#bison billie
oxventure-text-posts · 8 months
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a-casual-egg · 1 month
Billie, looking at Edie: I could take her.
Delacy: In a fight?
Billie: Yes,...in a fight.
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randomthunk · 9 months
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I got an act Bison Billie, look what I can do!!!
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watched all of deadlands over the last few days :]
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theoxvest · 8 months
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Couldn't decide which Edie ship I liked more. This was the solution.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Who says Canada's buffalo are extinct? Here is a scene from Goose Lake, near Wainright, Alta, showing a part of the great herd on the government reserve there. Science is attempting to cross-breed these buffalo with cattle to produce a hard milch-cow for northern climes.
Another visit from US financiers to Canada's gold mines in Northern Ontario has been made, this time vis aeroplane. Gene Tunney, retired undefeated heavyweight champion of the world, was one of the party of 11, some of whom are shown at top. Col. W. A. Bishop, Canada's war ace, was also member of the party which included a number of prominent shining men. In the group shown at the top are, left to right - D. M. McKeon, New York financier; Col. W. A. Bishop; B. F. Smith, New York, financier; Gene Tunney, David Sloan, Vancouver, managing director of the Plonser mine, P. S. Arguimbau, New York financier; Eddle Dowling, comedian and singer, New York and Paris: and Heard P. Gimpel, of the New York department store bearing his name. In the lower picture at left is a close-up of Tunney, twice conqueror of Jack Dempsy for the world's heavyweight boxing title, now wealthy business man and politician. At right is shown, left to right - J. P. Bickell, president of McIntyre Mines, from whose home in Port Credit, Ontario, the party left; Ed Flynn, prominent New York politician and friend of President Roosevelt, and Hon. Chas. McCrae, Ontario minister of mines. The party bound for McIntyre mines near Timmins, Ontario."
- from the Kingston Whig-Standard. June 26, 1933. Page 10.
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sierradee · 8 months
how to operate a gondola: a manual by Edie and Bison Billy, misinterpreted by Delacy (aka "you push against the bottom")
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I can already see Edie trying to explain the birds and the bees and Delacy calling her a liar again.
Told you I’m going to be faster now I have the style locked in. Only problem is now, I’m gonna run out of asks so fast hahaha.
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
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Star-Lord (Peter Quill) was captured by Blastaar who forces him to help in gaining access to Negative Zone Prison where the criminals and unregistered superhumans are imprisoned there. The convicts led by Jack Flag, were forced to fend for themselves and they spent their time defending their prison from Blastaar's army. Star-Lord was stripped of his uniform and was sent into the Negative Zone Prison to convince the convicts to open the door and surrender.
There, Star-Lord met Jack-Flag and the other convicts in prison. Also, the convicts dismiss Peter Quill by scoffing at him and claiming that the Guardians of the Galaxy team are made-up as well as they keep getting his codename wrong.
Guardians of the Galaxy v2 #8, 2009 (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th pics)
Guardians of the Galaxy v2 #9, 2009 (6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th pics)
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rockandroar · 4 months
I adore the Steel Stampede! How did you come up with the appropriate animal designs? What are their characters? How do they act? Are they nice? They look very intimidating, and scary, like Clash!
That’s all! I’m quite excited to see their introduction and Clash’s introduction in the webcomic!
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Thank you! :) Two of my lifelong obsessions are music and animals, so I guess it was inevitable that I'd end up caricaturing music genres as species or groups of animals. It's the premise that gave way to the entire Rock & Roar story, so I went wild with it. So with metal, we've got this loud, fast, heavy genre with chugging guitar riffs and drums doing blast beats, and all of that reminds me of powerful, charging animals and their thundering hoofbeats. Top that with the sign of "the horns" being a hand gesture associated with metal since the heyday of Black Sabbath, and it seemed clear to me that metal musicians and fans would be horned and hooved animals like the ones above.
I first drew Grant Ruffalo more than ten years ago and he was a buffalo/bison from the beginning. It's just the animal that intuitively felt right for this character. To his left is Onyx Slater, and I chose an oryx because their white face with black markings reminded me of the corpse paint some black metal bands wear.
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To Grant's right are Billy Kidd the goat, and Gunnar Ramsey the black sheep. No specific reason for choosing those animals in particular, I just thought it'd be funny.
Steel Stampede became a band in the late 60s. These four guys take their music very seriously and are intimidating, for sure. They command respect and they don't mess around, at least not publicly. They're very much regarded as musicians of a very high caliber, a band that is cited as influential by virtually everyone else in the metal scene.
Grant is known for his short temper, Onyx is more restrained and keeps to himself, Billy is the funny guy of the bunch but also very brave for his small stature, and Gunnar is the most down to earth and easiest to talk to. None of them are actually mean though - that's more of an image they keep up. They're not going to go out of their way to bully anyone around or intentionally hurt someone. They just won't tolerate anyone messing around with them, or their gear, or their live performances. And frankly, I think they've earned that level of respect.
But backstage, if you're on a friendship basis with these guys, they're pretty cool. If Grant is in a good mood, he'll regale you with stories of all that he's experienced throughout his music career, and will enjoy listening to your own stories too. He might even pass on some of his wisdom, in the form of a guitar technique, or advice on stage presence. He wants his beloved music genre to live on and have a strong future beyond him and his band, and even if he won't outwardly show it, it really warms his heart to see young musicians pursuing their craft with passion and discipline the way he did. He wants small bands to succeed, and every once in a while he is known to publicly give a shout out to unknown bands whose future he believes in.
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ctrl-alt-em · 3 months
A Letter Home
Garnet wandered around the tiny town idly. It was early afternoon and the saloon was empty. It would be a couple hours before she could make a few bucks at the cards table.
Turning a corner, she saw the town’s stable, a small affair near the center of town.
Delacy sat on the wooden fence of the corral, facing a grazing Humble Ned.
Garnet headed towards her young friend. In his lap was his newest ‘The Daring Adventures of Bison Billie’ book and a piece of paper.
Delacy frowned at the page.
Garnet back leaned on the fence next to Delacy, facing the opposite direction. “What are you doing, Delacy?”
“I’m trying to write a letter,” the boy answered without looking up.
Garnet looked at the blank paper. “How’s that going?”
Delacy groaned, “It's a lot harder than I thought I’d be.”
“Who’s it to?”
“My family,” he answered, chewing on his pencil. “They’re probably worried.”
Garnet was surprised. Billie Joe would have been her first guess. Maybe the Tombstone Epitaph, the newspaper he read with Edie whenever they got their hands on it, to tell about their latest monster hunt.
Delacy didn’t talk about his home life much, except about the farm itself. He hadn’t mentioned any siblings, aunts, uncles, or cousins so far. He seemed like he liked living on a farm well enough, but he certainly wasn’t in any hurry to get back there.
The only time he’d mentioned his parents was when they thought he might die in a duel. Garnet still had the slip of paper with the location of his family home tucked inside her Hoyle’s book.
From what she could make out, Delacy’s home life was pretty stable for having lived in Bloody Kansas. She had guessed his hesitation to talk about his family stemmed from his guilt from leaving and left it alone.
Perhaps the guilt of running away had finally gotten to him.
“You know what they’d like the most?” Garnet asked.
“To see you in person.”
Delacy looked away and scraped his boot on the wooden railing. He shrugged. “I don’t know about that.”
“Why not?” She shrugged. “We’ll pass right through Vincent on our way to Dodge City. We can stop there for a few days, say hi to your family, get some leads and gossip on Dodge, convince your parents we haven’t kidnapped you, that kind of thing.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Miss Garnet.”
She tilted her head at him, “Why’s that, Delacy?”
“I don’t really get along with my parents,” he admitted. Before Garnet could ask the first question that came to mind, Delacy continued, “They took good care of me and my pa is the one who taught me how to shoot a gun when I was real little and all that, but I think my leaving would’ve been more of a relief for them than anything. I wasn’t the favorite child, I know that for sure.”
Garnet’s face fell. She turned to face the same direction as him and moved closer.
“You don’t think your parents love you?” she asked, gently.
Delacy curled into himself more. Minutes ticked by.
“No, I- I know they love me,” he whispered, “It’s… I just wished they liked me.” He wiped his nose on his hand.
“Oh, Delacy…” She brushed his golden blond hair behind his ear.
Garnet didn’t know what to say. She had been very close to her father as a child. It was only the two of them as far back as she could remember. He’d read Hoyle’s Book of Games to her on his knee and he taught her how to shuffle cards as soon as her hands were big enough. He’d taught her about demons, manitous, and magic after he closed the store at the end of the day. The day he died was the worst day of her life. If she had run away one day on a whim, he would have been devastated.
She settled for leaning her shoulder against his in a way she hoped was comforting for him.
“Did you tell your parents anything you left?”
Delacy hesitated. “No, not really. I didn’t plan on leaving when I did.”
Garnet frowned. “What do you mean?”
“I went to town with my sister, Lucy. She’s married to the doctor’s son. I saw the ad that Victoria put in the paper and I figured it was something I could handle. I showed it to Lucy, then she gave me $15 dollars and took me to the train station.”
“Your sister sent you off on a bounty hunting job?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. Delacy nodded.
“Are you and your sister close?”
Delacy grinned a little. “Yeah, Lucy’s the best.”
Someone sending her beloved kid brother off to shoot people didn’t quite sound right to Garnet, but, then again, she also took the same kid to shoot people.
“Well, why don’t you write the letter to Lucy and ask her to tell your folks you're doing all right? Surely she would have told your parents what happened, right?”
He thought about it for a moment. “Yeah, you’re right. I like that idea better. Thanks, Miss Garnet.”
She patted his shoulder. “It’s what I’m here for.”
Garnet climbed up on the fence next to Delacy and pulled out her Hoyle’s book. She flipped through the yellowing pages of the book her father once owned. She smiled at the old memories as Delacy scratched away at the paper next to her.
When he was finally finished, Delacy held the letter up critically before deciding it was good enough. He hopped off the fence. “I’m gonna head to the post office.”
“I’ll head with you.” Garnet slid off the fence and ducked between the railing back out of the corral. “Then why don’t we head back to the saloon? I’ll teach you the proper way to shuffle a deck of cards.”
Delacy grinned mischievously. “Does this mean you’re gonna let me play cards with you later?”
“No, I know for a fact Edie and Silas wouldn’t be happy if I let you gamble at cards,” she answered, knocking his hat over his eyes. “‘Sides, I think you’ll have much better luck with darts.”
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taggedmemes · 9 months
SENTENCE MEME ⟶ OXVENTURE PRESENTS: DEADLANDS / ch8 always feel free to tweak the sentence to fit your muse.
'i think it's a little bit too far for you to catch up.'
'yeah, he's pulled himself out of some scrapes... and one coffin.'
'i didn't know she was rightly real, i thought she was just a picture on the boxes.'
'she's a genius at marketing.'
'more wonders than there are in the heavens!'
'any help is good help, in my opinion.'
'i've made contact with a man called bison billy-joe thicket.'
'i've got some tinctures, but i don't know if you should have them.'
'i mean, your funeral. give me all the 'tincture' you want, see what happens.'
'why have i been eating chicken?!'
'he just looks young for his age.'
'it should have been buried with him!'
'i'm going to teach you some secrets of these fairs...'
'advertising standards are not very good right now.'
'i'm not interested in any of that!'
'you look like a man who enjoys the finer things in life.'
'well madam, i don't know where you're getting your information from...'
'if i don't think this hand is genuine...'
'you'd better not be here when we come back out of this hall of oddities.'
'i didn't say it wasn't real, i said it might not be real.'
'so mermaids are real?'
'let's go get some cotton candy!'
'it is real, i know cotton candy is real.'
'if i have to shoot something, my aim will be true. it always is.'
'if you stamp my hand we're gonna have a problem.'
'we're quite far away right now; he's not actually that small.'
'it's a good job you're here to remind me about distance.'
'again with the persuasion!'
'i am not spending any more money on gun-spinning lessons for you.'
'i flew too close to the sun...'
'is he okay?'
'that's a strong handshake, son.'
'we are not having a repeat of idaho.'
'you good with a gun?'
'i can make it not explode that bad.'
'it's my job, not yours.'
'someone shut him up!'
'aren't you supposed to be singing?'
'oh, that's an expression? i thought you were just being mean.'
'don't tell anyone here. for your own safety.'
'we're on a mission to... well, we're on a mission to kill folks.'
'everyone's gonna figure it out in the end when we kill them.'
'real mermaids live in the sea.'
'woah, woah! don't point that at me.'
'if it feels right in your heart, you've gotta go for it.'
'i'm still working on my tag line, i don't really kill many things.'
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oxventure-text-posts · 5 months
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a-casual-egg · 28 days
Oxventure furry hcs bc it's fun to imagine (Egbert, Rust, Silas, and Garnet are excluded from this bc they're either already animals (Egbert and Rust) or I just can't seem them as furries (Silas and Garnet))
Corazón: white cat (is still a pirate but white cat for some kind of elegance)
Merilwen: brown cat
Prudence: black wolf (that's very magical)
Dob: Golden Retriever or Sheepdog (wolf is an option bc of his backstory, but he just has big dog vibes)
Kasimir: Saint Bernard
Edvard: rat/mouse (lab rat)
Lilith: big snake
Zillah: sheep or ram
Barnaby: Borzoi or Afghan Hound (essentially a fancy looking dog with a long snout)
Billie: Bison (was there any other option? (Sarcasm))
Edie: fox
Nate: herding dog
Delacy: cool wolf or coyote with like glowing eyes
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scamuel-likely · 9 months
Just watching the new episode. Delacy being an awkward lil child is just <3
(Also Bison Billy is honestly the best)
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nonsense-hours · 8 months
Deadlands Finale Meta
putting this under a cut because of spoilers for the whole finale episode, but also because i chronically ramble. my Thoughts about the parallels andy made in this episode, the choices certain players made, and the parts that didn't quite add up properly to me
let's start with one of the fun bits: why didn't any of the rings break when their original wielders were killed? especially the ones where the people who would eventually do the tests (say, nate for death) were there? what changed compared to the first time?
it could just be the deadlands, or having all the rings together in victoria's collection, but i think it's the way each horseman was killed. by design of andy as the marshall, each horseman was killed by their own weapon (metaphorically speaking, mostly)
what do i mean by this? well.
War/Benjamin Bellows
bellows' main obsession as a war avatar is with duelling and slaughtering his enemies. who shoot him in the end? nate, the man he killed in a duel, and delacey, the person who duelled through a tournament to get to him. this is also the most obvious point of andy forcing their hand into playing on the horseman's terms - he set it up so they had to compete in the tournament to kill him
Pestilence/Daisy DuCrow
her pestilence domain is shown in a couple ways, but the most important for us are the hole in her skull and her disease transfer machine. the hole, though it lets her poison bobby, also lets silas shoot her. and the machine is used on her client, but also on daisy herself after she dies in order to revive bobby. her death might be by a bullet, but the situation around it is very ironic in nature
Death/M. T. Boudreaux
the most obvious on our list! as a hangin' judge, he hosts show trials and unfairly sentences people to hang. he's also undead. after a show trial where the gang turns the crowd against him, he fails to kill a harrowed and is hung by the posse. hangin' judges literally have to be killed ironically in order to die
Famine/H. Unger
unger's hunger-causing food literally turns people into the cannibalistic faminite monsters, and what stops her in the end? bison billie chewing off her arm after being infected by one of the faminites. she quite literally creates the thing that kills her, and her famine domain is very closely tied to that downfall - if she hadn't been doing it, she would have lived
obviously they don't attack her before breaking the other rings, but it's worth briefly noting here that the bounty hunters do very much follow her domain, by killing the other horseman and stealing their power - they're really just conquering the domains of every other horseman for themselves
... moving on
ok! now that's out of the way, we get to the actually interesting bit: what's changed the second time? if the posse didn't defy the domains correctly the first time, how did they definitively do it in the finale? here's how:
Garnet vs Famine
the garnet/famine connection is overall a bit weird to me, but she does prove in her section that she can exist without magic - the "something more" that victoria says she's hungry for - by defeating the ghoul on her own. her leaving the deadlands at the end of the episode also arguably shows this, as she's more powerful there than on earth but leaves nonetheless. not much of a betrayal of "famine" in unger's sense but certainly of how victoria describes her
Nate vs Death
in terms of this.... theory? meta? nate is perhaps one of the less strong points, but his scene with delacey does show him not only overcoming the darker parts of his harrowed nature but also actively threatening to shoot himself. compared to the hangin' judge's obsession with his own righteousness and immortality, it certainly feels like nate is breaking victoria's description of him "overcoming death". he might be undead, but nate very much sees the value of mortal things like a life (and money)
Edie vs Pestilence
my favourite segment of the finale! edie is tied to pestilence by victoria due to her grief, which is like a festering disease or infection. and her segment definitely reflects her growing past that - edie being stuck in a memory, trying to protect a brother who already died, literally hurts both edie and the people around her (garnet). it's only when she puts eddie to rest and looks past that "pestilence" of grief that she can go back to helping the people who matter _now_
Delacey vs Conquest
this is a really nice character moment from delacey, and unlike the others, it seems to be almost entirely on the player rather than andy as the marshall. first, note that delacey's linked to conquest because of his violent & competitive streak, which is especially obvious in dead man's worth. he tries to pull his gun on victoria at the beginning of the episode, and he's previously joked about trying to gain supernatural powers like those nate/garnet possess
but when faced with opportunities for power (victoria's offer) and violence (nate attacking him, harmless victoria), delacey doesn't take them. he's the one who wants to kill victoria, he sits down and lets nate slash his chest open, and he reluctantly lets victoria live even though he desperately wants to see her dead. he denies again and again the option of violent conquest like the kind she encourages.
Re: Silas
... and then there's Silas vs War. or rather, there isn't. because as far as i'm concerned silas doesn't ever get that moment. when face-to-face with bellows (which i also find weird), silas accepts bellows' terms and plays by his rules. they duel, just like delacey & bellows did the first time, and silas shoots his neck (familiar, again), and then he angrily kicks bellows into the wall. there's no denial of that anger victoria saw in silas, no denial of bellows and his methods
compared to his big damn hero moment against boudreaux with his lawman's gun, this just felt weird. and that could just be me overthinking, or the dick bit getting in the way of roleplay (not the first time), or andy not finding another way for silas to "face" war in the finale, but what if it's something else?
silas is initially very quiet in the discussion about victoria's proposal (alongside garnet, who seems more interested in getting the rings' powers than anyone else), and happily admits to her appraisal of him. bellows is also the only one of the horseman who wasn't obviously supernatural in his first appearance, and the only one who comes back physically "alive" in the finale (because he's in service to victoria). through this lens, it feels like there's something very clearly different about silas and bellows than about the other members of the crew.
maybe that's on purpose. maybe silas only really stopped benjamin bellows, and not the horseman of war. would certainly be cool if silas Changed next season :)
(or maybe it's just a writing choice i don't like and i'm going to write an alternate timeline fic about it <3 you never know)
the horseman can only be beaten properly when the "new horseman" proves victoria wrong, but silas didn't, and wouldn't it be nice if that paid off somehow
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theoxvest · 8 months
Thinking about how Bison Billy and Edie both are very much performers when it comes to their gender. Like their careers are dependant on it. Edie is a professional flirt to sell drinks. Billy needs to be the most macho man alive to sell his brand and keep his show running and his crew employed. Idk what to do with this just a thought I had.
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