#bestie ur giving me the brainrot. ur GIVING ME THE BRAINROT
lionydoorin · 1 year
Pro athlete!Sam is always being coached on how to use Tara to fashion a narrative around her own career, but she doesn't want to because Tara isn't just an extension of Sam, and that's why she becomes so combative
and sam hates this.
she can talk about tara for hours, just like tara can talk about sam for hours. sam can tell childhood stories and how she taught tara how to skate, how they always played together, how she practically raised her sister and saw her become a brilliant athlete. but she will never, ever answer anything that could distort the narrative in her own favour. and once they want her to use tara as said tool? no. she'll never give anyone that pleasure.
and then there's tara. who only sees her sister avoiding her as a subject in interviews. who thinks maybe, maybe, sam's ashamed of her. as if she's not supposed to be appreciated because she didn't go on the same path. tara, who doesn't know better.
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autisticlildollie · 8 months
Friendly reminder that not all subs are into being fucked or sucking pp.
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merakiui · 9 months
🐙 Azul's tentacle anon
Oughhh i read ur fem riddle fic and OUGHGHGH ITS SO DELICIOUS now i have some brainrots about party animal floyd shhssh
Party Animal Floyd who starts developing his obsession the moment your romantic love for him starts fading away. You're already becoming distant from him, and once he noticed this, his entire personality starts doing a 360 spin.
Jade's so gentle and caring always holding you close to his chest whilst the old Floyd just leaves you around for anybody to take, not giving a single damn to the point you start wondering if you had dated the wrong twin, Floyd will fix that. He stops his partying antics and had the entire apartment go from a messy waste-filled ruin to a sparkling white mansion devoid of any stains. He's doing all the chores for you, he starts cooking breakfast early and he starts joining you in the morning shower, trying his hardest to replicate his brother's gentlemanly mannerisms.
Riddle's so serious about relationships and expressed to be loyal forever to her partner, unlike the old Floyd who sticks his dick into one girl to another, leaving you to rot in his room tears streaming down your cheeks and tuining your beautiful mascara. He will fix that, no matter what. He gets a job at a close friend's now successful cafe, ditches all of his side chicks and ghosts his delinquent pimp friends, where the only pussy he would stick his dick inside from now on is yours.
If you leave him, he'd just end up spiralling into a deep dark place, depraved of your sweet loving attention
OMG YES AAAAAAAA,,,,, your thoughts are so good!!!! Floyd absolutely puts in the work once he's made up his mind to be a better boyfriend. It's like he's an entirely new person. Suddenly, you're no longer transparent in his eyes. Suddenly, you're all he wants to see. Now you're his entire world. <3 sure, he may have borrowed some of Jade's rizz techniques in doing so, but he's quite the upstanding eel now (still just as crass, though. He will forever be foul-mouthed and unruly and untamed; that's just how he is hehe).
What if the café job Floyd picks up is at the same place Riddle works? :0 maybe it's a branch of Mostro Lounge or something else entirely and the only reason he's able to get in with his spotty resume is because Azul owns the place and he can pull all kinds of strings. Floyd's genuinely determined to turn things around, so Azul does him a favor (which he will pay back in due time, of course) and now Floyd's donning an apron to work in the kitchen as sous-chef. Riddle nearly walks back out the door the day she sees him standing behind the counter. T_T she's certain the world is against her. What sin must she atone for? Is this how hell punishes its sinners now, by sending stupid, annoying, ugly eels to her workplace and conveniently disguising them as coworkers? If it isn't obvious, she is Floyd's biggest hater LOL.
I like to think that Floyd, though he pesters Riddle and annoys the life out of her, would vaguely and briefly confide in her and ask what sorts of things girls like. Riddle puts two and two together and figures out rather fast that he's trying to make it up to you. Obviously she can't let that happen. She just started wedging herself between you and Floyd, making you question your feelings for him, and now he's trying to be better? He had four years to do that! She's so annoyed. >:(
Now you have an obsessed boyfriend and an obsessed friend who wants to take the place of boyfriend vying for your attention. Meanwhile, you're mourning to your bestie Jade about Floyd and his disloyal behavior like, "Why is he so sex-brained? Why doesn't he just like me for me? What's so good about parties and sex with strangers anyway?" and Jade is a persistence predator, so of course he's taking full advantage of your emotional vulnerability and weaknesses to slip in between the cracks in your heart, slowly but surely getting even closer to you. :)
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wordy-little-witch · 4 months
I am also on the buggy-isnt-actually-human agenda 👀 also i cant believe i never thought if boabuggy mean girl squad bc ur so right (im gonna ignore the fact that canon buggy most likely isnt immune to her since he never once showed interest in alvida) which now brings me to: mean gurls boabuggyalvida 😌🧚‍♀️✨
I actually have an ongoing fic with Buggy as non-human and him and Shanks being brothers and just- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa BRAINROT OKAY
My favorite concept is making Buggy a type of faery. My fic specifically has him as a Harlequinn, solely bc it FIT and I am feral for clown/jesters/etc. I can go into detail if you want, but I don't wanna clog this one
But like.
Buggy is the ONLY person in One Piece with a nose like his. He's hyperaware of that, and it's his biggest visible insecurity. He loves shiny things, treasures, gold, etc. His luck stats are either MAXED OUT or in the NEGATIVES. He is so good at manipulating people ((silver tongue)), and his specialty is smoke and mirrors, enthralling the masses, and he only gets involved when either A) he HAS to, or B) he has reason to protect/claim something. He's an observer most of the time, and he facilitates observation in others as well. And don't get me started by the lure and draw he gives to others to his space, his territory, full of Power, Fortune, Whimsy and Joy. Gods. He's so fascinating I wanna study him under a microscope, wanna put him in Situations ♡♡♡
Boa+Buggy+Alvida hours
The only thing I think might be rocky is Alvida and Hancock butting heads over beauty, but honestly? I think once they warm up to each other, Hancock would actually be really relieved to not be called the cutest or hottest in the room. I also think the three would be each other's biggest hype sources ((but also refreshingly, brutally honest)).
Personally? I think Buggy might actually be immune to Hancock. When he saw Alvida, he had a passing thought of "Oh, pretty, anyway-" so maybe in Canon he'd also become stone but imagine how funny it out be if she tried stoning him, it didn't work OR he split apart and it only worked a little. Now she is BAMBOOZLED.
Like.... "why didn't this work? What are you, clown? Explain yourself!!"
"..... I mean. You're cute, I guess???? But girl that lip tint is not your palette-"
"Here, try this one, I stole it like this morning, it's unopened-"
"Oh that is nice-"
And with that a friendship was born!!
Or alternatively
"Why didn't you turn to stone?"
"Hancock.... I'm gay."
"And also a bottom."
"You don'treally seem like a top, but... i mean, you're still pretty though????"
"Did we just become friends?"
"*surprised clown noises*"
Yes BoaBuggyVida mean girls bestie squad. Only thing to make it better is including Perona and/or Uta bc I feel like that would be. So much fun.
Also it changes the subtext in the Cross Guild situation a tad, bc Mihawk knows Buggy and Boa get on like a house on fire, he knows Shanks waxes poetic about the clown, and he is so confused bc the math isn't mathing, is he missing something?? Are the others just THAT delusional??? What is the truth?????
But yeah I have so many Boa+Buggy+Vida concepts and it is. So much. All the brainrot. I love the dumb little clown dude and his army of simps and girlboss besties
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Zhongli headcanons
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HI HELLO I'M BACK-- i finished my h/c list ages ago but then brainrot took over and i was caught between mini fic writing and schoolwork lmfao. anyway, zhongli's my precious lil mans and i must SCREAM abt him for a moment thank u.
current list: - FLUENT in the art of yapping. could weave a story abt a blade of grass, and y'all know bitches are listening. - i feel like most ppl are kinda intimidated by him. like regular average ppl look at him and are shaken by this sort of regal air he's got around him. - straightforward! he doesn't beat around the bush when he's got a point or needs something. this kinda thing also makes ppl more intimidated of him bc he's just very confident abt it. - WARM HANDS,,, - he gives me the vibes of a fidgeter. like he spins his rings on his thumbs, and will fiddle with the sleeves of his coat. like it's just a habit he picked up, and now he can't help but do it when his mind is wandering. - ON THE TOPIC OF FIDGETING: Guizhong's puzzle box. Zhongli's usually pretty good abt figuring things out when he's confronted w/ something confounding/confusing, but when he can't figure it out or it's a very hard thing to work through, i am CONVINCED that he fiddles with Guizhong's puzzle box. like it's sort of like him trying to solve her final question helps him solve the current Difficult Question he's faced with. absolutely probably fiddled w/ it when he was deciding what to do abt retirement. - this man LOVES antiques and art/music (he likes a lot of things tbh) and he will do anything to talk abt them. like he's probably one of the best antique appraisers, and has stories abt specific antiques he's seen before. as for opera and music and art, he just really appreciates their creativity! also sorry he would absolutely indulge in the art of calligraphy. - he hoards rocks. listen, he hoards them. he loves rocks, and when he finds a Perfect Rock, he just yoinks it (Perfect Rocks are hard to come by yk!!!). - he's usually very sweet and nice, and has a good attitude, but i'm PRETTY sure he's got a bit of pride to him yk. - listen,,, he was in a really long war and lost a lot of ppl he cared abt in the Archon War, and i'm like pretty sure he's got battle anxiety now bc of it. like he would MUCH prefer talking things out, but if push comes to shove he will still fight; he just tends to push himself to the front so that less people get hurt. he just REALLY wants to protect people, which makes him a little self-sacrificial (he's usually fine). he's also fucking PROTECTIVE as FUCK. - Zhongli has gold blood. not red blood, gold; i think this makes him more nervous around red blood bc it means to him that someone is hurt and he wasn't able to protect them. it's equated with Really Bad Things. - back to sad things, i'm 90% sure he's afraid of forgetting things due to erosion. he's always had a good memory, so the idea that he might one day have his memories eroded is one of his greatest fears. - i feel like all of his worries and concerns have turned him from a stern War God to a very gentle mans that will make u soup when ur sick. - Zhongli and Venti are the best of friends and he would deck that guy so hard if someone asked him to. Literally besties for the resties, they hate each other but someone fucks with one of em, the other's got his back. - Zhongli talks pretty, so ya know he's got That Sass that hits different. Like it's out of left field, and it probably doesn't register as a slight at first. sometimes it takes u a good hour before u realize he wasn't complimenting u and instead was calling u an idiot. - the definition of "curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back". literally exudes pure curiosity when he sees something he hasn't seen before. - he adores little gifts,,, like these small gestures would Never Be Noticed by anyone, except him, and he just thinks it's so fuckin sweet. - secretly a prankster. you Would Not Expect It from him, but that's what makes it so perfect. he's the PATIENT type of prankster, too; the one who moves the flower vase a cenimeter to the left every day over the course of a month type of patient.
HERE'S THE LIST, LOVE THIS MAN SO FUCKIN MUCH YALL plEASE,,, he's my pretty mans and i just foam at the mouth over him i s w e a r.
Up next is Neuvi, bc i love him, and then i'll be delving into the Very Specific Niche Ship i obsess over which is them as a poly.
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nyaagolor · 11 months
Hello, may I share some thoughts/headcanons about Rika having a Mudsdale. Rika gives off cowboy vibes to me, so I thought her having a horse made sense.
Mudsdale is her most recent addiction to her team, having been caught as a Mudbray.
Rika caught him because it fitted her team (Ground type, cute/dopey looking, etc.)
Mudsdale and Clodsire are besties.
Rika uses Mudsdale to score babes (chicks love horse girls), although it doesn't work and she doesn't pick up any (not because of Mudsdale) Mudsdale is happy to help due to getting treats and pats.
Rika lets Poppy ride Mudsdale and brush his mane.
Geeta is a bigger horse girl than Rika (Rika is a causal horse enjoyer while Geeta is a 'did you know that horses' fact #101 type of a horse girl.) So Geeta is more than happy to help with Mudsdale (Rika never asked and doesn't really need any but she does appreciate Geeta's help).
Rika does ride with Geeta (sometimes on their own separate steeds [Geeta on Gogoat, Rika on Mudsdale] other times on the same steed {both of them on either Gogoat or Mudsdale})
Geeta got Rika into Dressage, so Rika and Mudsdale now often perform in Dressage competitions and shows. Dressage is a fun hobby done on the side for Rika, but she does get into it and does practice Dressage techniques with her Mudsdale during some of her free time.
Sorry if this is so long, I have brainrot. Feel free to add and expand on any of these.
I AM INSANE ABOUT THESE????????? you may ALWAYS share ur thoughts / headcanons and these are making me lose it. Never apologize for this being long if anything I want more. Canon. All of them.
I don’t even have anything to add these are absolutely perfect, I love this chronically bitchless woman and her dopey lil donkey. Also??? Geeta being into dressage is everything to me. Infodump to me about the history of gogoat show breeds, Geeta. I know you want to
Anyway here’s Rika on her Mudsdale, thank for the ask this was delightful
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auniverseforgotten · 17 days
for ask game: Salieri because I like hearing you talk about him
Ask game here if anyone wants it/wants to send any in!
My NOTP for them 
Honestlyyyy most things I can think of that would be a NOTP are just things that honestly don't make sense? Like for example, B.B. or Kiara would be NOTPs from hell for them but also. Would not ever happen. XD
I guuueessss a realistic NOTP would be just Salieri/Marie; while Salieri/Mozart/Marie is alright as a poly ship I still don't fully. Get why Salieri is Like that with Marie, maybe it's his court manners kicking in, or the fact that she's his historical bestie's little sister? Either way, I don't really like their dynamic as just the two of them, I feel like it cuts away too much of Salieri's characterization.
My BROTP for them
I have a few!!
I think Salieri would get along reasonably well with Sanson and d'Eon, though they would be a lesser BROTP for me; they're friends but they don't seek each other out to vibe?
BUT THE AVENGERS. A massive BROTP with the avengers sorry not sorry I love the avengers of Chaldea just being friends and clowning on each other all the time. Especially close ones would be Jalter, Dantes, and Hessian and Lobo. BUT they should all be friends. Except maybe not Angra Mainyu sorry my guy I just don't like you unu
I do also think Salieri and Phantom could be a good BROTP once they. Sit down and have an Intense Discussion about their differing wavelengths. Composing operas together,,,,yessssssssss,,,,,
He also just Inherits a BROTP with Moriarty bcus he's already friends with three of the Shinjuku peeps so Moriarty's like aight ur chill wanna vibe and definitely not be evil together?
OH ALSO HAD TO COME BACK UP HERE but huuuuuuuge BROTP of him and Andersen being snarky bitchy besties. They spill SO MUCH TEA and they know EVERYTHING they can and WILL judge you.
My OTP for them 
Salieri/Mozart is one of the ships I developed prior to ever playing by my friend Wolfie pouring them and their story into my brain so that is the OG OTP I developed for him.
But ALSO before I played the game I found Sabu's art of Dantes, Jalter, and Salieri all just vibing together and I am always a multishipper AND a polyshipper so,,,,Avenger Agenda also. Like look at this, more Sabu art, fucking iconic.
My second choice pairing for them 
From out of fuckin NOWHERE my second level OTP for Salieri is probably Salieri/Erik, the Phantom of the Opera! A lot of this is Wolfie's fault I caught this from HER but anyway both of them being Innocent Monsters in REALLY similar ways [twisted by rumor vs model of a character], I feel like they could talk and help each other so much,,,,they do have to get past Salieri's vibe check but once they do. It works great.
My fluffy pairing for them
Probably Hessian/Salieri! I want Hessian to have soft nice things and Salieri to have soft nice things and they CAN GIVE EACH OTHER SOFT NICE THINGS and also there is a. GIANT PUPPY. THIS SHIP GIVES SALIERI. GIANT PUPPY ACCESS!!!!!!! "Lobo hates all humans" shh hush shut up I do not See it.
My angsty pairing for them 
HONESTLY. I can make fucking everything angsty for this man. Angst is my character love language I put this boy through the WRINGER just ask Sabu they're the one who gets all my unhinged Salieri thoughts now.
SO my angstiest ship for Salieri is Salieri/Mozart; the fact that Salieri canonically hates AND loves Mozart is juicy enough, but also I can make that so much worse, SO MUCH WORSE, I tear these two to SHREDS in my head and they try to put each other back together with tears and closeness and I am so mean and vicious to them but it is how I show LOVE. I've written. A lot of fics, some out but most WIPs of these two and my current long one. I inflict so much upon Mozart and Salieri just has to watch it happen and I. I love them.
My favorite poly ship for them 
AVENGER AGENDAAAAAA Salieri/Dantes/Jalter supremacyyyyyyyyyyy LOOK AT MORE ART SABU HAS DONE OF THEM they're just,,,so good,,,,my favorite setup for these three is Jalter and Dantes being together prior and meeting Salieri and Salieri just. Misses ALL of their hints and flirting until someone [usually a cackling Mozart] points it out.
My weirdest pairing for them
Hmmmmm well most ships I have with Salieri have been drawn and written about a fair amount, but Erik/Salieri hasn't much if at all dxcfvghb if we go into fanservant territory, Joseph II/Salieri would be interesting but I'm not sure if it would wind up weird or popular if the servant Actually existed.
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missrhinedottir · 2 months
Eeeee almost missed the ask game, but maybe 4 and 20? 🥰
(Or maybe I'll just tell myself what you want most rn is [redacted] brainrot in your inbox 😈)
hehe it’s okie ur here now :3
4. what flower would you like to be given?
i desperately want albedo to give me a cecilia rn ☹️💖
20. what do you want most in the world right now?
man i really truly from the bottom of my heart just want to laugh with my long distance friends irl rn 🥹🫶🏻 being so fr i hate that all but one of my friends are online/long distance.
also shhhh you can still send it bestie 👀
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tsuncda · 1 year
ooo ok idk if CYMs are allowed in here but
🪑 (chair) — come talk with me! i don’t have any ask games in mind, so come annoy me however you see fit <3.
maybe as ur playlists? bc u have some very cool names for them
omg,,,,,, your mIND is impossibly big for this, bestie!!!! i am a sucker for a good cym and nothing will bring me back to my tumblr rot than one of these bad boys <33
disclaimer that my memory has never been worse when it comes to who falls under the "mutual" category. i might forget some of you and i'm so sorry for that 😔✌️
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@destourtereaux is despite everything, there is light (it's all my like,,,, soft core kpop that i listen to when i'm #overwhelmed on a monday evening and still have so much to do even though i'm so done with life itself. it's the perfect balancing act between a pick me up and a cradling hug that doesn't ask me to be okay,,, just get through <3) alternatively; we burn just like stars
@musicallisto is do you even dvicio? (because yeah <3 she's the only other girlie who understands the dvicio brainrot <3 also i heard a rumor that literally all of their love songs are written about her???? and like,,, i can confirm it's true. there's no better subject material for love songs than clara <3) alternatively; summer borne seconds? i only have 5. also; though their lips sound of things done
@amortensie is sing because you just need to sing (it's literally just musicals <3 nixie is that theatre kid out of all my mutuals and she should be immensely proud of that <3. also, there's so many different genres held within that behemoth of a playlist and nixie has multitudes and depth that we might never expect <3) alternatively; mele
@genyakosstyk is the haole boys know how to make good beats on occasion (this one is just a collection of white boy artists (hapa haole included!!!) and idk why i'm giving it to lottie, tbh. i just feel like she'd lovingly roast my occasional, misguided brainrot over objectively average white men like alec benjamin, but also let it happen and learn the lyrics to support me. it's a playlist i listen to when i want to tap into the teenage me who had a favorite backstreet boy, okay? ooooohhh... you know what? maybe this association came about because i associate lottie with &juliet... and they have a lot of white pop on that list.... yeah. i think that's it.) alternatively; six of crows radio
@bright-molina is summer borne seconds? i only have 5. (it's a 5SOS playlist. i think the association explains itself.) alternatively; stealing elias goldstein's headphones
@heliads is do i want roses? only if they sound like this. (it's a collection of music by the k-band the rose and i just,,,,,,, there's nothing more comforting in this whole wide world <3. why do i associate it with lisa? i mean,,, it's not a 1-1 association since i don't think lisa knows the rose exists, but i feel like their ~sound~ fits her vibes <3) alternatively; i am the sea or i am nothing
@oceanspray5 is heavy are the mountains; heavy the seas (this one is my like,,,, indie folk pop playlist. at least i think that's what the genre is...? the sound for of monsters and men. the oh hellos. the lumineers. idk why other than the sound fits the aesthetic of iffah's blog.) alternatively; a little parenthesis in eternity
@noesapphic is the dark of getting it (it's my secret agent au playlist. self explanatory vibes <3) alternatively; cantar
@the-radio-star is perhaps i am digging his grave (one of my oldest, most robust, and beloved playlist <3. it's arguably a lot of genres but it scratches the same itch of ~ooooooohhhh,,,, i'm dark and angsty and arguably a mess but also a bad bitch on alternating wednesdays~) alternatively; saranghae but it's a mournful yeehaw
@permanentreverie is bts mayhaps? (i think this one explains itself <3 but also!!!!!!!!!! bts changed me and so does lindsay. daily. not always for the better of society, but alas. change can never be contained to one linear direction <3) alternatively; thirteen of them but they take up seventeen places in my heart and; this world rests beneath a blood red sky
@biqherosix is tomorrow? girl, only if we're together (i don't think daniza knows txt - if you don't, this is my not so silent plea for you to give them a listen - but literally the vibes align so perfectly. she and txt get each other, they just don't know it yet. listen to 0x1=LOVESONG and tell me daniza wouldn't just,,,,, go feral to that song. also Lo$er=Lo♡er) alternatively; the haole boys know how to make good beats on occasion
@johnskeating is CELESTIAL (for obvious reasons (to her at least) that i will not disclose and neither will anyone else under threat of death <3. but also, it's a collaborative playlist with a lot of summer-adventures-with-your-best-friends vibes and that's cass <3) alternatively; all that's beyond my grasp
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tara-the-star · 2 months
ofc Elodie is being put to sleep by Jean reading fairytales to her and him kissing her forehead good night when she nags for another chapter SHE'S FINE SHE'S PERFECTLY FINE SHE'S-
oh you cant breathe and you feel like there's no air in your lungs ? bestie you sure you aint unknowingly choking yourself ? (too soon ? too soon )
also im oh so happy too see another 15 year old undergoing aftg brainrot. Its a true horrific traumatizing delight, if I say so myself. Aaaand you can call me Quinn <3
yeah ofc ofc. wdym they were seperated? pft i have no idea what ur talking about lol. i know like three writers writing fix-it fics. god works hard but ao3 authors work harder
dont remind me </3 ill break down on spot. those scenes left me shattered. jean moreau, cmere i need to wrap you in a warm blanket and give you hot chocolate.
its been going on since 2022 and tsc has ensured its not leaving anytime in this lifetime :)
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maochira · 1 year
it literally just turns into a competition on who gets more bitches tbh
like when he flirts with someone, she cuts off his pickup line and replace it with hers
would definitely put ‘if your straight: (otoya’s number) if your gay: (her number)’ whenever they drop off a note to a cute girl at a restaurant or smthin
idk just a little brainrot LOL
(dont know if u name ur anons but can i be 🐙)
Me and Otoya besties so real😔
I feel like that friendship would be PURE CHAOS and they keep judging each other for the type of girls they're into. Like. "That's your type??? Get some fucking standards"
Also I feel like they'd go on double dates if they end up having girlfriends. But lesbian bestie always warns Otoya's gfs for obvious reasons.
Aso lesbian bestie definitely has "stolen" a girl Otoya wanted to get with once LMAO
(also sure you can be 🐙!! I don't name my anons yet but some give me indicators to know it's them!!)
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sunlightandsuffering · 2 months
YEAH EXACTLY talk more about him !!!!!!
HE GIVES ME TUMMY FLUTTERS BC HES SUCH A DICK LOL!!! But also let’s hear ur brain rot bestie!!! But I think him and Jean taking the class to pick up babes is fucking hilarious 😂😂and then he sees Mikasa and ITS LOVE! He tries all of his douchey lines on her 😭 inviting her to frat parties and baby girl is NOT INTERESTED!! UGH THE REFORM OF FRAT BOY EREN I have to go look for those asks lemme seen if I can find them bc I hate a hot vision but I can’t remember that well
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ohimsummer · 4 months
momday ‘n friday for ur little ask game 🫶🏽 hope you’ve been doing well!!
omg hi hi bestie!! glad 2 see u in my inbox :3c
monday: do you struggle with the ‘boring’ parts of writing?
Are the boring parts supposed to be like editing and proofreading LOL ummm. It’s 50/50, sometimes I kinda like editing/revamping a fic bc I like giving it a sort of a je ne sais quoi (aka his eyes run over your figure and not just he looked you up and down). I usually proofread/reread my stuff a couple times before I post it (and then still end up spotting a typo a few days later it’s so embarrassing…..☹️)
friday: most self-indulgent fic you have ever posted?
this jean kirstein oneshot bc honestly when I tell you I had the absolute worst brainrot about him and throatfucking for a WHILE…….it was truly terrible for me I fear
ALSO a lot of my poly satosugu stuff, I am unfortunately Extremely Not Normal about them in any capacity so I just turn whatever daydream I had at the time into a drabble 🥸
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sevlawless · 8 months
thinking abt making a new infamous girlie ??? more on this at 11
Honestly me too. I lost all of my saves after changing laptops and my Pinterest account had a weird glitch that deleted my Pinterest boards for my ocs and now I can't get them back. At least it's a new opportunity to make some new ocs and replay my favourite games. 😂
I'm so looking forward to infamous again. I've been wanting to replay it but like I'm trying to hold back until the update and it's so hard. I've never had so much brainrot over an IF before. Baxters route from our life the visual novel is the only other IF that has managed to give me brainrot. 😂😂😭
OMG WHAT THE HELL ??? that sucks i'm so sorry.. if i lost all of my pins and saves i would actually kill myself ur stronger than me bestie LMFAO
the last if i had this much brainrot over was twc- *gunshots* but i'm so happy i have a better if to enjoy now :) <3
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karmawonders · 2 years
800 Milestone Event!
🌸Never done one of these before, so lets go!🌸
STATUS: Closed, but you can still send me asks if you want! I am going to get through all the ones that got sent to me for the event :)
Thank you all for supporting my writings and musings, it is incredibly appreciated! I hope you all take care of yourselves!
So like, give me ideas in my ask box :)
Here's what cha need to know-
I am writing for Genshin Impact, particularly the Cult Au / SAGAU / Self Aware what nots.
I am fine writing suggestive things! Not sure yet on if I am comfy going totally explicit but who knows.
I got no idea how long the responses will be or when the response will happen will be to the asks. Depends on if my brain decides to actually function fml.
I may not get to all of em, many apologies! I got that mental illness besties my brain runs a million miles per hour.
If it makes me ~uncomfy~ I might skip it / write something sorta similar.
dont send me asks that involve sexual acts with minors .
Im a whole ass adult and life is hectic, apologies if they don't all turn out completely how you want.
pls be nice i got anxiety lol : )
I think that's pretty basic but I think thats good ?? May update if needed but who knows
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generalsmemories · 8 months
Naru, Naru bestie~ I have a question, do you mind Angsty Brainrots asks? I got one living rent free in my head and I want to make you suffer along with me☺️☺️☺️
😨 oh dear what have u been cooking
give me ur best shot at the angst brainrot that will gut me bestie
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