#bau hcs
Snuggling with Their S.O. (BAU Headcanons)
HUGE s/o to @ithebookhoarder for the format/inspo on these! I ✨love✨ your HCs!
*Also, PS, this lil exercise has made me abundantly aware that I am super super gay. Like, I had a hard time writing the men because imagining myself/reader snuggling with a man was so weird to me. Sorry, men of the BAU (and men in general)! I'm sure you are great, you're just not for me! So that being said, I want to clarify that I still don't write for the Criminal Minds men. I'd only do them for HCs. - love illdowhatiwantthanks (and what I want is to not write men x reader)
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Aaron Hotchner
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Surprisingly gentle, as if he's afraid you might break
Very soft, a side of him that not many people get to see (and even you don't get to see it that often)
Hands everywhere, not even necessarily in a sexual way, he just can't keep his hands off you
He gets a lil shy and sometimes has a hard time making eye contact
Lowkey obsessed with the smell of your conditioner and loves to bury his face in your neck
Big spoon, always
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David Rossi
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Will tickle you until you're practically begging for him to stop
Playful, loves to make you laugh
Plays with your fingers, soft touches that make you shiver
I mean the man is a writer, will whisper either the dirtiest or the sweetest things you've ever heard into your ear depending on the mood
Insomniac, but doesn't even care because he loves to watch you sleep
Big spoon 85% of the time, except after one of his nightmares about the Galen parents' murder
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Derek Morgan
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Soft, but somehow sensual and passionate at the same time
Will snuggle with you just to snuggle, but also is never mad if it leads to more...
Likes to keep his eyes closed and just feel you
Traces every part of you like he's drawing a map in his mind–curves, freckles, ribcage, shoulder blades, all of it
Prefers snuggling sans clothing–not for sexual reasons necessarily, just because he likes the feeling of skin-to-skin contact
Prefers face-to-face to spooning
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Emily Prentiss
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Snuggles hard, as in deep pressure, as in holding you very tight, as in wants to be as close to you as humanly possible
Loves to tuck your head in the crook of her neck
Never not playing with your hair
Seriously has a gorilla death grip on you, good luck if you need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night
Will kiss your neck whenever she can't resist–which is always
Big spoon always because she likes to make you feel safe (and she likes to feel that you feel safe with her)
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Jennifer Jareau
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Gentle and very sweet, a part of herself she doesn't get to show at work
Lots of very cute, very innocent kisses all over your face–forehead, cheek, eyelids, tip of your nose
Stares at you so long it makes you blush
Not usually very forthcoming with "I love yous" but will say it again and again while snuggling
Prefers face-to-face so she can watch you
But will want to spoon after a hard case–if it was one where she was scared for you (usually physically similar victims) she'll want to be the big spoon, if it was one where she was scared she'll be the little spoon
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Penelope Garcia
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Worships the actual ground you walk on, will make you feel absolutely adored
Makes sure you have everything you need to be comfy–weighted blanket, favorite pillow, stuffies or security blanket, white noise if you need it
Will hold you, of course she will and she will love it, but her favorite is when you hold her
Will tell you the sweetest, randomest, dorkiest things while you're snuggling
Feels almost like falling asleep and into a really good dream when she snuggles into you
If you have any pets, they are 100% invited to snuggle, too
Prefers face-to-face snuggling or little spoon, but if you've had a bad day she will not hesitate to scoop you up
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Spencer Reid
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Very, very shy at first, like he's trying so hard to be respectful that he lays there like a plank of wood
Makes eye contact only to look away and blush beet red
Plants small kisses on your shoulders every few minutes
Likes to hold your hands and play with your fingers
Foreheads pressed together while he tells you about his latest hyperfixation (it becomes his favorite part of the day)
Will always, always take care of you and hold you when you are having a hard day but secretly loves being the little spoon best
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ddejavvu · 11 months
u know ur blurb about hotch taking reader home when she faints at work.. i was thinking about a similar scenario where reader might have the flu or something and she keeps insisting that shes fine and the whole team is protesting, and aaron wants up to her and just says 🤨 can you walk? and r is trying to show how "fine" she is so shes immediately like yeah ofc and stands up real fast and hotch just goes, "good. ur gonna walk to the garage where my car is cuz im taking u home" jsjfjnsnfkekskkf
Protesting only makes the dull ache behind your eyes worse, but you insist, "I'm fine!"
"You're dizzy," JJ sees right through you, "You're swaying on your feet, and you're leaning your thigh against the desk for support."
You step away from the desk, all of your energy now focused on standing still, and keeping upright. There's a look of defiance on your face that gets even the unflappable Penelope Garcia upset, and she lets out a huff sounding like a petulant teenager, "Hotch!"
He's usually only summoned when something urgent needs his attention, so you don't have a second to call him off before he's rushing for the door and waiting to be informed with a tight frown and a raised brow.
"She's sick," Prentiss points accusatorily at you, "And she swears she's fine, so she won't go home, but she's gonna pass out. And Reid won't go near her, he's been hiding in the kitchen for forty minutes."
"I'm not sick!" You insist, feeling like siblings quarreling in front of your parents, "I just have a little headache, that's it!"
"Can you walk?" Hotch asks, and you nod vigorously.
"Yes! Yes, I can walk just fine, thank you very much."
"Good. Walk with me to the parking garage," He feels for his keys in his pockets, shutting his office door behind him as he heads down the stairs, "I'm driving you home."
"Wait- what? No!" You stammer, shoulders slumping in defeat, "Hotch, I can do this. I'm okay."
"Ooh, he got you good," Derek jeers, reaching over his desk to grab your phone and bag off of your own, "Here you go, sickie, get some bedrest. Don't come back until Reid'll shake your hand without latex gloves on!"
"Reid doesn't shake hands," You stick your tongue out at Derek, but your childish antics are interrupted by Hotch hooking his arm around your own and tugging you towards the elevator, "This is your funeral, Morgan, bedrest means I'll be bored and bother you all day!"
"Y/L/N, you already bother me all day," He laughs, calling after you and waving smugly as Hotch pulls you through the doors of the elevator, "Now you'll just be doing it in pajamas."
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cumulo-stratus · 8 months
They're Ours
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x gn!reader
Description: My HC's around Spencer and sharing clothes over the course of your relationship.
Warnings: slight nsfw(mentions of sex and others), !!Spoiler warning for season 10!! lemme know if theres anything else!
Flufftober Day 7: Sharing clothes
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At the beginning of the relationship (in like season 1/2) Spencer doesn't even realize couple sharing clothes is a thing
like if he would come home late from a case to find you asleep wearing something of his he is kinda confused but finds he loves it
And then in the morning he would ask you about and and you would say you missed him
"your wearing my shirt-"
"I know, I just missed you"
I think after around a year Spencer would be super used to it and wears some of your clothes too
like he would totally sneak one of your old college hoodies that are too big for him at the bottom of his go back some times
its the only time he wears hoodies
sometimes he can't wait to just go back to his hotel room and put it on
he just misses you and feels comforted by the familier smell
and after while of things like this you would regularly wear clothes from each others closet, not for comfort- just because they go better with the outfit
And this helped Spencer explore more fun patterns and colors through your clothes without the commitment of buying new clothes
and if you're an agent he would totally give you his FBI jacket
like im imagining you get bashed in the head and get a gash on your forehead while catching the unsub
and Spencer rushes over searching for you desperately
only knowing your injured, but the extent
and when he does find you and sees the goosebumps from the cold breeze he doesn't hesitate to wrap his puffy fbi jacket around you shoulders while the paramedic works on your forehead
Another image I had in my head is like gag gifts
like It would be so cute if you get Spencer those boxers you can personalize with a collage of your your face on it so he can quote "always be close to you"
and he would blush a lot and think that this was his real gift until you pull out the real gift
I think post prison Spencer would absolutely adore it when you wear his clothes because he needs that reminder that your still there when he notices a shirt or a cardigan missing
and he just meds to feel loved so he starts almost preferring your clothes over his because he's been deprived of you for so long
also I think after prison he would also find your wearing one of his shirts rly hot and when first sees you wearing one of his shirts again he has to have you
he would approach you at the counter while your making tea
He would wrap his arms around your waist and whisper deeply in your ear
"you look amazing in my clothes.."
"oh really?"
he would only hum as he kisses your neck..
you know the rest ;)
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austinshotbutlers · 1 year
HC: Aaron is clueless to the fact that he's such a dilf! R actually finds it funny, how the are at a school function and all of the moms are giggling like school girls at the sight of him, or how when you go with him to some fancy fbi banquet, and everyone (except for the team, because Hotch is their dad) keept looking at him (r is also a Milf, so power couple)
Everything about this is a huge YES!
So it’s a science fair at Jack’s school and it’s the first school function Aaron has been able to attend in a while. With him staying late at the BAU, he agreed to meet you there. You’re standing with your little girl, admiring the rocket Jack had built for the fair when the mumbles around you draw your attention. The moms all being drawn to Aaron, who was striding across the school hall to you, Jack and your daughter.
I imagine the school mom’s would be all “that’s Mr Hotchner… ooh he’s so handsome!” And “I wish he would come to school functions more often”. They’re all just infatuated with him because he is just the dilf of the century.
When he finally meets you, he places a kiss to your temple and peppers kisses all over your daughter’s face which makes her giggle - identical to her dad and brother - and then goes to Jack, taking so much interest in his science fair project. Later on, when you’re walking around looking at the other projects, Aaron is carrying your little girl in one arm and has his other wrapped around your waist.
“I wish you didn’t look so hot all the time.” You mumbled to him as you walked past a pack of moms who looked ready to pounce on Aaron.
Aaron would look at you all quizzical like 🤔 “why?” - he is so completely unaware just how attractive he is!
You would laugh and say “because all the other moms practically drool over you! And I can’t blame them because you’re just so handsome but you’re my husband. You have no idea the effect you have on people!”
Aaron would laugh at your jealousy and lean down to place a soft kiss on your lips. “You don’t have to worry about the other moms, I just have eyes for you.” And your heart would go all fuzzy like when you were first dating but then Jack would bring you back to reality with an exasperated “ew! Do you guys have to do that here” which causes you both to laugh.
Thank you nonnie! I 100% believe Aaron has no idea how sexy he is. I imagine when you mention it, he goes all shy.
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piqtescue · 2 years
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Sleepy Boy™️
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thegrantwater · 1 year
imagining reid, prentiss, and rossi all getting drunk at a team dinner and screaming at each other in italian and then prentiss and reid shit talking rossi in french or russian or something and rossi yelling even louder in italian while the rest of the team is attempting to piece together what started this in the first place, quietly sipping on their wine and enjoying the dinner theatre
(reid tells jj and morgan that emily started it by joking about rossi's cooking, emily tells hotch that rossi started it by making fun of reid's hair, and rossi tells garcia that reid started it because "he looked at me funny." emily will later attest to only making a joke about rossi's cooking after he joked about reid's hair because "gotta have a brotha's back," immediately taking this statement back when she finds out he said she started it and later smothers him with a couch cushion for having the audacity to lie. it takes morgan and hotch to get her to back down and she is forced to sit on the floor the rest of the evening)
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milfsincrime · 1 year
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i just had sex by lonely island came on and this little moment was born.
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scarlettromanov · 11 months
HC’s for WandaNat as your girlfriends. (T-Swift Edition)
Wanda would tell you that her favorite Taylor Swift album is Red, but you would absolutely hear her listening to Folklore every SINGLE day.
Natasha would tell you that she doesn’t listen to Taylor Swift, but then you hear her singing all the words to “You’re on Your Own, Kid.” She claims that it’s because you’ve been listening to Midnights on repeat. (Her Spotify wrapped later reveals that she’s a HUGE Swifte).
They surprise you with tickets to the Era’s tour. Nat literally fought through the trenches to get those tickets.
Wanda dresses for the Lover era, and Nat surprises you by dressing up for Reputation. 
They sing louder than you at the concert.
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junkiefox · 2 years
Idc, Derek Morgan with an eyebrow piercing. It just- it just fits him! Idk!!
He obviously wouldn't use it during the cases and to work, but when he arrives home, goes to parties, etc etc, he'd put the piercing back and let's gooo
I can see the team getting pretty shocked when they first see Morgan with a piercing, and them we have Spence having a *panic* in the back bc of it :)))
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marvelousleigh · 1 year
Hot take: the team didn't help Reid when he was on drugs, but helped Strauss, not because they didn't care, but because they learnt from Reid's case that they had to help.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
could you write abt spencer & bau!reader (secret relationship) and spencer having flowers delivered to their work and the note is really sweet (clearly from a boyfriend) and the team trying to figure out who she's seeing? <3
"I never thought something as simple as a glance could make me giddy," Penelope reads, knees threatening to collapse with how hard she's swooning, "But a single look from you has me gasping for breath."
"Y/N," JJ croons, smoothing a hand over your shoulder, "You've got him hooked."
"I do not," You whine, swatting at her hand, "Guys, you really weren't supposed to see this. Can we please just pretend it never happened?"
"Are you kidding? We've gotta meet him now," Derek straightens from where he'd been leaning on your desk, "I'll intimidate him just in case he decides to try anything stupid. And Reid-" He pauses, glancing back at the noticeably uncomfortable agent behind him, "Uh, Reid'll give him the statistics of how many times I win a fight. Right, Reid?"
"Right," Spencer nods, adam's apple bobbing as he swallows, "100% of the time."
Derek smirks at the complimentary number, nodding smugly. No one but Hotch notices that Spencer hurriedly tucks a book away into his desk, a sticky tab on the side denoting the page that he'd copied down the poem that was on the note in your flowers. Spencer had actually come into his office to ask Hotch if he thought that it was a nice poem, he just hadn't expected his answer of 'it's beautiful' to mean that you'd be reading it while ornate petals covered half of the words. Clearly, Spencer hadn't meant anyone to read the note out loud.
"You should bring him to Rossi's," Emily muses, then he can be judged on his pasta-eating form."
"I swear to god, if he holds his knife wrong," Dave starts, but Hotch cuts him off from where he's leaning against the doorway to his office.
"Alright, everyone stop meddling in Y/L/N's love life. You're probably making it less likely for you to ever meet him."
"We'll figure it out," Penelope huffs, storming back to her office, "I'll track down the flower shop and their business records if I have to!"
Once again, Hotch is the only one that notices' Spencer's eyes widen.
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Bau!Ghostbur or smthin
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cumulo-stratus · 8 months
Soaked in Adoration
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Description: My HC's around spencer and bathing/showering with his partner
Warnings: Fluff, a little bit of swearing, lemme know if theres anything else!
Flufftober Day 9: Bathing/Showering together
A/N: i know im still behind but i have this week off from school so expect more fics!
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i think early season reid would be rly awkward around bathing together so you would let it happen at a natural pace
at first you would herd him to the bathroom and start the shower before leaving him to get undressed while you get him some PJ’s and unpack his go bag 
after he gets comfortable with that you start helping him get undressed 
you would run your hands across his tense frame, hoping to ease some of the tension in his shoulders and arms
he would whine quietly at the comforting touch 
and then you would let him get in the shower- and let him do his own thing 
but eventually spencer wanted more 
he would call for you usually at least once or twice every time stating he “needed a kiss” 
of course you would oblige before going back to what you were doing
eventually this lead to taking showers together after spencers cases 
now not only would you help him get undressed- he would help you get undressed 
sometimes you would have to remind spencer that he cant just hug you the entire time- he actually has to take a shower 
now for baths 
i think he would almost always prefer laying in your arms- not the other way around 
he would need to feel safe and protected yk
i also think he would love if you wash his hair/ play with his hair in like anyway 
like if you just run your fingers through his hair/finger comb it  he would practically whine <3
i think he wold be at his peak for loving it when he has really long hair in like season 5
i think he would also equally enjoy helping you get clean- spencer is the kinda guy that finds happiness in fulfilling the needs of his partner
like it would make him happy to see you all relaxed and wrapped up in a towel afterwards 
okay now for late season reid 
i think post prison reid would now much rather hold you- than be held at this point 
like he’d feel the need to protect you after seeing everything he did in prison- like he’d need to know your there kinda 
but he’d still be a big old softie when it comes to you playing with his hair 
he’d still fucking melt every time man istg 
like if you were taking a shower before work together and he “needs help” washing his hair you wouldn’t hesitate to lightly massage his scalp as you rub in the shampoo
he’d melt into you oml
i also think that after years of being together it would become happenstance to take a quick shower together before one of you guys has work, and especially if spencer has a case so you guys can spend the most possible time together before he leaves for sometimes almost a week 
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austinshotbutlers · 1 year
Aaron Hotchner hc for me: he´s such a family man. Thats all he has ever wanted- a big happy family and a loving wife and partner :) also, domesticated Hotch is NOTHING like Chief Hotch!!
OHHH my god YES!
As soon as Hotch meets you, he KNOWS you’re the one and from that moment on, he can’t stop thinking about having little babies with you. BUT, he’s nervous about asking you about children. You guys already have Jack and Aaron is pushing 50 so he doesn’t know if you would children with him. So, he withdraws a little bit but you can’t stand seeing your Hotch so 😕 so you ask him what’s up and the minute he tells you, you hug him so tight peppering kisses all over his face. “Of course I want to have a baby with you Aaron. I wouldn’t have married you otherwise!” You laugh, placing another kiss to his lips. And he would just fall in love with you all over again!!!
When you are pregnant, he is just the SWEETEST husband ever. Constantly checking if you’re ok, offering to do anything and everything for you and always willing to go out and buy whatever you’re craving at whatever time. When your little baby girl is born he is just infatuated and seeing Jack with his baby sister… it makes his heart melt!!! He is the best dad ever.
A few weeks after baby girl Hotchner is born, you take her into the BAU to visit her daddy. Hotch is looking over a case file with Rossi when he sees you walk in. He’s surprised to see you at first but instantly melts at the sight of his daughter. He immediately lifts her out of the pram/stroller and just rocks her in his arms. The team cannot get over how soft their strict, bossy Unit Chief has gone. They have never seen domestic Hotch but now they have, they will mention it every time he’s being a hardass
And I 1000000% believe that when you tell the team you’re having a second, third or even fourth baby… they tease Hotch to no avail.
“Y’all need to get yourself a hobby.” Morgan would laugh causing Aaron’s ears to tinge red.
Thank you for this nonnie!!! So so cute. Please keep sending HCs in🫶🏻
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piqtescue · 1 year
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no words tbh
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reiderwriter · 4 months
Okay so I have a small req (Honestly this is more of an hc than anything-but I need to share cuz vshvskhbjks) I feel like Spencer is genuinely so perverted when it comes to his girlfriend??? like if you leave your panties lying around he IS swiping them and he is not ashamed like...he may not do much in public but in private he will grab a handful of your ass or tits when he can like.....In the early seasons, I feel like he'd be a little ashamed but s13+? hell no, especially when it comes to him getting caught being a lil perv gfkjk (FEEL FREE TO IGNORE THIS IF IT ISN'T YOUR CUP OF TEA!!!!)
A/N; Gave this one some ✨️angst✨️ just because I could, but YES TO PERVERTED SPENCER!! YES INDEED!!
Summary; You get to know your coworker well after a decade on the job. You get to know just how much he loves to touch you and just how much you enjoy his hands on you as well. But after prison, something is changed in Spencer Reid.
Warnings: SMUT, 18+ Minors DNI. Masturbation (M, F), oral sex (F), hand job, mentions of somewhat public indecency, groping, grinding, etc, unprotected sex, PinV, creampie, dirty talk.
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Spencer Reid had always been a pervert, and it took you six long, quiet months to figure that out. 
When you'd joined the BAU after years of begging for a chance, you were a team expecting field-hardened agents, and for the most part, that's what you'd got. Hotchner was as bureaucratic as they came, Rossi had been at the institution as long as the concept of the BAU had, and the others had some serious qualifications to their names. 
But Spencer Reid was the outlier. He was a bit timid in front of the others, always seemed to put his foot in his mouth when it mattered most and seemed to be patronized around the office a bit until it came to his intellect. 
And you didn't quite know how to act around him until you got to know him very, very well. 
A case in some state or the other had called for emergency motel rooms, unfortunate as some Nascar show or the other was rapidly filling up hotel room spaces everywhere. So, as the two youngest members of the team (and by far the most eager to please), you'd ended up rooming together in a double twin room. 
“So, Spencer, what do you do at night to wind down? Relax after a case?” The motel door had swung shut loudly behind you an awkward three minutes before you started the conversation, and you needed something to break the awkward tension in the room. 
“I… read, I guess?” 
“You're always reading. What book is it today? Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy? Maybe Dickens?” 
In response, he'd just awkwardly held up the book cover for a minute, leaving you to nod and let the conversation peter out. It wasn't the first time one of your conversations with him died out due to a mutual lack of skill, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. 
Giving in, you grabbed your bag and headed for the small bathroom, a strategic retreat to pass the time without having to acknowledge that the teams resident genius was ignoring you. 
Because he definitely was. 
You'd been on the team for six months, and you couldn't quite figure out why he'd never so much as asked you how your day was. He'd be jovially talking with one agent or the other and would clam up as soon as you joined into the fray. 
Spencer Reid was stuck in his shell, you'd been told. He was someone who didn't open up very easily, especially after his first few, very rough years in the BAU. 
You let each concern roll off your back as you showered and cleaned yourself up after a day of dumpster diving for clues. Your next aim was getting out of the shower, dried, and into bed before you felt the weight of his disinterest in you settle any heavier. 
“Hey  I'm all done now, and I'm gonna hit the hay, so bathrooms all yours.”
“Thanks,” he said and immediately strode in, shutting the door behind him without another word. 
You wished you could shake the man. You weren't exactly used to being so pointedly avoided by a peer, and it was honestly making you feel rather indignant. You wanted to grab his attention and hold it any way you could, so much so that your palms started itching. 
The sounds of Spencer's shower interrupted your attempts to rest, so you set about organizing your things instead. Folding your shirts, you placed them in your go bag, taking inventory on how many fresh outfits you had left and how much laundry you'd have left to do when the case ended. 
It could've been the haze of sleep, or perhaps just an early warning bell, but no matter how many times you counted, you always came up short by one pair of panties. It took another minute of blinking out the sleep in your eyes, becoming suddenly alert again, that you realized it was the pair of panties you'd been wearing before your shower. 
“Fuck,” you sighed, trying to fill the deep pit of embarrassment opening in your stomach before it swallowed you from the inside out. “Fuck.” 
When in doubt, you found it best to curse at least twice. 
And just like that your coherent thoughts went out the window - a morning, afternoon and evening doing manual labor under the guise of a nice desk job would do that to any girl - and you found yourself opening the door to the bathroom without knocking first or even remembering Spencer Reid's presence in the room at all. 
He froze in shock as you came face to face with him, shirt and pants open, his long cock in his hands and his face flushed with erotic shock as he rubbed up and down the length of his cock. 
“Shit, fuck, Spencer I'm sorry I was- are those my panties?” 
Rather unabashedly, your eyes hadn't left his crotch as he froze in fear at your intrusion. 
“I'm not a pervert!” He shouted, still unable to let his dick go, so close to bliss as he was. 
“You're madturbating into my panties, Spencer. What other label would you put on that?” 
“You're really hot. It's hard to ignore. I don't usually do this, but they were in here on the floor, and I thought about taking them back out to you, but then you'd think I was a pervert for touching your underwear and then I imagined you thanking me and putting them back on right in front of me and my cock was so hard and you said you were going to sleep. Did you know most men masturbate eight times a week on average? Me doing this once while sharing a room with you for a week isn't statistically …that …bad. Why are you doing that?”  
You'd been done listening halfway through and had somehow found yourself sinking to your knees. He'd rested his body against the bathroom sink, so you organized yourself in front of him, staring up at him innocently as you wrapped your fingers around his hand. 
“I want to see what it was you were doing with my panties, Spencer,” You moved his hand up and down his length, slowly dragging the lacy material across each inch. “Please let me see.” 
The empty shower kept flowing and the room was thick with steam as you kept up a steady pace rubbing up and downs Spencer's cock. 
A sense of achievement hit you with each moan and gasp he let out. Every time his hips thrust up into your hand, each time his hand stroked your hair in thanks for your copious attention. 
You'd finally gotten through to Spencer Reid in a way that you were about to make sure was mutually beneficial. 
His moans got louder and harder to conceal with a bite of the lip as he got closer to cumming. He really was a pervert, letting his coworker jerk him off in a motel bathroom while on a case. He was practically begging for release. 
“Cum for me Spencer. Make my face pretty, please please please.”
His eyes shot open wide as you stuck your tongue out, just in time to taste his cum on your lips. A few stray ropes hit your chin and cheek as well, with the majority staining the panties you'd come in to search for. 
“Thank you, Spencer,” You giggled, wiping away his cum and standing yourself up to come face to face with him. 
“Y/N, it won't-” You cut him off with a kiss that he eagerly returned hands, falling all over your body in his haste to feel every part of you. His tongue pressed into your mouth like he was a cartographer mapping out its caverns, desperate to learn each soft caress you returned off by heart. 
“If you were about to say it won't happen again, I suggest you think again, Spencer. I want this to happen again. Regularly.”
You shut off the shower and turned on your heel, walking back out to the bedroom and out of the heat for a few minutes. 
“You want to jerk me off?”
“And I'm the pervert?” 
“You were using my panties and your hand like a fleshlight, Spencer. Yes, you are a pervert.”
“I'm a pervert but you still want to jerk me off?” 
That's how it began. Your decade-long escapade with Spencer Reid. It wasn't that you dated. He was still unsure about how to approach you for another few months after that, but there was nothing like the relaxation of a few orgasms to really help you warm up to somebody. 
For the first few years, a case didn't pass without one of you slipping into the others motel room for some late night entertainment. 
You knew just how deep his fingers could hit inside you after only two weeks. You became obsessed with how well his cock could stretch you out, how his hands would gently rub around your clit in circles while you bounced up and down on his length. How he watched your breasts bounce with untold wonder in his eyes. 
You most of all loved that his tongue was as eager to taste you as you had been that very first time to taste his cum. 
Half the times he let himself into your room, he'd satisfy himself by eating you out lazily for hours on end, making you moan his name while you came on his fingers and tongue. Every flash of violet that he caught a glimpse of - that first pair of panties - drove him crazy. 
Motels and hotels and once the back seat of an SUV after a long drive became your time to get closer to your coworker. You never once thought of bringing this physical relationship home with you, though, and it wasn't a continuous thing. 
You'd had to take it easy when he got shot in the leg, not wanting to hurt him anymore. And again, when he'd gotten shot in the neck, though a few times he'd begged you to close his hospital door and help him out still. 
And you'd both distanced yourself after Emily's death and miraculous resurrection. Surprisingly enough,  you'd found your heart slightly twisted when he'd begged the team for help rescuing his girlfriend from a stalker. 
But you always found your way back in his bed with his tongue pressed against yours and his cock buried as deep into you as far as it could go. In the decade you'd been sleeping with the secretly perverted and somewhat insatiable Spencer Reid you'd never gone longer than three months without his body in your bed. 
Until he went to prison. 
The weight of your grief at losing him was unparalleled. You'd been heartbroken when Emily had died, but it paled in comparison to the thought of his isolation. Penelope had to remind you to eat, Luke had to engage you in conversation to keep you talking. 
Emily slipped a spare key to Reid's apartment to you somewhere around the three week mark, and you'd let yourself into a place you'd only ever heard described. You slept in his bed to feel his scent wrapped around you, touched yourself there to remind yourself that you were just feeling the loss of a sexual partner and friend and nothing more. It was lust and sexual frustration driving your depression. That was all. 
Spencer came out different. Everyone did. On the surface, he was still kind, still a little bit nerdy, and he still wasn't the best at reading social cues, but there was an intensity to him that wasn't there before. 
On cases, he'd wrap a hand around your waist and push a hand just slightly under your shirt while you introduced yourself to local detectives. He'd hug you at the end of every work day, breathing in your scent and telling you how tired he was. 
His hand would firmly cover your thigh and not move the entire duration of any car ride, team dinner or family event, and he'd kiss the back of your neck and grope your breasts each and every elevator ride you took alone together. 
Spencer Reid hadn't been able to keep his hands off of you for six whole months, and yet he hadn't actually touched you.
Every time you'd knocked on his motel door, he'd not opened it, and he hadn't once come to yours. 
You'd expected him every day for a week after he'd first gotten out and had even explicitly told him so. You texted your address, invited him over, and sent him pictures of you in those infernal panties that you really didn't wear that often anymore. 
He desired you still, you knew enough from brushing past him and feeling his semi push against your ass, you knew in every hug where he touched you just enough to know he wanted more but still had the control to pull away. 
You knew that he only kissed your neck, because if he kissed your lips his tongue would wander all the way to your cunt and he'd be on his knees between yours making you scream his name in pleasure. 
Spencer Reid wanted to avoid you, but he still wanted you, and after six months of celibacy you were tired of waiting around for him to finally crack. 
Emily had never asked for the spare key back. With 10 years of dalliances under your belt, you were sure the entire office had caught on, if not before prison, then certainly after his hands took possession of your body after his release. She wasn't going to ask for the key back because that was like asking a question she probably would sleep better without having the answer to. 
Spencer started his professorial work, and you finished some nights before he could manage the commute home, so it was easy to let yourself into his apartment for the confrontation. 
When Spencer finally turned his key in the lock, he found you there  on your knees on the floor in a matching violet set of lingerie. Not your originals, but certainly close enough - smaller, though. 
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” 
“I'm just sitting here in my underwear for fun, Spencer. You should try it sometime.”
He frowned at your sarcastic reply but stepped closer to you, topping your head up to meet his gaze with a quick flick of his finger. 
“I mean it, Y/N. Why are you here?” 
“I…I want you to touch me again.” 
“I touch you plenty, Y/N. I touch you here,” he traced your lips. 
“And here.” His fingers fell to your neck, sweeping some hair off your shoulders. 
“And a lot here, too.” He cupped one breast in his hand and gave it a squeeze, and you let your head rest against his thigh as he slipped a finger into your bralette. 
“I want you to touch me more, Spencer.”
“How? How should I touch you? Be a little pervert for me and tell me, Y/N?”
Your breathing faltered for a second as he pinched your nipple and you bit your lip before you told him exactly what he wanted to hear. 
“I want to feel your dick buried deep in my pussy. I want to cum on your tongue. I want you to stretch me out with your fingers and I want you to fill me up with your cum. Please, Spencer, I miss you so much.” 
He said nothing but withdrew his hand from your chest and distanced himself slightly, turning his face away from you. 
“Spencer, please, what's wrong? Did I do something-”
“Do you miss me? Or do you miss fucking me?” The words would regularly send you into an indignant stomp, and part of you was still begging you to let out a shout of “what the hell is that supposed to mean.” 
But Spencer was frozen still in the doorway of his house, almost statuesque as a melancholic look overwhelmed his features. 
Your courage drained your body as you stood up and pulled the shirt you'd earlier discarded back on. 
“Spencer? Look at me, please.” 
He did reluctantly, and that blank expression still filled his eyes with gloom. 
You grabbed his hand and pulled him to the couch, sitting him down and wrapping yourself around him. 
You say there, head pressed into his neck, legs straddling him as his arms slowly came up to pulling you back in. Your heart beat harder by the second, and you counted down the minutes as you worked up courage.
“I missed you so much I drove myself insane. I had to sleep here for a week straight after they told me you were put in solitary. Every day, I thought of your hands on my body and how much I missed seeing your fingers flipping through a book on the jet. I missed asking you what you were reading, and I missed convincing you to put the book down.” 
You pulled your head up to meet his gaze and slowly let your mouth fall to his lips. It was slow, soft. An innocent peck in the context of your usual caresses. It spoke the words I miss you more effectively than your voice could, and neither of you seemed to want to part from the warm embrace. 
“I missed you, Spencer Reid.” You spoke, cutting off your kiss as you grew more impassioned by his touch, breathing harder and speaking faster and faster now as you kept on. 
“I missed you when you came back because you kept your hands on me. You let yourself enjoy my body in public but wouldn't let me share your bed in private. You hugged me, but you wouldn't let me hold you, and you have not once spoken about how you feel, you have not once told me that you are okay now or that you are not okay and you need my shoulder to cry on.”
He was silent until your tears sprung forth, and then he was everywhere around you, kissing the drops from your face, shushing you and whispering words of encouragement and thanks and love into your ears while he placated your breaking heart.
Because somehow you fell in love with the pervert who stole your panties and now you were sitting in a room with a mostly broken man, begging him to use you to feel whole again. 
“I love you, Spencer. Please, please let me touch you.” 
“I love you, too,” he whispered against your lips, hands finding your hips again as he finally pushed his tongue into your mouth. 
His nails bit into the skin at your thighs as he forced you not to move, instead grinding up into you after another heated kiss. 
“It was hard, but you kept me going. Memories of you, your mouth, your scent your wet cunt wrapped around my cock, you kept me alive in that place.” He worked you up with each dirty confession as his hands pushed the shirt back off your shoulders and bared the lingerie to him once again. 
“Then I was out, and you were still the same as I remembered, but I was different, and I needed more from you. But I couldn't take more, and I didn't want to ask you to give more because I could not beg one more person to love me.” 
“You don't have to beg, Spencer, I love you already, I love you I love you I love you.” 
“Y/N, you don't understand. I am completely enamoured with you. I want to possess you, I want to keep you in my room, I want to have a hand on you at all times. I want to put a bullet in any man who looks at you because you are mine. I'm not a pervert, I'm a monster, and I'm going to hurt you.”
“Possess me, hurt me, keep me, Spencer, do whatever you want to me, I will let you. Just please don't leave me.” 
Your teeth clicked together in his haste to recapture your lips again, his cock hard and already sprung from his pants thanks to two pairs of quick working hands. 
He pushed aside your panties, and he was inside you, pressed to the hilt recapturing the place that was home to him. 
“You picked this color for me. You wanted me to lose control and fuck you and you got what you wanted,” he whispered in your ear as you locked your ankles together behind his back. 
“I did.”
“Good. I'm going to rip them shred by shred from your body so nobody else can see you acting like such a desperate wet cunt ever again.” 
You let out a gasp at his words, and his tongue dropped back down your throat as he rutted into you ferociously. 
“Spencer, yes, fuck me. FUCK!” 
Your hips met his in a furious clash, his hand making their way around to your butt cheek as he aided your thrusting, pulling you up and down the length of his cock. 
“That's it, look at your boobs bouncing for me, sweetheart. Your body knows when it's being fucked right, it knows when I'm here, and I'm the only one who can make you feel this good, right baby?” 
“Yes, Spencer. Yes!” 
His hand came back up to your clit as you met his hips more enthusiastically than before, fucking yourself on the length of him. 
“You're going to cum on my cock. Show me how much you missed me,  missed this.” 
“So much, missed you so much, Spence….need your cum inside me, fill me up Spencer, please."
It took both of you only a few more desperate thrusts to reach the climax you'd waited half a year for. You convulsed on his dick, shuddering underneath him as he filled you with rope after rope of cum.
But when you had both caught your breath, you still didn't let go, still holding on to him desperately as of he'd vanidj in another second despite your confessions. 
“Y/N…” he cooked into your ear as you buried your face in his chest again. “Y/N, we need to get you to bed.” 
“I'm not leaving.” 
“No, you're not. But you're not sleeping on my couch either.”
You pulled away just enough to watch his face as he dipped down for another sweetly chaste kiss. 
Lifting himself up, and pulling his cock out of you, you whimpered a little at the loss of his warmth, but after rearranging himself in his pants, he pulled you up next to him and wrapped his arms around you in a bear hug as he slowly walked you back towards his bedroom. 
“You really slept at my apartment?”
“I slept in your bed. I'm sorry, I know it was overstepping, but you were gone and I-”
“Missed me, I know.” His hands traced your spine again before cupping around your bare ass and hooking it under to touch your soaked cunt. 
“How much did you miss me, Y/N? How did you spend your nights here?” His fingers once again hooked under the panties, but instead of pulling them to the side, he quickly pulled at the seams, and you heard a ripping sound aa his eyes demanded the answer to your question. 
“Close the door, and I'll shoe you exactly what I did here, Spencer. I'll show you everything.’ 
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