#black panther fanfction
uzumaki-rebellion · 1 year
“Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 4, Chapter 66″
Masterlist HERE.
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"Woke up this mornin' Found my peace of mind And finally I can say to you That I, feel good this mornin' No, I can't deny So finally, I can lay with you And feel, feel the pleasure Finally do what lovers do, with you, babe Ride for two Don't you know, oh So we, can roam all we want to, yeah"
Terrace Martin – "This Morning"
Feathered serpent god.
N'Jadaka squinted at the words on his comm tab. Shuri dug up more profound history once she knew what the leader of the Talokanil called himself.
"They are a Mesoamerican culture," Shuri said. "Yucatec Maya to be exact."
"Indigenous," N'Jadaka said, reading Shuri's notes.
"Yes. Central America roots…located here…"
She highlighted a map for him inside his office and tapped her kimoyo.
"Griot, send over enhanced images from the second file of apocryphal texts," Shuri said.
Shuri's A.I.'s voice sounded chirpy and bright.
"Files sent, princess," the Griot said.
He tapped the images that blinked into view and Mesoamerican pyramid structures were highlighted along with pictographs. T'Challa read the same notes and contemplated the significance just as N'Jadaka did. Shuri's excited tone couldn't change the somber mood he was in. Several cabinet members grumbled about the potential costs after two weeks of grueling work with the diaspora delegates. For some reason, his declaration to view their role as helping to subsidize existing grass-roots non-GMOs fell on willfully closed ears. He was accused of creating a welfare state on the popular Wakandan news shows that were deeply conservative.
As for the delegates, they came to the realization that N'Jadaka did not plan to save all Black people in the world. He was a big proponent of believing people when they showed him who they were, and too many Black people were unworthy of saving when they harmed their own people. As his older cousin Junie was fond of saying, Noah didn't take everyone on the ark, and Moses left some triflin' niggas in the desert. Everybody didn't want to be free on the outside. Even Harriet Tubman knew that.
As the king, he had to push forth the best plan since T'Challa revealed them to the world. His original plan of being subversive and swift had to be changed. The world watched everything they did and he couldn't go in swinging like he originally plotted the moment he ruled Wakanda. It was a grave mistake on T'Challa's part. He didn't hold it against his cousin. T'Challa was swayed by Nakia and her heart was in the right place.
But N'Jadaka knew better.
So did K'uk'ulkan.
Hiding the truth of their power was the winning hand, and they had lost it in N'Jadaka's absence. The Talokan leader rode the same wave he did. Hit the enemy in stealth with coordinated attacks that disrupted the system of exploitation. Wakandan War Dogs were their only secret weapon at the present moment. He would have to Trojan Horse his way around the globe carefully.
"He calls himself a god, although he is a mutant. I wonder if he is a tyrant," T'Challa said.
N'Jadaka loaded recorded images from the Sea Leopard.
"Look at that," N'Jadaka said, making the image of the second American ship freeze.
He pulled up another image of the Talokanil underwater, gliding over the dead sailors they lured into the sea.
"Underwater they have brown skin… but above the water, they're blue," N'Jadaka observed.
"Not K'uk'ulkan," Shuri said. "Because he's a mutant, he seems to be able to breathe above and below. His people wear masks to breathe while climbing up the ship. There must be a biochemical reaction in their skin that changes when they come into contact with air."
"So… his warriors do have a weakness above the surface," T'Challa said.
"They appear stronger than regular humans," Erik said watching the replay of blue men and women rappelling up the sides of the targeted ship.
"Five hundred years ago the Yucatec Maya were invaded by the Spanish," Shuri said.
"Nothing here mentions people with blue skin," T'Challa said.
"Their color switches instantly in the water… see?" N'Jadaka said.
He pointed to Talokanil warriors dropping back into the ocean making sure enemy soldiers were dead.
"They must be an evolutionary offshoot of the original people on the land," Shuri said.
"I agree. The little that we have about them here doesn't explain any underwater people," N'Jadaka said. "They turned into another Wakanda… hid for centuries."
"Their vibranium must be underwater with them. K'uk'ulkan is the protector of his people like the Black Panther is to us. His mutant powers enabled him to become a god to them," T'Challa said.
Shuri looked away from her brother and pressed her lips together, holding her tongue.
"What?" N'Jadaka asked when he noticed.
Shuri froze an image of K'uk'ulkan where they could see him clearly with lights from the Sea Leopard.
"His powers… the way he moved and acted… his total bearing is God-like. Look at this closer," Shuri said.
She enlarged a Maya hieroglyph.
"Griot, translate the logograms and phonograms for the passage," Shuri said.
"Yes, princess," Griot said.
The glyphs were shuffled and changed colors to match Wakandan glyphs.
"Ready, princess," Griot said.
Shuri opened up a digitized copy of a Spanish journal.
"The Maya described their gods with all their attributes throughout the thirteenth century and beyond. Look at this face… and now look at this sketch in the Spanish colonizer's journal. Does that not look like him in both images?" Shuri asked.
"Maya glyphs are hard to distinguish against a regular face because the writing is highly stylized," T'Challa said.
"But the regal bearing, brother. Tell me that isn't him," Shuri said.
N'Jadaka compared the journal sketch of a flying, dark-eyed man carrying a spear with the images recorded on the Sea Leopard.
"No way that's him," N'Jadaka said.
"He is a mutant. Longevity may be another trait he has. I say that's him. The journal is dated from the early eighteenth century. Around the time our greatest grandmother Queen Shuriyah traveled out of the country to explore the world."
N'Jadaka stared at Shuri and pondered her words. She continued.
"I have a theory that our people met the Talokanil hundreds of years ago. How else would he know how to speak our language without translator buds? I would dare say he's had centuries to learn about us. Maybe a pact originated way back then. We have all these myths and legends from other cultures written in the old and even our forbidden texts. There had to be contact. Very few people know Wakandan fluently outside our borders," Shuri said.
Her eyes searched for agreement between her brother and him.
"Interesting theory," T'Challa said.
"That drawing has to be a relative of his," N'Jadaka pushed.
"They look the same to me," Shuri said. "And don't forget. Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers have ages that do not match how they look."
"A super serum did that," T'Challa said.
"So why do you both not think his mutant DNA is capable of prolonging life for centuries?" Shuri challenged.
"It doesn't really matter if that man is five hundred years old or younger. He is a potential threat to us if we don't move carefully. All we know is that he's not interested in anything on land that doesn't bother him. That's good enough for me. My responsibility is to keep this country safe and help the people we care about outside our borders. Everyone else can fuck around and find out for themselves about the Talokanil," N'Jadaka said.
"Will you tell the council of elders about them?" T'Challa asked.
"No. This stays with us and our military."
Mpilo knocked on his office door.
"The governor of Birnin Azzaria has arrived to see you," Mpilo said.
N'Jadaka checked his kimoyo. He had several private meetings scheduled to listen to the concerns of the governing bodies of all the territories.
"Send her in," N'Jadaka said.
T'Challa and Shuri exited and he welcomed a thin dark brown-skinned woman with calculating eyes. Her braided hair was twisted into an extravagant updo with a few gray strands at her temples.
"King N'Jadaka, thank you for meeting with me so early in your day. I know you are a busy man."
"Governor Hlojeg… please sit down."
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She could've called him and left a message. Yani chose to see him in person instead. Her part in the conference was complete and she was due back at the hospital after the Mama Wati celebration. Wearing her best azure dress, she presented herself in public to match the spirit of the upcoming ocean holiday. The palace was decked out in colors representing the sea and lovely paper aquatic creatures decorated the halls. There were starfish, dolphins, and rainbow fish all around her and she delighted in the atmosphere that reminded her of Christmas. She carried a covered platter filled with curried chicken, peas and rice, sautéed greens, along with a generous slice of yam cornbread smothered in butter and honey.
"Hello Tlotliso," Yani said walking through the front door of the king's outer office.
Tlotliso stood up from her desk, along with two other office workers on the public relations team.
"Is he in?" Yani asked, still moving past the staff.
"Yes," Tlotliso said.
Mpilo met her in the sitting room just outside N'Jadaka's inner office.
"Princess Yani," Mpilo said.
"He busy?"
"No. His last meeting was an hour ago," Mpilo said.
Yani knocked twice, waited, knocked again, then walked inside.
N'Jadaka rested his head on his arms, sleeping heavily. His deep exhales told her he was out for a long time. A map of Wakanda floated to the right of his desk and there were piles of papers stacked high in front of him near a glass pitcher of water. She moved his folders aside to make room for the covered platter. Gazing down at him, she ran her hand over the bun of his locs. Glancing over at the couch near the window, she noticed a small blanket and pillow on the armrest. He spent more time in his office and meeting halls with his cabinet and governing body than he did in his own home. N'Jadaka worked around the clock and there were stress lines on his face on the rare times she caught a glance at him moving through the palace. She could tell by the way he carried himself that there were things troubling him that he couldn't reveal. He acted the same way he did back in St. Thomas when he dealt with Klaue.
Yani was thankful the conference was ending soon. It took up too much of his time away from his kids, and she knew he hated that. Her fingers lingered near the base of his exposed neck rubbing tender circles. He groaned in his sleep. She stopped, feeling self-conscious about touching him in that familiar way. It was like old times back home in his workroom when he became hyper-fixated on his tasks and forgot to eat or drink anything. He could work himself down to the bone and not be cognizant that he needed to take time to care for himself.
She rubbed his neck again, moving her body behind him to even her touches to his wide shoulders tucked behind a smooth black tunic. N'Jadaka's focus had always been outside of himself, working toward helping other people. He was so much like his mother, community-oriented, and often to a fault. Thinking about it, she wondered what he did for fun all by himself when no one was around him in the palace.
His body stirred under her soft fingers and he shifted his head from one arm to the other before becoming aware of her hands on him. She moved away from him as he lifted his head from the desk. Gathering focus, he glanced at his work and then noticed the covered food.
"I made you a plate of comfort food," she said.
He smiled and reached out his hand, hesitating for a moment, before caressing her arm with a gentle rub.
"Thank you," he said.
She took the seat in front of his desk and watched him uncover the food and tuck in right away. He closed his eyes and groaned louder when he tasted the curried chicken. Licking his fingers, he pulled apart the yam cornbread and took less than fifteen minutes to devour everything. Yani sat there pleased as a peach watching him enjoy her cooking while being near him for longer than a few seconds.
"Damn, Ma, you put your foot in that," he said, pushing the plate away.
She covered it back up and studied the changes in his face that good food brought him. He appeared more relaxed and poured himself some water.
"Long day?" she said.
His handsome face made her squirm in the chair. Everything about him was so… kingly. His clothes. Hair. The rings on his fingers. The diamonds in his ears. His aura of power. He had those things even back in St. Thomas, but they became magnified in Wakanda. He was true royalty. Always had been.
Drawing breath into her mouth to help out her nose once she became woozy staring at him, Yani stood up. He pushed his empty glass of water next to the pitcher.
"You have more to do today. I wanted to make sure you ate something. You've been skipping family meals," she said.
His piercing gaze dropped to his desk and took in all the tasks still ahead of him. Weariness drifted across his face. Yani walked around the desk and pulled the covered plate toward the edge of his desk. He reached for a folder and she placed her hand on the top of his head.
"Slow down and take of yourself," she said.
N'Jadaka closed his eyes at her touch and leaned against her chest. She cradled him and stroked his hair.
"Maybe you should take the rest of the day off," she whispered above his head.
"I wish I could, but there's too much to take care of. One of our War Dogs in Malawi thinks he located the man who helped bomb our country. I have to deal with that once he contacts us again."
"Can't T'Challa take care of that? He's the Black Panther."
"Nah, this man tried to kill my grandparents. I will see him myself and find out who put him up to it."
"Do you ever take time for yourself to rest? And I don't mean on that couch over there."
"I sleep when I can."
"It's not good for your health or the nation."
"I'm okay."
His warm breath touched her skin through her clothes with his mouth near her right breast.
"I know you. I see you carry stress in your body. If you don't slow down, I will call the royal doctors and have them force you to rest for a week. Hear mi, man? Our children complain all the time that they only see you for lunch. You haven't told them bedtime stories in a week. Sweet Pea, Dumplin, and Sunshine need you more. T'Challa can handle anything in your absence."
He didn't answer. She looked down and his eyes were pressed shut and he was in a deep sleep again. She grinned. His son was the same way. Head against a titty… instant sleep. Yani shook him back awake. He needed to know she wanted him to take care of himself for once.
She stroked his cheek and he pushed into her chest more to get comfortable.
"Listen to me," she said.
Yani lifted his chin and pinched it, forcing his eyes open.
"You are doing more than you need to. A king shouldn't walk around exhausted. I will have you put on bed rest if you don't slow down."
She sucked her teeth when he tried to bury his face against her.
"I need you to be at your best—"
"Yani, I'm good—"
"You are not."
She tapped her kimoyo and contacted the royal physician that looked after all of them. N'Jadaka fretted at her power move, but she spoke to the doctor and he arrived within minutes with an assistant rolling a medical cart. Mpilo and Tlotliso hovered at the doorway when the medical staff arrived and Yani closed the door on them. N'Jadaka was moved to the couch where he was checked and given fluids. The physician, Dr. Pheko, scanned the king's vitals with a frown on his face.
"Ukumkani, you are dehydrated. Lack of sleep and overwork has taken a toll," Dr. Pheko said.
"Make him take bedrest," Yani insisted.
"I'll take the IV and have a quick power nap," N'Jadaka argued.
"No," Yani said, standing behind the doctor.
"Yani, I have shit to do and very little time—"
"You will rest," Dr. Pheko said.
Yani crossed her arms over her chest and smirked.
"For how long?" N'Jadaka said.
"Three days at the minimum based on the readings I have," Dr. Pheko said looking at his small body scanner.
"In time for the Mama Wati celebration," Yani said.
Dr. Pheko's assistant gave the king a vitamin shot and they waited an hour for the fluids to perk him back up.
"Go to your quarters and sleep King N'Jadaka."
The doctor packed up his medical equipment and left with his assistant. N'Jadaka glared at her, but she stood her ground.
"I am a medical professional. How would it look if I allowed you to keep working without saying anything?" she said.
He grumbled under his breath and a mean scowl overtook his face as he stared at his desk filled with unfinished work.
"C'mon, let's go," she said, waving her hand for him to get up.
"… unnecessary…." he muttered.
He stood at his full height and she looked up at him. A tremble went through her.
"Just coming all in here and dictating," he said.
To keep her feigned cool with his heated gaze melting her resolve, Yani went to his desk and lifted the covered platter.
"Someone has to keep boundaries or else you'll run yourself down. Won't do anyone any good then, hear mi? Stop pouting."
He poked his lips out in an exaggerated expression and headed toward the desk. She blocked him. Putting down the platter, she pushed his folders aside.
"Leave all that alone," she said.
He brushed up against her.
"I hear what you're saying, but—"
"Mpilo!" she shouted into the desk intercom.
Mpilo walked in with wide eyes. Yani grabbed N'Jadaka's hand and pulled him next to her.
"Cancel all of his appointments for the rest of the day… and the next two. King N'Jadaka is under the doctor's orders to go home. Please contact T'Challa and Shuri to let them know he will not be disturbed."
"Yes, Princess Yani," Mpilo said.
Yani dragged N'Jadaka behind her.
"Please have the platter on his desk delivered to the palace kitchen staff on my behalf," she said.
"Yes, princess," Mpilo said, rushing to retrieve it.
N'Jadaka's hand felt cool and clammy in hers. The rest of his staff watched them leave and the Kingsguard, along with his Doras followed them onto the elevator. He waved the Onyx Squad away with the others leaving only Aneka and Noxolo with them on his private floor.
"The king will rest for the next three days," Yani told his Doras.
N'Jadaka opened up his home and Yani admired the interior. It was her first time there. Her children described the layout to her before and she sought out the stairs.
"Yani, I'm home now. You can relax," he said.
He pulled away from her and headed to a plush couch with a gorgeous view of the city skyline.
"Let me at least bring you some water… that way?" she asked, seeking the kitchen.
He nodded and she cruised through the spacious living room. It took her a moment to figure out the set-up of his dishes and glasses. She grabbed an orange from a bowl and placed it on a saucer first, before pouring him room temperature water into a tall glass.
"Here," she said.
He placed the fruit and water on an end table and leaned back on the couch.
"You look better," she said.
"Food and extra liquids. Nothing serious," he said.
"No working from home," she said, turning away from him.
She stopped walking and took a breath. Pivoting around, she stood in front of him.
"Thank you for checking on me," he said.
"Call me if you need anything or if you want to talk to the children before they go to bed… if you're awake later."
"Does Grandpop still have them?"
"They've gone to the children's play with Ramonda at the city theater."
N'Jadaka grimaced.
"Shit… I was supposed to meet them there. Got my schedule mixed up," he said.
"Don't worry, I already told them you would probably be too busy to go tonight because you're getting everything ready for Mama Wati's day. They are more excited about that than anything."
"They get to swim in the ocean," he said.
He glanced at the skyline and a flicker of concern crinkled his forehead. His mind was already fixating on something else and not resting. She touched him above his brow to smooth the creases in his skin. He tilted his head back.
"Stop thinking about work."
"It's hard not to."
His gaze held her. She touched his nose ring and then traced the outline of his lips with a soft fingertip. Lowering her head, she brushed her lips against his. Her stomach fluttered with uncertainty and her heart galloped in her chest. N'Jadaka leaned into the kiss, his gentle mouth giving in to her advances. She parted her lips and slid her tongue against his. He welcomed the exploration. Yani pulled back when she sensed hesitation on his part. His eyes pooled with sorrowful tears and he bit his bottom lip to keep his face from crumbling.
She pressed her cheek against his and a hot tear streaked against her skin from his face. Wiping away a tear from the other side of his nose, she cooed soft words of forgiving endearments for what he couldn't say out loud. She sat on his lap, held the side of his face toward her, and kissed him again. He asserted himself more the second time around and all she could think with pure bliss was that he belonged to her. The king of Wakanda was hers to take.
Yani wanted him.
She weathered the storm and made it through to the other side of the journey a little bruised, but wiser with her maturity. She left him, created a boundary for herself, and held onto an expectation of respect that he had to follow. Yani took pride in that. No man would ever disregard her feelings ever again.
N'Jadaka put his heart on the table again, and she could choose to put hers next to it, or stay where she was in her home and pursue her work and parental responsibilities. She didn't need a man. But she wanted him back. Forever. She broke away from his lips and nuzzled her nose against his neck to smell his scent. He kissed her cheek and under her chin, his beard tickling her as his lips painted more kisses on her. She stroked his hair as he unstitched her nerves, his aura flooding her senses like a rush of powerful wind flowing over her.
Yani sucked his tongue. The tickling sensation in her panties turned into a heavy throbbing in her pussy. Their wet tongues collided and slid around slowly. She gasped when his right hand went around her hip and gripped her ass cheek to hold her tight against him. Yani went limp in his arms and he rested her against the soft armrest to support her head and neck. He nibbled on her bottom lip playfully before plunging his tongue back into her mouth. Her left leg shook, and he held her in place. She moaned in his mouth and he groaned when she shifted her backside on his lap.
She started kissing him with her tongue flattened against his mouth, licking his full lips and sucking them too. He went up for air and wiped the dampness from his forehead. His body heat soaked through to her and she burned all over with libidinous desire. He ran his fingers along her neck, nibbled her earlobe, and whispered her name in her ear making her tingle all over. Her folds were puffy and her pussy felt like it was wide open ready to receive the stiff dick jutting through his dark crotch-drop pants. They hid nothing from her. He adjusted himself and shifted her on his lap so that her heavy rump covered it from view. N'Jadaka kept kissing and her pussy grew wetter and soaked her panties. He licked the seam of her lips and thrust his tongue into her ear making her tremble more.
"I know you feel how hard my dick is," he said.
Yani dropped her head back trying to catch her breath. She wanted him to touch her. N'Jadaka only kissed and licked…sucked and teased her neck, ears, and lips. Her dress bunched up between her thighs and she willed herself to not rub on her clit which was swollen and ready to be kissed too. Grinding her ass in his lap, she welcomed more physical contact from him. His eyes narrowed full of lust and he groaned deep in his throat at the softness of her backside pressed on top of his covered dick. She noticed his mouth go lax and he panted a soft gust of breath. Was he about to cum? He smashed his lips against hers and snuggled his tongue back inside her mouth, the wet warmth and guttural moans from him sending her over. She whimpered in desperate pleasure as her walls throbbed in release, his kissing pulling out a big, messy orgasm that wouldn't stop until he gasped into her neck.
"Yani, baby… we gotta stop…"
He wrapped his arms around her and listened to her breathing return to normal. Kissing her temple, he cradled her face with his strong hands.
"I want to do this right," he said.
"I was supposed to come back to you like this… ready to make love to you and make up for all those years I was gone. Let me… let me court you the way they do it in Wakanda. I want to show you that I'm worth it this time in a formal way. Will you let me?"
"Good. We'll go slow… get to know each other again the way we should've."
He rested his cheek on her breasts and she rubbed his neck.
"I love you, Yani."
Yani closed her eyes and a shudder went through her. Words meant things, but actions mattered more. She would allow him to court her and prove his worthiness to have her in his life again. Sighing, she rode the pulsing sensations in her clit. Being physical with him brought up so much yearning for more. He looked at her from his position.
"You came, didn't you?" he teased.
She playfully slapped his forehead.
"I could tell. Shit, I was ready to bust myself," he said.
He sat up and checked his pants. Back to normal. Standing, he held out his hands to her. She took them and he pulled her to her feet.
"I'm going to my bedroom to sleep. Can we have a late breakfast together here? You can check up on me… play doctor if you want," he said.
"I am a doctor, silly."
"I know. You can make sure I'm hydrated. I'll stay in bed all day tomorrow and we can have trays brought up with all kinds of food. I think you'll be impressed with my bedroom."
"That sounds very naughty and not in alignment with formal courting."
"We won't be naked… unless you want to be naked. I have no problem with that. Alternative healing is a thing."
"How about you rest by yourself and I'll bring all the kids to see you for dinner. We can eat here with you and they'll tell you stories for bedtime."
"Okay then."
He leaned down and kissed her forehead.
"Goodnight, N'Jadaka."
"Goodnight, Yani."
He spanked her backside and then held her hand to walk her to his front door.
"You were right. I needed to take a step back," he said when they reached the entrance.
"I have never steered you wrong, my king."
"I like how you say that."
His eyes looked glassy and far away like he was imagining her saying that in an illicit situation.
"Remember… respectable. I am a princess and you will treat me as such," she said.
"I'm glad you came to see me today. I feel blessed. I mean that, Ma."
"Get to bed."
He swept his arms around her waist and lifted her onto her toes. Her body responded to his touch again and she fought to make herself leave his home. The way he looked at her should've made her combust, but she kept it together long enough to get away.
Outside of his front door, she made no eye contact with anyone, not even the Kingsguard assigned to escort Yani to her guest quarters. They would see the bright arousal in her eyes and know all of her nasty thoughts about their king.
Her king.
She grinned in the elevator. He was earning his way back, little by little.
Chapter 67 HERE.
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tallulahchanel · 9 months
I've been moving, adjusting to my new apartment, working on my podcast and book, but I really need to update a fic, I'm not sure which one.
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sonofnjobu · 6 years
HEYYYYYYY BITCHHHHHHH! KILLMONGERSGURL HERE WITH THE ONE SENTENCE REQUEST SHIT! I PRESENT TO YOU... YOUR SENTENCE: “I’ve always wanted you.” (i know i’m one of erik’s bitches, but do whatever you want with whoever you want however the fuck you want! i kinda want the thick king lmao but it’s all up to you! 💕💕💕)
Here you go, baby. @killmongersgurl
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“I Always Wanted You”
N’Jobu’s spectral figure vanished and Erik was once again left in the empty apartment alone. He stood up quietly, determined to commit the place to memory in case he never saw it again.
Erik lightly ran the pads of his fingers over the tapestries and war masks lining the walls. He’d never actually touched them before, only looked up at them as a child. Sometimes he’d talk to the masks. It wasn’t unlike praying. It was an estranged African kid’s attempt to talk to his ancestors. But they remained still and staring… never giving him any indication that they heard him.
Erik took a deep breath, reveling in how the apartment smelled lightly of sandalwood. Every now and then, out in the real world, he’d get a whiff of that scent somewhere on the wind and it would awaken some memory of his childhood tucked away in the deep corners of his brain. It was always gone before he could pinpoint its source. A constant reminder that he couldn’t keep anything.
He was delaying leaving. The familiarity of home was almost enough to make him stay, but Erik could feel his physical body pulling him out of the ancestral plane and back to Earth. It was time to go.
He headed towards the door, careful to side step the squeaky floor board that had always given him away when he went to hoop late at night. Old habits die hard.
He looked longingly at the apartment one last time before closing the door behind him. He turned and slammed headfirst in to none other than his Uncle James.
Erik’s eyes widened and his nostrils flared. He stumbled back into the door.
James stood, no longer clad in his Shaman robes, but decades younger and sporting an oversized white t-shirt. His hair was freshly lined up and the first sign of wrinkles showed in his forehead as he smiled at Erik.
“What’s good, champ? Your dad home?”
He spoke how Erik remembered him to, with no hints of any Wakandan accent.
Erik didn’t respond. Confusion and anger danced around inside of him. The dominant emotion had not yet emerged.
Uncle James continued to look at him expectantly.
“You good, lil nigga?”
“Why did you leave me?” Erik blurted out. He hadn’t planned to. He cursed himself for being so brash and vulnerable. Something about this place made him feel like a small child again. Like he wasn’t in control of himself.
“What?” James asked. Something flickered behind his eyes.
Erik stood up a little straighter, squaring up his shoulders and setting his jaw.
“Why did you leave me?” he hissed. The question hung in the air like a cloud.
James blinked slowly, like he was coming out of a dream. His head lolled on his neck slightly, and with a heavy exhale, he spoke.
“I didn’t want to,” he admitted.
Erik’s throat tightened and a sneer curled up at the edges of his mouth.
“What?” he spat. “You didn’t want to?”
James’ eyes finally met Erik’s. They looked old and weary. They swam with regret.
“After…” James choked. “After your father died, King T’Chaka insisted we stage the scene as a robbery and leave. Leave you.”
He dropped his gaze again and shook his head morosely.
“We couldn’t risk our discovery. His primary concern was the state of Wakanda.”
The rage bubbling up inside of Erik threatened to spill over. He could barely contain it as he demanded one more detail from his “uncle.”
“And what was your primary concern, Uncle James?”
The man didn’t answer. He was aging before Erik’s eyes. Erik scoffed. He couldn’t hold back anymore.
“I asked you the wrong question. I don’t want to know why you left me. I want to know how.”
Erik balled up his fist and released it a few times. He wanted to cause James the same pain he’d felt losing two father figures in one day. The pain of being alone in a world that hated you and always wondering why.
He wanted to tear James to shreds, but he’d already murdered him hours before.
“Did you ever even think of me at all? Never thought to call? Check in on me?” he yelled. The hallway began to shake and James continued to age. His shoulders hunched and his face drooped as Erik berated him.
“I never even knew what happened to you. And I find you here, posted up in Wakanda! With him!” Erik’s voice cracked, but he pushed through. The next sentence came out as a garbled sob.
“What made T’Challa so much better than me?! What did I do? Why didn’t you want me?”
James finally looked at him. An old man weighed down by regret stared back at this angry, broken child whom he’d abandoned. He knew he’d inflicted this pain… created this monster.
James shook slightly, and a deep red stain began to spread through the fibers of his shirt. The hallway continued to shake, and an otherworldly howl summoned Erik back to the living world.
He held on a little harder. He needed to hear what this son of a bitch had to say. How he could justify what he did.
Soon, James’ chest was soaked in crimson, and he took a rattling breath in preparation for his final confession.
“I always wanted you.”
Erik jackknifed upwards, gasping for air. There were hands all over him and voices urging him to breathe. He was back in the mortal world, more disturbed than before.
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aloevverified · 6 years
Aloevverified’s fanfic master list
updated 01/01/2020
fandom MCU - Black Panther
A/N My fanfic master list of series/one-shots I wrote since the start of this blog and will or will not be found on this blog. Some available series might possibly be updated but no promises made... Please, enjoy reading!
>>> T’Challa “Black Panther” Udaku
ABIONA SERIES (x black!reader) available - discontinued until further notice
(interlude 1)
STITCHING YOUR HEART SERIES (x black!OC) unavailable - discontinued
>>> Erik “Killmonger” Stevens
I CALL BULLSHIT (1) (2) (x reader)
NO MERCY (1) (2) (3) (x poc!reader)
THE OTHER WAR DOG KID SERIES (x black!reader) unavailable - discontinued
>>> “Great Gorilla” M’Baku
HER MOUNTAIN OF BLISS SERIES (x black!OC) available - discontinued until further notice
(future take 1) (future take 2) (future take 3)
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uzumaki-rebellion · 2 years
“Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 4, Chapter 47″
Need to catch up? Masterlist HERE.
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"i got way too much too offer than you can hold use your free will i wish you'd feel way way more you ask me a simple question my answer is spiritual you don't know how literal it could be i got way too much to offer i spent too much time in the backyard playing with dust baby, i wish you was was was passing time with you on me i want a long lasting memory"
Latanya Alberto—"Trouble"
They packed the war hall with military personnel and T'Challa's closest advisors. Erik squeezed in between Okoye and the king. He handed back the vision goggles he originally planned to use while in his suite that was from Nakia's P.O.V. that linked to the main screen they all watched in the hall. Wakandan spy drones tracked the War Dogs. It was better to be present in person.
It impressed Erik with the quiet efficiency of Nakia's unit. They blended into the night and surveyed several miles of borderland before retrieving intel from Nigandan security cams. He saw how well-protected Wakanda was with the mountainous terrain that led to a narrow strip cut off with a valley rift and a lush forest. Tension grew thicker once they stepped further into Niganda.
"What is that to the left?" T'Challa asked.
"Nakia, pivot to the left and scan. We can't see heat signatures here. Can you?" Erik said.
"No," Nakia said.
"Niganda does not have tech that can block heat signatures," T'Challa said.
"Look at that," Erik said.
Nakia and the unit froze.
Movement a quarter mile from them. A lone figure that didn't give off heat of any kind that they could see on their scans. Their motion sensors took over, and they hustled to get closer. They sent small drones ahead of themselves to snap images, but the target vanished.
"How is that possible?" Okoye asked.
"Echolocation sensors activated, dark mode cameras enhanced," Nakia said. "Are you getting the images?"
Several pictures projected above the viewing table, and an indistinct murmur went through the hall.
"That is a Border Tribe blanket," T'Challa said.
They scrolled through the frames of someone draped in a heavy cloth until the figure winked out as if a tv had switched off.
"Looks like the outsider is another insider," Erik said.
T'Challa glanced at him with a curious glare.
"Or someone pretending to be from here," T'Challa said.
Nakia and the team swept the area for more clues and evidence.
"I see something!" Nakia said.
She ran toward her target and Erik watched her P.O.V. shake at her fast pace.
"Be careful Nakia!" T'Challa warned.
They all were aware of a drop-off close to where she ran. Nakia halted, keeping herself from going over a gulch with a fast-moving stream below. She reared back her right arm and threw a kimoyo tracker bead and it flew far, hitting the target. Checking her wrist tracker, she kept up the pursuit with the other team members.
"Dammit!" Nakia shouted.
The figure she sprinted after disappeared again.
"They're gone. I don't think it was the same person. But…"
She bent over to catch her breath.
"T'Challa, they stopped and looked back at me like they knew me," she said.
The static images she sent them backed up her claim. The figure, wrapped in the Border Tribe blanket and dark clothing, had their face masked up too. But they paused before jumping down into the ravine of the Nigandan territory.
"Border guards!" another War Dog blurted.
Several Nigandan police jeeps flashed headlights as they streaked toward the area. Wakandan Stinger aircraft swooped in to continue surveillance with spectral camouflage.
T'Challa and Erik studied the images again with the military heads. There were at least two individuals on the run.
"Go and get some sleep," T'Challa suggested to Erik.
"I can stay," Erik said.
"No, we can handle this. When we catch the culprits, I will pull you in for interrogation," T'Challa said.
Erik didn't have the energy to argue about staying to occupy his mind. He dragged his feet out of the war hall and took the long lonely walk to his suite with Noxolo stepping fast behind him. His personal home was quiet. He took a long shower and rinsed his mouth with an herbal mouthwash after brushing his teeth. Wrapping a silk robe around his body, he wandered around his quarters, willing sleep to calm his body. Yani stayed on his mind and he thought of Riki and Sydette, too.
His kimoyo heated up on his wrist and a lavender glow alerted him to his grandmother's signature.
"Umama," he said.
Baba Z sat next to Umama on a private hotel balcony. The early evening Oakland light bathed their faces with an orange-magenta glow. His grandmother studied his expression. Kindness rested in her eyes, but her lips sat tight on her face.
"We shall be home soon," Umama said.
She held Baba Z's hand.
"Dante has decided to move permanently to Wakanda," Baba Z said.
Erik smiled. Granpop was who he needed just as much as his paternal grandparents.
"We are aware of what happened there, with Yani," Umama said.
Erik grit his teeth and a flame scorched through his belly and into his chest. He took a seat out on his own balcony.
"She threatened to take my kids away from me. I told her she could leave if she gave up on me, but our babies stay here. She knows the family will back me up and keep Riki and Sydette in the palace—"
"No," Baba Z said.
Erik stared at his grandfather with an incredulous face. Baba Z tapped his kimoyo and swiped a floating image that instantly appeared above Erik's wrist. He swiped the file, and three different homes appeared before him. Baba Z glared at him.
"You will go to Yani and offer her a choice of these three homes to live in. We have a villa near Lake Kivu, a chateau overlooking Mt. Bashenga, and an ancestral manor near Warrior Falls. The family will provide staff support, childcare, and personal protection while she lives wherever she chooses," Baba Z said.
"You'd let her leave with your heirs, even when it's done to hurt me?" Erik demanded.
Umama closed her eyes and relaxed her jaw.
"Udaku men have been the most stubborn breed of men on the planet since the moment they were born. You do not differ from your father throwing his weight around when he didn't get his way," she said.
His grandmother rubbed the side of her wrist, then twisted one of her jeweled rings.
"What did I tell you to do so long ago, grandson?" she said.
Erik's forehead creased with confusion. Umama sucked her teeth.
"I told you to leave them be. Let them decide for themselves what they wanted. Allow them to choose you if they were ready to build a new relationship."
"I did that!"
"Did you?" Baba Z interjected.
"I treated them both with respect—"
"Did you give them space, or did you try to bend them to your desires under the guise of being fair?" Umama asked.
"Yani told me she wants me to choose her. Only her."
"Did you?" Umama said.
"I told her I loved her and I couldn't forget Disa. I can't change how I feel—"
"Have you ever spoken to Yani without mentioning Disa in the same breath?" Umama said.
"I don't always bring up Disa unless it has to do with the kid's schedules."
"She asked you to choose, and you didn't give her the answer she wanted."
"This thing is complicated."
"And now she has removed herself because you didn't take the time to think over your non-decision. You will live with her choice and we will make sure she is taken care of properly as a member of the royal house."
Erik swallowed an angry lump swelling in his throat.
"You made a scene at dinner, upset all of your children, and now you want to throw your family's weight around to punish her. We will not do that. Let her go," Umama concluded.
Erik's mouth dropped open. He flexed his fingers that cramped from holding them so stiffly on his thighs.
"I'll let Disa go, to keep Yani. Disa knows this. She wants me to be with Yani."
"But that is not what you want," Baba Z said.
"Disa told me my love for her is guilt. She'll be my friend… like we were in the past. But nothing more. So you see, I won't get what I want. Yani is my heart. You both know this."
"But Yani will not have you," Umama said, shaking her head with sorrow, "she will see right through your open heart and know that Disa gave up on you just to keep the peace. That will not honor Yani or make her feel special. Listen to me well, grandson. Let Yani go free. It is time that she not carry the burden of your confusion—"
"I'm not confused, Umama—"
"Yes, you are. How could you not be? You wear your love for them on your chest openly without thinking things through properly. Yani gave you her decision and you will live with it. The family will have to adjust to this new type of royal arrangement and look out for my great-grandchildren," she said.
Umama stared Erik down thousands of miles away.
"N'Jadaka, you will be a gentleman and offer her the homes. The palace will take care of the rest, making sure she has a smooth transition, even if that means you cannot see the children for a bit."
"I know you well, grandson. You are just like my N'Jobu. When they move, do not rush to see the children all the time. That places unwanted pressure on Yani. Do vid chats and only pick them up from school at week's end. You will keep the peace and protection of Riki and Sydette. We shall work out appropriate times for Joba to be with them on visits," Umama said.
Erik noticed Umama's voice going higher and her lips becoming pouty. It hurt her to lose her great-grandchildren with proximity and easy access.
"We will come together as a family and work through this. There is so much we are dealing with as it is," Baba Z said.
"Are you both disappointed in me?" Erik asked.
"Oh, do not hang your head so low," Umama teased, "there are worse things happening in the world than being blessed to love two beautiful women at the same time. No one will die because of it. You are greedy, and now you are paying for that greed. It is time to grow up, N'Jadaka."
She glanced behind her shoulder and watched the sun go down all the way.
"Oh, now… I will send the sun your way, grandson," she said. "We shall all be with you again."
Erik swiped his kimoyo and sat on the balcony marinating with his grandparent's input. He looked over the three housing choices. Maybe he was the one who needed to go live somewhere else.
A faint light grew in the sky. The new morning rays lit up the crest of the furthest mountain. Umama sent him the sun as she promised. Right on time.
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Disa stepped into the luxurious pool room expecting to have the elaborate rainforest-decorated two-story space to herself. Yani was already in the deep azure-colored water, doing laps in the nude. She kept swimming and Disa walked along the edge toward the steps. The pool had a glass bottom that teemed with exotic fish swimming all around the 300-foot length, giving the illusion that one was swimming in a Caribbean paradise with the fish, especially with all the detailing surrounding them. Glass walls gave them extraordinary views of Mount Bashenga.
Disa took off her bathing robe and tugged on the strap of her gold swimsuit. She took leisurely steps into the water and sat on a two-foot-long chunky coral and red starfish decoration.
"Just the person I want to talk to," Disa said.
Yani approached the starfish with a strong breaststroke, and once she reached the shallow end, she stood near Disa. Warm water dripped down from her nude body. There was no shyness about letting Disa see all of her. She could only imagine all the ways Erik probably folded Yani up with that physique back in St. Thomas. Allah had blessed the woman with curves, titties, and an ass. She couldn't blame Erik for crying over her.
"What do you want to talk about?" Yani snapped.
"Really, Yani?"
Disa placed a hand on her hip and narrowed her eyes.
"I don't need you here bothering me. You won. He's all yours," Yani said with a bitterness that didn't match her cherubic face.
"This was never a competition. What happened to us being friends and working as a team to raise our children together? I've done nothing but defend you, stand by you, and try to make the best of a fucked up situation."
"Well, he's back now, and he chose you. End of story. End of sisterhood."
"That's a fucked up way to act. Do you think I have control over how that man feels about me? Dick don't run me. I run my own life—"
"Why does he have to love you too?!" Yani screeched.
"That's not my fault. Your anger belongs to him, not me!"
"I asked him to choose me, and he couldn't even talk without your name falling out of his mouth!"
Yani slapped the water and some of it splashed in Disa's face. Disa stood up.
"I told him to go to you, Yani. He needs you like you need him. I don't need a man who wants me out of pity. He's in love with you. No matter what is going on, that won't change."
"Oh, so you're the bad bitch in the room letting me have him. You run the whole damn show," Yani said.
"Yani, I do what is best for me and my baby. I always have. I love Erik for different reasons than you do. You know what your problem is? You're so male-centered that you can't even see yourself outside of having a man. I put Erik out of my life once I knew he would never choose me first. Never in my life have men been the zenith of happiness. My parents taught me to be independent, heart-centered, and to treat love as a gift that so many never experience. When someone doesn't treat you well and it brings you down, you leave. That's what I did. It's not my fault that he still loved me even as he fell in love with you. I'm sick of you blaming me! I've spent my time here holding my hand out to you and all you've done was skulk around and bitch about him. Can you even see yourself beyond him? You were doing it when he wasn't here."
Yani took a step back and tilted her head.
"It's my fault that I had bad men in my life?" Yani said.
"It's your fault for not choosing yourself when it was clear you deserved more. Don't be mad at me for choosing better when you didn't do it for yourself."
"Fuck you and him!"
"No, fuck you for treating me like shit because you're mad at yourself!"
Disa stormed out of the water and grabbed her robe.
"I'm going to live my best life here in Wakanda with my daughter. I have my career, my health, and my own happiness to enjoy. I'll give Erik grace because I love him and want him to find himself again. The real him. I'll give myself grace too because I will always be his friend and I will always be here. Deal with it."
"You think you're better than me?" Yani shouted.
"I think I've made a choice that fits my needs and will make my daughter happy. When he comes to you… for once in your life, choose what will make you and your children healthy and happy."
Disa's steps felt heavy, and it seemed to take forever to get out of the pool room. She held back her tongue for all she wanted to say, but she knew that being older, secure, and having high self-esteem put her in a different league than Yani. Disa was tired of putting Yani's feelings first. No more. Wakanda was the most powerful country in the world and she was connected to the most powerful family in that world. Fighting over a man with another woman was not on her agenda. She had a housing project to finish, a new ambassadors villa to design, and Twyla wanted to start a brand-new travel service in the country where the Black diaspora could take trips into Wakanda with an ecological tourism slant. She asked Disa to make a mock-up for the business venture. The University of Wakanda in Birnin Djata sought her out for a teaching semester the following year. Things were lined up for her and Joba. Her mind was stimulated with possibilities. That was Erik's gift to her.
She threw her shoulders back. The world was hers. Not Erik.
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The rage seeped thick and hot. Yani took a shower in the pool room, seething. She wanted to slap the shit out of Disa for talking to her like she was some stupid child. Disa always walked around like she was above all the tension, so it came as a shock to Yani to hear the woman blame all her man problems on her.
Tension in her belly followed her all the way to her suite. She changed clothes and settled into a slinky, long dress. The children were with Ramonda and she had time to relax and do what she wanted. A caldron of hate boiled within her. Who was Disa to think that she could toss Killmonger her way like Yani would pick him up with grateful glee?
Pacing her living room, she cursed Disa out. Her kimoyo lit up.
"You home?" he asked.
He sat in his office. Mpilo flitted behind him.
"I'm home," she said curtly.
"I just got done with a meeting. Need to talk to you about something. Will you be free for a minute?" he asked.
"Can we meet in about twenty minutes? In the Sun Room?"
She clenched her hands into fists as her blood pumped hot and ready to rip him a new one.
"I'll be there," she said.
She swiped her beads and dashed back into her bedroom. Picking a new outfit, she put on the sexiest sheer skirt and breast-enhancing top she could find in her closet. She spruced up her make-up and spritzed herself with the sweetest-smelling perfume from the most famous perfume maker in Wakanda. Staring at herself in the vanity mirror, she looked confident enough to tell Killmonger to go to hell. She would not be some other woman's consolation prize for him.
Taking one last look at her hair and lips, Yani left her home and rode up several flights on the elevator to the Sun Room. She swung her hips into the room and found disappointment when he wasn't there. Yani purposely left five minutes late to make a dramatic entrance. The view and the light of the sun energized her resolve.
Killmonger waltzed in, dressed in dark, loose robes. His golden jaguar choker made him look way too sexy, and she willed herself not to get distracted by his seductive looks. He kept his locs braided back and looked so much like his giant royal painting. She lifted her head high.
He glanced at the view, then looked at her with the saddest brown eyes.
"I'm not here to argue," he said.
"Good, because I'm—"
He tapped his kimoyo and three swirling images floated up between them. He enlarged them.
"I'm sending you these to look at when you have time. You can choose any of them to live in. When you're ready to leave, the palace will take care of everything. You'll have all the staff needed to support your new life. I won't cause you any more pain."
Yani pressed a hand against the glass window. She expected begging and pleading. She expected to turn the Sun Room out with her righteous indignation and storming out on him. Instead, he stood there with a humble voice and puppy dog eyes.
"I thought…"
Yani stopped herself from saying more. Even in the muck and mire of their painful love affair, Killmonger couldn't even muster the decency to beg for her hand the way she wanted him to. He would deny her the fuck off she geared up to give him.
"I'll say goodbye to Riki and Sydette when you make your decision."
"You asshole," she said.
Yani slapped his chest with both hands. He held her hands together and kissed her fists before leaving her alone in the Sun Room. Killmonger almost stopped himself at the entrance, but he kept his stride quick to get away.
She wiped her eyes, refusing to let her make-up smudge as she stalked out of the room.
"Keep it together," Yani whispered to herself as she passed some staff cleaning the walls of the corridor that led to the far side of the floor. The ride to her floor was dreadful as her mind went blank.
Reaching her suite, Yani paused.
Remi stood there with a small, wrapped gift for her.
"I was able to return with clearance," Remi said.
She gave him a weak smile and willed her face to stay pleasant.
"The kids are with Queen Ramonda," Yani said.
"Then I shall leave you with this, and go see to them. I brought you the music I promised."
He handed it to her. Yani opened the small gift box and pulled out a small USB.
"Thank you," she said.
"Lady Galiber, why are you crying?"
Yani shook her head.
"Rough day. I'll get over it," she said.
Remi nodded and his almond eyes took in the untruth of her statement.
"Music always helps soothe the heart," he said.
She exhaled and turned to her door. Tapping her beads against the lock panel, Yani stopped and turned back to Remi.
"Would you like to listen to this with me?" she asked.
Remi's ravishing smile gave her butterflies.
"It would be an honor, Lady Galiber."
She opened her door and welcomed Remi inside.
Chapter 48 HERE.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 5 years
“Stark’s New Intern” Chp. 8
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Summary: Erik takes a quick road trip to search for what his father has hidden...
"Free like the bluest sky Free like mountain's eye Free like... free like...free like...free like Free like the brown in my eye Free like the tears that I cry Free like...free like...free like... free like Free like a willow tree Free like a summers eve Free like the waves are crashing on the side of a solitary beach…"
Jill Scott – "Free (Epilogue)"
Erik handed a seventeen-thousand-dollar cashier's check to the salesclerk holding his I.D. and motorcycle license. The Kawasaki Ninja he wanted, the same as the one his mother used to have, with the same green and black coloring too, sat posted up outside the entrance of the motorcycle showroom.
Ownership papers handed over along with registration forms, the keys were dropped in his hand. The sales clerk had been a dick when Erik first came into the dealership looking to purchase a ride. He had to get permission from the manager before he could even do a test ride of the bike, even showing a picture of his mother on her bike with him when he was a child to let them know he was serious about buying. 
They gave him the grand total and Erik told them to have the bike polished and gassed up to go. Two hours later he was back and handing over full payment, but was annoyed when the bike wasn't ready. They assumed he wasn't coming back.
"Enjoy," the sales clerk said, and Erik rolled his eyes at him as he slung his backpack on and rolled out of the lot. His new helmet was nice on his head, and he felt free tooling down the I-10 and merging onto the 101. Transportation at last. He was too young to rent a car, and it was annoying having to use Lyft or Uber when he was ready to jet. His grandfather had called to verify his use of the money. Erik's parents had left him a small trust fund that he would receive in total when he was twenty-one. It was life-insurance money mainly, and he was allotted thirty-thousand when he turned eighteen with the rest pending. He was finally spending it on something other than clothes and computers.
His mother had him riding behind her the moment he was able to hang on to her waist, and his fondest memories were riding with her and Grandpop on the rare occasions they went out with his grandfather's bike club. Oaktown Rebels. Green and black were their colors.
The robust rumble under his thighs made him grin, and he sped up to pass a few cars as he made his way back to his apartment. He needed to grab a few things before he headed out to Joshua Tree.
Rolling into the apartment complex, he parked his new ride near Maria's leased car.
Walking into his unit, delicious smells wafted to him from the kitchen. He put his helmet on the coffee table and walked to where the tantalizing aromas came from.
"Look at you," Maria said.
He was surprised to see Valentina in his kitchen with Maria and also Giselle. All three women stared at him and his clothes.
"What happened to Erik Stevens intern? Who brought in Sons of Anarchy?" Maria said.
He touched his black leather biker jacket. The matching pants drew stares too.
"Just protective gear."
"For what?" Giselle asked. Her eyes looked suggestive. They were all a little tipsy. An empty wine bottle sat on the kitchen counter.
Valentina brushed past him to take a gander at the back of the ensemble he wore.
"That is some pricey gear, Stevens," she said.
"I bought a new bike…whatchu cookin'?"
His nose aimed for the stove.
Maria held tongs in her hand as she stood near a wok on the stove.
"Oh…shit….," she said pulling out fried egg rolls and placing them on paper towels on the kitchen counter.
"Lumpia. Chicken and pork…"
"What else?" he said, pulling open a lid on a skillet next to the lumpia still cooking.
"Pancit, chicken adobo, rice…"
He wanted to ride out to Joshua Tree asap, but the food looked banging and he was starving. This was better than the protein bars he was going to grab with his hydration pack.
"Join us," Maria said.
She pulled out plates from the cupboards and Giselle helped set their little kitchen table. Valentina opened another bottle of white wine. They all stared at him. He took off his riding jacket and carried it to his room. He packed up the gear he would take with him then washed his hands.
The women were already seated and grubbing when he returned.
Maria fixed him a full plate and he got down to business.
"So what is this? A hen party?" he said.
Giselle laughed and sipped on her wine.
"How did you guess?" she said.
Giselle had taken her braids out and Erik saw how big her hair was, lush puffy waves that cascaded to her shoulders, without her make-up and intern clothes, she looked like a teenager sitting next to him in her shorts and yoga top.
"We just needed to vent and trash the guys we work with," Valentina said nibbling on her lumpia.
"Well shit, maybe I shouldn't be here," he said.
"Stay, you might learn how to be a better man," Maria said.
"Erik is one of the good ones," Valentina said winking at him. Erik smiled, but then he caught Giselle looking at Valentina in a strange way. He stuffed pancit in his mouth and scooped up more of the noodles and cabbage on his fork. When Valentina's hand reached across and stroked his hand, Giselle really looked perturbed.
"Thank you so much for the pep talk the other day. I finished the beta on time and Janine spoke to me about working with Hollowell," Valentina said.
Erik nodded his head. Valentina's hand stayed on his wrist. She poured him a little bit of wine and he drank it so he could move his hand. He felt heat on his neck coming from Giselle staring and he couldn't figure out why she was giving off jealous vibes. Valentina was just the homie.
Maria must've caught the tension from Giselle.
"How's it going in your department?" Maria asked Giselle.
"Pretty good actually. I get to attend a conference with my project manager Evelyn. We leave in two weeks for Portland," Giselle said.
"So lucky! You get to travel. Wish we could go somewhere," Valentina said.
She picked at her plate and for a moment everyone was quiet as they ate.
"I have ube cake if anyone wants some," Maria said.
She jumped up and went to the fridge and brought back a purple cake. Once they all had their fill of food, Maria cut slices of the cake.
"Wow, it's purple on the inside too," Valentina said staring at it before she took a bite.
"It's a sponge cake, but a purple yam is mixed with it," Maria said.
"It's good! Light" Giselle said.
Erik snuck more wine and ate two pieces of cake.
"Let's go see your new bike!" Valentina said. Her fingers tapped Erik's hand again.
"C'mon," he said.
They all followed him downstairs.
"That is so cool!" Maria said.
Erik hopped on and started it up.
"That looks really expensive," Valentina said.
"Paid 17 G for it," he said.
"Can I get on?" Maria asked.
He helped her climb on and she took out her cell to snap pictures.
"Give us a ride around the parking lot," Valentina said stepping close to the handlebars.
"You need a helmet. I only have one," he said.
"It's just the parking lot. You don't have to go fast. We're in an enclosed place," she said.
"Me first!" Maria said clutching his waist.
He used his legs to roll back.
"Calm down, girl," he said.
Maria was giggling and wiggling behind him.
He zoomed around the lot and Maria squealed like a big kid on a rollercoaster for the first time. When he came back around and she jumped down, her face was flush from too much wine and laughing so hard. He thought she was so cute when she was buzzing.
"Me next," Valentina said.
She was taller and heavier than Maria. When she held his waist, he could feel her full breasts pressing into his back. Her chin rested on his shoulder.
"See ya!" she called to Maria and Giselle.
Unlike Maria, Valentina didn't giggle or look around, she rested her head against the back of his neck. When he brought her back, her hands dropped from his waist and rested on his thighs.
"That was fun," she said.
"Do you plan on getting off?" Giselle asked.
Valentina climbed off and Giselle hopped on. She was skittish with her hands.
"Hold tight," he said.
She relaxed and held him better. She looked around as they rode.
"This thing has some get up," she said.
"Yep. Top of the line."
He gave it a little more speed on the return so she could feel the power under them.
She took her time climbing off and Valentina was already trying to get a second excursion. He turned the bike off.
"This is so you," Valentina said.
"More cake anyone?" Maria suggested.
"I'll have more!" Valentina followed Maria back to the kitchen.
Giselle stayed behind as Erik dismounted.
"What's up with you and Valentina?"
"Nothing," he said.
"That's not what I'm hearing at the office."
"Whatchu hearing then?"
"Lunch together every day. Working late and driving home together. Acting like more than besties in public."
He shrugged.
"I eat lunch with Maria most of the time too. I don't have a car and it sucks catching the bus or a Lyft every day. She's friendly to everyone in public. Who are you hearing gossip from?"
"You already know she's a talker—"
"Not just her. Other people have been talking. A lot of the guys who want to hem Valentina up."
"Why do you care? You told me you wanted to stay professional. Acting like you in your feelings or something."
"I didn't say I cared like that."
"What if I was hittin' that?"
"I don't see it."
"Why not?"
"That's not you."
"Fuck you talkin' 'bout girl?" He leaned against his bike.
"Most Cali niggas I've met are prone to the white girl hierarchy. It's ingrained. Everywhere you look, white women are propped up. It is what it is. But you…you not that brotha. But Valentina, she wants to break you in."
"You jealous or somethin'?"
"You don't think I could get down with a white girl?"
"So you should be happy then."
"Most sistahs hate brothas with white women—"
"Not true. We don't care. We just get annoyed with Black men who date or marry white or non-Black women exclusively and then proceed to trash us every opportunity they get. There's a difference."
"What's the point to this?"
"I don't think so."
"I date the rainbow myself. Keep my options open. Black men will always be my first pick…but…you…you remind me of my grandfather. Y'now, Black people first, but probably have some colorism issues mixed in there—"
"Nah, I date the Black rainbow—"
"—and I wonder why you hold tight to that. Have you ever been with anyone non-Black?"
"Why not?"
"Why is this a conversation?"
"Don't deflect."
Erik stared at her. He couldn't understand why she cared so much about his choices.
"I have a preference for Black women. Other women are fine as fuck too and alla that, but for me…there's something about Black women that I just zoom into. I've been with mixed Black women…I just…it just be that way, Ma. There's a cultural understanding about shit that Black women get. I don't have to waste time or energy explaining shit-"
"Racism. Colorism. White supremacy. American fuckery. The struggle—"
"Of course. The never-ending struggle."
Giselle's voice sounded dismissive. He didn't like that.
"What if you met that one woman that was not Black and she had some cultural understanding and she was into you—"
"Hasn't happened yet—"
"It's a fact. I heard her talking to some women in the break room. She really wants to make something happen. You can't see that?"
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Be careful."
"You blockin?"
"For who?"
"You. You not low, Giselle. You still feelin' me even though you want to be all professional. I saw you looking salty at dinner."
"I don't care if you get with her."
"Yeah, you do."
Giselle turned away from him and Erik grabbed for her hand.
"Hold up, finish," he said.
"Cake?" Maria called out.
Erik saw her on the top step of their apartment with a plate in her hand.
"Be up in a minute," Erik shouted.
His eyes took in Giselle's. She was serious.
"Why should I be careful?"
"Valentina comes off cool, but she's manipulative. I wasn't planning on coming here tonight, but Maria wanted me to, and when I heard Valentina was coming—"
"You wanted to throw a flag on her play," he teased.
Giselle's eyes didn't waver.
"If I wanted you that bad, I could take you."
"Look at you saying that with your whole chest."
Erik held onto her hand.
"All I'm saying is be mindful of how she acts around you and other people. I thought she was cool until I noticed some behavior that made me see that she's a user. She's into social capital and manipulation. You are Stark's golden boy and she wants to be the golden girl—"
"She's good at what she does—"
"Getting next to people who she can climb above."
"I don't see it, but I hear you."
"Do more than hear me. Men can be so stupid when they ignore signs."
"We're all here to climb over each other. Trying to outshine the next person to claim a spot."
"That ain't you either."
"You think you know me that well."
"You're an easy read."
"Maybe I'm manipulating you."
"No. I don't think you'd do anything like that. You're too blunt. Too real."
"I'm not interested in her or anyone else here. Just you. I would let you use me."
She smiled and he thought he had an in with her.
"Lemme take you out."
"No, I told you—"
"One date."
"You're killing me, G."
Giselle headed up to his apartment.
"You'll live, Erik."
It felt mad awkward returning to the apartment. He overanalyzed every interaction with Valentina. She was just…Valentina…relaxed when she was drinking, astute, aware of shit around her with a basic understanding of her own privilege in the world. Maria liked her and Maria had a good heart.
But Giselle was pretty astute too, and Erik had to concede that he often stayed in his own head a lot over the years and tended to ignore things that didn't concern him. Especially working in the Stark offices. He did his work and bounced, took careful notes in his journal, and kept to himself on the weekends unless Maria cajoled him into going to a movie. He was not interested in Valentina like that. She was gorgeous with that Greco/Roman Mediterranean vibe, sexy without trying, aware of it, but not lording it over other women. He racked his brain trying to think of any encounter where Valentina had ever—
"Hey, you okay?"
Erik snapped out of his reverie. He stood in the kitchen eating the last of the lumpia. Maria watched him with inquisitive eyes. He could hear Giselle and Valentina talking loud as they watched TV.
"Coolio," he said.
"You and Giselle looked like you were in a serious convo."
"Nothing too serious. She still won't go out with me."
"Maybe you should find someone else."
"Like who?"
Erik waited to see what she would say. Maria's eyes glanced down at his plate.
"I dunno, maybe…"
"Giselle snitched on me, huh? I shouldn't have said anything."
"Be honest. She checkin'?"
"Yes. This won't make it weird for you, will it?"
"Already done."
"Sorry. I know you want Giselle, but…"
"You have a sure thing out in our living room."
"Not happening."
Erik popped the last piece of lumpia in his mouth and washed his hands in the sink.
"I'll see you later. Thanks for dinner. I'll be back tomorrow."
"Where are you going?"
"Personal business."
He went into his room and slipped on his jacket. His hydration pack was filled and he had snack bars for the ride back.
"I'm out," he said.
Both Giselle and Valentina stared at him.
"We were thinking of going out to The Grove," Valentina said.
"Next time," he said.
He left quickly and felt like he could breathe once he was back on the I-10 heading East. Traffic was cumbersome, but once he got past Ontario, the flow of cars was less stop and go. He made a quick bathroom break at a truck rest stop, and by the time he made it to Palm Springs, he saw the rows of wind turbines peppering the sides of the freeway. He knew he was close to his destination. The hundreds of turbines looked like white giants standing guard for some long-forgotten ancient battle.
The hill he rode up to get into Joshua Tree itself was peaceful in the darkness, and he found a cheap motel to stay in. It was better to search early in the morning rather than late at night in case he ran into any cops. Weren't too many Black people out in the desert, and meth-heads along with opioid users ran amuck, so Erik didn't want to look like a dealer doing a night drop or pick-up.
The motel was clean and he set his cell alarm for early morning.
The heat would not arrive hardcore until later, and Erik moved quickly with the high-end GPS compass he bought for the job. This part of the desert had vortices that were fucking with the dials of the indicators.
Yucca plants and small cactus surrounded him as well as the yucca species known as the Joshua Tree for its unusual shape that Mormons long ago said looked like praying hands lifted to the sky. They seemed to thrive in arid places like this. Erik walked around with the small shovel he picked up from the Home Depot.
Sipping water from his hydration pack, he took off his jacket and laid it across his bike. There was no one near him for miles. He didn't have to worry about anyone stealing his shit. He set off in the direction the coordinates gave him. He wished there was a picture map sketch or mentions of signposts to look for, rock formations or a particular line up of cactus, anything to help pinpoint whatever he was looking for.
He found what he thought was the spot and dug for thirty minutes and found nothing. He moved to two other spots near his first dig site and found nothing still. Maybe it had been dug up a long time ago. Instead of getting frustrated, he let thoughts of his father guide him. If Baba wrote this down, it was important. He would stay as long as he could in his search.
When the sun rose high, he took off his shirt and tied it around his head, keeping his shades on as he continued digging. By the time it was near noon, his water was all gone, and he was hungry for more than the protein bars he had. Whatever his father placed here was long gone. He mentally prepared to plan a trip to the central corridor and Klamath where the other buried sites were.
A rabbit caught his eye and Erik walked towards it just to have a break from bending over and allowing him to stretch his back out.
"Shit!" his hissed grabbing onto his lips.
An intense itching overtook his bottom lip and Erik shoved his middle and index finger onto his gums there.
His tattoo.
Something was making his tattoo react in an adverse way.
He stepped back to where he was before he saw the desert rabbit and the itching faded away. He traced his footsteps around the area where the tattoo reacted. The space around it was less than a foot around.
Erik stepped forward again. The itching started again but was less pronounced. He could endure the sensation.
He started digging.
Three feet in he found a small gray silky bag the size of an apple. He picked it up and climbed out of the hole.
His eyes darted about and he walked back to his bike.
Opening the bag carefully, he found another cloth brown bag within. His tattoo flared up with prickly nerves. His hand slipped into the brown bag and he pulled out…
….a small chunk of neon blue metal that glowed with an intensity that made his hand light up. His tattoo was made from this, he was sure of it, his body reacting to the similar elements found within the metal.
Erik covered the metal back up quickly and stuffed it inside the pocket of his jacket and zipped it up. He debated covering the holes he had made back up, but he decided against it. He needed to get out of there as quickly as possible.
Pulling his shirt from his head, he put himself back together. Under the bright summer blue sky and surrounded by desert sands that led to mountains, Erik felt a freedom he hadn't felt in a long time. His quest felt tangible now. He had something his father died for in his possession. Erik shook his head, feeling a lone tear fall from his face. This felt like a true beginning. He had a talisman in his possession that would guide him to his future victory.
He rode to the nearest gas station. After filling up his tank, he bought fresh water for his pack and made his way out of town.
This metal, this hidden treasure that his father buried far away from Oakland…Erik recognized it.
Even knew the name of it.
His father had taught him the word.
Tag List:
@fd-writes​ @soufcakmistress  @cherrystainedlipsbaby @tclaybon  @thadelightfulone
@allhailqueennel @bartierbakarimobisson @cpwtwot @shookmcgookqueen @yoyolovesbucky
@raysunshine78 @the-illllest @terrablaze514  @l-auteuse @amirra88 @jimizwidow @janelledarling
@chaneajoyyy @sweetestdream92 @purple-apricots @blackpinup22 @hennessystevens-udaku
@scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @bugngiz @stariamrry  @honeytoffee @meilintheempressofdreams
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sonofnjobu · 6 years
You can now find a link to my Masterlist at the end of every story I’ve written.
Hopefully, this makes it easier for people interested in my writing to find the rest of my content, and it will always link to the most updated version of the list.
I’ve also got some fics planned out that I’m excited to share with you! Please interact with me if you feel so inclined!
Most recently, I put out Tradition Part 2 for my M’Baku lovers and Aging Out for my Erik stans.
Thank you for making this an amazing community of content creators and consumers. Particularly a place where Black women can express themselves and support one another. Wakanda Forever.
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