insideliascrazyhead · 4 months
White Rascal Headcanons
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-not just protective but crazily possessive
-can´t cook and normally lives off takeout
-reads those old,lonely woman,romatic novels
-has all the laundry hacks to keep all that sutff white,tells nobody
„Do it for the woman!“,Rocky,Honey, I thought they´re gonna jump over that railing and choke you out
-dissects his oreo cookies before eating them,cookie,then the cream and then the other remaining cookie
-sings loudly and horrible under the shower
-knows how to dance tango and salsa
-makes phenominal cocktails but forgets that not everyone handles liquor as good as he does so they´re damn strong
-never bleaches his own hair in fear it falls out.being bold is one of his greatest fears
-always act in the heat of the moment
-every hole that get´s punched into the wall in Club Heaven by an angry man get´s framed and titles „Fragile Masculinity“
-after kicking out Aizawa,Bito,Enari and Shimura he did kinda miss them in the end especially after Kizzy told him,they went to get the Rude Boys to help them fight (also Tetsu Instagram stalks them)
-sarcastic king
-brings out the craziest stories
-biggest crush on our dear Rocky
-as Aizawa,Bito,Enari and Shimura always wear eyeliner he calls them the panda crew
-is a great cook
-likes to do crosswords but instead of the right answers he takes insults
-loves to read crimis and thriller,always knows who the killer is, that creeps the shit out of Kizzy
-does nailart and skincare
-can speak 4 langueges
-curses like a sailor and knows how to curse in 7
-loves to travel
-don´t speak to him before his 2nd cup of coffee or death to everyone and then himself
-bites until your bloody
-stabs as a warning
-has a taxedermy squirrel called Nibbles
-is acttually friends with Aizawa,Bito,Enari and Shimura
-finds their crazyness entertaining as fuck and has a betting pool running with Kaito and Koo on everything
-not jealous at all,just possessive
-has a lot of those romantic nicknames for Kaito in private
-hopelessly romantic
-will absolutly throat punch someone just because she feels like it
-loves horror movies and normally laughs during them
-in her emo phase
-stress baker
-will bring Kizzy little trinkets that remind him of her and she collects them
-cool as a cucumber on the outside but a squirrel in traffic on the inside
-had a stressball once to deal with that and ended up stabbing it
-hates horror movies but watches them for Kizzy,so that he isn´t uncomfortable Kizzy just starts shit talking the killers until he laughs
-total sweetheart
-has a cat called cupcake
-loves parfumes
-Aizawa,Bito,Enari and Shimura are Housen´s former Four Heavenly Kings and how Odajima teached Monji in X cross,those four did it with Odajima,Shidaken, Jinkawa and Sawamura,they regulary check up on Housen
-heavily codepentedt on each other,live together too.It´s chaos.
-when Kizzy once visited and saw all that she turned to Kaito and said in a sad tone,I think kicking them out was a mistake,they´re gonna acidentally kill themselfes.
-a feral murder gremlin on the run
-nearly got killed by Rocky once for saying I don´t like woman. Rocky overheard it and kept hitting him with his cane,angrily calling him a misogynist,Aizawa took the cane and hit back telling him he´s not a misogynist.He´s gay and called Rocky an old bitter man.Guess who cleaned the bathrooms from then on in Club Heaven
-killing is his first solution whenever there´s an issue
-their punk band got famous,not teenage girls scream their lungs bloody and faint famous,but sex,drugs and rock n roll famous
-pyromaniac,loves explosives
-has at least 3 different kinda weapons on him at all times,sleeps with a knife under his pillow
-sleeps with tv on and a horror movie running
-loves to shoot the others with a nerf gun,got boring now it´s a paintball gun instead
-memory of a goldfish
-they´re all so sick off the color white that their flat looks like a rainbow vomited.Kinda like a secondhand shop for weird shit.A leg lamp,a random mannequin torso with clows mask over it,Bito´s pink baseball bat,leopard rug,a chair that looks like a colorful hand etc.
-dramatic as fuck (when wrecking Itokan this is the man searching fucking backround music),probably could give Jamuo a run for money
-they´re all crazy and put Yasu-Kiyo to shame
-i once dreamt he´s Shidaken´s older brother.Now they´re related
-also got Shidaken´s kink for crazy people
-sleeps with a pink baseball bat next to his bed and it´s called his toothfairy
-creative.He paints,normally while blasting punk loud enough to make ears bleed
-bought a tattoo gun now those dumbasses tattoo each other
-invented beerflakes: Fruitloops and beer,normally topped with candy
-he and Shimura got a sugar mommy each after getting kicked out to earn some cash
-the four of them once got arrested for prostitution during their White Rascal times,funnily enough they didn´t do it
-bisexual and polyamorous
-accidental pyromaniac,accidental fire everywhere,for example while cooking.
-A literal kitchen hazard
-can sleep literally anywhere,this man slept on a speaker at Club Heaven while it blasted music once
-the most chaotic one
-shower toughts only,no sense just vibes
-get´s up early every morning and not even any coffee like a animal
-loves to prank and humiliate his friends
-constantly snacking,always hungry
-always mismatched socks
-loves anime
-all four of them use those 4 in 1 showergel,shampoo and motoroil thingys,even dishsoap when they´re out of the first one
-would twerk to orchestra music
-probably sniffs paint
-no regard of personal safety in daily life;raw cookie dough?fuck yeah!Red light?So what?What else?Wait till it´s green?
-funnily enough academically the smartest
-loves to read philosophical shit and drama
-faints at the sight of needles
-thinks hotsauce won´t freeze cause it´s hot
-can drink like a fucking tank
-can poledance,the dancers at Club Heaven showed him and Bito how
-is into hot rich milfs so the sugar mommy thing was right up his alley
-King of what we call in the country I´m from,the „Brother,trust me“mix.That´s a random mixxed cocktail,that normally contains at least 90 % of the glass filled with different kinda hard liquor and normally your friends don´t really hesitate to drink that,so everyone get´s the nastiest hangover
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hey-flynn · 3 months
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This is a hell of a long shot, I know, but is there anyone out there who would be interested in a pregnancy fest? There's a small one running over on DreamWidth right now.
Claiming is currently open for HP_BunInTheOven. Everything is due on Saturday, March 2, so there's just over three weeks for you to write/draw something little, if you want!
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gakuwalked · 10 months
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frickingnerd · 8 months
rhyme being your entry fee to the reapers game
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pairing: raimu "rhyme" bito x gn!reader
summary: your girlfriend is your entry fee into the reapers game and you'll only get her back once you win...
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to say you were surprised when you joined the reapers game would be an understatement! 
who knew that there was a second chance to live all along? that there was a second shibuya, called the UG
somehow you had died, yet you couldn't remember your death anymore
though being part of this game was proof enough that you were dead… for now! 
to enter, you had to pay an entry fee. you had to give up what was most important to you. and you'd only get it back once you won…
this most important thing ended up being an important person instead, your beloved girlfriend rhyme
turns out she had a connection to the UG as well and it was quite easy for her to become your entrance fee
you had already been scared to die in the UG, though it wouldn't be your first time dying, but now that rhyme's life was on the line as well, you were even more terrified
but there was no way to back out now…
no, you had to win this! not just for yourself, but for rhyme as well!
and once you made it to the end of this game, you'd get to return to the RG and finally see your girlfriend again…
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White Rascals as activewear/other clothing
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Kizzy :
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the-east-art · 2 years
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My designs for a no Final Mix/No Neo au where the gang just gets to be happy together :3 they al have a skull on their outfit to connect them all together too
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paintingpuff · 1 year
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I guess if anything can overcome my executive dysfunction to actually manage another social media account, it’s the burning down of twitter in live detail
so uh
here’s a guy of mine? Drew him with a color palette pulled from Hyper Light Drifter (below the cut)
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givemegifs · 1 year
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gloriousmiraclekitten · 6 months
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Beat as a Saiya-jin
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wally-b-feed · 1 year
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Bito Bel Veri, 2023
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insideliascrazyhead · 2 months
The siblings I headcanon in High and Low
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Yasushi and Tsukasa
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Shidaken and Bito
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Suzaki and Big
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jeenaandow · 2 years
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タイのゲーム会社 #BITO CEOさんご来店、オタク話に花が咲きました。頂いた #タイスナック菓子 は常連さんらと食べたのですが、甘辛いグミやスパイシー、タイ風味に皆で舌鼓を打ちました。#bitegginc #オタクバー (町田オタク・サブカルbar Swing-Byスイング・バイ) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci74UkuPsEn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gakuwalked · 10 months
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u nall have to look at bito NOW !
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atsushinagira · 2 years
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遅ればせながら、、、 おかげさまCAMP@厚木TINY CAMP VILLAGEにお越し頂いた皆様、主催の八百屋ーマンと野口くん、けんぢまん兄貴はじめビトさん、キヨシくん、キャンパーズの皆様もありがとうございました!! 会場は小さいけどめちゃくちゃいい雰囲気のキャンプ場で、みんなでワイワイ焚き火を囲みながらメシと酒と近所の七沢温泉で最高に楽しかったー!! あと、三番のひーちゃんの計らいで初めて手焙煎しました!!! ひーちゃん曰く、二日後が飲み頃との事です!!! いつか僕もベランダでやろうかな。。 #おかげさまCAMP #コーヒー豆 #coffeebeans #焙煎 #roasting #初体験 #firstexperience #フェス #fes #けんぢまん #bito #リトルキヨシ #campers https://www.instagram.com/p/CipufZ1pVQ3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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White Rascals as dresses
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xshinina · 1 month
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Trying out some Hyper Pop style
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