#birdseye suit
littleeyesofpallas · 1 year
Super distinctive level design has always been Etrian Odyssey's strong suit but being in the second stratum now it's really impressive just how different they managed to make the actual gameplay and exploration experience feel when the interface itself is so basic.
I don't know how to explain it adequately but, like, in most RPGs or even a lot of action/adventures game, other than dramatic changes like water levels or vehicle levels, nothing ever really "feels" very different as you run around over world environments and dungeons. You have a pretty basic and very reliable means of traversing the world and nothing meaningfully changes how you approach new environments.
On the surface Etrian Odyssey seems like it should adhere to that as it's really just moving forward in a perfectly geometric 1st person POV dungeon. But the way the second stratum of EO3 has such a uniquely claustrophobic feel compared to the first is perfectly jarring. All these winding halls and blind corners are noticably unlike the wide open rooms of the first stratum. Even the intended "metagame" aspect of mapping yourself a birdseye view of these labyrinths actually functions differently here --the winding halls often look as if they'll meet back up with some intersection you passed before only to wind around it instead, leaving both an awkward gap in your map as well as pulling you further and further from your safe retreat.
And where as the woods almost exclusively had shortcuts that were only accessible from the deep end leading back to the shallow ends of the dungeon, in the second stratum the secret passages thru inconspicuous walls are more often the path forward into the unknown, not backwards toward the exit. It's such a wildly powerful crafting/wielding of "game feel" that's only highlighted by just how simplistic the assets and mechanics at work here really are.
Astronomically more expensive games have achieved much less in terms of game experience, with far more complex systems.
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skyler10fic · 9 months
The Forest Key
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Summary: As a superhero and Shield agent, Carol is tired of her freedom being debated by other agencies. But when she discovers a key in a forest and unlocks a door to a much harsher world, she realizes her reality might be the escape another powered person like her needs. 
A/N: For @ficwip’s 1k image prompt. Exactly 1,000 words based on this image!
Read on Ao3
Carol needed to get away from the suffocation of the intelligence community summit and discussions of “the Index issue”—as if she wasn’t even there in the conference room arguing for her own freedom as an “enhanced person.” She trusted Director Coulson to handle the afternoon session. He was much better at not making an FBI director’s coffee boil with barely concealed rage.
When they took a break and stepped out to the skyscraper’s balcony for refreshments, Carol told Coulson she needed to “burn off some energy.” And he knew she meant it literally.
The bureaucracy in suits barely noticed a streak of gold across the sky. She broke through the clouds and hovered until she spotted the park. She darted toward the forest oasis with its small lake, birdsong, pine cones, changing leaves, and the closest thing she could get to silence and fresh air. She headed for the emptiest area, landing with a soft crunch of leaves on a grassy hill.
She needed this peace, so she could go back and not break a window when they referred to her friends as freaks or weapons. She walked, absorbing the quiet and the smell of the new autumn. The chill in the air helped her emotionally cool off, which cooled the fire in her hands too. She stopped by a coffee cart for a mocha, with wisps of white steam escaping from the lid. As the path got busier, she ventured deeper into the forest beyond what she had explored before.
The light grew dim through the leaves, and an owl hooted. Carol wasn’t really scared. She was, after all, “unspeakably dangerous,” as one frowning CIA assistant-director-of-whatever had described her. But it was unsettling how wild this part of the park felt without a hint of taxi horns or sirens or train clattering.
Eventually, Carol cleared off a fallen log and rested to drink her mocha. She breathed deep and hung her head, then noticed a glimmer on the forest floor. Brushing aside leaves, she picked up an antique key with no markings to identify who had lost it. Pocketing the trinket, she took it as a good luck charm and started off in the direction she thought held the path. She found the asphalt again and walked faster, more confident, but slowed as it ended at a freestanding door.
She couldn’t resist trying the handle. Locked. With a half-smile at her own silliness, she pushed the key in, and to her surprise, the handle turned. Curiosity compelled her forward. After all, she didn’t need to fear a world of magic or gaining powers by walking through the door. She had enough supernatural stuff in her daily life as it was. So she stepped through, expecting to laugh at her own childishness.
Instead, the door shut behind her, and the forest changed. The air was warmer, and the trees were bigger. Before she could get a birdseye view, she heard steps walking her way. Carol hid behind a tree trunk thicker than any she knew from the city park. A crying young woman walked by and brushed her short black waves back from her face. Carol instinctually wanted to comfort her, but she stopped herself, not knowing where she even was.
The woman heard her reflexive movement anyway and sighed. “Raina, I swear to God if you followed me out here after I told you to fuck off… Oh.”
Carol stepped from behind the tree and waved. “Hi.”
The woman shied away. “Who are you? How did you get out here? And how do you have that?” The woman gestured to Carol’s coffee cup, with the world-famous green rooster of Starkbucks.
“Uh, I bought it? Over there?” Carol pointed to the trail, which was, of course, nothing but forest. She turned to where the door stood, but on this side, it was attached to a dilapidated cabin. “Oh. That wasn’t there a minute ago. Do you live there?”
The young woman sighed. “Legally, no. I just come out here when I need to get away from… everything.” The woman waved her hand behind her. “I can only get in through the back door. This one’s locked.”
Carol pulled out her key, even more curious this time. “Sorry, let me just…”
It worked. Carol opened the door, a perfect portal to her city park. She exhaled in relief. At least there was a way back.
“No… That’s not possible.” The woman gaped. She stepped closer and Carol could see the red in her eyes from crying. Maybe she was the one who needed a world to escape into. Carol smiled to herself that maybe she was on the opposite side of the fairytale than she assumed.
“I’m Carol.” She stuck out her hand. “Shouldn’t go wandering off with strangers, right? But now, we’re friends. And maybe I can help, or help you forget for a few hours, and I can get you one of these.” She held up her coffee cup.
“I’m Daisy. You’re saying this cabin door goes to a park with a Starkbucks? That’s the worst marketing strategy I’ve ever heard.”
Carol laughed. “Not a strategy. I was trying to get away too. I found this key, opened the door, and here you were. I am taking it as a sign that I’m your fairy godmother of lattes or something. Weird things tend to happen around me. I’m used to it by now.” Carol shrugged and lit a flame in her palm.
Daisy stared. “Me too. I can make things shake.”
“Then you’ll be right at home where I’m from.”
Daisy bit her lip, looked to Carol’s mocha, and then looked through the door to the city park on the other side, a world away from this wilderness. “Well, life can’t get worse. I’m in.”
She exchanged expressions with Carol that said they knew this was crazy, but the only thing to do when you need a miracle is to reach out and take it when one passes by.
End note: And then Daisy decides to stay and they fall in love and heal from their trauma together, and Coulson protects them from the haters and they are all family! Happily ever after. Well, and fighting bad guys. But happily fighting bad guys with their powers together.
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cantuscorvi · 6 months
Talk to us about Raum’s love for fabrics? Is there an expensive fabric popular with his clients (cheap and plastic textiles excluded) that he cannot stand? Does he have a favourite fabric to work with? Least favourite? What about patterns? How would his signature suit look like if he could use fabrics from any time period?
Since you both asked a similar question I'm going to throw both answers down here into one ask! Hope you don't mind.
Is there an expensive fabric popular with his clients (cheap and plastic textiles excluded) that he cannot stand? // @nezumivc103221
There is no particular fabric that he dislikes that much, if he can work with it. Usually it depends on context. Cashmere is one that comes up often, that can cause some headaches when people just want it because it seems fancy. The industry for cashmere is oversaturated, especially since fast fashion started to pick it up, and the overall quality of cashmere is starting decline as a result of over-production. He will always be sceptical when someone expects cashmere for a lower price point, because it usually means an inferior knit, and a contributor to the worsening situation surrounding it.
As for personally, he is not a big fan of linen — it’s a very wrinkly fabric, it’s suited to summer, light and bright colours, and he finds it hard to get behind that casual, sprezzatura aesthetic for himself. It usually doesn’t match his personal style.
Does he have a favourite fabric to work with? Least favourite?
The favourite to work with is wool. It’s a classic for a reason, and its very versatile because there are so many different types. His least favourite to work with is cotton (at least for a suit, shirts is fine, good even). Cotton is a stiffer, denser material. Garments are difficult to alter, require more dry cleaning and can fade unevenly, especially on a darker fabric. The end result is something that can be nice, if more casual, but it’s a minor pain to work with.
What about patterns?
For suits; prince of wales check, pinstripe/chalkstripe, herringbone, birdseye. For shirts; broadcloth, twill, royal oxford, end-on-end. Ties, just about anything goes as long as it will match.
What are the things Raum prefers in his suits? Cut of jacket, type of cuff, lapel, texture of fabric? //@royaletiquette
As for himself, its a bit more difficult to pin down. There isn’t one type of suit that Raum wears all the time, and he doesn’t actually wear a full suit daily, unless it’s necessary (eg, for work reasons). Especially depending on occasion, season, weather, etc things are changed. The most important factor is occasion — it would decide the level of formality, which basically decides everything else. There are some aspects he will generally lean toward, however.
For example, the cut he usually prefers is English (autumn, winter) or Milanese/Neapolitan (spring, summer). He prefers minimal drape, and is likely to go with double vents at the back, or no vents for a more formal style. He will pretty much always have darts at the front of the jacket which are more flattering to the waist and give a classic tapered look.
He will go for a surgeon cuff with three or four buttons, generally with the first button undone to show that they are functional — and it has the added effect of flashing a cufflink if those are worn.
As for lapel, daily, he’s most likely to wear a notch lapel rather than peak (peak lapel is rather flashy and his style is more conservative). Of course, shawl lapel is formal only, but honestly he loves that svelte look it gives.
Fabric, he will almost always go for fine worsted wool, it’s smooth, soft and a little stretchy, and it has a very slight shine when it catches the light.
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chicinsilk · 2 years
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US Vogue October 15, 1950 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Model Kathy Dennis (l), model Unknown (r)
Left: Stone gray Birdseye Forstmann wool suit, by O'Rossen of Californias. Tatiana du Plessix hat. Calfskin bag by Nettie Rosenstein. Right: Juilliard gray worsted flannel suit by The suit, by David Gaines; the scarf that fills the horseshoe neckline, rusty nubby wool, as does the beret. Scarf and beret, Tatiana du Plessix creations. Pichel bag in calfskin, Bests.
Photo taken at Grand Central New York station on the platform where the New York Central Railroad crack train, the famous 20th Century Limited bound for Chicago, is parked.
Photo Serge Balkin
vogue archive
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sonacraft · 21 days
Briar Pipes
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Briar pipes are among the most popular and respected types of smoking pipes, cherished by pipe enthusiasts worldwide for their quality, durability, and smoking characteristics. Here's some key information about briar pipes:
Material: Briar pipes are crafted from the wood of the briar plant (Erica arborea), a small shrub native to the Mediterranean region. Briar wood is prized for its unique properties, including its hardness, heat resistance, and ability to absorb moisture, which make it ideal for pipe making.
Grain: Briar wood is known for its distinctive grain patterns, which can vary widely from pipe to pipe. These patterns, ranging from straight grain to birdseye grain, contribute to the beauty and individuality of each briar pipe.
Construction: Briar pipes are typically constructed using a combination of traditional hand tools and modern machinery. Skilled artisans carefully shape the briar wood into the desired pipe shape, paying close attention to grain orientation and aesthetics.
Durability: One of the key advantages of briar pipes is their durability. Briar wood is resistant to heat and moisture, making it less prone to cracking or warping compared to other materials. With proper care and maintenance, a well-made briar pipe can last a lifetime.
Smoking Characteristics: Briar pipes are renowned for their excellent smoking characteristics. The porous nature of briar wood helps absorb moisture and tar, resulting in a cool, dry smoke. Additionally, the natural flavors of the tobacco are enhanced by the wood's subtle nuances, creating a rich and enjoyable smoking experience.
Variety: Briar pipes come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and finishes to suit every taste and preference. From classic shapes like the billiard and Dublin to more exotic designs, there's a briar pipe to appeal to every pipe smoker.
Care and Maintenance: Proper care and maintenance are essential to prolonging the life of a briar pipe. Regular cleaning, using pipe cleaners and a pipe reamer if necessary, helps prevent buildup of tar and moisture inside the pipe. Additionally, storing the pipe in a cool, dry place when not in use helps preserve its condition over time.
Overall, briar pipes are prized for their combination of beauty, durability, and smoking qualities, making them a timeless choice for discerning pipe enthusiasts around the world. We have the largest range of hookahs, bongs, and pipes. For more information visit our site www.sonacraft.net
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johnalzate · 7 months
Birdseye Suit Jacket
Curabitur sodales ligula in libero. Sed dignissim lacinia nunc. Curabitur tortor. Pellentesque nibh. Aenean quam. In scelerisque sem at dolor. Maecenas mattis. Sed convallis tristique sem. Proin ut ligula vel nunc egestas porttitor. Morbi lectus risus, iaculis vel, suscipit quis, luctus non, massa. Fusce ac turpis quis. Nulla facilisi. Ut fringilla. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc feugiat mi a tellus…
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modshopping · 8 months
New Arrival Tweed Fabric Suiting or Jackets #modsuit #tweedsuit #powchecksuit #birdseyesuit #herringbonesuit #tweedjacket #windowpanesuit #modstyle #modclothinguk
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groupthedarzi · 8 months
Choosing the Perfect Suit Fabric for Different Seasons
Selecting the right fabric for your suit is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your comfort and style, especially when it comes to dressing for different seasons. From lightweight linens for summer elegance to cozy wools for winter warmth, understanding the characteristics of various men suit fabric is essential. In this guide, we'll explore how to choose the perfect suit fabric for different seasons, ensuring you look and feel your best year-round.
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Summer: Lightweight and Breathable Fabrics
When the mercury starts to rise, and the sun beats down, it's essential to choose a suit fabric that will keep you cool and comfortable. Here are some ideal options for summer:
Linen: Linen is the go-to choice for hot summer days. Its breathable and moisture-wicking properties make it perfect for keeping you cool and dry. While it does wrinkle easily, many appreciate the relaxed, natural look it provides.
Cotton: Lightweight cotton suits are another excellent option for summer. Cotton breathes well and absorbs moisture, making it a comfortable choice for sweltering temperatures. Opt for seersucker cotton for a classic, textured look.
Tropical Wool: If you prefer the look of wool, consider tropical wool. It's a lighter and more breathable version of traditional wool, making it suitable for summer wear.
Fall: Transitioning with Versatile Fabrics
As the weather starts to cool down, your choice of fabric can help you transition seamlessly into fall. Look for versatility and comfort:
Wool Blends: Wool blends combine the best of both worlds – the warmth of wool and the breathability of other materials like silk or cashmere. These suits can be comfortable in both cool and slightly warmer temperatures.
Tweed: Tweed suits are a classic choice for fall. Their heavier weight provides warmth, making them perfect for chilly days. Opt for earthy tones like brown or grey to embrace the autumn aesthetic.
Winter: Embrace Warmth and Comfort
When winter arrives and the temperatures plummet, it's time to turn to heavier fabrics that provide insulation and comfort:
Wool: Traditional wool suits are a winter staple. They provide excellent insulation and keep you warm during the coldest months. Look for suits with higher wool weights (e.g., Super 100s and up) for added warmth.
Cashmere: For the utmost luxury and warmth, consider a cashmere suit. Cashmere fibers are incredibly soft and insulating, making them perfect for keeping the chill at bay.
Spring: Lighter Fabrics for Renewed Style
As spring breathes new life into the world, your wardrobe should reflect the change in seasons. Here are some suitable fabrics for spring:
Wool Gabardine: Wool Gabardine is a lightweight and durable fabric that's perfect for spring. It offers the warmth of wool without feeling too heavy. It also drapes well, giving your suit a polished appearance.
Cotton Blends: Cotton blends with a hint of polyester or elastane can provide comfort and flexibility during the transitional weather of spring. They are easy to maintain and come in various styles and colors.
Additional Considerations
When selecting a suit fabric for different seasons, it's essential to keep a few additional considerations in mind:
Color: The color of your suit can influence its suitability for different seasons. Lighter colors like beige, light grey, and pastels are ideal for spring and summer, while darker hues like navy, charcoal, and black work well in fall and winter.
Weave: The weave of the fabric can affect its breathability and texture. Twill weaves, for example, create a diagonal pattern and are commonly used in suits. Herringbone and birdseye weaves can add texture and visual interest to your suit.
Lining: The lining of your suit can also impact its comfort. For summer, consider unlined or half-lined jackets to increase breathability. In contrast, fully-lined suits are better suited for colder seasons.
Tailoring: Regardless of the season, a well-tailored suit will always look and feel better. Invest in alterations to ensure a perfect fit that complements your chosen fabric.
Choosing the perfect suit fabric for different seasons is a key factor in looking and feeling your best year-round. Whether you're battling the summer heat, transitioning through fall, embracing winter warmth, or enjoying the freshness of spring, there's a suitable men's suit fabric for every season. By considering factors like fabric weight, weave, color, and lining, you can ensure that your wardrobe is well-prepared to tackle the elements while keeping you stylish and comfortable.
Remember that finding the right fabrics for suits is a personalized experience, and it's always a good idea to consult with professionals, like those at The Darzi Group, who can provide expert guidance tailored to your specific needs and preferences. With the right fabric and a well-tailored suit, you'll be ready to confidently face any season in style.
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cashmeresuittailor · 10 months
The Art of Choosing the Right Fabric for Your Custom Suit
The world of men's fashion is a realm where elegance, style, and precision meet. A custom suit stands out as the epitome of refinement and personal expression among the many sartorial choices available. However, the foundation of a remarkable custom suit lies in its design and tailoring and the fabric from which it is crafted. Choosing the right fabric for your custom suit is an art that requires a keen understanding of materials, weaves, and individual preferences. You should find a professional bespoke tailor in Phuket Patong to get a perfectly-tailored custom suit.
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Understanding Fabric Basics
Before delving into the nuances of fabric selection, it's essential to grasp the fundamental characteristics of different textiles. Fabrics used in suits can vary widely in terms of texture, weight, and drape, each contributing to the overall look and feel of the garment.
1. Wool: The king of suit fabrics, wool is prized for its natural breathability, resilience, and versatility. It comes in various weights, such as lightweight tropical wool for warmer climates and heavier worsted wool for colder seasons. Super 100s to Super 200s denote the fineness of the wool fibers, with higher numbers indicating a finer weave and a smoother, more luxurious texture.
2. Cotton: Ideal for more casual suits, cotton offers comfort and breathability. It's a popular choice for summer suits or for achieving a relaxed yet polished appearance. Keep in mind that cotton tends to wrinkle more easily than other fabrics.
3. Linen: Linen is another warm-weather favorite due to its lightweight and breathable nature. Its natural wrinkles are considered part of its charm, giving the suit a relaxed and lived-in look.
4. Silk: While silk suits are less common due to their delicate nature and tendency to wrinkle, they exude an unmatched luxury and sheen. Silk blends are often used to create a more durable and practical option.
5. Blends: Combining different fibers can yield unique benefits. For instance, wool-silk blends offer the best of both worlds, with the smoothness of silk and the durability of wool. Similarly, wool-linen blends provide a comfortable and breathable option for warmer climates.
Weave and Texture
Beyond the type of fabric, the weave plays a pivotal role in determining a suit's appearance and performance.
1. Twill: Twill weaves, recognizable by their diagonal lines, are common in suiting fabrics. They offer durability and a subtle texture that helps hide wrinkles.
2. Plain Weave: The simplest and most common weave, plain weave fabrics have an even texture and smooth appearance. However, they can be more susceptible to wrinkles.
3. Herringbone: Herringbone weaves create a distinctive V-shaped pattern, adding a touch of visual interest to the fabric. They are often used for more formal suits.
4. Sharkskin: Sharkskin weaves combine plain and twill weaves, resulting in a subtle two-toned effect. This adds depth and dimension to the fabric.
5. Birdseye: Birdseye weaves feature a small, repeating diamond pattern. They are less formal and can add a playful element to the suit.
Personalization and Occasion
Choosing the right fabric isn't just about understanding its properties; it's also about aligning it with your personal style and the occasion for which the suit will be worn.
1. Formality: For formal events, such as weddings or business meetings, opt for classic wool fabrics in dark shades like navy, charcoal, or black. Finer wool with a smooth finish exudes elegance, while textured weaves add a touch of sophistication.
2. Casual Chic: Lighter fabrics like cotton or linen are perfect for casual suits, offering comfort and a relaxed vibe. Light grays, earth tones, and pastels work well for a laid-back yet stylish look.
3. Statement Fabrics: If you're feeling bold, consider fabrics with patterns like pinstripes, window panes, or checks. These fabrics can showcase your personality and add a unique flair to your suit.
4. Climate Considerations: Tailor your fabric choice to the climate in which you’ll be wearing the suit. Lightweight fabrics are ideal for hot weather, while heavier ones offer insulation in colder temperatures.
5. Durability: Keep in mind the suit's intended frequency of use. A well-constructed wool suit will endure daily wear better than delicate silk.
Consulting a Professional
Selecting the right fabric for your custom suit is undoubtedly a skillful endeavor, but you don't have to navigate it alone. Skilled custom suit tailors in Phuket can provide invaluable guidance based on your preferences, lifestyle, and occasion. They can help you balance aesthetics, comfort, and practicality, ensuring that the final product is a masterpiece that suits your individuality.
In men’s fashion, choosing the right fabric for your custom suit is a harmonious blend of tradition, innovation, and personal taste. By mastering this art, you embark on a journey toward crafting a suit that fits perfectly and speaks volumes about your style and refinement.
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Interlude at Immortalis
Nicky watched Mercede step back, affronted.
“What do you mean, no?”
“No,” Vincenzo repeated, waving her down off the riser.  
They had been at it for most of the night.  Nicky couldn’t believe how ridiculous the whole evening had been.  He slumped down in the Queen Anne wing chair, circling one finger in the blue velvet nap of the arm.  The two of them happened to be in Chicago at the same time and he figured he’d knock out a little bit of the debt he was rolling up and let them make use of Immortalis for their fittings. Easy to cut some inter-family debt when using his part of a fashion empire. It was a psychological edge to dress better than the Ventrue or Toreador. 
But they were undead.  Frozen for eternity.  The measurements taken ten years ago wouldn’t have changed.  This strange ritual of fitting and cutting was unnecessary.
Nicky watched his two employees standing patiently nearby for their moment to step in.  Cherie St. Pierre, the mousey brown haired store manager; Highly competent and unflappable.  Once upon a time Pia’s right hand woman for all things business day related.  She was Tobias’ now, he assumed.  It only made sense since he was running things Chicago side.  Then Mario, a stout, short, and pale elderly gent, looking over the tops of his glasses, tape measure hanging around his neck.  He barely spoke English and Nicky could not for the life of him figure out where Pia had found him.  Most of her tailoring shop could barely speak English, though they seemed to understand it well enough.  And most of them weren’t even from the same country.  How they got any shit done was a mystery.
“Mario,” Vincenzo waved the man over with a lordly hand.  “The birdseye.”  The tailor nodded, picking up the jacket in question and holding it out for Mercede to put on.  She looked from it to Vincenzo with a deepening frown of doubt.  He gave her a wide toothy grin. “Trust me.”
Muttering under her breath, she allowed Mario to slip it on and stepped back up onto the riser before the three fold mirror.
“See?  Charcoal brown.  You’re as pale as a fucking ghost, Mercede.  The birdseye gives it some depth and texture.  Pretends to put color in your cheeks.  Gives you some warmth.”  Vincenzo turned the counter and brought back a deep gold silk tie, the silk satin heavy as it spilled through his fingers.
“Yellow goes with everything.  Go on.”  He put it in his cousin’s hands and stepped back, arms folded and waiting.  Vincenzo was in his shirtsleeves, waiting his turn on the riser. The pale fabric shock white against his olive skin.
“First of all, it doesn’t. Second, I’m too pale for yellow. And third, watch your mouth before someone removes it.”
“Good thing it’s dark yellow.  More of a dijon.  Yellow is the accent color.  You don’t match accent colors to your skin, they’re to compliment the suit which is chosen to flatter your tone.  Put on the fucking tie already.”  
Frowning, she did so, smoothing the lustrous fabric against her shirt, buttoning the jacket over it.
“Mr. Giovanni has a good eye, Mr. Genaro," said Cherie, using his mortal cover's name. She made notes on a clipboard, recording the purchases against the store's profits.  “Maybe I should put him on our design team.”
“No.”  Nick sat up a little straighter.  The idea that Vincenzo would meet the Tart in a workroom somewhere was dangerously worrisome.  She’d probably eat him alive, but not until after a century’s worth of drama had played out.  
“C’mon, Nicky.  What’s family for if not to help one another out?”
“Maybe he can walk the runway for you, Nicky.” Mercede said over her shoulder, turning slightly and watching her reflection in the mirrors.  Nodding reluctantly, Mario stepped forward and began marking the cuffs with a quick neat hand, chalk lines appearing on the fabric.
“He does have the right build.” Cherie eyed Vincenzo, clearly approving what she saw.  A little over six foot and whipcord lean.  Soft brown hair curled over a wide forehead, long face flattered by the goatee.  He preened a little under the attention.  
“Put her down for the burgundy and brown mouline as well, Cherie,” Vincenzo instructed, turning and picking up a different suit coat for his own turn under Mario’s experienced hands.
“Ottimo,” Mario murmured, turning and looking up at the padrone.  Given the height disparity, the tailor stepped up onto the riser in order to mark the shoulder lines. 
“I thought so.” Vincenzo sighed, pleased with what he saw in the mirror.
“An unexpected choice, Mr. Giovanni.  I wouldn’t have thought you’d go with navy.”
“The lavender check gives it a little oomph.  Otherwise too plain.  I’ll go with the lavender stripe mouline as well.”
Nicky rolled his eyes.  “Are you two peacocks done yet?”
“John!” Vincenzo hollered, summoning a tall young man from the next room.  “Shoes that go with these, if you would?”
“Of course sir.  Sizes for both?”  Information gathered, he ran off.
“Nicky, Nicky, Nicky,” Vincenzo shook his head.  “All this beauty, you could be cock of the walk.”  At Mario’s urging, he turned, facing Nicky.
“What’s the point?” Nicky returned.
“Are they still at it, uncle?”  Angelina followed John in, stopping alongside where Nicky sagged in irritation.
“We are!” Vincenzo called delightedly.  “You next!” 
She grimaced.  “Unnecessary.  I’m already well dressed.”  
“Like an undertaker, maybe.”
“Then I’ve succeeded.”
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Birdseye Suit Jacket
Curabitur sodales ligula in libero. Sed dignissim lacinia nunc. Curabitur tortor. Pellentesque nibh. Aenean quam. In scelerisque sem at dolor. Maecenas mattis. Sed convallis tristique sem. Proin ut ligula vel nunc egestas porttitor. Morbi lectus risus, iaculis vel, suscipit quis, luctus non, massa. Fusce ac turpis quis. Nulla facilisi. Ut fringilla. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc feugiat mi a tellus…
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fash-man · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Hart Schaffner Marx Mens 43R Wool 2 Piece Suit Blue Birdseye Two Button 38x30.5.
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thegoodlife-7 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Oxxford Super 110s WOMEN Sz 14 8 10 Birdseye Oversized Jacket Pant Suit Set Gray.
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rayrourings · 1 year
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$21.81 Only! ~ $395 Andrew Marc Men's Modern-Fit Stretch Blue Birdseye Suit Jacket 42R, Affordable Mens Suits, Mens Casual Blazers BUY HERE! #AffordableMensSuits, #MensCasualBlazers,
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idigitizellp21 · 1 year
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Frozen Foods – Here’s everything you need to know about it
Frozen foods are the best option for quick meals. These foods can be stored in the freezer and kept for a long period of time. They are also easy to prepare. If you can save money by buying frozen food when they are on sale, it is a great way of saving money. To preserve fresh perishable foods, you can freeze them to prolong their shelf life. This is an excellent way to reduce waste. Many people are still unsure if frozen foods can be part of a healthy diet or Frozen food meaning?
Most Raised Question: What is Frozen food And Are Frozen Foods Healthy?
Food that has been subjected to rapid freezing and is kept frozen until used. Frozen food product or vegetarian frozen food does not make them healthier or less nutritious. It all depends on the nutrition of the food. Frozen vegetables and fruits can have the same nutritional content as fresh fruits and vegetables, but foods such as pizzas, snacks and entrees are less nutritious than frozen vegetables.
Food that was healthy before being frozen will retain its nutrients after being thawed. Plain, frozen fruits, veggies, meats, poultry, and fish are great options. Whole grains can also be frozen.
Does freezing affect food’s nutritional value?
The calorie count, fiber content and mineral content of food are not affected by freezing. 1
Also, freezing won’t affect the fat, carbohydrate, or sugar content of a food. However, fluid content can change. This is usually evident when you thaw food. You might notice a puddle as the water drains.
Fresh Food vs Frozen: Weight and Calories
Food in a sealed container should weigh the same after freezing as it did before. If there is too much liquid in the food, it might not weigh the same before freezing as after. However, this could affect the size of the serving.
Choosing Frozen Foods or Frozen Indian Food
Buy frozen food online and prioritize according to what you find most satisfying. Be mindful of high-calorie sauces, added sugar, sodium, and salt. This can be difficult if you go beyond simple bags of vegetables. Here are some tips to help you choose frozen foods that suit your health and personal tastes.
Who invented frozen food?
The myriad of frozen foods found in grocery stores today, from waffles and bags of peas to packages of waffles, is a result of Clarence Birdseye’s invention of quick freezing, which was the basis of the modern frozen food industry.
How long does GOELD frozen food last?
These guidelines are only for quality. Frozen foods can be stored indefinitely at 0 degrees Fahrenheit or lower.
Are frozen foods processed?
“Processed food” refers to food that has been prepared, canned, frozen or packaged. Yes, frozen foods can be processed.
What are thawing frozen foods?
Thawing is the heating of frozen products to a temperature (usually greater than 0degC) without leaving any residual ice. “defrosting”.
How long can frozen food keep out of the freezer?
Frozen food and power outages: When it is worth saving and when to throw it away. A fully stocked freezer can keep a temperature of 0°C for 48 hours or 24 hours if the door is left open.
How to make frozen food in a microwave?
Cover the frozen food with a microwave-safe container. The microwave’s defrost setting is usually set at 30 per cent power.
How is frozen food made?
This involves placing the food in a sealed pouch. Then, the vacuum seals the product. The sealed pouch can then be cooked in boiling water. The pouches can then be quickly cooled in boiling water before being frozen. Almost all frozen food stores uses these techniques.
Why is frozen food important?
Frozen foods generally retain all vitamins and minerals. There is no change in the carbohydrate or protein content. Some frozen foods may have more vitamins or minerals than fresh food. This is because fresh foods lose vitamins over time while freezing preserves nutrients.
Is frozen food more nutritious than fresh?
Numerous studies have not shown a significant difference in the nutritional content of frozen foods compared to fresh food. The natural preservation technique of freezing is to put a halt to your food’s shelf-life. It does not require any chemicals or artificial ingredients. It all depends on your time and your needs. Here are some myths and facts about frozen foods which is a must-read.
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