#bodhi just wants everyone to have a good time
velvetlilacsdaisies · 7 months
Shit at Feelings i
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Part one
Pairing: Bodhi Durran x fem!marked one!reader
Synopsis: Bonding with dragons? No issue. Killing venin? Unfortunate, but doable. Confronting your feelings towards your childhood best friend? No thanks.
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: SPOILERS!!, drinking, swearing, filler dialogue, not proofread v well. lmk if I missed anything
A/n: my first Emperyeon series fic!! Was supposed to be just a one part fic, but I got carried away. I also just wanted to write a self indulgent piece w dialogue amongst the group too 🥲 this is my first time in a while posting but I fr love Bodhi sm I needed to have something w him in it. I hope you enjoy!
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You survived your first year, you defied the odds of what everyone else said about you. Not only defying those odds, but being one of the best in your year. Maybe Imogen and Xaden had played a crucial part, but most of the marked ones were surprised. You had been more quiet and reserved out of the group of kids for the high ranked officials, but that didn’t mean you were weak. You had proved that while being ruthless and cunning in your training. Your parents were Fen Riorson’s top battle strategist and healer after all.
In the gathering hall, everyone celebrated moving into their new ranks. While simultaneously saying goodbye to the third years they’ve grown to know. You were indulging in the alcoholic lemonade, and your fellow fourth wing with more than a few words tonight. You sat on the left side of Violet while Imogen sat on the right. Nadine and Sawyer next to Rhiannon across from you bickering playfully about something. You savoring your newfound will to live after the events at Resson.
The hall was sweltering in the summer evening heat, no amount of lesser magic had helped. Neither did the warmth you could feel from Ridoc beside you. Taking your jacket off, only being left in your tank top underneath.
“Damn Y/n,” whistled Ridoc. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen your relics yet.” Everyone’s eyes went to you, and usually you would’ve been intimidated by all eyes on you. Tonight it didn’t faze you that much. Even noting the softened gaze in Nadine’s eyes, who had been skeptical of the kids of the rebellion at the beginning of the year.
Both sides of your collarbones are covered in intricate designs extending to shoulders making their way down to your biceps on both arms. You never tried to hide the relics, but you never took your jacket off or opted for a long sleeve, higher collared shirt when training in lessons.
You rolled your eyes at the male’s cheekiness and everyone gawking besides the few who knew what already laid beneath your jacket. “It’s not something I necessarily flaunt.”
“Obviously or we wouldn’t all be shocked here.” Sawyer snorted, sipping on his beverage.
“It’s so badass though.” Violet acted as if she hadn’t only seen it days prior.
“I had been fortunate in the placements of them. Since both of my parents were a part of Riorson’s regime.” You tried not to be bashful about it.
“Where’s your dragon relic?” Ridoc blurted as he looked at the design on your shoulders.
“Sheesh,” Rihannon reached over, flicking his ear. “You’re staring like you’ve never seen any relics before.”
Before you could give a response, something caught the youngest Sorrengail’s eye causing her to get up. “I’ll be back.” Violet stood up from the table, wobbling tipsily to the corner where you saw Xaden and Bodhi. The latter descended, seeing the silver haired girl approach them, offering a curt nod when they passed one another.
You gulped at how good Bodhi looked in his new third year jacket, even when it bore no difference to his second year uniform. You were just a sucker for Bodhi in a uniform admittedly. The mage lights illuminating his dark curls to a chocolate hue that tempted you to run your fingers through his hair.
Despite being close with Xaden, Imogen, and even Garrick—you kept your distance from the younger man for a year before he left for Basigath. When you were kids, you two had been close friends, maybe even inseparable. But when a rebellion happens, and you have increasingly become aware of how much your affection for him went so much deeper than being his friend—things become complicated.
When you were around him now it was the only time you felt truly timid. You could conquer the parapet, gauntlet, bond a dragon, kill venin and wyvern, but that man was your weakness. He had narrowly saved you and your dragon from a wyvern attack while back in Resson.
His cheek still dusted with a greenish yellow bruise, and jaw gashed with a healing cut. Unashamedly you thought it made him look so much more lethally handsome than he was. Gods you were resorting to a bumbling nervous lovesick puppy.
“Human women and their finicky hormones and emotions.” Your dragon, Cleasaí, chortled through your bond.
“Quiet, go eat sheep or something.” You slammed your mental shields up from her to the best of your ability while intoxicated.
Bodhi reached the table, already looking at you. His hazel eyes shimmered with curiosity as he scanned your exposed arms and collarbones. Either not used to lack of sleeves or was it the fact you unabashedly stared back for once. His mouth curled into a lazy smirk. You hoped he didn’t notice your already flushed warm cheeks redden under the mage lights, feeling a ghost of smirk on your own lips. The lavender lemonade made you feel bolder evidently as well.
“Mind if I squeeze in?” He asked, keeping his eyes locked on yours stil.
“I can move over—“ Imogen started moving closer to you, but he had already stepped over the bench to take a seat in between the two of you. “Or not.” She deadpanned. She had been one of the only ones that knew the complicated timeline between the two of you.
Your heart skipped a split second from the stare down between the both of you. Now feeling acutely aware of your posture and the swarm of what you could only compare to bees buzzing around in your stomach.
“Y/n,” he greeted casually, his voice a warm husky tone.
“Bodhi.” You tried to play cool, and take a sip of your frothy drink. Not only did you know he was looking at you, you could see Imogen in your peripheral, giving you a “what-the-fuck” look at the interaction. Ignoring the pink haired girl, you spoke up again. “Feel like a third year yet?”
“Eh, it won’t hit me until the new candidates get here.” He finally took his eyes off you as Ridoc offered him a bottle of ale. “Thanks man.” Bodhi’s side pressed up to you when leaned over to take the bottle.
His warmth doubled down into you, igniting the exposed skin where he pressed into you. Feeling his minty breath fan the side of your face, and the smell of cedar, patchouli, and musk invade your senses. You could feel his hard muscle flex through the layers of his clothing against your bicep. The storm that buzzed through your stomach turned into heat seeping into your core. Lovesick puppy or just desperate for male touch?
“I know I will be taking every advantage as a second year,” Nadine chimed in. “Finally being able to sleep in is priority number one!” She did a little celebratory dance in her seat. You snapped out the trance Bodhi left you in, and agreed with her.
“I’ll be savoring our newfound alone time too.” An extra hour in the morning, and weekends to actually do something more than chores or training. Maybe you can finally break out the sketch book that someone smuggled in for you during a supplies trip. You only found it on your bed with no note.
“Define alone time, Y/n.” Rihannon wagged her eyebrows at you. The group chuckled at the suggestive comment.
“Or will you use your newfound freedom to bring someone into your room finally?” Ridoc added, causing the group to laugh louder. If you weren’t red enough already, you had to be beet red now.
“What makes you think I haven’t already?” An inquisitive eyebrow raised at the shorter male from beside you. ‘Oohs’ rise from the group.
“Did you want to be number one, Ridoc?” Quinn giggled.
You felt both the male in question and Bodhi tense. The former blushing a deep scarlet in embarrassment and the latter wearing a neutral expression you couldn’t decipher.
“Sounds like you’re keeping watch of me.” You teased playfully. The flushed male who usually was never at loss for words was now stammering trying to deny it. “It’s okay, maybe one day I’ll take your consideration if I’m ever bored enough.”
“Not what I meant.” Ridoc put his hands over his face groaning. You finally let out a laugh from his reaction, you couldn’t help getting the slight joy of teasing him. He always got the joy of doing it to everyone else. It seemed the rest of the group was enjoying teasing the man just as much too. Everyone besides Bodhi, who had a slight scowl on his face until Imogen whispered something to him.
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By the end of the night, everyone was just about ready for bed drunkenly chatting and giggling at one another. You had consumed two more tall glasses of lavender lemonade. Most of the group now were clamoring around getting clumsy and incoherent. While you were trying to stay sane while remaining seated next to the guy you’ve always had undeniable feelings for. Overly aware of every little action he did at the table throughout the night. From him laughing to the way he gripped the bottle of his alcohol. Lovesick puppy.
You had stood at the exit of the hall up to the dormitories with Ridoc and Rhiannon. Both have to hold each other up as they bid you goodnight.
“Y/n,” Ridoc hiccupped. “I wasn’t serious about earlier, but if you’re—“ hiccup “serious I can be—“ another hiccup “serious.” You did everything you could not laugh out loud knowing it was the alcohol talking.
“She wasn’t.” Bodhi came up next to you, giving him a glare. You shot him a look, not used to such a serious or broody version of the man you grew up with. Him always being the friendlier one out of Xaden, Garrick, and himself. “Goodnight you two.”
Rhiannon’s eyes widened in a shocking delight. “I knew there was something between the two of you!” She squealed, like he bared his soul with a couple words.
“There is—“ you go to correct her, but the tall male beside you cuts you off.
“Goodnight Cadet Matthias.” He had an authoritative tone that made your knees buckle. Or was that the alcohol? His muscular arm wrapped around your waist as he noticed your unsteadiness, and you felt that same sensation you felt earlier when you leaned into him for support.
Your two fellow second years gave the both of you looks before clumsily walking away, leaving you alone with the male holding you up. Your heart is now hammering as he starts to lead you away.
“Let’s get some air.” Bodhi motioned his head to the courtyard as he effortlessly led your stumbling form outside. You wanted to scoff at his proposition. Your new bed and pajamas were calling your name.
A few cadets and lieutenants lingered around the expansive yards, but he quietly led you to an alcove that brought you to a secluded spot where no one could see the two of you.
You leaned up against the stone wall, letting the summer breeze cool your skin. Carefully observing the tawny skinned man from beside you. He took out a small rolled paper and a match, lighting the roll and the sweet smell of churam filled your nose. You weren’t allowed to smoke, and you knew if you were caught you two would be expelled and possibly executed at this point.
“What are you doing?” You hissed as he took a drag, watching him let the smoke leave his mouth and inhale through his nose. There goes that damn buzzing feeling in the pit of your stomach again.
“Relax this is our smoking spot, Y/n/n, no one comes around here.” He reassured you once he exhaled the smoke again. You rolled your eyes staring at the mage light that flickered on the wall. After a lengthy pause, you glanced back at him.
“What makes you think I wasn’t serious?” You questioned, crossing your arms around yourself.
“You know these are the most words you’ve spoken to me in months? Maybe even years?” He ignored your question.
You opened your mouth, before closing it again. You couldn’t admit it was because of your harbored feelings. Not now. Because he was right, you hadn’t talked for quite some time. It didn’t feel right nor did you want to omit that confession.
“Well you were here for an entire year and I was back home so yeah it’s been a year since we talked.” So you played oblivious with him.
He scoffed, “you’ve hardly spoken to me since you’ve gotten here.”
“You just seemed so busy—“
“Cut the shit, please.” He pleaded, now anxiously dragging the joint.
As he brought it away from his lips after a couple puffs, you stole it from him. Your fingers brushing slightly as you grab the small rolled herb. The small touch warrants an electrifying feeling between your fingers. Quickly brushing the thought of if he felt it too, you took a hit of the herb. Letting the sweet smoke seep into your lungs and haze the self awareness and guilt that filled you.
You didn’t want to let him in, truthfully. You’ve already witnessed too many losses during the succession and your first year alone at Basigath. It was when your parents had been executed when you started slipping away from him. You let the stereotypical crush trope hide deep down what you felt, how afraid you were. It would hurt to know, if you finally got the balls to admit everything you’ve felt, and something happened to him or you. It already almost did once, the regret and shame still kept a hold of you for the last few days.
You could now see the disappointment in his eyes. “You’ve always been quiet and reserved, but with me? That’s never been you.” You took another deep inhale of the herb.
“Could you blame me if I was scared?” Your hands slightly shook as you handed the joint back to him. Your eyes were earnest as you looked at him.
He shook his head, running hand through his hair. “You're scared? Fuck, Y/n I almost watched you die. And you know what ran through my head thinking ‘this could be it’?” He took one last smoke, throwing the remaining part of the joint on the ground, stomping it out into the cobblestone. “That the last fucking year spent with you was speaking through a chain of command or small talk bullshit when you weren’t running the opposite if I was near you for too long.”
A lump formed in your throat, and you could feel the tears burn the edges of your eyes. That electric current you felt in your stomach only a few moments ago had solidified into a brick. Then ascended into a wall that crushed you with an iron force with his words.
You two had only briefly talked while in Aretia after what happened.
You had tended to your dragon most of the time while waiting for Violet to heal. Your green clubtail had a poorly injured claw from a wyvern, and despite her persistence it would heal, you were nervous that it would draw too many questions back at Basigath. Xaden agreed and saw Brennan to help mend some of the wound once Violet was stable. You were not able to leave her side while the stranger tended to her. She was already furious that someone besides you had to touch her.
You wanted to talk to him more after that, everything had happened so fast though. Then you went back to avoiding him.
“You’re right.” You mumbled, picking at the edge of your nails. “I’m so sorry, Bo.” Your lip trembled, and the first tear slipped from your eye.
He sighed, sounding defeated. “Gods, I don’t want to be right.” He gently grabbed your elbow, wrapping your smaller frame in his arms. “I want you to stop icing me out, Y/n.”
He ran a hand through your hair, his chin resting on top of your head as you sniffled tears silently running down your cheeks. He had every right to be upset with you, but here he was comforting you. This had always been the Bodhi you knew, how he was before the height of the rebellion. Whereas you had turned cold, letting your cowardice and stubbornness control your emotions—for what you thought was for good reason.
“I know,” you stifled against his jacket. Finally wrapping your arms around him. His grip tightened, and you were overwhelmed by the sense of comfort. You hated what this man did for you and to you.
“I shouldn’t have had this conversation tonight.” He admitted. “I should have waited until we were both sober.” He let you go, and you wished you were still wrapped in his muscular arms. A cold seeping into you that wasn’t due to weather.
You shook your head, a sad smile on your lips. “I would have run.”
“And I wouldn’t have had the courage to bring it up.” A dry chuckle echoed through the quiet alcove.
“We’re riders and we’re—“
“Shit at feelings?” He mused as he watched you tug your jacket on. You wiped some stray tears from your cheeks with your sleeve.
“I was gonna say pansies, but that works.” You sniffled, as a toothy grin finally appeared on his face.
“Should we get to bed and do this all over again tomorrow?” He offered his arm. You raised an eyebrow at him, was he sane? “I mean the drinking part, not the arguing. I enjoyed hearing more than a word out of you tonight though. So I can resort to arguing if needed.” He nudged you slightly.
You rolled your eyes teasingly, “no promises.”
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Reblogs and likes are appreciated! I am open to feedback as well as requests too! 💕🫶
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moonlit-heartbreak · 2 months
Love Languages
Xaden, Liam, Bodhi, Garrick x Reader Warnings: Slight spoilers for FW and IF, some suggestive comments and themes but nothing too explicit a/n: I love these men a little bit too much, so now you all get to enjoy my takes on each of their love languages for my first post🤭. It’s a little short and all over the place, but once my finals are over expect some longer works. Definitely let me know what you all think!
Xaden - Acts of Service
Listen, he's an important guy both as wingleader and a lieutenant and now in being on the front lines of a war, so he has to make sure to keep everyone's respect, and of course keep them all a little scared of him, so he can't get all lovey-dovey with you in public
Instead I see him being big on acts of service. Leaving you an extra piece of bread he grabbed at breakfast that morning, sharpening your swords/daggers so you're set to go for training, things of that nature
He would want to be there for you and let you know that he's looking out for you and acts of service is the perfect way for him to do that subtly but still being more involved in directly making you happy
Don't get me wrong though, when you're alone the acts of service definitely don't stop and he's good at what he does. With this I don’t mean JUST sex (even though it’d be amazing), but he would also love to brush your hair, give you a massage, whatever he can do to make you feel loved and cared for after a long day of classes and training
If there’s something specific you liked back home like a specific snack or item just know that once he finds out he’s going to be bribing one of the fliers to get it for him during a supply run so he can surprise you with it just so he can see your face light up
It works out perfect for you because not only is he making you feel like the most special person in the world with everything he does for you and how well he knows you, but getting perks like him keeping you off the schedule for your least favorite chores doesn't hurt either
The moral of the story is that he would literally do anything to make you happy, and despite how tough he acts you've got him completely wrapped around you finger
Liam - Words of Affirmation
For someone who's experienced so much loss before, he still manages to be SO kind and caring and this would 100% come through in the way he acts with his significant other, especially in terms of how he speaks to them
In public this would probably come off more as supportive and encouraging comments, helpful tips for training, or even just a quick compliment thrown in here or there. He's one of the more laid back out of all of the guys, but he still knows not to let his kindness be mistaken for weakness or allow anyone to try and use you against him, so he's careful to keep a good balance of keeping his guard up and being sweet with you
With that though, neither of you really have anything to worry about. He's the strongest cadet in his year and he trusts that you can hold your own so he'd still be pretty open with you in public
He's the type of guy who would never want to say goodbye without an 'I love you" thrown in there, even if you'd had a disagreement or you're (somehow) upset with him. Words are so important to him and he's going to make sure to tell you how he feels no matter what
I mean think about it, with all those letter he wrote to Sloane this man is a master at communication and he knows how to do it well
SO good at reassuring you. Ever doubting yourself or your abilities? Worried you’re not being a good enough partner? Nervous about opening up to him about something? He knows exactly what to say to calm you down or make you feel better every single time without fail. He just has such a way with words, and when he speaks to you in that soft "everything's going to be alright" voice there's no way you wouldn't feel at least a bit better
I have no doubt in my mind that he would have the sweetest nicknames for you and know exactly what to say when you need it, he’s just the sweetest thing to grace the continent and you’ll be reminded of that every time he speaks his sweet words that make your heart flutter
Bodhi - Physical Touch
This man... I definitely see him lovinggg physical touch. He needs you like he needs air to breathe and he isn't afraid to let the rest of the world know it
He's a confident guy so naturally he'd love to show off his significant other; walking with an arm slung over your shoulder or around your waist, sitting right next to you during meals so that your arms and legs brush against each other, holding hands or even just loosely linking your fingers together while you study, he loves it all
You two have definitely been told to get a room once or twice during training when your sparring sessions get a little too intense (gods bless the innocent bystanders who have to bear witness to that, especially the poor boys who are practically his brothers)
Obviously he knows how to balance his leadership responsibilities with spending time with you so he knows when he has to take a step back and get serious, but trust me, every chance he gets he's finding a way to be right next to you
When you guys are alone... oh boy get ready to be next to him all night long. Whether you’re laying together on one of your beds just talking before you settle in to sleep for the night, sitting on his lap while you both work on your own assignments, showering together, he’ll find a way to make everything a team effort just to be as close to you as possible
Don’t worry though, he knows when to give you your space so if there’s ever a day where you simply want a little alone time he would never push any boundaries and would respect whatever you wanted. However, if you’re trying to avoid him because you’re upset or anything of that nature he’s going to figure out what’s wrong and make sure you’re alright
Bodhi Durran the man that you are... At the end of the day he would be such a sweet partner to you and all of his actions, from full on cuddling to just brushing past each other briefly in the hallway, proves to you every day that he adores you
Garrick - Quality Time
Garrick is definitely more on the serious side, especially in public, but don't underestimate him as a partner because this man knows how to make you feel loved
Being close to you serves multiple purposes for him; it lets him keep an eye on you to make sure you're safe, and it simply brings him the sense of comfort he always gets from being near you
He’s super secure in himself and you, not doubting either of your abilities or your love for one another but just getting to be around you makes him happy. Whether it be sitting together to study, you talking his ear off about whatever antics you and your squad got up to that day, or even just training at the same time even if you’re on opposite sides of the gym sparring with different partners. Spending time with you or just being near each other is how he shows that he's there for you and that he loves you so he'll take whatever time he can get
With spending so much time with you and the fact that he’s a very observant guy, he would be able to read you like a book. There’s no hiding how you’re feeling because he’ll pick up on all of your little tells and know exactly how to go about making you feel better
Along with how observant he is and how deeply he knows you, I also feel like he would give amazing advice too. Disagreement with a friend? Not able to get the hang of a new weapon you’ve been training with? Stressed about an exam and not sure how to study? He has advice for all of it, and he knows when to step in and help you but also when you’ll want to be left alone to figure things out yourself
Whenever you both get a day off (which wouldn’t be often, I mean you have a war to prepare for) it’s always spent together. When you’re able to get some time together in Aretia, he’d take you to some tucked away corner of Riorson House him and Xaden would hang out in as kids just so you could get a few uninterrupted moments alone together, which you both cherish more and more as you inevitably get busier
He might be one of the most intimidating out of all of his friends and arguably out of most other riders as well, but underneath that sexy muscly exterior, he’s got a crazy soft spot for you; and while it might not be fully apparent to anyone who isn’t looking closely enough, you know just how much he loves you and that’s all that matters to the two of you
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Buddha headcanons with fem!Yoriichi Tsugikuni!reader
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Special thanks to @onecantsimply for helping me proofread/edit these headcanons so I could post the best Buddha content as I am able to :)
Buddha is a god, so he’s seen his fair share of ethereal goddesses in Valhalla. But he’s never been one to care about physical appearances so much as the personality of someone, since beauty does fade over time.
Not gonna lie though; when he first laid his eyes on the Sun Hashira, he initially thought there was nothing beyond the stoic expression she wore because, well, he didn’t know [First Name] [Last Name] too well because they’d recently ascended as a deity. He’s heard the gossip on how exactly this powerful Demon Slayer became the second human to become an immortal, though there was no solid proof behind the rumors. And he’s never been one to pay attention to that kind of stuff, anyway.
His first impression of the Sun Hashira soon changed after Zeus had concluded yet another stupid conference.
It wasn’t anything special honestly, but she crept up behind him and tapped his bicep before offering up an unopened lollipop to him. Normally he’d see this as a sign of some newbie buttering up to him because he was the honorable one, and a powerful god in his own right…but the lollipop in [First Name’s clenched palm was a cola-flavored one.
He loved all kinds of sweets, but cola-flavored ones were like a delicacy; they were super hard to find in Valhalla ‘cause most of the candy shops didn’t wanna go down to Earth to actually get the cola-flavored ones or even bother to learn how to make, so Buddha didn’t suck on one unless he was either slightly stressed or just wanted something different and was willingly to spend money.
So to see and hear the Sun Hashira asking him with a straight face if he’d like this treat when he’s never seen her even eat anything sweet…it was weird. Nice…but weird. He wasn’t gonna say ‘no’ to a freebie, obviously. Buddha plucked the lollipop from [First Name]’s hand, and when he put it in his mouth, the enlightened one saw the faintest trace of a smile stretch across the newbie’s lips.
The greatest Demon Slayer in human history…can actually smile? Whoa. Not what he had been expecting.
Still, it could all just be an act.
Everyone here didn’t like him because he’d been a human. He returned the sentiment wholeheartedly after centuries of putting up with their selfishness and arrogance.
Without saying another word, he just waved good-bye to her and left to go relax under his bodhi tree for the rest of the day. Honestly, he half-expected the Demon Slayer to come crawling back to him in another attempt to gain his favor.
Except she didn’t.
She never bothered him unless they happened to cross paths. Yet when such an incident occurred, she just bowed her head respectfully to him and went about her business. Sure enough he ended up seeking out the Sun Hashira’s quiet company when the noise around Valhalla was enough to give him a headache. Or Zeus, the damned nosy geezer.
Their time together would either be spent in one of the greenhouses or in the forest that surrounded [First Name]’s modest home. He’d be munching on whatever is in his snack basket and she’d be practicing her swordmanship, or they’d have small talk over some freshly brewed tea on the veranda.
A comfortable camaraderie between two gods that didn’t include shouting matches or bruising egos.
Over time, Buddha learned that there were additional layers underneath the stoic expression [First Name] always wore. She was kind and selfless, harboring an adoration for humans and a lot more expressive with emotions if one were to observe her as closely as he had.
Although she is still haunted by the lives she couldn’t save from the demons, she knew she did the best she could. That thought alone helped her sleep at night.
(Buddha called bullshit but wisely kept his mouth shut and suggested meditation lessons that can be practiced in the evening to help calm the mind instead.)
The Demon Slayer was an anomaly amongst the gods, if one excluded the Grecian hero Heracles.
Yet for all of the good qualities she possessed, the Sun Hashira was a bit…oblivious. She honestly had no idea that some of these narcissistic gods actually harbored romantic feelings for her and thought they were just being polite to an ascended immortal like herself.
She was not a goddess of love and still possessed scars from her days as a Demon Slayer even after becoming a god. Why would anyone bother looking at her?
He might be the honorable one who had removed himself from earthly desires to find enlightenment, but even the great Buddha gets a little peeved when the Sun Hashira’s attention isn’t on him and him alone~.
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 7 months
I love the idea of Bodhi coming to you for comfort after a long day, especially given all the additional stress that he and the other marked ones are under
Changed it a bit because you know me but here we go... My first little something something for our lover boy!
warning: contains some slight spoilers from iron flame. Nothing major but still wanted to give you a warning.
Not giving up on us
Almost nothing managed to get under Bodhi's skin. Just like his cousin Xaden, he could pull up a cold wall and no one would manage to get a single look at what was going inside. He was able to shut off his visible emotions. Leave all the problem-solving and brooding over something when he was alone or at least among the people he trusted but this mess that unfolded after the Parapet... God damn... At this point, Bodhi didn't even know who he was blaming and who was he mad at.
All he remembered was how he instantly reached for you the moment that flames erupted. He wasn't even thinking about it. His brain worked on its own. And in sight of danger, the only thing that mattered to Bodhi was that you were safe. Even if it wasn't what a good rider should have thought of first. He had pulled you both on the ground. His larger frame practically covered all of your body. And that all would have been fine. Everyone would have presumed that he as a section leader was protecting one of the cadets in his wing. If only...
The moment the heat died down and Tairn had chased Solas away, Bodhi had pulled away ever so slightly, his palm instantly cupping your face as he looked you over. The way your eyes seemed slightly glassy. And that's when the panic set in and all of his instincts kicked in. "Hey, look at me", he tapped your cheek as he pulled away, "Love, can you hear me?". You blinked up at him feeling your head throbbing from the impact. You were sure it was nothing you just had to let it pass. Lay low for a few minutes.
Bodhi had carefully brushed the hair away from your face, panic slowly settling in. You caught his hand pulling it away. There was no room for little touches like that. Not here. You shook your head slowly, "People", you muttered and Bodhi's eyes instantly snapped up. Verish and other wing leaders had their eyes set on him. And even if they hadn't, they've seen it. Don't think too much of it, Cuir, Bodhi's dragon, had mused but he knew better. Should have known better.
Nor was he surprised when he got pulled for an urgent conversation. Nor when he was assigned to the flame section. He saw it coming. They were going to do everything to separate you two. Weed out the threats of whatever that was starting to form between you two. Bodhi missed Xaden often but now even more so. In situations like this, he realized just how much having his cousin around meant. Was he pissed to find out that you were made the section leader of the tail section now? Yes. Sure, it was a higher rang and you deserved it but something deep within Bodhi screamed that it was done on purpose so you two would have even less time together.
And it slowly was driving Bodhi insane because the whole day after the incident he didn't get to see you. Nor did he know anything about your health. Did anyone even take you to the healer? Did you have a concussion? He had shoved his stuff angrily into the bag, so he could change rooms. It was almost unbearable considering that most of your stuff was already there. You two had quietly settled in. Your smell was all over his stuff. It felt safe. It felt like home. His haven. But more than most Bodhi hated the thought that all of this might put you in some kind of danger. Varrish was already all up on Violet what if that wasn't enough? What if he will want to have another play toy? That could very well be you.
"Sulking much?", your voice made Bodhi flinch. He had slipped out to stroll through the fields after an excessively long conversation with his new wing leader. "No", he muttered back, already hating the way his tone sounded. "Right, Ceir said just that", you rolled your eyes as you moved to sit down next to him. Both of your dragons were on rather friendly terms meaning that even if you two couldn't talk directly to them, they still were willing to help you find one another or warn one another when needed.
You leaned against your boyfriend's shoulder, letting your chin rest there. His stiff demeanor softened but you could sense the distress lingering. "How's your head?", Bodhi murmured, turning to kiss the side of it. "It's okay, just a little whiplash. I feel perfectly fine now", you reassured him. Hoping that it would ease his nerves but to no success. "What is it Bodhi?", you breathed slowly pulling away so you could see it better.
"What do you mean what is it?", he huffed, throwing the bits of grass he's been plucking from the ground across the field as he stood up. "I'm not hurt, all the people we care about are fine too", you stated. "They fucking pulled us apart because they know", Bodhi hissed through gritted teeth. "They would have changed your position regardless of what happened out there, Bo", you tried to reason with him. The loss was too big, they were lacking options when it came to repositioning.
"They know, that's the problem. Did you see the way Varrish was looking at us?", Bodhi tried to stay as quiet as he could but his angry gestures spoke loud and clear. "So what? We're breaking up now?", you said, crossing your arms over your chest. Bodhi instantly frowned as he moved closer to you, "Of course, we're fucking not". You let him wrap his arms around your lower body as you held onto his toned arms, "Then don't stress over it. We've got this", you cupped his face softly, "You can handle yourself so can I". You reassured him, leaning in to kiss the side of his jaw. "I just hate the thought you haven't to go through extra shit just because you're with me", Bodhi hissed through gritted teeth. "Watch me do it with my head held high", you smirked at him, "I'm not giving up on us", you whispered. Bodhi let out a sigh. His grip on you tightened as he rested his forehead against yours. "I'll never give up on us", he breathed. You smiled up at him, pushing up to kiss his slowly. Missing the feeling of him against your lips after such a long day. The warmth. The smell of him. "You know now that I think about if...", he breathed, "We're a dang hot couple. Both section leaders", Bodhi mussed. You let out a chuckle as you shook your head, "And it had only taken a couple of minutes for your ego to grow twice the size". Bodhi let out an awful fake hurt hiss as he wrapped you up in his arms pulling you even closer into his embrace, "With a girlfriend like you, what do you expect?", he purred against your ear.
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callsign-rogueone · 1 month
deja vu - b.d.
Bodhi Durran x reader part of Bodhi and Darling's story 💗 words: 2.9k 🏷: set in the year before Fourth Wing (Bodhi’s first year). one tiny book spoiler but it’s not stated explicitly, hurt/comfort, anxiety, imagined character death (in a nightmare). mild dissociation, anxiety, nausea, fighting (challenge match), one very small injury, canon-typical peril and danger.
“I love you,” Bodhi rasps, closing his eyes. “I’m so… sorry…”
“No, no, hey, look at me,” you beg, hot tears slipping down your cheeks. “You’re gonna be okay, we’re getting you help, but you have to keep looking at me, okay?”
He doesn’t respond, doesn’t move or make any indication that he can hear you. He’s silent, perfectly still — he isn’t breathing. 
“Bodhi,” you cry, “Bodhi, please don’t leave me. Wake up, please.”
His heart has stopped beating. The love of your life, the man who had sworn to protect you, who you had sworn to love in sickness and in health and through the test of time, until the end of your days, is dead.
You feel like the air has been squeezed from your lungs, your breaths coming in choked sobs. 
“Wake, child,” someone interrupts — Sìoda. “It’s just a dream. It’s not real.”
You shake yourself awake, panting like you’d been running for miles. You look down at your palms, illuminated by the gentle moonlight filtering into the room -- they’re clean; not streaked with Bodhi’s blood. It was just a dream. Just a terrible dream, likely a product of the overactive imagination you’ve had your whole life, and your anxiety about the dragonkind exam you have tomorrow that you’re convinced you’re going to fail, despite spending all evening studying. 
“Your mate, and all of your brothers and sisters are safe in their beds,” she soothes, “as are mine.”
Oh. You still aren’t any good at shielding, so she’s been getting all of your emotions through the bond — you’d likely woken her up with your distress.
“I’m sorry,” you say in a guilt-ridden whisper. “I didn’t mean to disturb you.”
“Don’t apologize, my child. Just breathe.”
You mop up your tears with the sleeve of your pajama shirt, and focus on deepening your breaths, trying to relax your racing heart.
“There are still a few hours until formation,” she says gently. “Get some rest. You’ll need it.”
You lay back down, gazing at the wall of gray stone beside you, counting the bricks and trying to find patterns in the texture until the exhaustion overtakes you, and you fall back asleep.
Thankfully, your subconscious doesn’t torment you with any more cruel sights. You wake up to gentle November sunlight warming your skin and birds chirping — last month, a pair of doves had made a nest in the tiny alcove by your window.
You get dressed quickly, sorting out your hair and straightening your uniform. You’re in the middle of lacing your boots when there’s a knock at your door, the familiar rhythm that you know can only be Bodhi; like clockwork, he comes down the hall to get you every morning so you can walk to breakfast together.
You unlock the door with your mind, something you’ve been able to do for the last week, breathing a sigh of relief when he walks into the room unharmed and smiling. You hug him extra tightly, tucking your head into his neck and holding him a moment longer than usual, comforted by the steadiness of his breathing.
“You okay, Darling?” he asks, sounding concerned.
You hum in contentment. “Why wouldn’t I be?” 
You don’t mention the dream, because nobody wants to hear about their own death, and it would be silly to bother him with something you’ve already gotten over — though you know the image of Bodhi bleeding out in your arms on the floor of that empty classroom will likely be burned into your brain forever.
He gives you an easy smile, shouldering your bookbag and gesturing for you to head out the door.
You’re comforted by the normalcy of the day. It’s almost too easy, too smooth.
Everyone is present and accounted for at breakfast, in good spirits — as good as they can be, in your current situation. Battle brief passes quickly, with no reports of catastrophe, though you know that they likely aren’t giving you all the information they have. The dragonkind test you’d been so worried about is much easier than you’d expected, and you have the rest of the afternoon off until dinner.
You don’t object as your squadmates suggest you use one of the empty common rooms to study in — the same one you’d seen in your dream. 
What would you even say? Sorry, guys, but can we pick somewhere else to be, because I had a nightmare last night that Bodhi died in this room? 
You shake it off, repeating Sìodha’s words in your mind as you crack open your textbook: It’s just a dream. It’s not real.
But then every word of the conversation going on around you starts to sound very familiar, like you’ve heard it before — like they’re reciting lines for a stage play.
It’s just a dream. It’s not real.
But this can’t be a coincidence. There’s too many similarities for comfort; the location, the timing — the sun is just starting to set — the exact page that each boy’s book is open to… you remember that, remember Sawyer’s book being open to a page with that same illustration.
“Have you done number four yet? It doesn’t make any sense.”
“Let me see.”
You predict their replies with nearly perfect accuracy — because you’ve heard this exact conversation before.
What if it is real? What if you’re trapped in an endless loop like in one of the novels you’d read, where the leading lady has to live the worst day of her life over and over until she figures out how to change it? 
You could hardly bear to watch the light leave Bodhi’s eyes in that dream, and so help you gods, you are not going to see it ever again; you’re going to do something about it.
You’d read some theory in a philosophy book once that the flap of a butterfly’s wings can set off a chain of events that cause a hurricane. Would it be safer to stop this exact moment as it happens, or to interrupt now? Or was that dream really just a dream, and today will just be a normal day, or Basgiath’s version of normal, and you’re worrying over nothing?
“I don’t think that’s it. I think that’s the answer to number five, though.”
Those are the words. You’d almost missed them, too concerned about what’s going to happen in the next five seconds, but you should have just enough time if you act now. Sìodha seems to think so too, sending you a flood of urgency and panic.
You tackle Bodhi to the ground, wrapping an arm around his waist and putting a hand behind his head to cushion his fall as you both hit the floor. Your knuckles split on the impact, pain ripping through your hand, but all you can focus on is Bodhi underneath you — his eyes wide with shock, but still blinking up at you, his lips parted in a gasp, but not slick with blood, his heart racing, but not stopping. 
There’s a shout from beside you, the clatter of metal against stone, and the sounds of a brief struggle. Dain has the would-be assassin pinned in a matter of seconds, Sawyer helping him restrain her and haul her away, leaving you and Bodhi alone, still tangled up in one another on the floor, his eyes locked with yours.
He finally manages to form words, but not a complete sentence, still stunned. “What… How did you… What?”
“I saw this in a dream last night,” you answer, your voice wavering. “I saw you sitting right here with me, talking to Sawyer. You said that same sentence, and then there was a knife in your chest.” 
You look to your right, where it lays on the floor a few feet away — the exact shape and length as the one you’d dreamed of. “That knife.”
Bodhi’s eyes widen even further as he puts it together.  “I think that was your signet,” he breathes. “You’re a visionary.”
You finally let go of him, moving to sit by his side on the cold stone of the floor and staring blankly at the dagger. It had missed either of you by at least three feet, but had you acted a second later, or not at all… That doesn’t matter, you suppose. What matters is that Bodhi is alive; that you’d been able to save him, because you’d known what was going to happen and you altered course at the last second. 
You should be proud of yourself, but all you can think about is his words to you, and the implications thereof. If this is truly your signet, then you’ll have to watch this kind of thing happen over and over, and likely not just to Bodhi, but to the rest of your friends, too. But what if you can’t stop it next time? What if you see something happen to the twins? They’re a two-hour flight away, and you can’t abandon your post just because you had a dream that something bad happened to them. 
Will any of your dreams be just dreams anymore, or are you going to see all manner of terrible things every night for the rest of your life? How are you supposed to distinguish between dreams and reality, between the sleepy inventions of your subconscious, or the magic of your signet?
“I’m sorry, child. It is a powerful gift to have, but it can be quite cruel.”
You can hear Bodhi speaking, likely a thank you and some soft reassurances, but you don’t process the words. You don’t respond to either of them, still not fully convinced that this isn’t another dream.
The warmth of his hand on your arm starts to pull you out of that numbness. “Talk to me, darling.”
“I watched you die,” you whisper. “There was nothing I could do. I just had to hold you, until… I thought it was just a nightmare, but then it started happening in reality, and...”
You shake your head, eyes welling with tears that you try to blink away. You tell yourself that there’s no reason to be crying, no use when he’s standing in front of you, alive, breathing and talking and holding your hand, but you can’t stop the flood of emotion; confusion and relief and horror and several other things you can’t put a name to right now.
“Hey,” he coaxes, “look at me.”
You focus your gaze on him, on those soft brown eyes that still blink at you, the rise and fall of his chest.
“I’m okay,” he says softly, wrapping your hand around his wrist, mindful of your scraped knuckles. He positions your fingertips over his pulse, pressing them into the skin so you can feel the gentle beat of his heart. “I’m alive, because you saved me.”
You nod silently, warm tears slipping down your cheeks. 
He gathers you into a warm embrace, rubbing your back in soft, soothing motions. “I’m so sorry you had to see that, my darling girl. But the next time something like that happens, you tell me, okay? I don’t care if you wake me up at three in the morning, I want to be there for you.”
“Okay,” you whisper, resting your head against his shoulder.
You stay like this for a moment, just sitting with him and finding comfort in the warmth of his touch and the steadiness of his breathing.
“Do you want to go to the healers for your hand, or do you want me to wrap it up for you?”
“Want you to do it,” you answer softly, still feeling a little fragile. You don’t want to be away from him, even for a moment; you might work up the courage to ask if you can sleep in his bed tonight.
“Okay.” He presses a kiss to your temple, getting up to pack your bags.
Dain and Sawyer haven’t returned, likely still in Varrish’s office with the unbonded girl. You scribble a quick note to thank them, and to say that you’re done studying for the afternoon, leaving it on top of Dain’s book.
Bodhi picks up your bag, shouldering it along with his own.
He stops to pick up the dagger, sheathing it at his side, and you blink at him, confused. “You’re keeping it?”
“Of course I’m keeping it. It’s a memento of my first assassination attempt.”
You laugh, shaking your head. “Only you could be so proud about someone wanting to kill you.”
He pulls you in closer, tucking you under his arm. “Not nearly as proud as I am of you. You should have seen it. I’ve never seen you move that fast in my life.”
Your cheeks warm in embarrassment, suddenly shy. “I was worried I’d lose you,” you say softly.
“You won’t ever lose me,” he soothes. “We made each other a promise, and I intend to keep it.”
“So do I,” you say quietly. “So do I.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You don’t have any more terrible dreams -- visions -- for the rest of the week, just a generalized sense of anxiety and insomnia, waiting for the next one and wondering what it’ll be, what terrible fate may befall one of your friends.
Each day that passes simultaneously soothes your anxiety and stokes it. If you aren’t dreaming of any terrible things, then they won’t happen, but what if you don’t dream them? What if you can’t see harm coming to them in advance, and thus can’t prevent it?
As soon as you enter the gym for Emeterrio’s class, it hits you again; that incredibly strong sense that something very bad is going to happen, very soon.
Bodhi sees your posture change, your normal relaxed and graceful presence tightening uncomfortably, and puts it together immediately, looking at you with concern.
“I have that feeling again,” you manage, forcing down the acid rising in your throat. “But this time, I don’t know what’s going to happen.”
“It’ll be okay,” he soothes.
“You don’t know that,” you reply, still looking around, surveying the gym for anyone that could pose a threat to you or any of your friends, which happens to be every single person in the room. 
He takes your hand, and the feeling stops; vanishes completely, as if it was never there. Bodhi’s presence and his gentle touch have always been a comfort to you, often the only comfort you have, but nothing like that has ever happened before, a relief so intense and sudden.
Your gaze snaps to him, eyes widening. “How did you…”
He lets go, and the anxiety and nausea comes back in a tidal wave that nearly knocks you over. He lays a hand on your back to steady you, worried you’ll collapse, and the feeling dissipates again in the blink of an eye. Definitely not a coincidence.
“I think you turned it off,” you whisper. “When you let go, it came back.”
He blinks at you for a few seconds, processing. “Do you think that’s…”
“Laurent and Daneel,” Emeterrio calls.
Oh. That’s what you’re supposed to be worried about.
“Deep breath,” Bodhi prompts.
You inhale as deeply as you can before he moves his hand off of your back, and you aren’t hit with another tidal wave, just a normal, manageable level of anxiety appropriate for someone about to start a challenge match.
But as you step onto the mat, the anxiety fades into… something new. Confidence, like nothing you’ve ever felt before -- like you know you’re going to win this fight, without question, like it’s already been written down in the professor’s gradebook, and carved into history. 
You lower your head to your opponent in respectful acknowledgement, getting a snarl in response. Well, then. Maybe this will be harder than you’d thought -- but you still have that unshakeable feeling that you’re going to come out on top.
She makes the first move, a punch that you’re able to dodge easily. She tries again -- and you step to the side without thinking, avoiding the blow by a few inches.
You continue dodging and blocking, reacting naturally, almost subconsciously, not even thinking about your movements. 
You feel the same strange feeling you’d felt during the conversation leading up to Bodhi’s would-be assassination; you’d known all the words, knew what was going to happen because you’d seen it in a dream -- only you don’t remember dreaming any of this at all. It had been a total surprise that your name would be called with hers, the intense anxiety you’d felt being the only indicator, and even then, you’d been worried that it would be one of your friends in danger, not yourself.
Very interesting.
A slow smile spreads across your face as you realize exactly what is happening -- this is your signet at work, that familiar hum of power through your veins as you move, keeping you a few seconds ahead of everyone else in the room.
“You’ve had your fun,” Sìoda nudges, sounding amused. “Now end this, and end it well.”
The girl agrees. “Come on, you filthy fucking traitor! Fight me already!”
There’s a collective intake of breath from the quadrant as they wait for you to respond -- every eye in the gym is watching you, even the other cadets that are supposed to be fighting across the room, but you don’t move, don’t react to the comment, preparing for what’s going to happen next.
She hurls a dagger at you, enraged by your lack of engagement in this fight -- and your hand flies up to catch it, your fingers wrapping around the hilt and stopping it in midair.
Silence. Absolute dead silence.
You examine it for a second before you tuck it into your belt, looking back up at her. “Let’s fight, then.”
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angstywaifu · 2 months
Happy Birthday To Me - Garrick Tavis x Reader
A/N: Couldn't not post a birthday themed fic on my birthday about my favourite Fourth Wing/Iron Flame man. Thank you to those who gave me ideas for it! And thank you for all the birthday wishes! Warnings: 18+, Smut (only a small amount and implied)
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To everyone else today was just another day. Another day in the riders quadrant. Just the way I had intended it to be as I stretched out in my bed. I extend my hand out to find the space next to me empty and cold. I open my eyes to see Garrick who was there when I had fallen asleep was gone. Had been for some time apparently. I couldn’t help the slight hint of sadness that washed over me.
Garrick and I were just friends with benefits. Close friends with benefits. He didn’t always stay the night, most of the time opting to go back to his room to try keep our arrangement a secret. But part of my had hoped today he would be there when I woke up. On my birthday. A silly hope considering he didn’t know when my birthday was. No one in the quadrant did. I’d never had a good birthday when I was younger, my parents usually forgetting or claiming to be too busy. And once they had died with the end of the rebellion, I didn’t want someone else to disappoint me. So I never told anyone. The group of people I now considered close friends always asked. Nearly three years later none of them knew. But someone did. Out of the corner of my eye, sitting on my bedside table was a card leaning up against a small box, a dark green ribbon wrapped around it. My favourite colour. I push myself up, manoeuvring to sit in the spot Garrick had been in when I had fallen asleep last night. I reach for the box first, the child in me wanting to see what awaited inside seeing as I’d rarely gotten gifts on my birthday. I open it to reveal a black choker, with a small green gem hanging from it. It was beautiful. I had pointed it out a few weekends ago in town when we had all gone down on one of our rare days off. Meaning this could have only been from someone in our friend group who had gone that day.
We walked through the main road through town. Our voices and laughter echoing off the walls as Imogen tells us a story about Bodhi becoming a flustered mess around a girl he was interested in. Again. For someone who grew up around Xaden and Garrick who were the epitome of confidence, Bodhi was the complete opposite most of the time, and it made for a lot of moments like this. As we pass by one of the few jewellery stores in town, something catches my eye. I drift away from the group as they keep laughing at Imogen’s story. In the window was a choker made up of thin black leather cord , and hanging off it was a beautiful green gem. It was like nothing I had ever seen before. I must have been gone from the group longer than I had realised as a familiar presence joins me. I don’t have to look up to know its Garrick. His shadow easily fell over me without even trying. And his smell easily gave him away. The familiar scent of leather, musk and cinnamon I had grown so use to other the last few months. A smell that I swear was permanently on that side of the bed he always laid on.
”What you looking at?” He asks as his eyes scan the items in the store window.
I point my finger at the choker on display in the middle of the window display. “Just that choker. Nothing special.” I tell him.
”Why don’t you get it then? Seems you really like it.” He pushes. I really must have been standing here looking at it longer than I realised.
I shake my head. “I’ll just end up losing it in a challenge or something. Just thought it was pretty.”
With a final look at the choker, I smile up at Garrick before wandering back to the group standing a few feet behind us.
Had Garrick gotten this for me? If he had, he would have gotten it while we were there. But why wait till today to give it to me? I had never told him when my birthday was. Hadn’t uttered a single word about it since the day I had gotten here. There was no way he knew what today was. I place the box on the bed in front of me before grabbing the card that had been placed with the box. I open the card to find the very familiar scrawl I knew belonged to Garrick. I had sat next to him in nearly every class after he had befriended me in Gauntlet training back in first year. I would know his handwriting anywhere.
I promise you’ll never lose this. I’ll make sure of it.
Head to where we first met - Garrick
I move faster than I ever have before. Jumping out of bed and pulling on my uniform and brushing my hair in record time. I’m halfway across my room when I remember the necklace still in the box on my bed. I rush over and grab the necklace. My fingers fumbling nervously on the clasp as I try to secure it around my neck. After many failed attempts I manage to finally clasp it together. I can’t help the smile that forms on my lips as I catch my reflection in the mirror. The sun hitting the green gem on my neck just right, casting a subtle green glow around it. It was beautiful. I don’t even hesitate as my feet take me towards the gauntlet. Garrick and I had technically met before the training sessions had started. We we’re in the same squad. But until gauntlet training had started, we had never uttered a single word to each other. Not even a hello. And as I round the corner into the gauntlet I know my gut feeling was right. Exactly where we had said our first words, had our first interaction say another box with a green bow. Right where Garrick had saved me from falling to my death.
I didn’t have enough momentum. My footwork was all wrong as my body jerked forward on the third last post. I was falling and I was going to die. I close my eyes so I don’t see it coming. Don’t have to watch my death come to me. But suddenly I’m not falling forward. The wind rushing around me gone. Instead I’m swinging back up as something grasps my arm. I thud into something solid, before we both topple to the ground, rolling into the next obstacle. I lie there in shock, my eyes still shut. There was no way I hadn’t died. My mind was playing tricks on me. It had to be. But a deep voice pulls me from my thoughts and has me opening my eyes.
”Hey, are you ok?”
I open my eyes to see the biggest cadet in our squad and probably the entire quadrant looking down at me. Worry etched on their face and in their hazel eyes. Still in shock from almost dying all I can do is nod my head. Clearly he senses I’m still in shock as he grasps my hands and pulls me up with him. I barely reach his shoulder as we both stand on the small landing. The landing I was very close to not being on if it wasn’t for Garrick. Who I could have sworn was half way up the next obstacle as I started mine. He should have cleared it by the time I had started to fall. He should have easily cleared it by then.
”Think you can make it up the next one?” Garrick’s question pulling me from my thoughts.
I turn to look at the upwards climb we would have to make. Something I could easily do. “Yeah, I think I can manage that.”
”Good. I’m Garrick by the way.” He holds his hand out to me.
I grasp it, his hand dwarfing mine instantly. “I’m Y/N.”
This time I had easily made it across the posts. Right over to the box on the small landing. I kneel in front of it, pulling off the green bow. Inside was a wooden carving of my green dragon. A wooden carving I knew Liam Mairi had done. I had seen him making carvings for some of the other riders. And I had dropped hints multiple times I would love one of my dragon. He kept telling me he would get to mine. But I had a feeling mine had been done for a while as I had only started asking recently. Underneath the wooden carving is another note from Garrick.
I’m glad I caught you that day. Even though I didn’t know you, I hate to think how my life would have turned out if I hadn’t.
Meet me where it first happened - Garrick
I can’t help the smile that breaks out on my face as I read his note, or the way my heart beat increases ever so slightly. The others had always joked I brought out the best in Garrick from that day onwards. I had to take their word for it, as Garrick had never changed in my eyes. He had always acted the same around me. I turn and climb up the last of the Gauntlet. Thank god once we cleared this on presentation day we didn’t have to do this to get up to the flight field every single time. Even with it being far easier now than it was back in first year. As I pull my self over the top I head straight for the stairs to take me back down to the quadrant. The only place my mind went to with the words ‘meet me where it first happened’ was his room. So that’s where I went.
”F-fuck, Garrick.” I practically moan.
Garrick’s hands grip my thighs tightly, keeping me firmly seated on his face. His tongue licking slowly over me, before wrapping his lips around my clit. My hands gripping his head board tightly as my body trembles and my toes curl. Garrick’s name was tumbling from my lips with every stroke. I gasp out loudly as his tongue probes my entrance, Garrick’s hands gripping my thighs tightly in response. I feel his groan rumble through me as I grind down on his face, his nose grazing my clit, a loud moan escaping me again. One of his hands moves from my thigh to firmly grasp me ass, encouraging me to move back and forth. I whimper as he removes his lips from me, earning a chuckle from Garrick. I had been so hesitant to do this, and now here I was whimpering at the loss. But he quickly replaces the loss with his fingers. I instantly clamp around them, head rolling back in pleasure.
”Fuck Y/N, you look so pretty like this. Way better than I ever imagined.” His voice dropping an octave lower somehow. “Look at you coming undone on just my fingers and tongue.”
All I can do is moan and whimper in response as he adds another finger, curling them inside me. I nearly collapse at the feeling. Garrick and I had barely started and he already had me falling apart on top of him. As Garrick sucks on my clit again, my whole body starts shaking, my climax quickly approaching.
”That’s it sweetheart. Let go. Come apart on my fingers.” He mumbles against me.
And I do. Hard and loud as I moan and scream his name.
My hand hovers over the handle to Garrick’s room, shaking slightly as my heart beats loudly and fast in my chest. The green bow on the handle telling me I was in the right spot. Meaning Garrick was most likely inside based off the wording of his note. On the other side I pick the faint sounds of someone pacing back and forth. Was Garrick nervous? Garrick who I had never seen look phased or scared of anything in the time we had been here. Yet hear I was listening to his pacing back and forth. I suck in a deep breathe and turn the handle and push open the door. Garrick who was pacing towards the other side of the room turns quickly and looks at me. A smile gracing his lips as his eyes lower to the choker still clasped around my neck. I look around the room, and situated on the desk is a cupcake from one of the bakeries in the local town with green icing on top. Next to it what looks to be a book with some slim boxes stacked on top, secured together with another one of the green bows. Garrick had known today was my birthday. There was no denying it.
”How did you know?” I ask him as I walk over to the desk, Garrick standing behind me and placing a hand on the small of my back.
”Lets just say I have my ways.” He says with a chuckle. I don’t have to turn to see the smirk that will be on his face.
”What ways? I’ve never told anyone here when my birthday was.” I tell him as I undo the bow holding the book and boxes together.
Garrick watches silently as I open the first box. Inside was a new set of daggers. Tyrrish runes decorated the handle. They were gorgeous. The next box held a new set of charcoals to go with the sketch book lying underneath.
”Being a section leader gives me access to information on all the cadets under me.” Cadets that included me as I was in his section. “I had also noticed over the last two years, that you always seemed off around this time of year. That something bothered you. So I already had my suspicions.”
”You didn’t have to do this.” I tell him as I turn and look at up him, trapping me between Garrick and the desk.
Garrick just smiles and reaches up and brushes some of my hair behind my ear, then resting his hand on my cheek. In my rush I hadn’t done my usual braid or bun, leaving it to hand loosely around my face. Something I knew drove Garrick crazy. He loved it when I’d let it down during our more intimate moments.
”I did. I needed to do this for you. Can’t have my girl hating her birthday.” He tells me softly.
Garrick was always good at keeping his emotions off his face. But his eyes always spoke what he was trying to hide. I could see the nervousness in them, the slight darting around my face to see how I would react.
”You’re girl? We’re just fr-”
”What if I wanted more? Wanted more than just some heated moments in each others beds. But kept convincing myself I couldn’t have more. What if I was stupid enough to fall for one of my closest friends.” He pleads, resting his forehead on mine.
”Good thing we’re both stupid then.” I say.
I briefly catch a smile on Garrick’s lips before they’re on my own. Our hands pulling at each others clothes as he guides us towards his bed, two piles ending up on the floor. I go to grab his hand to pull him down to the bed with me, but he smacks it away as he kneels in front of me, pulling me towards the edge of the bed.
”Today is all about you darling.” He says, his voice dropping an octave lower than normal, bringing out the husky tone that he knows I love.
I go to object, but my words are silenced by my moan as Garrick runs his tongue along my centre and pushes his fingers inside me. Happy birthday to me.
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toomanyopinionss · 9 months
I want to talk about
Surviving Summer
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hey y’all, it’s been a minute since i’ve done one of these. let’s get into it…😏
So i genuinely like this show. Just finished watching the second season, in fact.
I feel like it’s the good amount of cheesy and adorable and mind numbing without being too formulaic and basic like some of these Netflix originals tend to be. Now it can be annoying and cringy sometimes, don’t get me wrong. But it’s got some pretty good actors and actresses with enough heartfelt moments and playful scenes to make one feel content. She’s not a top ten, but she never tries to be, you know??
As for the show itself? Surviving Summer is the perfect name for it, because Summer the character? a HOT mess. I cannot stress this enough, the frontal lobes on that one are not fully formed. It’s especially apparent in season 1. Even so, i love her 🥰. I cant help it ok? She has the confidence that i dreamed of having in high school, and now tbh.
I won’t go to deep into every character, but let me just say this: they will ALL annoy you at some point. It’s so obvious that they’re teenagers, cuz they childish. But they all care about each other most of the time, and surfing. It’s a great summer watch! go for it, don’t be shy
7.5/10. Surface level fun with shenanigans galore and annoying teenagers.
Y’all the second season was gooood. I liked it better than the first tbh. Summer, like i said before was much more serious and focused, but it didn’t change her personality at all, which i loved.
I liked how they got more into Bodhi’s conflicts with surfing and the racism in the industry on her end. If anything, i wish they had time to do even more with it. Because everything else they did with her character this season was just bleh. A half hearted conflict between poppy blown WAY out of proportion and a half assed queer relationship that was cute but barely touched on because hottake Netflix hates their wlws and their black main characters 🤭(oop who said that)
Poppy and marlon were cuteeeee. sidenote, who else forgot that bodhi and marlon had a thing, cuz i sho did 👀. they have such good chemistry and it just warmed my heart. SPEAKING of good chemistry…
✨“summer have you seen yourself?”
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summer and baxter are the only mf choice, im SORRY.
immediately side eyeing anyone who says that summer and ari should be together, because i’m not sure you and i watch the same show. another steaming take, but I never bought into summer and ari. they are too sibling for me. i was taken ABACK when they kissed in season one. I genuinely did not see it coming. they play off each other nicely, but in a romantic way? NOPE, i don’t buy it.
but from the first scene with baxter and summer, i knew. it was intense. the casual touches, the instant bind they formed, the way bax looks at her 🤭…
you cannot compete where you don’t compare, Ari is not the one 🤷🏾‍♀️
anyone else? hmmm…
oh, y’all join me in a big FVCK you to Elo and Wren. they both suck actual ass and i hate them both.
it’s the way that they treat everyone like shit equally. even their own brother? like what the fvck is wrong with them?
like especially wren. being jealous and overly competitive is one thing. but they way she handled the bodhi situation, plus the way she outed her old teammate? literally bordering on racist and homophobic like wtffff. maybe a lil psychotic too, cuz why is she literally a threat to summer’s life? don’t take it out on her cuz your boyfriend is an indecisive disaster. at least they didn’t give wren a redemption, i would have been so pissed off like fvck her.
ok this is getting long. tldr, Season 2 was entertaining and fun. poppy and marlon were cute, summer was awesome, ari does not need a girlfriend, justice for baxter, and wren and elo will not be seeing the pearly gates.
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jyndor · 4 months
black lights, spaceships fly
for rebelcaptain fluffbruary st fluffentines day or whatever it's called, have some post-war them in the club where they SHOULD HAVE BEEN fluff
the prompts were lush | camera | beau and I did actually use them all but very ✨️subtly✨️
written while listening to renaissance on repeat for the vibes and the title of course is from cuff it. cross-posted on ao3.
cw for recreational space weed consumption and of course alleged legal real world weed consumption behind the scenes lmao
The driving baseline from the stage reverberates through the floor into the soles of Cassian's feet. He feels his heart thumping in time with the red-haired Zeltron drummer on the drum set. His nose brushes the crown of Jyn's head as she sways in his arms.
The herbal scent of the Marcan joint they'd shared earlier lingers in her hair, and he breathes in deeply, scent memory tossing him back to the walk from the ship and the freshly-rolled cigarette passing from her fingers to his, then burning between his lips, the cherry bright in the humid night air. Kohl-lined green eyes sparkling from the freshly harvested herb in her blood and silent laughter at something Bodhi says to Cinta. Han and Chewie arguing about a failed hustle in the first bar of the night, Shara singing some song she's got stuck in her head at the top of lungs in the middle of the road, the world softening at the edges of his vision, lights dimming and time slowing, and Jyn ripping the joint from his lips and offering it to Bix, and falling behind their friends for a few minutes about two blocks down from the club to make out against a darkened wall-
He blinks back to the present as Jyn kisses the skin of his collarbone where it peeks out of his jacket. She drapes her arms over his shoulders; his hands grip her waist. She pulls away from him to meet his eyes. She's got glitter on her cheekbones and lashes, her hair is damp and curling. There's a flush growing over her skin like a sunrise, the glow of a hot night, pulsing lasers lighting her up in the dark, smoky air.
His mind takes a holopic. Shutter, snap.
This past year has looked good on both of them. Jyn wears peacetime beautifully - not without anxiety, not without grief or pain, but with hope. A little softer in her face, she's not always the best sleeper but neither is he. They sleep better these days.
His rebellion now is accepting joy with a sure hand.
The electric wail of the guitar trembles along his half-metal spine.
What a gift to just be himself again, just Cassian Andor - some guy in a club with his pretty girlfriend pressed close to him, caught up in the sea of other bodies like they've not spent years and years pretending to be anyone else. Both of them desperately hiding behind aliases and alibis. Fighting a war they shouldn't have survived, knee deep in the mud, running from everyone they've had to leave behind, their pasts, their shadows, their losses and now-
Now they get stoned and go out with their friends on some nights. Now he takes the time to properly cook for her and she rolls their joints with the shrub she's been growing in their cabin, the little growth-light hovering over it during the dayshift, and they talk about the weather when they're planetside and watch smashball over caf and have sex with the radio on in their ship's cabin and have friends with couches to sleep on. Planets to explore, cities and rainforests.
They have proper identichips and scandocs with their real names (although they've still got their fakes, just in case). They have a ship and a cat, they have community across the stars.
Sometimes they talk about the future. What they want out of it and what it can provide for them. Separately and together. The work that he still needs to do, work he'll do better with her by his side.
Six years ago he would have never believed he would outlive the Empire, or have a family again, and fuck he's high.
“Happy birthday,” Jyn says. “I'm glad you were born.”
Cassian leans in for a kiss, sighs when he feels her fingers comb through his beard.
“What are you thinking about?” she asks.
He smiles. “That this shit's stronger than I remember.”
“Maybe you just can't keep up anymore, Andor.”
“With you?” He squeezes her waist and pulls her back to his lips. “I think I manage alright.”
“Hmm.” Her eyes are still shut. “Actually I could probably cool down too.”
“I'm saying I can keep up with you,” Cassian mumbles into her cheek, his own eyes drifting shut. He can't stay away, has to engage the rest of his senses to handle her. “I'll keep up with you.”
Jyn makes an amused noise and snuggles into the hollow of his neck. He swallows as her fingers trace up and down the curvature of that half-metal spine. "D'you still want to get married?" His eyes pop open.
"I mean, I-yeah." Cassian huffs. "I'd love to marry you."
"And kids? You still want kids?"
He smiles. "Whatever you want, Jyn."
"Whatever I want," she repeats. "And if I say we're gonna go set up a farm on Lah'mu and raise like a dozen babies and maybe some goats or something?"
"Seems reasonable," he says with a straight face until she snorts. "We can always revisit this conversation later."
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andorerso · 1 year
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Rebelcaptain Trees for @rebelrainfall​: Firefighters AU (with bonus secret relationship and protective Jyn)
“I don’t care,” Jyn’s voice rang out loudly in the room as she tried to wave off Bodhi’s attempts to keep her lying in that goddamn hospital bed, “I want to see him!”
“The doctor told you to stay put — hey.” With lightning-fast reflexes, he caught her just as her legs began to wobble, then gave her a pointed look that said “See?”
“Then get me a goddamn wheelchair,” she growled through gritted teeth but allowed Bodhi to help her back to bed. Normally, she wouldn’t have caved so easily. But maybe he had a point… She hadn’t expected her legs to feel so wobbly or the room to start swimming when she stood up, and she wasn’t sure she could make it to Cassian’s room.
But she needed to see him.
Needed to know he was okay.
Or maybe he wasn’t. Bodhi said he had two surgeries while she was unconscious and he hadn’t woken up yet, but not much else. She was afraid of how much he was holding back in order to spare her while she was still in recovery as well. If anything was seriously wrong, he’d tell her, right?
“Jyn, you really should rest. I know you two are close, but —”
“No, you don’t!” she snapped, forgetting herself for a second. Of course he didn’t know. He couldn’t have, because they never told anybody.
There were reasons for that, once, but she was struggling to recall them now.
It was just so easy at first. They sneaked behind their friends’ backs like teenagers, making out in the alleyway behind the bar on drinking nights or holding hands under the table while everyone was preoccupied. There was some kind of thrill in the secrecy, in catching Cassian’s eyes across the table and seeing them sparkle with the same excitement, in knowing this belonged only to them and no one else. A room full of people, and they were all oblivious to the truth. Their little secret.
But they never committed, not really. They didn’t want to upset the team dynamic, they said. Didn’t want to be serious with someone who risked their lives on a weekly basis just as much as themselves. It was just some good fun. Or it was supposed to be.
But somewhere along the way, she’d fallen. Hard. And she never realized it, not until he pushed her out of the way of that falling beam in that crumbling house eaten by fire and told her to go. It hadn’t fallen on him, thankfully, but it had obstructed the only way downstairs and out of the building, and as Jyn looked at him, she knew they both had the same thought. He wasn’t leaving.
The crying child in her arms was the only thing that gave her strength to turn around and leave him there. Still, she promised him, “I’m coming back.”
But as soon as the little girl was safe outside, her vision went blurry and her knees buckled. She’d inhaled too much smoke. She’d wanted to get up, to go back, but darkness swallowed her instead.
When she woke up in the hospital, she thought he was dead, and for a shamefully long second, she wished she hadn’t woken up at all. But the floorboard on the second floor gave away, and Cassian fell through, landing in the living room and allowing the rest of the team to extract him in time. Bodhi said it fucked up his back, which was why he needed surgery, but it also very likely saved his life.
And she needed to see that with her own two eyes. Living and breathing. She needed to replace the last memory she had of him; standing on the other end of that beam, reserved to his fate but apologetic and his face behind his helmet shining with a thousand things he never said to her. Not aloud.
She needed to hear him say those things, and she needed to say them back.
Realization dawning on Bodhi, his eyes went wide. “You two are…?”
Jyn let out a small groan, taking deep breaths to try and slow her racing heart. There was no point in denying the truth; she wasn’t sure she wanted to anyway. Sneaking around was fun at first, but she wanted more than that now. She wanted the real deal. And the thought of letting Cassian go through his recovery alone while she pretended there was nothing between them made her sick. Nothing was worth abandoning him again.
“Please just…” She raised her gaze to Bodhi, pleading with him. “I need to see him.”
The rest of their team had congregated at Cassian’s bedside when Bodhi wheeled her into the room. Faces immediately turned in her direction, questions and well wishes on everyone’s lips, but Jyn only had eyes for Cassian. He was still unconscious, but his chest rose and fell with steady breaths, and her eyes welled up at the sight. Bodhi parked her next to his bed, close enough that she could reach out and graze her fingers along Cassian’s stubble.
Which she did. So what if everyone was watching? The truth was already out now that Bodhi knew.
Her hand still gently caressing his cheek, Jyn closed her eyes for a second and took a deep breath, willing the tears away. That suffocating weight on her chest began to ease a bit.
“Is he going to wake up?” she asked, turning to face the rest of their team watching her in silence. No one commented on the slight quiver in her voice, or the way her hand was now clutching Cassian’s hospital gown like a lifeline, but she could see the realization written on their faces. And she felt nothing but relief to have it out in the open.
“Doctor said he should wake up soon,” Melshi confirmed, his tone reassuring. “He might not be able to stay on the squad with his back but —”
“I don’t care about that,” Jyn cut him off, turning back to stare at Cassian again. None of it mattered as long as he was safe. “I just want him to wake up.”
She curled her hand around his, lacing their fingers together. She’d wait by his side until he did. And then she’d tell him how she felt and kiss him. And make sure he never got into so much trouble again.
Lifting their hands, she pressed her lips to his palm and whispered against his skin, “Come back to me.”
Cassian’s fingers twitched under hers, and her gaze flew up to see his eyelids fluttering with movement. The breath whooshed out of her in a shuddering gasp, and a couple of tears escaped her anyway as she squeezed his hand to let him know she was here.
She wouldn’t be leaving him again.
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Ahhhhhh I have a thing I wanna ask, the heisters + Bain with an super cuddly S/O?? Pls I just wanna cuddle them, like AAAAAAAAAA-
Yes, I've decided it's time to write for (almost) everyone, excluding Jiro, Rust, Ethan, Hila, Bodhi and Dragan because I'm not good with them. These ones will probably be smaller than usual, since there's so many of them lol-
Bain + Heisters with a cuddly s/o
- Since usually Bain stays in the shadows (like a little teen emo) he's not used to the whole... attention thing
- Like... at all
- He's a little shy/flustered about it at first
- 'H-hey, what're you- Oh. Heh, okay...'
- He doesn't know how to respond other than to hug back
- But he grows to like it
- He only realises how much he actually enjoys it when you aren't there
- Like, if you're a heister, you obviously can't be there the entire time, you've got work!
- After a hour or two, he's like 'I need hugs oml help'
- He's too embarrassed to actually ask for them, because he's not used to feeling so loved and touch-starved
- He just kind of... gets near to you to indicate it 💀
- He has to fight the urge to call you over for 'something urgent' so he can hug you :)
- (Everyone knows that he's lying though)
- '(Y/n)! Bain needs you!' (Dallas or something)
- 'For something important this time? Or...is he just being clingy again...' (you)
- In all seriousness he low-key needs to hold back because the amount of times you've been called over just for this-
- I mean, you like hugs so it's okay tbh-
- Is not embarrassed at all
- He proudly hugs you back
- I mean why should he be shy about having an awesome partner like you???
- If anyone judges him about it, he just brushes it off as jealousy
- (It almost always is anyway)
- 'Hey, you're just jealous my partner's better than yours!'
- If anyone makes fun of you, they better prepare for his wrath
- But yeah, he's kind of into PDA himself anyway (though not as much as you)
- So he was gonna hold your hand and stuff even if you didn't initiate it
- No matter how much you do it, he always feels butterflies when you hug him
- I think he usually isn't much for PDA himself
- But he doesn't mind when you do it
- It's just something he doesn't do often by default
- Even though he enjoys your hugs a lot so
- I'm ngl, he becomes a little grouchy if you're not available to hug/haven't hugged him in a while
- ('Where's my hug at' mf 💀)
- Like Bain, he won't admit it, he'll just... gesture to you that he wants to
- Either that or he'll just hug you himself
- According to him though, it apparently 'doesn't feel the same when he starts it'
- It's kinda funny just seeing him kind of gesture to you
- Please tease him about it that'd be really funny
- Like the previous two, she is obviously not shy about this
- Similar to Hoxton, I don't think she's super big on PDA, but she likes doing it now and then
- Absolutely adores the way you just come up to her to cuddle
- Like... awww
- 'Awh, c'mere love..!'
- Will actually fight anyone who comments on it (in a negative manner)
- 'What'd you say about my partner?! I swear to christ-'
- Okay be careful unless you want her to actually beat up a dude
- She can't help it okay, she just doesn't want you to be hurt
- Usually isn't one for PDA
- It's not like he's embarrassed, it's just...
- He doesn't think of it ig? It doesn't come to mind tbh
- He doesn't mind the hugs, he'll hug back with no problems
- Even in public he has no issue with you coming up to hug
- He won't do it himself though
- He's much more of a private dude ig?
- If anyone actually bullies you about it, he will defo be mad
- 'Since when was it your business to meddle in my relationship?!'
- He's usually quite protective of you so :]
- He enjoys and actively participates in PDA usually
- Though he just does it casually, like a hand on the leg/thigh or an arm resting on your shoulder
- Not to say he doesn't enjoy the hugs you get
- He really enjoys them
- The feeling of being loved enough to just willingly prove it in front of everyone
- He loves it so much I stg-
- In the start he was probably very flustered about the surprise hugs
- Especially if they're from behind or something
- 'H-hey! What-What're you doing?!'
- (Bro's a cutie patootie 💀)
- Eventually he gets used to it and isn't as flustered
- He still gets a little pink in the face though-
- If you ask, he will deny it 100%
- 'What do you mean? I- I don't know what you're talking about...!'
- He has no issues hugging you back so dw about that :)
- If anyone teases you, he will defend fr fr
- 'Hey, how about you shut your single ass up!?'
- She's kind of like Houston???
- Expect her to have an arm around you or hand on yours, etc...
- Doesn't opt for a hug usually, but welcomes it anytime :)
- 'Did ya miss me or something babe?'
- Absolutely adores the attention fr, she will accept said hug whenever-
- Feel free to hold on to her whilst she draws or something !!
- If someone teases you about it, Sydney will absolutely hit them or something
- Either she'll make fun of them for being single or she'll actually hit them 💀
- 'Don't worry babe, they're just jealous I've got a partner and they don't!'
- I feel like Bonnie also likes PDA
- Even if she doesn't, she definitely doesn't get shy/embarrassed when you hug her
- Like why would she be embarrassed about having a loving partner????
- Hugs back with absolutely no issues whatsoever
- If anyone judges you she won't hesitate to square up fr
- 'If I hear another word out of your mouth, I'm gonna bash your head on this table!'
- Protective girlfriend slay we love that
- She'll literally threaten a man one moment then immediately go back to hugging you the next
- The duality is impeccable girl
- Absolutely adores the hugs
- He enjoys the PDA, and actively participates in it when possible
- Anything like holding hands, an arm on the shoulder, head pats or hugs!
- Although his hugs are more like... clinging on kind of stuff-
- (Like a koala or something 💀)
- It doesn't matter when or where, he will always have room for your hugs :)
- You could probably hug him in the middle of a fight and he'd still reciprocate
- He'd just have to hug with one hand shoot with the other 💀
- Would probably go feral if someone bullied you about your behaviour
- Okay maybe not feral but definitely aggressive
- 'Hey, and how about you shut up?!'
- Will protect you and your hugs forever fr fr
- Is more than happy to receive hugs :D
- Is definitely a PDA guy, but doesn't hug that often???
- Like if you initiate it he has no issue hugging back, it's just something he doesn't initiate himself in public
- He usually opts for hand on the waist, arm around you, kisses, so on...
- Low key off-topic but he'd probably like picking you up so if you ask be prepared to be lifted-
- Will probably reciprocate anytime like Jimmy
- Okay maybe not during fights though?
- If you tried during a fight he'd probably just pat you or something then lightly push you off
- If anyone bullies you about this, they're genuinely so dead bc he will shout every Spanish swear in the book and point a gun at them
- Uh okay so I feel like he isn't the biggest on PDA, so he might not accept your hugs every time
- Mostly he will, but if it's during a fight he'll probably lightly push you off
- He wants to give the heist his all
- He can't be hugging you in the middle of it :'/
- Not that he doesn't like your affection, he loves it!!
- It's just, he's professional like that lol
- But once the fight is over and you all get home safe???
- Feel free to cling to him he will not complain at all
- Especially when it's just you two, he'll cling to you as well
- Cuddling on the sofa 100% :>
- Doesn't matter where or when, he will almost always reciprocate when you hug!
- During heists he probably will have difficulty doing so, as he's literally going insane on the cops fr
- I mean if you're okay with getting blood on yourself then it's probably all good 👌
- OH also, no matter what, it doesn't matter if he knows it's happening, he will always get flustered at your hugs
- It's really cute bc if you hug him and listen to his heart you can tell it gets really fast all of a sudden
- Y'all could be married and he would still get shocked
- Once you're home, he will actually cling to you
- If not by literally hugging, just holding hands or having you within a meter radius is good
- Once you leave that radius he'll follow where you're going like a dog (or wolf)
John Wick
- Is very professional, so no hugs during missions :[
- Will just pry you off and say 'We have a job to do love.'
- He doesn't mean anything rude by it, it's just because he needs his head in the game
- He always gives 100% and he wants you to as well!
- And hugging kind of takes focus and stuff :/
- Although when you both get home safely, he probably still won't reciprocate too much if there are people watching
- Like he won't push you away when you hug him, he'll probably just put one arm around/on you
- However, when it's just you two?
- Will not hesitate to reciprocate and initiate hugs often!
- Hugs from behind are his favourite thing to do :)
- Okay so it depends how tough the fight it is tbh
- If it's not going too bad/it's stealth, he'll mostly keep an arm around you when you give him a hug
- If it's getting rough, he'll probably give you a quick pat/ruffle your hair then slide away to focus on fighting (he'll say 'later' or 'focus on the objective')
- Once you two are out of the fight, he'll have no issue hugging back in public
- I think at first he might have gotten a little flustered, but the more you do it the more he expects it (in a /pos way)
- Hugging on his couch, you leaning on him as you snuggle is probably his favourite thing in the world <33
- Will fight/kill anyone who interrupts fr
- Will not reciprocate if it's during a heist
- Like John, he wants to give his full attention to the mission, and hugging won't help :'/
- If it's just before the start of the heist/a wave, he'll give a quick squeeze before moving on
- If you successfully pull off a heist, he will pick you up and hold you tight while spinning you around
- No, it doesn't matter if you're bigger than him he will not hesitate to at least try
- 'We did it (Y/n)! Хорошо!' (I'm not good at Russian sorry if it doesn't make sense in this context)
- Once you both get home he doesn't mind hugging back and will also initiate some hugs too!
- He also enjoys hugging/holding you from behind :)
- If it gets you flustered then his day has officially gotten 100% better
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chucktaylorupset · 4 months
9 People to Get to Know Better (Tag Game)
tagged by @immortaljailor thanks for tossing me a free one, badumtss
3 ships you like:
Kabru x Laius Touden (Dungeon Meshi) Autistic narrative foils who fuck. One is a blond bombshell of a knight and the other is a short king (well, not literally, but). I love ships where one is like, internally tearing apart their mental furniture about their dick getting them into this situation, and the other one is like hee hoo i love you!
Keeley Jones x Roy Kent x Jamie Tartt (Ted Lasso) Everyone here is hot and prone to hilarious stupidity. Roy is almost definitely internally screeching about willingly sticking his dick in Jamie.
Louis de Pointe du Lac x Daniel Molloy (Interview With the Vampire (TV)) Listen. Listen I know the entire point of this show is that Louis does not get better with every old man he hooks up with. I know that. But hear me out: third try's the charm
First ship ever:
This memory could not be retrieved. If you go in my blog archive, Cassian Andor x Bodhi Rook (Rogue One) is there pretty early tho
Last song you heard:
all eyes on me - bo burnham transposed to his original voice the way this hits different than the original haunts me
Favorite childhood book:
Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Waterson I don't know which volume, we owned a lot when I was growing up, but my dad would read them to me and my sister, and he would do voices. It made reading the hamster huey and the gooey kablooey comic very meta. The irony is I was very much a Susie growing up, and now I am nearly ideologically identical to Calvin. I did like the jokes, but also I just really liked Hobbes because he was a tiger.
Currently reading:
TCGF book 1 recommended by @sidecharactersdomatter, just want to be able to hang out in the same fandom/narrative spaces Babel by R.F. Kuang, given to me by a friend
Currently consuming:
Dungeon meshi anime, the magnus protocol kinda? I'm behind on both. I have a bunch of series I have ADHD wandered away from like the Bear s2, despite it being very good. I have entered the workforce and the things I do has decreased to focus on facillitating that. It is very sad.
Currently craving:
More Labru. More blonde bombshell knight bottoming. I know the labru fandom has mercifully universally agreed that the tall one gets to be the bottom this time, but I need more! (i have more, i just lack the mood and the willpower to write. i should probably post the concepts as bullet fics)
we're going to my extended family's soon for a belated lunar new year and i wanna eat my ba ngoais curry and the family egg rolls. let's GOOO
my mood's been in a gully lately but i wanna get back to the part where i'm ENERGIZED and DOING THINGS and it's not SO FUCKING COLD OUTSIDE
@sidecharactersdomatter, @fratgrl, @unbenchthekench @captainjonnitkessler @liesmyth @belovedblabber @professorsparklepants @twyrrinren @dabidagoose and anyone else who wants to join in!
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jynrso · 11 months
not without me / not without you
.....hi everyone!! it's been a full year since i've written anything but lately i've been in a rebelcaptain mood (honestly i have to thank rifle for this, their fics are amazing and have definitely inspired me to write) and thought i'd whip something small up!
this is self-indulgent and fun, and i've got a few other oneshots i'm working on, so i hope you enjoy!
read it on ao3!
“Whoever does it first wins, then.”
Baze reaches out to shake Jyn’s hand gruffly, nodding. “It’s a bet.”
“What’s a bet?”
She spins around at the sound of Cassian’s voice, crossing her arms over her chest defensively. Ignoring the way her stomach flips at the sight of him  –– not that she'll ever tell him but he looks unfairly good in that blue parka of his –– she quickly attends to redirect the flow of the conversation, despite knowing her efforts are likely futile. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be in a briefing right now?” she asks suspiciously, raising an eyebrow. 
“Got out early,” he replies breezily, not letting her off the hook. “What’s this about a bet?”  
Baze shifts behind her, expressive neutrally impenetrable. She once again ignores his question entirely; even without his Intelligence training, he knows her far too well for her to be able to lie convincingly to him. “We’re just getting ready to head out.”
He narrows his eyes at her. A beat of scrutinization later, he turns to Bodhi, understanding from past experience that she won’t say a word unless she wants to. “What were they talking about?”
Bodhi opens his mouth, then sends a furtive glance at Jyn. She shakes her head, widening her eyes slightly. They both know there’s no way in hell that Cassian would be okay with the bet. Considering how much Bodhi worries too much about her and Baze’s safety when making impulsive decisions like this one, she’s begrudgingly impressed he’s managed to go this long without saying anything. 
“They were–well, they–”
She grabs Bodhi’s arm before he can spill, and starts dragging him toward his tauntaun. “We don’t have any time to chat,” she calls over her shoulder. “We really need to go check the borders. You know how it is. Lots of Imperial drones floating around these days.”
Baze grunts in agreement, hoisting himself up on his tauntaun. Jyn pushes Bodhi toward his animal before making her way to her own. Cassian stops her before she can. “Jyn, wait. Please tell me you aren’t doing something stupid.”
“When have I ever done something stupid?”
He opens his mouth to respond almost immediately, but she cuts him off, already knowing his answer. “Don’t answer that. We’ll be fine, Cassian. Don’t worry.”
His mouth evens out into a tight line. “I always worry,” he mutters but lets her go. With one foot in the stirrup already, she mounts her tauntaun with ease. “Please be careful.”
“I’m always careful,” she tells him cheekily. In response, he looks at her flatly, not having to say anything, and she rolls her eyes, digging her heels into the side of the tauntaun. It rears up, then starts forward, with Baze at her side and Bodhi trailing behind them. She winks and calls behind her with a wave, “See you in a couple hours!”
“Cassian is going to kill us,” Jyn groans, leaning her head back against the icy wall and closing her eyes. The cold seeps up through the floor and through her thick layers, but she can’t find the energy to stand, not with the way her whole body aches in protest every time she moves. 
“Cassian is going to kill you, little sister,” Baze mumbles from somewhere to her left, slumped in a similar position. “Maybe Bodhi, too. But Chirrut is going to kill me.”
“Nobody’s dying out here,” Bodhi intejects, then adds quickly, “ –– And no one’s getting killed, either.” Jyn cracks open an eye, lazily watching him hover over the two of them. “The tauntauns had all of out medical supplies. And they ran in the–the attack. But. . .” he wrings his hands. “We’re fine. I’m just gotta. . .”
“Don’t you dare comm anyone,” she snaps, trying to lean forward to snatch the device out of his hand, but the movement shoots agony through her side. Still, she persists, her pride winning out over her well-being. (It’s really not that bad.) “Fuck– fuck. Don’t–”
“I don’t want you bleeding out in some cave!” he retorts, worry flashing in his eyes. “Your side, is it. . .?”
“It’s fine,” she grunts, shifting slightly. Thanks to the cold, the bleeding on her side and hip has slowed to a sluggish pace. Pointedly not looking at the pool of red underneath where she sits, she raises her chin definitely and reasserts, “I’m fine, Bodhi.”
“I’m fine too, if anyone’s wondering,” Baze says with a grunt. When she turns toward him, he’s trying to stand, but his movements are shaky. He, too, hadn’t come out of this unscathed; almost as soon as she’d charged the beast, he’d been quick to follow with his repeater cannon. Somewhere in the middle of the fight, he’d gotten knocked back, landing hard against the cave wall.  
“I’m pretty sure you–you have a concussion,” Bodhi says, leveling him with a stare that sends him back to the ground. “I’ll calling Cassian. We need an medical evac.”
As Bodhi busies himself with the comm, Jyn turns to Baze. “So does this mean that Bodhi won the bet?”
Baze shakes his head. “Bodhi was never apart of the bet. It’s still on.”
“No, I, uh, I’m pretty sure I won,” Bodhi interrupts, raising his head to look at them. “I was the first one to kill a wampa so—I won the bet.”
“Dumb luck,” Baze grunts.
“I shot it!”
“You emptied your entire clip into its head after we wore it down for you,” Jyn informs him with a raised eyebrow. “There was no way you could have missed. Besides, you never shook on it.”
Bodhi rolls his eyes, turning away from them and fiddling with the device in his hands. “You two are just jealous that I–Cassian!”
The voice on the comm fades in and out before Cassian's voice comes out clearly, asking, “Bodhi? What’s wrong?”
“Um, we need a medical evac. Jyn and Baze–”
“We’re fine, Cassian,” she cuts in, struggling to push up against the wall and get over to where Bodhi is sitting, but she’s not able to keep the strain out of her voice as she moves. “Don’t worry about us.”
“Jyn? What happened?”
“We’re just. . .” she falters, glances around. The pain makes her sloppy, dredging the depths of her brain for a possible excuse she’d normally have at the ready. “We’re taking a quick break. It’s colder than we thought.”
“The bet was to see who could kill a wampa first,” Bodhi says loudly, speaking over her protests. “So–they both charged it as soon as they found one.”
“We did not charge it,” Jyn hisses.
“You charged it,” Baze tells her. “I only followed.”
“Don’t try–”
Cassian mutters a string of curses under his breath. “I’ll get a team assembed and head out as soon as I can. Send me your coordinates. And Bodhi –– don’t let them move.”
“I’ll do my best,” Bodhi promises, shooting a look at the two of them. “See you soon, Cassian.”
They’re silent for a few moments, the only sound is the wind whistling outside of the cave before Jyn announces, feeling a bit like she’s facing down an Imperial firing squad, “Well. We’re fucked.”
 “Bodhi? Are you there?”
Bodhi scrambles to his feet at the sound of Cassian’s voice at the mouth of the cave. “Yeah! Yeah, we’re all here. Alive.”
Cassian ducks into the cave with a medic at his back, and strides ahead of them. His expression is pinched with worry. At the sight of the two of them propped up against the wall, he rushes to her side, eyes immediately going to the pool of blood underneath her. “Where are you hurt?"
“I’m fine,” she says on instinct as he cups her face, searching her eyes for any pain. His thumb unconsciously strokes a few lines against her cheek, his touch warming her skin even through his gloves. “My side is just a little. . .banged up.”
"Jyn. . ." 
"I'm not lying," she insists but he says nothing. All he can do is stare down at the wound on her side, the lines on his face growing tighter and tighter with worry as the medic begins to cut away part of her clothing to expose her injury. 
He leans in closer, trying to see over her at what the medic's doing. As he does so, the fur of his parka hood brushes against her skin. "Jyn," he says again. "I distinctly recall asking you to be careful.”
“I was careful,” she stresses. Cassian shifts to the side but remains crouched next to her. Combined with the cold, the position must be hell on his back and leg, but he doesn’t move to get up; however, when she turns to tell him that he doesn't need to be so close, the medic pokes at her side hard enough that she flinches, the words dying on her tongue. 
In response to her wince, Cassian reaches for her hand, squeezing it gently. Her wound really isn’t that bad and she really doesn't need him to hold her hand. . . but she doesn’t tell him that. Instead, she squeezes back in what she hopes is a reassuring manner, sinking into the small amount of comfort it provides her. 
“What happened?” he asks tersely, perhaps in an attempt to distract her from the pain as the medic stabilizes her injury enough so it doesn’t worsen on the return to base. 
Ever since Bodhi had called him, she’d been planning on what to say. Before she can even start, though, Bodhi cuts her off. 
“She hopped off her tauntaun without a weapon and charged the wampa,” Bodhi snaps. “Then Baze –– their bet to see who could kill one first––” 
Jyn widens her eyes, her jaw dropping in shock at the uncharacteristic outburst. Bodhi blinks, looking as surprised as her to have said that out loud, then backtracks, perhaps to apologize. “I–”
“No, you’re right, Bodhi,” Cassian says, looking down at where she’s sitting. There’s a crease between his eyebrows that she wants to rub away with her thumb. “Neither of them were careful.”
She sighs heavily, hitting her head against the wall. Baze grunts next to her but keeps silent. The medic stands at her side, breaking the silence that follows. “Sergeant Erso is stable enough to be moved, sir.”
Cassian nods. “Thank you.”
With that, he bends down to sweep her into his arms bridal style. Jyn’s eyes widen, an undignified noise coming out of her mouth before she covers it with a spitted curse. “Cassian––”
“You lost your walking privileges when you charged a wampa,” he mutters, curling her tighter to his chest as he carries her outside the cave. His bad leg drags behind him slightly, making his gait uneven, but he makes no move to set her down. Behind them, the medic assists Baze to his feet, keeping a firm hold on his arm when he mutters something about being able to walk on his own.
She grumbles under her breath but when they emerge from the cave and step out into the biting cold, she buries her face into his coat to hide from the wind. 
He sighs, hitching her up in his arms further. “You can’t be making foolish bets like this, Jyn. Not when you’re risking your life unnecessarily.”
Unable to let it go entirely, she argues weakly, “The bet wasn’t foolish –”
“Yes, it was.”
Cassian’s firm response makes her pause. After a beat of contemplation, she exhales, knowing he’s right; it’s an odd feeling, having someone care about her this much. It isn’t something she’s used to. Navigating these sorts of conversations is like walking blind through a minefield. 
“Okay, fine,” she agrees reluctantly. Remembering the look on his face when he’d rushed into the cave, she adds, “I . . . didn’t mean to worry you.” 
“Just don’t do it again,” he tells her. “No more bets like this.”
"Fine," she says, the pain in her side draining her energy to argue. "No more bets." 
(Since he’s said nothing about it, she assumes that friendly competitions are fine, but doesn’t push the matter any further.)
"I'm glad you're safe," he murmurs, so quiet she barely hears it over the whistling wind. “You’re not allowed to die, you hear me?” 
Not without me goes unspoken.
Even though her injury hadn't been life-threatening, it could have been so much worse and he hadn't been there with her. He doesn't have to say it, it's clear in his face –– Bodhi's call had scared him. On the beach, she'd been prepared to die in his arms. Now, she can't stand the thought of them being apart when it inevitably happens. 
Instead, she reaches up and grips the label of his jacket. When he looks down, she meets his gaze evenly. "You aren't either."
Not without you goes unspoken.
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skyfallscotland · 4 months
I have gone onto AO3 every day just to see if you’ve published the next part of Remi’s Version. I love your writing and this story is absolutely amazing. I know you’re working hard to have it ready for us to read… but I wanted to ask,
Will Remi and Liam start to get closer? Now that Violet has to leave to see Xaden and vise versa? Like, Liam and Remi know that there’s no cheating happening but just the circumstances bring them closer as friends and that brings jealousy to the mated dragon riders?
Thank you so much! 🖤
It's getting close to posting, I promise haha
Remi and Liam will definitely get closer because there are times that she needs support and he's there for her when Xaden can't be. Remi and Violet are also growing closer as well though, like I promised the sisterhood was only going to get better and I meant it. It's one of the (understated) pillars of the series. Violet's definitely had a lot of character growth and as a result she doesn't have a jealous bone in her, really - at least not where this is concerned. Her sister is fragile and given everything that happened in the past that she now knows about, she's just glad for Remi to come to her when she needs support, even if that's when she's cuddling with her boyfriend 😭
(Shoutout to the person who bookmarked Remi's Version with the tag "wouldn't be the riders quadrant if it wasn't just slightly incestuous" if you're here, I wonder about you all the time. You're in for a ride) 😂
As for Xaden, he trusts Liam implicitly. He's jealous of everyone else in her vicinity, but not Liam right now. It's probably a good thing that Bodhi's busy this year lmao
I have edited this slightly to redact plot-revealing information but...
I raise my hand to knock on Violet’s door. “Hey.” I say quietly, leaning into Liam’s side for a moment as I pass, before freezing. Do I have the correct room?
“Hi.” Violet calls from the darkness and I squeak, dropping my things. 
“I’m so sorry.” I groan. “I can go—”
“No.” She says immediately. “Don’t be an idiot, come here.” And maybe it’s because we’ve done this before or maybe I’m still feeling a little fragile, but I go instantly, taking the far side of the bed so I can curl into her. “Are you ok?” Her voice softens. 
“No.” I whisper. “But I will be.” My body aches as I move, knocking knees with her. “I miss Xaden.”
“I know.” She murmurs, brushing my hair back gently. “I wish you could go in my place.” Tomorrow evening she’ll leave with Tairn for Samara. I haven’t written a letter, mostly because I can’t stand the thought of Varrish reading it when he searches her things and we both know he will. 
“Tell him I love him?” My voice cracks.
“Always.” With her hand in mine and Lía’s comforting presence wrapped around me, I slowly drift off to sleep. 
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callioope · 1 year
I'm this close to finishing the first draft of my rebelcaptain fencing AU... yes, I know I've been saying that since NaNoWriMo 2020. My new year's resolution for 2023 is to finish and post it!
In the meantime, here's a brief summary, a link to the snippet from chapter one, and a snippet from chapter two.
Description: A rising star in youth fencing, Jyn Erso was once on track to become an Olympic-level athlete. But then, age 16, she quit unexpectedly. Her break from fencing unraveled her life. Three years later, she still refuses to discuss the subject, even with her father, a former Olympic medalist, and her best friend, Bodhi, who’s just returned from competing in the Olympics. It’s fine, it’s working – until she meets Cassian Andor, the kindest, most interesting person she’s ever met. Except for one problem: he’s also an Olympic-level fencer. 
Excerpt from chapter two:
Jyn crosses her arms and waits. She’s elbow to elbow with strangers in the crowded cafe she and Bodhi chose for their weekly lunch. It’s not normally this popular, but it seems the dreary weather has convinced everyone and their mother that a cup of soup sounds quite nice.
Sighing, she glances over her shoulder, towards the filled seating where Bodhi has aggressively commandeered a table. He waves when she catches his eyes. She smiles back, but then looks past him, at the gray sky and gathering water droplets on the windows. 
The days trudge along, minutes dragging like hours. It’s been two weeks since she scampered like a coward from Cassian’s home, from a well-cooked meal, from hope and possibility. Sometimes, she thinks she sees him passing on the street or in the hallway, and she ducks into an alcove or a classroom. Saw would be ashamed. That thought does nothing to help, merely reminds her why she’s in this mess in the first place. 
“Order for Erso!” 
She jolts back to the present, sees an employee place their order on the counter: a tray for Jyn’s meal, a tray for Bodhi’s, and two drinks. If only Bodhi hadn’t needed to stake out a table; now she’s stuck trying to balance it all.
“You seem like you’re carrying a lot.”
Turning, she sees her English professor. “Hi, Professor Malbus. My friend went to save a seat.”
He nods. “Chirrut’s doing the same.”
“Well, it’s good to see you.” Jyn moves towards the seating area, but her professor keeps talking.
“While you’re here,” he starts. It sounds ominous, and it occurs to Jyn that had her food been called just twenty seconds earlier, perhaps she could have avoided this conversation entirely.  “I wanted to talk to you about your last paper.”
“Oh.” Yeah, bad feeling justified. 
“I appreciate you handing it in early,” he says. The writing takes her mind off things. “But it seems a little rushed. You still have time before the deadline, if you want to take another stab at it.”
His phrasing pierces her a little more pointedly than he probably realizes. Am I really this sensitive to it after all this time? What doesn’t help is that she’d actually spent quite a bit of time mulling over that assignment. 
“Of course, professor.” 
He frowns. “I’m sorry — you’re busy. Let’s talk it over in my office hours next week.”
Her steps might be a little heavier as she leaves the counter area and winds her way through the seating, but at least she’s pretty sure they wouldn’t qualify as outright stomping. 
At least this day couldn’t possibly get any worse.
Midway through the seating, she realizes she has no idea where she’s going, and she looks around again for Bodhi.
And instead, she finds Cassian.
Never think it can’t get worse, she reminds herself.
In fact, Cassian is, for some reason, talking to Bodhi, so at least she’s succeeded in locating her final destination. 
She stands there staring for far too long, other customers bumping past her, until Cassian glances away from Bodhi just for a second, just long enough to accidentally meet her gaze. 
She wonders if she looks as caught off guard as he does. 
Bodhi follows Cassian’s gaze. “Oh, finally!”
His words jumpstart her mind, and she covers the remaining distance between them. 
During that time, her mind screams, “How the hell do you two know each other!”
But instead, she says, “Sorry for the wait.”
“It’s fine,” they both answer her, although Cassian’s sounds a little less sincere.
All three of them frown. Bodhi and Cassian glance back and forth between each other and her in confusion.
Slightly faster on the uptake — she did have a split second advantage — Jyn places Bodhi’s food in front of him, all the while avoiding the intensity of Cassian’s gaze. “So,” she says, staring at her seat but not getting into it, “how do you two know each other?” 
“I — we — what?” Bodhi says. He shakes his head as if to shake his thoughts loose. “He’s our bronze medalist in epee.” 
Jyn’s eyes widen, but it shouldn’t be that shocking. She had remembered he’d taken gold at that Junior Olympics all those years ago. Just because she left fencing behind didn’t mean everyone did. Bodhi, after all, had stuck with it.
Before she can respond, Cassian says, “Wait, how do you two know each other?”
Both Jyn and Bodhi hesitate. And then Bodhi sends Jyn a look that somehow manages to be both apologetic and defiant, and says, “We used to train together under Saw Gerrera.”
Cassian meets her wide-eyed gaze with his own. “You’re… Jyn Erso?”
Sighing, she settles into the seat next to Bodhi. “Yeah.”
“Wrong f-word.”
His gaze bores into hers, like he’s trying to figure her out. She thinks — she hopes — that maybe he has enough information to understand why she ran, since she hasn’t been able to find the words to explain it. 
“Well…” he finally says. “I should go.”
“No one’s going anywhere,” Bodhi says, and they both jerk guiltily toward him, “until we get to the bottom of this.”
That wasn’t the line, Jyn thinks inanely. But Bodhi thinks as fast as either of them, maybe faster, and apparently has no need to ask the same question a third time.
When he doesn’t continue, Jyn says warily, “There’s no … bottom… Bodhi…”
“Yes, there is, and you both are stuck in it.” 
She looks down at her food, pokes her salad with her fork.
“It’s fine,” Cassian says. “You don’t need to—”
Startled into compliance, Cassian sits. Despite everything, Jyn smirks. Cassian, it would seem, is less familiar with Bodhi’s determined “I will aggressively logic you into happiness” routine. It really only works because disappointing him is literally the worst feeling in the world, worse even than losing a fencing bout had been, once upon a time. And that’s really saying something because she wasn’t the most gracious loser.
“You’re miserable,” he starts, pointing at Jyn with his own fork, “because you haven’t seen that photographer chef since that date two weeks ago. You know, the one where you were all, ‘this is the best date I’ve ever been on’…”
“Whoa.” Jyn’s eyes dart nervously between Bodhi and Cassian. “I didn’t say it like —”
“And you’re miserable,” Bodhi says, turning to Cassian, “because the last date you went on, two weeks ago, the awesome writer undergrad you met left early and hasn’t returned your calls.”
“If she’s not interested,” Cassian says, without looking up from the table, “that’s not her fault.”
Jyn winces like he just thrust his sword into her heart. 
Of course, it would seem that she’d struck him first.
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uwingdispatch · 2 years
Every Embrace
Every Embrace
Notes: Bodhi Rook/Gender Neutral Reader, disabled reader, everyone lives au, post-rebellion, hurt/comfort, domestic fluff, fluff and angst
CW: PTSD, chronic illness, disability, medical settings, implied sexual intimacy
Ao3 Link
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You don’t know many people who wear glasses. Most beings on Chandrila and other developed worlds undergo a simple surgery to correct their vision. But Bodhi—he had a particularly unpleasant experience with the Imperial surgeon who’d worked on his eyes at the academy, and he has no intention of ever having that kind of surgery again. Which means the goggles he wears for other mechanical work aren’t just a safety precaution—they now have prescription lenses. And if he needs to read anything, whether it’s his data pad or a cereal box, he needs glasses.
At the moment, Bodhi is frantically going through every drawer in the house. “Love,” he asks, “are you sure you didn’t move them?”
“I never touch your glasses,” you say. “Because of exactly this.”
He sighs. “I could have sworn I left them on the table in the living room.”
It occurs to you that Bodhi fell asleep reading on the sofa last night and had to be coaxed to get up and come to bed. After lifting a few cushions, you find not one but two pairs of specs in the sofa. You call his name and hold your findings up in front of you.
His smile brightens his whole face. “I was starting to feel a bit mad,” he says. “Where were they?”
“Couch cushions.”
Bodhi takes the lenses from you, puts one pair on the kitchen counter and one on his head, like he used to wear those welding goggles back during the war. You know based on your own experience with eye health, and the eye health of many of your peers, that one of these days your partner is going to find himself needing corrective lenses for more than just reading. As you watch him return to his task, hunched over the recipe he’d been trying to read, those glasses ever so slightly sliding down the bridge of his nose—you can’t help but think how handsome he looks.
“Good,” he says. “I added a few things to the grocery list, and I’ve sent it to Cilvie in case you two want to do that tomorrow.”
“It’s fine if you don’t. I can take care of it after work.”
“We can probably go to the store tomorrow. But I need you to sit down. You haven’t stopped moving since you got home.”
Bodhi sighs, running a hand through his long, dark hair. “I’ve been trying not to think about it,” he says. “I just feel like…maybe I’m forgetting again.”
Every fiber of your being wants to run to him, but you know he needs to come to you. With his memory—he doesn’t talk about it if he doesn’t want to and you know not to pry.
So you sit on the couch, take a deep breath, close your eyes. And when you open them, he’s there, next to you. He wraps his arms around you, his big hands gentle and warm. He slides his glasses to the top of his head again, pushing back his hair.
“You always figure me out,” he says. “But please don’t panic on my behalf.”
“Are you actually comforting me right now, Bo?” you ask. “When you’re clearly struggling?”
“No one calls me that but you,” he says. “Not since I was small.” He stares straight ahead for a moment, something in his eyes tells you he’s not entirely here with you.
“Bo,” you say, “come back to me.”
He smiles, takes your hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. “Sometimes…” he says, pausing to take a breath. “Sometimes it’s nice for me to just be able to take care of you. To make sure you are safe and happy. Maybe it’s a bit selfish but it’s something I couldn’t do even for myself for a long time.”
Resting your head on his shoulder, you notice how nice he smells—some combination of shampoo, the clean cotton of his shirt, a light cologne he knows you like. You want to ask him what he’s thinking, whether he’s okay. But you know he has more to tell you. And the only way you’ll hear it is if you wait for him to be ready.
It’s not long before he lets out a long breath and says, “I made a doctor’s appointment a few weeks ago. Neurology specialist.”
“That’s a big step,” you say, wondering how much he’d been keeping from you, knowing how he hates the idea of burdening you with his own health issues. “You could have told me—I know this is really hard on you.”
“I know. It’s just a little too real, I guess.” He pauses. “But I have to know.”
It had been years since Bodhi had had his mind violated by Bor Gullet, a being who could not only see inside your mind but change it, move things around, make you believe anything or leave you with nothing at all. Bodhi was lucky to have mostly recovered, but there were side effects—then and still. For a while doctors said his symptoms lined up entirely with his PTSD, but Bodhi wasn’t so sure. Doubts like that can overwhelm a person, and now, after all this time wondering if he might have some kind of brain injury, there’s only one way to find out for sure.
“When is it?” you ask.
“Well,” he says, a “It was set for a few months from now. But I got a call right before I left work today and there’s an opening tomorrow. So…”
You take his face in your hands, gently caress his short beard before drawing him into a brief kiss. “I’m proud of you,” you say. “Where are we going tomorrow?”
“I’m not letting you do this alone.”
“All right then,” he says. “The specialist is on Hosnian Prime. We’ll have to leave early.”
“Okay,” you say. “I’ll be with you.”
Bodhi takes your hand, brings it to his lips for a sweet kiss. “Thank you, love.”
You hear Cilvie chirping from down the hall: packing your bag.
Someone in this house is always eavesdropping, but it is nice of your droid to take care of that for you. You thank her, and then look to Bodhi, his big, dark eyes reflecting so much love.
“It’s going to be okay,” you tell him. “We’ve got this.”
You’d been living together for just a few months the first time Bodhi went to a doctor’s appointment with you. He’d actually suggested it, hoping to provide some comfort, maybe even get some insight into what to watch out for in an emergency. If it had been any other man, you might have balked at the idea, wondered what controlling nonsense he was up to. But it was Bodhi, the most sincere being you’d ever met. So you agreed.
Unfortunately, the appointment he joined you on had brought a decent amount of bad news. Medications weren’t working as they were supposed to, side effects of other medications might be too risky given your conditions. You left feeling somehow both deflated and panicky. When Bodhi came in from the waiting room, the physician had nothing helpful to share with him, either.
In the turbolift, on the way from the doctor’s office to the parking garage, Bodhi asked you, “How are you feeling? I mean, physically.”
“Not terrible,” you told him. “Same as this morning.”
“Right,” he said. “Okay, well, we’re getting dessert then.”
“Have you even had lunch?” you asked.
“I think dessert is in order regardless,” he said, putting an arm around you, bringing your body close to his. “Maybe a bit of chocolate, even.”
Bodhi touched his nose to yours and you closed your eyes, breathing in the comfort of being close to him, his familiar scent, the steady beating of his heart, the strands of hair fallen loose from his braid brushing against your cheek.
“I really thought there was going to be good news today,” you said. “Something helpful.”
“I know.” he whispered. “I’m so sorry that wasn’t the case.”
“I’m so tired,” you said. “How do we have so many advancements in medicine and I’m still such a mess?”
“You’re not a mess,” he said. “I know I can’t do a lot to help right now, but…whatever I can do? I’m going to do that.” You’d almost reached the level where your speeder was parked when Bodhi pressed a kiss to your lips and said, “If that’s all right with you, I mean.”
And in his embrace, some of your anxiety started to fade. He took your hand as you walked to your vehicle, opened the door for you as if you were on a first date. “I know a place,” Bodhi said. “I have a client in this neighborhood that I’ve done work for. She has a hard time leaving the house so usually Pao or I come to her. And there’s a cantina—you’ll see. The sweets menu is glorious.”
It was a quick drive to the little cantina, and when you walked in, Bodhi’s arm around your waist, you immediately knew why he wanted to bring you here. It was a casual comfort food spot, and right by the door was the very full dessert case.
You found a booth in the back corner and you ended up ordering a sandwich to split before indulging in the dessert menu. It was just before dusk and not particularly crowded. As you were waiting for your late lunch, Bodhi got up from the table abruptly, told you he’d be right back.
When you’d met, back on Yavin, Bodhi had been shy, almost debilitatingly so, often compensating for his anxiety by talking too fast and too much—something you’d come to find charming even if others merely tolerated it. But in the pilot’s seat or in combat, according to the folks who’d fought alongside him, he would almost become a different person—a man with a commanding presence and a sharp tactical mind. That was how he’d been consistently promoted. If he hadn’t decided to step away from the Navy, you both knew he would have earned the rank of General.
He’d grown into himself since those early days, his confidence coming back to him as he’d found strength in his found family. In you. But still, it surprised you when he put a credit in the cantina’s old-fashioned jukebox, returning to you with an outstretched hand.
“I’ve always loved this song,” he said. “Come dance with me.”
“What?” you asked, not entirely sure that he was serious.
“Dance with me, love. Just for a little while.”
You raised an eyebrow as you took his hand, the slow, soft melody coming in over the speakers in the early evening calm.
“Come on, now,” he said, a smile in his eyes. “This song makes me think of you, you know.”
As soon as you were in his arms, it didn’t matter whether people were watching. “How many years have I known you, Bodhi Rook? And not known that you could dance?”
“Too many, perhaps,” he said, quickly brushing his lips over your cheek. “Maybe this is something we should do more often.”
“With the promise of dessert.”
Bodhi’s original U-Wing was a total loss when it crashed on Endor. And while he’d enjoyed his stint as an X-Wing pilot through the Battle of Jakku and the month that he’d spent piloting a repurposed zeta-class transport—much like the one he’d flown with the Empire—it was the U-Wing that he kept coming back to when he was looking for something to salvage for personal use.
“My whole life turned around when Cassian pulled me aboard that ship,” he said on the day he finally made his decision. “It’s a quite different, this civilian model. I’ll have to install a hyperdrive somehow, and we’ll need a new droid port…”
You’d let him ramble, even though what he was saying may as well have been Huttese to you. And today as you board the U-Wing—Bodhi’s U-Wing—you admire as always the beauty of it, so much of it built from scrap but crafted and polished to look like new. With his hands.
Now in hyperspace, the silver streak of stars just outside the transparisteel windows, you settle on one of the plush benches that Bodhi had reupholstered himself a few years back. With Red keeping an eye on the navigation, Bodhi comes back to sit with you.
“Thanks for coming with me, love,” he says,  “I can’t say I’m excited about this.”
“I know,” you say. “But if you get some answers, it’s worth it, right?”
He nods, pulling your legs over his so you’re nearly in his lap, his arms around you, bringing closer to his body. “I’m so afraid that I could lose something important. In my mind,” he says. “That I could lose my memories with you.”
You place one hand over his heart. He’s wearing a v-neck t-shirt and a soft cardigan—so different from how you used to find him in the back of the old U-Wing, so many years ago. But, stars, how you love him in v-necks—how they compliment his toned chest, the way one of his tattoos peeks out from under the collar.
“Bodhi,” you say. “That won’t happen. And if it did, I’d be right here to remind you.”
You caress your partner’s cheek, give his neatly trimmed beard a little tickle before he touches his forehead to yours, a few strands of dark hair slipping from where he’d pulled it halfway back, still damp from his shower earlier this morning.
“I hope the answer isn’t surgery,” he says. “I don’t know if I can handle that.”
“Whatever it is, we’ll do it together, Bo,” you say. “I promise. There’s nothing in the galaxy that you have to do alone.”
“You look really nice today, you know.”
“Now you’re just trying to distract me.”
“Maybe I am,” you say. “But that doesn’t make it any less true.”
Bodhi kisses you then, his hunger for your touch evident as he takes your face in his hands, his lips moving slow but firm as they fit to yours so perfectly that you feel like you were made for each other.
“I’m sorry,” he says. “Is this okay?”
“It’s more than okay,” you tell him.
He responds with more kisses, deeper and more urgent as he leads you to the little pull-out cot he’d installed where on his old Alliance ship there would have been a second door and an ion canon. As you lie down, Bodhi folding the both of you under a blanket and sliding his hands under your clothes, you’re glad for the curtain behind the cockpit. When Bodhi’s gentle fingertips trace the curve of your thigh, you hope that this moment of pleasure is bringing him even half the peace it’s bringing you, a bit of warm calm in the cold of hyperspace.
“You know, the day we met, I thought that I’d never get to spend any time with you—and I hated it,” you told Bodhi. Back at home, you were now snuggled up on the couch together watching a holofilm you’d both seen more times than you could remember. “You were a big hero—the kind of pilot who had so much attention on him that he’d never have the time to spend with non-combat personnel.”
“Well,” he said. “As I’ve told you, I fell in love with you the day I met you, when you handed me that jacket. I’d never had a jacket that fit me so well,” He paused to softly run his knuckles over your cheek. “And you were so beautiful, love. Radiating kindness. I had no choice but to break things on purpose to keep coming back to see you.”
“Excuse me?” you said. There were a few times that you suspected he might be up to something, but back then you couldn’t quite imagine that this attractive, important man would break so many zippers just to see you.
“I didn’t really leave the cockpit much that first year after Scarif. Between having to learn to use my new leg and the fact that I was rubbish with a blaster…well, I wasn’t putting as much strain on my clothes as, say, Han or Jyn.”
“I knew it,” you said, laughing.
“And you never said anything?” Bodhi’s smile was so big and so charming—the smile you’d fallen for back on Yavin. And you reached to tuck a few strands of hair behind his ear, a handsome, if premature, streak of silver that had come in a year or so ago.
“Because every day I hoped to hear you’d somehow popped another button on your uniform. So that I could see you, too. Plus, you always brought me caf—and knew exactly how I liked it.”
“Of course I did. You were it for me,” he said, kissing you softly. “You are it for me, love. You know that right?”
You smile. “Well…let’s just say a more responsible tailor would have taught you to sew a button.”
“I’m glad you never did.”
“Me, too.”
It’s hard being in the waiting room, knowing that Bodhi is just beyond a door you can see a few meters away from where you’re sitting, and not wanting to be there. But there’s radiation involved, and he has Red, so Bodhi suggested that you go explore downtown. And you’d thought about it, but ended up just getting a cup of caf and a sandwich and returning to the waiting room to read a book. It’s been a few hours, and you’re starting to worry when the door opens and Bodhi emerges, followed by Red.
He looks tired—but not upset. You must look tired, too, because the first thing he says is, “How long have you been sitting here?”
“I just wanted to be here if you needed me,” you told him.
Red chirps: made sure Bodhi was okay.
“I know you did.” You say, giving the droid a little pat. Turning back to Bodhi, you ask, “How’d it go?”
He takes your hand and leads you out of the office, to the turbolift, out to the busy sidewalk. And then he says, “Mostly good news, I think.” He pauses, takes a breath. “Let’s find a place to get some dinner and we can talk about it.”
So you find a little diner, snag a corner booth, retrieve Bodhi’s reading glasses from your shoulder bag so he can read the menu, and after ordering some local comfort food, he tells you about the appointment.
“So they did find something,” he says. His voice is a little shaky, and you squeeze his hand. “I should have had you come in to hear it from the doctor—something about scar tissue. But it’s entirely treatable.”
“What kind of treatment?”
“There’s a medication that they sent to the pharmacy back home,” he says. “But I have to take it in conjunction with therapy.”
You smile at Bodhi, the look on his face a bit sheepish. Bodhi hadn’t done talk therapy in years. His previous therapist had retired unexpectedly and he never got around to finding someone new. He was doing pretty well so you’d never felt like it was your place to push him to find a new clinician. But you can tell in this moment that he’s dreading it.
“Are you going to do it?” you ask.
“Of course,” he says. “The neurologist already put in a referral to someone back on Chandrila. I looked her up, she sounds lovely. But I’m not thrilled about it.”
You reach to touch his face, tuck a lock of hair behind his ear. “Whatever you need from me to support you in this, it’s yours.
“Thank you,” he says before sneaking a quick kiss. “I’m glad you came today.”
“Me, too.”
When you leave the diner, it’s dark out. Both of you had talked earlier about possibly doing something fun tonight, but that was before the long day you’d had. Standing on the sidewalk, you ask Bodhi if he’s about ready to head back to the ship to get some sleep before leaving tomorrow.
“Actually, love,” he says. “I booked us a room. I thought it would be nice. Maybe even a bit romantic…I know you’re probably exhausted, though.”
“How far is it from here?”
Bodhi points out a tall building just a few blocks away. “It’s right there, I think. With the red spire. Are you good to walk?”
“I should be fine.”
With Bodhi’s arm around your waist you make your way to the hotel and, when you get to your room, Red plugs himself into the droid port in the corner and lets you know that he’s shutting down for the night. You’re about to ask about your luggage when you find that Bodhi has had your bags brought here by a courier earlier that day.
“You’ve thought of everything,” you say.
Bodhi pulls you close, touches his nose to yours. “You deserve everything, darling,” he says. “I mean that.”
When he kisses you, the sounds of the city fade away and a desire wakes inside you, a hunger to be closer to this brave, good man—who even in the midst of his own difficulties is thinking of you. You press closer to him, and Bodhi starts humming—a song he always says reminds him of you, and you sway with him, a sweet slow dance to shake off the stress of the day.
Soon you’re undressing each other, stumbling toward the bed, sliding into the soft sheets, clothes landing in piles on the floor.
Bodhi kisses your jaw and whispers in your ear, “You took such good care of me today. Can I take care of you now?”
You nod and he begins a gentle trail of kisses down your neck, your shoulder, your clavicle, your sternum. His beard tickles your skin as you realize you have goosebumps from the pleasure of his touch.
“Stars,” he says, taking your hand, his fingers lacing in between yours. “Have I ever told you that you’re perfect?”
And as he continues, pressing his soft lips to your tummy, you know he knows that neither of you are perfect by any standard measurement. That you are both deeply flawed, clinically. Emotionally. Still, you believe him when he tells you this.
“So are you,” you tell him. “And I love you so much.”
He hushes you, and you make a mental note to reassure him later of his strength and his beauty, how his body and his mind are exquisite and how lucky you are to have him. But for now, you relax into this moment with him, a sweet bit of pleasure that both of you deserve.
Thank you so much for reading! I love writing Bodhi. I need a universe where he lives. But we have our AU. I hope this fic makes you feel seen and loved.
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angstywaifu · 1 month
Garrick Tavis Pregnant Reader HC's
Prompt from @garricks4thwingqueen - I just feel like Gare would be so prefect when his girl is pregnant. Maybe just some fluff or maybe a little worry because reader is having a difficult time with the pregnancy. A/N: Couldn't resist doing this as head cannon's, and you just know he would be the best during a pregnancy. Keep an eye out next week for Father Garrick Tavis HC's! Masterlist
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Garrick is over the moon when you tell him. That man never cries, but you best believe tears are streaming down his face as he pulls you into a tight hug. Though he instantly panics about hurting the baby which has you rolling your eyes at him.
He is so excited and wants to tell everyone immediately. You try to stop him, but he’s already running off to find Xaden and Bodhi. There was no stopping him from telling them. Nothing at all.
While out on a mission Chradh informs him you are not well via the bond he has with your dragon. As he reaches for your presence he can tell its closed off, but there’s something there that you can’t quite hide. Something he can pick up on easily due to his signet. Sickness or Pain. It sends him into a panic instantly, going home without a second thought.
He rushes inside to see you sitting on the ground, leaning up against the counter next to the toilet. His panic eases slightly, just morning sickness. But he can tell instantly that you are no good, and it’s not going easy on you. He scoops you into his arms, taking you back to bed. He gathers a bucket, cold water, a wet face cloth and some plain biscuits. He slides in next to you, pulling you against him.
The morning sickness lasts months. Almost till the very end. But the healers assure you both baby is fine, and everyone handles pregnancy differently. You immediately tell Garrick no more sex if this is what she has to go through.
The whole way through he gets you anything you need. Ice cream? He’s already noted the flavours you have craved and has them stored. In fact any craving or preference you have or keep going back to, he has on hand already. So much it could probably last you another pregnancy. But that man is well prepared for any craving after they started appearing and catching him out of nowhere. He didn’t want to face your wrath ever again. It takes a lot to scare him. You scared him.
Every night that man is running you a bath. No showers for you while you’re pregnant. Though you do sneak a few when he’s out on patrol. Nothing beats washing your hair in the shower. He goes all out on the baths. Bath salts, candles, anything he can find to make it more relaxing for you.
That man is also reading up on anything and everything to help you and the baby out. He has covered all bases from things to make the birth easier for you, to things to help the baby once they arrive. He wants to make this experience as good as he can for you despite the morning sickness.
As the baby gets closer Garrick is in full dad mode. He’s building all the new furniture, he’s baby proofing everything, and he’s packing your bags ready to take to the healers should the baby decide to come suddenly.
And that baby does come suddenly. Almost two weeks early. He’s out on a patrol with Xaden and Bodhi when Chradh alerts him through the bond. The way he stops mid flight, those two know what's happening before the smile breaks out on his face. In seconds the three of them are racing back so Garrick can be there for you. And he make’s it just in time to meet his child.
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