#because tecna plays a big part in it later on in the story
floralovebot · 3 years
Helia and Tecna friendship headcanons? -lambofzenith
helia is really bad at technology right? pretty much anything that isn't covered in red fountain lessons, he's a complete no-go at. tecna takes it upon herself to try and help him understand basic technology a bit more and it goes so wrong. helia is literally the mom that squints their eyes and holds their phone away from their face while using One pointer finger to type everything. tecna hates it so much.
helia naturally doesn't understand a single thing that comes out of her mouth when she's talking technology but he still supports her nonetheless
helia is surprisingly rational most of the time! he's a firm Push All My Emotions Down And Then One Day I'll Die kind of person so even during really stressful missions, he's good at keeping a level head about things. tecna really appreciates this and it's not rare to see her, helia, and timmy discussing mission-related strategies During The Middle Of A Fight
tecna has a tendency to talk while she works (only noticeable around people she's comfortable with though) but she gets a little self-conscious about it. she knows it's not Bad or anything, but it doesn't seem Right either so she tries to keep quiet most of the time. helia on the other hand is so used to working while it's noisy that he's totally chill with it. they've gotten used to just vibing in the same room, working on their own things, and not actually talking to each other during it. they're comfortable around each other :) helia doesn't mind when she rambles out loud and tecna doesn't mind him pacing around the room every five minutes. symbiotic relationship.
tecna doesn't like talking about what she went through in the omega dimension, even with timmy. however, she does occasionally draw things out when she really needs to vent and can't think of any other way how. she's always been good at sketching due to her background in designing gadgets so this wasn't a weird transition for her. helia told her about this anonymous place for artists to submit their art with absolutely no names attached and after checking to make sure it was legit and she was completely safe, she started to submit one or two a year. she doesn't like to do it often but it does help to sort of "get it out" without actually talking about it.
while helia is notoriously Bad at video games, he does actually like the more "physical reality" ones (think that virtual reality tecmy scene!) mainly because it feels close enough to real life that he doesn't need to rely on just technology to do it. tecna and helia often have very competitive gaming matches but specifically within those kinds of games otherwise, he's really bad at it and she gets annoyed that he can't remember any of the buttons.
speaking of competitions, helia has an inner bet going on of How Much Can I Pretend To Not Know Jackshit About A Specific Technological Topic Before Tecna Notices. what he doesn't know, is that tecna knows he does this and has her own inner bet of How Long Can I Explain This Specific Topic Before Helia Gets Bored And Moves On. so far, the score is mostly even, with helia only winning because timmy isn't aware of this mental battle and will often jump in to explain things too. helia is very smug about this and tecna can't say anything to timmy otherwise she loses the fight that no one actually set firm rules on.
timmy is just really happy that his two best friends are also friends and sometimes he tries to invite helia and flora on their dates. tecna is okay with this only because she thinks it's funny. florelia were also okay with it but started to not be because they realized that their version of a date and tecmy's version of a date was extremely different. they've started to come up with increasingly ridiculous excuses for why they can't go and so far timmy is the only one that hasn't noticed. poor timmy, he genuinely thinks flora's best friend cactus is sick and needs care 😔
when timmy isn't available, helia will call tecna for any technology related issues he's having. on one hand, she likes that he trusts her and can rely on her, on the other hand, she's told him ten separate times not to leave his computer running all the damn time. (tecna: please turn the computer off when you're not using it. this will immensely help solve all of the problems you've been having. helia: okay so i'm gonna leave it on all the time?). he's not trying to be difficult though. he just forgets everything and assumes it should work regardless (he a little stupit).
roxy gets so much gender envy from both of them and it confuses her all the time. they have no idea what a gender envy is though and they're mostly just wondering how they stop giving it to roxy since it seems like it agitates her??? help please???? researching the matter doesn't help and it ends up becoming a meme on winx stan twt because tecna made a very official and serious post asking about the severity of "gender envy" and needing to know how contagious it is. now whenever either of them posts, earth teens just comment gender envy at them. helia still doesn't know what it means.
they don't watch movies/tv together but they will binge-watch the same shows and then talk about them later on. tecna's formatting is still very formal and functional meanwhile helia bounces off multiple points and forgets to make a conclusion. he stresses her out so much.
helia notices when tecna has stayed up too long for too many nights and will occasionally send her a "please sleep" message when he knows timmy is already asleep and can't do it. she doesn't always listen but sometimes she will, but not before sending the same message back because why the fuck is he up at this hour huh dumbass?????
tecna has a pet bird and helia has multiple cats and they absolutely cannot be in the same room together. her bird is constantly trying to fight his cats and while they're usually well behaved, he's genuinely scared they're gonna try to eat it (tecna: stop calling my bird an "it"; helia: stop putting your bird near my cats 😐)
they actually don't like hanging out when one of them is upset. they both have a hard time talking about their emotions (for different reasons obviously) and they always end up feeling like they have to say something when they're together. they just really prefer hanging when they're both in a good mood or at least calm. whenever one of them gets upset, they stop hanging out together until that person feels better.
connected to the last point, you'd think that would mean they don't know a lot about each other, but they surprisingly do! they're both relatively observant people (tecna gets better every year) and they're actually really good at figuring out why the other is upset and what would help. they just don't talk about it.
although, on a similar note, the one time they did have an emotional talk, it was about timmy. tecna was feeling upset again and worrying over whether or not she's "too logical/not emotional enough" and it was the one time where she actually allowed herself to hang out with him while being upset. they had a genuine heart to heart about things and especially about how she's way too hard on herself. they thought it would be awkward since they actively avoided this kind of thing but it wasn't! it went very naturally and helia even teared up a bit. he's very proud of her and the effort she makes every day and since that talk has been much more vocal about it.
when they went to earth in s4, they both spent way too much time learning about Earth Things; tecna about earth media (canon), and helia about animals since that's what flora was talking about. he started calling tecna "chip" after that because chipmunks reminded him of her. she disagrees with this assessment and he refuses to admit he mixed up chipmunks and squirrels. he still calls her chip to this day, and fortunately, it's grown on her. unfortunately, he calls timmy "chip" too, and now it's a hassle to figure out who he's talking to.
helia is surprisingly interested in zenith technology despite not understanding it all! he enjoys walking through the streets of zenith with tecna while she proudly points things out so he can go "ooo aaa" at everything. sometimes she tries to explain how things work and his mind starts playing elevator music automatically. tecna has gotten really good at knowing when helia is just. brain empty no thoughts because she recognizes the Empty look in his eyes. she enjoys catching it live and trying to figure out why he's just. not thinking (usually it's because he either doesn't understand something or got bored) (this happens often when sky starts talking) (sorry sky)
tecna is one of the winx (besides flora of course) that helia trusts the most. not in an emotional or friend way, but in a physical, we're on a mission way. she has good control of her magic and knows how to use it. she's good at thinking of strategies and applying them properly to the situation. and after the omega dimension, he had a newfound respect for her previously unknown to him survival skills. if he were even in severe danger, she would be the first winx he'd call (depending on the situation, she is occasionally ahead of flora).
helia is really bad at sharing details. he tends to go straight to the conclusion but doesn't share how he got there (adhd king 😌) and tecna is the best person to call in when this happens. her logical questioning makes it seem so easy because she has the patience and knowledge to connect the dots and ask the right questions. when anyone else tries its more like (helia: i'm sitting in a pool of blood; person: uhm do you know where it's coming from?; helia: probably the stab wound; someone: did you get stabbed??; helia: oh yeah definitely.)
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trashcankitty12 · 4 years
My Take On The Believix Season:
I finally finished my “season 5″ thing for my Balance verse with Valkyrie which is basically a rewrite for Winx.
Anyway, these are just the main adjustments I made:
Believix Season Re-Write/Artistic Differences from Canon
  First things first: There is no Love-In-Pet. Don’t get me wrong, the pets were adorable and everything, but… No. Just no.
 The Winx invite the specialists on the mission with them. There is no stupid jealousy/lying plotline… (Except with Mitzi… But that’s more… Stella knows Brandon isn’t cheating or into Mitzi, but she’s pissed that Mitzi won’t leave them the fuck alone. Okay? Okay.)
 The Winx and Specialists get what used to be a small apartment complex and turn it into their spacious/new agey/ loft home thing. (The money they use? There’s a way to turn Magical Dimension currency into Earth currency and the royals have tapped into some of their funds and pooled it together.)
 The girls and guys have jobs around Gardenia, except for Musa, Tecna, Riven, Timmy, and Nabu. Musa and Nabu work in Los Angeles at the Fruitti Music Bar (which is in Los Angeles now, don’t worry, I’ll explain later.) And Tecna and Timmy are technically attending university at a Zenithian university. (They managed to get it so their classes can be done online, but there are times they need to go to Zenith for tests or lectures or presentations.) And Riven works with the Magical Dimension’s Cadet Training Program, so he’s going to be doing missions and training with them from time to time and can’t do that if he has an Earth job.
 Flora and Bloom work with Vanessa at the florist shop.
Sky and Brandon work at a mechanics shop. (You can’t tell me that Red Fountain didn’t have a class on how to use outdated equipment in case of emergencies. I feel like Codatorta would have been like ‘men, you never know what sort of planet you’ll be on and what their tech is like, so here’s a crash course on all the stuff.’)
Layla is a lifeguard, and damn good at it. (She also does yoga instruction, but she has to remember to turn it down a few notches because as an Androsian, her body can twist in ways ours can’t…)
Stella, bless her soul, found the perfect job with an up-and-coming boutique in Gardenia. One that has excelled thanks to Stella’s ability to work a crowd and her eye for design and style.
Musa, on top of her working at the Fruitti Music Bar, also has started a music career on Earth. (Not just because she earned a chance too, but because it became a great way to introduce magic to Earth people because of how music is like magic anyway.)
Also, Musa does not wear the civilian outfit she does normally in the show. I feel like Musa is still more comfortable as a tomboy and in comfy clothes. So I’m picturing her in the outfit she wears in season 5. (Sans the high heels. Normal boots would do just fine.)
  Roxy isn’t the only ‘new to magic’ person in this season. Selina will also be making an appearance as the ‘new witch of animals’ on Earth. Because there’s a balance and if there’s a new fairy coming up, there’s a new witch too.
 Roxy, Selina, and Eldora (who is making a few appearances) are not in Gardenia. That felt wayyyy too simple and easy for me and just… No.
Now Roxy is from Los Angeles and Selina is from New York City (the Bronx) and Eldora is actually living somewhere else on Earth. (Secrets.)
 The pixies will make a few appearances in this ‘season’, but not many.
 The circles are now called the Obsidian Circle and the Diamond Circle. And their uses will be explained later on.
 Morgana and the other Earth Fairies have a bit of a different backstory, which will be explained in the story itself. (Basically, they’re not thousands of years old and are just really good at playing ‘where’s waldo’ with the Black Circle.)
 Morgana is not the Queen of Earth Fairies. She’s the Nymph of Earth. (And because Earth is a neutral realm, there’s a Sorceress of Earth too… But that’s a secret.)
 Selina isn’t the witch of snakes, but the witch of animals because she’s going to be Roxy’s counterpart.
 Selina and Roxy are about 13/14 in the story.
  Believix is the only transformation in the story. No Tracix or Zoomix or Lovix or any of the other additions. Believix just automatically has those abilities without the need to change wings out because Believix is just going to be that powerful. (Also it still has fairy dust because fuck it, fairy dust is important.)
 Roxy DOES NOT EARN BELIEVIX. She gets her magic winx instead. (Which I will admit to basing off her ‘believix’ form, just sort of… A few changes.)
  There are going to be enemies in this story aside from the Black Circle that are going to be after Selina. (Still Coven related, because they want Selina to join the Coven and use her ‘raw’ magic to create chaos.)
 (Raw magic is basically just when someone’s magic is finally waking up and it’s new and it just… It’s not as controlled yet.)
 Morgan, Helia, Mirta, and Kota will not be as big a part of this story as they’ve been in others. Morgan and Helia are working on something in Callisto, Mirta’s doing university, and Kota is in the program with Riven.
  Lucy and Crystal are also taking graduate classes at CT, so they’re going to be there off and on. Which is good because Valkyrie keeps easy access to CT’s archives. (She could ask her mother for the access, but that’s just… No.)
 Valkyrie is involved because this helps her understand magic on Earth and how it can relate to the Primordial Magic of the Magical Dimension. (And she gets to mess with Coven members; win-win.)
 Also, just like there’s Major Fairies, there’s Sages which are the witch equivalent. So yes, they need to find the Sages of Earth just like the Major Fairies.
 (Major spoiler here, but I felt the need to say it: there will be deaths, but there’s a certain someone who will not die because I like that character too much and I can’t stand the thought of them being dead. So there.)
 Okay, I think that’s everything I ‘artistically changed’ for this season… Hopefully when you guys read the story, my edits make a little more sense than they do from reading all of this! And I hope you enjoy the story.
Thank you!
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drops-of-moonlights · 4 years
Winx AU Detailing XVI - Just Screaming about the Winx
by which I mean, some general facts/headcanons for the girls in my AU.
I’ve mentioned she’s into archery once or twice already, but might as well make it clearer - she started doing it shortly after turning 13, and was good enough to even consider getting a scholarship through archery in a faraway university. Her aim is pretty good as a result, and fills the role of the sniper in the team.
Her fire powers are interesting in that her flames have a pale pink color rather than the standard red/gold hue fire has - meaning her fire has traces of lithium chloride. Most magi produce either red/gold or blue fire, and anomalies in color, while technically common, are still a sight to behold.
She sometimes forgets Daphne is technically 21 years older than her even if they look like they’re just 3 years apart, and whenever Daphne mentions her “technically actual” age she ends up disassociating for a few minutes.
If it wasn’t because it’s her Source, Flora would have killed half her plants already, she has a very bad case of black thumb. She forgets to water them often and to manage the sunlight they need well, so she ends up keeping them alive via magic 6 times out of 7. A few of her vocal plants kinda hate her, and she has a feud with Cecilia the vainatossa, essentially blackmailing her with constant care routines.
She has quite the affinity for avians, and has a small group of birds in her balcony visit her from time to time for snacks. She likes to have small chats with them, and even helped make a makeshift nest for them so they can nap a bit with her.
She doesn’t look like it, but Flora does like the thrill that comes with battle even if she tries to avoid them more than often. She has a lot of patience that just disolves when fighting, so she can get reckless after a while and end up hurting herself badly.
This girl has some bad, bad myopia, so without her glasses or her contacts she can barely distinguish a person from a drawer. When transformed, she uses her magic to temporarily adjust her eyes to allow her to discern things more clearly, though it does remain slightly blurry.
She actually handsews most of her projects unless they’re too long or complicated, and she has an impressive pulse and rhythm when doing it. She also loves knitting, but prefers sewing more since it’s somewhat faster. Her now retired maid slash babysitter when she was little, Lucina, taught her to do so when one of her dolls’ dresses ripped apart, and it’s one of her most treasured memories.
She’s actually known Riven since they were kids - they went to the same school together and shared some classes (though he knew her as Camila at first). They’re both really into fashion (though Riven wouldn’t admit that at first glance) and where part of a small friend group of them and Nova. He’s one of the two people allowed to call her Cami, but chooses not to to keep a promise he made with her when they both started Alfea and RF respectively.
After her mother passed away, she and her family entered some difficult times monetary-wise, and while they certainly made enough to eat, with both Huan and Jian working at the same time (and Musa herself taking up some part-time jobs as well) there wasn’t much time to make food, even less eat it. family dinners became scarce, so she values homemade food a lot. She dislikes food going cold as well because of this, and will rip people a new one if they let their food go cold. This, however, gave her a really good cooking ability.
She’s very good at playing both guitar and flute, and can get a handle somewhat on most wind and string instruments, but she’s utterly hopeless with drums and percussion in general. She lacks the patience for it, and while she can do a decent rhythm, it falls off pretty fast and it frustrates her to no end.
She has a close relationship with her maternal family, but hasn’t really sought out contacting her father’s side. Huan’s family is one of the most influential in Melodius, with some members being politicians. He had a fallout with them after marrying Marina and have remained in a sort-of feud ever since. Musa considers them mostly just stuck-up rich people, and is happy she carries her mother’s surname.
She’s actually the most affectionate of all the girls, a good listener and great at jokes. It’s just that her tone is almost a perpetual monotone that people can’t tell if she’s sarcastic or not. She’s the first one to always suggest group hugs after a big battle and to outsiders it can look awkward at first.
She has a kinda bad habit of taking apart and rebuilding a lot of electronics she has and some she doesn’t to know exactly what to do to fix them properly with magic later. It’s kind of a lengthy process however, and her room can sometimes be covered in circuit boards and plastic parts. She has also run into some trouble with the other girls, like the time she took one of Musa’s keyboards. No one knows what really happened but Musa will never forget “The Sound of Hamster Rage”, whatever that means. Musa doesn’t want to tell the story and Tecna always ends up laughing.
Tecna doesn’t really care much about eating much, she likes food fine enough but doesn’t think too much of it at large. She does love drinks though, and is kind of a dangerous coffee nut. She can brew some really good coffee too, and she’s the girls’ energy dispenser during all-night cram sessions. One time she took too much coffee though, and ended up sleeping for 3 days. It was an experience for the rest.
While her swimming abilities are really good (comes with being part mermaid), she’s a pretty weak runner, and kinda gets winded really fast. She has really good stamina, but doesn’t know how to pace herself well on land and it ends up with her lightly pulling something during training.
Due to being part-mer, she gets dehydrated pretty easily, so she always carries a water bottle with her. She does also like to tap into the humidity around her to help her stay well, but it can be difficult sometimes when there’s a lot of people around her since she gets slightly nervous.
She’s an avid reader of several novels, and has a weakness for adventure stories and romance books. She has a whole stash of them in a small pile near her bed, and likes to rotate them every other week. She’s also a pretty fast reader, however, so sometimes it can take her just a day or two to consume entire sagas, and it bothers her a lot. Bloom shares the same passion for it, however, so she ends up lending Bloom her books when she finishes them and like to discuss them once she finishes them. They end up disagreeing about many things about the books and it can end up in a snark-off, but they both enjoy having someone to talk about the stuff.
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darkpoisonouslove · 5 years
I’m torn because GIMME GIMME GIMME every single thing possible for Warmth of Rage, Cold of Love - but I’d also like to hear about other fics that maybe haven’t gotten as much attention. So... Okay, I’ll try to be reasonable and only give you three fics, lol. Heartless, Let Me Down Slowly, and No Battlefield Between Us, pretty please :D
Okay, so I don’t have many headcanons about my own fics that don’t make it into the actual fic, but I’ll try to give you something more juicy than just plain facts.
1. It is the first fic from a four-part series (that is currently put on hiatus because “Kiss, Then Bite” and now Kinktober (you know how it is)). This one was sort of an accident but then I connected it with fic ideas I already had and suddenly there was a series XD. It was written surprisingly quickly, especially looking at the quality of it (I still consider this one of my best works; every word is where it is supposed to be if I do say so myself), on a late night when I definitely should’ve been in bed… Oops! But then again, when is that not the case, really? XD
2. Next part is the library thing (you know the one), then we have Griffin and Faragonda feat. a nightmare (which is written but I haven’t edited it because I haven’t written part 2 yet (I only realized this would be part 3 after I wrote it)), and then we also get some Winx in the last part (some events from season 1 will come up as well because they bother me and I want to address them).
3. This entire series deals with Griffin getting over the guilt that her love for Valtor is causing her and that is bringing out the ugliest side of her, and how Faragonda and Winx react to that side (as well as some other characters that make cameos). It shows Griffin dealing with her complicated emotions and the collision between her past and her present and I love the storyline I have here.
4. The second biggest focus in this series (I’m gonna talk about all of it tbh (but no spoilers)) is Faragonda and Griffin’s friendship which is so important to me (I love it just as much as I love Griffin and Valtor’s relationship) and I am really excited about what we get to explore here. A key thing about their friendship is how understanding Faragonda is and here we see just what happens when she can’t understand Griffin and all that guilt she still has and, surprisingly, Griffin manages to understand her even despite all that guilt (this may sound vague and confusing rn, but will hopefully be cleared up when you read the fics). (I got thoughts on this now and I think I finally found the missing pieces!) And of course, Griffin and Faragonda don’t stop supporting each other, no matter what.
5. I do find the thematic connection between Griffin and Winx worth exploring (at the time when this fic is set which would be after 3x14 and through 3x15 and 3x16). Tecna is currently lost in Omega (and Bloom has gone to Pyros and may never return) and Griffin’s students are currently in Valtor’s hands. They are all experiencing strong feelings of loss courtesy of Valtor, but they are also at opposite sides in the conflict. Winx represent to Griffin her own students which she couldn’t protect from Valtor (and let’s not forget the added guilt because she still loves him). But in that quality of theirs, they can also help her see that she’s not responsible for Valtor’s actions. And Griffin can also help them since she understands their anger on a level Faragonda… can’t really let herself to (because she needs to keep her cool and think about her students and their safety; meanwhile, Griffin is past that point). I think that part will have an abundance of emotions and I am so excited about it.
This was less about “Heartless” and more about the storyline throughout the entire series, but I do hope that you’ll find it interesting (also, I can come to this and get reexcited about writing it if I lose my motivation :D).
Also, we need a cut:
“Let Me Down Slowly”:
1. That was inspired by the thought of “What if Valtor actually caught Griffin leaving but his reaction was the total opposite of what she expected? And that just made it that much more fun for them?” (because I am cruel af XD)
2. The title is taken from “Let Me Down Slowly” by Alec Benjamin which I listened to while I wrote it. The lyrics do not fit the piece precisely but I think the vibe matches so well with the one of the fic. (Also, I was in a desperate need for a title and it was late, and I just wanted to post it! 😅)
3. The creative process for this one was very fun as it was full of questions such as: Am I being too repetitive here? Am I sure this isn’t annoying? Does the ending tie in with the rest? So it was a lot of fun.
4. This was my fifth fic and I’d only written about them in the past once before that and I wasn’t really sure what I was doing with it. I was also going for flipping expectations for both the readers and Griffin as to what Valtor’s reaction to catching her leaving would be and that was also a thing I needed to consider. On the one hand, I needed to have Valtor be in love with her enough to let her go and save her life, but on the other, I still needed to keep him in character and respect canon when it came to what comes after those events. And I also had to keep Griffin just on the cusp of deciding to throw it all away and stay with him. It was challenging to write but also fun.
5. I wanted something softer after “Warmth of Rage, Cold of Love” and “Flame of Love” but I still hadn’t jumped on the Griffin x Valtor fluff train completely (Will I ever, though? I just love their potential for angst too much!) so that was sort of a compromise that had a bit of both with angst being more prevalent.
This was more of a mood/mindset and writing process study and I’m sorry if that’s not what you were after. (This is an older one and I don’t really know what to tell you about it).
“No Battlefield Between Us”:
1. This one was inspired by a prompt. It was supposed to be a part of “Kiss, Then Bite” but then it got out of control and it became its own story. That tends to happen to me a lot! XD
2. Griffin is at a very dark place in that fic. She’s staying at Alfea of all places, and the only reason for that is that she doesn’t know where to go. At that point, she still hasn’t reconnected with Ediltrude and Zarathustra, she’s just left Valtor and broken both their hearts, she’s in danger of being killed by the Coven, and the only friend she currently has is Faragonda (who has good intentions but dragging her to that fairy party sure wasn’t her best idea. Can you imagine Griffin at a fairy party? The best thing she can do is get into trouble which she isn’t really in the mood for rn, considering all the trouble she’s in already). And then Valtor suddenly appears but not to kill her. He wants her back and the temptation almost wins over, but she resists it. It’s a big show of character on Griffin’s part (or a rather unfortunate choice, depends on the perspective) and it was so interesting to write.
3. And something that did not make it into the fic but Griffin realized later when she was replaying the interaction in her head for the millionth time (because I’m evil and like to torture us all) is that “he came here to kill me” was a legitimate sentence that ran through her head. Just the fact that she had that thought, and that he didn’t deny it completely (”I’ll have plenty of chances to do that on the battlefield if you choose to fight against me.” (quoted that just from memory and it is correct, how even?!)) is enough to make her ask “Does he really love me if he is totally fine with the thought of killing me?”. And that’s what she uses to make herself believe that she chose the right thing.
4. Valtor’s mindset is really interesting here. Because he loves her, he does, it’s why he went there to offer her to come back to him. He wants her by his side. But he also knows that he has to kill her if she decides to betray him. He can’t let anyone betray him. Not even her. What is interesting about this fic is that he’s not possessive to the point where he won’t let her out of their relationship (which is rather selfless on his part and proves his love for her) but he also won’t let her betray him. And the fact that he goes as far as to spare her life after she left him, but not far enough to say he’ll never harm her is a very interesting line to walk with him. It plays again into how Griffin and power are connected in his mind and which one he values more. So again we reach the conclusion that he loves her, she is the only one he’s ever loved, but he still loves power more than her. Only, this is from a slightly different angle.
5. I wanted to really mess around with the love to anger ratio in this one and I think I succeeded. While it is clear that they love each other and there are moments of genuine emotion and tenderness between them, it is impossible to forget about all the tripwires that Griffin has to avoid. There’s this underlying sense of danger and tragedy throughout the piece that I really love and it was exactly what I was going for. So, one last thing here - Did I successfully break your heart?
Sorry if I’m gushing too much about my own fics. I just love them too much and this is the perfect opportunity to talk about them!
“Warmth of Rage, Cold of Love”:
1. Griffin will have a conversation with Faragonda that is really critical for her. It’s so much angst that even I wanted to hit her by the end of it. She’s just being so… difficult. Thank goodness, Faragonda is having none of it and knows how to deal with her (and would never give up on her). There’s also a moment with Saladin (that I had figured out and then forgot (Oooooops! I should really write these things down.)). I do have something that I need them to discuss and I am really excited to explore this relationship because it was so painfully ignored on the show! And they are supposed to be friends, you know. So time to make them friends! XD We already saw a little Saladin and Faragonda friendship (and there will be some more of that as well) and we also need to see some Griffin and Saladin, too.
2. Griffin will have a moment with Ediltrude and Zarathustra as well. There are some formal affairs that they need to take care of, but the biggest part of what they need to work out is emotional (and also the one I got stuck on). Ediltrude and Zarathustra learned some things about her that she did purposefully hide and now it’s time to figure out where that leaves them because all actions have consequences. (I promise this all works out, don’t worry.)
3. Griffin will need to talk with Bloom as well for plot reasons, but not only. There is something that happened on the show that just annoys me all the more every time I think about it and I need to address. (I’m like that. I see unexplored things and I need to write a fic.) Also, moral dilemmas because why not? (Any guesses as to what that convo will be about? I feel like I gave too many hints here, but that might be because I know what I’m talking about.)
4. Valtor will make another appearance in the last chapter and there Griffin and he will both need to really face their feelings as well as the other’s feelings for them. Hate? Love? How do they interact between the two of them as well as within each of them? How will that affect them? I have a general sense of direction, but two outcomes that I have to decide between (or rather one outcome that needs to get cleared up).
5. I don’t know if you noticed but chapter two was hella mad. I was in a… weird emotional place at the time so I might have poured a lot of anger in it which works from Valtor’s perspective, really. Anyway, I’m saying this because thanks to my emotional state, I was going to take the story into a completely different direction from the one it’s going in currently. It was going to be dark and full of hatred. Now it is quite the opposite, actually, and I am so much happier with how it’s turning out. (Also, this is the first thing I wrote for Winx and the first thing I wrote this year. I started it with Winx and I intend to finish it that way. Oops, did I give things away again? Me and my big mouth! :D)
Okay, that’s enough spoilers for you and self-promoting from me! I hope these are at least somewhat what you wanted to learn, and if you want to know something else, just ask! :) It might get me a while to get to answering some questions, but I’d love to.
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Winx Alt Con Season 02 Recap:
Previously: season 01, Weeks 9.2, 10/11, 12, 13, 14
Week 15: Episodes 212, 213, (partial) 214, 215
With two out of four magical macguffins missing, The Winx convince a few of the older students to help them train after classes. One of the students wants them to focus on thinking outside the square, using what they know from a sideways perspective.
She takes them down to the Magical Reality Chamber and sends them in, telling them to trying finding new ways to combine their powers, every trick they have in their arsenal, is one step further away from defeat.
Plus it's a great way to learn things you didn't know about your abilities.
With the pixies watching from the control room, the older student boots up the MRC.
The Winx are faced with an unusual, and somewhat hostile world, their enemy though, is a single large beast. The girls begin by flinging magic at it, but the monster only grows in size.
They dodge its attacks while they strategize, coming up with an idea that might work. Remembering what they'd been told about magical and physical immunities rarely overlapping, the girls swap in and out, distracting the monster while the build a titan of their own to beat the monster in combat.
Aisha crafts the body's base out of morphix, Flora gives it a skeletal system of wood and vines, adding in some hair just because it happened that way. Stella gives it eyes to see, Tecna and Bloom give it a brain and free will/intuition, and then Musa steps in.
The fairy of music gives the titan the ability to hear and speak, but Musa can also hear discord in their titan's being. She steps up and finds a way to harmonize the various magics, so the titan doesn't fall apart.
Once complete, the titan goes on the offensive and beats the monster soundly, ending the simulation.
The older student runs the simulation applauds them, then asks what they plan to do with their new friend, since the titan hasn't dissolved. Uncertain, the group calls down Faragonda, who takes several moments to be flabbergasted by what the girls have done, creating an artificial, magical life form. (not unheard of, but not typically first year magic, even by accident.)
The titan, being both sentient and sapient, is alive, and none of the fairies want to kill it/her, so Faragonda offers to let the titan stick around and figure out what she wants to do.
(The titan later takes up the name Titania, and can often be seen playing with Kiko and the pixies, or helping Knut maintain the grounds around Alfea.)
 Later in the week, Bloom finds Faragonda and talks to her about the break in at her mother's flower shop several weeks prior. Vanessa has gotten in contact with Bloom because a court date is coming up. Bloom is hoping to get the day off to be with her mother for it. Faragonda allows it, as long as Bloom doesn't go alone.
(Bloom mentions Earth's/California's truancy laws, and Faragonda writes up several 'day passes' for Bloom and the Winx.)
Musa and Tecna decline going, mentioning they've been talking with some people from Magix and the other schools, and have decided to help out with the concert the Magix council wants to host, to celebrate the last of the repairs in the city. (things go a lot faster with magical assistance.)
Aisha volunteers her assistance with the concert, and Bloom wishes them luck. Stella says she would help, but she wants to support Bloom, the girls agree Stella can step in later, and that supporting their friend is important too. Flora chooses to go with Bloom and Stella to Earth. The pixies all choose to stick with their respective fairies.
 On Earth, the trio of fairies spend the day with Vanessa, who is thrilled to meet Flora, a fellow plant lover. The girls are confused to realise Vanessa and Mike (who is also there to support his wife during the trial) can't see the pixies, until Stella gives them 'clarity of vision', an ability she learnt from her mother, who comes from a line of seers.
Random children they pass though, seem to have no trouble seeing the pixies, and the girls file that away to think about later.
 In Magix, the group of students and council members for Magix meet to discuss the concert. During the repairs, the governing body of Magix took the opportunity to upgrade some infrastructure, including an outdoor theatre, and they'd like to open it with a concert to commemorate the lost, and celebrate moving forward.
The group discus some things they'd like to do for the concert, and move their meeting to the new amphitheatre, to get a feel for the space.
Unbeknownst to the group, Stormy has grown bored waiting around for Darkar and Icy to come up with a new plan for finding the pixie village, (since he, apparently, has a plan already in play for Alfea) and has gone out by herself to wreak some havoc.
She stumble across the concert group in Magix, and decides to rain on their parade by summoning up a destructive storm.
At first, the group don't pay much attention to the sudden rain, beyond noting the oddly sudden change in the weather. It's not until it gets intense enough to start pulling signs from their foundations that someone realises the storm is very localised.
By this time, the wind is too much for any of them to fly through, and they can't find the source of the storm, so Musa suggests weather magic, reminding the other fairies of their first lecture with Avalon.
Musa summons a small hand drum, sets a beat and starts dancing, Aisha and Tecna falling into step, with the other Alfea students present joining in soon after. As the weather starts to lose intensity, the witches, heroes and even the council members begin to copy the fairies movements. Soon the storm begins to die down, then fall apart.
With the storm dissipated, Stormy appears before them, and in a fit of rage, hurls a bolt of lighting at the group, but Musa bring her drum up and strikes it, letting loose an unbelievable crash like thunder, causing the lightning to explode on itself midstrike, flinging the Trix back through the sky.
With a snarl she disappears, and everyone turns to Musa, who seems shocked at what she's just done. When asked how she did that, Musa can only shake her head and admit that she doesn't know, that she just felt 'very powerful in that moment.'
Riven, who was there to pilot the Red Fountain students, and had been the first of the heroes to join in, posits that as the fairy of music, maybe she'd been empowered by the 'anti-rain dance' and its accompanying song, since they'd all been acting in concert to the music Musa had provided on the drum. The group agree that's about as likely as any other explanation, and the very grateful council members get the group back on track for the concert, as soon as they put out an alert for Stormy with the local law enforcement.
 On Earth, after the trial wraps up, Mike and Vanessa take the trio of fairies and their pixies out for pizza, and ask the girls how school has been going. They are aware of the siege and Darkar, thanks to phone calls with Bloom, but hearing it in person makes it more real.
Bloom also, hesitantly and for the first time, tells her parents about Daphne and their shared parentage. She begins rambling as she tries to explain, and she just keeps talking trying to get it all out, and then a secret slips out amidst the verbal vomit.
Bloom is scared and confused and worried and lost. Her sense of identity has taken a hit, and between Bloom Peters, Earth girl, and Pyra, lost princess of Domino, she isn't sure who she is any more. Part of her wants to embrace her lost heritage, but part of her is afraid embracing it will mean loosing her Earth identity, her Earth family.
Her parents comfort her immediately, letting her know that no matter what, she will always be part of their family, and that Daphne, ghostly or otherwise, is welcome as well, they won't make her choose.
Flora tells Bloom, that she has a few truths about her: Bloom is a kind person, a great leader, and an artistic soul, but before anything else, she is their friend, she just needs to find something about herself that doesn't change, and start from there, no matter how long it takes, they'll be there while she figures herself out.
Stella agrees completely, pressing herself bodily and magically against Bloom in a hug that lets the fire fairy feel the love and support Stella had for her.
Surrounded by their love, Bloom finds peace within herself, a certainty of self she'd lost somewhere along the way.
Her magic surges and blossoms, and her Charmix materialises.
Which leads to a whole new round of celebration. (after a lengthy explanation of fairy levels and transformations and such, and why this was such a big deal.)
 That night, back at Alfea, the group catches up, and Bloom decides she'll begin writing and drawing a 'memoir' of sorts for her parents, so they can share in the adventures she's had.
In the meantime, the girls talk about the concert for Magix.
Given the reason for the concert, the heads of the schools allow the students to have half days in order to be ready for the weekend, since the Magix council want the concert to take place as soon as possible, to show the Magical Dimension they're back on their feet.
Riven makes an effort to help behind the scenes, as part of his 'I need to unlearn how to be an arsehole' self improvement project. He and Musa discover they get along pretty well, having quite a few things in common, like the fact they both have scholarships to their respective schools.
Musa, having heard the whole story of 'why Riven is the way he is', has helped come up with a few tricks (mostly specific hand signs) so that the group (the Winx and Specialists) can tell Riven he's being an arsehole, without actually being confrontational.
(The most used hand sign is 'run that by me again,' which is for moments when Riven says something super offensive or just outright annoying, and the group want to be sure he knows what he said wrong, and that he meant it. Most of the time it turns out he's just worded something badly and it's come out ruder than he intended. It goes a long way to helping group unity, and they find themselves using the signs for other team members, not just Riven.)
For the closing act, Musa and a few other students, and volunteers from Magix, write a song about the unity between the very different groups.
Stella helps organise the wardrobes, Tecna runs a team in charge of the electronics, and Aisha gets right into helping the dancers, one of whom is Mirta. (Musa has been unanimously voted In Charge of the project as their resident Fairy of Music, but also as the only person who has any experience in setting up a concert from scratch.) Bloom and Flora find places and people to help out amidst the preparations.
 The evening of the concert arrives, all the performers are nervous, they've done the best they could in the time they had, and they all plan to give it their all.
Musa has an additional reason to be nervous however, she's invited her father to come watch the performance. Musa is trying to show her father how much music means to her, not just because of her mother, but because music is who she is.
When the concert starts though, Musa and the other performers set their worries aside so they can give their best possible performances.
The show gets off to a great starts, all the acts go flawlessly, but as the evening progresses, dark clouds begin to gather over head, and thunder rumbles across the sky. When Musa steps on stage during the later half of the concert, a bolt of lightning strikes the stage, causing several of the lights and speakers to explode. Musa is flung across the stage, and in the crowd, her friends are scared, but the fairy of music gets back up quickly.
From the darkness overhead, Stormy descends, her Gloomix glowing an unusually bright, and menacing red.
Stormy calls Musa out for what happened a few days prior, saying that how ever Musa managed to fight her off, it won't happen again. Amongst the crowd, in strategic locations for just this scenario, fairies, witches and wizards bring up shields to protect the crowd. With the number of civilians in the area, there aren't a lot of people free to combat Stormy. Musa loudly declares that she beat Stormy before, and she can do it again.
Stormy proceeds to trounce her for several minutes before Riven manages to get close enough to Mirta to call out a plan to her. Mirta smirks and casts illusions all throughout the crowd, lyrics and the music for their concert's final song.
The Winx, and the members of the concert who were there for the last confrontation, realise what Riven is planning, and start singing, making music with hands and feet and instruments, and focusing on Musa. As the rest of the crowd looks at the music makers and the lyrics in confusion, Riven sprints through the masses, calling out for people to sing, that Musa if the Fairy of Music.
An older man vaults onto the stage and settles himself down in front of the piano, joining the song. At the back of the crown, a young woman with a long, pale blonde ponytail summons a small orchestra of instruments and helps out as well. (spoiler alert, it's Galatea.)
Musa feels the power swelling up inside her, and quickly turns the tide of battle.
Stormy is enraged as she is beaten back again, by the fairy, and attempts to summon a powerful lightning elemental.
On stage the man at the piano calls out in fear for Musa, who turns to him and asks for him to trust her, because this is who she is.
They share a moment as he agrees, and Musa feels like she's pushed through an obstacle she didn't even realise she was trying to overcome. A bright light flares on her chest and around her waist as her Charmix finally manifests, multiplying her powers even further.
She wraps Stormy in a bubble of percussive force, the elemental she was attempting to call falls to pieces, and the witch's ears start to bleed, her screams swallowed up by Musa's unrelenting display of power.
With no other recourse, Stormy teleports out.
The crowd cheers, and despite the near disaster, the show goes on, with even more energy than before.
(At Alfea, the students who stayed at the school and watched the concert on tv all break out into cheers as well. In the Headmistress's office, Faragonda and Griselda share a look and break out their celebratory alcohol for a single victory shot each... before writing up a pardon for Musa for classes since the girl will be recovering from her power boost for a few days. (The more a fairy boosts her powers above her normal level, the longer she has to sleep it off.))
Musa rides the high until the last song, which everyone sings along to now that they know the words. Musa has just enough time after the final curtain call to talk to her dad (the man at the piano) before she passes out.
Musa's dad sees his daughter and her friends back to Alfea, before he returns home to Melody.
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Chapter Two of my Winx Club story:)
Chapter Two
Aisha's PoV
Aisha had always thought that magic, if it did exist, should find a way to co-exist with technology. Even though she had an affinity for water—and thus sometimes she and technology did not mix at all—she did still felt this way.
Perhaps it was because she'd thought when she was young, that she had some magic over water when it came out of the pipes. After all, if one had their hands under something and water ran over them, a child would think it was their limbs that were creating the substance, wouldn't they?
Aisha was having these kinds of thoughts while she was in class right now… as she dreamed that she could actually make something of her life. Aisha wanted to do something both practical and dreamy, so she could always make ends meet, but also not want to die in a career that she hated.
And, of course… it would be when she thought she was maybe finding her answer, about what field she should go into, that one of the rooms nearby would burst into flame, so that she and everyone else would have to swiftly evacuate their classroom!
Aisha did just that, making sure to aid any student who might have fallen in their distress to get out of the building.
It was then that she saw him, as they all got to the designated meeting place the school had set up, in case there was ever a fire there.
He looked to Aisha what a prince might have, in some alternate universe. Because he looked well-put-together, which was what made Aisha think of a royal or nobleman, but he was also rocking dreadlocks and an MP3 player playing loud rock music; and thos parts were what made Aisha think he could have been royal in an alternate universe. Not this one.
He was also certainly attractive. And Aisha was smitten, despite herself.
And the man must have seen that Aisha hadn’t quite made it across the street yet, because he linked Aisha's arm with his own and pulled her as far away from the fire as she could be in this meeting location.
And yes, Aisha thought she may have just been falling in love.
Aisha and the man parted ways for a little bit, so Aisha could go to her teacher doing roll call, but he found her again a little while later.
And then somehow and some way, he asked the questions of Aisha’s dreams! "Do you want to start a business with me?" And this made Aisha do a double-take, because she probably did... but how would he have guessed that, and why was he singling her out in particular But more importantly: "You ask someone that right after a fire?!"
"I saw you went back to help the others in this disaster. And if that doesn’t speak of your character, I don’t know what does. So, what do you say? I’m Nabu, by the way.”
And, dangit. Nabu was smiling at Aisha now—far too prettily, while he seemed to be thanking her for having a good heart—and there was really only one thing she could say to this, wasn’t there?
Since fate had finally seemed to find a way to make her dreams come true, when she was so indecisive.
Aisha stuck her hand out and shook Nabu’s, grinning herself now. “Sure. Why not? Let’s give it a go!”
Musa's PoV
Musa had always known that music could have a powerful effect on people. She had grown up watching Phantom of the Opera, after all, so such a belief had been instilled in her at a young age. Though she didn't go as far as to think music could necessarily hypnotize someone like that musical said, she did think that music could be one of the most seductive things out there, and so much more.
Like right now, when Musa was working at the grocery store, she knew that the slow jazz being played was to entice buyers to slow down and relax so they'd want to buy more. And while Musa hated that manipulative marketing strategy, she still had to respect that someone had figured that all out...
And that was even the real reason as to why she worked at "Gobble Up Groceries". Aside from the fact she needed the money, she was hoping she could figure out the reverse of that, almost: the type of music one could play in a store, so they wouldn't lose all of their hard-earned cash—but that the companies wouldn't realize was too different from their normal music they played here, and that Musa had played them—but still bought just enough so the shops could stay in business. Because, at the end of the day, Musa was nothing but someone who cared deeply about people.
And it was when she was doing more research on this subject, that she saw the crash site on the TV. It seemed a train had escaped its track, and caught fire! Two people had survived forensics was finding out, but they had disappeared into the ether right afterwards.
And if that wasn’t just spooky to Musa. She also had a thing for ghost stories, murder mysteries (though she was praying this wasn’t one of those), and anything like that. And there was a part of her that wanted to go to where this disaster had happened—not too far from her home, surprisingly enough—and see if she could figure this all out for herself.
Musa thought that maybe she could commune with the dead via her music, too, and that maybe some phantoms out there might be able to tell her what happened to the two missing survivors, this way.
After all… if ghosts would talk to people over a Ouija board, how much moreso might they be drawn into someone singing for them, since music was the ultimate kind of sublime communication that had been invented by the gods?
“Musa,” Brandon, Musa’s co-worker, spoke to Musa now, with an accusing lilt in his voice, but it was all in good fun. “You look like you’re about to jump into the Mystery Machine and do some investigating, Scooby-Doo style. And if you’re going to do that… mind if I go with you? You know I love danger, too, and I want to make sure you stay safe.”
And bless Brandon right now. He was trying to fix the bottom tray of her cash register—that held all the money, of course—that had gotten wopperjawed lately.
And it was that, more than anything else—that he was a good friend—that had Musa agreeing with him, since she didn’t need his protection or anything like that. “If you want to,” Musa beamed at him. “We could probably convince Vanessa to let us go nos, since it’s Christmas Eve and I don’t think anyone else is coming in tonight.”
Sure enough, Vanessa was an angel and did just that—and she made both of them promise to enjoy their Christmas more than they worried about the store these few Holiday days, before she bid them adieu.
Tecna’s PoV
Tecna, like her name made her sound (and her parents must have been psychic to call such a thing, she thought now), loved technology more than anything.
At the young age of eight, she’d been able to hack into government databases, just for fun, and had then been recruited by the CIA when she turned eighteen: the states had been willing to let bygones be bygones, as long as she worked for them. And she had, of course, in not seeing another way out then.
Though Tecna had left them a year ago, when she was twenty-one. And there were days that she certainly thought that the agency might try to burn her or kill her, in thinking she was too much of a threat.
But for now… they seemed content to let her be, since she was the best of the best and would freelance for them sometimes, when they really needed her once more.
What Tecna really cared about, though, was Global Warming. And trying to get the world to go green, so they might serve the Earth.
Tecna wished that she could just tell the U.S. to trust her when it came to this, since she had saved their lives numerous times and would with this, too, if they just listened.
But she knew that such a thing would be impossible, of course.
Sometimes, Tecna hated the need for secrecy so very much.
So, even though it wasn’t her cup of tea, she was trying to see if she could find a way design more efficient solar-powered windmills, here in her studio.
Tecna was currently on the phone with her boyfriend Timmy, who was telling her what sort of outfit she’d need to wear if she wanted to schmooze at this event with him tonight, to try to make her voice heard.
And… she was somewhat a contradictory person… because while she knew she was pretty and could clean up well—and would look more than fine, in this slinky dark blue dress, bordering on black—sometimes she wished that she… wasn’t this smart: that she wasn’t who she was, since the world didn’t think that “nerdy” and “lovely” went hand-in-hand.
And sometimes, Tecna wondered if she wouldn’t have been happier, if she hadn’t been born with such a big brain, but there was nothing she could do about it now. Was there?
“Anyway, Timmy,” Tecna joked now. “We’d better find a way to save this world, before fairies from the woodlands kill us all for destroying their homes—and for what we’ve done to the planet as a whole—like I read about in that children’s book when I was young.”
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