#bisexual hands sounds like a euphemism but i don’t want to think about it
tessasbrainrotbin · 3 months
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based on a textpost i found . very unserious
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kaimcclains · 5 years
the last time (’cause i could never say no to you)
“I’d prefer to keep this to ourselves for now! I mean, wow that sounds bad, but I just don’t wanna share y-”
“It’s okay, I get it!” Adam flashes what he hopes is a convincing grin. So Kai didn’t want Mira to know he was bisexual/pansexual/a different sexuality Kai hadn’t specified, but he’s hedging his bet on bisexuality. That’s fine. He’s not fond of the excitement that washes over him at the thought of Kai trusting Adam with a secret.
He can definitely say he isn’t a fan either of how Kai smiled at him like he hung the stars in the sky or a euphemism equally as ridiculous.
Nothing prepares him for when Kai laces his fingers securely through Adam’s, and the way he beams at the ground from beneath his red fringe like nothing else exists.
In which Kai believes he's being obvious, Adam pines ridiculously hard, and Mira is a good and patient friend. Also known as the "didn't know we were dating" fic.
“Was it something you’ve always known, or something you picked up?” Adam asks curiously, absent-mindedly stirring a finger in the dirt below him. Kai’s seated a few inches away, elbows propped up on his knees as he stares at the sky. Mira’s resorted herself to making small talk with Benjamin and Benjamini, once it was apparent to her that Adam was off in his own little world with Kai (and who was she to deny him of talking to his oh-so-obvious crush?)
“I don’t know where I got it from. It’s similar to walking, you’ve kind of always assumed you can do it without any thought or anything.” Kai replies. He rubs the back of his arm sheepishly, eyes finding themselves splayed to the length of Adam’s side profile. “Nothing to write home about.”
“Seriously? I know I couldn’t figure out how to fix an entire space ship just at first glance!” He also wants to tack on a question - Why are you always doubting yourself? - but with Kai’s volatile nature, Adam’s sure he would’ve managed to piss the guy off.
They find themselves in that cycle a lot. Kai and Adam are friendly towards each other, making Adam think he might have finally gotten through the younger boy’s barriers, and then Adam says something wrong and he loses whatever semblance of friendship he had gained. It frustrates him to no end, but Kai likely isn’t even aware of it. Kai isn’t aware of a lot of things.
“It’s seriously nothing,” Kai says quickly before Adam can have a chance to interject and protest. “Wanna see something cool though?”
He extends a hand out to Adam, and together they walk to one of the broken-down rollercoasters. Adam’s not actually sure what is supposed to be happening, but he’s not one to complain. Kai voluntarily spending time with him is a concept unheard of until now and he doesn’t want to ruin it.
Kai sits, motioning for Adam to do the same. “See, there’s a part of this that connects to one of the ejectors from the ship you crashed-” he pauses to glare at Adam, cracking a smile once he sees how spooked the other boy looks. “I’m just playing, man. Anyway, I think-”
Adam stops paying attention. The beaming sun that had been relentlessly shining upon their group isn’t doing much for him in terms of comfort, and although he enjoys any moments he can get alone with Kai, he’d much rather like to sit in the shade, preferably under the merry-go-round or in the forest around them. Anything to escape this heat.
“Sorry, is there a point of chilling right in the middle of all this sunshine? I swear my insides are overheating.” Adam complains. Kai conjures some fire, which manifests quickly on his fists and seriously-? Not helping at all.
“Maybe I can beat up the sun,” says Kai with that cocky grin of his that makes Adam’s knees buckle a little. “I guess we’d have to be closer to do that though.”
Kai’s invading his space in the blink of an eye. He has an arm secured around Adam’s middle before he can process what exactly is happening, breath coming out in short puffs on Adam’s collarbone. Adam wraps his own arms around the other boy’s shoulders, too scared to do anything else.
“Kinda like this,” he replies quietly against Adam’s neck. He shivers.
And then Adam can’t feel the ground beneath him. What he can feel is the flickering embers radiating from Kai’s fingers licking at his legs. Dazedly, he wonders if he’s in heaven or hell right now.
“You can open your eyes, dude.”
He almost doesn’t want to because there is a very possible chance he passed out earlier and this is just one of the many bizarre dreams he’s had the pleasure of dreaming lately. They all start and end with shadowy figures drifting inexplicably out of sight in the corner of his vision, and an outstretched pale hand, but Adam has always been too afraid to grab it.
Despite there being no point for doing so, he eventually listens to Kai and cracks a hesitant eye open. They’re well above the specks of trees below, and what Adam believes is the fairground. “Wow, this is incredible,” he breathes out.
Kai seems to grip onto him a bit tighter, but maybe he’s imagining that.
“I was practicing how to fly earlier, it could be useful for later,” Kai explains as if it’s the most casual thing in the world that he not only knows how to control fire, but knows how to fly with it. Adam would point it out if he knew it wasn’t going to result in a petty five-minute argument that usually ends in Kai downplaying the compliment repeatedly while Adam grows more and more frustrated.
“I’m uh, impressed,” he says in an attempt to banish the period of uncomfortable silence they were encroaching the territory of.
He probably imagines the slight red flush that tinges Kai’s cheeks as he smiles at him too. It’s soft and fond enough to have Adam hurriedly breaking eye contact with him to instead focus on the gentle treetops whizzing behind them.
“Did-” Adam’s voice cracks - oh god, why did it do that - “Did you show Mira yet?” Because what Adam doesn’t get, is why Kai would rather show his frenemy-at-best his newfound flight ability when he could have shown off to his crush instead.
“No, why would I?” Kai sounds genuinely confused like he can’t possibly fathom what Adam is hinting towards. Adam considers himself a fairly straight-forward dude most of the time, and Mira has never complained in regards to any communication issues, so he only shrugs. Kai will understand, he just needs a minute.
He does.
“I’m not into Mira, you know,” he states lowly. Kai has got to quit using that voice, it never fails to nearly launch Adam into cardiac arrest. “I think-” Kai coughs. “I’m more into someone else, actually,” His voice raises a few octaves, to the point where Adam winces.
“Cool,” Adam can hear himself reply distantly. “You should tell her.” Who else can it be but the other lovely lady they had encountered, Vanessa? Adam would’ve thought he’d move on from someone who manipulated him quite thoroughly, but he knows first hand how cruel love can be.
“Him.” Kai coughs again, dipping low enough in flight that Adam can nudge the tips of his sneakers through a couple of sparsely interlocked branches.
“You- oh. Um, that’s cool! Great!” Adam says intelligently. He doesn’t want to ponder the intricate details of the Reeve vs. Skeet debate he’s ready to kickstart in his head right now, so he settles on keeping his mouth shut. Kai likely didn’t desire any questions about his potential love interest either.
“Yeah,” The other boy answers, a lopsided goofy grin slowly overtaking his features. It looks unbelievably good on him. “Wow. I can’t believe I finally admitted it. I never thought I’d be able to tell you.”
“Me neither,” Adam chuckles; That action seems like the best response he can give at the moment. He kind of wants to know whether he fancies Reeve or Skeet, but he’s not in the mood to hear his cr- teammate speak adoringly about the enemy team. Or at all, really.
Minutes pass by, the two of them lazily floating a few feet off the ground as Kai slowly descends lower. Adam senses Kai’s eyes on him every once in a while, but whenever he moves his head the barest inch, Kai snaps his gaze to somewhere else.
They land because all good things must come to an end Adam quietly laments.
“That was fun, right?” Kai asks, peering up at Adam through his oddly long eyelashes. He almost sounds vulnerable. Unsurprisingly, that’s the desperation in his head talking.
“Yeah. I had fun, Kai,” They share a small smile, in which Adam thinks he can hear his heartbeat throbbing away somewhere in his skull. Kai’s eyes crinkle at the corners; The noise gets louder.
“I’d prefer to keep this to ourselves for now! I mean, wow that sounds bad, but I just don’t wanna share y-”
“It’s okay, I get it!” Adam flashes what he hopes is a convincing grin. So Kai didn’t want Mira to know he was bisexual/pansexual/a different sexuality Kai hadn’t specified, but he’s hedging his bet on bisexuality. That’s fine. He’s not fond of the excitement that washes over him at the thought of Kai trusting Adam with a secret.
He can definitely say he isn’t a fan either of how Kai smiled at him like he hung the stars in the sky or a euphemism equally as ridiculous.
Nothing prepares him for when Kai laces his fingers securely through Adam’s, and the way he beams at the ground from beneath his red fringe like nothing else exists.
“I was wondering when you guys would get back!” Mira exclaims the second she catches sight of her two favorite boys. They’re holding hands; Mira gives herself a reminder to ask Adam what that business is about later. For now, she’s just happy to see them.
“Yeah, I showed Adam something,” Kai winks, making the other boy flush. Adam takes his hand back now that Mira is with them too, even if it slightly pained him to do so.
“Is that so?” Mira asks, quirking an eyebrow in Adam’s direction. ‘Help me,’ he mouths.
“Now that we’re alone, I-” Adam jumps off the log he had previously been seated on, struggling to catch his breath from the sudden interruption. “Oops sorry, didn’t mean to scare ya!”
“You could at least warn a guy,” he groans morosely. Mira hides her stifled giggles behind her hand as she nudges Adam over.
“What’s the deal with Kai?” Mira punctuates her question with one grossly exaggerated eyebrow waggle. Adam sort of regrets opening up to her about his Kai situation at all. He’d been relieved to get what had morphed into the biggest problem he’d faced to date off his chest, outside of demon dogs and Death and everything else that had happened, but not when it gave Mira permission to shoot him finger guns every time Kai did something mildly gay.
She still never let him live down the demon monk incident - “You totally cradled him in your arms, dude. And Kai didn’t even pull away!” -  that occurred a week ago. It’s not Adam’s fault that he’s the worst at controlling his damn emotions.
“I can’t say.” He subconsciously wraps his arms around himself. There’s a lump forming in his throat for no discernible reason other than he doesn’t want to admit that Kai confirmed he likes guys, he just doesn’t like Adam. Like hell he’s going to admit that out loud.
Mira frowns. She wraps an arm around Adam’s thin shoulders, tugging him into her side. The obligatory question of what happens goes unspoken, but it doesn’t matter with the way Adam spills his guts out to the open air. Keeping a secret from Mira is like asking him to kill a puppy; He simply can’t do it.
“He likes Reeve or Skeet. I don’t understand why!” He vents purely out of frustration with not only Kai but himself as well. If he were a better leader, or if he was more handsome, then maybe-
“I can hear you overthinking from here, dude.” She gives Adam’s shoulder a comforting squeeze. A wave of guilt washes over him, making him exhale a heavy sigh. It’s hard to summon the energy to plaster a faux smile on presently, but if he was smiling, maybe he would forget that he was sad in the first place.
“It’s fine. I’ll get over it,” he says in an astonishingly level voice for someone who feels as if he is on the verge of a breakdown. Pathetic, really.
Mira doesn’t look convinced in the least, concern seemingly radiating from the small dip of her lips downwards. He silently begs her to let the subject go, and while she’s still looking at him with all the worry only a mom friend can possess, she shakes her head.
“Well, all right. But it’s not healthy for you to bottle up emotions like this, just so you’re aware.”
“I know.”
Mira gets up and wrings her back out, hands flailing wildly in the air for a few seconds before one is extended towards Adam. “Now come on. Kai’s probably worried!” She exclaims cheerfully as she drags both of them back to their temporary campground. Adam supposes he has time to dwell on his dilemma later when his teammates are safely and assuredly asleep.
Adam awakens to someone messing with his hair. Or more accurately, someone running a lazy hand along the expanse of his head, intertwining scraggly strands with their own fingers. It’s soothing, and Adam’s tempted to resume sleeping before common sense kicks in. Someone is touching his hair.
He manages to give himself a headrush with how fast he sits up. A wary glance at who was responsible for disturbing his sleep has him believing that he hadn’t actually woken up in the first place. He’s clearly somewhere off in Dreamland, where devil dogs can’t hound him down and where Kai is unabashedly grinning at him as if he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. Because there’s no way that could happen in his waking life.
Except it does, and Adam can feel the spot where Kai’s fingers are woven positively burn. “Good morning! I was wondering when you would get up,” he smiles sweetly. The other boy takes his hand back, still maintaining eye contact with Adam.
Adam must have done something unspeakably evil in his past life, because that’s the only explanation he can come up with pertaining to why Kai is suddenly being so warm around him. Fate had to constantly toy with his feelings like it was nothing, like he was nothing. While he can’t say he’s in a foul mood, thanks to his stupidly dumb feelings for Kai, he doesn’t particularly want to deal with them this early in the morning.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to sleep so late,” stumbles out of Adam’s mouth. He knows damn well why he woke up later than usual but like hell he’ll admit the reason to Kai. He receives a half-hearted shrug and a curt apology from the other boy.
Kai then grasps his hand. Adam’s ninety percent sure he could physically feel his heart stop beating. “Let’s eat breakfast. Oh, and I’m not sure if Mira’s awake yet either.” Odd... Adam had already made the assumption that Mira was awake. Then, does that mean…?
“Were you, um… waiting for me? T-to get up.” He can barely spit out the last three words; The cracked ground beneath them had suddenly become much more interesting.
Kai shoots him a ‘duh’ look, resulting in Adam diving headfirst into a mess of confusion and adoration for the blunt idiot he, unfortunately, has a crush on. “Yeah, is there an issue with that?”
He can’t exactly fathom why Kai would wait for him (were they finally becoming better friends?) other than for company maybe, but that wouldn’t explain him fiddling with Adam’s hair. He’s also starting to give himself a headache, but at least he’s holding hands with Kai.
They don’t separate until Mira wakes up and is strolling towards them.
The hand holding happens more and more frequently to the point where Adam’s sure he spends more time with his and Kai’s hands interlocked than they do apart. He’s too afraid to bring it to Kai’s attention, half because he doesn’t want Kai to distance himself again, and half because he gets an admittedly very guilty pleasure out of Kai’s attention. It’s wrong to revel in his friend’s attention as deeply as he’s been doing lately - especially when Kai still has an unconfirmed crush on Reeve or Skeet - but he’s only human.
He had just mastered the art of keeping his traitorous heartbeat in check when Kai reaches for one of his hands, and he swears Kai is on a mission to destroy him.
They don’t do it around Mira; Kai always allows his fingers to drift away milliseconds before she can notice. It’s as if the two of them are in on one huge secret, but what Adam doesn’t understand is why they’re hiding? Is Kai ashamed of being more open around him?
Or is Kai just ashamed of being his friend?
Adam swallows harshly, attempting to ignore the giant lump that had settled itself in his throat. It’s an irrational thought and makes zero sense, but Adam might as well be Boo Boo the Fool. The more he mulls it over, the more it starts to make sense that Kai wouldn’t want to be seen getting along with him when Mira’s around.
He concocts a brief list in his head.
Kai doesn’t have a crush on her if he likes Reeve or Skeet, so it can’t be because of that.
Kai also doesn’t act antagonistic towards him in front of their other teammate, and if he wanted to keep up appearances, surely he would be back to his old ways of trying (and failing) to one-up Adam in everything that happens to them.
Maybe Kai found out about Adam’s crush on him and is searching for ways to let him down gently, but doesn’t want to rope Mira into their problems. Subsequently, that would make Adam an asshole because he’s already discussed his stupid crush on Kai with Mira at least six different times so far without Kai’s knowledge.
Kai must be doing all of this to save his reputation. The only problem is, why would Kai care this much about impressing Mira still? They’ve all been through hell together multiple times, and he’s sure it isn’t about to come to an end anytime soon with their track record thus far. He decides he needs Kai’s input on the whole matter.
The next time Adam and Kai find themselves alone, Adam brings up his concerns about Mira with him.
Kai eyes him over, head cocked adorably to the side as he takes it all in. “You think I’m trying to impress Mira?”
Adam can’t fathom why Kai doesn’t see it as an issue. They’re teammates, and Adam considers them both to be his best friends. It doesn’t matter that Adam might see one of them as a soulmate; Kai obviously doesn’t feel the same, so he needs to drop it already.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to do or not, we just shouldn’t be keeping any secrets from her,” Adam says. He watches as fear dances across Kai’s eyes, mouth pulled down in discontent.
“I thought you were okay with keeping it secret,” Kai finally says, bitterness laced in the undertones of his voice. Adam can’t seem to figure out why it’s such a big deal to admit that they get along now in front of Mira. It would be better for their morale overall if Mira wasn’t constantly dealing with their petty issues. Granted, they haven’t had a disagreement in a while but there’s always the possibility that Kai could go back to his old ways of picking fights with Adam over nothing. Adam wants to avoid that in any way possible; It isn’t good for his mental health in the slightest.
“She’s our best friend, and I think you should be acting like she is, is all I’m trying to say.”
“Huh?” replies Kai. “I just didn’t think… I mean, would she be okay with-” He pauses to gesture between himself and Adam, eyebrow raised questioningly.
“Why wouldn’t she be?” Adam’s really hoping this isn’t the part where he loses whatever standing he’s been holding with Kai and they revert back to one-sided rivals.
“I-” Kai lets out a frustrated breath. He pulls his knees up to his chest and lets out another angered exhale. “If it would make you happy, I guess I’m fine with telling her.”
Adam feels a tiny pang of guilt in his heart. He hadn’t intended to make Kai uncomfortable, but the other boy is acting like it’s such a big deal. He opts to put an arm around Kai to make up for his lack of a response. To his surprise, Kai leans into it and buries his head into Adam’s shoulder.
“I’ll be right there with you when you tell her, if it’ll make you feel better.”
Kai removes his head from Adam’s shoulder to give him an incredulous look. “Why wouldn’t you be? Weirdo.” It must give him some sense of relief though because Kai’s biting back a couple of giggles.
And then Kai plants a chaste kiss on his cheek.
“He kissed me! He literally kissed me!” Adam exclaims when he and Mira find themselves in each other’s company later.
“Was it on the mouth?” Mira asks, and it’s obvious she’s holding back her snickering through the way she keeps bringing her hands to her mouth. Adam hasn’t been able to keep it off his mind all day; Kai was making his crush worse earlier when he grabbed Adam’s hands and gave them yet another kiss, and flashed him one of those smiles Adam swears he could photograph and put in a museum. He’s never had the heart to pull away, to say ‘Kai, you’re ruining my life, and can you stop getting my hopes up because it’s fucking killing me-’
“No!” Adam exclaims. Mira startles at his sudden outburst, but he can’t bring himself to care when Kai’s actions from earlier keep playing in his mind like a broken record on repeat. “But he keeps doing all of these things that make me want to kiss him for real, and I can’t do that because-” He takes a moment to recollect his thoughts, flailing his hands wildly in the air. “Fuck!”
“Oh come on, he’s into you. I don’t know how you’re blind enough to not see this. The guy kissed your cheek and your hands for God’s sakes!” Mira exclaims. As much as Adam appreciates her letting him consistently vent to her, it makes no sense. Why does Kai keep doing things that makes Adam want to positively ravage him?
“You’re forgetting that he likes Skeet or Reeve! I don’t have a chance.” “Did you ever even stop to consider that maybe, just maybe, the guy he likes is you?” Mira says, folding her arms across her chest.
The fantasy of Kai liking him keeps him up the rest of the night.
They sit Mira down the minute they’re all awake and ready to take on the day. Adam still feels dead inside, and he’s sure his eyebags reflect the fact that he’s running on three hours of sleep. Nonetheless, his other companions don’t say anything so it must not be that obvious.
“So, uh… Adam and I have something to say…” Kai trails off, sheepishly bringing a hand up to his neck. Mira raises an eyebrow, eyes shining with intrigue.
Kai looks to Adam for strength, who gives him what he hopes is a reassuring grin and a hand squeeze. Kai smiles back confidently, turning his attention back to Mira. “Okay so… Adam and I are dating and I wasn’t sure if I was comfortable telling you, but he told me you wouldn’t mind and I-”
Adam is drifting half in and half out of the confession due to his eyelids’ constant drooping, but the word that instantly snaps him out of his stupor is ‘dating.’ Kai and him are what?!
“We’re dating?!” He shouts at the exact same time that Mira bursts out with a similar reaction. Adam frantically surveys his surroundings before his eyes land on a distraught Kai’s expression, hands dropping meekly to his sides.
“W-what?” Kai asks timidly before he turns his gaze to Mira, who’s staring at both of them weirdly.
“Since when were we dating?!” Adam yells out. He doesn’t mean to sound this alarmed, but the boy he’s certain he’s in love with at this point just stated that they were dating and- What even happened to the crush that Kai was harboring on Reeve or Skeet? Did Kai like him this entire time? Was he joking?!
“We- I-... y-you didn’t know?” Kai runs his hands through his hair and squeezes his eyes shut. “I’m so fucking stupid, I thought you knew when I confessed to you a-and…” He opens his eyes suddenly, revealing the few lone tears rapidly making their way down his face. “I didn’t think you wanted to k-kiss yet because we were taking it slow but-... oh my god you probably don’t even like me.”
Adam and Mira share wide-eyed, open-mouthed expressions together while Kai furiously rubs at his eyes. It takes a solid minute for Kai’s entire rant to kick in, but at that point, Kai’s already running away from them.
Adam is a huge fucking idiot.
“Kai?” Adam calls out. He’s been walking around the forest and nearing the edges of the carnival grounds again for a good half-hour now, but he hasn’t seen a single hint that Kai is around the area. God, he hopes Kai isn’t lost, or God forbid, encountered another enemy. He screams his name again in vain.
He feels awful for leaving Mira behind with no explanation of what’s going on, but he hardly knows what’s happening himself. Kai really thought they were dating the entire time…? It would certainly explain the hand-holding, and the cheek kiss that still makes Adam feel warm inside.
Speaking of, he’s starting to sweat in this particular area. It’s not that hot outside today, which is puzzling, but he immediately halts in place once he sees a small lick of fire land on a branch only to immediately fizzle out. Shielding his eyes from the sun, he glances up to find Kai curled up on a peculiarly wide branch, sniffling softly to himself.
“Kai, will you get down from there?” He requests, leaning up against the tree so the sun doesn’t damage his eyes as much. Kai self-consciously wraps his arms around himself, eyes glazed over as he hangs his head and doesn’t respond. Adam supposes he’ll have to go up there himself.
A few minutes of scaling the moderately-sized tree later (in which Adam barely manages to prevent slipping and falling on his ass once), he nudges Kai over with his shoulder. “I- I um… didn’t mean to make it sound like I was rejecting you or anything earlier. I’m actually kind of confused.” Adam admits, although he might as well be talking to air with the way Kai avoids any sort of contact with him like he’s poisonous or something.
“What’s so confusing about it? Friends don’t wait for friends to get up while playing with their hair, or hold each others’ hands so often, at least not the kind of friends I think I’d have,” Kai says quietly. His body is still angled away from Adam’s so it’s a tad hard to hear him, but the pieces fit together in his mind anyway. Kai is a naturally affectionate person, at least from what he’s perceived of him so far, but the little things such as hand-holding or cheek kisses must mean a lot to the younger boy. Adam wants to vocalize just how much of an idiot he’s been, how he wants to hug Kai close and never let go, but he doesn’t.
He maneuvers Kai around instead until their bodies are pressed against each other, and kisses the boy he’s wanted to be with since they woke up in that awful bunker, nameless and anxiety-riddled. Kai’s quick to encircle Adam with his arms, pulling him impossibly closer as Adam tries to convey all of what he’s feeling through a simple press of lips to lips.
“I’m sorry. It’s always been you.” Adam says with a small smile once they naturally break apart. Kai beams at him like the rest of the world doesn’t exist, and Adam smiles back in a manner he’s reserved just for Kai.
When Adam goes to sleep that night with Kai by his side, he watches the shadowy figures phase in and out of the corners of his eyes. The pale hand is extended towards him like it always is, but this time he holds on tight.
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poemsforcowboys · 5 years
What a Feeling // Freddie Mercury
Chapter One Chapter Three Chapter Four 
Pairing: Freddie Mercury and Katy Newton (OC)
Summary: Before she moved from London to New York at the age of thirteen, Katy Newton had always been friends with Brian May. He was the only one she knew who encouraged her creative side, especially her designs for fashion and makeup. So much so, that Katy is hired as Queen’s newest stylist. But what she doesn’t expect is her knew found friend, Freddie Mercury. Will their casual flirts lead to anything of substance? Or will their relationship just become another lost love as they both make their journey towards self acceptance.
Warnings: there will be smut eventually but not in this chapter, bisexuality (?), feels
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It was ten minutes into the show, and Katy already regretted not telling Freddie that she was excited to see him. Now, she could only sit in the audience and admire him from afar,  just like everyone else. Brian had scored them some really amazing  seats, and Katy was so proud and astounded that she knew the gifted performers.
As much as Katy had missed Brian, and she truly had, she really could not wait to catch up with him, she couldn’t keep her eyes off of Freddie. He owned that stage, everything from the way he walked, to how he gripped and danced with his microphone, to his revealing leather outfit, which Katy caught herself thinking about too much, how his lips curled and his smile flashed his teeth, how he called the thousands of people who came to see him his lovely friends.
If Jo had not brought Michelle to the concert, she would have definitely noticed the effect he was having on her and made some sort of assessment to the situation. Katy was sort of lost with what to do at the moment, mesmerized by his voice and the music her friend was making.
In times like this, she only did what she knew. She lit a cigarette and finally took her eyes off of Freddie to look around. There were people of all ages, all races, genders, and spreading all types of love. She turned to look in Jo’s direction, but quickly turned back forward towards the stage when she saw what her two friends were up to. And who was she kidding? The most inspiring person in the room was right in front of her, she took another drag of her cigarette, why look away?
When the concert sadly finished, Jo’s tears had ruined Katy’s makeup masterpiece, her face now looking somewhat like a panda bear dipped in gold. Her red lipstick was smudged from “singing” with Michelle. When she told Katy this, she mocked her for it, but her spirits were high nonetheless and she looked beautiful anyways.
Rather selfishly, the three of them decided that they must thank the band after the show for the amazing performance. Brian and Katy had already planned on meeting for lunch the next day, but Katy wanted to tell him as soon as possible how amazing he was.
Although it was now quite dark out, Katy felt as if she was having deja vu to earlier that day when they had first approached the van. Once again, she could hear Freddie yelling about Debbie.
“She’s quitting now? Baby we’re just getting big!” inside the van, Freddie was laughing and slurring his words slightly. He was the member who was both the most and least upset about the situation at hand. The band was just about to start a new leg of their tour, one with more interviews, conferences, and music videos than ever, and their lead makeup artist and designer (mostly for when Freddie didn’t feel like dressing himself) had just quit.
“Maybe she got sick of your face” Roger smirked, taking the beer bottle from out of Freddie’s hand hoping to prevent him from breaking another one.
“Oh darling, we all know that’s not true” Freddie took his bottle back from Roger and had one more swig, before it slipped out of his hands, crashing onto the floor.
Yeah, Katy was definitely having deja vu. She heard what sounded like another glass breaking inside, but this time, she didn’t care. When she lightly knocked, she even hoped quitely that Freddie may be the one to answer the door. 
But it was Brian who answered the door, the problem at hand didn’t exactly apply to him, nor did he feel responsible for the spilled beer, that was now slowly dripping off their small pull out table and onto the floor.  
He was happy to see it was Katy, with Jo and Michelle trailing behind, all three smiling. He enthusiastically invited them in, happy to get to talk to other people besides his annoying bandmates. Michelle took a seat on their tiny couch, and Jo went over to compliment Roger on his drumming.
“Katy! You like the show?” Brian’s eyes were practically beaming, he had missed his old friend terribly and was ecstatic that they could reunite on the premises of his success and passion.
“I didn’t like it, Bri” she replied back, her voice monotone. Brian’s expression changed, now his eyebrows were furrowed more in confusion than in anger. Freddie had been mid discussion with who appeared to be their tour manager about Debbie, but his head suddenly turned to her direction, realizing she was there.
“I fucking loved it, Brian!” she rarely used his actual name, he broke out into a smile and quickly hugged her.
“You got me there for a moment shady,” Brian clicked his tongue “you considered going into acting?”
“You’ve met my mum, if you really think she’d let me walk out my front door as an actress, then you don’t remember anything” Katy laughed, a tinge of sadness in her voice, the inability of her parents to accept her had ironically become a fact that Katy had come to terms with, accepted. It made her angry, but that only drove her passion.
“Reminds me of my father,” Freddie scoffed and made himself known to Katy, walking over and putting an arm on Brian’s shoulder, he was really pissing his mate off tonight. Katy had been Brian’s friend since before he could play guitar, he knew her sense of humor, he also knew it was like Freddie’s, and that would be trouble. Brian was well aware of the shit that Freddie liked to pull, a little surprised that the reason Debbie quit had nothing to do with a relationship between the two, one he was still unsure about.
“If he were to see me in this lovely piece” he motioned to his leather bodysuit, it exposed his chest and defined his muscles, “he wouldn't be able to look me in the eyes. But I’ve got to give the people what they want, and what the people want is a bite out of this” he tossed his hair, flashing a grin before quickly closing his mouth, blushing when Katy’s eyes met his own. Katy wished he would never stop smiling, she loved being the reason that he did and was disappointed when it vanished.  
“I suggest that you, my dear, do the same. This world wants something from you, how could it not?” he took his hand in hers, admiring the clear coat of glitter that covered her nails, Brian was still standing next to him, and becoming more annoyed by the second at him “So you must give it to them and do exactly what you were born to” he winked.
Katy was completely taken aback by his sudden change in tone, a second ago he was a cheeky drunk, and twenty minutes ago, he was a rock star, now he sounded like he was speaking in prose. She couldn’t keep up, but at the same time she wanted to, she wanted to understand what was going on in his mind, and be there for it.
“Alright guys” John, knowing fully well he was interrupting something, he awkwardly patted his knees and started to stand up from his seat. “Let’s get this show on the -shit!” as John stood, the seams of his pants ripped along his right thigh, exposing his pasty skin and causing an eruption of laughter from Roger, Jo, and Michelle who had been previously enveloped in conversation.  
“Deacy, darling, WHAT have you done?” Freddie laughed, dropping Katy’s hand that he hadn't realized he was still holding, Katy was slightly disappointed by that, but at the same time began rummaging through her purse.
Jo already knew what she was looking for and clapped her hands at Katy’s ability to save the day when she casually pulled out her travel sewing kit
“May I?” she asked John, stepping closer, he nodded, his already pink face turning darker when she began to feel the fabric used to make his pants. Freddie, silently watching was both impressed by the craftiness of her DIY floral printed kit, and, although he didn’t want to admit it, he was jealous of the intimacy now being shared by John and Katy.
“This is an easy fix, don’t worry, it wasn’t your fault either” she looked up at John before starting to stitch the two pieces back together, he gave her a soft smile, which she graciously returned, realizing the embarrassment he was probably feeling.
Unknowing to the band, their tour manager had been watching the whole time, since Freddie put their important conversation on hold to saunter over to Katy and Brian. He approached Freddie again, who was still fixated on Katy’s sewing after everyone else had cheered and then returned to their discussions, Brian had striked one up with Michelle.
“Freddie, did your friend do your makeup too?” he was snapped out of his trance, although still looking at Katy’s dark blue hair, now covering her shoulders and the side of her face, she was deeply concentrated. Not many people had the guts to do things like that with their hair, and Freddie was into it.
“Katy” he emphasized the name “didn’t, but she lent me better tools than Deborah ever did, she didn’t offer to but if she did I can already promise I’d be stunning. I mean look at her” he motioned to Jo, who was passionately debating with Roger about the true meaning to their song I’m in Love with My Car.
“Jo, I swear to god, it’s a METAPHOR”
“Okay, Roger, BUT it sounds like a euphemism”
Freddie had a hunch about why his manager was asking, and continued to talk up Katy, telling him she designed Jo’s dress as well.
By the end the time Katy had finished sewing, John’s pants looked good as new and an idea had entered the mind of Queen’s tour manager. 
AN: thank you for reading!!! have a lovely day :) 
tagged: @come-with-me-and-imagine
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hq-cuties-pls · 6 years
Admin Emma’s Smut Guide or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Word ‘Cock.’
Hi there! Admin Emma here! Sorry I haven’t been posting a lot lately; life has been a little crazy and I’ve been working on this super long project that I am tantalizingly close to finishing and I don’t want to lose momentum, so I’ve been hyperfocused on it. It’s not Haikyuu, but I will still probably post a link here so anyone interested can still read it.
Anyway, I am sort of aware that smut is sort of my forte… it’s weird to have that legacy, but I do know that it’s tricky for a lot of writers. And you know what? That’s ok! So today, at the request of a few of my writer friends, I am going to pass along some knowledge!
Full disclosure: I have had sex before. I have a tiny human sleeping in the other room as proof that I have had sex before. But this is not entirely necessary to writing good smut, even though it helps. Knowing your own body and reactions is a good way to bring authenticity to a scene, but it’s not required. Also, please keep in mind that I will mostly be talking about penises and vaginas together today, considering that is the majority that I write.  
So, to start, here are my Rules for Smut Writing:
1. Don’t just think about the What, but the Who, Where, How and Why
- One of the biggest mistakes that writers new to smut make is thinking that the act of sex will speak for itself and just… write sex. The ‘he put his penis into her vagina and it felt good’ stuff. This is a good start, but it can sort of read like an Ikea manual--insert part a into slot 2 to achieve orgasm. Character and relationship development is a big part of good smut. Why should I, the reader, care that these two people are having sex? What does it mean to feel good? Who are they to each other?
2. Language Matters
- I tend to find words like ‘penis’ and ‘vagina’ in smut writing to be a bit… clinical. It’s not absolutely wrong to use them, per se, but a big part of writing smut is setting a mood, and they can rip you out of the mood very easily. I tend to stick to the ‘Just Use ‘Cock’’ rule when it comes to describing genitalia, and it works wonders, but sometimes it’s not right for your scene. ‘Cock’ is a little abrasive for softer sex scenes, so you might have to find something else that fits the mood. Just remember that your word choices will affect the mood. “He grabbed her tits” vs “He touched her breasts” have totally different moods and belong in totally different scenes. (See below)
3. Take Your Time
- Most writers are so excited to get to the actual intercourse they tend to sacrifice the pacing of the scene in an effort to get penises into vaginas as quickly as possible. And that’s just… not good. The pacing and timing of the scene is so important. Unless your goal is to drop your reader right into the middle of the actual sex--which can be effective--you have to build it up a little bit. I have found myself thinking ‘dear fucking lord, this smut scene is quickly becoming a smut novel’ but when have you, as a reader, ever been reading a piece thinking ‘this is great, but I wish there was LESS of it.’ Fucking never, is my guess. Let your scene build; let those long, lingering touches be long and lingering; let them make-out for three straight paragraphs. If it gets flabby, you can cut some in the editing process but during the writing process, the more time between the the first smooches and The Big O, the better.
4. Write What You’re Into
- Smut writing is about honesty and vulnerability. Not just between characters, but for the writer as well. A person’s writing is a little window in how their mind works, what they find funny, what they like in partners and friends, and yes, what they find sexy. I run a request blog, sure, but my smut writing is still pretty catered to what I am into, and in my opinion, that is a huge part of what makes it enjoyable for others. You have to be honest when you’re writing smut, because your readers will absolutely sense if you aren’t into what you’re writing. If you’re trying to sell something as sexy, then you have to think it’s sexy first. I’ve read a few romance novels in my time, and I can always tell when the writer is very clearly not into what is happening on the page. Conversely, I can always tell when a writer is into something just by their writing alone. So if you’re not into bondage, a/b/o dynamics, or razor-wire suspension, then don’t write about it.
These are absolutely not hard and fast rules, and they may or may not work for you, but most of the really good smut I’ve read in my time have followed these rules.
Some of the best advice I’ve ever gotten when it comes to writing smut is to remember your Five Senses. Not only does it keep things from getting too repetitive (because let’s be real, there are only so many descriptors that sound sexy) but it really helps put the reader into the moment. Here, an example for you (featuring Daichi, because I’m trash):
Daichi ran his hand over your leg, pressing your thighs apart with his. He growled, tasting your wetness with his fingers, before he rolled his cock into you, bottoming out in a single thrust. He took it slow at first, letting you get acclimated, before he picked up his pace. He fell forward, moulding his body to yours, before he pounded into you.
I mean… that’s ok. Not great, but ok. A good start. However:
Daichi brushed his fingertips down your leg, sending shivers down your spine. In his deep voice, his hum of approval sounded more like a growl; the primal sound made heat boil in your core. His thick thighs pressed yours apart, exposing you to the cool air. His rough fingers gathered your wetness, and the slick pop of him tasting you was explosively loud in the quiet room. The hands that pried you apart shivered, like he was as affected by all this as you were. You wanted his cock; you needed that unbearable heat. The smell of his sweat and sex overwhelmed you, and when you looked over your shoulder at him, he stared at you like you were the only person in the entire world. Affection bloomed in your chest when his lips turned into a wobbly smile, and his eyes filled with such warmth and love that ease settled into your chest.
That’s better. And the sex hasn’t even happened yet. But even if you, personally, have never had that happen to you before, you can really feel it, right? That’s because I’m evoking your five senses. Even if you’ve never had sex, you can relate with a lot of the language because the sounds, the smells, and the sensations are familiar and relatable. Also as a side note, even though the POV is limited, by giving hints that the partner--in this case, Daichi--is into it can often add to the scene. It also implies an intimacy and familiarity that adds to the emotion of the scene.
So… about that sexy language…
I stick to one hard and fast rule: just use ‘cock.’ Granted, there is a time and place when cock isn’t appropriate--like softer scenes or the character is a little shyer. I find words like “length” and, sometimes, “hardness” can be effective, but for the most part? Just use cock. Dick can also work, and it’s somewhere between “cock” and “penis” on the sexy scale, but words I find never work are things like “member” (it makes it sound like a period drama) “rod” or “shaft” (are we fellating auto parts?) or anything ridiculous like “noodle” or “staff.” (You laugh but I swear to Christ I have seen both of these before). {Admin Alyx’s addition: Shaft can work but usually only if you’re referring to a specific part of the penis and not as a euphemism for penis. Staff is only acceptable if both characters are mages and they’re making terrible puns.}
Vaginas get a little trickier. I really like ‘cunt’ because it’s just sexy to me. I prefer it to pussy. But some people don’t like either of those things. Sometimes it can help if you compartmentalize parts: clit, labia, vagina etc. Words like “opening” and “entrance” can work. “Wetness” is good for softer scenes (I tend to avoid using “wetness” and “hardness” excessively, though, as too many euphemisms and you start to sound very squicked out by sex itself and I refer you to Rule 4)
And those are Admin Emma’s Rules and Guidelines for Writing Smut! Once again, these are not hard and fast rules. Just what I’ve picked up from reading good smut and lots and lots of practice. I do recommend reading good stuff--not just fanfic. Published stuff too. Here are some recomendations:
The Boss series (a not-shitty take on the 50SoG concept of BDSM+Billionaire but, you know, not abusive garbage), as well as Penny and Ian’s stories (side story from the same universe as The Boss) by Abigail Barnette (also follow @jennytrout on here, I crib so many notes from her, she is my hero and my inspiration)
Fit by Rebekah Witherspoon (POC and chubby protagonist, which I am very very into)
Hot as Hades by Alisha Rai (Hysterical and very sexy take on the Persephone myth)
Asking For It/Begging for It by Lilah Pace (This is a great series, but full disclosure: it does deal with rape in a big way. The protagonist and the main love interest engage in (consensual) rape fantasy and it can get a little bit vivid, so if you’re triggered by that/can’t handle it at all, I don’t recommend this one. But if you can handle it, I think it’s great and the mains have great chemistry, and nothing nonconsensual actually happens on the page)
Sadly, these are all fairly heteronormative (The Boss series deals with both characters’ bisexuality in a big way, but the main couple is still a cis man and a cis woman) as I haven’t read a lot of great queer published erotica.
I’ll leave you with a list of For Your Information TMI Factoids:
The penis is not a magic missile that finds Prostates and G-Spots alike.
Most people with vaginas have trouble achieving orgasm through penetration alone; some can’t at all. Foreplay is key to pussy satisfaction!!
Remember the clitoris, people. The clitoris is your friend, but she’s sensitive, so treat her gently.
Penises don’t drip pre like a goddamn fountain. Some penises produce more than others, but it’s not going to gush all over the place
Lube and condoms are great. Consent is sexy. Never worry about ruining the mood with safety. Trust me--there is nothing sexier than a confident man asking me if he can kiss me.
Vajay doesn’t taste sweet… just trust me on this one. It does not taste sweet.
When in doubt remember the BDSM Creed: Safe, Sane, and Consensual
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tessatechaitea · 7 years
The Hellblazer #9
Is this a crystal ball that shows what's happening around it or just a reflection?
I'm not the only person beginning my composition by alienating a hefty percentage of potential readers.
Constantine has no real thematic reason to take a dump on comic book collectors on the first page but he sort of ties it up at the end by comparing collecting things to keeping a journal of experiences. And he's after a journal so there's the way into the story! Also he's following a flying, glowing trainer across the skies of Paris. You can tell it's Paris because the Eiffel Tower is big as life right there on the first page. You can kind of see a tiny piece of it on the stage-right-hand side of the above scan. John has tracked down the kid who stole the journal that might have the secret to killing Djinn in it with the help of a sexy woman named Sexy Sexytime. Did that sound like convincing French? I would use her real name but that would involve remembering it or actually looking at the comic book which would take less time than explaining why I called her Sexy Sexytime. I think her name was actually Misabel Lefuvque or something. She offers John some advice as she ditches him.
I'm sure there are some readers who know John is bisexual and don't know what fags are whose heads just exploded.
It seems John wants the journal because it has the location of the Djinn's home magic lamp. Was that racist? That was probably racist. I hope I didn't offend any Djinn-kin out there. If I were having sex with a Djinn-kin and they asked me to rub something vigorously, I'd walk out due to their lack of imagination. I would be all, "I will grant you three wishes if all of those wishes are to swallow a huge load of cum!" Do you like how in my fantasy, I deliver huge loads of cum? In reality, it would probably be a slight trickle due to all the masturbating I get up to. My friend Sony Tilva (no relation to the equipment manager for the Phoenix Coyotes, wink, wink!) once told a story about how he hadn't nutted for a long time before masturbating on his back so when he came, he gave himself an inadvertent facial. I hope his hockey buddies don't read this and judge him! Although knowing Tony ... I mean Sony! ... he's probably already told them all that story. Meanwhile in London, some political intrigue or something is happening. I think some guy insinuates Theresa May is a lizard person and that everybody who voted for Brexit might as well be living in the colonies.
Here's a bit for the nerds and also for the people who are halfway intelligent enough to score reasonably well on Jeopardy.
John and Mercury eventually get an address leading them to the journal. What they don't realize is that Misabel made sure they received that address. So I'm guessing the journal isn't actually there. Unless the French translation of "journal" is "trap." The Ranking! No change! This is a monthly and I don't always write detailed commentaries about it, so I might be a little confused by some of the story. And it's not helping that I didn't really write much of anything about the part that I'm a bit confused about! The Djinni at the Tate Club had some guy high up in May's cabinet (or her personal assistant (or the person in charge of telling her what the real powers want done)) is forced to face the truth of his life: the "real power" behind it all is just a guy pretending to be Jesus Christ. So the Djinni has him kill Pseudo Jesus to prove his loyalty to the Djinn. No the Djinn control London! Or something. But they still need to stop Constantine before he finds Abby and completely fucks up their plans. I don't know why they need Abby but I guess The Rot is essential to their plans of world domination.
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This Place
Mary Maxfield Brave
I’ve changed dramatically because of this place that never insisted I change. This place where it didn’t matter how—or even if—I was sexual gave me sexuality as something I could live. Sex became something I could know about, talk about, do, enjoy and choose. My body became livable. Imagine that.
Sex is not something you talk about. Sex is not something you do. Guys want sex. Guys want sex with girls. Guys do sex to girls, and this sex is called rape. Girls avoid sex, unless they are bad girls. Bad girls are sexy; sexy girls are bad. Girls want guys, but only to kiss them, to hold their hands, to buy them Valentine’s. Girls do not want girls. Girls do not want sex. Girls do not want, period.
Messages like these haunted my head. They lived in my body. I’d known them my whole life, but put into language, they sound strange. I did not hear these words; I felt them, clearly stated in a language of looks. The look when my shirt fell low or my jeans fit tight, when I sang along with a song that talked cherries or fucks. The burning focus, the raised eyebrows, the unstated question: are you asking for it? Are you that girl? I changed the radio station, I pressed my arms over my chest. No, of course not. I only wore this because it’s hot outside. I didn’t realize.
Eyes on me, after, even as they wandered. Dissonance. My dad turning to my brother to talk about the waitress’ legs. The waitress my age. My mom painting larger-than-life canvases of women’s naked bodies, insisting my Tootsie Pop tee (“How many licks does it take?”) was too risqué. Make sense of this. My mind could not. My body found a different language: tensed muscles, desires not just unnamed but unknown.
When I found Scarleteen, I had found my way through if I want girls, does that make me a boy and if I want girls like a boy, does that make me a rapist? – a journey every bit as tortured as it sounds. I had come out as gay, dyed my hair blue, and bought a silver double-woman pendant. Out, I felt lucky. My parents were supportive, mostly. More than many. My dad: relieved he’d never have to meet a boy intent on fucking me. My mom: convinced women were the source of all things good. Me: gay and out and still somehow at a loss. Hair blue and cheeks plum-red.
I dated no one. I crushed on straight girls, from obscene distance. Sex felt like a word in a foreign language, if a foreign language made you want to vomit or self-harm.
At school, I was the face of the LGBTQ organization, advocating for our community on-campus. At meetings, my prudishness was a common joke. You just need to get laid. Sex was something that it seems would happen to me, even here.
My senior year, I got tendonitis in my hand. Two girls, a couple not yet out, approached me in the dining hall, smirking at the sight of my brace. Hurt your hand? they asked, eyebrows raised. Nothing serious, I said. Probably too much texting or something. Sure, they said. Texting. Sex was assumed, incorrectly. We were mismatched from our lives. They were gay and not out and making each other groan with pleasure in their dorm rooms. I was the poster-child of the queer student org, and I had tendonitis from texting. No euphemism needed.
I started to question if I was ace. I told my therapist and he said, I think you have poor self-image. I told my sister and she said, I think you were just raised by our parents. I flashed back to a friend in high school, miming brain surgery on my head: we just need to turn on something called the pituitary gland…
We just need to get you laid.
I felt broken and weird, an oddity among the straights and queers alike. I didn’t know who I was or who to be. I didn’t have poor body image, per se. I had a sense of my body as not my own. It wasn’t better, but it was a different challenge.
There’s a version of this story where I end up being ace, and that’s that. Sexuality is fluid, but it doesn’t have to be. Asexuality is valid. The version of this story that I lived, the one that’s mine, is difficult to tell when it seems like it might undermine that fact. I thought I might be asexual; I’m not. Other people think they might be asexual; they are. If this were a choose your own adventure, asexuality would be a valid ending. My story just took a different turn.
I spend a summer in San Francisco. An ace friend invites me to an event at the Center for Sex and Culture, a celebration of Scarleteen’s ten-year anniversary. I’m a queer activist and gender studies minor, standing in front of a display of vibrators across time. I am equal parts fascinated and overwhelmed. But I attend.
We lounge in overstuffed chairs. People chat; I eavesdrop. Carol Queen is sitting across from me wearing a bondage.com t-shirt. This is an actual thing that happens. My friend introduces himself. People talk about asexuality, and people talk about sex. I watch. I listen.
Carol introduces Heather (the founder of Scarleteen), and says a little about Scarleteen. We all applaud. Heather gives a Q&A about the site, and the difficulties of providing comprehensive, compassionate sex ed to a population people prefer stay uninformed. They joke that sex ed is the only profession where field experience works against you. I could help with that, offers my ace friend, who has no field experience. We all laugh, but Heather’s game. You’d be great at this, they tell him.
Afterward, we stand around chatting. My friend and Heather brainstorm possibilities for ace outreach at Scarleteen. I’m assumed ace by association. I don’t mind. It’s less wrong than the usual assumptions, and better: there’s no edge to it. I’m assumed ace in a sex-positive space where being ace is fine.
I’m assumed fine, unconditionally, for maybe the first time in my life.
The night changes me. How could it not? I go home and write Heather an email, forever more adept with writing than with speech. The gist of it is thank you thank you thank you. I don’t know yet all that I’m saying thank you for.
I start to write about sexuality, asexuality, and all the surrounding terrain.
I write a blog.
I write for Scarleteen.
My name changes as I write. My position changes. I write about questioning, about my gratitude for the ace community in spite of being allo, about being queer. I date, in fits and starts. I buy a vibrator. I take my body back.
Ten years have passed since I found this site. I’ve changed dramatically and not at all. I’m still equally capable of making a double entendre and blushing plum at one.
I’ve changed dramatically because of this place that never insisted I change. This place where it didn’t matter how—or even if—I was sexual gave me sexuality as something I could live. Sex became something I could know about, talk about, do, enjoy and choose. My body became livable. Imagine that.
Imagine that.
Imagine the distance from no sex education to this wealth of it. Imagine sex is something done to you becoming you’re in charge of your choices. Becoming good sex feels good before, during, and after. Becoming nothing about you is wrong.
Nothing is, you know. And what a relief, to have a space that insists on that. To have this haven to inhabit until we can be, ourselves, at home.
Queer Sex Ed for All
getting through it
growing up
Sexual Identity
In Your Own Words
from MeetPositives SM Feed 4 http://bit.ly/2GtFl4X via IFTTT
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