#best boy barcus
whimperingwizard · 4 months
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BG3 + tumblr posts III
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catebeesart · 4 months
Hi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm taking advantage of this to ask for Barcus Wroot !!!! my best boi whom i love very much.
Love your art btw, i was thinking of asking for those flash comm soon !!!!! have a good evening/night !
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Barcus Wroot!!!! I'm so fond of this little guy!! Take him to therapy please!
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mossy-rock-in-a-field · 2 months
My Mother Plays Baldur's Gate: Part 5
Summary: My retired mom is having me play Baldur's Gate 3 on her behalf because she has trouble using controllers/keyboards but still wants to "smooch the wizard boy." She is playing a neutral chaotic good wood elf druid; this is a detailed account of her crimes. Part 1 & 2 Part 3 Part 4
Sorry for the long break! Life got super busy for a second there. We're about 30-40% of the way through Act 3, and we finished up some companion quest lines and started making some plans to kill Gortash and Orin.
Here's what happened during yesterday's game session:
Scratch gave us an iron bowl at camp. My mom assumed this was somehow plot relevant, so she had me carry it around everywhere because "we might need it." I am not allowed to sell the bowl. She is a druid and her carrying capacity is still garbage. I suffer.
She LOVES Gale’s new kiss animations. I  tasked with smooching him before we leave camp every single time. Even if I just stop by to switch out a party member, I still have to kiss him goodbye. (And pet the animals, obviously.)
We accidentally blew up Volo outside the Steel Watch foundry with a poorly-placed Ice Storm that nicked the edge of the explosive barrels. His corpse was charred and unrecognizable, and my mom was distraught. She demanded to know why I blew him up, so I reminded her that casting Ice Storm was HER idea. We saved him the second time.
Cazador accidentally won his fight several times because we kept rolling dogshit initiative and got zapped by status effects before we could move an inch. The first time Astarion got turned to paste in the ritual, my mom nearly leapt out of her seat. (“RELOAD RIGHT NOW, HONEY.”) We killed Cazador on the fifth attempt, the rotten bastard.
My mom was locked in for the Iron Throne mission. The turn limit really freaked her out, and she kept second-guessing my choices every time I made a move because she was so nervous I was wasting time. I had to gently remind her that I’ve done this mission literally dozens of times. (We got everyone out with a whole turn to spare. Pfffft.)
Got the wavemother robe. I put it on Gale because I thought my mom would love it, but she was actually horrified because he “might catch a cold.” She robe is now somewhere in the camp stash next to all the spoons, iron tongs, and rags. It will probably never be found again. 
Saved the Gondians, and Mom now rides the “fuck Wulbren Bongle” hate train. Shout-out to my boy Barcus!
After watching the conclusion of The Pale Elf quest line (Astarion did NOT ascend, thank you), my mom quietly said, “I hope that actor knows how perfect he is as Astarion. What a wonderful man.” I had the pleasure of informing her that Neil Newbon won Best Performance at the Game Awards for his role. Congrats Neil Newbon, my mom is super proud of you!
Hoping to get together with my mom again soon and make some more progress through Act III. She told me to thank you for all your kind words of support!
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gribbo · 2 months
In the hands of another minstrel, it would make a triumphant theme: Thorm trounced, his captives freed, his curse lifted from the land. Let another minstrel write it. The one who struggled up from the bowels of Moonrise Tower would rather find an unobtrusive corner in which to curl up and die.
"Somebody knocks you on the head every tenday," grumbles Barcus, as though it's a character flaw. His hand on the minstrel's jaw is rough and cool. "Follow my finger."
He seems to be holding up two. Peculiar. The minstrel does his best to watch them instead of falling over. "Did you see the"—he wobbles, peering over Barcus's shoulder—"aasimar?"
The Nightsong, tracking bits of Thorm across the hall, wings to Isobel in a blaze of moonfire. Barcus fails to notice. "You're more addled than I thought."
The minstrel could kiss him. If either of them deserved that.
He reports to the High Harper, who stops him midway and orders him to bed. Where bed has gone eludes him; Vally, he thinks, had shouldered his bedroll. Karlach, his pack. He looks for them in the hushed bustle of the hall: teary farewells here, his niece Nimble frowning at him there, the dead laid out yonder for the living to grieve. Harpers weeping for their fallen softly, businesslike. Victims of the cult, too, lying far from their families and friends—and Alfira where he expects her to be, hunched alone with her lute, feeling out the first fumbling chords of a threnody for them all.
It all makes sense, all of a sudden. He still has his gittern. When he drops onto the bench beside her, her hands stumble on the strings.
“Let’s sing for our supper, then,” he rasps without preamble, tuning up.
Alfira stares at him—huge, stunned eyes in a hollow face. “Really?”
Magga cammara, the minstrel thinks, she’s gotten thin. She’s not even famous yet.
“Go on,” he says gruffly. He fiddles for a moment in A minor before settling on something suitable. “I’ll back you.”
A slow, weary smile staggers across Alfira’s face.
It’s a grueling task, to sing in tribute for so many, for so long. Few would ask it of a singer so untried. But when Alfira’s voice lifts in lamentation like a rusty bell’s chime, heads turn; when he joins her in the second verse, the stentorian echo of her high mourner’s cry, the hush that follows is a grim gratification. They play long after their voices fail. He’s nodding over the gittern, his fingers plodding across the strings, when a warm, heavy hand envelops his shoulder. “Silk?”
“Karlach.” His voice scrapes like an old hinge. He blinks up at her, wondering why she’s so blurry. “There you are.”
“Here I am, sangster.” She turns from him, speaking gently to someone else. “Get some rest, Fira, hey?”
Whoever’s leaning on him rises with a willing mumble, leaving him cold. There’s a head on his knee, he realizes; he gives Mirkon’s curls a drowsy pat, then nudges him awake. Someone lifts the boy and carries him away. Around the hall, the torches burn like drowning stars.
Karlach’s hand keeps him steady. “Can you walk?”
He wobbles up. To his consternation, the hall tilts. Around him, the torchlights stretch and spin—
“Whoops,” Karlach says—and whisks him off his feet, bearing him who-knows-where. Hellion. He should object, probably. Keep his eyes open, certainly. Beneath his head, the machinery in her chest—that horrid death-clock, ticking—rattles a radiator-cough.
She smiles grimly at it. “Will you play one of those for me?”
A funeral dirge. His own tired heart beats off-tempo. “Oh, Karlach.”
“It was beautiful,” she says in her plain, awful way. “Will you?”
He’d sooner cut off his hands. Milil, he thinks, help me play happier music for these people. That triumphant theme. It’s in me, somewhere.
A voice speaks up somewhere past his eyelids. “Is he all right?”
“Asleep.” An infernal yawn. “Hells. I’m beat, too.”
Not quite asleep, he thinks. There’s a space between sleep and wakefulness, now, where the Prism-bearers’ minds mingle and meet. Gale’s drifting off thinking about a real bed, with sheets and blankets and such, so all of them are thinking about real beds. Them, the minstrel thinks muzzily, who are we, who are us.
Karlach’s thoughts, blunt and amused, brush his. You sound like that brain-thing.
Shadowheart, ever the eavesdropper, dips in. Are we going to keep it?
That headcheese? asks Vally.
Whatever will it eat, thinks Wyll, in our company?
Tsk’va. Lae’zel pretends to miss his joke. The creature is an abomination.
So are we, darling.
We! cries the intellect-devourer, somewhere else. It’s skittering after a rat, its simple joy rippling through their minds in alien hues. Whee!
Not a theme, the minstrel thinks, absently. Not a theme. He blinks up at Karlach with some effort. “Odd little medley, ours.”
Karlach blinks back at him.
Then she grins, brushfire-bright. “Catchy."
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fatale-distraction · 4 months
You seem like the best person to ask, Apologies if it's inappropriate. How does Barcus fair eating Tav out?
Barcus Down Under
Oh anon, we’re getting as deep into some personal Headcanons as Barcus is in Tav’s respective genitalia.
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Also I did my best to keep trans and non-binary Tavs in mind while I wrote this. Everyone deserves a little Barcus in their lives.
Under the cut because ~vulgarity~
Barcus has spent most of his life being jerked around by Wulbren. The way I see it, IF he has experience with other people, he’s most likely been with other male gnomes, maybe a female gnome here or there, but he’s not going to have a whole lot of experience with women.
Wulbren is also a fucking prick, and if he engaged in any sexual activity with Barcus, it was most likely non-reciprocal head from Barcus.
Barcus is not the kind of guy who does anything half-assed. He sucks a cock like no one’s fucking business. He’ll get all the way down to the base and make it look easy. He knows how to use his lips, his tongue, his hands, he’ll even get his teeth involved if they’re into it. He’s creative, too, this isn’t going to be a standard blow-and-go. He’ll draw it out, play with the head, the balls, the shaft separately and in tandem. A Barcus BJ is an Experience.
If Tav has a vag, he’s probably a little nervous about going down on them, but he’s never let nerves stop him before. He’ll throw himself in there right up to his ears. He’ll suck their clit like he sucks cock, and he’ll do a damn good job of it. His fine-motor skills are second to none, being an expert alchemist and tinkerer. He’s got quick, clever fingers and intuition on his side, so it doesn’t take him long to figure out the spots Tav likes touched and exactly how they like them touched.
Barcus might seem like a nervous little fellow, and he absolutely is. But he’s also creative, passionate, and highly skilled at what he does, and in spite of Wulbren diminishing him at every opportunity, when he’s good at something, he fucking knows it.
And boy is he good at head.
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avionvadion · 9 months
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We've angered enough gods, lol. I think there's only... one that's on our side right now??? Anyways, MILD GALE and MASSIVE GONDIAN/IRONHAND GNOMES SPOILERS BELOW.
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Welcome to the anxiety club!
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PFFFT. Mood.
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Astarion, you literally gave up the chance to be a Vampire Ascended. What are you talking about???
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Alskjfldkjfldkjfldk, I was so tempted to go with number three. I love that it's even an option. You can see Astra contemplating the pros and cons of telling him to "f" off.
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So many surprise encounters and I'm just trying to finish my massive list of sidequests.
Anyways, long story short I freed all but one of the hostages- that one was killed on his way running out by the enemies. Astra and Wyll were also... blown up, because Astra died and Wyll wouldn't have made it out. Omeluum got Karlach out just in time. Astarion was the first to reach the ladder.
All the baddies decided they were gonna gang up on my girl. T_T It was very rude of them. Poor Karlach had to do all the lockpicking. I had to keep reloading so she could roll natural twenties because she needed a 25. RIP. I probably could have restarted and sent Astarion that way instead, but, well, it's fine.
Everything's fine.
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Poor Astarion. I find it absolutely hilarious that the game put him in charge since Astra was out of commission. Just, oh, what's that? Your wife died? Your turn to hold the braincell, then!
Imagine him getting up to the submarine and waiting for everyone to hurry up, and Karlach and Omeluum appearing- but Astra and Wyll are nowhere to be seen, and Karlach is like, "I tried to help her, but the bastards shot her back down! Before I could try to carry her and Wyll, squiddie over here teleported me."
Omeluum: "A thank you for saving your life would have sufficed..."
And the prison is already exploding so Astarion has no choice but to maneuver the submarine to safety.
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Astarion did not wake up this morning thinking he was going to have to revive Astra and Wyll.
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I've.... never actually had to revive a character yet. I've always been able to "help" them back up, so Withers and the twenty Revivify Scrolls I have were just... chilling all seventy hours of my playthrough so far. Huh.
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Gods, I can't stand this asshole. Genuinely regret saving him.
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I am... so proud of Barcus right now, oh my gods. This is so satisfying. Finally he's breaking things off with that toxic genocidal asshat. I knew it was too much to expect an apology from Wulbren, but for Barcus to call him out on his bullshit and dump his sorry ass??? PERFECTION. I love this gnome so much. He does his best.
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mongoose-bite · 4 months
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This little smile means she's gonna move the planes to get your soulmate back, Barcus. A nice reminder that if you treat people well and do good, you can kindle the light and even someone who seems like an arsehole can be your friend. And some people refuse to improve regardless.
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WTF is this??? this raises so many questions. There are blood banks? Asterion steals from them (I can't imagine he pays?) Does he just carry around jars of blood like Starbucks cups?
Speaking of drinking gross things, Faye brought Omeluum the mushrooms and sensing the illithid thought she didn't have the stomach for it, took the potion and managed to keep it down. To no great use, sadly. When it offered her the ring her first thought was 'but don't you need it to hide from elder brains?' but that wasn't a conversation option available to me. Stay safe, my squiddy friend. Even illithid can manage not to be arseholes when they try.
Goodbye Underdark, and goodbye act one.
I was feeling a bit bad about leaving Wyll stuck at camp all the time, but I have a problem with warlocks. Conceptually they're amazing: mechanically I don't know what they're for. I know there are broken hexblade multiclass builds out there, but as a whole the class confuses me. So thanks to his transformation, Wyll has now come under the effects of chaotic magic, and I gave him a couple sorcerer levels. I do think I'll give him at least one more in warlock for multiattack, but I'm hoping he'll be a bit more use now. I also gave him a handful of thieves' tools. I was considering a rogue multi, but his dex isn't that great.
Time to see if the gith can help us; Faye actually thinks they're probably her best shot cause they're a people with actual experience dealing with mindflayers, unlike most people we've talked to. She is absolutely not going to steal a child, (even if the person asking is a silver fox - player not character talking here.) But asking politely is something she's prepared to do, if it looks like it will save a life.
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The look on her face. How the hell did a gith lay something this size?
What is this strange feeling; the entire party approving of my actions? All because I left a sour-faced spoilsport at camp. I expect there's probably some sad, spoilery reason why tumblr isn't flooded with art of Blurg and Omeluum raising a gith. Why can't a family be a hobgoblin dad, an illithid parent, and a gith baby? (Can you imagine presenting that to your DM as a character backstory? Although stranger things have happened; our OotA party permanently turned a beholder into a dwarf...long story.)
I had to burn all but one of my inspiration dice to get Laz'ael out of the machine, and Faye's actually pretty proud of her for sticking with them despite it all; gives her a bit of hope for Shadowheart, whom she hopes is paying close attention to this crisis of faith (she's probably busy learning the wrong lessons.)
So the creche overall was terrifying, and Faye is wondering just how many more impossibly powerful beings she's gonna piss off before this is over. She's still half-convinced the Samoan drow in the astral plane is an illithid trick, but that doesn't mean it's not telling the truth about the gith. She didn't deface the portrait in the creche, obviously, but oh boy Dyce has form should he ever come this way.
Faye doesn't follow any god. The hag tossed insults about her having one, but when she went toe to toe with the drow in the Underdark, she declared it her Oath against his god. To paraphrase Cromwell, it's not her faith in the gods that guides her, but her faith in herself. If Lethander turned out to be a liar, Faye's beliefs would not change.
Which means when you go back to camp after the second most terrifying and awful day of your life, there's no one to pray to to watch over and protect you. But you can pat your dog. My poor girl. She's not yet desperate enough to try Volo's needle, because she can't imagine it will work, but she's crossed an awful lot of other options off the list.
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zoneofsmites · 5 months
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Barcus Wroot: You saved me. Now you'll extort me. That's how this works, yes?
Anyway no extortion here sweetheart, Lucien is a nice polite boy who likes helping people.
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busybee217 · 6 months
Where is Barcus?
I save him and the rest of the deep gnomes in the grymforge but instead of telling him to rest at my camp (because I’m okay the dark urge and was afraid my character would kill him) I told him I wished him the best on his journey. Now I’m in act 2 and he isn’t in the last light inn or moonlight towers. So where is he? Where’s my boy?
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darkmatter-nebula · 3 months
Colli plays a online game with his friends
Greetings! Thank you for the request!
I apologize for not writing it earlier, my dear anon. My day was very eventful.
Bonus Points: I'm going to include Hunter. Since he isn't only Colli's beloved big brother, he also is the starboy's best friend.
Drabble: The Online Game
It was a quiet afternoon on the Boiling Isles as a certain small starboy with a heart as pure as freshly fallen snow and otherwordly fluffy lavender hair played the Demon Realm version of an online game with his friends.
Hunter, who was Colli's big brother and best friend, was playing too. Colli was sitting on the young Grimwalker's lap. Hunter's magenta eyes were filled to the brim with endless love and adoration for his beloved little brother.
Gus, Willow, Amity, Emira, Edric, Matt, Steve, Skara, Viney, Boscha, Jerbo and Barcus knew how much Colli and Hunter loved and adored each other. The kindhearted eternal little boy and the blonde boy were the most inseparable pair of brothers.
《You two are so incredible precious!》 Flapjack, who was sitting on Hunter's shoulder, chirped. "Awwww, thank you! You are precious too, Flap!" Colli had a very sweet smile on his adorable multi-colored face as he said that.
Colli, who bonded with Flapjack shortly after the Eclipse Lake incident, was able to understand every single word of his beloved big brother's Palisman. The red cardinal was incredible dear to him and vice versa.
Hunter couldn't hold himself back and kissed lovingly Colli's freckled cheek. The immortal celestial boy immediately snuggled up to the former Golden Guard. "I love you." "And I love you, Hunter. More than anything."
The End
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*pokes* weddings of the individual blight sibs >:3
*pokes back*
•Amity was the first of the Blights to ask their partner to marry her. Or, we’ll, she sorta did: Luz and her both realized they were planning to propose at the same time, Amity said Luz could do it, then Amity blurted out the question first. But, of course, both girls went ‘Yes, of course!’
•The future Noceda-Blights had a Grom-themed wedding, complete with a recreation of their original Grom Dance (with a slight change in Luz and Amity kissing passionately at the end) and outfits close to those on their first Grom night under the tree. King, despite now being too big to live on the land anymore, still walked up to the shore to be the ring bearer. Raine officiated the wedding (Eda offered but both Amity and Luz said ‘No’), but Luz politely denied their request to play for the wedding alongside the B.A.T.T’s; traditional Dominican weddings ask the guests to sing instead of using a band, and Luz wants to keep some of those traditions as part of her own wedding. In that spirit, after their Grom recreation, Luz and Amity perform a Merengue, a Dominican ballroom dance, together after the wedding ceremony.
•Em is actually the only one of the Blight siblings who didn’t ask their partners: Viney was the one who asked her, doing it with a human Ring Pop, half as a joke and half ‘Please Titan say yes!’ Which Em… wanted to. Sort of.
•Em was actually the most affected by her parents divorce. Already growing up not having a great perception of it, seeing the people who spent their lives raising her split up made her wary of ever getting married. Not that she didn’t love Viney, but it just… it worried her, the idea of how marriage would make things so much more complicated and, in Em’s experience, sad.
•Viney understood, even if she still wanted to marry Em one day. So instead, she promised to wait for Em, as long as it took, always being by her side regardless of what label they put on it. It actually made Em start to tear up, and she realized that if she ever did get married, there was no woman she’d rather be married to then Viney.
•Years later, when they did get married officially, the pair had a wedding at an old temple of a lost civilization, just because the two could, and it would better justify a smaller wedding. Few people wanting to risk an ancient curse defending on their bloodline. Viney wore her best tux with her least hole covered pair of dress pants, and Em wore an Illusion track blue mermaid wedding dress. One of Puddles babies, Muddy, served as ring bearer, while Barcus officiated the marriage. Jerbo was Viney’s best man, while both Amity and Ed were Em’s bridesmaids. After the ceremony, the two girls flew off on Muddy to another lost temple, ready for their honeymoon. But not before Em dropped the bouquet into the crowd, caught by none other then…
•Ed is the last of the Blights to propose to their partner, Hunter. Not because he didn’t want to, of course, but because he would constantly get nervous, and feel what he had came up with to propose wasn’t good enough for the former Golden Guard. He always tried to one up his ideas, make them as big and bright as possible, because that’s what Hunter deserved. Ed would often carry the ring around in his back pocket, hoping to stumble upon the perfect time to propose, but sadly it never felt like he did.
•One night though, he felt he’d found the perfect way to propose; a fireworks show, with the explosions spelling out the question in massive lights. Edric knew it was a plan that could never fail, and so he custom made a firework to write ‘HUNTER, WILL UOU MARRY ME?’ into the sky. He sets the fireworks up, calls Hunter for a surprise date, and cuddles up to his favorite blonde boy as they stare into the night sky, Ed secretly waiting to release his fireworks setup.
•The time comes and Ed, with a smirk, sets off the fireworks. They begin to shoot into the sky, creating a mesmerizing light show, and Ed can’t help but take pride in his creation. Until he notices one, a big, BIG one, was fired at the wrong angle, and is now hurling itself towards Ed and Hunter at phenomenal speeds! Hunter has to roll him and his partner down the hill to escape the ensuing blast! Edric kicks himself, torn up about his failed proposal, until Hunter, looking out at burn marks on the hillside, makes out Edric’s question. He’s so blown away (pun intended) he laughs, and hugs Edric, telling him that he’d absolutely love to marry him. They kiss under the fireworks, their proposal forever burned into the hillside.
•Later, they have their outdoor wedding near a renovated and Odalia influence free Blight Manor. Hunter wears a robins red suit, while Edric wears a bright-yellow ball gown dress because he can and he likes it. Ed’s siblings serve as his bridesmaids while Gus and Luz are Hunter’s best people. The ceremony is officiated by Raine, who Hunter’s been in touch with since they defeated Belos, and the ring bearer is the special guest of Luz and Amity’s little girl, Azura.
•When the wedding is over, Hunter and Ed head off for a private honeymoon together on a livable boat off the mainland, enjoying the charming sights of the Boiling Seas and sleeping together in each other’s arms.
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nuka-rockit · 5 months
BG3 Ask Meme: 3, 10, and 15 for Cassander?
3: Race and subclass? Tiefling Bard, College of Swords
10: Are they proficient in playing any instruments? Yes, he is proficient in the violin. (fun ooc fact I chose this because I thought the "devil playing the fiddle" trope was funny)
15: What NPC's do they like? Which one's do they dislike? ho boy. there are too many npcs in this game to list them all, but i can go for some of the more significant ones. He likes mol, she is pragmatic and can handle herself. He's grown to like Barcus. He respects Dame Aylin's no-nonsense approach and thinks Isobel's reactions to her girlfriends antics are just precious. He appreciates Rath for sticking to his principles during the grove problem. He respects Varsh Ko'kuu for going against the creche an keeping the egg alive. I guess the best answer is he likes people with a backbone who don't try to swindle him. His memory loss may factor into this, but he's grown to like people who can face pressure without faltering too easily. that said, he doesn't like Kagha (too easily manipulated), he hates Nere for his undeserved overinflated ego, and he thinks He Who Was is a prick. He hates being ordered around and being treated like an errand boy.
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tedturneriscrazy · 2 years
Uh, I'm running out of ideas for how to introduce these things...
Anyways, Any Sport in a Storm!
May my Huntlow dreams come true
From denial to acceptance in record time, impressive!
Also, tape? My dude, I know nothing about sewing, and even I can tell that's some clown shit
"Consider this a test" consider my foot in your ass, Phil
The way Raine looked back at Hunter...now I'm curious about their previous relationship
Also, not liking the way Terra is leading Raine around...
Good to see Darius again, if only because of Keston John's voice😍
Ooh, Golden Guard lore! Seems like it's a legacy position, which makes sense
Hunter desperately seeking approval and validation while Darius is clearly sick of his shit
"You're very good at doing exactly what you're told" That's gonna come back later
Shortened title again? Not sure if they're making more time for longer episodes or putting off having to change the title sequence again...
Hell yeah, more Willow working out!
You got this, Willow!
Oh, shit! That's her dads! I bet that's how they met!
Where did her new glasses come from, though?
Also, lol at "Eye of the Liger"
Ah, so it was an errant locker
I also love how they both knew that Willow could save them
Important information, Gus
Oh, the way Luz fluffs Willow's hair❤❤❤ (Yes, I multiship, what of it?)
Azura Book Club real?!...Wait, I knew that already, I saw the promos lol
"I am so excited to hear the next words coming out of your mouth" Bruh, stop giving me Willuz fuel /hj
Hyping up badass Willow so far, so I'm definitely loving it
I wonder if Gus carries around confetti now, as well, thanks to Luz
I think I saw a comment about it elsewhere, but the whole club fair premise is so anime, and it's great
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This show really likes to say "Ages 6-11," doesn't it?
Uh oh, here comes Boscha
Luz is nerding out so much here, I love her
Hermosa ❤❤❤
Hey, I'm allowed some Lumity marking
The author of Azura? Luz seems confused
Human or demon? Interesting...
Also, lol at Boscha wanting attention
Love the way they just excitedly run off
"You guys aren't cute! I still have more friends than you!" Quality, not quantity, Boscha. You're just jealous you don't have an awesome girlfriend
Oh, this is gonna go swimmingly for golden boy /s
Great job selling your cult, buddy
Oh, hey, it's Barcus!
"Banish card" lmfao the disrespect
Oh no, critical thought that runs counter to his indoctrination! His one weakness!
(Also, good on you, Jerbo)
Bruh just get off her tail wtf
So we finally have a name for abomination professor: Professor Hermonculous!
This guy's kind of a dick, huh
Well, Willow, you're about to find one, at least
Scary, then sweet. Classic Willow
Very enthusiastic handshake
Caleb Jasper Bloodwilliams...First rule of lies: keep it simple
"Fly doobie" not in a TV-Y7 show
That all sounds...intense
"I don't feel sick" has the same energy as "I'm not putting anything down," change my mind
Aw, Gus is looking out for Willow❤
I'm also glad to see that, yes, Amity is just as dorky as Luz
Canceled? Oh, no!
The fruits of the recruitment drive
...not the best first impression
Oh, no, are we in for a crisis of confidence for Willow?
"Half a witch" Hmmmmmmmm
Oh, never mind, Willow is persistent
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Loving that face
Ooh, Skara's smart, too! That one post of mine still holds up!
"Now I'm only scarred emotionally!"
I actually really like how Gus and Hunter bounce off of each other, surprisingly
And Willow is an effective leader and good at recognizing where everyone's strengths lie
Now we have context for that one screenshot
The chase is on!
The bird phone just flying into the window lmfao
Looks like Darius' Me Time is being interrupted once again
Game on!
Okay, yeah, Gus and Hunter camaraderie is good, actually
Even got the Gatorade dunk
I'd knock "Emerald Entrails," but it seems rather fitting for the Boiling Isles
Luz and Amity are gonna see that group selfie and have...a reaction
Damn, Viney, that's cold
Oh, here's actual betrayal
Dammit, blondie, you had a good thing going and you fucked it up
Also, way to show your hand so abruptly
So Darius sent the scouts, huh?
Prime usage of Steve
Man, Hunter is really just describing all kinds of awful shit with zero self awareness or introspection. Apparently critical thought is just not a thing in the Emperor's Coven
Ah, there's the crisis of confidence
"Can you?"
(Let me just take another opportunity to praise Keston John's voice acting. So good)
Oh I don't like that about the palismen
"Steve is beginning to regret his choices" Why is this such a mood?
The way they're still bringing up theories while chasing that author, holy shit they're such nerds ❤
Tiny Nose?! Tinella Nosa?!?!
And Mattholomule? Who else is in on this?!
Bro Amity is the only person on the Isles buying the Azura books I fucking
Yeah, punch 'im! And may this be his last appearance
Mmm, yes, casually rest your head on Amity's shoulder. I mean, sorry about that whole thing, but at least y'all can be cute together
Those Penstagram posts are 💯💯💯
Well, valiant attempts, but Darius is a coven head, after all
I was gonna say something else, but we're still on that previous point
Starting to get Horde Prime flashbacks
Better late than never on doing the right thing, I guess
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A small blush, I'm sure this won't be totally overanalyzed and possibly blown out of proportion /j
(That said, my Huntlow brainrot will take what it can get)
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Huh, well then, Darius, I guess you get this:
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I did not have "Darius as a good mentor figure" on my nonexistent Bingo card, I am pleasantly surprised
They gon write fanfiction together this just keeps getting better
"I am really digging those outfits" Damn, Luz, be more bisexual, why don't you
Their reactions to Hunter remind me of the end of Hooty's Moving Hassle (God, that seems like a different show entirely at this point)
Well, that was a nice, light episode! Drama! Flair! Facepaint! But nothing too plot heavy or angsty.
I think the Flyer Derby plotline stood on its own quite solidly, and it was definitely apparent that it was the main attraction here. Some more development and confidence building for Willow, and Hunter got a brief taste of actually being a kid for once.
Also, I feel the Lumity part managed to avoid overshadowing the episode, unlike in Through the Looking Glass Ruins. Their interactions were cute and sweet, yet casual and understated. Clearly girlfriends, but not too in-your-face about it, and the storyline was cute enough, even if it did have Tibbles.
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rowletthefalseking · 3 years
↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹ Trouble Beyond Life - A Troublemaker ghost AU by Me ↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹↹
Luz has had bad days before.
There was that time she got shrunk by King with her friends and nearly eaten alive,
There was that time she got expelled from Hexside and nearly killed by Amity's parents when she made a deal to get her and her friends back in,
Hell there was that time she thought she lost her mentor for good,
And there was that time she faced off against Emporer Belos and destroyed her only way home to save said mentor from petrification and found out she lost her magic forever.
But none of those days, could top today.
None of those days came close to today.
It started normally enough, Luz met up with Amity Gus and Willow at the beginning of the day, talked for a while, went to class, got picked on for the entire period she had potions class by Boscha, had lunch, and finished the rest of her classes without a problem. Luz packed up her things when the bell screamed and waited by the exit for Eda to come pick her up.
She waited a while but there was no sign of her mentor, which made Luz frown but wasn't that too unusual. She was probably just out doing another odd job for money or something.
So that probably meant Luz had some time to do something before going back to the Owl House, maybe she could get her friends if they were available.
Which she soon found out were not.
When she had asked Willow and Gus said they both had things to do back home with their parents. Kind of a bummer but understandable. She had tried asking Amity but she was busy too. Luz frowned, well that's alright. She didn't have to do anything... or maybe some of her other friends were available? She hadn't seen the troublemakers in a while so maybe she could spend some time with them! Yeah, that sounded like a good idea!
In hindsight it probably wasn't. Maybe if they hadn't been up to leave and maybe just spent time in the secret room of shortcuts none of this would've happened.
But they didn't, and as Luz asked her older friends they said they were happily down to spend some time with the younger multi-track girl. Luz was happy to get to spend some time with people, maybe even get to explore the market around Bonesborough a little more, it seemed like there were new shops set up there everyday, maybe there were. Luz would think about that later, she was in the middle of a conversation with Viney and Jerbo when a growl could be heard from Barcus, confused, Luz looked up and around the area. Ah great, Coven guards were approaching... wait, Coven guards? Luz and Eda weren't wanted anymore, what did they need with them now? Luz didn't have time to think before she got yanked up by the arm by one of the bigger guards around. Luz heard some shouts, and barks of protest arise from the other troublemakers as they were also picked up. This wasn't good. Luz didn't have any glyphs on her at the moment so the best she could do was thrash in the grasp of the coven guards, she had to help her friends out! The guards looked over their hexside uniforms with a small nod. "Yup, these look like the ones we were sent out for. Let's get going." Luz tried thrashing again but the guards were too big to really faze them. The troublemakers were thrown in the back of a carriage and were brought on their way to the conformatorium. Luz grunted and looked around, looking for any signs to help them escape, but it looked hopeless at the point. "I'm so sorry guys... eugh this is all my fault! If only I hadn't dragged you out here with me, I-" "Luz" Viney cut the younger girl off. "This isn't your fault, I don't know why these guys want us yet but this isn't your fault." She reassured her, but it didn't do much to cheer the girl up. She glanced at the petrification statues through the bars on the side of the carriage, she frowned as it reminded her of the day Eda almost got petrified. Luz was glad she was able to free her but no matter how many times the witch told her it wasn't her fault she always blamed herself for the situation. What did perk her up was a new plaque being moved out away from the others to somewhere different, it didn't have any names in it, but it still brought a bad feeling to the human girl. She looked ahead as the carriage was stopped as they entered the conformatorium. The troublemakers were cuffed and brought out.
What Luz didn't expect to see next was Belos himself. The Emporer was known to rarely leave the castle. But he had come out personally to deal with them, that wasn't a good sign. Luz grunted as the four were brought kneeling on the ground in front of him, plenty of guards stationed around just to make it even more clear they had no choice of escaping, "Ah Luz the human, I didn't expect to see you here again so soon, but I had gotten word that you and your friends here were mixing magic. We get plenty of witches like that but you faced me before, which you know, and scammed me out of a deal, which I have yet to punish you for. But now you're all here again! And I can saddle you with the punishment you deserve for your actions. You know you cheated me out of a petrification once before, however now I doubt you can do it again." He turned to face Kikimora, who Luz was unaware was standing right next to him. "Prepare the machine, this will certainly be interesting." The emporer's words dripped with malice, Luz could tell from his voice that he was probably grinning behind that stupid mask of his. "Oh and one more thing," The Emporer started as he turned to face them again. "Names, all of you. I know your first name well enough human but we need a full name to go on the plaque of the base for your soon to be statues. You'll never be remembered if you don't have a full name, do you?" Luz glared at the emporer from her spot on the floor. Well she never made it official but she hoped it would make Eda damn proud if she ever found out and saw her again. "Luz Noceda-Clawthorne" that was how she responded. She watched Belos's form turn to the others who sat beside and behind her. They stated their names and Belos turned away from them. "Enjoy your last moments of life, they're sure to be ending soon. Guards, bring them out." Luz yelped as she was roughly grabbed by an arm again as the four were dragged and brought out to the chambers where the huge machine lay. They were uncuffed and all stood together as the machine started up. Well this was it, the last moments of her life. Probably would've been better if she hadn't had to drag her friends along with her one last damn time. She'd never forgive herself for that, she decided, never throughout the eternity of the afterlife she would now share with them. "I'm sorry guys" Luz said, a loose shaky sigh escaped her with the words she spoke. "This looks like the last time I'll ever screw you over." A weak laugh sounded beside her as the troublemakers all found themselves in a big group hug. "At least we're all going out as troublemakers, and all together." Viney spoke in her shaking voice. "Wouldn't want it any other way.... I just really hope Puddles is alright, my dad will probably keep taking care of her." The four smiled as they found themselves in the warm embrace of their company for the last time. The machine finished starting and the beam hit them as stone began painfully creeping up their bodies, it took Luz all she could not to scream, she didnt want to go out looking in pain, at least she got to enjoy her final moments with her friends as the petrification finally finished.
Well they were ghosts now, Luz could tell that much. They had to slowly watch as their group statue was put on a base and was being brought out of the Conformatorium as another carriage was being brought in. Luz could assume Belos would want to put the statue of the only person to ever face against and live somewhere in his castle. Probably to feed his massive ego, she could assume. At least in the afterlife she was with the other troublemakers, it probably had something to do to the fact they were all petrified together. The statue was put up on the side of a hallway in the emporer's castle, and Luz swore she caught a look at Belos staring directly at her when it was done, could he see them? It would make sense, to Luz at least, the Emporer was the most powerful witch alive, it would make sense if he could see ghosts. However it did beg the question, could anybody else see them? Luz didn't think too much about it. She wandered the halls of the castle, well floated, and watched some guards passing by, one of them looked kind of shocked to see her. Well that answered her question. But none of the others they were with saw the ghosts. Which made Luz think again, if only select witches could see them, who would? She kind of doubted anyone close to them could see them now, which was kind of a bummer, but Luz kept moving forward. She strayed further away from the other troublemakers which began to pull them towards her, maybe some kind of after death bond thing? Whatever she'd figure that one out later. Luz stumbled upon a room she had never seen before and phased through the door, earning a yelp from someone in the room, and her eyes widened. It was Hunter! The golden guard wasn't in uniform at the moment but Luz knew him from the night of palisman day. His eyes stared directly at her as the girl blinked. "Hunter? Wait you can see me right now? Can you hear me right now?" Which earned her a nod from the older boy. "Well who else do you think CAN see me right now? Er us..." she added a bit quietly. Hunter looked to be in thought for a moment. "I'd assume Belos, probably Kikimora, maybe a guard or two." An uncomfortable moment of silence fell between the two before Hunter spoke again. "So is it true? Are you really.... dead.... right now?" Luz shifted uncomfortably and nodded "Me and the troublemakers got petrified. It was only a matter of time right?" Luz joked with a strained grin on her face. Hunter spoke up again, a bit quietly "I'm.... so sorry Luz.... I'm not lying when I say I have alot of questions but I can't talk right now. I have a mission to be on." He said the last bit hurriedly as he rushed to put on his uniform. "Follow me if you want, I doubt anyone will be able to see you anyway." Luz nodded and followed the boy out of the room, out of the hall with a few questions from the other ghosts, which she quickly answered, and soon out of the castle. Luz looked around and tried to move more towards Bonesborough but she found that she and the other ghosts couldn't move too far away from the Golden Guard while they were out of the castle. Luz took one last look at the direction of the Owl House. She'd be back one way or another.... she promised.
AND THATS A WRAP FOR THE FIRST PART OF THIS STORY!!! Thank you to everyone who decided to stick around thus far. I enjoyed writing this! I'll try to get more parts of this story out soon, and thank you to everyone from the TOH community discord server for the idea of the troublemakers getting petrified in the first place! Wouldn't have made this AU without it lmao. Byeeeeee!
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drabbles-of-writing · 3 years
Wing AU. Jerbo has broken multiple windows opening his wings up before. Like he routinely knocks Viney, Ed, & Barcus over. It can be a hassle and he hates all the attention he gets from it. Ed doesn't mind it though, sure occasionally he gets knocked over but hey he gets a boyfriend that can give really comfy wing cuddles & is Jerbo is best boy in Ed's eyes. It takes Ed & Viney hours to clean out Jerbo's wings though, they half to work together on it or it would take all day. -Punk Anon
Eda shares his pain. Jerbo freaks at something small and his wings just FLARE out and he apologizes a hundred times about whatever he knocked over or broke. After being around Ed, Ed can usually help him w it and apologize for him as he helps keep his wings closed. Ed’s rich so he knows good ways to hide himself in public and he helps Jerbo do the same 
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rudemaidenswrite · 7 years
Ice Cold Mind Games Part 3
 Here is part 3 of our X-Men story sorry it took forever hope y’all enjoy it :)
Authors: @bookchic20 @sylvanasthebansheequeen
Logan grunted. “Shouldn’t you be with everyone else?” Stacie shook her head. “Nope. Cause we’re having bacon waffles.” “Because who doesn’t love bacon? And who doesn’t love waffles? ‘specially Captain America shaped waffles.” Jessie beamed. “Make me some and you can keep your waffles.” “No! These are our waffles!” Stacie pulled the waffle mix and maker towards her. “Make them with extra bacon and I’ll knock off 7 hours of detention.” “SOLD!” “Extra bacon waffles. Coming right up.” Jessie added another handful of bacon to the batter. ‘Oh look at that. Already cooking breakfast for him.’ ‘Oh shush up. This way we get to keep them.’ Jessie shoved Stacie’s shoulder. The piece of bacon she was holding in her hand fell to the floor. “Oh you did not! You dropped the precious!” “You bumped into me! It’s totally all your fault for wasting a piece of bacon Jessica!” Logan bent down and grabbed the bacon. “It’s still good.” He took a bite as he left the room. ‘I’m not even going to tell him that Peter and me had sex on the floor there like 2 days ago.’ Peter placed a kiss on Stacie’s cheek. “He does know that we had sex on the floor 2 days ago, right? Anyways thanks for the food. I’ll see you in the shower when you’re done eating.” He zoomed back out of the kitchen. From two rooms over, Logan was heard choking on his bacon. “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!” “Oh that poor poor man.” Jessie shook her head. “What did he ever do to you?” “Old man thoughts.” “What does that even mean?” Stacie stared at her friend and blinked several times. “Really?” “Oh. Just forget I asked.” She pulled another waffle off the maker and handed the plate to Stacie. “Here eat your waffle so you can go meet Peter.” “Does it have to be right now? I already took my shower.” Stacie complained. “Well you did kinda promised him.” Jessie says as she pulled her waffle off. Stacie mumbled at Jessie as she began to eat her waffle. “What was that? Did you say something?” “Go fluff yourself.” “No thank you I’m fine just eating my delicious waffle.” “Speaking of waffles you may wanna check Logan’s. It smells like it may be burning a bit.” “Shit shit shit,” Jessie repeats to herself as she gets the waffle off. “Oh thank gosh it’s not burnt. Hey go ask Logan if he wants anything on it.” “LOGAN, DO YOU WANT ANYTHING…” Stacie stops as Jessie covers her mouth. “I could have done that thank you very much.” “Shouldn’t you be eating with the rest of the students?” Jean asks. “Shouldn’t you be watching the students?” Stacie sasses. “Logan told us we could eat in here.” Jessie says quickly while Jean glares at Stacie. Logan walked back in and sees Jean standing there. “Hey” “Did you allow this?” Jean asks pointing at the two girls. “Huh, oh yeah.” Logan says shrugging. Stacie smiles knowing she had won. Jean just turns to walk out, while Stacie makes faces behind her back. Logan smacks Stacie on the back of the head. “So are my waffles done?” “I can still hear you in here Barcus!” “And you can’t do anything about it! You’re not my teacher JEAN!” “They are.” Jessie pushes a plate towards the edge of the island. “She almost burnt them.” Stacie points to the plate while chewing on her waffle. Jessie covers Stacie’s mouth. “Shut up and eat your damn waffle, you cheating slut.” “Is there something I should go tell Peter for you?” Stacie pried Jessie’s hand off. “No. She’s implying that I’m cheating on her with Peter.” Logan’s head turned. “You two?” He motioned between them. Jessie and Stacie turned and looked at each other. They both burst out laughing. “No Logan. We’re just best friends. And in my eyes there’s not anyone out there that’s good enough for her and vice versa.” Jessie clamped her hand on Stacie’s shoulder. Stacie smirked at Logan before being pulled off the stool. Peter stood smirking on the other side of the island. “Oh look you’re done eating. Time for our meeting.” “Nuh uh. I still have waffle left.” She gestured to her plate. “No you don’t.” Peter shoved the waffle in his mouth. “Totally done babe.” Bits of waffle fell onto the island as he talked. Logan just looked back and forth between everyone. Jessie waved her hand at him “Just ignore those two.” All of a sudden Peter and Stacie disappear in a blur. “Wait a minute. No No No No!” Jessie yells. “What’s wrong?” Logan asks alarmed. “That whore! She left me with cleanup duty!” From across the house shouting is heard. “No Peter! I’m not consenting to the shower part!”
-Le time Skip to Geometry- “I thought you said no shower.” Jessie says to her friend. “He didn’t listen.” Stacie says grumbling. “We have to work on that.” Jessie stares at Stacie. “What?” She asked. “Nothing it’s just your hair looks um well…” Jessie starts. “Don’t just don’t. Peter did it.” “Well ahem that was nice of him.” Jessie fails at trying to hide her laugh. “I hate you so much.” Stacie kicks Peter’s chair in front of her. “I know you mean love babe.” He smirked. Stacie glared. “No I mean hate.” -insert generic math shit.- The door opened. In stepped a boy with sandy blonde hair. He handed a paper to Summers and mumbled and apology. Scott smiled as he ruffled the boys’ hair. “It’s okay little brother.” Jessie was too entranced with the boy to hear anything the Summers had said. She jabbed at Stacie. “Look at that fine piece of ass. I wonder if he’s single. I wouldn’t mind getting me some of that.” Stacie paled. “First things first, yes he is single. And secondly he’s Summers’ younger brother Alex.” Jessie’s face froze over in horror. “Are you fucking serious!?!? When the hell did that happen!” “Well Alex just turned 20 three months ago, so 21 years ago?” “How the hell do you know?” Stacie stared blankly at her friend. “Are you being serious?” Stacie turned towards Peter and Kurt. “She’s being serious isn’t she?” Kurt nodded. “Oh my god. She really is.” Stacie slapped her hand across Jessie’s cheek. “I’m a telepath. Remember?” Jessie clutched her cheek. “Oh. That’s right.” “Is everything okay?” Summers asked confused. Stacie sighed. “She was ogling Alex and then I said he was your brother and she spazzed a little. Okay a lot.” Scott laughed. “Well Jessica you can keep on doing that since you’ll be reporting to the Danger Room with Alex.” “Make sure she doesn’t get hurt Alex. Or I’m coming after you!” Stacie smiled. “Well Ms. Barcus, you and Mr. Maximoff and Mr. Wagner will be joining them as well.” “Are you kidding? I actually have to do more work than just math today! This is completely unreasonable!” In the hallways the unmistakable sound of Logan laughing echoed. Logan steps in the classroom. “I was just wondering what was taking so long. I forgot you had to deal with Barcus.” “Hey I resent that. I am super easy to deal with right Jessie.” She looks to Jessie who doesn’t meet her eyes. “Peter?” He just smiles at her. “Peter?” She asks again shaply. “Oh huh me Peter yes yes very easy to deal with.” “Ok you guys just wait till the danger room see if I help your asses.”
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