#boredgirlontblr asks
atozfic · 3 years
For fic request: could you do San or his s/o being scared of thunderstorm? Thank you ❤️
pairing: choi san x gn!reader. | genre: established relationship, fluff. | warnings: thunderstorms, san being so cute that it actually hurts my heart.  | word count: 421.  | hyde’s input: i’m your resident bitch who both loves and hates thunderstorms.
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he’s asleep when it starts.
there’s something so interesting about the human brain, the way it has this inbuilt security system to alert and protect itself from danger. it can be as simple as a nagging thought in the back of one’s mind or a gut-wrenching feeling in one’s body, rendering them to the point of nausea.
for you, it comes in the form of not being capable of falling asleep.
as soon as his head hit the pillow, muscles aching and mentally exhausted from his grueling schedule, san fell asleep. and, while you were just as tired from your own busy life, sleep eluded you, for reasons unknown even to yourself. until that first rumble of thunder, the first strike of lighting.
it all makes sense, your body keeping you awake to terrorize you with the anxious feeling that has always accompanied you during thunderstorms.
you do your best to remain calm, taking deep and slow breaths that do nothing to slow your climbing heart rate. you try occupy your mind, first with counting sheep in your head and, then, with scrolling though your phone, praying one of the short-lived clips will make you laugh enough to forget the rain outside. really, you’re doing anything you can to not wake him up.
he twitches beside you, after a particularly loud rumble.
you count the seconds- eight, to be exact- until you feel his arm snake around your middle tighter, his legs tangling in your own and his warm breath hitting your neck as he hides his face there.
“there’s a storm.” it’s almost hard to believe he’s a fully grown adult when he speaks to you so softly through a pout. “why didn’t you wake me up?”
“you need your sleep.” curling yourself further into him, if that’s even possible, you let a hand card through his sleep-messed hair.
“no, i need to protect you.” again, the pout is there and it’s almost enough to take your attention off of the electrical storm raging on just outside your bedroom window.
in sync, you both clutch each other tighter when another rumble breaks through sky.
“protect me?” a scoff escapes you while you let a teasing smile seep into your face. “please, you’re more scared of it than i am.”
“shut up!” this time, he whines and hides his face even more as a hand pinches your hip. “you’re mean. yunho wouldn’t treat me like this!”
“babe, there’s a lot of things yunho wouldn’t do to you that i would.”
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Jin + power play + neck / back kisses ❤️❤️❤️
"You know you're not allowed to kiss me there," Jin whispered as he pressed his index finger on your lips, effectively keeping a breath's distance between your mouths. Glancing down there before smirking and looking into your eyes to watch your reaction.
"I'm sorry," you sighed like an instinct, brain too fuzzy to think much about it. He did that all the time. Knew how crazy you were about his plump lips, how lost you got when you kissed him, biting and sucking him until he was swollen and bruised. And so he often denied you access, just to toy with you, to get your want increasing and your patience running out as you spent the entire night chasing his mouth only to be pushed away again and again.
All so that when he finally kissed you it could be better than an orgasm.
"Good girl," he rasped, a hand caressing your hair. And then he pecked your nose. Because he loved the way your breath hitched as he got close– only to deceive you. Kissing you on your cheeks, or your forehead, or your jaw... Anywhere but the place you wanted him to. Anywhere to torture you. 
The hand on your hair pushed your head back, exposing your neck to him. And his kisses travelled further down. Sucking on the juncture of your jawline until your eyes closed and you moaned his name.  Licking and biting you even lower, sloppy and loud kisses as he gave your entire body goosebumps. Leaving a hickey at the base of your nape just to flaunt his privilege: he could kiss you and you couldn't. 
"Please," you begged, just to have a taste as well. Your anticipation growing as he feasted on your body like a starved man, lips like he's munching on your neck just because he knew it made your knees go weak. And head dizzy and core wet. And when he pulled away to smirk at his achievement, you acted out on impulse, going in for a kiss as if it would be air to your lungs.
You only managed to brush your lips against his for a split second before his strong hands had you away from him. "You naughty girl," he rumbled in the back of his throat as he shook his head, disappointed. "What did I just tell you?"
It was a rhetorical question; you could tell by the way he didn't allow you any time to answer before he was flipping you around, laying you on your belly. Straddling your legs as he snaked an arm around your torso to bring you up and flushed on his body. Head nuzzling over your shoulder as he chuckled in your ear. 
"That's better, huh? You won't be trying to kiss me if I have your face fucked in that mattress, now will you?" 
"I'm sorry," you slurred. 
"Too late."
His mouth was on you immediately again, kissing your neck from the side with even more hunger, as if he was mocking you. One hand keeping himself up, the other holding you as he ground into your ass to let you know of what was coming next. And he kept kissing you further down. Your shoulder blades, the back of your neck, your spine... sending a whole tingling sensation down your body. Making you arch your back as you curved to meet his lips and tongue as best as you could. Because you couldn't get enough. Legs rubbing together for some friction without thinking. And moaning more and more as he kept licking up your sensitive muscles. 
Both of his hands found the small of your back and he pinning you on the mattress again, causing you to whine at the loss of his mouth. "If you are a good girl for me, I'll let you kiss me all you want after I'm done with you," he purred, and you barely registered his voice from how blurry your mind had gotten. "For now you'll just do with whatever I give you, okay princess?"
You could feel his hot breath hitting your back as he was getting ready to continue exactly what he was doing. And all you could do was nod– anything to get his lips on you again.
Send me a kink + a member for a drabble
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yunkiwii · 3 years
Yo... Jin, San and Jisung... 😍
yo well uh this is interesting aksjak
1. San
2. Jisung
3. Jin
this one got me questioning 👀
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bobateastay · 3 years
27! ❤️
27. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
i won't write mafia aus or historical aus, mostly because of the inaccuracies that would make it into the work and i don't enjoy writing them either. i won't write fanfiction from first person perspective either because it's........... hard? otherwise it's just general noncon stuff i think :']
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atozfic · 3 years
⎙ fic selected › heart of the outlaw ᵎ
Further behind you, the raven haired boy continued to voice his worries, tripping over words of how you weren’t meant to be doing this at the same time as his feet tripped over stick and rocks and who knows what else on else. And, maybe it’s because you’d spent your whole life being told what to do and what not to do, or for the simple fact that you’d risked everything just to wind up here, just to look at the stars, but whatever the reason, you found yourself spinning abruptly and spitting out your words as he bumped into you. “If this is such a bother to you, San, you’re more than welcome to leave. Unlike someone, I won’t try and stop you.”
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You really know how to make my day 😻😻
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That really put such a smile on my face!😻
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yunkiwii · 3 years
seonghwa!!! again, i'm so sorry yunho but there's smth about hwa that i cannot explain
send me a group and i’ll tell you which member i find the most attractive
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yunkiwii · 3 years
For the pretty asks, do the ones that start with the letters of your name or url... 😋
ohhh this is good way to do it akdjaj!! i wont do the ones i did on the other ask tho aksja
angel; is there anyone you’d do anything for?
anything is a strong/heavy word, but if you light it up a bit i'd say my closest friends and fam! but without jeopardising my mental health!!
silk; what outfit makes you feel confident?
high waisted culotte jeans, cropped top or t-shirt and sneakers (atm, it changes over the seasons, weeks, days, moods akdjak)
rose; favorite flower?
tulips!!! easiest question ever 🌷🌷🌷
sense; best subject? favorite subject?
back in high school it was probably math and biology... in uni i dont even know, it was a mess
rainbow; what’s your sexuality?
404 error: answer not found
bc im figuring that out, not bc i dont want to reply
sweater; do you prefer loose or baggy clothes?
isn't that uh- the same? bc yes, loose and baggy please!
some pretty asks✨
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bobateastay · 3 years
The fact that you chose "o violento" for your San tag is so funny... Love it
it's what my mum calls him jksfshkjh, thanxx came on today and she turned to look at me and said "isso é a música do violento!" because all she remembers about thanxx apparently is how san dances it 😭😭
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bobateastay · 3 years
Hey coração! Your new fic is going to be posted chapter by chapter or all on one? Is Hongjoong the main character? 😘
hiya💞!!! i want to post it all at once but i might split it into three parts depending on how long it gets :] there are four "main characters": hyunjin, seonghwa, hongjoong and y/n but other members will appear too!
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yunkiwii · 3 years
8 and 88!
8 — dancing in my room by 347aidan
88 — ready to love by seventeen
two bangers and complete mood lifters tbf!
spotify wrapped is HERE! send me a number 1-100 and I’ll tell you the song it corresponds with on my top 100 playlist!
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yunkiwii · 3 years
Olá! 1, 11 and 40. Thank u. ❤️
Olá!!!! Thank you for sending this ask <3
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction?
the first time i ever wrote fanfic was for one direction and i did it with my friends in class, all fanfics were collabs between us akdjsj i was 13 at the time (chaotic times, chaotic fanfics), but i stopped at like 16 or 17
earlier this year i decided to go back to writing (in general) but opted for kpop fanfiction so i could have like an audience per say, i was 21
11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?
i've never received harsh criticisms on my stories (so far), so no akaksj
40) Do people know you write fanfiction?
one of my best friends — she's my fan no.1 and even helps me with ideas and proof readings sometimes!
and my cousin (like a big sis) — she's hype girl no.2 and she doesn't even listen to kpop
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