#bodies are weird
fandomsandfeminism · 1 year
As we move towards the summer months, this is a healthy reminder that:
BMI is misapplied at best and pseudoscience at worst.
That genetics have far more affect on body type than any other factor.
That a "healthy weight" varies wildly from person to person.
That your body's actual healthy weight shouldn't require constant dieting to maintain.
That some studies have shown that being slightly "overweight" based on BMI actually makes you more resilient against injury and illness.
That unless your weight is actually directly causing you mobility issues or pain, it isn't a problem.
That movement and food should be a source of joy, not self discipline and stress.
That everyone looks better in clothes that fit properly.
That being hydrated and well fed is far more important to your health than you realize.
That fed is best.
That chiseled abs are only really visible if you are dehydrated.
That feeling the sun on your skin and bird song can heal the parts of you that years of dieting and weight watching and self criticism has injured.
That you have no obligation to be sexy or beautiful.
That you should never say things about your own body that you wouldn't say about a friend's or a partner's.
That it is not a moral imperative to be healthy or mobile or skinny.
That the people who judge you for your weight are fighting their own demons.
That People are absolutely terrible at guessing a person's weight. How you dress and carry yourself has far more impact on perception.
That You don't have to be beautiful to enjoy a beautiful day.
Better happy than skinny.
Feeling good is better than looking good.
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cameoutstruggling93 · 10 months
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I was just happy to be a contender
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adaginy · 1 month
Starting to suspect that my sleeping position is due to and/or part of why my right hip hurts all the time. But it's something I do in my sleep, not something I can prevent myself from doing.
Or can I???
A+ to the sexytime restraints for keeping my right leg extended all night, not perfect but it already feels better :D
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butch-chastity · 1 month
I got a new scar on my finger and now I can't feel as well there >:( what the fuck man
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internet-schvitzinq · 8 months
y’all ever have a sudden tinnitus attack in one of your ears so intense that it makes your eyes water?
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labelleizzy · 6 months
Something nobody ever tells you, is that you will have to spend time, if you're lucky enough to grow older, grieving your former body. And if you ARE lucky enough to grow older, your body WILL change. You will be injured, you will catch diseases, you will have scar tissue. Just. I'm just spending a little time today, with my own body, and I'm feeling fragile and vulnerable.
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korya-elana · 19 days
Everyone always talks about how bad having chronic health problems are but no one ever talks about the weird shit.
I have dysautonomia (my ANS doesn't work) and gastroparesis (my GI system has areas of paralysis).
The GP means that I am nauseous. Every. Single. Morning. Sometimes it goes away on its own, sometimes I have to run for the toilet if it gets too bad.
If the GP pisses off my vagus nerve too much, it re-regulates and I have a massive sneeze and suddenly the nausea is magically gone 100% And at that point I'm like "What even was the reason for the nausea in the first fucking place?"
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undeadhousewife · 5 months
So it turns out I have a rare tooth formation to the point the actual medical study on it had less than 20 people they could find with it. Basically I have a tooth inverted - instead of two points front and back with a divot in the middle it's smooth with a large spike in the center.
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indelibleevidence · 2 months
Why does night sweat smell so different to normal sweat? Like the kind of sweat you wake up with your entire pyjamas soaked in?
I don't know, is this a chronic illness thing?
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greyspectraltea · 2 months
Sometimes, the hunger for spicy melted cheese is overruled by “too hungry, can’t eat.” and I don't know if this is a universal experience or not.
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notbroadwaybound · 3 months
Man was randomly really tired at 8:30 pm and then slept until 2 am and have not been able to get back to sleep in the 4 hours since. Might be a long day at work ahah
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adriftwoods · 4 months
been coughing too hard and now i get to play a fun game called “did i give myself a hernia, bust an ovarian cyst, or something else entirely”
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fenrislorsrai · 4 months
bodies are weird: Covid edition
I have thyroid problems. One of the special 'wow, what the fuck" things that will happen every now and then if we fuck up my levels just wrong is I will get migraine auras without pain. I don't normally get migraines at all, so we absolutely know its a "you fucked up your medication levels" as it would happen if we adjusted my levels too fast. (migraines are a rare known side effect on most thyroid medications, but thyroid problems and migraines often occur together, so its often hard to detect that its medication, not just body being stupid)
I currently have Covid.
Covid can fuck up your thyroid levels.
So I got a fucking weird aura from THAT.
I took drugs to stop progression of migraine and lay down in the dark for about an hour but my vision was FUCKED UP. it was fine later. it would have been scary as hell if it was not something I'd had happen before. (it basically looks like someone attempted to shrink wrap the world and did a terrible job)
Bodies are weird. what the fuck.
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largesunglasses · 1 year
I haven't worked out and not sure when I will. If I do it's going to be a small walk. I'm exhausted and I'm not going to push myself as I'm going back to work tomorrow. A lot of my friends who have had the vid before told me to ease back in so I'm going to listen.
Today I took a shower and accidentally grabbed the wrong shirt out of my closet to put on after surprisingly the shirt fit better than it has in a long time. I was actually mad when I realized what shirt it was because I already knew it wouldn't fit and I'd be uncomfortable trying to get it on.
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starfleetskunkworks · 7 months
I'm letting the color grow out of my hair and I'm surprised to find it's growing in a different color than when I was younger.
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earhartsease · 2 years
tfw you have to throw money at more nightclothes because night sweats + not having the spoons to do laundry often enough to keep up with your current meagre array
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