#bloodlegacies wip
bloodlegacies · 1 month
If MC can have a relationship before being with the ROs (optional ofc) will we see the chosen RO's jealousy reaction to that? I'm thinking of Hayden that already has a crush on MC...
yes, definitely yes...
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somewillwin · 1 year
I dont know if this has been asked before but what are your all time favorite IF’s? I’m looking for some recommendations. Also I love your blog and your artwork ❤️❤️ It’s so beautiful 😊
ok its time! i hope i dont forget any
Favorite finished IFs
Fallen hero rebirth series (@fallenhero-rebirth)
The Wayhaven Chronicles Series (@seraphinitegames)
The Passenger (@the-passenger-if)
The Fog Knows Your Name (Choice of Games)
The Superlatives Series (Choice of Games)
Werewolves: Heaven Rising (Choice of Games)
The Hero Rise Series (Choice of Games) (this one is a little iffy, i mean its good! it just play in some stereotypes that are a bit offensive,this series is here more of a sentimental value cause it was the first IF i played and it made me cry)
The Fernweh Saga (@lacunafiction)
Paradigm City (Hosted Games)
Mirror Mine (@if-mirrormine)
Greenwarden (@fiddles-ifs)
Blood Legacies (@bloodlegacies)
Project Hadea (@nyehilismwriting)
A World Without You (@jaunefleurwrites)
Fox of Sunholt (@foxofsunholt)
Remember You Will Die (@vapolis)
Queenstown Detective (@queenstowndetective-if)
Dead Weight (@deadweight-if)
Vendetta (@vendetta-if)
Disenchanted (@disenchantedif)
Absentia (@absentia-if)
Hollowed Minds (@shai-manahan)
Witches of Ferngrove (@witchesofferngrove)
The Exile (@exilethegame)
Swallow the Dark (@swallowthedark)
When Twilight Strickes (@evertidings)
Golden (@milaswriting)
A Tale of Crowns (@ataleofcrowns)
The Northern Passage (@northern-passage)
Morning Star and Joint Venture (@nacregames)
Speaker (@speakergame)
Whisper in the Dark (@whisper-game)
Mind Blind (@mindblindbard)
Visual Novels
Cardinal Cross and Oathbreaker (@larkylabs)
Butterfly Soup
I hope I'm not forgetting anyone, I was gonna put (❤) on my absolute favorites but i was just marking everything ahdgfhd so what was the point. As you can see I enjoy more mature stories, superpowers and modern fantasy dajkshfkajd
What can I say I like tortured MCs
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bloodlegacies · 10 months
Hi guys! Here I am! With the update I said I'd bring, and here it is. 37,000 words, including the code. I intended to extend this, but soon I'll update again, with a lot more added and continuing the events of this chapter into a second part ? I'm still going to bring the pov of nix into the demo as well and a few others, small snippets but I will.
In this update I've also added the option to change creatures, so you can see other options and things, depending on the creature you choose, just be careful, it may cause a bug. And speaking of bugs and errors, I tried to see all the errors and fix them, my testers helped me find some, but 17,000 words are the ones they haven't seen yet, so it's new for them too, because I'm posting here earlier and for everyone, but I checked if there were any bugs so you can enjoy the rest of the chapter without any problems. If you find any bugs that I haven't noticed, variable errors or anything like that, you can let me know and I'll fix them (some I'll even fix tomorrow, errors in [i] too).
In this update you'll be able to:
-Fight together with or without your creature.
-You can either manipulate or be direct and honest, the choice is up to you.
-Officially meet Princess/Prince Nix of Akalis.
-Fight as you wish, using runes, ice powers or hand-to-hand fighting skills.
Tomorrow I'll talk to you about a few things and update the ro's options, including Nix now.
Constructive criticism and suggestions are always welcome, thank you in advance for your attention. Talk to you soon!
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bloodlegacies · 4 months
Do you honestly just realize how not okay your characters make us?
I have brainrot and a slight obsession with this story as a whole, it's emotional and with such a thought provoking plot regarding family and vengeance omg.
It also has humor and a bunch of wonderful ROs. 😭
It's just a really great body of work and it's insane that it could come from someone's mind.
Ps I'm just crazy about Hayden and Nix. 😍
Sorry, couldn't resist 🤣 And thank you, thank you very much! ❤😁 Glad you enjoyed the wip and the characters. I'll bring the new update to you soon. Hope you can enjoy it.
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bloodlegacies · 5 months
With the AI portraits I are hopeless waiting for Sofia and Ashter as ROs ...
Who wouldn't like that, right?😁
And I'm not going to lie, I was even thinking about it 🤔 but I think it would be a bit too much, although I even imagined some scenes with Asther that could be interesting? I don't know... I'm still thinking about things...🤔🤔🤔
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bloodlegacies · 1 year
Update! Chapter 3 part 1!
Hello people, new chapter!
I'll be honest and say that I wanted to have all the things from this update already, but I know some of you may be eager and I hadn't translated everything I intended to put here yet, so here's the new update. There are still many things to add, but I'll bring them soon (I swear, I won't take so long again) and with a new translator! I really hope the translation is better than before, and if there are still errors and bugs, let me know, okay?
I decided to translate everything again and with some new things, so even my betas might find something extra here and there.
Remember that some options (even stoic ones that don't have the heart icon) may have different reactions from the ROs if you have a romance with them, and yes, you can be stoic and cold and still have a romance. This is something I wanted from the beginning and I wanted it to be a possibility for you. I also heard what you asked me about the rough/stoic issue, so there will be more options like that.
For example, some options you select that even if they don't have the heart icon, may still have responses based on the level of romance with certain ROs.
In addition, two things to highlight here: the ROs can get jealous, depending on what you do and with whom you do it. Even if you have no real interest in an RO but get too close and do something, the other RO with whom you already have some romance may still get jealous, not toxic, of course, but there will still be some extra scenes.
Your character may indeed feel nothing for anyone, if you prefer it that way. In fact, I intend to leave some options further down the line, such as #You feel nothing, absolutely nothing. or #You're just using (RO or another character).
But this is for a future update (at least in terms of these example options).
One more thing, for those who expect more action and use of powers, don't worry, in part 2 there will be action and fighting.
Scenes and things from this update:
• More customization.
• Some ROs can get jealous, so watch out.
• Go to an informal party, listen to stories around the campfire!
• Scene with Hayden (complete)
• Scene with Elia (complete)
• More deaths occur, and things seem to be getting even more complicated.
• Who is behind the attacks?
21,000 words, including the code. Total demo 92,000 words.
Second update coming soon.
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bloodlegacies · 1 year
Hello everyone! New update! I said I would post before the end of the month, it took a bit, but here I am.
11,800 words including code.
Total of 32,000 in total.
Update scenes.
• Scenes with Caio, Tyler, and Cecilia completed.
• Bugs fixed.
• Learn Runes! They can be very useful.
• Get a glimpse of the new ro! Nix from Akalis, prince/princess of the mages kingdom.
• Eleazar's POV.
Total demo words 103,000 words, including code.
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bloodlegacies · 1 year
Hello people, progress update!
15,000 words including the code, hopefully I can reach 20,000 by Wednesday or Thursday, or more. My actual goal is 30,000 words, and considering the things I'm going to add, I'll no doubt end up reaching that goal, hopefully. Then I will pass it on to my betas and they will check it out.
And little sneak peek below...
PS:I was supposed to release one much earlier but I had forgotten about it, but here it is. I should release another one before I post the new update.
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bloodlegacies · 1 year
I don't know if someone asked this already but how would the RO's react to our MC being pregnant, when the RO's and MC are married?
Plus how would Eleazar react to getting his first grandchild?
Hayden, Elia and Cecilia would be immensely happy, although Hayden would probably spoil mc even more, bringing breakfast in bed and stuff like that, besides bragging about having an incredible child, of course. Cecilia would be much more protective, probably giving a death glare for anyone who got too close or even tried to touch mc, Elia would be calmer but also much more concerned, checking on mc constantly to make sure they were both okay.
Caio and Tyler would be a little different. Tyler would probably faint a little when he heard the news but after he recovered he would be happy, although he would be worried about being a good father (he really didn't have the best example) but he would treat mc with the greatest care and attention possible there. Caio could be very surprised and freeze while processing the information but after that he would no doubt be happy, very happy, and would probably look for as much information as possible about maternity and even check with Elia to know what to do in any possible situation and stay close to mc, calm but taking care of mc and each thing so that mc wouldn't be overloaded or worried about anything.
Eleazar would be happy, although he would have a slight heart attack when he heard the news, and would probably bring numerous gifts for the MC and the child, even throwing a party in celebration.
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bloodlegacies · 1 year
Big fan of your story and can't wait for chapter 3 but I had a question. I love that you added the option of us having queer relationships but do royals in this world not care about blood lines? Like if my Female MC were to romance another female does that impact our house in some way? Or can MC just claim a heir or ward ? Can an MC get pregnant with a Female RO with magic? Idk sorry I sound so dumb asking this.
Thank you! And you're not an dumb for asking me that, and I understand your doubt. And to answer your question, it has to do with magic, more specifically with the magic of the mages, they have a way to create a child using two different DNA, even if they are two people of the same gender. In Petrus and Akalis, queer relationships are not that uncommon, although the privilege of having children with someone of the same gender is something more common to be done by nobles than by commoners, because the nobles have more power and means to pay for such a way of having children.
However, adopting someone as the heirss of the house is not well regarded by the people, whether Akalis or Petrus, the great kingdoms. In both kingdoms, blood, lineage, is very important, and having a child who is not of the same blood as the leaders of the house is not allowed, unless they have something of value to contribute, such as being an elemental or a great warrior.
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bloodlegacies · 1 year
I have to ask for a headcanon of how would the RO's react when they see MC walking down the aisle on their wedding day? Would they cry? Faint? ..........also how would daddy Eleazar react to his kid finally leaving the nest?
Cecilia and Tyler would no doubt be tense but delighted when the mc appeared at the wedding venue, eyes shining in admiration and affection, while Elia and Hayden would be with huge smiles on their faces and a little anxious as they waited for the mc to come to them and they could probably end up crying with happiness at some point, and Caio would be with unshed tears in his eyes, a fond and gentle smile on his face.
Eleazar ... well, he would probably be smiling at the mc as he leads them down the aisle, and then he would be giving a few light sniffles as he watches the wedding take place,holding back tears, and probably have a handkerchief in his pocket just in case, and with pride and happiness for the mc's wedding, but being careful not to show it too much, and giving a slight glance at the other people present with narrowed eyes, you never know when there might be an attack. Yes ,he is a little paranoid😅...
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bloodlegacies · 1 year
Hello people, I just came to give a brief announcement here.
Then, the way it is going the game may have some themes or violence a little heavier, so I was thinking of creating a version of the game for +18 and put it in the adult category, do not worry, the topic of the non-adult categorycontinues, at least for now.
And this version +18 would have new scenes at the beginning, such as some that have not been added and others that just thought of putting, would not be excluded any of the scenes that exist in the two chapters, just more things added.
Some of the scenes that were not added or that I just thought of writing are :
- Scene with Hayden ,the king and some nobles at a ball.
- scene of an execution (this would be a little heavier,as the mc would be quite young)
-a scene of mc on a battlefield (this one would be a bit heavier too)
- a scene of the mc liking someone (suggested by one of my betas)
-another scene of mc training.
This is just a brief summary of what the scenes would be like, but the contents in them are much more than what I am saying there. You can ask me questions about these scenes if you have any doubts or curiosity. And anyway at some point may be that the game will be fully hosted on the new hosting site Moody.ink, which for those who do not know, will end up replacing the site dashington at some point, then suggest that you create saves there ok, although for now I will continue updating the demos on both sites.
I will leave an options in the forun for you to vote.
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bloodlegacies · 1 year
Site blog oficial!
Hello people,I created a wordpress site about the game. There is information about the stories of characters and noble houses, besides some things about Petrus too. Things that will also be available in the game menu but only in the next update, but who is curious can take a look there. There is information about Eleazar, mc's mother and several other information, besides some questions and answers that have already been made and some are still curious. There are still things to add, but this will be little by little. I will also do one about New Era, my other wip, soon. There will also be contact information ok. That's it, thanks for the attention guys, I'll bring news soon.
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bloodlegacies · 1 year
This update will not be as big as I had intended, but here we go.
Added scenes.
-Cecilia, Hayden and Caio's routes completion.
-Scenes with Eleazar / Commander.
-Brief introduction of scene with your creature.
Part 1 of chapter 2 is 10,000 words long. Total demo 58,000 words, including code.
Scenes should be added soon.
-Scenes with Elia and Tyler.
-Scenes with your creature.
-Scenes exploring the academy.
-Scenes training and with other characters.
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bloodlegacies · 2 years
UPDATE 04/22
Hi! Here I am with the update, it took me a day longer to post because I had to check the codes and do some tests, but here it is! there may be some error or bug, or maybe variable errors, but if that happens, let me know ok. Thanks in advance for reading and I hope you can enjoy the chapter. All routes complete and scenes complete as well. I already intended to post scenes at the academy but this unfortunately will have to wait for the next update, in addition, I will also post scenes with your creature and in the castle of your house, you saw some flashbacks and the continuation of these events from chapter 1 to 2.
Anyway, Enjoy!
Total words: 48,756 with code.
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bloodlegacies · 1 year
So if we romance Hayden then we keep the "fake" relationship secret from even our father our will we be able to tell him?
That would come out in a different way, because we're talking about Hayden... so, yeah, Eleazar will know.
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