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srndpt2024 · 5 months
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Is it necessary to know the meaning in order to fulfill it? What if, without knowing it, we were constantly swimming in a meaningful stream of events and fulfilling meaning unnoticed? Perhaps we experience meaning that we unconsciously created long before. Perhaps what fills us with meaning is ultimately what we do not recognize or know. And perhaps it is much less important to seek or find meaning than to see it as a given in everything we do not seek or find. This is how meaning becomes meaning …
Ist es notwendig, den Sinn zu kennen, um ihn zu erfüllen? Was wäre, wenn wir, ohne es zu wissen, fortwährend in einem sinnerfüllten Strom der Ereignisse schwämmen und unbemerkt Sinn erfüllten? Vielleicht erfahren wir Sinn, den wir lange zuvor unbewusst erschaffen haben. Vielleicht ist das, was uns mit Sinn erfüllt letztlich das, was wir nicht erkennen oder wissen. Und vielleicht ist es deutlich weniger wichtig, den Sinn zu suchen oder zu finden, als ihn als gegeben zu sehen in all dem, was wir nicht suchen oder finden. So wird der Sinn zum Sinn …
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spiderverseconceptart · 8 months
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Earth-65 color and lighting ideas for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse by Dave Bleich ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.)
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gebo4482 · 10 months
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Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse
Artist: Aymeric Kevin / Dave Bleich / Kellan Jett
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301-302 · 2 months
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Deutschland bleiche Mutter (Germany Pale Mother | Helma Sanders-Brahms | 1980)
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dedahblog · 7 months
Personal rant
The moment I can write my long analytical anti RR/renjjo post without cursing is when I'm officially done with Blech/ IR fandom
That's when I will achieve my goal creating this blog
I know I'll get blocked/ unfollowed the moment those meta drop but honestly I don't care
Don't be fooled by the ichiiruki fangirl posts, my hate for RR is million times stronger than my love for IR.
Some of you would never get it but I was incredibly happy to see that Kub0 made it canon in his intentionally crappy conclusion.
That pairing is such a piece of a crap that it needs to be canon in the same universe where IH is canon and where Yuxzu wants to ffuck her bro
Seriously how can I not love it ?
It was confirmed right from kub0 that that pairing is supposed to be shitty
Yep. That's the level of how extremely petty I can be.
It was incredibly satisfying that every headcanon I had about his feelings for her turn out to be true
kub0 depicted him looking smug not looking at her once in the last chapter
when his so called wife appeared in the hell chapter he looked totally unimpressed and never gave her any loving stare and that's exactly how I envisioned his romantic feelings for her.
his love for her was selfish and selfcentred
he saw her as a prize to fuel his inferiority complex
he used their seperation as a pretext for his diick measuring contest with Byakuya
he saw her as a prize in the extent that she was static and couldn't change. That's why he got frustrated and attacked her during her abduction because she didn't behave the way he expected her to be
he fought byakuya for himself and not for her
When I first watched Bleach, I didn't care about him that much to hate him. But when I got back after dropping that manga for 7 years, I realised how much of a shitty friend he can be
IR fans have been brainwashed by the fandom to hate Ori and tolerate/like that bastard and to be honest, that unfair judgement turned a vast majority into misoginic pricks
Say what you want but Ori would never need a near death experience to be convinced to not let Ichigo die.
She tried the best she could in the fb arc to not be a burden to him
Ichigo took her feelings into consideration when she was horrified by his hollow mask and he comforted her
They both may be a bit too focused in their personal quests and that prevents them from having a mutually beneficial relationship but at least they try to get past their ego for the other. they didn't need any external factor to convince them to make a change
And that's the total opposite of Renjo. He needed a 15 year old teen to nearly kill him to get past his ego and at the end, his SS arc development was all about him (trying) to overcome his cowardice. It was never for Rukia's sake
Thus we never saw him threaten Byakuya to apologize to Rukia or express his disgust about how he treated her.
In short, I'm happy I was never involved in any shipping fandom. Thanks to that, I have a neutral perception of Ori and most importantly, at the end, I understood that manga so well that the "Kub0 has done RR so dirty it had potentials" crap never crossed my mind.
It was shitty from the start and IRs turning a blind eye to that crappy pairing is always funny to me . Worse is when they convince others that Renjjo never had any romantic feelings so they don't hold him accountable about anything related to the ending
Sorry but Rukia is incredibly cursed for having your fave as a friend because no one in that manga is more coward and selfish than that shitty bastard
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emmabraslavsky · 1 year
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arsonist-chicken · 10 months
#fine laura my biochemists what if I tried to set a mixture of bleach and vinegar on fire?
Jess omg please for the love of god DO NOT
Wenn du Essig mit Bleiche mischst, bekommst du Chlorgas. Schon mal echt ungesund für dich, setzt sich in deinen Schleimhäuten und Atemwegen fest.
Chlor an sich soll nicht brennen aber das zusammen mit Sauerstoff könnt explosiv sein, und mit Wasserstoff entsteht Chlorknallgas das dann auch explodiert.
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mariacallous · 2 years
WASHINGTON (JTA) — Pam Scheininger and J. David Bleich have this much in common: They are Orthodox Jews who are preoccupied with Jewish ethics and teach at New York City law schools.
But when Scheininger looks at an American map, she sees 16 states where Orthodox Jewish women would not be able to have an abortion otherwise sanctioned by Jewish law. Bleich sees a different number — zero.
Disagreements among Jews over where Jewish and state laws intersect on abortion, once theoretical, have taken on urgency in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling this week overturning Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 court decision that enshrined a woman’s right to an abortion.
The differences of opinion are especially acute among the Orthodox, where there is a yawning gap between a faction that says the reversal of Roe v. Wade has triggered a crisis that will put the lives of women at risk and another that welcomes the decision as life-affirming and aligned with traditional Jewish values. The latter position comes as Orthodox groups have in recent years drifted politically to the right.
“Society, through its laws, should promote a social ethic that affirms the supreme value of life,” Agudath Israel of America, the umbrella body for haredi Orthodox groups, said in a statement welcoming the reversal of Roe v. Wade. “Allowing abortion on demand, in contrast, promotes a social ethic that devalues life.” The phrase “abortion on demand” irks many, included among the Orthodox, because it is seen as diminishing the thought that goes into the decision, and because even under Roe v. Wade, there were abortion restrictions.
Orthodox groups have yet to address how they will reconcile situations in which halacha, the body of Jewish law, mandates an abortion, and a state forbids it. There is already chatter in Orthodox online forums and on social media, about setting up a network for Orthodox Jewish women in states where abortion is banned to travel to places like New York, where it is not.
Bleich advanced the proposal on Torah Musings, an Orthodox ideas exchange, after the court decision was first leaked in May. A number of Orthodox Jewish women already are pushing back, saying such a system would be impracticable and would compound the trauma of having an abortion.
The Agudath Israel statement said that abortions mandated by Jewish law are “extraordinary, rare exceptions to the rule that fetal life is entitled to protection.”
Bleich, a rabbi and professor of ethics at Yeshiva University and its law school, Cardozo, said those exceptions do not contradict any state laws.
“As of today, I do not think there is a single state which forbids abortion when the mother’s life is at stake,” Bleich said, adding, “I think district attorneys are smart enough not to bring a course of action” when a fetus threatens the life of a mother.
Scheininger, the president of the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance and a court attorney referee who teaches law at the New York College of Technology, said prosecution was inevitable, in part because some laws were vague and did not account for health threats short of imminent death, which would be considered under Jewish law. Halacha includes exceptions for mental health, and some states do not; Georgia explicitly excludes it.
Orthodox Jewish women are going to have those who assist them in getting an abortion “prosecuted for availing themselves or trying to avail themselves of halachically required abortions,” she said.
“It’s that simple,” she said. “It’s going to happen and women will die.”
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fabiansteinhauer · 1 year
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Zwei Jahre
Make Schrumpf intense again. Raum vergrößert sich nicht nur in die Weite, nicht nur Richtung Feuerland oder Sibirien. Der Bing Bang fand überall und nirgends statt, das Universum expandiert an der kleinsten Stelle, lässt auch sie aufquillen, das sogar 'nach innen'. Also vergrößert sich der Raum auch in der Nachbarschaft, auch in unmittelbarer Umgebung, sogar auch zum Kleinsten hin und ins Kleinste hinein, man könnte auch sagen, dass sich seine Kleinheit streckt und er sich in dem Sinne verkleinert, sich ins Kleine vermehrt.
Den Sinn dafür kann man schärfen, in dem man sich bewegt, als ob man auf Expedition sei. Das Fahrrad, die Füße, der Fotoapparat, der Stift und der Block helfen, sich mitzudehnen oder aber, was allerdings das selbe in andere Richtung wäre, seinen Schrumpf zu intensivieren.
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awalkonaquietnight · 2 years
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Germany Pale Mother | 1980 | Helma Sanders-Brahms
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kallemax · 2 years
„Der Schlüssel, der der Bürokratie vorausgeht, ist die Fähigkeit, Langeweile auszuhalten. Effizient in einem Milieu zu funktionieren, das alles Vitale und Menschliche ausschließt. Gewissermaßen ohne Luft zu atmen.
Der Schlüssel ist die Fähigkeit, ob angeboren oder erworben, die andere Seite der Routine zu finden, des Nichtigen, des Bedeutungslosen, des Repitiven, des sinnlos Komplexen. In einem Wort, unlangweilbar zu sein. (…) Das ist der Schlüssel zum modernen Leben. Wenn man gegen Langeweile immun ist, gibt es buchstäblich nichts, was man nicht erreichen kann.“
David Foster Wallace - Der bleiche König
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spiderverseconceptart · 9 months
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Earth-65 color and lighting ideas for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse by Dave Bleich ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.)
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gebo4482 · 6 months
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Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse
Artist: Aymeric Kevin / Kellan Jett / Dean Gordon / Dave BLEICH
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301-302 · 2 months
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Deutschland bleiche Mutter (Germany Pale Mother | Helma Sanders-Brahms | 1980)
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dedahblog · 9 months
love ichiiruki but hate pretending that I'm excited about Rukiia's bankai
I have several problems with it :
-the setting of the story at that time : Dream team who trained for 2 days surpassing everyone ( with no explaination)
-the presence of byakuya as a whole and eventually him saving her
-Byakuya is a spoiled rich b1tch who couldn't look at Rukia for 40 years because he was scared of facing his past and his sins
Now he's teaching Rukia who was traumatised a million times more than him to be courageous .... Excuse me while I puke
- Rukia's obsession about getting a validation from him is not cute. It's unhealthy and unfair totally exploiting her trauma about people neglecting her. She's better off if he died
-the absence of the flashback about her accepting her vice captain's position that kub0 promised before the last arc even started
(I have always thought kub0 was being petty because he couldn't kill Byakuya so he decided to ruin Rukia's moment . well at least it was ruined for me. It could have easily surpassed her fight against espada 8, if a flashback was included and if byakuya died but unfortunately that was not the case )
-an upgrade of her new shikai motivated by her determination and all those shonen shenanigans would be more interesting than a bankai
yeah yeah she's the embodiment of the yin and ichigo is the yang and all that crap but did it really add anything crucial to the story...
I prefer her fight against shrieker thousand times better than that travesty
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