#bheem would tell me to just post it so
rrr-is-gay · 8 months
RRR ON-SCREEN KISS OPPORTUNITIES, rated for her pleasure
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1. Immediately following the fisher boy rescue. They go onto the dock and kinda embrace one another but fail to kiss. Not okay. 3/10
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2. The thigh touch scene. Come onnnnn, I know they’re talking about Sita, but they coulda squeezed a lil kissy kiss in there, if they had any courage at all. 8/10
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3. RAMBHEEM SQUAT WORKOUT. Not exactly the ideal shot for an onscreen kiss; we’d need to get a little creative with the camera work to keep it cohesive. But it would be the literal hottest thing EVER, so I hate that it isn’t real. 8/10
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4. MAKEOVER SCENE!!!!!!!!!!!! This one demands a kiss, multiple times! The beard trim? Pop a lil kiss on his nose, Ram! The hair treatment? Kiss his forehead! Changing his shirt? Bheem, give’m a nice lil smooch! It’s practically canon, the camera just cuts too quickly for us to see it. 10/10, peak kiss opportunity.
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5. Pre-Naatu. How fucking SWAG would it be for them to just pop the fastest lil kiss on each other’s lips RIGHT at the moment they dunk on Jake for not knowing Naatu? This precise moment, when Bheem twirls around and Ram puts his arm on his shoulder? KISS!! 6/10
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6. Post-Naatu piggyback ride. Would have loved to see Bheem kiss Ram’s cheek here. Totally ungrateful that he doesn’t. Wtf Bheem. 9/10
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7. Sopping fucking wet. Bheem could totally pop a quick kiss onto Ram's lips before administering the antidote here. He's all up in Ram's face anyway, tending to him, caring for him, healing him. A nice kiss would help!!!!!!! 7/10
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8. MARRIAGE CEREMONY. Bheem. BHEEM. You adorn your lover with the holy thread of your tribe, but don’t seal the deal with a kiss?? Maybe he thinks it’s dubcon cuz Ram is basically unconscious. Would’ve loved a kiss here, but I respect the consent king. 4/10
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9. REVEAL YOURSELF TO ME IN BED. Bheem could have AT LEAST kissed Ram’s hands here, I mean wtf!!!!!! You think you might die tonight, and you could be saying goodbye forever, and you DON’T kiss????? 10/10, scene incomplete without a tender smooch.
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10. Devastating fight. Bheem could’ve gone out on a limb here and really brought Ram back to reality if he’d gone in for a kiss. A bold move, yes, but not out of character for Bheem. 3/10
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11. Pain, pain paaaaiiinnnn. Ram is more devastated in this moment than he’s ever been in his entire life. He would absolutely kiss Bheem’s head while holding his limp body in his arms. Only gets a pass cuz Ram is still undercover and a kiss would’ve given him away. 2/10
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12. Hand nuzzle. CANON, I TELL YOU!!!! It’s CANON that Bheem kisses Ram’s hand here! It was only cut from the film because of homophobia! 11/10
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13. Burn this lanka down. Okay. It’s one swift move to pull Ram out from the cell and onto Bheem’s shoulders. So a kiss on the lips couldn’t work. But Ram could, and should, totally kiss Bheem’s head right here. And Bheem should kiss Ram’s wrist! The fight can wait one millisecond!!! JUST KISS ALREADY! 8/10
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14. Bridal carry. A nice swift peck from Ram to Bheem would really boost both of their morale right here. And it's such a brief shot, I'm sure the kiss happened, we just didn't get to see it. Once again, homophobia. 9/10
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15. CANON CANON CANON CANON. I don’t wanna hear ANY debate or disagreement on this one, you little freaks! They DO kiss here! I can see the intention in Bheem’s eyes! That slow lean inward!!!! He’s about to kiss this man smack on the lips!!!! And Ram is so tired, but he’s BLISSFULLY here for it! He’s flat on his back, ready for Bheem’s plush lips to smother his right NOW! HEAL THIS MAN WITH YOUR SWEET KISS, BHEEM!!!! 10000000000/10
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16. Phallic rifle. Would love a nice little makeout sesh right here in front of Governor Scott. How fucking badass would that be? Not a little peck either, I want them to get really filthy for a minute, because they’ve earned it! Grip that rifle and stick your tongues in each other’s mouths! Come on, the movie’s almost over! What have you got to lose?! 9/10
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17. “What can I offer you in return?” “KISS ME!” This really is the last chance for these two men to show us how they really feel. I get that it’s kinda awkward in front of their friends and family, but it’s all worth it just to make Jenny uncomfortable. (Why is she there?????) Oh wait, Sita’s there too. Meh. I still want them to smooch. 7/10
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18. Etthara Jenda! Dance, smile, skip, cheer, KISS! This song is all about victory and pride. Wouldn’t an onscreen kiss just be the cherry on top?! I think so. 9/10
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ronaldofandom · 10 months
To Be or Not to Be
How about some angst to cut through all the fluff coming from this writer?
Plot: After 5 months in Adilabad, Jenny gets a message from her best friend inviting her to Hyderabad. Ram refuses to let Bheem go. Bheem refuses to let Jenny go alone. Leading to a heavy angsty conversation. Followed by some Bheemjenny angst.
No warnings. Mostly angst & some mild fluff. This is the first RamBheem confrontation I have ever written & I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Jenny read and re-read the words of the letter over and over again.
It was Carol’s writing. No doubt. She had also signed it with a code name that only the two of them knew. Of a secret society that they wanted to form in their childhood.
Her best friend, her oldest friend was trying to reach out to her. Jenny held the letter close to her chest, in a bout of nostalgia.
She hadn’t had any contact with her former world in over 5 months now. That part of her life felt like a distant, yet fond memory.
Jenny had started to accept that she might never be able to revisit that world again. It was her choice to pay that price for her love. To make her new world her only reality. The girl had worked tirelessly to make that happen.
Yet, on some long days and restless nights, a few memories creeped back. Engulfing her in a strange sadness. She fought that feeling with all her might, telling herself repeatedly that she had so much to be thankful for. But her twisted heart refused to comply. A piece of her was lost, left behind, never to return. And her wretched heart reminded her of that feeling frequently.
Therefore, when Bheem first showed her the letter, she instantly cried. Then read it a few times. Then cried some more. And then held it close to her heart.
Bheem just looked from a distance, understanding every emotion dancing on her face. He had immense admiration and appreciation for her sacrifice. For leaving everything behind. Just for love. He couldn’t do it. No matter how much he loved her, he couldn’t leave his home, his people behind to join her in a strange, new world.
She never told him how much she missed her former life. She didn’t need to. He could always tell when she stopped talking mid-sentence, changing the subject, not letting even a hint slip of her reminiscing. Just so he doesn’t feel guilty.
He always tried to make up in whatever ways he could. Like celebrating her festivals. Taking her on picnics. Trying to learn her language. Baking some of the goodies with her. Listening to her stories, her beliefs. Going down on one knee when he proposed to her. Giving her the love of not just a partner but of everyone else she had left behind too.
But those were small compensations. She had given more to their relationship than he ever could. That guilt & realisation never left him.
The two minutes she took to compose herself after reading the letter were another harsh reminder. The guilt came flooding back.
He sat her down on the cot, bent in front of her, holding on to her hands.
‘It is her, then?’
‘Yes, this is unmistakably Carol. But, how did she reach us?’
‘She left it addressed to me and you at a focal point of the revolution in Hyderabad. Our people keep visiting there, they brought it back today.’
Jenny nodded in understanding. It would have taken some effort and even risk on her friend’s part to try reaching her like this. Carol was the only one who knew that Jenny had left of her own will. With Bheem. She was the only one Jenny had left a message for.
‘So, what does the letter say?’
‘Her husband is posted in Hyderabad for a few months. They are staying away from the Cantonment area, close to the city. He is in Delhi for the next two weeks. She asked if….if I could come visit her. She also promised that she would send her staff on leave that day so no one would see us. She has also offered to come pick us up from anywhere in the city. Bheem?’
She squeezed his hands tightly, her eyes brimming with hope & enthusiasm.
‘You go to Hyderabad often. You have even taken me once. Can we…can we please go visit her? Just for a few hours?’
Bheem knew this was coming. And he froze. Unable to respond either way. But he didn’t want to burden her with his inner tribulations on the matter.
‘Can I take a little time to think about this, bangaram? Let’s discuss this in the evening?’
If she was disheartened, she didn’t show it.
‘Sure. Ofcourse. I understand.’
She said all the right things, without meeting his eyes. He kissed the top of her head and left the hut, leaving her alone with her restless thoughts.
Bheem went straight to Ram, who was just returning from training, with Sita in his tow.
They stopped in their tracks, sensing the urgency on Bheem’s face, and the curious way in which he was extending the letter towards them.
Ram read it first, with a poker face, then handed it to Sita.
While she read it, Ram paced around the area, deep in thought.
‘Tell me you are not going. Tell me, now.’
Bheem just hung his head, expecting this response.
‘Ram, maybe we should talk about it?’
Sita offered, looking at Bheem’s torn face, sensing his dilemma.
‘Talk? There is nothing to talk about. This could very well be a trap. He could have a whole unit waiting for him, to ambush him. This is too big a risk, Bheem. It make NO SENSE. You are NOT GOING.’
When Bheem’s face fell even more, Sita intervened.
‘Bheem, does Jenny trust this Carol person?’
Ram turned to Sita, about to express his displeasure at them even considering this any further. But she raised her palm towards him, shushing him for good. Ram started to pace again.
‘Wholeheartedly. She says this woman is her best friend. She says this woman is like her. How could this woman be bad then, Sita? How could she be evil?’
Bheem looked up then, after a long time. Pleading eyes, looking for someaffirmation from Sita.
Sita reached out and gently grasped his fidgeting hand.
‘I believe in Jenny’s judgement. Ofcourse I do. But have you guys considered that her friend may have been coerced to write this? Maybe someone found out Jenny came with you willingly. And this is a ploy to get to her? And…to you?’
Sita spoke with as much love as she could muster, while softly squeezing his hand.
Bheem had considered that possibility. He had considered every possibility since he sensed the situation.
‘She wrote a code word in the letter which only her and Jenny knew of. No one else knew about it. If she were coerced, and someone else dictated the letter to her, she would not have written that.’
Sita nodded in agreement. Ram nearly punched a nearby tree in frustration.
‘Oh look at you two trusting fools. You might believe this Carol’s intent, Sita, but I don’t. She may be a nice person or whatever. But what if she thinks she is trying to save Jenny from your clutches by doing this, huh Bheem? Maybe she thought it was a phase for Jenny and she would grow out of it soon. But that didn’t happen, did it? Jenny decided to stay. Maybe her friend is trying to give her an out? Trying to save her from a lifetime of distress that’s destined for her if she stays here with you? Maybe this is her way of protecting her. FROM YOU. WHAT ABOUT THAT???’
Ram stared at both of them intently, waiting for them to respond.
Sita couldn’t deny the logic in Ram’s words. They were cynical, yes. But he had more than enough reasons to be cynical in life.
Bheem met Ram’s eyes for the first time.
‘Well, that’s a risk I will have to take then.’
Ram stood toe to toe with Bheem, grabbing him by the collar and shaking him profusely.
‘WHY? Why do you HAVE TO do this? Why can’t we just forget about this letter and get on with our lives? Why take the risk at all? Why can’t Jenny make her peace with it? She made a choice, now she needs to stick with it.’
Bheem gawked at Ram, indignation written all over his face.
‘Are you serious? What do you mean she needs to stick with it? She is doing more than anyone could ask from her, expect from her. What else do you want her to do? She has given up everything. EVERYTHING. Just for me. Are you saying I should crush this tiny bit of hope she has gotten now? This brief window of meeting someone familiar, rekindling her memories - you are saying I should kill that chance too? Who knows when or if this will ever be possible again? How could I be such a monster to do this to her, Anna? HOW?’
Before Ram could burst into a rant, Sita grabbed his elbow, slightly shaking her head at him. Warning him to tread carefully.
Ram realised he wouldn’t win this battle. Bheem won’t stop Jenny from going. But that didn’t mean he would just let Bheem fall into a death trap.
‘Ok. Fine. It’s your call. But - let her go alone then. You don’t have to go with her. She can go with someone else from here who can drop her somewhere in the city and pick her up. YOU don’t have to put yourself at risk. Not for this, Bheem. Please, I am begging you.’
Sita closed her eyes and sighed inwardly, bracing herself for what was to come. She knew it was a moot point. The only two people Bheem would trust Jenny with, on such a long trip, were Ram & himself. And, Ram was not a viable alternative since he was a wanted man too.
Bheem said those exact words out loud to Ram.
Ram took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and considered all potential ways to address this situation. Sita’s hand was still firmly on his elbow, beseeching him to not lose his shit.
When Ram spoke next, his voice was calm. Eerily calm. Like a cold-blooded killer. Punctuating each word with pauses. Sending a shiver down Sita’s back.
‘If you go with her and they catch you, they will skin you alive. Gleefully. All right? They will leave your corpse hanging in the city centre, for days, making an example out of you. For anyone who dares to revolt against the mighty empire. Do you agree?’
‘If they catch me, yes. Remember, it took you to catch me last time.’
Bheem responded flatly, with equal calm. Sita just looked at the two men, wondering where this was going.
Ram chose to ignore the implied jibe and continued.
‘Fantastic. Now, if she goes alone and it’s a trap, what’s the worst that can happen? Think about it. No one will harm a hair on her head. She would be admonished, sure, but do you think anyone would dare to hurt a lady of her stature? Not a chance. At max, they will send her back to England. That’s fine. She will live. And so will you.’
Sita gasped in horror. She was sure Ram didn’t realise the enormity of what he had just said. She was even more sure it won’t go down well with Bheem. She didn’t even dare to look at Bheem at this point, just shutting her eyes again.
It took Bheem a few moments to believe what Ram had said. He was shaking from disbelief. Did his Anna not know his heart at all?
Then, he took a few steps back, getting enough distance from Ram, and glared straight into his eyes.
‘She will live. And so will I. But what kind of a life would that be for either of us? By that logic, Malli would have lived in that cage too with more amenities than here for sure. So, when she was taken against her wishes, caged against her wishes, I should have just left her there? I didn’t. So how could I let Jenny walk into this alone? How could I not be there for her, every step of the way? If they try to cage her, take her away, against her wishes, how could I not do everything in my power to keep her with me? If I was there for Malli, how is this any different?’
Sita’s voice cut through the mayhem.
Ram stopped in his tracks, the weight of his words hitting him like a truck.
Bheem didn’t flinch, but something changed in his eyes. Like something had died inside.
Sita rushed towards Bheem, grasping his shoulders, rubbing his arms. Trying to get him to look at her but Bheem stared straight at Ram.
‘Bheem. Bheem - he didn’t mean it like that. You know he didn’t.’
Bheem freed himself from her hold. Stepping further away from both of them. The physical distance a proxy to their emotional distance.
‘Let it be, Sita. I know what he meant. And you know what - Ram - you are right in a way. Jenny is not from here, no one here owes anything to her. No one, other than me. So I won’t put anyone else at risk for her. But no one, NO ONE, has the right to tell me to not put myself on the line for her. I will do that every day if I have to. I love her to death, and that is my burden to bear. No one will tell me that the burden is too high.’
Sita’s heart was breaking for Bheem. He was trying hard to hide his emotion but the lack of emotion from him itself was a big tell of how broken he was feeling inside.
Ram knew it was now or never. He could live with Bheem’s hate, if that meant Bheem would survive. What he couldn’t live with is knowing he didn’t do everything in his power to keep him safe, when he was about to walk into a fatal trap. Ram was convinced that’s what it was and was utterly distraught in failing to make Bheem see so.
Ram decided to double down, seeing that as the only remaining option.
‘So, you would pick her over us then? Over all of us? Is she the only one who loves you? Does our love for you amount to nothing? Your people, your friends, your tribe, your COUNTRY - you love her more than all of us? Is that it, Bheem? Answer me.’
Bheem couldn’t recognize the man in front of him anymore. The man who was mocking & berating his love.
He laughed a distant, bitter laugh.
‘It’s funny you say that. Because my people, my tribe, my country were safe when we had escaped. But still I went back to the jaws of death for YOU. For ONE person. All because of a stupid thing called love. Guess I was always stupid. Because doing things out of love is stupid in your books. Sadly, my love is like that. I can kill for it. I can die for it.’
The emotion in Sita’s eyes had spilled by now. She felt the pain of how these two were cutting each other, and themselves, with their words. She also felt the love behind the scathing declarations.
Ram stayed rooted to the spot, feeling like he may have gone too far but not knowing what to do about it. Despite the mayhem, he had half a mind to actually go & tell Jenny about his fears. If she had any inkling of the danger, she would put an end to all this. But Ram also knew that he would be crossing a line with Bheem which he may not be able to come back from.
Bheem retreated while still looking at Ram. Before walking away, he turned back one last time.
‘The woman who is not from here is the reason you are standing here right now. She put herself at risk to get those maps. But you knew that already. She begged & pleaded with me, while handing over the maps, to not go inside. That it would be too risky. That it could be the end of me. Very similar things to what you said today. But the difference is, she could also see why I just had to do it. Despite everything she had seen you do at the time, she could see why I would still go back for you. She understood. I expected the same from you, Ram. I didn’t think you would support me in doing this, which by the way is maybe not a trap at all. It could just be our paranoia. Your fears were still warranted. I didn’t expect you to agree, I expected you to understand. Like she did.’
With those parting words, and one final nod to Sita, he walked away. Without turning back. Leaving a stunned Ram and distraught Sita behind.
Part 2 will be BheemJenny in Hyderabad. Do let me know what you feel about the story so far and if a second part would interest you :)
@irisesforyoureyes @rambheem-is-real @thewinchestergirl1208 @eremin0109 @eenadu-varthalu @rorapostsbl @yehsahihai @budugu @maraudersbitchesassemble @justmeand-myinsight @rambheemisgoated @rosayounan @jrntrtitties @obsessedtoafault @rambheemlove @jjwolfesworld @alikokinav @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @dumdaradumdaradum @lovingperfectionwonderland
@chaanv @ssabriel @milla984 @kaagazkefool @boochhaan @mesimpleone @filesbeorganized @ladydarkey @veteran-fanperson @ronika-writes-stuff @beingmes-blog @yonderghostshistories @nisreenart @chaidrivenwhore @bheemaxrama @mizutaama @rosefulmadness @gifseafins @voidsteffy @maooyinysparkle @amalthea9 @vijayasena @stars-in-the-distance @astrafangs
@orangey-orange @ariel-seagull-wings @atlinmerrick @carminavulcana
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ambiguous-sanskars · 1 year
Hey y'all I'm super late to the party but I finally watched RRR and needed to write something~ This is a little canon-divergent post-whipping scene where Ram decides to visit Bheem in his jail cell and tell him everything. First shot at writing anything for this fandom, hope y'all like it!
Read on AO3
Bheem jerked awake at that voice - and then immediately regretted it. With consciousness returned the searing pain coursing through every fiber of his body. His bloodstained dhoti clung to his legs, and for some reason that made it hard to breathe. His chafed wrists had begun to heal, and the clotting blood had glued them to the ropes that bound him. He tried tentatively to move an arm and cried out in pain.
“Shh. Your left shoulder is dislocated. Don’t move,  I’ll help you.”
Ram stepped out of the shadows. Bheem struggled against his chains, trying to move away.
“No, don’t-” Ram’s voice cracked. “Bheema, please.”
Bheem froze. “What do you want?”
“I’m trying to help you.”
“They’ll kill you.”
“You- what about Malli? Why didn’t you-”
“I’ll tell you everything. Just let me untie you for a minute. It will help with the pain.”
Bheem stayed still as Ram knelt at his feet, unlocking the cuffs around his ankles. Then Ram stood and pulled out a pocket knife, using it to slowly peel the ropes away from Bheem’s wrists. Bheem choked back a whimper.
“I know, I know it hurts. I’ll be gentle. Lean on me, Bheema. Take deep breaths. You can do it.”
Bheem pressed his forehead into Ram’s shoulder, breathing through clenched teeth. 
Ram decided to distract him by telling him the truth. By the time the second rope had come off, he’d told Bheem everything - his training, his parents’ deaths, his mission, the atrocities he’d committed in the name of liberation. He explained, shamefaced, how he’d used Bheem as a pawn to get this position. He fought down a wave of nausea as he tried to justify not helping Malli sooner.
And then, when he had cut off the last bit of rope and officially run out of reasons to avoid Bheem’s gaze, he looked up.
Bheem was staring at him in horror. Ram didn’t know what else he’d expected.
“So anyway,” Ram continued. “I’m getting you and Malli out of here. I’ll have to kill the governor to do it. He doesn’t suspect me. If it stays that way,  I’ll survive and return for the weapons. If he puts two and two together…” Ram let out a shaky sigh. “God, Bheema, please say something. Anything.”
To Ram’s astonishment, Bheem got to his knees. With his uninjured hand, he clasped Ram’s feet.
“Annayya,” Bheem choked out. “I tried to kill you. Forgive me.”
“I did not understand your great purpose. I did not know what you had gone through to get here. At every step I made things harder for you, and you still came back for me. You are so merciful, Annayya, so good-”
“Enough,” Ram managed, fresh tears springing into his eyes. He took Bheem by the shoulders and lifted him to his feet, watching him wince at the injuries Ram had inflicted on him not even a full day earlier. “How can you say such things? And after what I did yesterday?” Ram tenderly brushed a hand over the lash marks on Bheem’s side, causing him to shudder. “If anyone should beg for forgiveness, it is me.”
Bheem shook his head, leaning weakly into Ram’s arms. “Annayya, I should have understood you, like I always have. I should have trusted you. Forgive me.”
Ram brought a hand up to cradle Bheem’s head, trying to steady his own breathing as Bheem sobbed quietly into his shoulder. He would get them out of this alive, Ram vowed. And when he did, he would apologize to Bheem properly. He would make sure that as long as he lived, Bheem never knew pain again.
But for now…
“Bheema,” Ram began, hating what he was about to do. “We have to relocate your shoulder, okay? Will you let me do that?”
Bheem nodded, looking at Ram with implicit trust. It made Ram sick with regret.
“Okay, here, lie down. This is going to hurt, Bheema, but you cannot cry out. There are guards out there not twenty meters from us. If they find me here, neither of us will make it out alive, understand?”
“Annayya…” Bheem whimpered, finally letting fear into his eyes in front of Ram.
Hot tears streamed down Ram’s face, but he knew what he had to do. He climbed over Bheem’s supine body, using his knee to brace Bheem’s clavicle. He positioned his right hand over the dislocated shoulder, and pressed his left hand tightly over Bheem’s mouth. He counted to three and then pushed with all this strength.
Bheem’s body spasmed under his, but Bheem did not cry out. Ram quickly clambered off Bheem and crawled on his hands and knees to a corner of the cell, retching silently. He had committed innumerable acts of torture before, but nothing had ever gotten to him like this.
Suddenly, he felt a warm hand on his cheek.
“Annayya,” Bheem said softly, turning Ram’s face towards himself. He shook his head, wiping away Ram’s tears with a gentleness of which Ram felt wholly undeserving.
Ram got to his feet, taking Bheem’s hands and walking him back to the bloodied chains and ropes. 
“Bheema, I need to tie you back up. Not properly, just enough to avoid suspicion. The ropes will be loose, and I won’t lock any of the cuffs. Tomorrow, when they come to get you, you will be able to break free easily, okay? Remember the plan. Wait until you are by the forest to escape.”
As Ram went about securing the chains, Bheem’s eyes filled with tears.
“Annayya,” he begged, unable to bury emotion with reasoning. “Annayya, don’t leave me here. Please don’t leave me.”
Ram made a wounded sound. His hands continued fastening the ropes.
“Annayya, I swear I will listen to everything you say. Have mercy, take me with you.”
“Quiet, Bheema.”
“Annayya, I’m sorry. Forgive my past transgressions. Don’t punish me by leaving me here alone. Annayya, please!”
Ram dropped the ropes in agony, gathering Bheem into his embrace. Bheem clung to Ram’s trembling frame, understanding how Malli must have felt when he left her behind. Understanding how utterly helpless Ram must be feeling now. He took a deep breath.
“Go,” Bheem whispered into Ram’s shoulder.
Ram pulled back, taking Bheem’s face in his hands. He pressed a long kiss to Bheem’s forehead. Then he stepped out of the cell and locked it.
Ram gripped the metal bars and caught Bheem’s teary gaze.
“Bheema, do you trust me?”
“Always, Annayya.”
“Then believe me when I say that this time tomorrow, you and Malli will be free.”
Ram turned to leave.
“Annayya, that is not enough.”
Ram froze.
“Promise me you will be with us.”
“Swear it. Swear it on my life.”
“Please, Annayya. I will never ask you for anything else. Just this. Just you.”
As long as he lived, Ram thought, he would never understand what he had done to deserve Bheem. He reached through the bars and placed his hand on Bheem's head. 
“I swear I will be with you. All three of us will make it out of this alive. And then, Bheema, I will see to it that suffering never touches you again.”
With that, Ram turned and disappeared into the night.
@fangirlshrewt97 your writing for this fandom inspired me to try so I figured you might be interested? Please lmk if you don't want to be tagged!
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mootmuse · 5 months
RRR fans, putting this in the tag because I have a question. What name do I call Rama Raju by in my narration when I write about him? What would he call himself in a story from his perspective, and by what part of his personal name would he introduce himself to strangers?
I've been assuming Raju because that's how he introduces himself to Bheem, and that Ram/Rama would be considered more personal and affectionate because that's what his family called him when he was a kid, but then I asked an AI chatbot thing (I know, but sometimes it gives me a jumping off point to try to look up stuff myself) about Telugu-style name stuff and it ended up telling me it was the other way around, that Rama would be used for strangers and that Raju would be used more intimately. I asked here on Quora but didn't really understand the answer I got, and I don't think people who answer questions on there get notifications when someone comments on the post so I can't ask them for clarification.
I can't find anywhere talking about this aspect of how Telugu-style personal names are used, and am not sure where else to ask. Am I overthinking it and it's just a matter of which part of their personal name the person prefers? Or do 'Rama' and 'Raju' have different connotations and get used in different situations?
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amalthea9 · 1 year
Sharing some headcannons for Jenny from 2022 Rise. Roar. Revolt. Or RRR.
Mainly so they stop pestering me to be heard.
What if Scott and Cathy are Jenny's only parental figures and that's why she came to India? Perhaps she is an orphan or poor relation. When Bheem is asking about her house, her tone is sad when she tells him it's big but not really a home.
In regards to Malli and why Jenny didn't try to free the girl, I have a theory. Cathy seems like the type who would lie to Jenny and tell her that Malli is an orphaned Indian whom they care for. Jenny is trusting of her aunt, no doubt. And wouldn't question this as truth.
Jenny reminds me of Harry Goodsir from AMC's The Terror. Harry Goodsir did not understand the cruelty the other English men showed to the Inuit people they encountered. This was because Harry had lived an isolated life in England. I believe the same can be said for Jenny. She's not seen colonization or English militant cruelty to the Indians. She also has no prejudice, like Harry, whether it's because it was never enforced in her childhood like it never was for me, or if she simply chooses to not be prejudice because it is wrong. Regardless, this causes an inward confliction.
Imagine that you're told by your aunt and uncle that you are obligated to watch the flogging of the man you have feelings for. Then you're watching your only aunt who has been your only source of motherly affection get angry that there isn't enough blood on the floor. Then proceed to get a cat o' nine out with gleeful delight for the officer to use.
When Jenny is crying at Bheem's flogging, it seems so little at first. Then I thought about how britians are told not to show emotions, stiff upper lip and all of that. And especially why would she show her grief and pain to the two people she thought were good, kind, and just. And just now she sees what they're really like. I'd say this was a lot to take in.
I personally don't feel that she blames Ram for being the one that flogged Bheem. I feel that Jenny would be too conflicted about what her Aunt and Uncle are doing to Bheem to think about Ram being the one inflicting the punishment. I feel as though she only sees Ram as another Indian man rising up in the ranks as he sees fit.(but this could be my love for Ram and not wanting Jenny to blame him).
I know that we didn't have time in the film to fully show Jenny's emotional/psychological conflict. But she most likely risked her life to give Bheem the map to the prison. How he even was able to signal her for help shows that she was on constant vigil to help him with whatever she could. The way she says "Be careful." Sounds so sad and separated. Stiff upper lip and all of that...
I'm sure I'll think of other stuff later, or someone else bring stuff to the table.
Anyways, thanks to whoever read this.
@ronaldofandom I thought to tag you in this post! Tag whoever you know who also likes Jenny!
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jrntrtitties · 2 years
In my typical re-watch of the song Dosti, I noticed this little thing that I'm super friggin happy about. I want to correct or rather add to the detail of an earlier post. This is the missing detail (I don't know if anyone has said this before, but this is so friggin cute):
In an earlier post, I mentioned this:
"Like, in this shot of Ram sleeping, if I didn't pause, I would never know that he was sweating even with the fan on showing how stressed out he is in finding Bheem. Even his eyebrows are a bit furrowed!! He is so exhausted that he slept on the table right after writing! There are probably other things we are missing like those news paper cut outs of people above his diary....aaaaaaaaaaaa the detailsssssss!! "
And the pic was this:
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I basically said that he was sweating even though the fan was on...but that's not the case!!
Bheem is the one who puts it there for him because Ram was sweaty!!
1. Bheem just casually waltzes into Ram's room:
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And, in this pic it's clear that the fan was on the bedside table and not near Ram!
2. Bheem sees the sleepy Ram and notices that he's sweaty:
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Another thing I didn't notice in the last post was that his hair was also damp (watch it by pausing the actual video).
3. Bheem puts the fan beside Ram and turns it on for him, seeing how his bae looked bothered in his sleep!:
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And look how proud he is of his work!!🥹🥹🤌🤌😩😩😩💕💖💞🥹💖
P.s, here's the link for that earlier post of you want: https://percikawantstoread.tumblr.com/post/689051300434001920/ok-with-a-lot-of-squinting-and-straining-my-eyes
Tagging y'all:
@burningsheepcrown @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @bromance-minus-the-b @rambheemlove @rambheemisgoated @rambheem-is-real @ronaldofandom @rorareblogss @stanleykubricks
Pls tell me if you wanna be tagged🥹!
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Rn I def ship you and Bheem! I have a feeling he'd be so gentle and caring, cooking for you when you're having a bad day (in my mind he knows you love potatoes so even if he's not the best cook ever he can still manage to prep a decent meal) and reminding you you need to look after yourself, especially when the pressure from work or the outside world in general takes a toll on you. During the weekend you would both follow the 'no electronics' rule to spend time together, leave town for a scenic motorcycle ride through the countryside and stop at a cozy inn for the night.
[ bonus: his family runs that small business and they absolutely adore you, so you get double the amount of love whenever you visit them ]
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@milla984 babeeeee
I feel as if there's a sparkling music around like from some fairy sound effects and to imagine myself to be in what you just described is the perfect love and life I could ever dream of.
...he'd be so gentle and caring, cooking for you when you're having a bad day (in my mind he knows you love potatoes so even if he's not the best cook ever he can still manage to prep a decent meal)
Seeing myself just staying on bed, not really feeling like getting up and Bheem waking me up with some hot soup in his hands - then he'll tell he's baking pizza and the toppings are my fave potatoes (*evil laugh to you Milla*) then he will also note that it might not be good - i know he just doesn't want to admit that he's a good cook but he really is.
...reminding you you need to look after yourself, especially when the pressure from work or the outside world in general takes a toll on you.
I immediately thought of the picture Tarak posted weeks ago. Him and his wife but for this moment, I'll be in her shoes (hello imagination). Like I feel Bheem will insist we walk early in the morning to help me de-stress and will endlessly remind me to get up early before we head to sleep. Then, when the morning comes, Bheem, already excited about the walk will drag my hands cheerily and will talk about how beautiful the mountains, the sunrise, the chirp of birds, the crowing of the chickens, the sky. He is also the kind of guy that will say hi to anyone he passes by. He will also tell silly jokes and will wait on how will I react and even it's so cringy - we'd still both laugh. And when it's time to come home and have breakfast, he'll have a cup of coffee and I will have a hot choco (bc he knows I am not a coffee person).
During the weekend you would both follow the 'no electronics' rule to spend time together, leave town for a scenic motorcycle ride through the countryside and stop at a cozy inn for the night.
And Bheem'll also let me drive the motorcycle (although he feels it's an unquestionable decision from him) but only for a couple of minutes bc I'd be driving too slow. He'll be patient to teach me anyway. And when we get tired of all that, we'll just rest in the fields, snuggling and watching the sun sets....
bonus: his family runs that small business and they absolutely adore you, so you get double the amount of love whenever you visit them
Bheem will always tease that we cannot visit his family because he's got some stuff to do but I will still insist that we should because I love his family. End of day, he's already on the motorcycle shouting my name that we go - I'd be jumping like a child riding the carousel for the first time that he's also beaming towards my reaction and I'll be hugging Bheem tight while we ride into the night.
Okay, I didn't mean to post this long but as I was typing this, I somehow couldn't stop smiling 🥰💞
Thank you so much for sending this to me Milla 💗 Words are not enough to express how much I adore this.
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jadebomani · 2 years
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RRR headcanon
Hi RRR community I’ve been a fan of the movie for weeks now and have read and followed most of everyone’s posts and fic ideas and wanted to put out my own. I wanted to do an AU about bheem, ram, Jenny, and sita being poly and they adopted my ocs (Jaan and Johari two young girls who were saved by the group from the British in a raid or was on the run and bumped into them and asked for help) Or the idea that just like Malli they were taken by the Scott’s and brought to India. I loved the head cannon of reader daughter to rambheem and wanted to put out my own for my characters.
- If they were with the Scotts Jenny knew them and asked bheem to help save them.
- after rescuing ram she leads them to where they are hiding since she snuck em out.
- The two have a soft spot for the girls as soon as they see how protective they were of each other. And sita soon follows suit when she meets them.
- Due to the time period they are in ram bheem sita and Jenny get married in Hetero marriages together. So only their villages know their real relationship as opposed to the rest of the world. And adopt the girls.
- Johari is ramsita’s kid and Jaan is bheemjenny’s kid.
- Johari is a soft kid and has a extroverted fun personality while Jaan is a tsundere with an introverted and reserved personality only really being more extroverted around Johari and her baba(bheem).
- Malli is their bestie and they all do cute pranks on the adults and get into chaotic mischief.
- Johari loves helping out around the clinic bheem and sita own and work at helping the rebels. She also loves learning telugu and English with their mummy(Jenny) and daddy(ram).
-Jaan loves animals more than people due to her memories of their kidnapping and how much pain and suffering they indured. Bheem was able to get her to trust them by bringing little animals to talk about and pet.
- One day she ventured out causing a panic and came back with two baby animals. A panther and a tiger. Rambheem worrying about the mothers being nearby and Jennysita worrying how she got bear them to take them. Johari shaking her head in amusement because of course Jaan would come back with two big cats as pets like it’s just a normal thing🙄.
- Jaan tells em about how they lost their parents and we’re all alone so she saved them and brought them so they wouldn’t be lonely anymore like she was. Cue family fluff and reassurances. And the fam had new additions to the family.
- Babai loves the two to bits and spoils them along with the villages. They call him grandpa and that made the man break into tears once.
- Jaan and Johari are like rambheem ice and magma and mix of their parents temperance. Ram(fire), sita(earth), Jenny(air), and bheem(water).
- the girls grow up to be freedom fighters and speak out on the injustice to black and brown people in India, uk, and USA.
- rambheemsita pass away at canon ages and Jenny raises them until her passing at age 70. She promises them they will all reunite in the next life like bheem foretold and will be born a family again in a world where they will all be free and accepted.
@rambheemisgoated @rambheemlove @rambheem-is-real @ronnoxandlumoss @percikawantstoread @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @bromance-minus-the-b
Please let me know any face claims that could go with this idea and any feedback this is my first post.😊
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ronnoxandlumoss · 2 years
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I posted 457 times in 2022
That's 457 more posts than 2021!
40 posts created (9%)
417 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 54 of my posts in 2022
#desiblr - 19 posts
#desi tumblr - 12 posts
#desi tag - 12 posts
#bheems little meow meow - 10 posts
#rambheem - 9 posts
#desi - 9 posts
#rambheem fanfic - 4 posts
#desi lgbtq - 4 posts
#desi stuff - 4 posts
#rrr - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 83 characters
#i dont know why but i think petting ram would be bheems chosen form of self comfort
My Top Posts in 2022:
Krishna simps I need yall to tell me what you guys do for him on janamashtami because I wanna be extra tomorrow
54 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
Ram is a cat/tiger
Change my mind, you cant
-the wtf you're so dumb look he gives Bheem when bheem is being all innocent and clueless about Jenny
-the sheer slyness of that tyre puncture, the way he was so proud of himself like the cat who knocked over the cup of water
-the way he preens when bheem compliments (*cough* worships *cough*) him
-the way my guy roars in the interval fight scene (which yes, was dominated by bheem, is bheem's, bheem owns it. If it wasn't about Malli, bheem would have won. But that's the thing about their relationship! They challenge each other perfectly at each others levels with their different strengths and opposite personalities, while understanding each other's depth and temperament in a way no one else can)
- He is sheer chaos for the whole time that he's awake
- looks adorable sleeping
-will sleep anywhere (see: on top of books)
-graceful bastard
-overall cat okay?
-He really is bheem's little meow meow
71 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
Y'all ever look around at yourself and then the people who chose you and realise, 'holy shit, why did these angelic people pick me, a human embodiment of a sour inflated binbag?'
76 notes - Posted July 10, 2022
Okay so I'm kind of young, right?
I grew up listening to "Mai Agar kahoon," and I've watched Om Shaanti Om but I don't remember it at all. It came out when I was 4.
I don't know why I haven't re watched the movie ever.
But I just had a talk with mom and apparently Mai Agar Kahoon is a romance song????
I always thought it was a double meaning manipulation song disguised as a romance song and the story must be that the guy is in some way betraying/lying to/manipulating the girl he is singing this to. But nope, mom says it's just a romance song.
But listen to the way its sung!
"Taareef ye bhi to, sach hai, kuch bhi nahi" (Even all praise for you, it's true, is not enough/is nothing)
But the way its sung, it sounds like
"Taareef ye bhi to, sach hai kuch bhi nahi" (even with all this praise for you, nothing from what I'm saying is true)
And then the general vibe and the beginning melody of the song has always sounded more intense, tense and ominous to me than romantic
Anyone? Am I being weird or do you see it?
I have thought it was a manipulative song since I was a kid, help???
78 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Like I think it's meant to be an insult but I'm claiming it
581 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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komurambheemudo · 2 years
hiii im planning on posting my first fic on here tmmr and was wondering if anyone wanted to be on my taglist ?🤔 i have a few ppl already so if youve mentioned it before ur good this is just for anyone else who would like to be on it <3
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mayakrish08 · 2 years
You all! I don’t even know you people, but I already love you guys! Until now, I read all of your RRR related things, and wow, I am mind blown! My family members, and my besties, are telling me that I am obsessed with RRR - I say that they haven’t seen what you guys are capable of yet. I mean, seriously! Decoding what Ram has written in the diary! I love you!!
I loved each and every inch of RRR - I still do. It’s been weeks since I went and watched it in big screen, and I am still rewatching scenes of it almost every day! And, dear gawdddd, the OST and the songs! It’s been a long while since I have been obsessed with a Tamil movie (well, Telugu dubbed to Tamil, but meh.), and it’s music, because, let’s face it - English series have wayyyy better OST than Tamil serials (yuck), and movies, with the exception of great artists like ARR, Ilayaraja, and all those people from before 2010s 
Ahem. Getting off track here. Buuuttt I guess that’s what happens when you just remain and a silent spectator, and don’t join a conversation for a loonggggg time, huh? 
Either way, I intend to stay active here. Oh, and as for RamBheem - no offense to all the RamBheem followers, but, I have been a sucker for platonic brotherly relationship for a quite a while now, so, my brain won’t allow me to ship RamBheem, or Tarak and Charan. But, that does not mean I don’t enjoy reading you guys’ ideas and fics - it just means that my brain will just convert their relationship to a platonic one. Sorry!
Also, I noticed a post here talking about Ram and Bheem’s hug - Ohhh yes! I wanted a hug too! Desperately! Who am I kidding, I still doooooo! It would be amafuckzing if they had hugged during the scene that has been dubbed as the Titanic Pose by you amazayn people. 
Sooo, ramble time is up. Looking forward to interacting with you people!
 Love, Maya.
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ambidextrousarcher · 4 years
Meta-1: Dispelling the myth that Karna was unheard by others as he was a Suta...
Okay. *Takes a deep breath*
Since all opinions are welcome here, and I do not wish to ruffle people’s sensibilities (too much, at least, lest anyone think that I am attacking them), I’d like to calmly state that, outside of the realm of TV shows and revisionist retellings, the whole ‘Karna is always dismissed as he was a Suta’ is but a fancy.
I have seen a number of posts, both here and in other sites, recently, claiming that Karna nearly always not listened to because he was a Suta.
I would like to corroborate this claim of mine with quotes from canon. BORI mostly) This is under a cut. Trigger warning: Sexual assault. 
This meta is TOO long as it is, so I am deleting/shortening some canon citations. Feel free to comment if you want the longer versions, I’ll try to DM you.
This is intended for @hindumythologyevent Day 5: Character analysis. 
In light of certain events that happened yesterday, I would like to clarify that this meta was planned for over a month, it has been sitting in my drafts for that long, as @medhasree (my beta/co-writer), @ambitiousandcunning (my beta), @jigyask and @shaonharryandpannisim can attest to. This is not a pre-mediated attack, nor is it meant to be overtly hostile, except perhaps to Karna/Draupadi shippers, as per my own subjective opinion.
This is, as all my posts are, canonically based. I have included many canon citations from BORI and also stated my own subjective opinion. It is not intended to hurt anyone, merely to set some facts in front of everyone who is interested in them.
As usual, I will tag all the mods of the event: @1nsaankahanhai-bkr, @allegoriesinmediasres and @soniaoutloud.  
Also tagging some of my mutuals: @chaanv @mayavanavihariniharini @phalgunaa @snaagin @vishnupada. Apologies for the short tag list.
The first misconception is that Karn was not Dron’s student. He was.
‘Then the valorous Drona taught Pandu’s sons the use of many weapons, human and divine. O bull among the Bharata lineage! Other princes also came to Drona, supreme among Brahmanas, to learn the use of arms—the Vrishnis, the Andhakas, kings from many countries and Radheya, the son of the suta. They made Drona their preceptor. The suta’s son was envious of Partha and always competed with him. With Duryodhana’s support, he showed his contempt for the Pandavas.
(Page 734, The Mahabharata, Kindle Edition)
Here, Radheya, the son of the suta, refers to none other than Karna.
The second instance is the Rangabhoomi exhibition, which is basically the one instance in canon where he IS insulted by someone in the Pandava side, which is Bheem, and not Arjun. However, it makes sense in context.
The first thing to remember here is that the Rangabhoomi is a family exhibition, no one outside family is welcome.
“O Partha! Before the eyes of these people, I will perform feats that will surpass everything that you have done. Don’t be too amazed at what you have done.” O supreme among those who are eloquent! No sooner had he uttered these words, than the spectators quickly stood up all at once, as if raised up by a single machine. O tiger among men! Duryodhana was greatly delighted. Bibhatsu was suddenly filled with anger and a sense of disgrace. ‘With Drona’s permission, Karna, always eager to do battle and immensely strong, exhibited all that Partha had displayed before. O descendant of the Bharata lineage! Duryodhana and his brothers delightedly embraced Karna and said, “O mighty-armed hero! Welcome. Good fortune has brought you here.
(Page 744, The Mahabharata, Kindle Edition)
Clearly, here, it is obvious that Duryodhana and Karna are old friends. Nor has anyone brought his lineage forward yet, until he asks for a duel with Arjun, who, angry, agrees, threatening to kill him.
Another thing to remember here is that Karna is about a decade older than Arjun. In too many modern adaptations, that is washed off. I would like to bring notice to the fact.
Once they are ready, Kripa introduces Arjun, just as Drona had introduced Arjun before, and asks Karna to do the same, introduce himself, proving himself equal to Arjun’s lineage. This might be taken as a slur, but it seems he is just following protocol, since Dron does not object, he actually gives Karn implicit permission as he nods his head and allows Karn in when Karn challenges Arjun. 
After Karna has been crowned to establish him as Arjun’s equal, a crown that he was neither born to, nor earned for himself by either his or his students’ valor, then Adiratha walks in. Karna treats him as a father. That is when Bheem, incensed, insults Karna. (Bheem is very protective of Arjun, so much so that his loyal protectiveness, not only of Arjun, throughout the epic, is his most defining trait) and while it does not excuse what he did, it does give an explanation to why he said what he did.
When Pandava Bhimasena saw him, he deduced that he was a charioteer’s son and jeeringly said, “O son of a charioteer! You don’t have the right to be killed by Partha in battle. You had better take up a whip, more befitting of your lineage.
(Page 747, the Mahabharata, Kindle Edition).
This is, by far, the one time Karna is insulted for his caste. Kindly observe that such “caste”-based insults are not at all new throughout Mahabharata, or specific to Karna either. And no, I am not speaking of the “low” castes, you will be surprised to know. To state an example - the likes of Bheem and Drupad insult Drona for his caste, and he was a Brahmin, unanimously an “upper” caste man. Note the context and timing of such “casteist” insults. War. It is always during war and battle. Psychological warfare is something most of you must have heard of. Insults related to but not limited to caste are spread throughout the epic.
What does he do next? Support Duryodhana in killing the Pandavas.
‘On seeing that Bhimasena had become extremely strong and Dhananjaya extremely skilled, the evil Duryodhana was tormented. Then, Vaikartana Karna and Subala’s son, Shakuni, tried to kill the Pandavas through various means. However, the Pandavas, slayers of enemies, discovered all of them.
(Page 749, The Mahabharata, Kindle Edition).
Note that Karna does not challenge Arjun to a duel again. Arjun, in the text, was clearly willing to go for it. Karna could easily have challenged and killed him (if he really could) out of the public eye. Or, considering the text states that they tried to kill the Pandavas through “various means” (undefined ones), one can speculate if some sort of duel did happen, and if it did, well, the result seems to be conclusive enough for the average heedful reader.
Another incident that is commonly cited is Draupadi refusing him. Something that did not happen. [Only 3-4 manuscripts, including the one KMG used, out of the 1200+ manuscripts, mention the refusal of Draupadi, and go on to contradict themselves again. As such, we can easily junk this interpolation.] 
“O Brahmanas! If Kshatriyas like Karna and Shalya, who are famous in the world, have great strength and are well versed in Dhanur Veda, could not string the bow, how can this weakling Brahmana, with no knowledge of weapons, succeed?
(Page 832, The Mahabharata, Kindle Edition).
This paragraph is said when Arjun stands with the intent of stringing the bow. Karna’s name is explicitly mentioned as ‘could not string the bow.’ Draupadi is documented to say not a word.
For those who say that Arjun is able to fight Karn only with Krishn’s help, I have this sound piece of evidence, (apart from the sound defeat Karna and the rest of the Kuru army faced at Arjun’s hands, without the presence of Krishna), said by Karn himself in Draupadi’s swayamvara, when he is fighting the Brahmana who has won Draupadi. In canon, Arjun and Krishn do not meet until after the Swayamvara.
Have you assumed the form of a Brahmana to disguise yourself and are now fighting strongly with me for self-preservation, mustering the strength of your arms? When I am angry in the field of battle, no one except Shachi’s husband  and Pandava Kiriti can withstand me.”
(Page 836, The Mahabharata, Kindle Edition).
Here, Shachi’s Husband is Indra, and Pandava Kriti is Arjun. Karna himself admits that Arjun can withstand him. 
Note that Karna himself admits that Arjun can easily withstand him, even when he is, self-admittedly “angry in battle”. Karna is quite clearly not holding back when he fights Arjun “just because he is a Brahmin" (which is used by many people to indicate that it was actually Karna who won this “round”). Karna himself seems to think otherwise, friends.
Duryodhana listens to Karna most of the time, instead of the other way round. Karna has a lot of weightage in his councils. In the Dyuta Sabha, after Duryodhana considers Draupadi won, he wants her to come in front of the elders as a slave, as far as I can interpret the text. His ideas explicitly does not include the vastraharan...until. Karna instigates the idea. 
“O Duhshasana! This son of a suta has limited intelligence. He is frightened of Vrikodara. Go and bring Yajnaseni here yourself. Our rivals are now under our control. They can do nothing.” Having heard his brother, the prince arose. His eyes were red with anger. He entered the house of those maharathas and told Princess Droupadi, “O Panchali! O Krishna! You have been won by us. Look upon Duryodhana without any shame. O one with eyes like long lotus petals! You will now love the Kurus. You have been won in accordance with dharma.
(Page 1058, The Mahabharata, Kindle Edition).
Note that Duryodhana seems to have no intent to disrobe Draupadi. He says nothing about dragging Draupadi to court in the vile manner Duhshassan does either. He tells Duhshassan to “bring” her. Probably use harsher words than the “frightened” messenger did, be more authoritative.
This is what Dusshasan says to Draupadi before dragging her (which seems to be completely his own idea, not Duryodhana’s, as portrayed by many). 
Swiftly the angry Duhshasana rushed at her, letting out a great roar. The long, blue and flowing hair belonged to the wife of a lord of men and was now grabbed by him. At the time of the great rajasuya sacrifice, the hair had been sprinkled with auspicious waters. The valour of the Pandavas was vanquished and Dhritarashtra’s son  grabbed it with force. She had protectors, but was without a protector. Grabbing her by her long hair, Duhshasana pulled and dragged her to the sabha, like a plantain tree buffeted by the wind. 
(Page 1059, The Mahabharata, Kindle Edition).
Dusshasan drags Draupadi to the hall, her hair and dress becomes loose, but she is still clad in loose, half-length clothes, befitting her menstruating state, as given above. This scene is bad enough as it is, it is going to get worse.
She is dragged to the Sabha, she asks if Yudhisthir was truly her lord when he lost her, Dushassan keeps dragging her and calling her a slave. Vikarna defends her, asking Dhritrashtra to answer her question. Then enters Karna into the conversation. 
Vikarna again spoke to all those lords of the earth. He rubbed his hands against each other, sighed and said, “O lords of the earth! O Kouravas! Whether you say anything or not, I will tell you what I think is right. O best of men! It has been said that addiction to hunting, drinking, gambling and sexual intercourse are the four vices of kings. The man who is addicted to these deviates from dharma and the world does not approve of these improper deeds. This son of Pandu  was addicted to vice and challenged by deceitful gamblers, staked Droupadi. The unblemished one is common to all the Pandavas. Having first lost himself, the Pandava offered her as stake. Soubala, desirous of a stake, suggested Krishna. Reflecting on all these, I do not think she has been won.” On hearing these words, a great roar arose from all those who were in the sabha. They approved of Vikarna and censured Soubala.
(Page 1062, The Mahabharata, Kindle Edition).
The above is about the latter half of what Vikarna speaks. The Sabha turns to support Draupadi and Vikarna after this.  
When the noise died down, Radheya, who was almost senseless with anger, gripped his lustrous arms and uttered these words, “I have witnessed many distortions in Vikarna. O Dhritarashtra’s son! How can you think that Krishna has not been won? In this sabha, the eldest Pandava staked everything he possessed. O bull among the Bharata lineage! Droupadi is included in all his possessions. When Krishna has been won in accordance with dharma, how can you think she has not been won? Droupadi was mentioned in the speech and the Pandava approved. According to what reason do you then think that she has not been won? If you think that bringing her into the sabha when she is clad in only a single garment is against dharma, listen to the words I have to say in response. O descendant of the Kuru lineage! It has been ordained by the gods that a woman should only have one husband. However, she submits to many and it is therefore certain that she is a courtesan. It is my view that there is nothing surprising in her being brought into the sabha in a single garment, or even if she is naked. In accordance with dharma, Soubala has won all the riches the Pandavas possessed, including her and themselves. O Duhshasana! This Vikarna is only a child, though he speaks words of wisdom. Strip away the garments from the Pandavas and Droupadi.” 
(Page 1063, the Mahabharata, Kindle Edition). 
If you read the passage above, it is extremely clear that it is neither Duryodhan, nor any other Kaurava, who is initiating Vastraharana, either of Draupadi, or her husbands, instead, it is Karna. The Kauravas, including Duryodhana and Dusshasana, follow Karna’s instructions. In fact, Karna outright commands Dusshansana, and he obeys without a murmur.
 There are many people who call this ‘justified retribution’ to the ‘insult’ Draupadi gave Karna, and I have seen that many of them are women. It has already been cited above that Draupadi did not refuse Karna.
Even if she had, I am sure that such disproportionate retribution can be justified only in the eyes of people who have no idea what justice is. Vastraharan is a scene that is nearly rape. It is sexual assault of a very high degree. Would you say that every girl who refuses a boy on grounds that she is not pleased with him deserves something like this? Would you? 
If you would, I am sorry, I would not consider your opinion worthy of consideration, especially if you are a girl/woman yourself.
After Vastraharan, comes the exile. Here, too, Karna plays an active part (until it comes to the thick of battle, in which, most of the time, if not all the time, he runs away. I will prove this, too.)
First comes the Ghoshayatra. Karna plans on humiliating the Pandavas and kill them. Note that I said ‘Karna plans’.
Karna opened his radiant eyes wide. In great anger, he aroused himself, and spoke to Duhshasana and Soubala in wrath, “O lords of men! Listen to my true views. With servile hands, we are trying to do everything that pleases the king. But while remaining stationary, we cannot always bring him pleasure. Let us now grasp our armour and weapons and mounting our chariots, go together and kill the Pandavas, who are roaming in the forest. When they have all been pacified and have left for the unknown journey, we and Dhritarashtra’s sons will be unchallenged. As long as they are distressed and as long as they are immersed in grief, as long as they are without allies, till then, we can do this. This is my view.” Having heard these words, they applauded them repeatedly. All of them then praised the suta’s son, saying that his words were excellent. Having said this, all those angry ones separately mounted their chariots. They then set out in a body, having made up their minds to kill the Pandavas.
(Page 1110-1111,The Mahabharata, Kindle Edition).
It is Karna who thinks up of this plan. All along, as in the Vastraharan, Duryodhana and his brothers follow Karna. What happens next? Duryodhan gets cursed by a Rishi, it seems, according to canon, that if he doesn’t make peace with the Pandavas, Bheem will kill him. 
Something that strikes me is that, Karna, who asks Arjun to be fair to him at the end, clearly doesn’t care about fairness when it comes to his own actions at all. He never challenged the Pandavas when they were in an equal position to him. No, he waits till they are cheated and exiled to do that.
After that comes the Parva in which Bheem kills Baka’s brother, then comes Kirata Parva, in which Arjun gets celestial weapons, then Arjun goes to heaven, a lot of other things happen, but those are for another day.
For now, we shall go to the Ghosha-yatra parva.
In which, after hearing Dhritrashtra praise the Pandavas, Karna suggests showing off their cattle and wealth to the Pandavas.
Karna heard these words of Dhritarasthra. At an appropriate time, he spoke thus to Duryodhana. “O descendant of the Bharata lineage! You have exiled the brave Pandavas through your own valour. You now enjoy the earth alone, like the killer of Shambara in heaven. O lord of men! O king! All the kings of the east, south, west and north pay tribute to you. The blazing Lakshmi used to serve the Pandavas earlier. O king! But with your brothers, you have now won her. O king! The blazing prosperity that we earlier saw, for a short time, with Yudhishthira in Indraprastha, is now with you and he is oppressed by sorrow.
(Page 1636, The Mahabharata, Kindle Edition).
He continues in such a vein for some time, then comes to the point.
You have wealth and they are deprived of wealth. They are without prosperity and you are full of prosperity. O king! Go and see the sons of Pandu. Let the Pandavas behold you like Nahusha’s son Yayati, with great splendour and established in great fortune. O lord of the earth! This prosperity, that well-wishers and ill-wishers see in a radiant man, is considered to be real power. Like a man who stands on a mountain and looks down on earth, what happiness can there be that is greater than being on plain ground while one’s foes are on uneven terrain? O tiger among kings! The birth of a son or the obtaining of a kingdom does not bring as much bliss as seeing one’s enemies in misery. What happiness will there not be, on being successful oneself, and on seeing Dhananjaya attired in bark and skins? Let your wives, attired in excellent garments, see the miserable Krishna, attired in bark and skins, and thereby increase her grief.
(Page 1637, the Mahabharata, Kindle Edition).
Here, Karna is the one who comes up with the idea of the Ghoshayatra. He specifically speaks of seeing the grief of Krishna (Draupadi) and Dhananjaya (Arjun), not of any other Pandava, even Duryodhana’s bitterest enemy, Bheema. It is clear that he is in this for his own motivations. 
(Also, Karna/Draupadi shippers, including published authors, have NO respect in my eyes, after Vastraharan, and then this clear indication that he just wants her grief and pain.)
‘When King Duryodhana heard Karna’s words, he was extremely delighted. But he again became sad and spoke these words. “O Karna! What you have told me has always been in my mind. But I will not obtain permission to go to where the Pandavas are. Dhritarashtra, lord of the earth, always mourns for those brave ones. Because of the power of their austerities, he considers the Pandavas to be superior. I will obtain great pleasure if I see Bhima and Phalguna,  together with Krishna, miserable in the forest. The pleasure that I will get from winning the earth is less than that from seeing the sons of Pandu, clad in bark and skins. O Karna! What joy can be greater than the sight of Drupada’s daughter Droupadi, clad in red  garments in the forest? If Dharmaraja, Bhimasena and Pandava see me united with this supreme prosperity, it is worth living.
(Page 1638, The Mahabharata, Kindle Edition).
It is Duryodhana who mentions Bheema, his own prime enemy, along with the other Pandavas. (This is more of a personal interpretation, but Draupadi seems like an afterthought to me, here.) This addition is credited to my beta/co-writer @medhasree
This is what happens next. 
Having reached Lake Dvaitavana, the vanguard of the army of Dhritrarashtra’s son was about to enter the forest, but was restrained at the gate by the gandharvas. O lord of the earth! O king! Surrounded by his masses, the king of the gandharvas had already arrived there from Kubera’s abode. He was in the habit of sporting with masses of apsaras and the sons of the thirty gods and had therefore barred entry to the lake. O king! When the king’s servants found that the lake had been barred, they returned to King Duryodhana. On hearing their words, Kouravya dispatched his war-crazy soldiers to evict the others. On hearing the words of the king, the soldiers in the vanguard went to Lake Dvaitavana and spoke to the gandharvas. “King Duryodhana, Dhritarashtra’s strong son, has come here to sport. Leave this place.” O lord of the earth! Having been thus addressed, the gandharvas laughed. They replied to those men in harsh words. “Your king Suyodhana is evil in his intelligence. How can he command us, as if we are his servants? We are inhabitants of heaven. There is no doubt that you are evil in wisdom, since you are heading towards death. You have lost your senses if you repeat his orders to us.
(Page 1642, The Mahabharata, Kindle Edition).
Basically, Duryodhana’s armies are attacked by Gandharvas. At first, Karna fights.
‘On seeing the gandharvas swiftly descend on them with raised weapons, the sons of Dhritarashtra could be seen to flee in all the directions. On seeing that the sons of Dhritarashtra were fleeing from the field of battle, the brave Vaikartana was the only one who wasn’t reluctant to do battle. On seeing the great army of gandharvas descend on him, Radheya repulsed them with a mighty shower of arrows.
(Page 1643, The Mahabharata, Kindle Edition).
Then, when the Gandharvas attack him with renewed strength, this happens.
‘O king! Being thus oppressed by a great army, they were frightened. They fled the field of battle and went to where King Yudhishthira was, seeking refuge with him. Everywhere, the soldiers of the sons of Dhritarashtra were being destroyed. O king! Vaikartana Karna was the only one who stood immobile like a mountain. Duryodhana, Karna and Shakuni Soubala were severely wounded in the field of battle, but kept fighting the gandharvas. With a desire to kill Karna in battle, hundreds and thousands of gandharvas rushed collectively towards him. Holding a sword and a shield in his hand, the son of the suta jumped down from the chariot. He leapt onto Vikarna’s chariot and whipped the horses, so that he might escape.’(Page 1645, The Mahabharata, Kindle Edition). 
When the army of Gandharvas begins to attack Karna in earnest, he runs away, taking Vikarna’s chariot. What about his loyalty to Duryodhana, who is still fighting? In the end, it is ironic that Karna wanted to gloat to the Pandavas, yet his men and Duryodhan’s go grovelling to the Pandavas for the sake of saving Duryodhana. Of course, Karna needs no saving. He has already run away. 
What happens next? Yudhisthir dispatches Bheem and Arjun for that purpose. (He is forever ready to dispatch his brothers to do things, not so ready to do things himself.)
A lengthy battle occurs. I would have given citations, but this is already too long, just comment if you want them, I’ll either DM or reblog. ).
Along with Bheem and the twins, Arjun  fights the Gandharvas, defeats them, finds out that he knew the Gandharva King from his trip to heaven after a lengthy battle in which he injures the said Gandharva King, lets his friend go, they talk, and Arjun leaves with Duryodhana.
Where was the vauntingly loyal Karna then? Seeing to his own safety, something that gets him scathingly scolded by Bhishma.  
But Duryodhana still believes in his friend, still defends him, even when he is suicidal, he allows Karna to talk him out of it.
The last citation I would like to show is of Virata Parva.
This has two parts.
First, it is Karna who asks Duryodhan to attack Matsya, not because they have found that the Pandavas are there, but because it is ‘ripe for the taking after Keechak’s death’. Keechak, by the way, is a Suta. Where did the ‘breaking caste-barrier hero’ Karn go then, if not to defend the Kingdom deprived of the general who was a Suta? Oh, he went to rob their cows.
The idea is put forward by King Susharma of Trigarta, yeah, the King of those guys who become the army of Sampatakas later and swear a vow of either killing Arjun or dying themselves. Arjun being who he is, of course, they die, but they do manage to keep him away from the Chakravyuh. 
‘King Susharma of Trigata, the leader of a large number of chariots, had been repeatedly defeated earlier by Kichaka, the suta of the Matsyas, accompanied by the Salveyakas. When the time was right, that lord swiftly spoke these words of grave import. O lord! His forces, together with those of his relatives, had earlier been defeated by that powerful one. He now looked at Karna and spoke to Duryodhana. “In earlier times, using his greater powers, the king of Matsya oppressed my kingdom. The powerful Kichaka was his general. The evil-souled one was terrible and invincible and was famous on earth because of his valour. That wicked and cruel one has now been killed by the gandharvas. O king! On his being killed, it is my view that Virata has lost his insolence and is without endeavour and without refuge. O unblemished one! If it pleases you, let me, all the Kouravas and the great-souled Karna go there.
(Page 1849, The Mahabharata, Kindle Edition).
Immediately after Susharma’s dialogue, Karna says this:
‘On hearing these words, Karna told the king, “Susharma has spoken words that are appropriate to the occasion and they are for our welfare. Let our forces yoke their mounts and swiftly march out. O unblemished one! Let us arrange our forces, or whatever else that you desire. Consult with the wise elders among the Kurus, our grandfather, the preceptor Drona and Sharadvan’s son, Kripa. Do what all of them think and let us advance. We should advance quickly and overpower that lord of the earth. What do we have to do with the Pandavas? They are weak in riches, forces and manliness. They have either been destroyed, or have reached Yama’s abode. O king! Let us attack Virata’s kingdom without any anxiety. Let us grab his cattle and his many other riches.” 
(Page 1850, The Mahabharata, Kindle Edition).
Here, Karna explicitly says “What do we have to do with the Pandavas?” So he has ceased caring about them, he assumes they are dead. Still, Matsya, which is no enemy Kingdom of the Kurus, he is open to attacking, as they have lost their general. The Pandavas have nothing to do with this.
This is what happens right after Karna’s words.
Duryodhana swiftly accepted Vaikartana  Karna’s words. He himself instructed Duhshasana, who was always devoted to his commands. “Consult with the elders and swiftly yoke the army. As instructed, we will go there, with all the Kouravas. As instructed, let maharatha King Susharma also go there, with all his forces and vehicles. Let him go to Matysa first, but concealing his intentions. We will follow him, but a day later. Preparing ourselves well, we will advance towards Matsya’s territory. Suddenly arriving in Virata’s city, we will swiftly subdue the cowherds and take away their great riches. There are hundreds of thousands of handsome cattle, with all the qualities. We will divide our forces into two and rob him of these.” O lord of the earth! As commanded, Susharma marched in a south-eastern direction. He began to rob the cattle on the seventh lunar day of dharmapaksha.  O king! On the following day, the eighth day, all the Kouravas joined forces and robbed thousands of cowsheds.’
(Page 1850, The Mahabharata, Kindle Edition).
Again, it explicitly says “Duryodhana swiftly accepted Vaikartana Karna’s words” not Susharma’s. It is Duryodhana and Duhshasana who obey Karna and not the other way round.
So, they go to Virat. Susharma robs the cattle, the herder goes to the King. The King assembles his army, including four Pandava brothers (except Arjun, who is in Brihannala disguise) and goes to confront them. Matsya manages to retrieve their cattle, but at that time, Duryodhana’s men invade the citadel of Matsya.
Uttar boasts that, with an able charioteer, he will defeat everyone, like Arjun himself (it is Arjun mentioned here as a great warrior, none else), in front of Panchali, who, feathers ruffled, tells him that Brihannala was Arjun’s charioteer. Uttaraa goes to get him. Uttar praises him and Arjun. (I am seriously laughing at this by now, I mean, imagine what Arjun would be thinking) Arjun pretends he has no idea how to wear armor, Uttar helps him, Uttara asks him to bring the defeated men’s garments, Arjun nods assent, they go to the army, Uttar freaks, Arjun pursues him, goads him, motivates him, asks him to withdraw Arjun’s weapons from a Shami tree. Uttar asks who he is, Arjun gives his detailed introduction, detailing some of his exploits, (explicitly because Uttar asks), they go back.
 (This meta is already getting too long, but if anyone wants those citations, comment, I’ll give them as a reblog)  
By this time, the Kurus, especially Dron and Bhishm, are advising Duryodhana to retreat as Arjun is here. Karna, characteristically, pooh-poohs at it.
This is what he says:
“I see that all you honourable ones  are frightened and terrified. All of you do not wish to fight and are standing idly. Whether it is the king of Matsya or Bibhatsu who has come, I will restrain him, the way the shoreline holds back the abode of makaras.  Arrows with straight feathers will be shot from my bow and they will not be repulsed, like gliding snakes. They have golden tufts and are extremely sharp at the tip. Released from my hand, these arrows will cover Partha, like locusts covering a tree. These winged shafts will firmly strike against the string of the bow, and the sound of the slapping of palms will be like that of a kettledrum. Bibhatsu has concentrated for eight and five years  and is fondly looking forward to a battle in which he will strike me. Kounteya, with the qualities of a brahmana, is the right receptacle to receive thousands of arrows shot by me. This great archer is famous in the worlds. O best of the Kurus! But in no way am I inferior to Arjuna. I will release these golden arrows, shafted with the feathers of vultures, and the sky will seem to be covered with fireflies. I gave my word to Dhritarashtra’s son  earlier and I will repay that debt today. I will kill Arjuna today.
(Page 1875, The Mahabharata, Kindle Edition).
This is nearly half of his long-winded praise of his own self. Note the words “In no way am I inferior to Arjuna.” Does that hold true? Let us see.
This is what he does when the battle starts.
Vaikartana, the suta’s son, exhibited his valour, like a king of elephants displaying his tusks, or like a tiger attacking a large buffalo. Vaikartana attacked Pandava with twelve arrows. He pierced the bodies of all the horses and that of Virata’s son with those arrows. It was like a king among elephants being struck by an elephant. He  took out sharp arrows from his quiver and stretching the string of the bow right up to his ear, pierced the body of the suta’s son with his arrows. With arrows unleashed like lightning from his bow, the destroyer of enemies pierced him in battle, in the arms, the thighs, the head, the forehead, the neck and in all the parts of the chariot. Thus wounded by the arrows shot by Partha, and scorched by Pandava’s arrows, like a swift elephant that has been defeated by another elephant, Vaikartana fled from the forefront of the battle.’
(Page 1885, the Mahabharata, Kindle Edition). 
He flees. And this is just the abridged version. If anyone wants the detailed one, again, comment or DM.
For all those who credit Krishn with all of Arjun’s victories with Karna, note that canonically, Krishn is not even in a 100-mile radius of Arjun right now. Yet, Arjun wins. Karna runs, along with a division of his infantry. From one (1) man on a chariot.
That brings me almost to the end of the meta.
I’d like to end by stating that, even after this, Duryodhan stuck to Karna. Even when Karna does not fight for 10 days in Kurukshetra, Duryodhan fights. Even when Karna, repeatedly, abandons Duryodhana and his army, either against Arjun or to be saved by Arjun, Duryodhana believes in him. Above all, Duryodhana obeys Karna, not the other way around. 
The virtues of generosity (Duryodhana gifts Karna Anga, a gift for which he got precious little, Anga was canonically turned into a hotbed of debauchery), loyalty (Duryodhana believes in Karna, no matter what, in spite of his repeated failures and fleeing from his greatest enemy, Arjun and by extension, the Pandavas) and obedience (It has been demonstrated amply that after Lakshagriha, nearly every plan to dispose of the Pandavas that goes awry is Karna’s brainchild and not Duryodhana’s) belongs to Duryodhan, not the much vaunted and glorified Karna. 
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youngreckless · 3 years
Omg idk what happened but it reminds me of this one time I was reblogging something but it wasn’t loading properly so I kept hitting reblog and when it finally loaded, The post showed up on my blog like 50 times😭😭 this website is on crack I swear
Honestly tho!! Jem is the most unproblematic angel ever 😇😇
Yeah fandom drama sucks :/ but I didn’t really like will from the beginning so it wasn’t a huge loss I guess <33
Alec was the one that died😭😭 my brother had carefully inspected both fish and concluded that there was tiny black mark on him so we could tell them apart but then it went and died 😬 apparently, you have to feed them 2 pellets each twice a day, but nobody in my family knew that so we would all feed them like 40 pellets five times a day and they, not having the common sense to stop eating, kept eating until Alec got so fat he could barely swim anymore and one day, just kind of floated to the top😬😬 we somehow managed to save magnus and keep him alive for this long tho <33 so I guess that’s something
Yeah doraemon was good but a bit too repetitive whereas with shinchan each ep had a new plotline and so it was more fun to watch🥰🥰 AND TOM AND JERRY WAS THE SHIT askdfjaasdf did you happen to watch mr bean the animated series and Chhota bheem? We didn’t have pogo tv so we could only watch those at my grandma’s <33
lmaooo, yeah tumblr is really weird 😭😂
JEM SUPREMACY YES 😎🙌 he's really the best 🥺
well, fair enough. i never really liked will that much either 😬
oh my god. i tried to do the math of that and 😶😶😶😶😶 i don't even know what to say about the fact that alec died 😶😶😭 i'm so sorry about that 🥺
yes! doraemon was only fine for a while lol. shin chan is my favourite 🤭 AND YES I LOVED MR BEAN!!! i watched chhota bheem too but i didn't like it that much 😂 also have you watched dragon tales? 🥺🥺 not many people i know have watched that and i loveeee that show!! <33
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ryujitatsuya · 7 years
My Reaction when someone makes a baseless comment
So there I was talking to one of my friends on my way to home from school. As time passed, our topic of discussion also changed and all of a sudden we were talking about anime. Now, due to some reasons our light conversation turned into a heated argument, mostly because of human mindset of passing on negative comments over anything about which they have no idea. Even though I managed to forget about his comments, I realised that our community is a constant victim of ridiculous baseless remarks which differs from country to country. So I decided to place before you some of those remarks which we Otakus come across most of the time.
To elaborate on this topic, let me tell you about an incident that happened with me, and must have also been experienced by you all in some or the other way. A couple of months ago, I was listening to some anime OP/EDs in my phone, when my friend came into my room. He insisted on hearing what I was listening to, even though I told him that he wouldn’t understand the music. At last, when he heard the music, he made this incredible comment, “Why are you WASTING your time, listening to the ‘Ching-Chong Chinese music’?” I’m sure all of you must be feeling what I felt at that time; furious, sad and awestruck at the same time. If you are one of those people who think the same as what my friend did, let me tell you two things; First, Anime songs are not ‘Chinese’, they are Japanese, and these two languages are as much different as there is between Oil and Water, Second, if you don’t like a song, then just go ahead and say that it doesn’t suits your tastes, don’t you think insulting that music is incredibly rude?
This is one of those experiences which was common between most of my anime lover friends, and that is the terrible comparison of anime to any of those local cartoons. One of the guys of my class, once jumped into a conversation about anime and made this masterpiece of a comment, “I know what anime is! Isn’t ‘Chhota Bheem’ one of them? After all, what is the difference! THEY ARE ALL CARTOONS!” At that time, all we could do was ignore him, but it cannot be neglected that anime has been called ‘Chinese Cartoons’ almost as many times as there have been ecchi scenes anime, 1000000000 times approx! My message to those people, get your shit together before making any baseless comments, at least don’t compare them to this shit!
This them of neglecting anime has been used mainly by media, some ‘Adults’ and in some cases, our parents. One of the main reason that Animax was banned in India (Leaving the fact that it had low TRP rate) was because the parents complained to the Broadcasting Department of India that Anime is becoming a ‘Bad influence’ to the ‘Innocent children’, as they are showing violence and adult scenes there. I thought that this problem was limited to India, but then I found that in Japan, anime was termed responsible for a crime where a middle-aged man brutally raped a girl, desiring to imitate a bondage hentai scene. My comments to those who believe in this garbage; if someone carries out a criminal offence, he/she would have done that without watching anime, don’t tell me that all of the terrorist and rapist around the world got that message from anime. Also, if you believe in blaming anime for spreading criminal ideas to young children through hentai, then why aren’t you praising anime for spreading the idea of wiping out all criminals (Death note), uplifting a nearly extinct sport to normal folks (Chihayafuru), putting in the picture of never giving up (Naruto) and many more instances like that?
“Saving the best for the last”- this proverb was never more appropriate. I bet 100 bucks that almost 98% of the total anime community must have heard this statement from at least one person during his whole time of loving anime. As for me, I have heard this from my parents and my best friend, but what I did after that was bombshell them with some of those works which are famous for their target audience being those who have some brains in them (As a result, now both of them are interested in watching anime) But unfortunately, luck is not the same with everyone and all of us don’t get an audience capable of analyzing the pros and cons of anime, what we usually get are Crazy old buffoons whose only job is to criticize what they know nothing about. Let me tell you why this statement is bullshit: 1) There are some Anime deals with some really grave issues surrounding the world, if you don’t believe me then check out ‘Death note’, ‘Tokyo Magnitude 8.0’, ‘Parasyte: The maxim’ and ‘Grave of the fireflies’.
2) There are some incredible works which shows pure and beautiful romance that is appreciated by many ‘Adults’ around the world, like ‘Clannad’, ‘From me to you’ and ‘Your lie in April’.
3) If you all are still adamant on your decisions about anime being only for kids then let me give you the final blow; go and check out ‘High School DXD’, ‘High School of the Dead’, ‘To Love Ru’ and ‘Monster musume no iru nichijou’ . I’m sure that it will be enough to blow you off the water.
With that I conclude my rage story of those who pass out baseless comments about anime without knowing anything about it. What do you think about it? Have you ever been targeted by any of these comments? Is there any other remark about anime that you have faced? Be sure to let me know in the comments below. Thank you for reading my post!
Ridiculous Anti-Anime Remarks So there I was talking to one of my friends on my way to home from school.
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