#boar sin merlin
incorrectsdsins · 2 years
Merlin: You brought a date to the mission?
Meliodas: It was either this or ice skating.
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bara-bean · 1 year
Monster Au Escarlin, lets go!
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Escanor and Merlin Western style in Monster AU, based on one doodle i had. Love it!!
I love the lion man so much.
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ladymerlin-lab · 6 months
~At the boar hat~
Elizabeth: I think being kind is really attractive.
Merlin: In my case, smart is attractive. It is not that difficult, educate me on something I don't know!
Escanor: The mouth of a jellyfish is also an anus!
Merlin😅: Darling please stop-
Ban: 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Meliodas: 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Elizabeth: 🤦🏼‍♀️
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autumnsorbet · 5 months
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Twitter art challenge
Merlin x King Arthur
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And if you're wondering this is a au version of Merlin and Arthur even though I think the Merlin and Arthur from the seven deadly sins and the four nights of the Apocalypse manga could be together since there's only a three to four year age difference between them as of right now but because Merlin is technically still 8 years old physically and it's just using magic to disguise herself as a woman even if Arthur was attracted to the adult form of her I just feel it's a bit weird so this is a au version of them where Merlin is an adult woman I explain it more below
original art from the manga Veil by @/_K0TTERl_ )
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nadeeta · 8 months
i got the DBZ clip off yt, and I like how the captions for the rock crumbling sound effects are captioned with applause 😆.
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mother-merlin · 2 years
How was Merlin able to get pregnant despite her true form being a child? Or did Merlin her adult form her true form at some point prior to it?
Hope this can answer your doubt! 💜👐
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artblooger19moon · 10 months
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Boar’s Sin of Gluttony
Seven Deadly Sins
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tonks-21 · 1 year
Meliodas and Elizabeth's daughter hcs | Nanatsu no Taizai | Request
Request from: @the-letter-horror-lover
Warnings: mention of violence. TW: matches of violence.
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You have this sunshine personality that all around you couldn’t do anything more than love it.
But it’s not all good words and smiles, if they push you to your limits, they will know your bad side.
You are the only one in the family that could cook without breaking the kitchen.
And as you grow older, with the weight of the curse of your mum, you wanted to help your dad because you had the same curse as him and you knew how bad he feels when another dead and reborn comes. So you usually help him cooking at the Boar Hat.
And, doing that, you pass time with Ban.
He is a nice guy, but failed some time ago underestimating your power.
Now he has a 10 cm scar on his abdomen.
Eventhough you have this demon side, you are always kind and loving with humans and protect them of whatever enemy that comes.
You are friends with all the other Sins.
They like you. You are like smart and kind as your mother, but just as strong as your father and you have the willpower of, well, both of them.
 The nights that the Sins meet, you usually talk to Diane, she is so fun, you can’t help it.
I don’t know why, but I think Gowther talks about poetic stuff with you.
King lets you fly on his cushion and you normally fall asleep on it, so he just lets you there. He really can’t help but let you, you are too adorable sleeping.
Merlin doesn’t talk to you much, but you know you can always count on her. She demonstrates her affection more in a protective way.
But, yeah, when the others laugh along with things you did when child, she would laugh too.
But then, she’ll caress your shoulder a bit.
Hawk is like a little brother to you. Even if he is older, he is always making a mess, and you can’t help but make it with him.
And your father doesn't have the heart to tell you to clean it.
Your mother, by the way… Well, let’s just say sometimes you had to take the cloth for other things than tinny wastes.
But the truth is that they love you a lot. And each of them will protect you with their lives without a second thought.
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jinn-mori · 7 months
Seven Deadly Headcanons
Or seven thoughts I have about the Seven Deadly Sins.
Ban has definitely gone Gordon Ramsey on Meliodas at some point for not only his terrible cooking but also because he can't organize a kitchen for shit.
Ban spent several nights reorganizing the Boar Hat's kitchen and has a system for keeping things tidy. Meliodas once messed with this organization system and Ban's response was putting up a sign that said Meliodas was banned from the kitchen. The ban was lifted only when Meliodas put things back in their place. He's banned from cooking but not from being in the kitchen.
Due to his rough circumstances growing up, Ban is very insistent on the Sins getting their three meals a day. He'll even make accommodations or adjustments to dishes to make sure that they can appeal to others. No one is going hungry when Ban's around. Even Gowther - who probably doesn't need to eat due to him being a doll - is not immune from this.
Gowther has a soft spot for romance novels and he and Merlin have a lil' book club where they discuss their current reads. Escanor and Diane joined in eventually.
I feel that most of the Sins would be bilingual multilingual headcanons my beloved . Meliodas, Gowther, and Merlin would know the demon's language. Meliodas would try learning the goddesses' language because of Elizabeth and Merlin would already know it and she'd probably know Welsh. King would know the fairy's language and whatever Liones' vernacular is. And while Ban may not be as fluent in it, he's trying to learn the fairy's language from Elaine and King. And yes, Benwick would be a bilingual kingdom and you can pry that headcanon from my cold, dead hands. Also, Diane would know both Liones vernacular and the giants' language. Actually, King would also know the giants' language. Escanor would know multiple human languages.
Ban was lowkey having the mother of all panics when Elaine was pregnant because he didn't want to mess up as a parent and wanted Lancelot to have a good childhood. So when Lancelot and Jericho disappeared, that time was just really rough for him because emotions are a bitch and he was just constantly blaming himself. If he had done something, then his son wouldn't have disappeared.
During Lancelot's disappearance, Ban developed a tradition of pouring out a bottle of Aberdeen on the night of his son's disappearance. Also, he was kind of forced into more healthy ways of coping because without his immortality, he couldn't fall back into self-harm. And he couldn't drink himself senseless because he had a kingdom to lead as the king of Benwick.
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librathefangirl · 9 months
When the War Is Over (How Do We Rebuild Ourselves)
ao3 (One-Shot; 3.8k+)
With their father finally gone, Meliodas and Zeldris try to move on as brothers. Meanwhile, the Seven Deadly Sins are horrified to learn that someone actually enjoys their captain's cooking. (Written for @ficwip's 5k 2023)
It is finally here! My Meliodas Can Cook (Demon Food) AU! Also shout-out to @hihopelessromantics and the mutuals for helping me decide on the Commandments' cooking skills XD
Read on ao3 or under the cut!
Ban watched the scene unfolding before him with growing horror. You’d think that by now – after a Holy War and Purgatory and fighting the Demon King himself, multiple times – he wouldn’t really be fazed. This, however, was different. A whole other kind of horror.
The horrifying part was, surprisingly, not the new demon currently inside the Boar Hat. The demon sitting awkwardly by one of the tables was a startling contrast to the demon Ban had seen before. He still looked the same, sounded the same, glared the same – but without the constant murder attempts and trying to conquer Britannia in the name of the Demon King, he seemed… kind of tame. To be honest, he reminded Ban a bit of a grumpy kitten. His reaction to Meliodas ruffling his hair as he passed by did him no favors. Seeing Meliodas dodge his brother’s fist with a wide grin was also a nice change, especially compared to the look he’d had talking about Zeldris back in Purgatory. Meliodas ignored Zeldris’ mutterings, letting out a laugh as he jumped over the counter into the kitchen.
Now that was the horrifying part - and it only got worse the longer Ban watched him. Meliodas in the kitchen had always been scary, ever since the first meal Ban had tasted. Today, somehow, was even worse. Meliodas was bustling around the kitchen, happy and unrestrained in a way Ban hadn’t seen him before. Raw meat of various animals and spices that Ban could swear he had gotten from Merlin’s lab were scattered across the countertop. Actually, the most horrifying part was the realization that during all these years, Meliodas had been genuine in his attempts at cooking. Watching him now, Ban knew that to be true. Restricted in ingredients and whatnot maybe, but genuine.
King sent him a more than half-panicked look, quickly backed up by Diane’s frightened one. Ban sighed. Guess making something edible for the rest of them would be wise. Pushing his way into the kitchen earned him an eye-roll from Meliodas. Though only a half-hearted one. Meliodas’ focus kept straying from his cooking to his brother, the joy on his face dimming a little every time. From his new position, Ban had a better view of the other demon too. The awkwardness was palpable. At the same time, he seemed at peace with what Meliodas was doing. It was kind of scary. He seemed uncomfortable with being in the Boar Hat and unsure how to act around them all, but completely unconcerned with the fact that he was about to eat Meliodas’ cooking.
“Hey!” Ban called out, pulling Zeldris’ attention, as he decided to offer up another mercy today. “You don’t have to eat that… thing .”
Ban gestured towards the plate Meliodas was preparing, nose crinkling as he squinted at the food. He could have sworn it just moved . How the fuck the captain continuously managed that was beyond Ban’s comprehension. He had even watched him prepare this dish, there wasn’t anything in it that should still be able to move. Uncooked, yes, but still very, very dead.
Nobody should have to eat the captain’s food. No matter who or what they were – including murderous, awkward, grumpy kitten little brothers. 
“I could make you something too,” Ban offered with a shrug. From the corner of his eyes, he could see Meliodas freeze, eyes going wide as he looked over at him. Zeldris stared at Ban too and for a moment the tavern was completely silent. Zeldris’ brow furrowed deeply, fingers fidgeting nervously on the edge of the table. He opened and closed his mouth once. His gaze flickered tentatively between Meliodas and Ban. Meliodas, however, had snapped out of his stupor and was now too busy glaring at Ban with a hand dramatically placed over his chest to help his poor brother figure out if Ban was trying to trick him or not.
“Why wouldn’t I eat Meliodas’ food?” Zeldris finally asked, breaking the silence. Meliodas didn’t miss a beat, smacking Ban soundly across the arm.
“Yes, Ban, why wouldn’t he eat my food?” Meliodas echoed, countering his own statement by stealing a piece of the food Ban was preparing. He quickly dodged the punch Ban threw his way, leaning back, just out of reach. Ban sighed. He gestured at Meliodas’ food again as if it was enough of an answer – which to any sane person it was.
“Because it tastes like garbage!”
Meliodas’ offended gasp only partially drowned out King’s mutter of “-understatement. It’s more like if garbage died and came back to life half decayed.”
“Hey!” Meliodas protested, glaring at King as he waved his knife around enough to force Ban to suddenly duck beneath a splatter of… something. “‘Just because you two have terrible taste-”
“Not just us.”
“-doesn’t mean my food sucks,” Meliodas continued, ignoring King’s interjection. “Gowther likes it!”
Gowther looked up at that. He was seated beside Zeldris, clearly having been paying more attention to the awkward demon than the conversation happening around them. Now he tilted his head, regarding their captain for a moment. If he took Meliodas’ side, Ban was going to smack him.
“I’m a doll. I have no sense of taste,” Gowther reminded them, earning a grin from Ban and a disappointed sigh from Meliodas.
“He was also modeled after a demon by a demon,” Merlin pointed out before Meliodas had the chance to defend himself further. “So even if he had a sense of taste, he would probably actually enjoy your particular flavor of cooking, Captain. But he’d be the only one.”
Meliodas sighed again, more dramatically, “Why do you guys hate me?”
“Nah, only your cooking, buddy,” Ban said, wrapping an arm around Meliodas’ shoulders. As he did so, he took the time to look over at Zeldris again. He continued to fidget subtly, eyes a little too wide and brow still furrowed. Even from over here, Ban could tell he was tense too, back as straight as an arrow, and he wasn’t the only one. The captain was masking it a lot better, but Ban could feel the tension in Meliodas’ body. This wasn’t just a casual family dinner – if such a thing even existed for the two sons of the (dead) Demon King – this was a big deal for them.
“Speaking of which!” Ban unwrapped himself from Meliodas and picked up his half-prepared food. “Don’t want the only edible thing in here getting corrupted so – King, gather some firewood! We’re going wild style with this one.”
“Oi, do it yourself!” King shot back as he followed Ban and the rest of the Seven Deadly Sins out the door, leaving Meliodas and Zeldris alone in the tavern. 
It wasn’t the most subtle of withdrawals, but Meliodas was grateful nonetheless.
The joyous carefree atmosphere disappeared along with the others. Instead, a tense silence filled the air. It almost reminded Meliodas of being back under his father’s roof. Except the silence in the Demon Realm’s castle had come with the imminent threat of danger and violence. This one only came with the reminder that Meliodas didn’t know how to do this anymore. He wasn’t sure he had ever known. If life had been merciful, Zeldris would have been given the big brother he deserved. Life wasn’t merciful though – Meliodas had learned that long before he and Elizabeth had been cursed – so all he had was Meliodas. That would have to be good enough.
This was a time for new beginnings, for Britannia and for the demons, maybe even for them.
“Hope you’re hungry!” Meliodas shouted, plastering on a bigger smile as he grabbed two plates of food and made his way over to Zeldris’ table. As Zeldris looked at the food, a small smile flashed across his lips before he could stop it. It was only there for the briefest moment, but Meliodas saw it, feeling a bit more confident in what he was doing.
It wasn’t too complicated a dish, something you could do away from home if you so wished. Mixed meat sauce topped with berries. It had been one of Zeldris’ favorites growing up, which was why Meliodas had chosen to make it. He’d had to make some adjustments, of course, Britannia’s supply of meat and berries differed from the Demon Realm’s, and while Merlin’s stash was quite extensive, it was focused on experiments and not cooking. Meliodas had to make do with what he had. It wasn’t like the food would be the crucial part of this day anyway.
“Hope you like it,” Meliodas said after a few moments of silent eating. “Unfortunately there’s no dragon meat, Britannian dragons are kinda lacking.”
Zeldris snorted, “Yeah, no kidding.”
Meliodas grinned, feeling himself relax. This all felt so… normal, in a way the two of them had never really had. Here they were with no war, no father, not even Chandler and Cusack breathing down their necks. Just two brothers sharing a homecooked meal. Meliodas used to have dreams just like this.
“It’s not bad,” Zeldris mumbled, that half smile flashing across his face again. “All things considered, I mean.”
Oh. Meliodas knew that tone. He might not have heard it in 3,000 years, but he would recognize it anywhere. It was ingrained deep in the part of him that could never see Zeldris as an enemy.
"No. Zel, don’t you dare." Meliodas’ protest was only met by a gaze that clearly said he was absolutely going to go there. “If you say that Cusack’s is better, I am going to throw you out the window.”
“Pfft!” This time the grin didn’t disappear as Zeldris crossed his arms over his chest. “As if you could.”
“Oh…” Meliodas matched Zeldris’ pose, leaning forward in his seat, “Why don’t you try me, little brother .”
And just like that, the spell broke.
Both of them suddenly realized what they were doing, what was happening. The smiles fell from their faces as they remembered they weren’t allowed to act like this anymore. This was how brothers acted. They hadn’t been brothers for over 3,000 years.
“I, uhm…” Meliodas cleared his throat, struggling to meet Zeldris’ eyes. “You’re probably right, Cusack’s might be better.”
“Yeah…” Zeldris avoided looking at him too. Instead, his gaze found the window. Through the uncomfortable silence in the Boar Hat, you could just about make out the bustling sounds of the others: muffled shouting and laughing; as chaotic as ever. “Doesn’t mean it tastes like garbage?”
Meliodas smiled at the questioning tone in Zeldris’ voice. It made sense that he would be confused about everything that had transpired in the tavern before. After all, his experiences of the Seven Deadly Sins came from the battlefield, which wasn’t an incorrect image, just an incomplete one.
“Oh, don’t mind them,” Meliodas shrugged, feeling more at ease again. Even with the others outside, he still could feel the comfort of their presence. “They’re just messing about.”
Zeldris frowned again, glancing out the window once more before turning back to Meliodas. He raised an eyebrow at him, the confusion giving way to the curiosity of the Sins’ skewered opinion of Meliodas’ cooking.
“They sounded quite serious.”
“Well, they were,” Meliodas admitted. “Just, ah, got terrible taste, the whole bunch of them. They can’t appreciate good food when they get it. Plus, you’d be surprised how many things can poison a human.”
Zeldris’ brow rose even higher, “So why don’t you just make, I don’t know, human food?”
“I do! Sort of. Well, at least food that won’t poison a human, but…”
It was a good point, one Merlin had made countless times over their years together. Meliodas probably should have done that. Completely adapting to human cuisine. The Boar Hat definitely would have been more successful if he had. At the same time, there had always been something stopping him. He’d given up so many things from where he came from and hadn’t really considered he might ever go back to the Demon Realm, but he’d never manage to give up the cuisine. He’d started making food with human-friendly ingredients, even cooked it in human ways, but there had always been something demon about it, it seemed. 
“Everyone thinks you’re a bad cook,” Zeldris finished his sentence.
“Yeah,” Meliodas shrugged. No human had ever called him a good cook. He had tried and failed and a part of him had been relieved. The part that had always held onto those memories of him and Zel and cooking together far away from the castle like a lifeline on the verge of bursting. Being branded the worst cook in Britannia had been a small price to pay to keep that. “Ban’s under the impression my cooking is so bad it could kill an immortal.”
Zeldris snorted again, poorly hiding it behind his hand, “Then he should try Grayroad’s cooking.”
“Oh yeah? I don’t think I’ve ever had Grayroad’s cooking,” Meliodas questioned, feeling himself slipping closer to that forbidden comfortable zone once more.
“Oh!” Zeldris looked up at the ceiling as he thought, nose crinkling up in the way it always did when he tried to suppress the too-big feelings. "Imagine if… Melascula tried to teach Galand how to cook.”
“Damn!” That was a horrifying thought. With Melascula being an actual snake, her cooking had always been considered exotic even to demons, and Galand had just been bad at it the few times he’d tried to cook something by himself.
“Exactly,” Zeldris said, chuckling under his breath.
And there they were again. Acting like brothers, an easy atmosphere Meliodas longed to keep wrapping around them. Maybe Zeldris did too, because while he averted his gaze again, poking around at the remains of his food, the smile was still there in the corners of his mouth. The ghost of what they both wanted – for things to just go back to how they’d been way back, except without their father or the war pushing them apart. The way things were supposed to be. Or should have been, if they had been any other brothers, if the last 3,000 years of hurt and guilt hadn’t existed.
“So, that's why he tried to save me from your food?” Zeldris asked, gesturing towards the door.
Oh, it would have been so easy. So, so easy to just go along with it, keep this thing going, and not let reality break it apart again. But Meliodas knew exactly what they were doing. Deflecting. Avoiding. Trying to pretend they weren’t those two brothers with millennia worth of regrets.
Meliodas could have done it too. Over the years, he had gotten really good at deflecting; questions, conversations, even his own emotions. He’d managed to keep his demon past a secret for 3,000 years for a reason. This, however, wasn’t something he could allow himself to deflect. If he did, he could risk losing his little brother all over again.
“Zel…” Meliodas mumbled softly, seeing the way Zeldris tensed up at his tone. No matter how much he wanted to, he couldn’t play along and let himself be led into those easy, insignificant conversations. They needed to talk about this. “You didn’t come here to talk about my cooking.”
“No, I didn’t,” Zeldris agreed, the smile falling again. He made no move to continue. A new silence fell over them, tense and pushing for the words they’d left unsaid for so long.
Well, if Zeldris wasn’t going to talk, Meliodas would have to. He was the big brother here. He might not know how to be that, but he still was. And he was not going to lose Zel. Never again. At the same time, he’d spent 3,000 years avoiding this conversation. Besides Merlin, nobody had even known that Meliodas had a brother, not until the seal was broken and everything was revealed anyway. Despite all the years, it all still felt too raw. Meliodas knew how to be a traitor. He did not know how to be the brother Zeldris needed. Let alone the brother he would accept.
Meliodas took a deep breath, the words needed to be said forming on his tongue, but when he opened his mouth, deflection fell out of it instead; “So he is really dead, huh?”
“It… it doesn’t feel real,” Zeldris mumbled. Meliodas sighed, looking out the window.
“I know what you mean.” For so long their father had been a shadow hanging over his life, the blade cutting his hearts, for him to truly be gone, it felt surreal. Meliodas had been the one to deal the final blow but he still couldn’t believe it. Even long before the curse, the Demon King had been this relentless violence consuming his life. Now, he was free. They were free.
“Zel, I’m sorry.”
The words hung in the air, heavy yet cautiously hopeful; an olive branch in a decimated forest. Zeldris’ gaze flickered around the room, looking everywhere but at Meliodas. His hands tightened around the utensils until it seemed like he would break them in two. When he let go of them, it was to wrap them together in his lap in a forced casual way.
“Did you ever regret it?” Zeldris asked quietly. He didn’t need to specify, they both knew what he was talking about. The event that had probably kept them both sleepless at times. Meliodas wished he could give Zeldris the answer he wanted, the easy one, but nothing about this was easy.
“Some of it.”
“But you’d do it all again, wouldn’t you?” Zeldris’ voice didn’t hold any accusation, just a hurt resignation. Now this was the real kicker, wasn’t it? It wasn’t just the actions Meliodas had done in the past, but the knowledge that given the chance he would repeat.
“Some of it,” Meliodas admitted softly. “I would change some things, do things differently, but yeah… I would make the same choice.”
“Because of Elizabeth.” This time, there was a sharp edge to Zeldris’ words; a residual anger to the event the goddesses’ meeting with his brother had caused. Meliodas just shook his head, smiling sadly.
“Can you blame me?” Zeldris reacted as he’d expected, gaze flickering outside, towards the forest where Elizabeth and Gelda had disappeared for a walk earlier. He might not agree with what Meliodas had done, but Meliodas knew Zeldris understood his reason. “And it wasn’t just her. I-... Elizabeth made me believe there was another way, another life. One without wars and killing and hate. Even if I could have stood the idea of killing her, I don’t think I could’ve gone back to the way things were.”
Zeldris nodded his head, mutely, gaze still averted. To Meliodas, it still felt like they were skirting around the real topic. Meliodas turning against the demons had, of course, been a betrayal that hurt Zeldris, but it wasn’t the one that broke their brotherhood. No, that one was a lot more personal, a lot more painful. One that neither of them knew how to actually voice – one that needed to be addressed if they were ever going to move on together. 
Meliodas would bare every one of his hearts if he had to, to get to be Zeldris’s brother again. So, he took a deep breath, the words slowly forming on his tongue, the deflections being pushed out of his mind; “I was going to come back for you, you know.”
Zeldris didn’t know. It was clear in the gaze that met Meliodas’. Without the darkness covering them, Zeldris’ eyes had always been so expressive, showing the emotions he masked everywhere else.
“I-” Hope. Pain. Betrayal. Longing. “What?”
“I was coming back for you,” Meliodas repeated. He needed to tell Zeldris those words just as much as Zeldris needed to hear them. “I wouldn’t- couldn’t just leave you with him like that. I shouldn’t have let you walk away that day.”
“Then why… Why didn’t you come back?” It wasn’t a question asked by the future Demon King, it was one asked by the little boy who’d just been told their mother wasn’t coming home. Meliodas closed his eyes, feeling the guilt cut through him all over again.
“I wanted to,” Meliodas promised. “I just… At first, I didn’t know how to. You had made it clear where you stood. I wasn’t sure if you would even listen to me if I tried talking to you, nor how to get the chance to talk to you alone… We talked about it a lot, me and Ellie, about how to protect you and Gelda, but before we could do anything, well…”
“You pushed the gods too hard and paid the price.”
Meliodas couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him at that. It wasn’t funny, but it all sounded so stupid when put so bluntly. How naïve an idea it had been really, the two of them going against gods to bring peace to all races  – but at the same time, they had all just gone against a god and were the ones left standing. Maybe the naïvity was thinking they could still do it all alone back then. If they’d had people by their sides that night then maybe…
“Yeah,” Meliodas mumbled, any remains of humor fading away as he met Zeldris’ gaze. “When I woke up, everyone was gone. Elizabeth, you, everyone.”
Silence fell over them again, but this one was different, tense with the heaviness of their memories, yet warm with a newfound understanding.
“I, uh,” Zeldris hesitated for a moment. “I should have heard you out when you first told me you were leaving.”
Meliodas gave a small smile at that, feeling a weight lift off his chest. Maybe, just maybe, he did know how to do this after all. Maybe they still could. “Yeah, well, that’s the past, right? We have the whole future to listen to each other.”
“The future, huh…”
Zeldris’ gaze wandered over to the window again and Meliodas knew even before he looked over that the girls had returned; Zeldris’ smile said as much. Elizabeth and Gelda stood outside, side by side, talking with the rest of the Seven Deadly Sins.
“You know,” Zeldris started again after a while. “They seem to have gotten pretty close, maybe you- I’m sure Gelda would want Elizabeth and you to come visit us in the Demon Realm someday.”
Meliodas couldn’t have stopped the smile even if he wanted to; “Yeah! That- that sounds nice.”
“I- I mean,” Zeldris’ cheeks flushed a little when he glanced back at Meliodas, “somebody has to show you how to prepare this properly… brother.”
Too many emotions collided at once; the indignation of yet another person joking about his cooking, the shock of hearing his little brother call him that again after all these years, the overwhelming feeling of them all finally getting to be happy. The only sound that made it past Meliodas’ lips was a strangled gasp. However, before he could find his voice properly, the door slammed open loudly.
“Yes, yes! I’ll get it, gods , calm down, Diane-” Ban stopped in his tracks, clearly realizing he was interrupting a moment. “Whoops.”
Then his gaze fell to Zeldris’ almost empty plate, a look of horror overtaking his face.
“Oh my god, you actually do like his cooking!”
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geraltic · 1 year
I’m so sorry on how long this turned out. I really wanted do a fanfic for 7 deadly sins, as I've not seen a lot of posts for it.
I’m really sorry for my grammar and stuff. I have a disability that kind of affects a lot and makes myself paranoid about my writing on here.. But I wanted to dip my toe back into writing again, so I thought why not do the sins. (also thank you to my best friend for telling me I should post and stop stressing myself out ♡ @xthescarletbitch is amazing)
If you want part 2 of this; please let me know.I also want to do other stories for other fandoms i’m in.
Female reader x Meliodas - no smut or anything. Just normal Meliodas
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Y/N pov
The holy knights changed so much, they suppose to protect the kingdom. Not turn it into a playground.
I've been running for a long time, my cloak is ripped and my body hurts. The knights hurt me a lot, they wouldn't let me leave the castle without a fight.
My legs are so tired they are beginning to buckle. I feel so drained.
Looking over I saw a tavern, shaped like a hat. It seems safe enough to hide in for a while.
I hope they don't recognize me, I just need to stay low and out of sight.
-no pov-
The young women pushed open the tavern door and slowly stepped in.
Her cloak was ripped and she had some blood sitting on her lip.
She seemed beaten up, and really tired.
“May I stay here please” she pleaded.
Meliodas grinned of course he was happy to help a damsel in distress, Merlin rolled her eyes and sat down watching Meliodas help the young woman.
“Welcome to boar hat tavern,” Meliodas said in his usual flirty manner.
The young woman looked around and scanned the room, she turned to Ban who gave her kind wave, then to Merlin who simply nodded and drank her drink.
“Excuse me” snapped a voice from the ground.
Her eyes widen as she landed on hawk who snorted proudly.
“I’m a Hawk, captain of scraps disposal,” he said proudly.
“Nice to meet you hawk.” the young woman said giving him a tiny smile.
“Who are you?” Merlin asked raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms, of course, she going to be weary of random women just barging in.
“Oh, I’m y/n. I’m farmer girl.” The woman lied and held the cloak tightly around her body.
Merlin made a “hmpft” sound and walked out of the room leaving Meliodas and Ban alone.
Y/N pov
I just lied to that woman, I couldn't tell them I’m a princess, What are they going to think?
They would come up with bad scenarios or worst send me back to the castle, where I’ll be locked up and won't be able to help Elizabeth or my family.
The young blonde boy stood in front of me, his eyes were calming and had an emerald green tint to them.
“I’m Meliodas, I own the tavern. Of course, you can stay here as long you need to” Meliodas boasted confidently and gave you a charming smile.
“That’s very kind of you Meliodas, I thank you for your kindness,” you said softly and felt your heart stutter a bit as you spoke his name.
“I’m ban, nice to meet you. I also cook great food if you are hungry” Ban said kindly.
“Nice to meet you too ban”
“And the odd woman who left the room is Merlin” Meliodas chirped in and sat down on the other side of the table.
The shooting pain rose once again, you've kept the injuries to yourself.
Meliodas could sense something wrong with you, as he slowly pushed out his chair and move your cloak to see the damage all over your body.
-Meliodas pov-
I sensed something wrong, her body was tensing she was guarding herself or something else.
From what I can sense she seems to be trustworthy. She's also very pretty, ban has Elaine not physically but he loved her, he kept telling me that previous lovers and moping over them won't make me happy. I need to pick myself up and explore the world with new eyes.
I didn't think I would be starting my adventure with women barging into my tavern, looking ripped apart and needing our help.
Ever since Elizabeth decided it was time we spilt up and do what the goddess and demons asked, I didn't think I could love again.
But the ban has a point, I can't sit in self-pity forever.
But this woman feels like I've seen her before, I can't place where.
I gazed over her body, I tried not to look at her chest area. She appeared pretty injured and she had a long blood mark along her cheek.
She began to tense under my gaze covering her face.
-y/n pov-
He moved my cloak and looked at my body. I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks, as he examined me.
I sat in silence then Meliodas spoke.
“Your pretty injured, and seems like you've had a crazy day” he spoke.
Nodding quickly and tears form around my eyes, I've never had to deal with this before. Elizabeth has had her fair share of adventures, but I thought I would never had flee as I did.
Meliodas stood up slowly and gave me another warm smile, and looked at Ban who leaning on the bar.
“Ban can give us a minute,” Meliodas asked starting at the other man.
Ban quirked his eyebrows and simply nodded leaving both of us in the empty bar room.
Meliodas turned back to me and kneeled down, he made eye contact and my breath hitched slowly.
“Princess y/n. Elizabeth’s younger sister. I can't believe it's you” he said.
Then my whole body froze and my eyes widen.
-no pov-
Meliodas knew when he first saw the cloak and long wavy hair, the colour of your hair and the way you presented yourself.
Elizabeth guided you and made sure you would be fit to rule over the kingdom, she wanted more than her father had planned, and in that, your father placed the burden on your shoulders.
Meliodas slowly pulled the cloak down and saw the princess, he knew when she was younger also.
He protected you and Elizabeth, he made sure you both were happy and had everything you needed in the castle.
-your pov-
He stared at me and shook his head slowly. I felt my whole body freeze, I didn't know what to say.
Meliodas stood up slowly and turned away from me and looked out the window. He finally spoke again, “How is Elizabeth”
“E-Elizabeth,” you asked confused how does he know about your sister?
He simply nodded not facing you anymore.
Now the tears began to fall dropping on the tavern floor.
“We got separated, and they locked her in the castle,” you said as the tears kept dripping from your eyes.
Meliodas stood in quietness before turning to you with a small smile.
“I best go save her again”
Your eyes widen as you realise who he is.
“Your the 7 deadly sins, aren't you,” you asked standing up as the cloak fell down to the floor showing your injured body and ripped long the chest area (have a suit on like Elizabeth from the first episode)
Meliodas grinned and announced
“I’m Meliodas, Dragon's Sin of Wrath. Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins. And I’m going help you and your sister”
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kimithesweetie · 2 months
Arthur Pendragon of Camelot (7Deadly Sins) Head Canons
This is my first attempt at writing headcanons. I've recently been rewatching the anime Seven Deadly Sins and have grown fond of King Arthur. After giving his character some thought this is what I came up with.
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Has a strong passion for adventure. Likes to travel and find new discoveries.
Although he is very skilled with the sword and receives praise for it. He sometimes has doubts in his abilities and doesn't think he's all that great because he's yet to awaken his true potential.
Appreciates Merlin for her guidance, training, and staying by his side. Sometimes he wishes she'd let him have some space. He knows that she means well and is only looking out for his well being; but he wants the opportunity to be able to prove himself all on his own.
Looks up to Merlin for her wisdom, strength, feats, battle strategies, and abilities.
Cringes whenever others get the wrong idea about his relationship with Merlin. He has acknowledged her beauty and wit; however he just can't come to view her in a romantic or intimate light. It's simply because she's the only person he's ever had close to a maternal figure.
Has had a few moments where he almost had a slip of the tongue calling Merlin his Mother.
Is unaware of Escanor's jealousy towards him. Has tried to make small talk with him before but failed. When he finally got a break through he found delight in conversation and was given new combat tips.
He actually looks up to the Lion Sin in ways similar to how he looks up to Merlin.
Enjoys hearing Escanor recite his poetry during the evening time when ever the sins gather for drinks and food.
Secretly ships Merlin with Escanor. He has never seen her involved with any one before. However after seeing how fond the Lion Sin is of her, Arthur began to root for the tall, burly man in hopes that he'd win the Boar Sin over. If he wanted to see his mentor happy with anyone it would be Escanor.
Has nightmares about Cath from time to time. He's too proud to tell Merlin and sometimes has trouble going back to sleep when ever he has one.
Will get triggered when seeing a domestic cat walking towards him or within his vision in general. He's aware that their harmless, but the very sight of one reminds him of how Cath resembled an innocent animal and then transformed into a vicious bloodthirsty creature.
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ladymerlin-lab · 4 months
~At the Boar Hat~
Merlin looking at Escanor smiling: Escanor is really cute.
Elizabeth: *Looks at her surprised*
Merlin blushing a little: It was a joke!
~At Escanor and Merlin wedding~
Elizabeth giving her speech: ...and then she told me it was a joke.
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spacehostilityy · 1 year
So bc I'm basically incapable of doing anything in order, I started my nnt rewatch with Meliodas's death, went to the end, and now I'm rewatching from the beginning
Anyway it has me thinking about the Sins' wanted posters, so here are my thots
It's actually really cute Meliodas kept the posters up in a dramatic display in the Boar Hat
Why do King, Diane, Merlin, Gowther, and Ban get at least semi-accurate posters, but Escanor and Meliodas's are totally different? Like they all look a bit scarier, but what were they doing with Mel and Escanor's lol
Maybe they were trying to age them up a bit? Still, they just don't look at all the same and we never really figure out why lol
Even if they are aged up, why do they look so old??? If Meliodas looks about 15, why would they put a man that looks 40 instead of one that looks 25??? Can they just not believe he's actually that young? It hasn't been very long at all?
Like who are these ppl???
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Anyway might turn this into a rewatch nnt with me as I ramble bc my head is filled so full with thots it's not even funny. I have so many half finished drafts🥲
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zed-makes-stuff · 5 months
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"Since you’re going to be my apprentice, it’s only natural for you to meet my other student. With that said, allow me to introduce you to Arthur Pendragon".
When she was a child, Morgana discovered the affair between her father King Uther, and the noble Igraine. Naturally, she was heartbroken and enraged by her father’s betrayal of her mother. However, upon learning that a child was conceived from the affair, her interest peaked. She demanded to see the child, and Uther, already on thin ice with her, complied.
Amethyst eyes matching her own met hers, and the moment she heard his giggle, she had fallen in love with the child in her arms. Her baby brother. However, her joy was short lived as Uther sent him away soon after. To keep the affair under raps. Distraught and angry, she cursed out her father. Feeling robbed of the chance to know her little brother, to be a big sister.
Years passed and Morgana focused on her duties as princess while delving even deeper into her studies on magic. She came to realize that she needed a teacher, however, her magic was so unique and unpredictable that none of the wizards of Camelot could help her reach her true potential. She learned of Merlin, the greatest wizard of all time. Surely, she would be able to help her reach her true potential. And all the things she could learn from her!
There was a problem though. Merlin was one of the Seven Deadly Sins, the Boar Sin of Gluttony. And the Sins were now wanted criminals, traitors of the kingdom of Liones. Despite the stories, Morgana was skeptical. After all, the way the grandmaster was slaughtered didn’t fit the styles of any of the Sins.
Her decision made, she started to search for the Boar Sin at 15. Surprisingly, she crossed paths with Merlin early into her search. Which was because, as she would later learn, Merlin was searching for her too. For the girl that could wield both light and dark magic, and anything in between, with little difficulty.
Merlin agreed to take her under her wing, but she also wanted to introduce her to her other student. Morgana noticed that smirk of hers seemed to grow as she mentioned it, though she had no idea why.
Until she laid eyes on the student in question.
A young boy, with unruly ginger hair, and a pair of amethyst eyes, just like hers. He peered up at her curiously.
Shock coursed through her, hands flying up to her mouth. Despite it being 7 years, she recognized him instantly.
For the second time, she was introduced to her baby brother.
His name was Arthur.
Merlin had apparently been planning their reunion, and Morgana’s respect for her skyrocketed for that act alone.
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sullina · 1 year
Slightly au where the demons can watch what is going on in 3000 years in the seal who ever holds it. So basically the TC and the other demons (or just TC tbh) watch Meliodas life in 16 years after he got a hold of the seal.
Imagine there surprise Meliodas suicidal tendency and how fuck up he really is in the head. During there watch Zeldris watch how his mate wanted to die and Meliodas sealing her which he is grateful.
saharthings asked: or meliodas reckless tendency (one of the post you made I think or it's just the other one)
16 years ago would be right after the downfall of Danafor, so they saw the human kingdom being destroyed and then Meliodas picking up the dragon handle and come to Liones with an infant Elizabeth.
Zeldris would not just be grateful that Meliodas spared Gelda and sealed her again to undo the seal when the time is right, but I think he would also be touched that Meliodas does care about him and his happiness. I think just seeing that happening is already going a long way to mend their relationship.
Meliodas was probably already more or less reckless 3000 years ago, or maybe he was just overconfident, but what the TC are seeing now is different. Now, Meliodas seems to almost be holding back and getting hurt in the process, and there are even times when he goes so far as to hide his wounds from his teammates but he doesn't use his his magic to tend to them either.
Fortunately, that mage, Merlin they'd learned, usually intervened before they got too serious, but still. It's just so unnecessary to even let them get this bad in the first place!
And then after the Sins are exiled and he opens a bar, I think the TC would also get insanely mad on Mels behalf at terrible Boar Hat customers. They'd be even more outraged at the fact that Mel just lets those customers treat him like that! He literally has more than enough power to just murder them in cold blood why isn't he doing that???
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