sétimo Hokage. Durante a luta contra Shikadai Nara, Boruto recorreu ao bracelete científico shinobi para se safar, no entanto, ele foi exposto como um trapaceiro por Naruto. Esse incidente em particular foi o estopim para o desenrolar da detestação que muitos fãs têm pelo filho de Naruto... Pelo menos ele teve Sasuke como sensei... Será que ainda há redenção para Boruto? Ou será que é tarde demais para reverter a situação?! Veremos... 
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valeriiene · 2 years
Naruto Masterlist
yandere team minato 
yandere team minato nsfw
yandere kid obito
yandere Jiraiya, Kagami, Ao, Inoichi, Fugaku, Mikoto and Danzo
letters A,E,F and H With Itachi, Madara, Shisui and Obito 
roommate headcanons (naruto, sasuke, chouji, lee, kiba, shikamaru, neji, shino)
yandere kid kakashi
yandere academy kakashi
yandere anbu kakashi
kimimaro may love you, but it would never surpass his devotion to orochimaru
being dumb and 12 years old with team 7
konoha 12 with their children going through the same trauma they did
Three-Man Squad Relationship Headcanons with Deidara and Sasori
Three-Man Squad Relationship Headcanons with Itachi and Kisame
tobirama asks hashirama if he misses mito (meme)
sasuke shippuden 
sasuke the last 
team 7 in boruto 
sasuke shippuden 
curse mark sasuke
naruto and sasuke in jonin outfits
kakashi holding kid sasuke and naruto from fighting
itachi and kisame 
kushina with a fox tattoo on her back
kid-teen minato
kid minato and jiraiya
jinchuuriki rin 
genderbend sasunaru
kakashi and obito two sides
good obito/jonin obito
sasuke and obito talk about their boyfriend’s weddings 
tenten in training clothes with her hair down
tobirama painting his lines
normal sasuke and genderbend sasuke with mikoto
uchihas at the beach (sasuke, itachi, madara)
frog naruto uzumaki
madara realizes tobirama is a mother duck with its ducklings
the last hinata with boruto, the last ino with inojin, the last temari with shikadai
akatsuki redesign (deidara, sasori, kakuzu, hidan, kisame, itachi)
sasori fairy thief fantasy au
evil kakashi
sakura x mermaid hinata
sai x ino + road to ninja sai  x ino
saiino faces 
ino falls on sai
inojin holds flowers
16 year old inojin
bored teen inojin
inojin when the wind blows
inojin with shikadai
inojin shielding his eyes from the sun
inojin “you got a problem?”
saiino modern office au
sai face fanart
saiino in the bath (nsfw since they’re pretty much nude)
saiino dark au with sexual tension
the last sasuhina
sasuhina traveling au
naruto reading colored
happy birthday naruto
rtn sasuke and sarada annoying sakura
rtn boruto and sarada
genderbend saiino
adult rin nohara with long hair
nukenin kakashi + being chased by tobi
MASTERLIST for all other masterlists
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formulanaa · 3 years
Metadinha: Boruto e Shikadai 💗
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boruto-the-rewrite · 3 years
At the beginning of school this week, we had the students due an “about me” assignment. It was due today, so here are some of them. Last names have been censored for privacy.
From Boruto U.: 
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[Image ID: A third grade “all about me assignment”, where individual fields are written in with red ink and messy, childish handwriting. It reads: “All about: Boruto. I am 8 1/3 years old. I live with my mommy. My Friends Are: Scourge!!! Himawari. I like to watch: SSS Warriors. My Favorite Color: red. Food: burger. Animal: cats (with a backwards ‘s’). Books: Warriors. Favorite Activities: playing warriors with my sister. I am good at baking cookies (mispelled). When I grow up I want to be: Scourge.” Next to “scourge” there is a drawing of an angry looking cat. End ID.]
This one was a little hard for me to read... I had to get my teacher’s assistant to help me decipher it. As a longtime friend of his mother, I have known Boruto for many years and can safely say this is accurate (although admittedly it’s a little embarrassing I didn’t know about the cat books earlier). He is certainly good at helping Hinata “back cokies”.
From Inojin Y.:
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[Image ID: Various parts of the paper are filled in with black. It reads: “All About: Inojin Yamanaka. I live with: Sai & Ino Yamanaka. Friends: Chouchou, Shikadai, Chouchou’s friends. I like to watch: Bob Ross. My Favorite Color: Black. Food: cheesy goldfish. Animal: Lion. Books: Percy Jackson (Percy is spelled with an ‘s’). Favorite activities: Drawing, game, drawing, lego. When I grow up I want to be: tattoo artist (tattoo is spelled with only two ‘t’’s and one ‘o’). I am good at: everything.” End ID.]
A very creative child, though I’m surprised he didn’t use any colors; I left some crayons and colored pencils out for everyone to use. Normally he includes much more color in his work... either way, it’s no surprise he wants to be a tattoo artist. 
From Sarada U.:
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[Image ID: The same paper. It’s written in cursive, and some parts are colored in. It reads: All about: Sarada Uchiha. I am 8 years old. I live with: Mom. My friends are: Chouchou. I like to watch: documentaries (misspelled; missing the ‘a’). My Favorite Color: chartreuse (misspelled, written in red ink). Drink: blackberry tea (mispelled; berry has an ‘a’ instead of an ‘e’). Animal: okapi. Favorite activities: studying, reading. Books: Cambell’s Biology 9th version. I am good at: spelling. When I grow up I want to be: hokage.” End ID.]
We haven’t started learning cursive yet, but it seems Sarada already has most of it down; it’s pretty messy though, and again I had to enlist my TA to help. Amusingly, she wrote chartreuse in red. I think this might also be a sign for me to start focusing more on proper spelling. Maybe I can combine it with our ninja theory lessons.
From Mitsuki:
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[Image ID: “All About: Mitsuki. I am 8 months old. I live with: parent. My friends are: snake, log, metal. (Snake is misspelled as snek.) I like to watch: Wild Kratt. My Favorite Color: #62F0C8. Food: scrambled egg. Animal: snake (snake is misspelled the same as before). Favorite activities: Instead of text, there are some childish doodles of green snakes. Books: Chika Chika Boom Boom. I am good at: staring contest. When I grow up I want to be: Herpatologist.” End ID.]
I have some concerns regarding the recent transfer student Mitsuki. For one he didn't write his last name, and most of his friends seem to be some sort of inanimate object or wild animal. The ‘parent’ is probably referring to the person in his last drawing. I'm also not too sure he understood what the assignment meant under the "color" section, he seems to have just written a bunch of numbers and letters (unless that’s the name of a color...?) . All in all, this project has created more questions than answered them...
From Metal L.:
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[Image ID: The handwriting is extremely small and hard to see. It reads: “All About: Metal Lee. I am Eight years old. I live with: Dad, Grandpa, and Sleepy Grandpa. My friends are: dad, grandpa, sleepy grandpa, Mirai. I like to watch: Dragon Ball Z. My Favorite Color: green. Food: Curry of life. Animal: Hitmonlee. Favorite activities: running, workout, pokemon, hiking/camping. Books: Martha speaks. When I grow up I want to be: dad.” The ‘I am good at’ section is left blank. End ID.]
I appreciate the fact that Metal Lee did the assignment properly, although it would be appreciated if he learned to write a bit bigger; I had to ask my TA to help ‘translate’ this one too. He also left the "I'm good at" section blank; did he forget to do it, or is this an insecurity problem? It's good to see a kid his age enjoying so many outdoor activities though. 
From Chouchou A.:
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[Image ID: The writing is childish, and the writing is in multiple colors. The I’s are dotted with hearts. Some sections are colored in with bright colors. It reads: All About: ChouChou. I am: 8 years old. I live with: Akimichi clan. My friends are: Sarada, Inojin, Shikadai, Sweetie (misspelled as “sweatie”), Shinki, Boruto (??). I like to watch: all cartoons. My favorite color: pink. Food: caviar. Animal: monarch butterfly (misspelled with only one t). Favorite activities: watch cartoons, talk with friends. (the e and i in friends are switched). Books: Happy Happy Clover. I am good at: making friends (misspelled the same way as before). When I grow up I want to be: fashionista.” End ID.]
I'm glad to see how much color Chouchou used in her project, and also at the amount of friends she's been able to make. Her strong ambitions to be a fashionista is reflected in her work. It’s also very nice to see her have so many friends... though I’m not sure why Boruto has question marks next to his name.
Of the students who offered to share theirs, only one didn’t turn in anything. I’ve contacted their parents about participation.
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soliavenne · 3 years
Did my mind really just make Shikadai the main character? I guess so. My brain is probably too starved for sand siblings content. I'm sorry about that, you definitely didn't miss an episode. I'm glad you saw that corner and immediately thought of a picture frame too. Given that it is his office it might be one of those more official pictures with the other kage/naruto? But since everyone in this show has so many photos of memories, I would say he probably has all of the ones you mentioned! ◇
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The Sand family deserves their own spin-off show, I'll have that shit tattooed on my back if I get wasted as fuck on alcohol on a Friday night and I will not regret it even one bit. 😂😭😂😭😂😂
They could carry their own show knowing how actually popular they are amongst the audience. It would've been nice to explore something that you know /insert that shocked gasp meme/ SOMETHING THAT ISN'T ABOUT KONOHA???
It sucks because Boruto seems like they're going with the DBZ alien shit trope and there's this dread inside me that says it wouldn't be too long before the other villages that are still living the good old shinobi life would be forgotten until a new war comes and the chances that they'll only be useful again to the plot is to be some poor shock death scenes for the sake of poor shock death scenes and that is d i s r e s p e c t f u l. 😠😠😭😭
It feels like all that's left to focus on are just the overpowered main characters of the show. WHERE WOULD THAT LEAVE THOSE AWESOME PEOPLE WHO STILL UPHOLD THE OG CORE OF THE SHOW FROM THE VERY BEGINNING??? 😭😭😭
Plots for secondary characters are only solid if it's directly significant to the main character, but once it isn't, the story-telling drops in quality. The main enemies they're facing aren't inclusive to the majority of the characters. It's like they don't even want to develop anyone outside Naruto, Sasuke and Boruto anymore and that sucks.
you got me sobbing good ◇. 😭😭 there are times where talking with you and reading your perspective just feels like
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Thank you so sooo much for having me, love! ❤❤❤
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senbons · 4 years
what do you think of shikatema's relationship after the war and in boruto? genuinely curious
So, as a disclaimer, I have neither read nor watched Boruto. I have seen some panels and watched a few episodes (specifically those which feature shikatema), but I am not really well-versed in the material. I may rally one day and sit down and read it, but I have no plans for that as of now. So keep in mind that my conception is not formed from strong knowledge and is not particularly well-based.
But okay! So in short: I don’t dislike all of their portrayal post-war, but I don’t like much of it. I think it is a bad combination of their relationship in pre-shippuden and shippuden.
To break that down semi-coherently, in the beginning when they meet, Shikamaru is often an asshole in the way he speaks (generally toward women) and Temari, honestly, is a bitch. But they are young. And these flaws, the specifics around them, are very complimentary, and we as readers saw how these two characters, who already, in their brief time together, had shaken the other’s foundations, could mature together. The things that would make her stronger and better, he had, and vice-versa. They were young, but we saw how they could develop to bring out the best in the other.
In Shippuden, this is exactly what happened. In what little bits we saw, they pushed each other to be better versions of themselves. They connected in a way with the other that we had never seen either of them connect before. Of course, it’s not like Temari was the sole influence on turning Shikamaru from boy to man or anything like that, but you saw how she understood him in a way we hadn’t seen before except from his immediate family (and I count team 10 in that). And the same for her. Even in the very beginning after the time-skip, after Naruto accuses them of being on a date, right? That next morning when he wakes up early just to accompany her for a few minutes longer… when he waits for her? That sort of acknowledgment of the other, of the desire for the other’s attention, of confidence in the relationship… that was so strong, so powerful to me. To see both of them genuinely want to spend time with the other (have we ever seen anything like that from either of them before?!)… that was the kind of relationship we had all theorized pre-shippuden. I also always love that filler episode where Konohamaru tries to fight her and he comes and interrupts and speaks of her without even looking at her — that’s a deep-rooted level of confidence in a relationship… and it was very REAL (and very sexy). (I won’t go into this more here, but @sylversmith and I wrote a whole thing about their relationship a few weeks ago).
So then in the next gen, post-war, it often feels like all the development of Shippuden goes out the window. They revert back to their original, pre-shippuden ways as far as their relationship goes, with only the occasional sprinkle of shippuden-era development.
I see this specifically in the way in which Temari is portrayed. She has suddenly become the “annoying housewife” that parrots Shikamaru’s immature imagination when he was twelve that turned him off marriage in the first place. It’s a parody of her character. She was strong-minded and independent and all those things, but she was also sensible and she and Shikamaru were equals. Now she nags, and screams, and hits Shikamaru and Shikadai as a joke. It does away with absolutely all the maturity she had found since we met her at the chunin exams. It might as well have been the last time we saw her as Kishi just threw out everything else! And Shikamaru, while he does show his maturity since childhood in his work, he is once more portrayed as that sexist little kid from childhood at home. He talks of Temari like he is scared of her to his son. That’s so fucked up in light of where they had been and where they should have gone. And that whole Shikaku “the hardest women are soft w the men the love” or whatever bullshit — that is portrayed against both their characters as well. Temari, when she is “gentle” or w/e with Shikamaru, is almost always so only in relation to sex or to romance. And then suddenly she is unsure and girly and shy and blushing (childlike, honestly) and Shikamaru is The Man and he takes charge of his now mild-mannered wife…. 
That being said, there are moments where we see that old, shippuden-era relationship. I think specifically of the chunin exams w Shikadai where they think on the other with that old admiration and confidence. And once when Temari was talking to Shikadai about his father and his strength as a strategist — that sort of relationship is very attractive to me. You could see how they knew each other and loved each other and were raising a son together — how they wanted the same things with the same ends. You could see how they complimented the other without it being a mockery of their characters.
(and DO NOT get me started on her moving to konoha full time because that’s the biggest load of bullshit i’m sorry and I’ll argue this point forever)
So in summary, that’s my general (not well researched) understanding of boruto. And of the other eras too I guess. But that’s how I understood the characters and what I wanted to happen. It’s just my opinion! I don’t think I’m “right” or anything!!!
I hope that answers your question!
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boybolt · 8 months
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Best friends and their families 🥰
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nillegible · 4 years
WIP Sampler Basket
A meme for people with a lot of WIPS!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
Tagged by @vandrell and @myakkoh ! I don’t think you guys will get anything at all from my Wip file names, because most of them I can’t identify without opening. I also have the horrid habit of writing random fic in whatever file is open at the time, which is how I sometimes find a few-thousand words of a WIP for a HP fic in an Orochimaru file, or something. Settle in, I have a lot of files.
Main WIP folder:
AU Changeling Coma_grey Did Master Gyatso ever tell you the story of Ger e-ming Happy First of July It was not his fault It It2 Jiang Cheng would like to say it was an accident JZxun gestures to his archers Lan Xichen has the blood of innocents on not just his hands
MadaTobi Week 2019 (AutoRecovered) MadaTobiChristmas MDZS Meng Yao as a Shinki that Nie Mingjue has Meng Yao still comes home with Huaisang MengYaoOnQJ Merlin Names Nie Mingju Nie Mingjue still can Once a month Once NHS turns ten pâro MadaTobi-Red White and Royal Blue RegulusFicCh2 remaining Seven days after Jiang Cheng So I SQQ Stay Tada The BIn There is a dark To Everyone Voldemort is dead Weasleys Wei Ying Wen Ning meets TGCF WenNingMockingjay What happened Who WWXdiesNotDies1 WWXdiesNotDies2 WWXdiesNotDies3 You didn You don You   Your Name Wangxian AU
In sub folders:
Anon No one had been trying to get the Hufflepuff prefect killed At first Teddy thinks that James is just disappointed that Albus had been sorted Slytherin Chuuya I kind of want to write an AU where Harry doesn LKDeletedScenes Lupin Merlin Percy Percy2 Percy3 Ang In a different Universe It hurts It turns out that Jin Zixuan really wasn It (a different file than the previous, in a sub folder) LQR LXC sets up a barrier talisman to block the entrance to the tunnel Meng Shi dies when MY is only 6 yrs old San She SheFixed Yao 3 Yao Yao2 ArrangedMarriageAU bingo Boruto thinks he should be angry at Kagura Boruto2 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Halloween His phone vibrates in his pocket during his meeting with his boss I think that Iruka startles awake around four in the morning and can Konoha is broken in myriad ways after the Kyuubi Madara2 Madara 2-5 MadaTobi Week 2019 Naruto Bingo Naruto Magic Week B Naruto Magic Week Naruto Needlecraft Shikadai tobidrama Tobirama has earned himself an unshakeable reputation of cold Chapter5Only JCLetter JCLetter 2 JCLetter 3 JCLetter 4 JCLetter 5
That’s all! Please feel free to ask about any of the WIPs, I’ll try to give you a snippet or two/answer questions!
I’m tagging @nitilia, @ibijau,  @nmingjue, @denira... I hope you guys don’t mind!
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digital-dhampirs · 4 years
Boruto theories/headcanons (spoilers for Boruto episode 1- episode 70)
So I’ve been watching Boruto like a madman and here are some of my favorife headcanons/ theories for the show! Will have spoilerssss
new ship: Hanabi and Konohamaru. They’re in the same age group, get along well, and their interaction during the recap episode where all the teachers reflect on their students before the chunin exams? adorable.
another new ship: Cho-Cho and Shinki; we haven’t seen much of them but their dynamic reminds me of like... if the gaara vs. naruto fight and the temari vs. shikamaru fight from the chunin exams in naruto had a baby....
another new ship, this one is like 100% a headcanons: shikadai and ryogi
boruto’s forgetfulness isn’t just forgetfulness, it’s memory loss due to some outside force?
*sobbing* sasuke come back and teach sarada chidori
I know sarada’s going to get the other two wheels in her sharingan at some point, but I’m super torn about her and the mangekyo. On one hand I really want sarada to get the mangekyo sharingan and become incredibly op (and it seems like a sort of prereq to being hokage) but on the other hand in order for her to achieve the mangekyo she’d have to go through something like her family or friends being slaughtered and I don’t want that for her TT-TT
ok hear me out I’m pretty sure boruto and sarada are gonna be a couple, right?? it’s like the culmination of sasunaru in the next generation lmao... anyways, this is thinking waaaay too far ahead but I wanna see the world where sarada is hokage (ninth hokage, after konohamaru oFC) and Boruto is her right hand man, making sure she always comes home to interact with the kids no matter how much work she has
I also wanna see Himawari become a ninja
also, sarada already has a lot of itachi in her (reliable, good at genjutsu even tho she’s a kid, etc) I want to see m o r e of this comparison
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shikamarubase · 5 years
Who do you think Shikadai takes more after physically, and who personality vise?
The more I watch the show, the more I think Shikadai takes after Temari. 
Looks-wise, Shikadai has Shikamaru’s hair but the facial features and eyes are all Temari. They even have the same facial expressions sometimes!
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Personality-wise, imo he’s 30% Shikamaru and 60% Temari (the rest of the 10% is personality unique to him alone). It’s true Shikadai and Shikamaru share the same catchphrase and techniques; they’re both wired to be strategists who think with logic and rationale rather than emotions. But I believe deep inside, Shikadai inherited Temari’s F I R E. Shikadai may act unmotivated, but he’s shown time and time again that he’s anything but; Shikadai has the desire to succeed. Before the Chunin Exam, he worked his butt off training, creating a new technique, all in order to beat Boruto. And when he “lost” (quotation mark because he should’ve won. I’m still salty sp), he questioned everything: why did he lose? Where was he lacking? Was he just not good enough? More than anything, he was disheartened at his lost and disappointed in himself for not doing more. You may argue and say he gave up just like Shikamaru during his match against Temari so like father like son, but no it’s not the same. Shikamaru gave up just as he was on the verge of winning because of some bs reason like running low on chakra, when he could’ve just bonked Temari’s head with her own fan and won. I’m guessing the real reason Shikamaru gave up was because he had no motivation to continue on, he didn’t care if he made Chunin or not. In fact, he didn’t even want to participate in the first place🤷🏻‍♀️ But Shikadai? He gave up because he saw no way of escaping Boruto’s clones. To put it simply, he had no choice but to give up. He didn’t want to throw in the towel, but his logical mind knew there was no way out. But even so, he hated losing. He’s shown more motivation in that one match than Shikamaru ever did in his entire time as a Genin. Afterwards, you can tell he’s been striving to improve his skills and strategies, to get stronger and better, and every time he encounters an overwhelmingly strong opponent, his motivation flares. 
Before this turns into a dissertation (I have a powerful urge to analyze his character further), I’ll list down other traits he inherited from Temari. 
Her quick temper
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Older sibling kind of feeling
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Not afraid to show off his knowledge/skills
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Blunt (when he was telling Metal off for his anxiety) 
Prideful (when he told Yodo not to look down on him) 
And confident (based from tonight’s episode, he’s confident with his skills)
With all this, I personally don’t understand people who are still saying he’s a Shikamaru clone when it’s CLEAR Temari’s rockin’ the genes pool. 
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shikanaradai · 6 years
Thank you for the tag @shikamarubase  
Rules: Answer all questions and tag 20 people
Star Sign: Aries
Height: 5′3″
Gender: Female
Birthday: April 1st (Legit🤣)
Relationship status: Single
Who is your crush: None… Gladion and Shikamaru 🙈
Song that is stuck in your head: Voice for you - ShikaTema’s VAs
Last movie: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Last TV show: Is Hell’s Kitchen one? I like hearing Gordon flipping out
Why did you create this blog: First it was to get updates on the Naruto anime and stuff like that. Never really wanted to post stuff about the anime but somehow I got started and here I am, stalking for more Naruto blogs 😂
What do you post / reblog: Something I find really funny about the Nara fam (And baby Shikadai, we need more of those, y’all)
Last thing you googled: “benzine” Don’t ask, I just turned in my final Biology project. Got Chemistry project due soon 😭
Favorite song lyric: Don’t have one… 🙃 I mainly listen to Naruto/Boruto OPS (I’m such a weeb 😂)
What are you wearing: Sleepwear (I literally just woke up and saw this tag 😂 No first class today so I get an extra 2 hours of sleep 🎉)
Dream job: I just want to work with animals
Currently reading: Hahahah, what is even reading 🤣 (If manga counts, I’m reading mha, 7 deadly sins, Boruto, Conan, and Diamond no Ace II)
Top 3 universes: Pokemon, Boku no Hero Academia, Naruto
Last time I cried and why: Real personal on this one… Got a mental break down just few days ago from stress. I cry when stress (Not good for mental health…)
A picture of me: I look like my twin sister… Go find it 😉
Ideas of a perfect date: Don’t care for dates. I’m not interested in them 🤣
A fact about my life: I don’t swear and cuss while my twin sister swears like a sailor ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ One of my friends said “You’re not a normal”
What’s one thing you regret: Not really dedicating myself to learning a new laguage (I gave up on learning both Korean and Japanese after 2 months)
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: Pffft, why celebrity when you can think of a star? Shikadai obviously 😎
Have you ever taken a picture naked: no
Have you ever had a crush: Never
Have you ever been in a fist fight: Yeah (Got into one with a boy at my school. He started it first but I got the sweet revenge in our Taekwondo class later… I accidentally kicked him in the nuts cuz he didn’t dodge it properly 🤣🤣🤣)
Have you ever snuck out of your house: Hahaha, I’ll die before even I got my foot out
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back: No…?
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun: Never, I’m a good kid 😎
Have you ever been on a plane: Ye
Have you ever kissed a picture: No xd
Have you ever touched a snake: I think I have…? 🤔 but sure 🤣
Have you ever felt like dying: Nah, I rather drown myself in Nara goodness
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t: No
Phobia: Clastrophobia
Middle name: Y’all can never pronounce it :))))
Are you a virgin: Um yes…
What’s your sexual orientation: Never thought about it. Don’t really like being in relationships.
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs: Over my dead body
Someone you miss: My family, I live halfway across the world from them. Only me, mom and my sister are here in Denmark ☹️
Favorite ice cream: Cookie n’ Cream!!!
One insecurity: Have tons but can’t think of one right now on top of my head
What my last text message says: "Có nhx bài j? E còn chưa nộp applications đây" Basically means “what work do you have? I haven’t even submitted my applications yet” Just asking a friend what she does in A Levels since I’m doing IB… We’re applying for uni atm ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Have you ever painted your room: Does drawing on it when I was a toddler count?
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex: no
Have you ever slept naked: no
Have you ever been dumped: no
Have you ever stole money from a friend: no
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met: no
Have you ever been arrested: no
Have you ever made out with a stranger: no
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere: Yeah, my friends and I always hang at her house to play with her cat :D
Have you ever left your house without telling your parents: no
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor: no
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex: My mom, my sister and my cousin :] My friends as well (I miss sleepovers 😂)
Have you ever seen someone die: Yes… My great grandmother died around her family members. I was 13 and it left a huge mental scar
Favorite Harry Potter spell: I don’t want Harry Potter 🙃 Don’t kill me
Have you ever hated the way you look: Yeah, I share the same look as my sister (I’m the older one hehe)
Have you ever witnessed a crime: No but I saw a few motorcycle crashes in my life (smh, stupid drivers. They didn’t signal)
Have you ever pole danced: tf is that? 🙃
Have you ever been lost: Yeah, even with google map ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country: Kinda but not really…? It’s too hot down there 😂
20 people to tags… Aight then… :)
@narutostuff101 @myseashellblog @narutogt @midorichan12 @whattadragg@xmonday-mintx @miss-akimichi @shikatemalove1 @sehuntema and other people who wants to do it :)
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virahaus · 5 years
ENG: Here is the list of all the fandoms I write (and draw) about and the ships I like! The ones with “xxx*” are my OTPs!
ITA: Ecco qui la lista dei fandom dove scrivo (e disegno) e delle ship che mi piacciono! Le coppie contrassegnate da “xxx*” sono le mie OTP!
DCU & DCAU & DCEU: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne* - Tim Drake/Kon-El | Connor Kent - Dick Grayson/Barbara Gordon - Apollo/Midnighter - Hernan Guerra/Kirk Langstrom - Poison Ivy/Harley Queen - Dick Grayson/Jason Todd - Dick Grayson/Koriand’r - Damian Wayne/Jon Kent - Martha Kent/Jonathan Kent - Thomas Wayne/Martha Wayne - Thomas Wayne/Alfred Pennyworth/Martha Wayne - Alfred Pennyworth/Martha Kent - Tim Drake/Stephanie Brown - Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain - Dick Grayson/Wally West - Hal Jordan/Barry Allen - Arthur Curry/Mera - Jason Todd/Roy Harper - Diana Prince/Steve Trevor - Oliver Queen/Dinah Lance - Lois Lane/Selina Kyle - Lois Lane/Richard White - 
MARVEL UNIVERSE: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark* - Natasha Romanoff/James “Bucky” Buchanan Barnes - Natasha Romanoff/Bruce Banner - Thor Odinson/Bruce Banner - Tony Stark/Loki Laufeyson - Sam Wilson/James “Bucky” Buchanan Barnes - James “Rhodey” Rhodes/Virginia “Pepper” Potts - Tony Stark/James “Bucky” Buchanan Barnes - Steve Rogers/Tony Stark/James “Bucky” Buchanan Barnes - Natasha Romanoff/Clint Barton - Clint Barton/Phil Coulson - Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff/Phil Coulson - Happy Hogan/Virginia “Pepper” Potts - James “Rhodey” Rhodes/Carol Danvers - Teddy Altman/Billy Kaplan - Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier* - Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson - Peter Parker/Gwen Stacy - Peter Parker/Wade Wilson - Wanda Maximoff/Vision - Eddie Brock/Venom Symbiote - Dan Lewis/Anne Weying - Tony Stark/Stephen Strange - Tony Stark/T’Challa - Peter Parker/Flash Thompson - Tony Stark/Peter Quill - Peter Quill/Gamora - Tony Stark/Erik Killmonger - Tony Stark/Doctor Doom - Tony Stark/Thor Odinson -
HAIKYUU: Tobio Kageyama/Shouyo Hinata* - Kei Tsukishima/Tadashi Yamaguchi* - Hajime Iwaizumi/Tooru Oikawa - Kozume Kenma/Tetsurou Kuroo - Haiba Lev/Yaku Morisuke - Wakatoshi Ushijima/Satori Tendou - Koutarou Bokuto/Akaashi Keiji - Azumane Asahi/Yuu Nishinoya - Daichi Sawamura/Koushi Sugawara - Issei Matsukawa/Takahiro Hanamaki - Kentarou Kyoutani/Shigeru Yahaba - Keishin Ukai/Ittetsu Takeda - Hitoka Yachi/Kiyoko Shimizu - Ryuunosuke Tanaka/Shimizu Kiyoko - Ryuunosuke Tanaka/Kanoka Amanai - Hitoka Yachi/Kanoka Amanai - Atsumu Miya/Sakusa Kiyoomi - Atsumu Miya/Kita Shinsuke - Yamaguchi Tadashi/Yuji Terushima -
STAR WARS: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker* - Padmé Amidala/Sabé - Padme Amidala/Anakin Skywalker/Obi-Wan Kenobi - Bail Organa/Brenha Organa - Bail Organa/Padmé Amidala/Brenha Organa - Padmé Amidala/Palo - Anakin Skywalker/Rex - Leia Organa/Han Solo - Luke Skywalker/Han Solo - Luke Skywalker/Din Djarin - Finn/Poe Dameron - Ben Skywalker/Rey Skywalker
MERLIN: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon* - Gwen/Lancelot - Leon/Morgana - Merlin/Lancelot - Gwen/Morgana - Gwaine/Percival - Gwen/Leon - Merlin/Mithian -  
HARRY POTTER: Harry Potter/Severus Snape* - Albus Severus/Scorpius - Neville/Luna - Neville/Ginny - Ron/Hermione - Albus Dumbledore/Minerva McGonagall - Draco/Hermione - Draco/Ginny - Remus Lupin/Tonks - Draco/Charlie - Remus Lupin/Sirius Black - Neville/Draco - Seamus/Dean - Luna/Ginny - Lucius/Narcissa - Narcissa/Severus - Teddy/James Sirius - Draco/Luna - Neville/Blaise - Lucius/Severus/Narcissa   
NARUTO: Naruto Uzumaki/Hinata Hyuuga - Shikamaru Naara/Temari no Sabaku - Sasuke Uchiha/Sakura Haruno - Sasuke Uchiha/Hinata Hyuuga* - Neji Hyuuga/Ten Ten - Gaara no Sabaku/Rock Lee - Kakashi Hatake/Sakura Haruno - Sai/Ino Yamanaka - Kiba Inuzuka/Ino Yamanaka - Kiba Inuzuka/Hanabi Hyuuga - Konohamaru Sarutobi/Hanabi Hyuuga - Himawari Uzumaki/Shikadai Naara - Boruto Uzumaki/Sarada Uchiha - Itachi Uchiha/Hinata Hyuuga - Naruto Uzumaki/Hinata Hyuuga/Sasuke Uchiha - Asuma Sarutobi/Kurenai - Choji Akimichi/Karui - Jiraya/Tsunade Senjuu - Obito Uchiha/Rin - Suigetsu/Karin - Minato Namikaze/Kushina Uzumaki - Menma Uzumaki/Hinata Hyuuga - 
PERCY JACKSON: Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase - Nico di Angelo/Will Solance - Frank Zhang/Hazel Lavesque - Leo Valdez/Calypso - Poseidon/Sally Jackson - Jason Grace/Piper McLean - Luke Castellan/Thalia Grace - 
TOLKIEN: Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield - Thranduil/Bard the Bowman - Legolas/Gimli - Aragorn/Arwen - 
SHADOWHUNTERS: Alec/Magnus - Jace/Clary - Simon/Isabelle - 
GAME OF THRONES: Tormund Giantsbane/Jon Snow* - Sansa Stark/Sandor Clagane - Brienne of Tart/Jamie Lannister - Sansa Stark/Tyrion Lannister - Sansa Stark/Jon Snow - Arya Stark/Gendry Barathion - Daeneris Targaryen/Khal Drogo - 
YURI!!! ON ICE: Yuuri Katsuki/Victor Nikiforov - Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky - Mila Babicheva/Sara Crispino - Guang Hong Ji/Leo de la Iglesia - Otabek Altin/Jean-Jaques Leroy - Michele Crispino/Emil Nikola - Yakov Feltsman/Lilia Baranovskaya - Jean-Jaques Leroy/Isabella Yang
SAILOR MOON: Mamoru/Usagi - Chibiusa/Elios - Endymion/Serenity - Haruka/Michiru - Fukagawa Haruka/Seiko Kotobuki - 
LOVELY COMPLEX: Atsushi Otani/Risa Koizumi - Heikichi Nakao/Nobuko Ishihara - Ryoji Suzuki/Tanaka Chiharu - 
+ others couples (multifandom): Ash/Misty (POKEMON) - Hades/Persephone (MYTHOLOGY) - Agron/Nasir (SPARTACUS) - Alex/Henry (RED, WHITE & ROYAL BLUE) - Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier, Jaskier/Yennefer (THE WITCHER) - Spok/Kirk (STAR TREK) - Philip/Lukas (EYEWITNESS) - Sophie/Howl (HOWL MOVING CASTLE) - Diaval/Maleficent (MALEFICENT) - Caspian/Edmund (NARNIA) - Katara/Zuko, Zuko/Sokka (AVATAR THE LAST AIRBENDER) - Amy/Laurie (LITTLE WOMEN) - Lizzie/Mr. Darcy (PRIDE & PREJUDICE) - Sajou/Kusanabe (DOUKYUUSEI) - Call/Aaron (MAGISTERIUM) - Nicky/Joe (THE OLD GUARD) - The Darkling/Alina (SHADOW & BONE) - Thomas/Newt* (MAZE RUNNER) - Todoroki Shoto/Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou/Katsuki Bakugou (MY HERO ACADEMIA) - Evan “Buck” Buckley/Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz* (9-1-1) -      
ENG: Here are the platonic/familiar relations and friendships! 
ITA: Ecco invece le relazioni platoniche, i rapporti familiari e di amicizia!
DCU & DCAU & DCEU: Bruce Wayne & Clark Kent - Bruce Wayne & Alfred Penniwhort - Bruce Wayne & Martha Kent - Bruce Wayne & Dick Grayson - Bruce Wayne & Jason Todd - Bruce Wayne & Tim Drake - Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne - Bruce Wayne & Cassandra Cain - Bruce Wayne & Kate Kane - Bruce Wayne & Zatanna - Bruce Wayne & Stephanie Brown - Bruce Wayne & Diana Prince - Bruce Wayne & Barry Allen - Bruce Wayne & Jim Gordon - Bruce Wayne & Barbara Gordon - Dick Grayson & Jason Todd - Dick Grayson & Tim Drake - Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne - Dick Grayson & Alfred Pennyworth - Dick Grayson & Cassandra Cain - Jason Todd & Roy Harper - Jason Todd & Tim Drake - Jason Todd & Damian Wayne - Jason Todd & Cassandra Cain - Jason Todd & Stephanie Brown - Jason Todd & Alfred Pennyworth - Tim Drake & Damian Wayne - Tim Drake & Cassandra Cain - Tim Drake & Kon-El | Connor Kent - Tim Drake & Stephanie Brown - Tim Drake & Alfred Pennyworth - Clark Kent & Kon-El | Connor Kent - Bruce Wayne & Kon-El | Connor Kent - Clark Kent & Dick Grayson - Clark Kent & Jon Kent - Clark Kent & Lois Lane - Clark Kent & Martha Kent - Clark Kent & Jonathan Kent - Clark Kent & Jor-El - Clark Kent & Lara Vor-El - Clark Kent & Diana Prince - Clark Kent & Damian Wayne - Clark Kent & Kara Zor-El - Bruce Wayne & Kara Zor-El - Clark Kent & Lara Lor-Van - Bruce Wayne & Duke Thomas - Bruce Wayne & Lucius Fox - Bruce Wayne & Selina Kyle - Bruce Wayne & Harvey Dent -  
MARVEL (all universes): Tony Stark & Steve Rogers - Tony Stark & Peter Parker - Tony Stark & Harley Keener - Tony Stark & Nebula - Tony Stark & Natasha Romanoff - Tony Stark & Bruce Banner - Tony Stark & Thor Odinson - Tony Stark & J.A.R.V.I.S. - Tony Stark & F.R.I.D.A.Y - Tony Stark & Peggy Carter - Tony Stark & Maria Stark - Tony Stark & Edwin Jarvis - Steve Rogers & James “Bucky” Buchanan Barnes - Tony Stark & James “Rhodey” Rhodes - Tony Stark & Carol Danvers - Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson - Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanoff - Steve Rogers & Peggy Carter - Tony Stark & Janet Van Dyne - Tony Stark & Virginia “Pepper” Potts - Steve Rogers & Peter Parker - Tony Stark & Howard Stark - Tony Stark & Nick Fury - Tony Stark & James “Bucky” Buchanan Barnes - Tony Stark & Dum-E - Tony Stark & Vision - Eddie Brock & Venom Symbiote - Eddie Brock & Anne Weying - Eddie Brock & Dan Lewis - Venom Symbiote & Anne Weying - Venom Symbiote & Peter Parker -
HAIKYUU: Tobio Kageyama & Hajime Iwaizumi - Tadashi Yamaguchi & Yamada Sakurako - Kei Tsukishima & Tetsurou Kuroo - Shouyo Hinata & Kozume Kenma - Tobio Kageyama & Tooru Oikawa - Tobio Kageyama & Wakatoshi Ushijima - Daichi Sawamura & Tetsurou Kuroo - Shoujo Hinata & Haiba Lev - Ryuunosuke Tanaka & Yuu Nishinoya - Tobio Kageyama & Atsumu Miya - Tobio Kageyama & Tsukishima Kei - Tadashi Yamaguchi & Tobio Kageyama - Tobio Kageyama & Karasuno - Tobio Kageyama & Miwa Kageyama - Tobio Kageyama & Kazuyo Kageyama - Tobio Kageyama & Lev Haiba - Tobio Kageyama & Romero - 
HARRY POTTER: Severus Snape & Harry Potter, Severus Snape & Eileen Prince - Severus Snape & Tobias Snape - Tobias Snape & Eileen Prince - Harry Potter & Ron Weasley & Hermione Granger - Severus Snape & Minerva McGonagall - Severus Snape & Albus Dumbledore - Severus Snape & Hogwarts’ staff - Lily Evans & Severus Snape - Petunia Evans & Severus Snape - Severus Snape & The Marauders - Harry Potter & Neville Longbottom - Severus Snape & Neville Longbottom - Severus Snape & Lucius Malfoy - Severus Snape & Draco Malfoy - Severus Snape & Voldemort - Severus Snape & Narcissa Malfoy - Harry Potter & Teddy Lupin - Teddy Lupin & Draco Malfoy - Teddy Lupin & Severus Snape - Albus Severus Potter & Severus Snape - James Sirius Potter & Severus Snape - Lily Luna Potter & Severus Snape - Luna Lovegood & Harry Potter - Luna Lovegood & Severus Snape - 
STAR WARS: Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker - Padme Amidala & Anakin Skywalker - Obi-Wan Kenobi & Bail Organa - Obi-Wan Kenobi & Yoda - Obi-Wan Kenobi & Qui-Gon Jinn - Yoda & Anakin Skywalker - Quilan Vos & Obi-Wan Kenobi - Anakin Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano - Anakin Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano & Obi-Wan Kenobi - Ahsoka Tano & Plo Koon - Ahsoka Tano & Padmé Amidala - Ahsoka Tano & Rex - Anakin Skywalker & Rex - Rex & Cody - Cody & Obi-Wan Kenobi - Aayla Secura & Anakin Skywalker - Anakin Skywalker & Shimri Skywalker - Anakin Skywalker & Qui-Gon Jinn - Luke Skywalker & Leia Skywalker & Anakin Skywalker - Luke Skywalker & Leia Skywalker & Obi-Wan Kenobi - Owen Lars & Beru Lars & Anakin Skywalker - Owen Lars & Obi-Wan Kenobi -
YURI!!! ON ICE: Yuuri Katsuki & Yuri Plisetsky - Victor Nikiforov & Yuri Plisetsky - Yuuri Katsuki & Phichit Chulanont - Yuuri Katsuki & Christophe Giacometti - Victor Nikiforov & Christophe Giacometti - Mila Babicheva & Yuri Plisetsky - Yuri Plisetsky & Lilia Baranovskaya - Yuri Plisetsky & Nikolai Plisetsky - Yakov Feltsman & Victor Nikiforov - Yakov Feltsman & Yuri Plisetsky -
NARUTO: Naruto Uzumaki & Shikamaru Naara - Naruto Uzumaki & Sasuke Uchiha - Naruto Uzumaki & Sakura Haruno - Naruto Uzumaki & Gaara no Sabaku - Hinata Hyuuga & Neji Hyuuga - Hinata Hyuuga & Hanabi Hyuuga - Hinata Hyuuga & Hiashi Hyuuga - Hinata Hyuuga & Sakura Haruno - Hinata Hyuuga & Boruto Uzumaki - Naruto Uzumaki & Boruto Uzumaki - Naruto Uzumaki & Nagato - Naruto Uzumaki & Jiraya - Naruto Uzumaki & Tsunade - Naruto Uzumaki & Minato Namikaze - Naruto Uzumaki & Kurama - Naruto Uzumaki & Kushina Uzumaki - Kakashi Hatake & Obito Uchiha - Naruto Uzumaki & Iruka Umino - 
SAILOR MOON: Usagi & Chibiusa - Serenity & Chibiusa - Mamoru & Chibiusa - Endymion & Chibiusa - Usagi & Ami & Makoto & Minako & Rei - Sestuna & Chibiusa -
PERCY JACKSON: Percy Jackson & Jason Grace - Percy Jackson & Nico di Angelo - Jason Grace & Nico di Angelo - Piper McLean & Annabeth Chase - Annabeth Chase & Luke Castellan - Percy Jackson & Poseidon - Percy Jackson & Sally Jackson - Nico di Angelo & Hades - Nico di Angelo & Bianca di Angelo - Nico di Angelo & Hazel Lavesque - Nico di Angelo & Reyna Ramirez-Arellano - 
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