wulfhalls · 1 year
to follow up on that anon you just posted about how they wouldn't really be toxic together, they also very clearly demonstrated throughout the show that Billy DIDN"T fall apart or go off the deep end during her darkest moments -- in fact he stayed and helped her how he could. And at the Chicago show it is very clear that, despite the fact that she still has a major drug problem, the moment she realizes both that he's been drinking again AND is spiraling and doing drugs, she completely course corrects to support what is best for his sobriety and then also decides to get sober herself.
THEY MAKE EACHOTHER BETTER, and not because they're trying to impress the other person -- they know they can be the absolute worst version of themselves in front of eachother and basically feel no shame or judgement, but when confronted with the other in a terrible place their instinct is to pick up the slack.
Obviously addiction is its own solo battle, but when it comes to their relationship the only thing making them so angry and miserable with eachother is NOT being honest and close, because of his marriage (and then hers -- but mostly always his). There's really nothing about their "toxic" fights/behavior that isn't connected to them wanting eachother and not being able to act on it (or feeling guilty/angry for acting on it, or for wanting to, etc. etc.) -- so I do expect that post the final scene, their romantic relationship would probably be very much like the sunroom scene and like the nightime beach scene and the diner scenes and their writing music scenes ect. etc.
ramble over 😂
thank u for saying everything I wanna say but way smater and more coherent <33
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ratuszarsenal · 2 years
wait til you see this new fresh take on a historical figure (proceeds to repeat the consensus of writers and historians since the 19th century)
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Boleyn, Boleyn
Boleyn, Boleynn...
I beg of thee, pray, taketh not my king
Boleyn, Boleyn,
Boleyn, Boleynn
That wouldst be a fate worse than death to me
Thy beauty is beyond compare,
With glistening locks of coal-black hair
With deep brown eyes and skin like ivory
Thy smile is like a breath of spring
Thy wit is sharp as winter's sting
And I cannot compete with thee, Boleyn
He speaks about you in his sleep,
And there is naught I do but weep
Whenever he doth speak your name, Boleyn
And I know thou couldst have my man
But I pray that thee understand
Just what his lordship means to me, Boleyn
Boleyn, Boleyn
Boleyn, Boleynn...
I beg of thee, pray, taketh not my king
Boleyn, Boleyn,
Boleyn, Boleynn
That wouldst be a fate worse than death to me
Thou couldst have thy choice of men
But I shall never love again
For he is all that God has left for me
I pray you no longer tempt him
My happiness is at your whim
And whether thou dost choose to sin, Boleyn Boleyn, Boleyn
Boleyn, Boleynn...
I beg of thee, pray, taketh not my king
Boleyn, Boleyn,
Boleyn, Boleynn
That wouldst be a fate worse than death to me...
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desiderium-eden · 1 year
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Christopher Blaidd:
Werewolf cop and reluctant himbo. Polite, motherly, considerate, and book smart but a tad slow when it comes to almost anything social. A genuinely good guy trying to do good things. Total tsun.
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Amara Boleynne:
Made of equal parts silk and steel, Amara is a woman of many talents. Witch, scientist and fashionista. Brilliant, charming and unyielding, she goes for what she wants and usually gets it. 
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A mistake. I never should’ve let him into this world. Bit of an asshole, but he’s pretty enough that most people tend to look past that. I’m sure there’s something half decent in there. I’ve seen it. Will he listen to me though? Probably not. 
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Emile Kassim:
The bastard of the sea, Emile is very much a turtle trying to put on the bravado of a dragon. A well of insecurity and awkwardness hidden beneath a façade of confidence, competence and non-functional muscle. 
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west1rosi · 1 year
margaery being accused of sleeping with other mens when it's all fall: i see you anne boleynn/catherine howard parallels.
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tiarasahsa-blog · 2 years
Seduce me. Write letters to me. Or poems, i love poems. Ravish me with your words. Seduce me
Anne Boleynn
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joysmercer · 3 years
if your argument starts with “so-and-so is actually the weakest [...],” get a new argument
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kiyaar · 7 years
boleynns answered your question “does anyone have a nice site that collects movie streaming links? i...”
I use solarmovie.sc
THANK YOU! I found it!
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lesbianrustcohle · 7 years
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boleynns replied to your post “shinka: there’s like 2 special effects and they are awful most of...”
it was such shit, if it's real it'll be one of their worst episodes hahah?? Literally no emotion except fake emotion about characters no one cares about. I'm laughing at this mess.
the only times i felt anything at all were when john might have to kill someone in cold blood and when molly was upset
it was all so over-the-top and i didn’t give any fucks
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wulfhalls · 2 years
I do also already love that the many preconceived notions a lot of people had that Daemon never loved Rhaenyra and only used her to gain more power were basically all proved to be clownery in their very first scene together. It was always hilarious to me that people were so sure that their union was purely political, no emotion involved whatsoever, when "Fire & Blood" is extremely explicitly presented as a biased account of history -- yet still many people were like "They never cared about eachother, they only cared about gaining more power 🤡"
I'm happy to be vindicated, but also it seemed so obvious to me that there wasn't a snowball's chance in hell that they would ever go in that direction just from a narrative perspective. They adjusted Alicent's age and strengthened her and Rhaeynra's relationship because stories are much better when the characters are emotionally entangled with one another -- and similarly with Daemon and Rhaenyra, it would just be bland and boring to see them paired up if they are just apathetic towards eachother rather than very emotionally invested.
Anyways, sorry for the essay but I have no one to talk to about these things haha. Long story short, I am fired up for what is to come and look forward to cackling gleefully as events unfold 🔥🔥🔥
no licherally u are saying it all!!! the way people are genuinely bothered that he actually loved her 😭✋️like they didn't see each other every minute they could when they lived on dragonstone and driftmark respectively like they weren't married happily for over 10 years like he didn't crown her himself like he didn't avenge the death of her sons like he didn't give his life to defend her right to the throne 😭✋️
exactly like daemon can't just be doing insane cuntery balls to the walls scorched earth shit 24/7 there needs to be some emotional grounding element (got could get away with a character like joffrey or ramsay who were all cunt all the time not one redeeming feature anywhere in sight because they had a sprawling cast and they weren't the main characters but daemon is and hotd is much more focused so that wouldn't fly here) so his redeeming feature: his genuine real love for her 😚 that being said all of that was entirely unnecessary to type out because people who have eyes and saw matt smith acting know all of that already!
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horriblesupper · 7 years
forgive me if you've answered this one already, (and I'm trying to frame this question in a way you can hopefully answer haha): do you feel satisfied with mary's resolution in tfp?
honestly? no, not at all, but i do believe i didn’t see the Real Episode soooo
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color-division · 7 years
your recent posts about all the people flipping out that that 'Killing Stalking' thing is "problematic", are REALLY reminding me of that one hilarious Hannibal textpost where this girl had a problem with the show being so murdery/"problematic", and someone replied to the effect of "the show is literally called 'Hannibal'...who is a CANNIBAL."-- Like. Hello people. If the name of something is "Killing Stalking", it's probably not for the easily morally offended haha.
the manghwa could be call “Unhealthy relationships and gore” and people would still be surprised it’s not a cute story!! 
Moral person: I read te tittle and I saw the cover with a boy about to bash the head of another boy with a bat and I thought it would be like Victor and Yuuri :( Where is my vanilla love story?  uugh and now that it didn’t meet my taste I’m gonna shame anyone who likes it!! also it’s even worse if you like YOI and KS at the same time! ew ew ew 
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chrispineofficial · 7 years
boleynns replied to your post: another ace person here. just wanted to say ppl...
“the devil’s avocado” - anon you cracked me up legitimately
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crackdkettle · 7 years
boleynns replied to your post “Let’s talk about Death of the Author for a minute. Death of the Author…”
I don’t ship them, or even watch Supernatural, but this is so important! ‘Death of the Author’ is a real thing - it’s just unfortunate that so many “authors” (i.e. creators, actors, etc.) try to act like their 'intentions’ are the only valid interpretation. So silly.
Yeah, I mean at the end of the day, if a large portion of your audience is interpreting something differently than you intended, you’re reading (or watching) it wrong!!!! doesn’t hold up as a valid argument. You wrote it wrong.
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boleynns · 5 years
boleynns ---> direfell
We’re like 24 days away from Season 8 and there is no looking back! 
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Aren't you ready to "hop" into the weekend? You are welcome to hate me for that joke. What a fun day it has been for us! Should we contuine the fun? I think we should! Animal anon left her 80 hour a week job a couple weeks ago and is now relaxing and having some fun (safely) while she figures out what she is doing next. So I came up with a fun question for you all to answer! So my question is what period would you travel to if you were given a time machine? I'm going to cheat a little and give two answers because I was an undergrad history major and can't help myself. First, I'd like to go to the day Ludwig II died because my parents are from Bavaria and I grew up hearing about the mystery of his death and I wanna know what happened. Second, I'd also love to travel to Tudor England because it's just so dramatic and I've related to Anne Boleyn like my whole life. I know, it's a weird person to relate to and I am slightly concerned what that says about me.
Let's have some fun and remember to tag animal anon (if you so desire) so we can all scroll though your fun responses! And remember, animal anon thinks you are all beautiful talented gorgeous people who are killing it at life! And shoutout to the random blogs today who I messaged today who helped me with this question! ❤
-Animal anon
Hey Animal anon! I'm so glad you were able to leave that job, it sounds like it was awful.
Your two picks are super interesting! I'll have to look into Ludwig II, but I know Anne Boleynn was a true icon haha.
I think I would maybe go back to the Italian renaissance! I know conditions weren't exactly ideal, but I really love Italy and the art and history of the country, so it'd be really cool to go back and see all of that happening in real time.
I hope you have a nice time relaxing while you figure everything out, and good luck!
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