#bonnie payne
Had to share this cover. Bonnie Payne is my style icon.
I love Elephant Revival so much.
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samthecookielord · 4 months
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Hello hello!! ^-^ It's time to announce the results of round 1 of OC Blind Date 3! Part 1!!! (Because the second half still needs time for the polls to end lol)
For those who are new, I announce the LOSERS to maintain anonymity of remaining contestants. I'll also be telling you all a bit about the losers, hehe!
Match 1 and 2...
Jimmy and Payne lost!
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Jimmy: He's my funny little thsc oc who works as a janitor at the center for chaos containment! He also needs to be wearing a hat forever or else he will be VERY SAD (its not trauma or anything sorry layton fans, he just likes the feeling of a hat on his head) I also like to put him in other games/shows by making him accidentally work as a janitor for any morally dubious/evil organization lol
Payne: A deltarune secret boss oc based on the piano in the hospital lobby. Her whole thing is that she loves to sing, but it feels like its broken because the "true audience is just beyond her reach"! I made an encounter theme for it ages ago which you can listen to here :]
Match 3 and 4...
Copper and Bonnie lost!
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Copper: yeehaw :] a stick figure from my hypothetical stick fighting game, Magic Stick Smackdown! They can summon a MAGIC GUN!!! And they're just a silly sweet guy overall :]
Bonnie: Shadows over Loathing oc who owns a beauty product company (selling mostly perfumes). She has a sponsorship deal with the shadow government and that's SUPPOSED TO BE JUST IT but sometimes she pops into important shadow gov buildings anyways because she's silly like that. She could also be a moxie/mysticality mix rival to the player!
Match 5 and 6...
Veran and Hearth lost!
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Veran: The wise royal advisor of Juviflor. He's just trying his best despite all the tragedies and losses in his life and SOMEHOW hasn't ever considered a villain arc. He even has a dead wife (girlfriend) (not dead)
Hearth: A wandering medic in barren magic lands. She was kidnapped and meant to be fed to a soul-eating pirate ship but she escaped with the other captives and instead fed the kidnappers to the ship. And then they yoinky sploinkyd the pirate ship and now shes desperately trying to be lawful good when everything the crew does is accidentally chaotic neutral
Match 7 and 8...
Marble and Turquoise/Rose lost!
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Marble: i hate him im not explaining him ewwww ewwwwwwwww (go play my game instead)
Turquoise/Rose: Another stick from Magic Stick Showdown! She was isekai'd from another universe at the same time that an AU version of herself got isekai'd, so they kinda just fused. They have plant magic and can switch between each other to access different types of plant magic.
And that's all of them! Feel free to ask more about any of them if they interest you! ^-^
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krispyweiss · 26 days
Song Review: Little Feat feat. Bonnie Raitt - “Long Distance Call”
Bonnie Raitt sounds as if she sung remotely to another track when adding her co-lead vocals on “Long Distance Call.”
The third and final advance single from Little Feat’s forthcoming (May 17) Sam’s Place finds Raitt and Sam Clayton - the Feat percussionist turned lead vocalist - out of synch as they deliver Muddy Waters’ words. And though this was presumably purposeful, the result sounds accidental when coupled with Raitt’s overpowering of Clayton on the mic.
The weaknesses of the vocals are counterbalanced by the strength of the playing as Scott Sharrard’s Dobro, Fred Tackett’s acoustic guitar, Bill Payne’s piano and guest Michael “The Bull” LoBue’s harp create a slow, low-down blues that insists it be felt.
And so it is.
“I’ve always loved Little Feat and this new incarnation of the band is bringing some serious heat, cred and new blood to their enduring legacy,” Raitt said in a statement accompanying the follow-up to “Can’t be Satisfied” and “You’ll be Mine.”
“Every Feat fan loves us some Sam. I’m so glad he’s now gotten a chance to step out front and center and put his spin on these wonderful blues songs.”
Grade card: Little Feat feat. Bonnie Raitt - “Long Distance Call” - B-
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robo-dril tweets + Ace Attorney
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gavinners-soundbox · 1 year
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allwaswell16 · 1 year
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One Direction fics where one main character is a servant to the other main character as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
🫧 Truth Behind Golden Eyes by MyEnglishRose / @lwtisloved
(E, 228k, servant Louis) A Fantasy AU loosely inspired by Merlin BBC where one relationship has the power to define the destiny of the whole land.
🫧 The Murmur of Yearning by MediaWhore / @mediawhorefics
(M, 93k, land steward Louis) The sudden, and slightly suspicious, death of the Marquess of Haxshire, however, brings great disturbance to Crescentfield Hall and, as his late's husband's closest male relative, Harry unexpectedly finds himself the head of a family he never felt he belonged to. 
🫧 Shooting Stars in the Woods by frenchkiss
(E, 81k, knight Harry) A Tudor era AU. Prince Louis I of England has everything a man could ever dream of, but his lack of husband is driving his father, the King, to madness.
🫧 Behind The Lights by Tomlinsontoes / @pianolouis
(M, 61k, maid Louis) Inspired by Maid in Manhattan, but not the same at all.
🫧 When The Wolves Come Out (series) by NiamJenn1994
(E, 54k, alpha servant Harry) A sort of Bonnie and Clyde AU series with A/B/O thrown in the mix.
🫧 To Be a King Beside You by hilarry13
(E, 32k, royal au) Harry scrambled to his feet quickly and bowed. “Your majesty” Harry mumbled, not making eye contact but instead staring at the ground. “Please forgive me- I was just- um-I’m sorry”. Harry guiltily tried to hide the half made flower crown behind his back.
🫧 dip you in honey by delsicle / @eeveelou
(E, 28k, a/b/o) Anxious about his performance on his wedding night, he enlists the help of his loyal handmaiden Louis to help him practice everything he needs to know
🫧 a dream is a wish your heart makes by orphan_account
(T, 22k, royal au) Fairytale retelling of Cinderella, where Harry is a servant boy who's too kind, Louis is a prince in an arranged marriage, Liam is Harry's step brother, and Niall is Louis' dutiful grand duke.
🫧 Away From Home by @marchessa
(E, 12k, shipwreck au) the one, where Harry is a servant to the Tomlinson family and he ends up as one of the lone survivors of a shipwreck. But maybe he can still find paradise in the tragedy.
🫧 If I Had One Wish I Know What I'd Wish For by @hilourry
(E, 10k, royal au) Louis is the new servant at the Styles’ castle, and Harry is the Prince of England.
🫧 Maid in the A.M. by @lainy122
(E, 9k, famous/not famous) “You’re not supposed to be here.” The lad frowned at him.“Sorry,” Harry said automatically. Which, wait. No, that wasn’t right. “Um, actually, I sort of live here?”
🫧 The King's Omega by HunterMay18
(M, 8k, servant Harry) An omega with a really dark past becomes the King's new love interest.
—Rare Pairs—
🫧 If I Fall For You, Would You Fall Too? by @slashter
(E, 29k, Louis/Harry/Zayn) the one where Louis is a uni dropout who's just managed to land a new job as a housemaid, and he ends up getting to clean the shared apartment of well-known socialites Harry and Zayn
🫧 wish I could be (part of your world) by carbsoncarms
(E, 3k, Zayn/Liam) Zayn Malik is a servant at the palace of the Wolverhampton kingdom, and Liam Payne is the said kingdom's crowned prince. 
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logophile-18 · 6 months
If you live in the USA.
North Carolina - Alma Adams, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Nydia Velazquez, Valerie Foushee
New York - Jamaal Bowman
Missouri - Cori Bush, Emanuel Cleaver
Indiana- André Carson
Texas - Greg Casar, Joaquin Castro, Veronica Escobar, Al Green, Lloyd Doggett
Florida - Maxwell Alejandro Frost
Illinois - Jesús "Chuy" Garcia, Johnathon Jackson, Delia Ramirez, Jan Schakowsky, Lauren Underwood, Sen. Richard Dubin
Washington - Pramila Jayapal
California - Barbara Lee, Maxine Waters, Mark DeSaulnier, John Garamendi, Robert Garcia, Sara Jacobs, Jared Huffman, Judy Chu, Ro Khanna, Tony Cárdenas
Pennsylvania - Summer Lee, Mary Gay Scanlan
Minnesota - Ilhan Omar, Betty McCollum, Dean Phillips
Massachusetts - Ayanna Pressley, James McGovern, Sen. Elizabeth Warren
Michigan - Rashida Tlaib, Debbie Dingell, Daniel Kildee
New Jersey - Bonnie Watson Coleman, Donald Payne Jr.
Wisconsin - Mark Pocan
Maryland - Kewisi Fume, Jamie Raskin
Virginia - Donald Beyer, Jennifer Weston
Arizona- Raul Grijalva
Georgia- Henry "Hank" Johnson, Nike Williams, Sanford Bishop Jr.
Vermont - Becca Balint, Sen. Peter Welch
New Mexico - Gabe Vasquez
Louisiana - Troy Carter
Mississippi - Bennie Thompson
Alabama - Terri Sewell
Colorado - Diana DeGette
Oregon - Sen. Jeffery Merkley
This is a list of all the senators and represenatives (61 as of December 7th) that have voted against Biden's campaign of giving the Israeli people more weapons to fight innocent Palestinians.
A big old thank you for these sensible people, doing what they can. A ceasefire is the bare minimum.
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redheadgleek · 1 month
April books
I read a lot of romance novels this month. I think I may need a break as none of them have really grabbed me. 
What I Read: 
Howl's Moving Castle by Dianna Wynne Jones (audiobook). I had forgotten how hysterical Howl is as a character. A fun story, but. Even with me trying actively to be less judgemental about the ending... the ending still doesn't make sense and was the weakest part of the story. 
Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus. Book club book and friend recommendation. Overall enjoyed it, certainly more than @ckerouac did (you're more than welcome to go off if you like!). The dog and kid were too precocious to be believable. 
Bride by Ali Hazelwood. Who knew that you could write mainstream novels and still bring in your knotting kinks from your fanfic days? Again, I liked it more than @darriness did, but it was far from my favorite.
The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes. I have this one and Book Woman of Troublesome Creek, both written about the women in the Appalacian mountains who delivered books in the 1940s, both published around the same time (apparently there's controversy). It felt very light on tone for the seriousness of the issues (such as racism, sexism, rape, alcohol use, murder). The friendships were the best part. 
The Bodyguard by Katherine Center. I could have used a little less of the infantilizing of the main female character (she's a bodyguard - she can take you down) and I didn't really like the coded "change from a hardened city girl to a sweet country lass" but they were minor quibbles.
Funny Story by Emily Henry. So much better than Happy Place and full of her witty humor. I consumed it in a day. It unfortunately was released when I was in the middle of the Bodyguard so the two books are blended together in my head. 
How to End a Love Story by Yulin Kuang. It was fine. I liked the first half better than the second, both of the protagonists definitely need a therapist and I'm really not sure I like this trend of trauma bonding romances. Also the unemotional Asian woman. And how everybody has panic attacks. And what is with men carrying women everywhere??
 Counting Descent by Clint Smith. I realized yesterday that I hadn't read any poetry to National Poetry month. Luckily my library had this one available. It's my 3rd book of his and his writing is so so good. The way he can turn a phrase so it buries into your soul. I put a hold on the audiobook.
What I'm Reading: 
Tom Lake by Ann Pratchet. Audiobook (read by Meryl Streep). 
Pride and Protest by Nikki Payne. A Pride and Prejudice retelling. I'm only a chapter into it and it may be going into the DNF pile (so! much! telling!) - but I'm trying to give it a chance. 
Teach the Torches to Burn by Caleb Roehrig. A Romeo and Juliet retelling. Also only a chapter in.
Still trying to finish A Short History of Nearly Everything...
What I'm Planning on Reading: 
I don't know. I feel like I haven't read anything that has been all captivating for a while and I miss that. So if you have any recommendations, let me know.
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thequimmqueen · 2 years
🍕Updated Next-gen Character Name List🍕
Duke gotcha+Shannon:
Sandy🍉 (previously known as Cairo)
Ember+Hacky Zack:
Vesta✳️ (previously known as Ambar)
Guy Mortadello+Bruna Romano:
Clover+Carlo Romano+Koilee:
Gino Romano+Okalani:
Rebecco💄(also known as Becky)
Sarge fan+Radlynn:
Radha🌟 (Adopted,Failed Offspring Harvest Experiment of Radley Madish)
Audrey🛍️ (changed from Adrianna)
Connor×Wylan B:
Iza-B🎋 (adopted)
Deckard 🎧 (adopted)
Drakson+Kasey O:
"Ace"⭐ (real name is Jack, changed from "Jack Derby" due to the nickname not making sense)
Xolo+Sprinks the Clown:
Professor Fitz+Edna:
🍀Jerry & Betsy☘️ (Clones)
Koko🥊 (previously known as Kumako)
Nina🍊 (adopted)
Josefina🎒 (surrogate kid)
Allison💰 (In custody of Allan)
Kuro🍋 (In custody of Akari)
Eva🛩️ (child from second marriage)
Mayor Mallow:
Luau Lepunch+Betty Pecan:
Toasty Coconut🍨 (Scoopian+LePunch Hybrid,Looks More like Betty)
Gala Donut🍩 (adopted Scoopian Child)
Shelly Coir🌴 (Scoopian+LePunch Hybrid, looks more like Luau)
4th of July Scoopian:
Rocky Road:
Terrance Milch🍡
Jill Berry+Chip Mcmint:
Cranberry Jelly💝
Bianco Ciocco🍫
Sue x Mary:
Susan☎️ (adopted)
Sarge×Radley Madish:
Onnelious & Brown (Adopted/Used to be Two of Sarge's youngest soldiers)
💜Pines and Payne💙 (Mutated+Adopted Pinacoolada Twins)
Annana💛(Mutated+Adopted Bananapants Daughter)
Radetta💗(Sucessful Offspring Harvest Experiment)
Mr. Sherbet
Tiger Dail🐯
Tomatoe Lady:🍅
Big Pauly:
🧂Salt & Pepper🧂
Bonnie & Yalanda:
Klaus💤 (Adopted grandson/apprentice)
Barnum 🪆 (Son)
Possible new Nextgens:
Gordon ⛺
Roger GearSpeed🏁 (Real Name: ???)
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authurials · 2 years
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𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐖 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 fandoms and characters i could/will write for, as well as what i will and will not write in terms of content; please refer to these lists when considering requesting from me and respect the boundaries i have set forth.
requests are currently { 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 ! }
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smut (refer to list below for hard limits), fluff, angst, poly/(three)some, reverse harem, dubcon, blood + knife play, light bdsm, breath play, mild violence, hunter/prey + capture/captive dynamics, alternate universes, canon divergence, certain canonical pairings, praise & degradation kink, breeding kink
celebrity/real people fics, underage scenarios, foot fetish, watersports, spitting, age play, animal play, daddy/mommy/little play, domestic violence, necrophilia, incest, and more if they arise
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🎞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
steve harrington, eddie munson, jonathan byers, henry creel, jim hopper
🎞 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧/𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬
daemon targaryen, aemond targaryen, rhaenyra targaryen, harwin strong, erryk/arryk cargyll, jon snow, robb stark, jaime lannister, brienne of tarth, daenerys targaryen, sandor clegane, tormund giantsbane, missandei, grey worm, tyrion lannister, theon greyjoy, samwell tarley, gendry, bronn, oberyn martell, podrick payne, margaery tyrell
🎞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐦𝐚𝐧
dream the endless, death the endless, desire the endless, johanna constantine, lucifer morningstar, hob gadling, the corinthian
🎞 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐥
thor odinson, loki laufeyson, valkyrie, wade wilson
🎞 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲
cordelia goode, xavier plympton, kyle spencer, moira o’hara, ramona royale, the countess, jimmy darling, michael langdon, misty day, tristan duffy
🎞 𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
arthur morgan, john marston, charles smith, bonnie macfarlane, kieran duffy, sadie adler, dutch van der linde, javier escuella, jackie estacado, booker dewitt, curie (fallout 4), cait (fallout 4), preston garvey (fallout 4), danse (fallout 4), piper wright, arthur maxson, nick valentine, robert joseph maccready
🎞 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
viktor hargreeves, klaus hargreeves, diego hargreeves, theodora crain, luke crain, steven crain, rick grimes, daryl dixon, glenn rhee, gannicus (spartacus), eric northman, richie gecko, seth gecko
🎞 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐬
sam guthrie, rick o’connell, ardeth bay
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𝐈 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 to deny any request without explanation if it falls outside what i am comfortable with--i do not accept requests from minors, and request that anyone under the age of 18 please not interact with my content as it is intended for a mature audience and is nsfw
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A List of Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boys
Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
Charlie Dalton (Dead Poets Society)
Nick Andopolis (Freaks and Geeks)
Faramir (Lord of the Rings)
Fili (The Hobbit)
Guy Patterson (That Thing You Do!)
Bonnie Gold (Peaky Blinders)
Podrick Payne (Game of Thrones)
Gwaine (BBC Merlin)
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd (Top Gun: Maverick)
Paul (The Lost Boys)
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krispyweiss · 20 days
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Album Review: Little Feat - Sam’s Place
The new Little Feat do a respectable job of mimicking the old Little Feat - mostly on account of Bill Payne’s barroom piano and Scott Sharrard’s slide guitar - but the band erred gravely by turning all lead vocals over to Sam Clayton.
The percussionist’s voice sounds nothing like the one he used on the sinewy “Feel the Groove” from 1979’s Down on the Farm. And his contemporary, half-spoken growl quickly grows tiresome across the eight covers and one original that make up Sam’s Place, named not for the singer, but for Sam Phillips Recording Studio, where Feat made the album.
So while dropping the needle on any single track - the acoustic blues of “Long Distance Call” with Bonnie Raitt on co-lead vocals or the gritty call-and-response shuffle of “Don’t Go No Further,” for instance - is satisfying, the 40-minute album is a slog.
And that’s mostly on Clayton. For the Muddy Waters and Willie Dixon songs are timeless. And the new Little Feat - with Sharrard and drummer Tony Leone joining original member Payne; Dixie Chicken arrivals Clayton and bassist Kenny Gradney; and post-Lowell George addition Fred Fackett on guitar - is the best since the Craig Fuller days. But Clayton cannot carry an album at the mic.
Grade card: Little Feat - “Sam’s Place” - D
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ledenews · 1 month
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samthecookielord · 4 months
(View tourney post here!)
(If it doesn't have a link, the poll probably isn't up yet)
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1: Jimmy vs Coffina --- 2: Payne vs Gunner
3: Copper vs Kale --- 4: Bonnie vs Minitou
5: Lukebot vs Veran --- 6: Hearth vs Moth
7: Parker vs Marble --- 8: Halkinna vs Turquoise
9: Lucia vs Chrys --- 10: Winterr vs GG
11: Triclive vs Toffee --- 12: Timespace vs Alegreya
13: BEHUH?Nils vs Sky --- 14: Romy vs Loony
15: Rainbow vs GB --- 16: Maggie vs Zerozone
1: Coffina vs Gunner --- 2: Kale vs Minitou
3: Lukebot vs Moth --- 4: Parker vs Halkinna
5: Chrys vs GG --- 6: Toffee vs Timespace
7: BEHUH?Nils vs Romy --- 8: Rainbow vs Zerozone
1: Gunner vs Minitou --- 2: Lukebot vs Halkinna
3: GG vs Toffee --- 4: BEHUH?Nils vs Zerozone
1: Minitou vs Halkinna
2: GG vs BEHUH?Nils
1: Halkinna vs GG
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truecrimeandtrials · 5 months
Trigger and content warnings: senior abuse, murder, swear words (motherfucker, fuck, bitch)
Disclaimer: I have done my best to summarize the testimony from the Georgia versus Hannah Payne trial. I linked a playlist for the trial so you can go watch it if you wish to get all of the information and form your own opinion.
Defendant Hannah Payne witnessed a man named Kenneth Herring crash into a semi-truck and flee in 2019. She called 911, and despite being told not to, she followed Mr. Herring. She allegedly told him to return to the scene before fatally shooting him in his car. Miss Payne, now 25, is charged with “malice murder, two counts of felony murder, aggravated assault, false imprisonment, and three counts of possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime”, according to Law and Crime’s description boxes of their live stream of the trial.
State’s Opening Statement
Prosecutor Bonnie Smith gave the opening statements for the State. She went over what she believed the evidence would show happened on May 7th, 2019. She said that Hannah Payne had “the audacity to chase after, shoot, and kill” Kenneth Herring. Miss Payne was almost hit by Mr. Herring, who ultimately hit a semi-truck. A man who witnessed the accident observed that Mr. Herring seemed confused. The witness believed it was related to diabetes instead of drugs or alcohol. Although there was extensive damage to his vehicle, Mr. Herring managed to drive away twenty minutes after the accident. There were no arguments on the scene in those twenty minutes, especially between Miss Payne and her alleged victim. Despite not being a police officer and having no authority to arrest anyone, Miss Payne followed Mr. Herring and confronted him with a gun. Witnesses said that he was unarmed and only tried to defend himself.
Defense’s Opening Statement
According to Miss Payne’s defense lawyer, Matthew Tucker, the evidence will show that Mr. Herring was the aggressor, not his client.
Vickie Lynn Herring’s Testimony
Vickie Lynn Herring is Mr. Herring’s little sister. She testified that her brother had diabetes and was insulin-dependent.
Terry Robinson’s Testimony
Terry Robinson works in Georgia’s Department of Corrections in the infirmary operations. He was off duty when he witnessed Mr. Herring hit a semi-truck. He didn’t smell any alcohol on him but noticed that he was extremely confused. Working around medical professionals, Mr. Robinson started recognizing symptoms of different medical problems. He believed that Mr. Herring was experiencing diabetic shock. He was shocked when Mr. Herring left the scene, because his vehicle was totaled. He told Miss Payne to follow him, but only to get his license plate. He never told her to stop or apprehend him.
Christy Supperer’s Testimony
Christy Supperer is a 911 call center supervisor. Through her testimony, the prosecution introduced Miss Payne’s second call to 911.
Teauna McCranny’s Testimony
Teauna McCranny was taking a co-worker home when they came upon Miss Payne approaching Mr. Herring. She testified that the defendant was immediately aggressive towards her victim. Miss McCranny also testified that she calmly gave the first police officer her gun.
Darnell Rolling’s Testimony
Darnell Rolling was the detective at Clayton County Police Department (CCPD) who took a known DNA sample from Miss Payne.
Ashley Haas’s Testimony
Ashley Haas is a latent print examiner at the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, or GBI for short. She processed the firearm, magazine, and a singular cartridge. Miss Haas found no latent prints on the gun that were suitable for comparison, but did find one on the magazine and cartridge.
Emily Kuruc’s Testimony
Emily Kuruc is also a latent print examiner at GBI. She examined the prints that Miss Haas found, but her results were inconclusive.
Shakonda Rosser’s Testimony
Shakonda Rosser witnessed the scene while on her way to a friend’s house. Although she didn’t hear what was said, she saw Miss Payne swinging and yelling at Mr. Herring. What made her stop, however, was when she saw that he didn’t react. Miss Rosser testified that others stopped as well. She observed Miss Payne pull a gun out after she stopped punching Mr. Herring. She heard the gunshot after the defendant tried to open the driver’s side door.
Stacey Des Amours’ Testimony
Stacey Des Amours is the chief medical examiner in DeKalb County and performed Mr. Herring’s autopsy. There was no way to tell if he had low blood sugar when he died, because it automatically starts to lower upon death. A comprehensive toxicology report was done, which came back completely negative. Mr. Herring’s blood alcohol level was also nonexistent. Miss Des Amours said that there was a gunshot wound in his abdomen. The gun had to be at least a few inches from the entry point based on the stippling found. She concluded that his manner of death was homicide.
Cameron Williams’ Testimony
Cameron Williams was on his way to a real estate seminar when he witnessed the scene. He pulled out his phone and recorded the incident. He remembered there being some sort of tussle over the gun between Miss Payne and Mr. Herring. When Mr. Williams heard a gunshot, he got out to check on the man. Other than telling her that he was a witness, he never made contact with the defendant. He provided his video to the police.
Christie Lavoie’s Testimony
Christine Lavoie is a DNA analyst at GBI. She got buccal swabs from the defendant, as well as swabs taken from the gun. She found a sufficient amount of DNA to create a mixed profile of at least three individuals. Miss Lavoie couldn’t perform a manual analysis of the profile, so sent it off to be tested by a program called TruAllele.
Cynthia Seguin’s Testimony
Cynthia Seguin is a forensic biology analyst at GBI, specializing in human bodily fluids. She explained that TruAllele is used when more than one DNA profile is found on evidence. It helps determine who contributed to the mixture and how much they contributed. Miss Seguin received a known sample from both the defendant and victim to compare to the mixture that Miss Lavoie found. Through TruAllele, she found a major female contributor that she matched to Miss Payne. She also found that a male made a minor contribution to the mixture, but she couldn’t conclusively match it to Mr. Herring. The third profile was found to be too inconclusive to know if it belonged to a male or female.
Tracy Moore’s Testimony
Tracy Moore is a detective at CCPD in the Criminal Investigation Division. She responded to the hospital that Mr. Herring was taken to so she could confirm his status. Upon her arrival, he was deceased. Miss Moore also helped execute a search warrant on both the defendant's and victim’s vehicles.
Ryan Richie’s Testimony
Ryan Richie as a sergeant at CCPD. He was nearby when he was alerted to the situation at hand and responded. He asked who shot Mr. Herring. Miss Payne said that it was her as she handed her gun to him. After properly receiving the gun, he went to render assistance to Mr. Herring. Sergeant Richie was unable to open the driver’s side door, so he went around to the passenger’s side. He testified that Mr. Herring was alive but unresponsive while he was being attended to.
Ashley Jackson’s Testimony
Ashley Jackson was on her way home from work when Miss Payne almost ran her off the road. She then came upon the scene where the defendant had confronted Mr. Herring. Miss Jackson tried to record the incident, but it all happened too fast and she couldn’t pull up her camera in time. She saw Miss Payne being very aggressive and showed no remorse. She heard the defendant yell at Mr. Herring to “get out the car motherfucker”. Miss Jackson then saw her pull out a gun and immediately heard a gunshot.
The State replayed the 911 calls, as the audio was low the first time. They rested afterwards.
Hannah Payne’s Testimony
Defendant Hannah Payne decided to testify in her own defense. Before this case, Miss Payne was in property management for different apartments. She got a valid permit to carry a gun, which her employers knew about. She said that Mr. Herring almost hit her before colliding with the semi-truck. She also said that Mr. Robinson identified himself as a state officer instead of a correctional officer. He told her and the driver of the semi that Mr. Herring was inebriated. When he started to drive away, Mr. Robinson told Miss Payne to follow him and get the tag number. Both were on the phone with 911. She remembers the 911 operator only telling her once or twice to return to the scene, which she interpreted as meaning both her and Mr. Herring. When she stopped, she got out of her car and took her phone up to his window to show him that she was on the phone with 911. When Miss Payne got close enough, Mr. Herring allegedly knocked her phone out of her hand, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her into his vehicle. She said that he kept saying “I have something for you, bitch”. Miss Payne was scared and tried to pull herself away. The only reason she pulled her gun out was for self-defense. Mr. Herring went for the gun and tried taking it from her. She demonstrated with a toy gun what he was doing to get it. During this struggle, the gun went off and shot him. When the police arrived, Miss Payne willingly handed the gun over.
The defense rested after calling Miss Payne.
Keon Hayward’s Testimony
Keon Hayward is the State’s only rebuttal witness. Mr. Hayward currently works security at a Quik Trip in North Carolina, but was a detective at CCPD when the alleged crime occurred. He was one of the detectives who interrogated Miss Payne. He advised her of her Miranda Rights, which she freely understood and accepted. Mr. Hayward nor Detective Moore threatened or coerced her into agreeing. The important parts of her interrogation video were shown to the jury. By important, I mean parts with anything of significance to the case. He testified that he had not listened to the 911 calls or interviewed any of the witnesses before interrogating Miss Payne.
Defense’s Closing Arguments
The State deferred their first closing argument, so the defense got to go first. Mr. Tucker immediately told the jury to disregard the evidence that the State presented to them. He then tried to discredit witness testimony one last time. Miss Payne was young and didn’t know that such evil existed.
State’s Closing Arguments
Prosecutor Kim Myers (please correct me if I am wrong) delivers the closing arguments for the state. She went over what Miss Payne was charged with and what they meant. She also said that you “don’t get the death penalty for a traffic infraction”. Prosecutor Myers tells the jury that the witnesses may not have had all of the details, but their recollections stayed consistent when it came to the major events. The only story that was inconsistent was Miss Payne’s story.
Verdict and Sentencing
Malice murder: guilty
Count one of felony murder: guilty
Count two of felony murder: guilty
Aggravated assault: guilty
False imprisonment: guilty
Count one of possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime: guilty
Count two of possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime: guilty
Count three of possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime: guilty
Miss Payne was sentenced to life with the possibility of parole after forty-three years.
Personal Opinions
These are just my opinions. Feel free to disagree, but keep it as respectful as possible. Mr. Tucker was a terrible attorney. I understand that it was his job to defend her and that he didn’t have a lot to work with, but he did a terrible job at it. He kept badgering witnesses and asking the same questions over and over again. He also misspoke several times, like saying “radiation fluid” instead of “radiator fluid”. Like, wtf is radiation fluid?!😂 Hannah should’ve taken the plea deal that the state offered.
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melaniehayes138 · 5 months
Who Are the Famous Thieves in History?
Many people and groups have gained notoriety for their illicit actions, which include stealing valuable artwork, robbing banks, and carrying out complex heists.
Doris Payne She was born in West Virginia in 1930, started stealing at the age of 23, and has since pilfered jewelry valued at millions of dollars from retailers all around the world. Doris Payne decided to disguise herself as a wealthy customer, dress elegantly, and avoid interaction with salespeople while stealing the jewelry.
Bonnie & Clyde After meeting and falling in love in 1932, the couple started their crime spree. They began stealing banks, convenience stores, and other establishments, frequently intimidating their victims with violence. For many years, Bonnie and Clyde were presented as antiheroes in books, movies, and music.
John Dillinger During the 1930s Great Depression, John Dillinger, an American bank robber and gangster, rose to fame. Dillinger was born in Indianapolis in 1903, and from an early age, he had several run-ins with the law and a difficult upbringing.
Alfred N. Turner Alfred N. Turner was his true name. He got his nickname by going after residences at night, when he knew the residents would be preoccupied and less likely to see him. He was renowned for his quickness and dexterity, which helped him avoid capture for a number of years.
The public's fascination with the tales of these notorious robbers has resulted in an abundance of books, films, and television programs. By setting an example and providing assistance with cove smart home security system installation, they assist homeowners in safeguarding their properties.
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