#because of my impression of the inazuma archon quest
rubys-domain · 1 year
I just finished the sumeru archon quest. I honestly enjoyed that way more than the inazuma archon quest
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m1d-45 · 1 year
spoken across stars
summary: voicelines some characters would have in sagau! takes place pre-isekai, post inazuma archon quest. includes kaeya, thoma, and diluc.
word count: ~700
-> warnings: sagau things, potentially ooc candace(?)
-> gn reader (you/yours) + unspecified traveller (they/them)
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yuus3n || @esthelily || @turningfrogsgay
< masterlist > || kazuha, wanderer >
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about us: the traveller
i must say, i was rather surprised that the traveller was the first one chosen to be a vessel — at first i had assumed it was merely because of their status as an outlander, but now…. well, last i checked, i was from teyvat.
about us: the creator
friendship lv. 4
sometimes i wonder why vessels are even utilized at all, in truth. i mean, what use does the divine have for a mortal man? i understand it’s not my place to question it, but… *sigh*
about you: worship
friendship lv. 6
thank you. truly, thank you. i’m not sure words could describe everything i feel, but… perhaps a night at the altar would suffice? please, just say the word. i will be there. for you.
about us: the traveller
the traveller? … they’ve done a lot of good for inazuma, that’s for sure, along with the other nations. i’m a bit intrigued about the teapot they always carry around, but milady says it’s some kind of important artifact… either way, i’m certainly curious!
about us: the creator
friendship lv. 4
sometimes it hits me just how lucky i was to make it to inazuma after the storm, and how easily i could have died at sea, never to be seen again… whenever that happens, i find its best not to think about it. i was blessed by the creator, and thinking over why i received it won’t get me anywhere.
about you: worship
friendship lv. 6
while i’m not sure what use my housekeeping skills would be to you, i place every other talent i have at your disposal. whether my sword or my shield, or even just to be somebody to talk to, i would happily accept any task you give me. it would be an honor to serve you.
about us: the traveller
i have little to say about the traveller that hasn’t already been said. while at first i may have thought their kindness was only wrought from the hands of a god… i can see now that i was wrong, and that is what truly matters.
about us: the creator
friendship lv. 4
when the winds blow hard around the winery and rain pelts the windows… it’s easy to forget everything good in the world. it’s easy to slip into a mindset of helplessness, when even going outside feels forbidden by nature… nonetheless, it’s important to recognize the fault in that belief. rain nourishes the earth, and wind drives windmills. even i have to remind myself of this fact on occasion.
about you: worship
friendship lv. 6
it would be a lie to say that i don’t hold any influence over mondstat, but it wouldn’t be to say that you take priority over any project i have my hands on. whether it’s in the middle of the weinlesefest, or the peak of the summer season, please never hesitate to come to me for anything. you gave me everything i have, and i’d be a fool not to try and return the offer in whatever way i can.
about the creator: diligence
the creator? o-of course i follow them! what gave you the impression that i didn’t? oh, am i not doing enough? i always dust the shrine at the knights’ headquarters, i say my prayers before bedtime and every meal, i never miss a service at the cathedral… tell me, what am i missing? the last thing i want is to fail at my most important task—… of course it’s most important! being a maid comes secondary to the divine, as everything else does.
about the creator: deserted
it’s easy to think that the desert is neglected by the divine, but i believe the opposite is true. were we truly abandoned, we wouldn’t have the oases, nor the henna berries, nor anything else that brought life forth and helped it thrive. if you ask me, the belief that the desert was forgotten about is what drove the akademiya to such extremes… *sigh* it’s such a pity.
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Sumeru: a first impression, and my honest opinion
Growing up, I’ve always struggled to find representation. 
I’m a second-generation Indian diaspora, born to Australian parents, raised on Western media and Bollywood. I am dark-skinned, dark-haired, dark-eyed - the kind of Indian you don’t see in North Indian media, because fair is the beauty standard. I didn’t really have anything else to turn to, though, and I grew up despising how dark I was, to the point where I avoided the sun in the summertime in attempt to preserve my marginally fairer winter complexion. 
For a long time also, to many of my peers growing up, I was the first impression they had of Indians, and I felt in this way, everything I did had to be perfect. Even still, I feel like anything representing India as a country and culture must be perfect, because, intentionally or not, whatever image of a place someone is first exposed to, that becomes the impression people have of the country and people as a whole, and it’s immensely difficult to change that. 
So representation ultimately terrifies me. So much Western media has gotten it wrong. We were always painted as the caricature nerd-type character in Western media - I love Phineas and Ferb but look at Baljeet, or Raj from Big Bang Theory. And that was if Indians were lucky enough to be included: more often they were not, which, as a kid, is hard - you can’t really see yourself reflected in many characters on screen - someone who shares the same traits as you. 
Now, what relevance does this have to Genshin Impact? A lot, actually.
You see, Sumeru is an interesting case. I recognise the exploration music as Indian - strains of the Sitar and flute, melodies and scales characteristic of Indian music that I grew up listening to, singing and playing. Don’t get me wrong, Indian music is not a monolith by any means, there’s huge variety wherever you turn, but I recognise it. The combat music, too. Honestly, whenever they break out the Sitar it’s heartwrenchingly familiar to me. 
I also recognise the region names. They’re Sanskriti, like Gandharva Ville, Chinvat Ravine, Gandha Hill. The chapter title for this part of the Archon Quest is ‘Pages of Purana’. Even the names of the various jades you use to level up characters are derived from Sanskrit - but this is also due to Sanskriti words spanning the Dharmic religions i.e. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and so on. Personally, I am Hindu, so of course Buddhist stuff is immediately recognisable and familiar to me as well, considering that Buddhism originated as an offshoot of Hinduism, and also began in India before it was spread down the Silk Road to take root in East Asia. 
The problem is, I don’t recognise the names. I don’t recognise the clothes. I don’t recognise the skin colour of the NPC character models. 
Now, you could make the argument that India is a very large place, and the names are very diverse. And they are, to an extent. But I know my culture, I know the kinds of names we have. I don’t recognise it. These names and clothing and whatever else are more Middle-Eastern. And therein lies the problem. To lump together various different regions and cultures and treat it as a monolith, isn’t that in itself breaking from the established tradition? Why couldn’t Sumeru have been dedicated to one region, whether that be India or the Middle East?  
And before anyone decries me for being overly sensitive or unfair, I will ask this. Why is it that Inazuma, Liyue and Mondstadt get utmost respect in the handling of their respective regions and cultures? Each region is based on one country - that in itself is immediately recognisable. The names of the characters are appropriate and, again, immediately recognisable. And don’t come at me with nonsense like arguing Enkanomiya isn’t based on anywhere, that’s wilfully obtuse and you know it.
Another thing - the complexions characteristic of both the Middle East and India are dark. Dark, as in the last shades on the cosmetic line dark, as in hair almost-black dark, as in pupils only discernable in the sunlight dark. I want to see that reflected in the kinds of characters that populate Sumeru. The little girl in me that applied ‘Fair and Lovely’ masks in the hopes that she would become fairer is hurting for that kind of representation. I want to see people that look like me populate a region with music and names familiar to me. That, to me, would be the most healing of all.
Genshin Impact is enormous. It is probably the biggest game today. This kind of representation is going to have an enormous impact on how people perceive India and Indian culture, along with Middle Eastern culture, whether they may realise it or not. I desperately want my experience of Sumeru to be positive, but I am absolutely terrified of what I might find. I have been hurt by poor representation enough times before. I'm terrified of playing and being proven right again, and that saddens me, because I love this game.
Ultimately, what I want is for people to see India and Indian culture in its full beauty, and appreciate it the way I appreciate it.  If you have time now, why not go watch a Bharatanatyam dancer or Sitar player perform, or visit a nearby temple or mosque and pay your respects, or participate in your local Diwali festival, since it’s coming up soon? After all, Indian culture isn’t just butter chicken, naan and stolen diamonds housed in the British Museum. 
That was my first impression of Sumeru, as an Indian. I hope I’m proven wrong. 
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blueskittlesart · 2 years
It’s not often you see a BotW fan AND Genshin Impact fan…what are your thoughts on the game mechanics in both that are extremely similar? Do you think one stole from the other?
oh 100% i think genshin impact stole its initial design and mechanics from botw. it's hard to pretend like it's a coincidence when one game came out 3 years after the other and almost everyone's immediate impression of it was "it looks just like botw!!" I remember when it first came out i IMMEDIATELY had people telling me i would like it because it was so similar to botw. just for that reason, nothing else. no mention of story or combat mechanics or gacha, just... it's exactly like botw. lol. and ESPECIALLY in mondstadt and liyue, where the open world is a lot of flat plains populated by the remains of ruined civilizations and monster camps, the. im going to be nice and say the INSPIRATION from botw is undeniable. they look exactly the same. I wouldn't be surprised if the grass asset was like. legitimately datamined and stolen line-for-line because they look so similar.
I will say that the open world is about where the similarities end between the two games. botw is a AAA big-name franchise game which spent multiple years in development and was a complete story upon release, and has a rich history of prewritten lore in the form of other games and media to back it up. Genshin is an online gacha game which, on release, was only 1/7 finished. and yes, teyvat is huge and there's a shit ton of lore and worldbuilding to be found, but unlike botw there was no foundation of lore to stand on when writing genshin, which means 100% of that worldbuilding must be found in-game, which leads to extremely long, wordy, and hard-to-understand quests, plus a ton of lore that just ends up buried in side quests or npc dialog that the average player will never know about. story-wise.... i mean. i could list similarities if i desperately had to, but aside from amnesiac protagonist (which was an established trope before botw anyway) there's really not a ton to say here. genshin's story and lore is decent, in my opinion. I don't think it compares to botw, in concept or in execution, but like i said before, genshin has no preestablished lore to get a foothold on. they're doing everything from scratch. and there are plenty of places where the story and lore falls short, either in concept or in execution, but comparing genshin's story to botw's when their circumstances and even the way their content is produced and released is so different just seems... unfair. like. of course botw is going to be better LMAO.
One of the most interesting things to me about the way genshin has developed is that the longer they go on releasing content the more they seem to be trying to distance themselves from the initial similarity to botw. one of the more notable ways this manifests is in the fact that they've almost entirely phased out the botw-style dungeon segments that were the domains in early-game mondstadt. the initial 6 or so domains you have to complete in mondstadt's archon quest were VERY similar in mechanics to botw's dungeons, in that it was less about fighting enemies and more about puzzles to solve. Now, though, even domains that are one-time completion dungeons are largely combat challenges rather than puzzle dungeons. I think they probably did this to distance themselves from botw in some way because open-world mini dungeons were like. one of botw's main mechanics. The newer locations like inazuma, the chasm, and sumeru also bear significantly less similarities to botw's terrain design than mondstadt and liyue. this may simply have been an effort to distinguish the nations from each other visually, but with sumeru being physically connected to liyue and mondstadt and yet lacking nearly any of the open plains and stone ruins that defined those two nations, it seems to me like a deliberate effort to move away from the botw aesthetic and develop a more unique style of worldbuilding for the game. Which is 100% a good thing!! i just kinda wish mondstadt and liyue were allowed the same thought and time that have clearly been put into inazuma and sumeru.
The fact that genshin appears to be actively attempting to branch out and create a coherent story and aesthetic for its world without.... "taking inspiration" from botw so heavily now that it's gotten a foothold in the industry is a really good sign to me. If I had to guess, the emphasis on the botw-like open world in the early days of its marketing was an attempt to capitalize on botw's insane popularity at the time, and tbh i think it was a smart move by their developers if a little underhanded. the nature of genshin's story is such that upon release they had almost NOTHING to draw people in except the initial conflict: "your sibling is gone and you have to find them." and they could PROMISE that more story content was coming in the future, but without something to satiate fans and draw new players in in the meantime the game was going to drown. a large open-world serves two important purposes: 1. drawing in new players who loved botw's worldbuilding and were looking for something similar, and 2. provide endgame content for returning players while the new story quests were being worked on. (this model doesn't work quite so well nowadays, with so many players stuck in a fairly underwhelming endgame for months at a time between updates, but when the game was released it was probably the perfect solution.) In any case, now that genshin has some notoriety and name-recognition of its own, it no longer has to rely on word-of-mouth "this game is just like botw!" to draw people in, and it's exciting to see that they recognize this and are taking the opportunity to branch out. i'm excited and cautiously optimistic to see where they'll take the game in future patches!
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kyogre-blue · 1 year
For totally smart and legitimate reasons, I have started a second Genshin account. 
This one is on Asia server, also for totally legitimate reasons. The ping fluctuates between about 140 and 200, though this hasn’t affected the gameplay experience much so far. 
To keep it within manageable scope and the spice things up, I have come up with a premise: tall men only. Lumine has decided to live it up while the cat her brother is away and is gathering herself a harem. Being a woman in her centuries (millennia?), she has no interest in little boys, whether they’re really teenagers, baby faced, or fake jailbait that’s actually immortal. Thus: tall men only. 
(To keep things simple, I’m also using Lumine herself, which covers the gaps in elements, and any trial characters. Since they invite themselves along, might as well put them to work. If things get annoying enough, I will “invite” some local party members out for a day to help with exploration too, but this is for the future. One additional note is that I’m only going to use the men after meeting them in the story, though this isn’t a particularly notable restriction.) 
Anyway, jokes aside, it’s very interesting seeing early Genshin again. 
It feels... really different, more than I had expected. 
In terms of exploration, Mond has a lot of chests just tucked away in corners, without any puzzle or red-ring enemy killing requirement. There’s definitely more expectation that you’ll go poking around every inch of the map, without any particularly obvious indications where to look. Compared to that, the recent maps are much denser in things to do, but they’re also kind of dumbed down? Most chests are highlighted by something glowing, or a seelie will lead you around, or something. It makes exploration quicker, but it also kind of makes it feel more... artificial? 
The bigger difference though is in terms of story. Because Mond story is subtly but really noticeably different on basically every level. I heard that rumor about a bunch of the writing staff leaving before Inazuma and now I really do feel like there might be credence to it. 
It’s hard to explain the differences precisely because it’s more in terms of style and tone. The style is much more willing to poke fun at itself (especially where Venti is concerned) and much snappier in general. The characters chat among themselves a lot more too and have very noticeable dynamics in a way that’s lacking in Inazuma and Sumeru. Both the archon quest and the story quests are much more character-focused. 
I do want to say that my first playthrough impression wasn’t wrong though. The snappier pacing also means that the story can feel rushed or truncated at times. This is more forgivable in the prologue, and I would like to think they would have gotten better at it if they’re continued with the same style but... yeah. 
It’s going to be very interesting to do Liyue next (I’m just going to do Xiangling’s quest before heading over) because I think it was also a big change from Mond in its focus and style, but I don’t recall it particularly well anymore. I’ll have to pay attention to it. 
One additional side note is how different it feels to play when you more or less take out the gacha. Without a particular need to grind for primos, there’s no reason to rush exploration or catch up on story. Yeah, I’ll miss Itto’s event, but so what? Yeah, I’m leaving behind a bunch of chests, but eh. It’s much more relaxed and feels like a pretty different experience on the whole. 
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misslu999 · 1 year
I wanted to share my opinion about those characters’ stories quests, I know no one asked or cares but anyway… so this is MY top :
(sorry in advance for the english, it’s not my main language !)
1 - Nahida Acts 1 and 2! Clearly to me those are the bests stories quests Hoyoverse have done. Not only because it confirm she is one of the best character and archon of the game, but also every of them are particularly touching. She is so pure, cute and with what happens during the Sumeru’s Arc, everything is pretty sad. She deserves the world and a big hug! I personally cried in each story… why Hoyo needs to hurt her???!
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2 - Ayaka! One of my favorite character (sorry Jean you are obviously my love but for this top well…) it was splendid! From the beginning to the very end, I had the impression we did a date with her as a « lover » (? Let me dream!!). Her sweetness, her smile, and her innocent were awesome! And let’s talk about the danse at this end, what an amazing cutscene we had! I am though still upset with the fact that traveler refused her present !
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3 - Raiden Shogun/Ei, Act 2, I did like the 1st one but it was clearly like the whole Inazuma Archon quest… kinda cool and a bit blank. Nothing more nothing less. BUT! The 2nd is a very different story, we know so much more about her, Makoto, and it help to understand why she wanted to stay in her eternity. The cutscene at the end is a masterpiece, I personally teared up a bit, and it’s the main reason I put her in the 3rd! (Bonus: we can see Yae!)
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4 - Yoimiya Act 2, the most recent one! I did like the 1st but not like the 2nd who gave me an emotion I didn’t had in the others quests! There is an amazing hidden message about the transition from childhood to adulthood ! Our dreams, our innocence, our ignorance those things that faded little by little. I smiled at the cutscene that remind me a lot to Your Name. I am happy that we gave to Yoimiya some love, after all she does for everyone else, she deserved it!
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5 - I hesitated between 2 characters… but well… How can I ignore her when I know she gonna pestered me if i do not! Did you find? Well obviously it’s will be my dear Eula, as I count her as my 2nd fav character of the game (the 1st in of course Jean!). She is soooo badly treated by Hoyoverse, but just because we didn’t had her banner since when ? I don’t remember, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do her story! She is clearly a character who deserves attention! Behind the fact she always wants revenge she is a very attaching person. She suffered a lot her name, the bad reputation it gave to her. And we all know she is not someone bad, on the contrary, she is a sweetheart !
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- 6 I needed to put her, it’s Yae Miko! I can hear her teasing! Her story isn’t the best and isn’t the baddest. It’s fun how she used the traveler for her needs! We all know from the beginning that Yae has always something behind her mind. And that’s why I put her in my ranking! I had a very good fun to play her story! The cutscene too at this end was nice!
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Hmmm…. i could put Kazuha, Ganyu and Shenhe in this ranking, but those are not the ones who touched me the most. But they didn’t leave me indifferent! So that why I mention them!
I also remind this is 100 % an objective opinion and personal ranking! I love every characters of this game, all of them are interesting. And I did all character’s stories quests! But I find their developments give us much more contexts about the main quest! And also because I loved playing them. So don’t take it too personally because I didn’t put your favorite character, I reminded I didn’t put my Jean!
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tempenensis · 2 years
You enjoying sumeru?
I love that there are animals that can kill us. Makes the world feel more alive.
Still waiting for bears and wolves in mondstat and pandas in liyue.
I love Sumeruuu!! The archon quest really gives some insight to Nahida and changes my impression of her from the trailer. The archon quest has a solid writing and very enjoyable. I'm still finishing the other quests, but Sumeru is refreshing. Inazuma was too difficult on its earlier patch, but Sumeru feels pretty balanced on gameplay front (or this could also might be because I already have a lot of built characters, unlike early Inazuma lol). I'm savoring the green landscape as I farm for Tighnari haha
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selenecrown · 2 years
When Viatrix Falters, Viator Comes to Aid. Such is the way of the Twins of Via.
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Author’s Note: So. I was watching Genshin Impact’s Archon Quests and. was looking through fanart of such events and. I have THOUGHTS. that I tried to put into this fic.
Is this completely self-indulgent? Oh you can bet anything it is. I am a sucker for Aether and Lumine’s relationship in Genshin. The ANGST-TO-FLUFF POTENTIAL HERE YA’LL. I WANT MORE OF IT AND LIKE. SOON.
So, here’s this no comfort Angst fic that came out of my feels I guess. I’m going to be doing Lumine as the Traveler, since I have a better grasp of her personality then Aether’s currently. Maybe when I finally understand Aether’s personality, I’ll write this fic but for Aether. We’ll see.
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Warnings: This Fic Contains Spoilers for Genshin Impact’s Archon Quests Up Until Archon Quest Interlude Chapter Perilous Trial! So, if you’re playing Genshin or ever plan on it, I would not suggest it since I think it’s the closest thing we get to the main plot (I think from all the people tagging it as spoilers. But honestly Genshin confuses me and what’s the plot and what’s side content due to how linked they are with each other [which I both love and hate at the same time]. Either that or I’m actually stupid.) But if you don’t care for spoilers and want that sibling angst shit, never plan on playing the game, or already know the spoilers, well. Ignore me. 
Also you could interpret Abyss!Aether as Yandere for his sister here, I guess? I was re-reading this and I guess the fic could be seen that way. I meant to write Abyss!Aether as a man whose seen some shit and honestly cares for nobody else but his sister anymore because he's so broken from the things he's seen-since that’s the general impression I got from Abyss!Aether when I was watching through the twins interacting. But since this could be seen as Yandere, for those who aren’t into that or just don't want Aether being that way for Lumine even if it's just an interpretation you could get from this-I would not recommend this fic for you.
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Lumine laid awake in the tent she was in, Paimon had long fell asleep after the meal she’d had. Paimon never really stayed awake that long after meals; while Lumine, on the other hand, could not sleep.
She hadn’t been able to sleep for the past few days, actually.
After all, how do you sleep when you find the person you’re looking for told you they’re not going with you?
Sure, the people she knew upon hearing this offered sympathy and comfort to her. But, the sympathy wasn’t genuine. It wasn’t hard to see they were also keeping there distance from her. 
How could they not? Aether was a part of the Abyss Order for goodness’ sake. 
Who would see her positively now that they knew her brother was behind such horrible acts that put nations in danger? 
Aether was trying to destroy the world and for what? Nobody really seemed to know, but that didn’t stop them from looking at Lumine with eyes of suspicion, eyes of caution, eyes of anger, eyes of pity-Like she was a part of the Abyss Order or an example of how cruel the world was. 
And frankly, Lumine was getting tired of trying to prove she didn’t need it. Their sympathy, their pity, their anger-it was tiring to dispel those looks.
Day in and day out-Do you know how tiring it is to try and prove yourself over and over again to people when they won’t even look at you without those looks?
And on top of everything there is people who knew about Aether, but they said nothing about it to her. Nothing.  
Why didn’t anyone say anything? Not even a hint to help her out? 
Didn’t she deserve the truth?
Why does she have to be kept in the dark about everything?
Was it because she’s not strong enough?
Was it because they looked down on her?
Lumine didn’t know, and honestly, she didn’t care at the moment. 
The Honorary Knight of Mondstadt, Honored Guest of the Liyue Qixing of Liyue and of the Tri-Commission of Inazuma and Former Captain of the Watusumi Army-The titles means nothing if she didn’t even want them in the first place. The search for her brother got her these titles and now they felt empty.
These thoughts aren’t good. Lumine thought to herself, looking out the window of the tent. Hopefully taking a walk will clear my head and help me sleep tonight. 
So, she set out for a quick walk, hoping it would clear her mind. 
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Though, Lumine was not expecting the walk to get her so lost. 
It rained really hard, forcing Lumine into an area she’d never been in before to seek shelter. And with the rain still going on outside, there was no way she could go back to camp now. So, all she could do was venture deeper inside, in hopes to find a safe spot to settle down the dry her clothes, even for a little while until the rain passed. 
But, unfortunately, fate was not as kind as Lumine had hoped as she ventured and eventually got lost in the cave and it’s tunnels to where Lumine wasn’t even sure how to get out of this forsaken cave.
The tunnels winded and stretched almost impossible lengths, and every time Lumine turned a corner, there was only more and more cave. This shouldn’t even be possible and if it was, why wasn’t this marked? 
When would this end---?
Suddenly, the world was pulled out from under her, and Lumine fell to the ground and in the process got a scrap on her legs.
And, after Lumine looked at her legs, trying to get up and failing to do so, Lumine started to sob into the ground, stopping what she was doing. 
“It hurts. It hurts.” Lumine cried into the empty cave, as she struggled to get up. Not of the injury, but rather of her own mind giving up. “I don’t want this. I want to go back home. I want to leave. Anywhere not here! Aether. Aether. Where are you? I want to go home. Aether! Where are you Aether? Please, I just want go home! Please. Please-” 
Lumine cried into the empty cave as she struggled to deal with her emtions, but it seems her cries where not unheard, as nearby Hilicurls seemed attracted by the Traveler’s cries. 
The creatures stared at the mighty Traveler crying to herself, unsure of what to do. They didn’t seem to be waiting for anything-The Hilicurls seemed to be staring at the girl in pity, as if deep down they understood the feeling Lumine felt. So, Lumine cried her feelings away until she eventually tired herself out and fell asleep in the cave out of exhaustion. The Hilicurls then picked up the unconcious girl and moved her to one of their camps nearby and placed her in a pile of straw nearby a fire-Giving Lumine somewhere safe and comfortable to rest, at least. 
Not long after Lumine was brought into a Hilicurl camp-An Abyss Mage came into the camp seeming to want to speak with the Hilicurls-But upon seeing the Traveller in a pile of straw, the mage approached her sleeping body.
The Abyss Mage head twitched in confusion as it looked at its’ Prince’s sibling-resting. Not well, from the look on her face. 
The creature poked the kin of the Prince-only for the girl to curl into herself and weep in pain and the Hilicurls nearby seeming to react, trying to soo away the mage. The Abyss Mage then spoke with the Hilicurls which seemed to calm down the creatures-and disappeared off somewhere.
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Lumine, where did you go? Aether thought to himself with his counsel, as he’d gotten a report from one of his Heralds that was keeping an eye on Lumine, only for her to go missing in a pretty bad rainstorm. “Where was the last place you saw her before the rainstorm hit?”
“Around the mountainside your Highness,” The Herald said. “While she did have her. . . weapon of choice with her,” The Herald said, as if displeased with Lumine’s weapon choice. “She was not holding it, so I can assume she was not looking to fight, like she has the past few days. She seemed merely to be trying to tire herself out.”
“How did she look?” Aether asked.
“She grows weaker by the day.” The Herald said. “She looked about to fall dead.”
“Do you think that. . . thing. . .she travels with is finally draining her?” A Electro Lector asked, growling at the mention of the ‘thing’. “I thought it would wait longer.”
“Quite low of that thing to do it now.” Another Lector added. “Well, at least the Prince’s kin is away from the disgusting creature now, hopefully it stays that way.”
“Your Highness, I suggest we look for her.” A Pryo Lector suggested. “While she is capable of handling herself, she is not in condition-” 
“Your Highness.” An Mage appeared in the room, bowing before the Prince, and only the Prince it seemed.
“What is it?” The Herald growled at the mage, pretty upset he’d been interrupted by a lowly mage. 
“Let them speak.” Aether said, and the Herald bowed curtly, “What is it? Do you have an update about something?”
“No, your Highness, your kin-they are in the nearby hilicurl camp.”
Aether’s eyes widened, before he seemed to calm himself. Aether’s counsel, on the other hand, did not seem as calm as Aether was. “Where?”
“Forgive me Prince, I’m not sure how-”
“We’ll deal with that later.” Aether sighed. “How close is she and how does she look?”
“She’s in the tunnel system, my Prince. Your kin seemed to have gotten lost in it, and is quite hurt. The Hilicurls have taken a liking to her.”
Aether sighed, as he got up. “Fine, show me where she is.”
“As you wish, my Prince.” The Lectors, the Herald and the Mage said, almost in prefect unison.
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When Aether had gotten to Lumine, it seemed the hilicurls in the camp went somewhere else, leaving Aether with the mage, and the loyal Herald at Prince's side. 
“Thank you, you may leave now.” Aether said to the mage, and the mage quickly took its’ leave. 
Aether kneeled down in front of his sister-Just from the energy he felt from her Lumine was very weak, indeed, as his Herald has said, she was in no position to be travelling around. And yet, here she was, laying on the bed of straw. She always was the foolish one.
“Your Highness, she’s bleeding.” The Herald pointed out, pointing to Lumine’s legs, which had a puddle of blood around her legs.
“Indeed. Bandage them.” Aether commanded, and the Herald bowed before disappearing somewhere.  
“Ah. You’ve pushed yourself again Lumine.” Aether chuckled, half-heartedly towards his sister, even reaching out a hand to inspect her. “You always said to not push myself, and here to you are. You’ve always been a hypocrite, you know that?”
Lumine didn’t respond, and Aether looked at his sister in silence-She was so fragile now. 
Aether was so used to seeing his sister from the shadows running around with the people she’d met with such energy and a smile on her face that it made Aether energic just from watching-he remembered when she’d always try to smile for him back then when they were trying to leave Teyvat all those years ago, even when it was hard. Aether knew what he asked of her back when they last saw each other was harsh-especially since she was so lost in a world she didn’t understand and was often wondering around like a baby chicken with the people around often being of no help despite his direct intervention, but the Prince never realized his sister was so fragile to this degree. He thought she was made of marble-and here he saw her cracking at the seams. 
Though, he couldn’t blame his sister for her cracking under pressure. Those people around her are so demanding of her-without so much thanks to give her back but empty words. Fate was cruel to her, as fate was to him. He remembered his own journey- it was long and there were often days he didn’t want to get up or do anything. And yet, he got through it, despite how hard it was and here he stands, right in front of his sister. 
Maybe. . . Maybe it would be fine if she just. Got away for them for a while. Aether thought. They’ve taken so much from her, that she has nothing left now. She needs a recharge. . . just for a few days. They won’t care if it’s just a few days and she won’t remember if I just. Use some magic. Yeah. Yeah, that should work. 
Aether picked up his sister-She was so light. She hadn’t eaten, either? She was worse than he thought.
“Your Highness?” The Herald asked, and he’d come back with bandages.
“She cannot sleep out here. It is not safe. I am taking to her one of the safe havens, we shall treat her there.” Aether said.
“As you wish.” The Herald said, as Aether opened a portal to the unknown.
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Lumine slowly opened her eyes to a dark room. It wasn’t dark as the cave she was in, as there seemed to be light in the form of. . . Stars?
Lumine slowly got up. Yes, it looked like the light source of the room was stars in a galaxy like room. The bed she was in seemed-familiar. Like she’d slept in it before, actually, so did the rest of-
“Lumine.” A voice Lumine thought she won’t hear again said, and Lumine turned, and there stood her brother Aether with a warm smile on his face. 
“Aether?” Lumine asked, and Aether simply sat on Lumine’s bed before taking Lumine’s body and hugging her. The hug was tight, like if Aether let go, he would lose his only family.
“I’m glad you woke up. I was getting worried. Come on, Ms.-I-Must-Rest-All-Night-or-Else, I made breakfast for us.” Aether smiled as he pulled away, trying to laugh off the situation, it seemed.
Breakfast? Lumine thought, and then her head stung pretty badly. 
Ah. That’s right. Breakfast. 
We’re. . .
home. . .
now. . . ?
“Lumine! Are you okay? Does you head hurt again?” Aether asked, craddling Lumine’s head is his hands.
“Y-Yeah.” Lumine stuttered out, which seemed to make Aether more concerned, leading him to let go and pull Lumine unto his back. 
“It’s alright. I’ll walk us to the kitchen. Don’t move, or you’ll pass out again.” Aether smiled, as he lifted the two of them up and began to walk.
"Pass. . . Out?" Lumine asked, as Aether guided the two of them through a hallway of galaxies with lanterns lighting the way.
"You're pushing yourself again." Aether simply said, laughing as if it was something common Lumine did. "You've been working too hard these past few days because I was sick. But I'm fine now."
Sick. . . ?
That's right. . . Aether was sick. But he's fine now.
"There we go." Aether smiled as he placed his sister down on a sofa, and brought her a bowl of soup. Aether then sat down next to his sister-with a another bowl of soup in his hands, and he started to eat it. After Lumine stared for a little while, she began to eat. It was. . . Warm. And tasted. . . Familiar. Like something she hadn’t had in a long time.
"Is it good?" Aether asked curiously, which earned a nod from Lumine. "Thank goodness. I was worried I didn't follow the recipe right."
"Yes?" Aether stopped eating his food, making him look like a chipmunk trying to stuff nuts in it’s mouth.
"Where. . . Where are we. . .?" Lumine asked, pretty seriously.
"Home. We're home Lumine. Did you forget?" Aether said, lightheartedly.
Lumine paused after studying her brother, he wasn’t acting off. . . But. Why did she still feel uneasy? "Y-Yeah. Sorry."
"It's fine. Rest, sister. Everything's going to be fine now!" Aether smiled, as he finished eating his food and cleaned up after himself. 
Lumine. . . Wasn't so sure Aether was telling the truth.
Aether went to move wash the dishes, and Lumine watched him. He was. . . Different. Despite the smile he just gave. . . He moved slower, more deliberately than she remembered.
“Lumine, you’re staring again.” Aether smiled, snapping Lumine out of her thoughts. “What, you want a hug or something?” 
Lumine shook her head. “Sorry. I’m . . . Not hungry. My head still hurts.” 
“Really?” Aether sighed, stopping what he was doing and walking up to Lumine. “If it hurts this much, I suppose I’ll have to try some magic.”
“Yeah, I learned some while you were asleep. Come here.” Aether smiled warmly, and kissed his sister’s forehead gently. and instantly, the confusion that clouded Lumine’s mind went away, as if Aether had pushed a fog away and it suddenly hit Lumine where she was. 
She was. . . Home. With Aether. 
Away from an awful place. . . And that’s all that mattered, really. 
“Pffft.” Lumine asked, laughing to herself. “What was that?”
“A kiss. Duh.” Aether said, playfully.
“Then that was not magic. You just wanted some kisses.” Lumine poked her brother’s cheek.
“Well, you’ve been sick, do you blame me?” Aether poked her opposite cheek back.
“I thought you’d be worse.” Lumine smugly smirked.
“Hey!” Aether said, seeming rather embarrassed.
“I’m joking, I’m joking Aether.” Lumine laughed, taking away her hand off Aether’s face.
“Hmmmph.” Aether pouted, pulling his hand away. “I was worried about you, you idiot.”
“Well of course. I have to take care of you.” Lumine smirked.
Aether sighed at that comment, before smirking himself. “Since you’re fine now, we can finally start exploring again.” 
“Noooooooooo.” Lumine sighed. “Not today. It’s already late.” 
“Fine, fine. Tommorow.” Aether said. “We need to start exploring tommorow.”
“Yeah! Let’s just hang out!” Lumine said. “Come on! We haven’t had a break in a while!”
“Fine, fine, who knew you’re so demanding.”
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For the days went by fast-Aether would admit that. 
Certainly different then what he normally does back in Teyvat, as for the most part all he really had to do was entertain his sister for a few hours by exploring the area in the Chasm he’d craved out for this reason, she’d be happy for a while, they’d rest and they’d start exploring again. 
Aether admitted. . . This was. . . Nice. 
He was so used to being so far away from her that being close to his own sister made him feel strange despite the fact they used to be so close all of them time. 
Back when Lumine with. . . what even was that thing. . . a floating child. . . ? . . . Aether couldn’t come very close to her without alerting her. So he’d often stand back from a distance, like during the Lantern Rite he’d watched Lumine release her lanterns and took it for himself for a while before letting it go in. He’d seen Lumine’s wish during the Inazuman Summer Festival-It broke his heart to see her still wish for him.
Sometimes his Herald would come to update him on what’s going outside-It seemed Lumine’s aquientances where starting to get too antsy about Lumine’s disappearance. They weren’t even close to figuring out who was behind it-rather the search was going to everywhere, and getting dangerously close to the Chasm. 
Aether knew this day would come and yet. . . Why does his heart feel so heavy?
Aether knew he was delaying the ineventable-He would have to let Lumine go. 
But. . . He didn’t want to. 
Lumine. . . Was right here. With him. Like they’d promised. 
Sure, Lumine’s companions where looking for her. . . but they could look everywhere and Aether would never give her up. Lumine isn’t theirs. Lumine is his sister. They don’t understand how long he’s waited. . . How long 
Oh no. Aether looked in horror as he realized what was happening to him. This. . . This isn’t healthy. . . 
But. . . No! 
I need to let her go! Now! 
Or. . . 
Or. . . !
Aether watched as his sister search the area, she currently was searching from glowing stone to stone-And he’d never felt so. . .Scared.
“Lumine. . .” Aether said carefully, walking towards his sister, only for her to turn around. 
“Yeah, Aether?” Lumine smiled with arms full of stones and flowers she’d collected-That she meant to bring home. 
“Let’s go home. I’m not feeling so well.”
Lumine nodded, “Oh, alright.”
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After a few more days, Aether had decided it was finally time let his sister go so he won’t hog her forever, placing her resting body in an abandoned village not far from the Chasm. But upon placing his sister in the bed and placing a blanket, Aether’s heart ached once more.
“I love you, Lumine. I’ll always be here for you.” Aether smiled, as he started to cry, leaving tears on his sister's face. “I’m sorry.” 
And Aether disappeared into the night of Teyvat. 
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boundlesswanderers · 2 years
@scarletooyoroi  // cont. from here
Being met with a voice similar to the sigh of winds and the chipper nature birdsong, it incites familiarity, someone who who managed to staple a— unique presence during the days of the Irodori festival. It seems the both of them would be found underneath the impressively large tree the brings even massive buildings to shame. A sacred air stirs around this very location, stirring many feelings within Inazuma’s Fixer, a welcomed and wondrous weight. Right now however that excerpt of them also knowing the traveler draws a brief smile from them.
“I certainly am. It’s a hidden perk of theirs, having a way to go and touch so many hearts wherever they go.” Eye contact was now established. “I find a chime of familiarity within your looks as well. To think we’d be linked by a common thread.”
Try as he might to hold the leading candle of atmosphere up high. Such a question, it briefly stuns Thoma, allowing for thoughts that swam barely beneath the surface to find their essential time to be. A troubled look mats over his features as his head tilts to the cobblestone, mindlessly staring towards path to the Statue of the Seven. Many experiences they shared, from smiles, to camaraderie, to the difficulties shared spill like a vent to a spring. “Enduring. Simply put, it’s the best I can discern it as their journey carries them on.”
“All in the name of finding their missing sibling.” A road from the stories told and witnessed firsthand, was a tale of travails that required extraordinary capability.
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”Their trip within Inazuma involved struggle and lost of bonds newly made. I can see a balance between their, the lack of answers have certainly cemented a hellish cross of their very own to bare.” Many times it led Thoma an impulse to reach out towards them. He’d genuinely not mind becoming another force by their side to face the thick and thin. Oftentimes, that exhausted look carried, witnessing the everyday to handle in lieu of their bigger goals. To the fact they’ve even faced down the Raiden Shogun unveils a testament that Thoma doesn’t quite know the answer to.
“I want to personally find out. Even with them advancing to new terrain once more, I just can’t shake the feeling of being worried for their inner strength.”
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That much was true. Venti had also realized that the traveler had left a lot of impressions on those they had met. Not only in the sense of becoming friends - or in some cases enemies - but also in a more...spiritually way. Because the Archon could clearly feel the soft traces of an otherworldly touch on the other. It had been what caused his statement in the first place. Not to mention that he was honestly interested in the travelers well being. It was a heavy cross they had to bear after all. And once the borders of Inazuma had opened again, Venti had known that their Honorary Knight had touched another Archons heart. This happening after they’ve set course on Inazuma couldn’t be a coincidence after all. 
“It’s a self-chosen quest that doesn't allow them much time to rest…” he agreed eventually., a soft hum leaving his lips. “I had hoped I could meet them here, but knowing my luck they’re rather back in Mondstadt than enjoying this lovely festival.”
It wouldn’t surprise him. Even if it was difficult to guess where their path would lead them next, it seemed like they would show up in Mond from time to time anyways. 
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“So my friend,” because a friend of a friend could be called just that, right? “If you seek to find out personally, how does joining this bard in his question to find them sound?” 
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haeresys-realm · 6 months
I despise the most Fatui reddits more and more.
I just want to save this thread (maybe I will just copy smth that I liked further) https://www.reddit.com/r/DottoreMains/comments/13bvyht/own_thoughts_about_playable_dottore_his_lore/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share – just to leave reddit already. It brings no comfort, no joy, just frightening how idiotic Genshin community could be.
Further – an unpopular opinion with hate towards Capitano (or maybe not him but his inadequate fanbase). Please don't read and comment if you for some reason love the character you know nothing about, just artifacts story and one voiceline in lazzo. LOL.
Now at the Fatui HQ sub it starts forsing Capitano.as if he solo Genshin and if he were there in Fontain instead of Childe. Example – https://www.reddit.com/r/FatuiHQ/comments/18irv7z/if_goathimtano_were_in_fontaine_instead_of_childe/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
I really hate the fact Capitano is considered 1st when he's 4th and Arlecchino 10, THESE were ABSOLUTELY LOGICAL FACTS and I will NEVER think different when in Inazuma quest the Fatui agent ander her say they want to advance Arlecchino in rank after 8th Harbinger.is dead, and Pedrolino was called the First of the Fatui 100500 times and ge said WE when talking about Fatui, how can you say WE and have a Fatui nickname if you are NOT one of them and even dont share a rank system, you coward??? It doesn't work so! Him, Dottore and Columbina have the same Divine impressive vibes, they lived for 500+ years, Columbina is frightening for Childe and Scaramuccia, Dottore is a self-created god who can create gods, he studied most of science and is a real Doctor in everithing, he's the one who responsible for all Sneznaya progress and it's army too, but what the fuck how can he be the SECOND THIS WAY? It's so fucking laughable. The self-created god who make elite soldiers, without him the Capitano's army and reputation weight just....doesnt exist because he's just a Childe in it's maximum?? Some knight with abyss power?? How the fuck IT could be stronger than ARCHONS?
The logic about Pedrolino, Dottore and Capitano with Arlecchino ranks sucks, but how much I hate the fact they all just fanatically anthem that Capitano solo genshin and force him that much when he's CURRENTLY just a MINOR character we know so little and hear just two lines spoken. WTF people? I really hate they all just swallowed the fuckin shit with ranks and now tries to deificate this knighty to some power that beats everithing in a world and dominate everithing and everyone. The last is just vomittable shit. How the fandom tries to make him a superdupergigachad with big cock who fucks everyone. Go kill yourself with such fantasies please ... Just please... I have to say much more but the most of it was said here before, so, I won't repeat my logic again and again now. I'll just say that this is just sad. Nothing more.
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elegyofthemoon · 9 months
1, 7, 12 and 14 for the female characters ask? Man, I loved that haha
yaha thank you tuesday :>
One of your favourite female characters?
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Okay so when she showed up as a character in Genshin I had to laugh because I was like "oh my god she looks like that idol girl from Shugo Chara..." but then when I got her and built her, read her story, I was left sobbing on the floor I don't know how a chuuni make me do that but oKAY I GUESS ??????? (but I generally love chuunis... it's just that Fischl's story hit too close to home asklfjadshklf)
Yes she acts like a princess and roleplays all the time as THE PRINZESSIN DER VERURTEILUNG, SOVEREIGN OF THE IMMERNACHTREICHT but also she's a lonely ass girl who wants to continue playing around in her fantasy and the thing that had given her so much comfort when she's alone. The nice thing is that she winds up finding people that love and accept her and it's really sweet to see!! There was a summer event last year I think??? where they jump into her lore and actually show it on screen and it felt like a big big big hug watching the story and seeing her get hrm acceptance? or you know seeing it be discussed on screen and seeing how people love and accept her as she is, something she's long wanted.... and even bigger hug when I see people's reactions to her because I've been standing here for two years gesturing at Fischl like APPRECIATE HER!!!!!! APPRECIATE DIE PRINZESSIN!!!!!! but of course because she didnt get a lot of screentime, she's kinda sidelined. that or people called her annoying (she can be, that is true, but still-)
Also she has a lightning birdie named Oz LOL Not the reason why I love her so much (I actually HC her to have maladaptive daydreaming lmao it be the self projection o7)
7. A female character the narrative wound up being much better to than you’d thought it would be?
I mean I go back and forth on this buuuut Ei?
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Tbh, I never had much of an impression on Ei as a character within Genshin (and I was also too busy being sad about Signora's death so hahahhhahahahahahhahhahaha)
BUT ANYWAYS the way that her first story quest made me so 😐. Like it IS nice to get to know her a bit, but narratively speaking, after what she put the entirety of Inazuma through with the Vision Hunt Decree and the whole isolation/trapping everyone on Inazuma, it was weird to just see her enjoying herself, walking around casually in the city like nothing happened. Towards the end she does discuss making an apology or something like that, but it just didn't really feel....satisfactory. I think she says something about how she has to contemplate about what she ought to do from here
But it really isn't until the second story quest that I actually started liking her character. I often think that they should have switched the first and second story quest, but being able to delve into why Ei did what she did was such a good good good story quest, and I really like it, especially someone who enjoys grief stories. A bit too much LMAO You wind up learning that she was just trying to protect Inazuma from the likes of Celestia who had killed the former Archon, her twin, for fighting alongside the rising human civilization Khaenri'ah, so Ei tried to get rid of the Visions so humans may never achieve what Khaenri'ah was able to and to turn Celestia away. It's really neat to see and learn about and the story altogether was so well done haha I just kinda wish I had that sooner, and Ei contemplating about the meaning of 'eternity' and then seeing her people continue to live and how much Inazuma has changed (because the real "eternity" -- the true permanence -- is the idea that everything will change. That is an eternal principle of living-). I feel like that would have been a nice followup instead of starting with Ei wandering around town as the first quest...
However! I say this without much attachment towards Ei, so maybe someone who is far more focused on Ei may say otherwise (I have a tendency to just ignore if I don't care much for a character lol) Just that the second story quest really changed my feelings on her narrative hahaha
12. An interesting female friendship?
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...okay maybe it's because I'm particularly weak to knight/liege dynamics idc but I really like Elise and her retainers a lot, but Elise and Effie stick out for me a lot because Elise finds Effie while she had snuck out from the Nohrian castle to help out those in need and runs into Effie. The two become friends and Effie decides to become her knight, devoting every second to working as a knight for Elise.
Elise is just generally a light for everyone (she is the Light of Nohr after all.), but it's nice to see how she touches people's hearts for being as sweet as she is, especially through Effie. I'm pretty sure it was like one of the first supports for Elise I got an A support on and that made me more fond of Elise (I originally was like....pretty meh on her character. I thought she was cute! But in a "generic younger sister" character type. but otherwise I kinda ignored her a lot aside from her being an incredible healer and later a greater mage)
14. An interesting familial relationship with female characters? (Mother and daughter, sisters, etc.)
hey what if i plug in one of my fave horror movies LMAO
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I don't think Umma did particularly well, but reviews tend to be pretty bad for horror movies anyhow BUT
The whole movie is centered around the mom and daughter's relationship and the mom's fear of carrying on the abuse that she faced from her mom to her daughter (hooray generational trauma!).
The mom runs away from her family in Korea to live a new life in the US, and tries really hard to assimilate to US with her daughter. She does a lot of things to try and make her daughter happy and to protect her in hopes to never be as abusive as her own mom, but that winds up backfiring because in hopes of making her daughter happy (clinging onto her daughter's dream of making a bee farm and living on an isolated farm in the countryside), her daughter winds up feeling isolated and hopes to move away for school to live a life beyond the farm. On top of that, you have news that the grandma actually passed away with her mom inheriting all the grandma's haunted possessions.
So you do actually get to see a scene where she literally becomes her mom for some scenes, but with time, she eventually finds a way out of it.
I'm not really doing this movie justice and I've only really watched it once but I've been dying to get back to it again to better dissect it BUT I've always been particularly fond of generational trauma movies so it was a very cool movie to see! Esp next to things like "Everything Everywhere All At Once" haha
Also I remember being super fond of the direction of the script. Like the mom using an American name for both her and her daughter and only speaking in English because speaking in her native tongue only brings bad memories vs making peace with the ghost of her mom and being able to embrace the culture again fully and even introducing her daughter more to Korean culture.
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rubys-domain · 11 months
welp... time to grind primos cuz kazuha/fav sword banner is going away soon and i still don't have either on my alt...........
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autumn-foxfire · 1 year
I ran into Ei during the first round of the Test of Courage and I’m still thrown off by how nice and friendly she is towards us now. Yes, I played through her Story Quests, but I mostly keep remembering her as the Shogun and not as Ei. I think it’s because the way she (or rather the puppet) is presented during the Inazuma Archon Quest that left quite a lasting impression.
Ei also tried to murder us as well so it is a bit jarring for her to go from trying to kill us to being friendly with us after spending a bit of time around the traveller.
Personally, I don't think the Inazuma archon quest was done well and Ei's character suffered because of that so her kindess and friendship with the traveller is pretty undeserved. I find it frustrating that when the traveller meets someone from the Fatui they're always extremely hostile even when they're kind to you but characters like Ei, who was responsible for the civil war in her country and again tried to murder us, are treated with respect and seemingly liked by the traveller.
Her second story quest definitely helped with her characterisation but it doesn't make up for the archon quest and even her first one in my opinion. I would have loved for some of the hostility to remain towards her, personally.
Ei's character got robbed to make her sellable T-T
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genshinlover101 · 3 years
Enemies to lovers with any favorite girl you like to write :3? Really like your writings it's so nice ^~^! And please take care too!!
Enemies to Lovers
Characters: Eula, Lisa, Ganyu, Yanfei, Sara
Warnings: spoilers to Liyue and Inazuma Archon quest
A/n: Thank you! You take care as well, I really like this trope so I decided to go ham and give love to girls from every region
Link to prt. 2 (not connected)
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• Eula disliked you because you disliked her. Of course slavery was unacceptable, and she hated her last name and everything associated with it because of it. But you continued to judge her and she wasn’t going to sit back and take it.
• Eula would purposely avoid you, but sometimes she was forced in a conversation with you. You could tell from her passive aggression that she hated your guts.
• Her changing point was when you defended her. Someone had ridiculed her for her last name and you stood up for her… she was confused to say the very least. After all who were you to talk, but somehow it brought butterflies to her stomach
• Eula suddenly dropped all formalities, her passive aggression became playful. Almost like a little child who bullied their crush, you knew Eula didn’t know how to show affection.
Eula stood around the corner mustering up the courage to talk to you while you were reading the commission board in Mondstadt. “Well well finally doing work huh?” She said with her head held high, you heard her heels clacking against the cobblestone behind you.
You turned to glance at her only to look back at the board. “Mhm, I’m trying to figure out which bounty to take. One ruin guard seems to be weakened to physical damage, while this one is rumored to be weakened to my vision.” Eula took her place beside you, she didn’t look at the posters but at you.
“Well if you ask me I’d take the first option.” She said, she hoped you’d offer to take her as she excelled at physical damage and she could impress you. A moment of silence passed until you decided.
“Hm nah, that’d be dumb,” you tore the second poster down. She gave you a playful hit on your head before pinning the poster in your hand back up and shoving the first one in your face.
“I outta take my vengeance out on you instead,” She pouted at you. “We’re doing this one together, I don’t care what you say.” You sighed and trailed behind her. You could still be irritating to her at times, but she was a handful and was grateful you tolerated her.
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• You loved books, but you were banned from the library on accordance from Lisa. You never returned books on time, therefore you were forbidden. So you resorted to stealing, but every time you would return it secretly, although still late.
• You knew Lisa didn’t like you because she was an assertive woman. She wasn’t secretive about her dislike for you. Instead of calling you a cutie like everyone else, she called you a crook.
• Lisa’s opinion of you changed when you left her little gifts in the returned books. She would always check the condition and find flowers in between the pages with a note that asked for her forgiveness in a very flirtatious way if she were reading the connotations right.
• Lisa unbanned you from the library, but requested you to read in her sight. You bonded this way and she began to call you cutie, you noticed she stopped calling others cutie, only you.
You sat at a table in the library reading your favorite trilogy. Due to Lisa’s new conditions you could no longer leave with a book, you respected it because before if she caught you she would simply just kick you out.
You heard the chair across from you screech as someone sat in it. You looked up to find Lisa staring at you fondly, resting her head on one hand smugly while sliding to you a meaty book with the other. “Try reading that one cutie.”
You read the summary on the back and it was a sappy romance one, typically you didn’t enjoy this genre, but if it was Lisa you would read it. “I have an assignment for you,” she mentioned, intriguing you more. “Read it and tell me what you think about it. Reflect on the main protagonist and their heroine. Let me know if you see any parallels.” She smiled before leaving.
You blew through the book in a single day, it was incredibly cringey. The plot was too ideal and happy-go-lucky, absolutely unrealistic. But you couldn’t help but put yourself in the main characters shoes, and pretended as if Lisa was the heroine.
At the end was a note addressed to you from Lisa, it read: give me a chance with you and I’ll forgive you for your overdue books, and beside was a poorly drawn winky face. At the bottom was Love, Lisa. Emphasis on Love.
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• Ganyu was your enemy because she disagreed with your work ethic. She thought it was inefficient and immoral which made her dislike you from the beginning.
• Ganyu was never expressive or loud in the first place, she probably despised you in silence. You found out when you called out for her and she ignored you voluntarily.
• It wasn’t until Liyue Harbor was in Peril and the Jade Chamber was sacrificed. She saw you fight valiantly for Liyue that she saw you in a different light.
•Although clumsy, Ganyu was always on top of her work. Especially when working with you to prove her superiority, but recently you noticed she wasn’t exactly following her former trends. Ganyu wasn’t avoiding you like the plague anymore, she actually made an effort to talk to you which was rare for anybody in Liyue.
Ganyu was working on a particularly hard assignment given to her by Ningguang. Typically she only handled lawsuits and fines, but recently Ningguang was giving her financial accounting… something she wasn’t familiar with, but you were.
You hear a knock on your door, “come in,” and there was Ganyu. She often found herself coming to your office nowadays, what surprised her more was her enjoying talking to you.
“Lady Ningguang assigned another one to me, can you help me balance the liabilities and assets?” You knew Ganyu was very well capable of figuring it out herself, yet she kept coming to you for help. You motioned for her to take the seat out in front of you.
Ganyu laid the ledger out in front of you, occasionally you two would touch hands on accident, sometimes on purpose. But neither of you seemed to mind, god forbid even mentioning it. You both had a permanent light blush on your faces.
Ganyu’s heart was beating so unnaturally fast she couldn’t focus on your directions. If she felt this way with you, maybe she should’ve come around on you sooner.
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• Yanfei thought you were savage, always breaking the law no matter how minor. She chased you down probably once a day for stealing from vendors whether it be food or mora.
• you knew you were a pain in her butt, in fact she would verbally tell you were a pain her butt. She would mark you up fee after fee, she told you were a waste of her time and would roll her eyes.
• One time she caught you in the act, and when you thought you lost her you delivered the stolen goods to the abandon kids who were homeless on the streets of Liyue. Little did you know she was watching you from afar and decided to let you off the hook. She figured that’s what you did with all your stolen goods.
• She started to follow you everywhere whenever her schedule allowed it. She told you if you were going to donate to the poor at least do it legally. She directed you to many homeless shelter volunteer place.
You were planning on stealing some almond tofu for a particular kid who was struggling, but Yanfei was eyeing you down. You felt chills down your spine as she trailed closely behind you.
She wasn’t dumb, she could tell you were trying to shake her off. But she wasn’t going to allow it, “Come with me,” she grabbed your wrist tightly and brought you to a commission board for charity work.
She firmly pointed to a specific poster. It advertised volunteer hours for a nonprofit that geared towards helping the same kids in poverty that you did, but legally. “You owe Liyue a mountain of fees. You’re lucky it’s within my power to convert it to community service hours.” She folded her arms, “and as your legal advisor I’ll even supervise you so you don’t have to provide a documentation of proof.”
“You’re gonna keep poor little me company huh? What’re you my girlfriend?” You tease her, she only blushed a little her eyebrows knitting together as she cringed at your disgusting words.
“Geeze you never learn.” She face palmed at your juvenile manner. Maybe you were right though, she thought. Was she following you around to enforce the law, or because she felt some type of way around you? Maybe both?
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• You served the Shogun yet you didn’t agree with her actions so you strayed. Sara thought you were dense because you could achieve so much more if only you depended more on her, but you chose to be alone.
• You could tell Sara hated you because she was quite public about it. She showed a visible distaste for you and refused to talk about you because she would get too angry if she did.
• It wasn’t until she found out about her fathers betrayal that she understood why you act alone. She understood suddenly the importance of acting on your own and rebelling against the army even if the end goal was mutual.
• Whenever you encountered Sara afterwards she would converse with you. She even gave you a nickname even though it wasn’t very flattering, and wish you good luck on your next mission.
You scheduled weekly meetings with Sara at the Kiminami restaurant, even with a new found respect for you she still found you irritating to the core. But she attended trying to find inner peace with herself.
You were way too optimistic for her, she thought your bubbly attitude was annoying in contrast to her depressive stern personality. Observers would disagree though, saying you two were a perfect balance.
“Sara, Sara- which one should I order this time? Maybe I should try yours, how do you like your meat cooked? Maybe I should request it medium rare as well, I usually have it cooked well done though. Say will I get food poisoning?” You were asking too many questions at once, as usual you were carrying a one sided conversation.
“Maybe if you gave me an opportunity to I could answer one of your many questions.” She said you could practically see the veins popping from her head.
She’d be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy your company. It was often lonely for her with her adoptive family and serving a puppet for all her life. Your big personality was enough to fill the void that she needed, she decided she would stay loyal to you. However it would be nice to stay beside you forever as your lover, maybe it was wishful thinking on her part though.
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flokali · 2 years
as a person who doesnt care much for ei [tho i havent done her story quest yet !! so im not working w all the info] from the archon quest my main impression of her was her cowardice, so tbh hearing ur takes on her is super interesting !! and its lowkey making me like her more lol -💉
(Here’s the link to the OG ask btw)
Syringe my beloved! Ah, yes, my Ei is the best character agenda is spreading well I see >_< I definitely recommend her second story quest because it was just… chefs kiss! Amazing! Under the cut because it got long, again…
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Like, I cannot talk enough about how amazing she is to me as a character! She’s so complex and seeing her evolve from the Archon Quest to her second Story Quest was so fun and I’m really hoping we see more of Ei and her development in the future even as we advance towards other nations. I’d dare to say I enjoy her over Zhongli and Venti for the sole reason there’s so much development, like, don’t get me wrong - I love both of them but Ei is just so special to me; I loved her first SQ but the second one definitely put things into perspective.
Personally, her first story quest was just so sad, imagine working your whole life towards a goal and being so caught up on the end result you never get to experience life and the less, how can I say… other fruit of labor? A lot of time when we work towards one goal we can unknowingly allow for other opportunities and experiences to flourish alongside.
I think she’s a really relatable character in the sense we often times end up too caught up within ourselves and our own whims to appreciate what’s around us, especially when we think of an idealized past, you know? A lot of Ei’s character lies in the romanticization of the past, which is what lead to a lot of her poor decision making - which is awfully human if you think about it.
In many ways, she was definitely a coward - a lot of her ignorance felt purposeful, like she herself was setting herself up to not know what was going on outside in fear of being hurt again, if you think about it; she was quite literally in her own mind in a constant state of meditation, to me it read as a coping method to try and ignore the world around her, much like one can daydream during hard situations to try and form an escape (this is more in reference to when you do so purposefully and knowingly). But there was also a lot of strength in her decision to face Inazuma, she could have perfectly allowed herself to turn the traveler down and go back to her old ways, but instead she opted to try out the mundanity of life and see how things have evolved - albeit for the better or for worse.
I won’t say much about her second SQ but it definitely helps shape her in a more cohesive way!
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kyogre-blue · 1 year
Djdjjd oh yeah I remember that, I squinted at Diluc like "are you trying to throw me off the trail? Even if it weren't p obvious it's Venti, I'd literally just need to pick up a book and see the discrepancy?" Then I remembered that this is Mr "between eating a cryo slime alive or joining the fatui I'd prefer to be crushed to death by a meteorite" So subtle is, hm, shall we say, Not his middle name. But! If Diluc could indeed be subtle, that could have been the set-up to a diversion so you'd start looking into to what Diluc may be hiding instead of any possibly-the-wind-god-in-disguise candidates! (yes I know it's a typo but I like yarn-spinning :3)
Oh glad to know there was buildup to Azhdaha bc when I played Zhongli's second quest I did feel like the dragon came all but completely out of left field haha... like was I supposed to feel sad when I didn't get the backstory until the very end and Zhongli was so unemotional abt it? Like yeah I know Zhongli's Just Like That but idk, Venti's desesperate "no, listen to me!" still lives rent free in my brain (like yeah he literally says "you don't have to listen to me" in the end cutscene and it's a direct contradiction so they changed the text in the subtitles, but the delivery was amazing. Venti sounded so pained, I'm not even mad about them leaving the soundbit in) and compared to that Azhdaha just felt like an inferior copycat of Dvalin :/ ik I have the bad habit of comparing every region to Mond, but...
Also I had seen a lot of fans talking abt Guizhong so I came out of the quick-start lantern rite expecting her to at least get mentioned on his story quests lmfao, silly me. Though I may have just been inatentive bc there was like. 0 incentive in archon quest to explore liyue and I had been actively holding back on exploring bc I felt salty about being used like a cheap rag by EVERYONE throughout the ENTIRETY of the archon quest (except for Xiao and the adepti I guess, thank u funny pompous supernatural animals u kept it real) so I was like "you're asking me how do I find this region without an absentee archon? well I wouldn't be able to tell you bc I'M NOT GONNA FIND OUT. Bitch." I feel a bit dumb though because I DID do The Secret of Nantianmen before the Zhongli quests but I have absolutely no recolection of the infodump. Like, straight up, reading through the screenshots with the weird blue haired girl and not getting even deja vu. I remebered the tree bc it's blue-veined and huge and there was a hecking seelie I lost like twice on the branches, but not anything abt the dragon rip.
Djdjdj fair, I have heard THINGS about inazuma and raiden ei (especially from my sister, who's behind me in story despite starting several months earlier bc she's vehemently avoiding inazuma lmfao) but idk, I guess I just like picking up the shiny bits and holding them to the light. Sure, there's stuff I dislike about every region! But there's stuff I like about every region too! I try to focus on that :) reading your posts is super interesting for a more critical perspective though! (And yknow it's actually refreshing for someone to actually give the sideye to Zhongli, instead of the 1000th "haha venti cares more about getting drunk than Mondstadt" abyssmal take)
Wow though, the archon quest ending without removing the sakoku decree is REALLY awful though—I was already feeling like they were pushing it too much by forcing you to do both raiden story quests to unlock literally ANY inazuma characters, but they're pushing it even MORE? And is it me or does Inazuma have, aside from NPC-itis, a subset of the same problem in liyue that it's hard to get attached to the characters? You're basically forced at gunpoint to get close to Ayaka, and Thoma left a. rather bad first impression, shall we say, by leaving you stranded in Ritou with no way to get out. and by act 3 we've barely even met the major players in the war, like Gorou (I like him bc he's fluffy and obviously cares abt his men, and I've had him for a couple of months so I was excited abt finally meeting him, but still) Sara and Kokomi. I was more interested in Kazuha bc I thought the prologue did a fairly good job setting up who he is, what he wants, what he believes in (plus I outright cackled at his intro by beidou djdjdj) but he's literally not even relevant in his own region's archon quest? Straight up vanished until the very end of act 2? Why?? And now you tell me that literally none of what he tells us in the prologue ends up ever being relevant? like what the heck was hoyo thinking :/ that many red herrings with no payoff should be illegal
I have been told (cannot confirm) that Zhongli actually emotes in other languages, but the EN dub is... hahaha.
Anyway, there's a few things here that I've thought about a lot.
One, Genshin has a really bad habit of only giving you context AFTER the climax, which renders the entire quest preceding it just floating meaninglessly in the wind and leaves the actual climax with no impact cause you haven't gotten the context for it yet. Venti's quest is like that (as much as I enjoy it), Zhongli's quests are largely like that, Inazuma archon quest is like that, etc. This is a really obvious tell for the writers being too amateur to pace/structure their story correctly, the writers having no time to do a second draft to fix the pacing issues, or both.
Two, Azhdaha is a massive writing disaster not just in terms of the quest's pacing (let's spend the entire time on tracking down some miners... what is buildup or foreshadowing), but especially in terms of its message and implications. A developer interview video explicitly says that Azhdaha is meant to be a nature vs human progress aesop. And it ends with... "nature" (Azhdaha) being sealed away while suffering endlessly ("A thousand years of pain!") and going "no, you're right, I totally deserve to be sealed away, do it," while the humans learn nothing and face no repercussions for the damage they have done for now generations. (Seriously, there are multiple instances where Liyue's mining caused supernatural problems. It just keeps happening.)
Is this how you do a nature aesop. Is it really.
There is also a throughline in Genshin about the gods doing third party racism on behalf of humans. You get to Azhdaha and he is basically tortured by reckless human expansion and yet it's all his fault and he's the only one who faces consequences. You get the oni in Itto's quest, who have to make bizarre concessions to live with humans. You get the vishaps being a sentient race and the original native population of Teyvat, but due to the gods, they've been forced into the underground and mutated due to contact with the Abyss. Even Dvalin, while it's still okay with him because that's not the focus of his story, we never get the people of the city acknowledging him as more than a monster, which would have been nice, since the whole thing was kicked off by them rejecting him.
I really don't like it because people don't need to be coddled like this. They should be made aware of their mistakes and learn to be better.
Three, Inazuma is a hilarious mess.
See, every nation's story is about the archon. The archon is the most important character and the one we're supposed to care about the most. They're the heavy weight banner that's both meta as fuck AND emotionally appealing. Venti is obvious, but even Zhongli is like... the one actual character in Liyue, who is around the most and has the most complexity and impact.
But then we get to Inazuma. Ei is the final boss, so we can't buddy up with her. We don't even see her except in two boss battles, and then she dumps out her backstory in a poorly integrated animation and the story ends.
And then, the very next thing, is we go on a date with her around town. She likes sweets! She doesn't know what fiction is! She needs you, the player, you stud, to teach her about life! Isn't she so waifu?
And a good chunk of the player base went, "excuse me, what the hell."
The writers really wanted you to go "so maybe she caused a civil war and untold suffering with her negligence and selfishness, but have you considered... I love her??" And that's fine and normal. Fans do that, I do that. Insert Legend of Galactic Heroes meme.
The problem was that the writers did not bother writing Ei into the archon quest enough for people to feel anything for her. They did the opposite, they wrote a whole lot about how much all these NPCs are suffering. So naturally, what people care about is those NPCs and their suffering.
Which Ei's story quests entirely skip over. It's just never addressed.
This gets pretty funny if you look at Sumeru because the writers were obviously aware of the issue, and they tried to patch over it.
You see Nahida a lot in the Sumeru archon quest. She's around for a bunch of the stuff going on. The thing is, Nahida is SO able to move around and do her own thing that it begins to cause dissonance with the narrative they give her (CAGED BIRD METAPHOR). We're concerned later that she got "caught" by Dottore, but this doesn't correlate with freeing her from the Sanctuary of Surasthana. I believe we don't even discuss it until after Dotorre? Because before that, she's just too able to do stuff, so it doesn't really feel like she's locked up.
But the Sages sealing her is then treated like their worst crime (even though they just inherited the situation lol). It's not that they're encouraging people go insane from forbidden knowledge or causing so many scholars to have emotional breakdowns from the pressure or mistreating the desert people. Oh no, we're against them because they were mean to Nahida. But Nahida... was cool with it basically? She could travel around, she could talk to people, she was too fine for this to be impactful even if logically it wasn't nice.
Don't even ask why we're so set on making her the archon ruler. I don't think we even ask her if she wants to do that.
The writers made Nahida present in the story a whole bunch, but they didn't really make her a good character. If anything, her presences raises a whole lot of questions while not contributing much.
(It worked tho, people are totally up in arms about their "radish daughter.")
It's similar for everyone else in Sumeru. They're around a whole lot. But the emotional core of the story is still pretty much entirely NPCs. It's Dunyarzad, it's Setaria, it's the kid whose keeper grandpa was taken, it's Rahman. They're the ones who actually care about what's going on and emote about it.
People say Sumeru is better writing, but imo it's just longer. The core issues are pretty much all the same, just dragged out and more tedious.
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