#bionicle ask game
tiredspacedragon · 2 years
Ooh I wanna send some questions. I think A3, A21, A22, B3, B17, C6, and C11 interest me the most!
Ooh, lots to answer here
A3 Favourite Villain: It might not be an interesting answer, but it's Makuta Teridax. You really can't beat a good big bad. At least not one like Teridax. He's got one of my favourite qualities in major villains: charisma. Some big bads are just so thoroughly unpleasant that it's not fun to watch or read about them because you just want to drive a stake through their skull whenever they're around, or worse, they're boring, but Teridax is just a joy. He is so theatrical, so secure in his arrogance and superiority that he chews up just about every scene he's in. And it helps that he's actually smart. So many villains are portrayed as that "backup plans for my backup plans" evil schemer archetype, but then fall flat in execution when they get undone with relative ease. But Teridax actually manages to pull it off, both because he's terrifyingly good at using that facet of his personality as an intimidation tactic; go ahead, try to fight him, he has a plan for every move you could make; and because he actually wins. To this day, Teridax is the only villain I have seen succeed in their plans by taking advantage of the trope of Good Guys Always Win. How do you, as the villain, succeed when the heroes are always going to come out on top? Easy, make the heroes accomplishing their goals result directly in you achieving yours. Brilliant! And I will say, I enjoy both versions of Makuta. Both the schemer, and the malevolent force of nature of the early years. I would have liked to see more overlap between the two characterizations, but I'm happy with what we have.
A21 Favourite Order of Mata Nui Member: Uhhh...Axonn, I guess? I don't know, I've never been a big fan of most of the OoMN. I like them in concept, but very few of the characters actually interested me after they were revealed. I mean I like Helryx, first Toa and all that, and Krakua is sweet, but picking one of the two members who are Toa feels kinda cheap, especially given the whole "no Toa allowed" rule. So I guess Axonn. I do enjoy me a good heavily-armoured holy warrior every now and then, and it helps that whenever I read any of Axonn's lines, I hear them in Kevin Michael Richardson's voice in my head, so he feels a lot more defined and present than most of the 06-08 characters.
A22 Favourite Dark Hunter: Well aside from everyone's favourites, The Shadowed One himself, Lariska, and a certain spidery lad, I have a soft spot for Darkness. 'Cause like...what the heck is he?? He just shows up one day, tells TSO "Hey, I live here now. And btw, if you ever show a sign of weakness, I'm going to eviscerate you and claim your criminal empire for my own," and apparently that was totally cool? We're never given any indication that TSO hired him, or pays him for his services. He doesn't go out on jobs, doesn't make any profit, just sits there and waits for murder time with 0 explanation of how or why he is in that position. He is fascinating and I don't want to know anything else about him because quite frankly, that might just ruin him.
B3 Favourite Titan Set: I answered Lhikan and Kikanalo as my favourite set in a previous ask, so I guess that qualifies here too. For the sake of saying something different, though, I'm also gonna give some credit to the Axalara T9. I never used to care about the vehicles in Bionicle, but I have since come around. I am older, wiser, and I know awesome when I see it, so I've warmed up to the gigantic flying battle machine. It's good old-fashioned Technic wizardry, and I completely understand how it managed to win awards.
B17 Favourite Movie: Web of Shadows, no contest. I get the feeling this is an unusual choice in the fandom, but I love Web of Shadows. It's easily my favourite of the original trilogy, and TLR really does not come close. The voice acting, the music, the visuals, everything about this movie does it for me. Especially the character designs. I love the asymmetrical, more bestial Toa Hordika, especially how their weapons became natural tools, and also, I'm just gonna come out and say it, the Rahaga's propellers should have been cannon because they absolutely rule. My only gripe is that, like its predecessor, Web of Shadows moves too quickly. The pacing feels a little rushed sometimes, especially Vakama's side changes, and so much of the 2005 story is cut out to fit into the hour-and-a-half-ish time frame. It's handled better than LoMN was, but still, I would have at least appreciated an acknowledgement of time passing between certain scenes. Like at least a hint that there's like a whole month between the first scene between the Hordika and the Rahaga when Vakama storms off, and when he actually gets captured and betrays the team for that sweet snake-lady...uhh, affection. But that's my only complaint.
C6 What Character do you Think is Underrated?: Gonna stick with Morak and Krahka on this one. And also I'll add on every single Turaga ever. Like sure we talk about their Toa selves all the time, but I feel like the Turaga don't get talked about much, in-story or out. Which is a shame, because they're still our guys, just in a new stage of life. I feel like Turaga in general get written off as a little lame, and maybe if they were talked about more, that impression might start to fade a little.
C11 What Character Should Have Been Given (Another) Physical Set?: I'm tempted to say Teridax here, because it seems odd that the big bad only ever got one true set, excluding Dume and Maxilos as disguises, and completely disregarding Ultimate Dume because it's a travesty. Hell, you could even argue he appeared in every Piraka set too, in their Zamor Spheres. But I don't know if I actually would have wanted another set for him. Teridax worked pretty well as a behind-the-scenes villain, he didn't need another physical form, because the one we got for him was great. I wonder sometimes if Icarax was planned to be a Teridax set, but Greg nixed the idea for the same reason I just stated and made Icarax his own character to continue letting Teri stay in the shadows. So with that said... I might have liked to have seen the Turaga Metru re-released in larger forms to stay in-scale with the later years. So either them, or another proper Teridax set, because it still would have been cool, even if it made no sense.
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mugbearerscorner · 9 months
Let's play an Ask Game. Send me a BIONICLE character and I will share a song/musical piece I associate with them.
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magicalgirlmascot · 9 months
I don't think of Whenua as shouting a lot when he's genuinely angry, but he probably thinks doing an over the top rant about something incredibly petty is Peak Comedy (think Brennan Lee Mulligan style tirades). Unfortunately, not everyone in the workplace shares this opinion, and it takes Nuju a while to realise he's Doing A Bit.
Whenua "I Will Die On Any Hill" Metru
When he's actually angry, most of the time he gets intense. Like, you can feel the anger coming off him in waves intense. He doesn't shout, just speaks loudly and clearly. Which makes his total loss of control as a Hordika in the Time Shenanigans even scarier sorry Vakama
Most of the time if he's shouting though he's completely doing a bit. Nuju is like "why is this guy frothing at the mouth over phones of all things" and meanwhile Whenua thinks he is the funniest guy in the room
By the time they get married Nuju can tell immediately if he's being ridiculous on purpose or genuinely upset from body language alone.
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BIONICLE ask game
I see a lot of ask games and I thought it would be fun to make a BIONICLE themed one, so here goes!
A. Favourites — in-universe
Favourite character?
Favourite hero?
Favourite villain?
Favourite Toa?
Favourite Matoran?
Favourite Turaga?
Favourite Toa team?
Favourite Matoran team?
Favourite villain team?
Favourite Toa Mata/Nuva?
Favourite Toa Metru?
Favourite Toa Mangai?
Favourite Toa Inika?
Favourite Rahaga?
Favourite Makuta?
Favourite Rahi?
Favourite Glatorian?
Favourite Agori?
Favourite Rahkshi?
Favourite Bohrok?
Favourite member of the Order of Mata Nui?
Favourite Dark Hunter?
Favourite Vahki?
Favourite Piraka?
Favourite Barraki?
Favourite Vhisorak?
Favourite Kaita?
Favourite location?
Favourite island?
Favourite Koro?
Favourite Wahi?
Favourite Metru?
Favourite element?
Favourite Kanohi power?
B. Favourites — out-of-universe
Favourite set?
Favourite canister set?
Favourite titan set?
Favourite play set?
Favourite combination model?
Favourite canister?
Favourite package design?
Favourite gear? (watches, pens, foam play tools, etc.)
Favourite storyline?
Favourite commercial?
Favourite online content?
Favourite digital game? (internet, console or PC)
Favourite analog game? (trading cards, board game, etc.)
Favourite theme?
Favourite year?
Favourite chapter book?
Favourite movie?
Favourite comic?
Favourite serial?
Favourite online episode?
Favourite Kanohi design?
Favourite soundtrack?
Favourite character in the Mata Nui alphabet?
Favourite character in the Voya Nui alphabet?
Favourite Greg Farshtey answer?
C. Fandom
Give me a headcanon for [character] (either provide a character or let the askee decide)
Show me an MOC!
Talk to me about [OC]! (either specify an OC or let the askee decide)
How did you get into BIONICLE?
Do you consider romance canon?
What character do you think is underrated?
Can you read the Matoran alphabet?
Which sets do you own?
Which sets do you want?
Unpopular opinion about the fandom
What character should have been given (another) physical set?
Opinion on Gen2
What do you think a hypothetical Gen3 should look like?
What do you think a continuation of Gen1 should look like?
If given the chance to decide on a new BIONICLE set, what would you pick?
What should a new BIONICLE movie be like? (story, setting, style, hand-drawn animation/live action/ CGI, etc.)
What should a BIONICLE television series look like?
What should a BIONICLE stage play look like?
What should a BIONICLE stage musical look like?
What should a new BIONICLE book look like?
What should a new BIONICLE comic look like?
What should a new BIONICLE digital game look like?
What should a new BIONICLE analog game look like?
Opinion on Scrunkly Tahu
Favourite fic
Favourite fic author
Favourite visual fanart
Favourite visual fan artist
Favourite fan soundtrack
Favourite fan composer
Favourite fanart (any category)
Favourite fan artist (any category)
Talk to me about your [fic/art]! (either specify a work or let the askee decide)
Talk to me about a WIP!
Damn this became a long list 👀💦 Feel free to reblog this or add on, I thought it could be a fun way to talk about our favourite LEGO theme! 🖤
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kanohivolitakk · 11 months
Miserix for the ask game!
This was one I really wanted so thank you so so much for asking it ;A;
First impression
I always liked Miserix. I discovered his charater via browsing on the wiki and reading about him made me interested in him. Since my language doesn't have pronouns I thought he was female for the longest time though lmao.
Impression now
My beloved strawberry dragon ;A;!!!! I love Miserix so much, he's easily one of my favorite characters and by far the most underrated in the series. In my opinion Miserix is one of the most interesting and intriguing characters in the series with by far one of the most compelling character journeys (even if we don't see much of it on-screen). Miserix is a tragedy, someone who was ousted from his position and ended up going mad as a result of his exile and isolation for thousands upon thousands years. He lost everything: his purpose, his identity and people to trust and was left with nothing but rage and vengeance! I find characters who lose themselves in their anger and vengeance such fascinating lost souls and Miserix is no exception! He's one of those characters I love to rotate in my head and dissect from all angles, trying to understand his psyche and mindset. And it's so much fun: Miserix is so fascinating to think about both with how he was in the past and how he is in the present. Not to mention how well Miserix fits thematically to the franchises themes, in particular on it's commentary of duty, identity and authority! He's an interesting character on his own and as a part of a larger world/narrative
In addition of finding Miserix's character so fascinating, I also love him for thow badass he is. And this isn't because of his powers and feats in story: The core of Miserix's badassness (at least for me) is his indimitation factor alone.Every time Miserix is on screen he brings so much tension to the scene he is in by his mere presence, he just has that type of charisma (for lack of a better term). Like Miserix doesn't have to do anything substantial, just by being present and saying somethign (even if it's just one line) is enough to get chills. Helps that he has easily some of the best lines in the series.
But god I love Miserix so so so much. I know that people dislike the Makuta as a species/faction retcon but I think it was worth it just for Miserix's character alone. His character does so much good for the series by introducing a fascinating major player into the series mythos who reflects some of the larger themes and ideas of the series really well!
Also the funny realization that Miserix is really similar to a favorite character of mine from another fandom but said character would hate him because he hates dragons and wants them all dead and...well..Miserix is a dragon so.
Favorite moment
This is hard since I like so many Miserix's scenes but none of them stand out as his absolutely best scene...probably his "official" introduction when The Federation of Fear freed him. It did a great job establishing his character that's also a great example of the intimidation factor I talked about earlier, while also giving him some really badass lines. Also him just telling Roodaka how she shouldn't puppet him is simutaneously funny and badass.
Honorable mention to that scene he arrived to Stelt and threatens a Steltian trader due to him not telling him Teridax's location. Mainly due to it having his best line in the entire series:
“I don’t have time for this. I have places to be, and bodies to break. I want you to send out a message to all your friends, to everyone who sails in and out of this island. Tell them Miserix is back, and when I find him, Teridax is dead!”
Like man, this line is such a perfect example of what I mean when I say Miserix gets the best lines! Its just raw unadulatered badassery and I love it!
Idea for a story
Post-canon/post-reformation where he gets to heal and rehabilate himself. I'm very much of the mind tht Miserix should have a chance at redemption: Yeah sure the guy was an angry vengeful dragon fueled by murderous rage against Teridax but he wasn't really a bad person himself nor did he bad things and thus shouldn't really be punished. I don't really like how some people in the fandom treat him like a rabid animal that needs to be put down when he isn't that far gone. He deserves to live and recover! Which is what I want: him slowly recovering from his trauma and pain, and him finding a community that will support and help him. Also get this dragon therapy or anger mangment at least he needs it so badly!
I'd also like to see a story about how Miserix was like before his exile. Miserix pre-exile self fascinates me to no end and getting to see what kind of person and leader he was before Teri ousted him would be great! Just to learn more about Miserix's values, how he saw his and the brotherhoods purpose in the larger MU and what his relation was to Mata Nui would be so cool! I need character studies on this guy and I need them now!
Unpopular opinion
Miserix is not boring! It annoys me so much when so many people in the fandom dismiss him, calling him a boring and unnecessary filler character that's an example of why the serials focus on superfulous new characters was bad.. when he's not. Yes, the serials have problem of ignoring the already established characters we already know and love, instead focusing on new players or bit characters fans weren't that attached to all because they wanted to focus on the grander world and have larger stakes...but this doesn't mean the new characters the serials revolved around weren't bad, and Miserix certainly wasn't! He is a geniunely compelling character with solid characterization and people ignoring him makes me so sad :C. Especially when they say he's just a violent angry dragon with nothing else going on for him. Sure he is a violent angry dragon, but he wasn't always like that and the story how he became who he is today is geniunely one of the better character stories in the series. Not to mention how he has a bit more going on with him than just angry murder dragon, even if you ignore his past self and focus on the Miserix we see in the story. Killing Teridax is his priority for sure, but there are times when he's able to prioritize on other things and thus doesn't mention his objective. See the scene where he interacts with the Hagah for a prime example.
Another thing that bothers me about peoples takes on Miserix is how people try to categorize Miserix on whether he was a "good" or "bad" person. One of the reasons Miserix is such a fascinating character to me is due to him being one of the few characters in the series that isn't really good or evil but somewhere in between. He was someone who was rigidly loyal to his duty and purpose in the universe, but he was willing to do some shady shit for accomplishing it. And when he became an angry murder dragon he only realy wanted to kill Teridax! He didn't care about hurting anyone else, only hurt them if they came to his way.
Also on a related note, I dislike Greg saying Miserix didn't care for his duty and was just happy of the power it gave him. Miserix is a much more interesting character if he geniunely cares about his job as the guardian of the universe, if he geiunely wants to protect the world and take good care of it to the point he sees it as his entire being rather than if he was as selfish and power hungry as other Makuta and was just content of his positiion of power so didn't try to take over anything.
Favorite relationship
Tbh none of Miserixs relationships are that "developed" in canon as I wish they were (curse for lategame Bionicle prioritizing over plot over character relationships) but I find his relationship with Takadox so fascinating. The little we know is that Miserix hired Takadox to act as a brotherhood spy due to him being "corruptible" and that Takadox most likely cared of Miserix based on how he looked at him when Barraki left that meeting with BoM. And that's just so fascinating. Miserix essentially taking advantage of Takadox is a concrete example of how he did some really fucked up stuff for the greater good. It makes me wonder how much Miserix affected Takadox becoming what we see in the story proper or if he was already a slimeball and Miserix just took advantage of that. Meanwhile Takadox seems to at least somewhat genuinely care about Miserix based on his reaction, which gives an interesting layer to his character. The idea that Takadox, someone who mainly sees others as toys or obstacles, would have had someone he actually loved and cared about is soo compelling to me and for that person to be someone as powerful and menacing as Miserix makes it even better. Their relationship has so much potential and I wish we had gotten to see them interact in canon. Oh well, at least we have fancontent and headcanons to satisfy those needs!
Favorite headcanon
His voice has an incredible vocal range and as such can vary his voice to sound between extremely feminine and masculine. His "regular" speaking voice he defaults to is either androgynous or does that weird thing where he manages to sound both feminine and masculine at once. It's hard to explain what I mean but basically speaking in a way that sounds like two people speaking at once.
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autumnhobbit · 6 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
onewa literally almost whooped vakama over this and tbh i feel like maybe he should have
Vakama’s entire behavior throughout this thing I think is really his greatest betrayal he ever committed against his team. Like yeah, he does actually betray them later, but here there’s no question of his leaving and teaming up with the bad guys, but he doesn’t HAVE to. Nokama has supported him since the very beginning when no one else did and within recent memory was the one he considered to be genuinely his friend out of the whole group, and if he does genuinely care even a little, he sure doesn’t show it in this book at all.
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mamuzzy · 8 months
WIP game ask - because this one made me giggle:
8. is it mad to pray for better hallucinations
And I want better hallucinations, too. :D
NOPE. NO PLEASANT TRIP, YOU ONLY GET PAIN AND MISERY!!! Also it's not SW. Not even Touken Ranbu. But an even older hyperfixation, Bionicle. But I try my best to translate a snipet from it. :))) The title is a line from Alice Madness Returns btw and it fits so much for Vakama. Written in Vakama's POV. TW: Panic attack TW: Hallucination
-------------------------- It tears me apart. As if someone wants to burst my head open from the inside with vertical accuracy along my skull, so slowly but intense enough to feel the pain like my sole purpose of living is all about bearing it. Veins in my eyes pulsing, through my ears I hear the visual sensors franctic ticking, tock-tock-tock-tock-tock, faster and faster, too much, too vivid, everything is falling apart, everything is reduced to shapes, devolving to colors, screaming from the Coliseum's spectator terraces becomes an unbearable cacophony. I close my eyes. And I see time flowing away like thousand rivers of Ga-Metru. I can't see, that's what I want to say but the voices came out of my throut are just inarticulated rattles of my malfunctioning SHADOW IS COMING and breathing felt like fiery needles piercing through my lungs, melting the metal away to YOU ARE ALL GOING TO BE SLAVES some madman is screaming, why are they screaming such horrible things THE GREAT SPIRIT THE GREAT SPIRIT THE GREAT SPIRIT THE GREAT SPIRIT [ ] pleasepleasepleasestop, I don't want to see, I don't WANTOBURN [ ] screaming the name of [ ] THEHEARTTHEHEARTTHEHEARTTHEHEART --------------------------- I miss my miserable, depressed blorbo. He should be my migraine comfort character.
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waheelawhisperer · 1 year
Top 5 Bionicle characters
It's been a long time since I have kept up with Bionicle lore so I'll just give you my favorite sets to build/play with.
Brutaka - love the design and color scheme
Botar (Axonn/Brutaka combination set) - so cool-looking, so much fun to build.
Kardas Dragon (Axonn/Brutaka/Vezon & Fenrakk combination set) - lots of fun to put together from three different sets and was the center of some epic battles for younger me.
Takanuva (Karda Nui) - I liked the bigger, more complex sets better than the ones you could get in the canisters.
Hydraxon - he had a lovely arsenal of weapons that added a lot of dimensions to the fighting style Child Waheela gave him.
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0m3g45n1p3r4lph4 · 4 months
2 for the nosy ask game
2: What are you obsessed with right now?
Short answer is always gonna be Bionicle lmao. As other obsessions come and go, my Bionicle obsession has consumed me eternally. I spend so much of my day trying to continue the dream and so much of my night dreaming of what I could make of it, physically or digitally. I've scared people by showing them my shelf before.
But on a more recent scale? I guess Undertale/Deltarune, specifically whatever the fuck is going on with Gaster. It scratches an itch that's been in my mind ever since I learned about MissingNo and other creepypasta-ish mysteries within games, and I'm really looking forward to finally sharing these games with my GF. I know she's not big on analysis and theory crafting (aside from one specific thing) but hopefully I'll still be able to convey why this random stuff that 99% of players will never see in game and has no bearing on the base plot of Undertale is deeply important to the grander narrative and especially metanarritive themes of these games. Holy fuck I can't wait for Deltarune Chapter 3. I've watched hour long videos analyzing every track between both games to see how likely it is to be connected to this mysterious fucker of which we don't have a definitive appearance for.
I should post about that more.
Thanks for the ask!
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tourneys-by-me · 6 months
the toa metru, plus ahkmou, vhisola, nuhrii, and orkahm (the latter bit is just a fun game of Place The H In The Bionicle Name)
Marry - Nokama. I’m also a bit of a history/mythology nerd, so we’d get along swimmingly (heh). Also she’s such a nice person in general.
Drink tea with - Whenua. Again, also a history nerd, but I don’t wanna marry him (sorry Whenua). I’d love to drink tea and talk about history with him.
Party with - Matau. Bro would probably throw the sickest parties and I wanna see all the chaos that would ensue.
Kiss - Onewa. He can be abrasive at times, but he he deserves at least one kiss on the cheek!
Go out on a date with - Orkahm. He seems like a nice man but by process of elimination I’d only date him for a bit.
Push down the stairs - *pushes Ahkmou down the stairs* *Ahkmou*
Slap - Vhisola. Girl needs to chill out about Nokama.
Invade the dreams of - Nuju. I wanna know what the bs this man dreams of, it’s gotta be weird.
Take a nap with - Vakama. I get really easily cold, especially whenever I sleep and since Vakama is the toa of fire, I’d assume he’d have a really warm body. Also he seems like the type of person who doesn’t snore, so bonus!
Rob - Nuhrii. I’m not doing it to get valuables, I’m doing it cause it would piss off Nuhrii lol.
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tiredspacedragon · 2 years
Bionicle Game (with no heed to what's been asked before):
A30 Favourite Koro: Ga-Koro. I'm partial to Le-Koro too, but there's something so wonderfully peaceful about Ga-Koro that just makes it feel like paradise and home all at once. That said, after about a week there, I'd probably be sick of all the water everywhere and pack my bags for Le-Koro. Maybe I'd alternate between the two. It doesn't hurt that these two were also the Koro with the best music in MNOG II, but that's purely coincidence. It's also coincidence that I'm listening to that game's soundtrack right now. In what mysterious ways the universe works.
B20 Favourite Online Episode: I'm tempted to say one of the Piraka Animations, actually. They're as non-canon as it gets, but man are they fun. But I think my actual favourite online episode thing is the first episode of the Search for the Mask of Light animations. I remember seeing it as a special feature on the Web of Shadows DVD and loving it, and then when I found out there were more online? That was a good day. I love how quickly the characters move, and also the way they talk.
C10 Unpopular Opinion About the Fandom: I don't know if this is unpopular per se, but I actually quite like it when the fandom comes to a consensus on particular details that were never established in canon. Like I'm all for everyone having their own vision for how a certain character looks, or how a particular backstory played out, etc, but I find it really fun when a goodly portion of the fandom just sort of silently adopts something as "canon" to them. Like the prevalence of sand blue as a Fa-Matoran armour colour, or the existence of Voriki somewhere in the MU, beautiful fanart like @bioniclechicken's, all the custom Kanohi people like KhingK and Galva and Rothanak have designed that have become the "official" appearance of those Kanohi for so many people. I think that kind of community consensus is wonderful. And I don't know, I hope someday I can make something for this community that's good enough that people can find it and love it so much that they adopt it into their personal curated headcanon
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ctrl-alt-tahu · 1 year
Avohkii, Matatu, Crast, Vahi?
Avokhii: Bionicles! (Well, true--but, more seriously: mountains and forest and the smell after rain. Snow-covered stillness. Babies and toddlers. Rewriting stories and finding that, as a better writer, I can write something I like out of something terrible I once wrote.)
Matatu: Bionicles! (This is actually a bit more serious--I can spent hours in "the LEGO basement" where my bricks are, or scrolling through Bionicle Tumblr. I can spend hours on Middle-earth, or--when the mood catches me--writing my own things.)
Crast: There's some sounds or smells that are just... writing on chalkboard. Beans of any variety exception string or magic.
Culture war stuff generally (not that I don't have opinions--but because I do. Most culture war stuff is skin deep for those shouting the loudest about it--they can't tell you WHY or HOW something is wrong--or, more likely, why someone is wrong, just that they are, and therefore, that they are to shunned. I spent way too much time as a Philosophy Major studying "Why?" to have any affinity left for a mindset that can't tell you why something is is bad, just that it is, and that will do a complete 180 in twenty years on an opinion or group just because it puts them on the right side of a culture war.
I also can't stand influencers, TikTok, the words "based" or "cringe" or "sus," anything based on the idea that the American flag is decor, "LIVE LAUGH LOVE," and Family Guy "humour."
Vahi: Deciding to quit my career plans halfway through studies, move to the U.S. for a different Master's Degree, and get married. All because, at 18, I'd joined a Tolkien fan forum. (Or, maybe, that Christmas as a five year old, when I got that first LEGO set...)
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mugbearerscorner · 9 months
Whenua for the ask game!
Anomalous Materials!
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wjbs-bonkle-au · 2 years
A1, A15, B21, C25 for the BIONICLE asks?
A1 - Vezok, almost entirely because of his role as the first main boss in Bionicle Heroes. A15 - Chirox. He's cool, and I have him on my shelf, plus his whole vampire motif partially inspired my main AU's vampire-inspired interpretation of Makuta.
B21 - Gotta say the Great Mahiki, because it's the most representative of Metru Nui's cool retrofuturistic aesthetic, looking kinda like the front of an art deco train.
C25 - I don't read many fanfics, so I'll just say that one mystery one that I can't seem to find anywhere.
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cosmicpaladintaka · 2 years
A1, A28, B21, C16 for the BIONICLE asks?
A1: my favorite character is Takanuva! I love Mask of Light, and the story of how he goes from a seemingly normal, if troubled matoran to a great hero. And one who's very much needed by others. That growth and realization that he's loved, valued, needed, and inherently worthwhile is amazing to me. It's a pretty simple narrative structure but very satisfying. Plus it hits that inner child desire of "I could be a hero!" even harder than other matoran becoming toa, because at that point in Bionicle's story, we hadn't seen nui stones. The Mata were made by Artakha, unlike the other toa teams (with the exception of the Inika) who were matoran turned via the stones. A28: aauugfhghh, this is so hard. I love any of the tropical islands, whether it's Voya Nui, or Mata Nui. But I'll have to pick Karda Nui because of how dramatic it was, and how near to the story it was. That was my first time as a child to get any of the Toa Nuva in their adaptive forms, as I was too young for 2001-2003. Plus it was aesthetic as all hell. The clouds and fogs, the light shining through them, the different grey tones and the stalagmites. It was killer. B21: I am obsessed with the trans blue noble ruru, though any trans, lime, or dark blue kanohi kick butt as well. C16: I think a new Bionicle movie or fan project ought to be somewhat faithful to the set designs, but with a MUCH higher fidelity of detail. Greeblies, grime, bits of dirt, and improved details or parts of characters where it makes sense like hands, faces, etc. Stop motions are really awesome, even if some of those things aren't possible and for that reason I'm really obsessed with Lovice's stop motion project that's been in the works for a long time now. From what I've heard of what they've done, or the work and tools they're using, it's going to be amazing. Like real sets with stop motion, extensive VA work, and CGI backgrounds or set extensions.
If not stop motion then CGI like the Ghost animations, but greatly improved would be awesome. We have so many cool tools and options for CGI animation like high dynamic range lighting system, PBR texturing systems, and a lot of very powerful features in software packages like Blender that would make this much easier for people to do now than if it was done 5-10 years ago.
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kanohivolitakk · 3 months
I like ehlek so ehlek for character bingo? If youd like?
oh yeah sure I like Ehlek too. Here ya go
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Note to self: If I heavily headcanon a character having emotional issues due to having a deeply trumatic past involving betrayal and abandoment I will not be normal about them. This is a threat
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