#battle of keren
a-c-e-t-y-l-e-n-e · 2 years
Battle of Keren
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I finally got a decisive victory on the Battle of Keren on Forgotten Hope 2! This map has been out for years and I've never been able to fully beat it playing against bots. Finally, with a lot of determination I have.
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antiquecompass · 3 months
I don't normally make posts like this, but a coworker's daughter lost her battle with cancer last week and they're seeking help to cover the funeral expenses, so I'm just doing a little signal boosting where I can
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birgittesilverbae · 1 year
siuaraine & murder
"Hers was a natural death," Siuan interrupts before the anxieties that prickle through Moiraine can take root. "A fact in which we are allowed to take comfort," she continues in response to the maelstrom of emotion that floods down the bond. It's painfully familiar, the warring of grief with relief, interrupted only by swift dagger thrusts of self-loathing. All too reminiscent of those days bookending Tamra's funeral. She reaches up to cradle Moiraine's jaw, swiping the pad of her thumb across Moiraine's lower lip. "So none of that."
"I was not–" Moiraine begins, but if the unfinished statement alone weren't enough to call out an aborted lie then her disgruntled expression would do.
"The fact that they didn't murder Marith," she states – and Light, so casually discussing the murder of sisters, of Amyrlins, always causes a swoop in her stomach, like her foot has broken through a rotted deck plank and she's plunging into the unknown – "that they avoided doing so shows a fear to act openly. I don't believe they'll take that risk again for some time yet, not after we so neatly scuppered their pogrom. They've slipped up and revealed more of their hand than I think they intended, and they're scared." She tries to laugh. It comes out choked. "But then, so am I. The reach they would need to so deftly turn an Ajah to their designs? The decay must go even deeper than we believed. It's not just a handful. There may well be dozens."
Moiraine's mouth tightens, and a tiny wrinkle forms between her brows. Siuan's hands ache to smooth it away. "Is Chesmal Emry still in the Tower?"
Siuan exhales. She'd thought they'd long since put this argument to rest. "Moiraine."
"Is she?" There's fire in her voice, royalty demanding an answer. Withdrawing her hand from Moiraine's cheek, Siuan regards her with pursed lips and lifted brows. Just looks at her, until Moiraine's shoulders come down from around her ears and she sags slightly. "Is she?" she asks again, careful and gentle.
The tension returns as quickly as it had faded, Moiraine taut as a coiled spring. "She has proven time and again just how dangerous she can be, Siuan. I fear you grow complacent."
"I do have eyes on her, Moiraine, I'm not some bilge rat fresh off the docks. She's been spending a lot of time with acquaintances outside the Yellows, but that alone indicates nothing. Even if it did, what else could I do beyond continuing surveillance?" She presses the heels of her palms to her eyes. "Tamra, Meilyn, Kerene, Sierin, Cetalia, Light only knows how many more. All murdered in what was meant to be a place of safety. And I must sit here dangling my feet in the water as though I don't know full well that there are silverpike hiding in the reeds."
"And when do we bring the battle to them?"
"It's times like this I'm almost glad you're out of the Tower more often than not." For all that Moiraine had grown up in Cairhien, learning Daes Dae'mar in the cradle, when it comes to Darkfriends she has never quite found the patience to look at the problem and not launch into an immediate solution. She's never been quiet about her desires to pull on the thread of Chesmal's potential allegiances; she'd much rather do that and deal with the consequences as they arise than let the Black Ajah fester just beneath the surface. 
Siuan, however, is all too familiar with the waiting game, with setting lures and watching to see what takes the bait. And all too familiar with the dangers inherent in chumming the waters. Sometimes you get lucky and come home with a boat full of catch. Sometimes you don't come home at all.
Moiraine makes a perturbed sound and Siuan tugs her down into a kiss. She laughs against the sulky pout Moiraine adopts, peppers kisses up her jaw. Presses their foreheads together. "You know as well as I that exposing them is an option not yet available to us."
Moiraine pulls upright, cheeks flushed but face drawn. "Nor is your death something I will consider." Her fingertips are cool where they trace the bow of Siuan's mouth, where they brush across her cheekbone, tucking a loose lock of hair behind her ear.
"I am as safe as I can afford to be."
Moiraine arches an imperious eyebrow, gesturing from herself to the room around them. "It only took Lan a quarter of an hour to gain entry. The next who tries might not give you such a… warm welcome."
"Is that what the novices are calling it these days?"
"Siuan," Moiraine cautions, sharp as a freshly-honed boning knife. She lifts her head, glances to the side, but Siuan still catches the glint of unshed tears in her eyes. 
"You'll be happy to know that Maigan expressed similar concerns," she says, keeping her tone light. "She even suggested that I bond a Warder."
Moiraine doesn't react visibly. The shift in the bond, however, is instantaneous. She feels focused now, a captain with her hand on the tiller, scanning the horizon for any hint of danger. "What was your response?" Her voice has gone flat and clipped, all too Cairhienin in affect.
Siuan finds Moiraine's hand with her own and interlaces their fingers. Even the echo of Moiraine in the back of her head is guarded. "Well, I could've sat her down and told her, 'I’ve had a Warder for the past twelve years' and then she'd say, ‘But you’ve only worn the shawl for ten’ and I'd say, ‘Bold of you to assume one must be a full sister to bond a Warder’ and- What do you think I bloody said?”
“That you would consider it, I imagine." Moiraine brushes her thumb across Siuan's knuckles. "They can be very useful."
"I've yet to find a–" Siuan mutters, only to trail off sullenly, her throat going tight as the pressure of her oaths makes itself known.
"What was that?" The fingers of Moiraine's free hand whisper a path down her neck. Siuan longs to kiss away that self-satisfied smirk.
"I hear they benefit from reduced fatigue and improved health, while all their Aes Sedai receive is relentless mockery."
Moiraine hums thoughtfully. "I would think you would appreciate the increased stamina. After all, it certainly doesn't solely benefit me." She punctuates her words with a roll of her hips that has Siuan aching for more.
"Light, but you're a bloody lionfish." It's all Siuan can do to keep from putting this conversation aside and continuing along that path. She knows full well that is Moiraine's intent, however, and so resists the temptation.
"All tangled up in your net." Her smile softening, Moiraine bends her head to press a kiss to the back of Siuan's hand. "You do not need my permission," she says gently. "If that is what you are searching for."
"I was more interested in your opinion." She frees a hand only to retake one of Moiraine's, to bring it to rest over her heart. She waits, barely breathing, her blood thrumming wildly through her veins. An answering flood of emotion cascades down the bond, feeding her own, ratcheting her higher. All too aware of the heat of Moiraine against her.
Moiraine's eyelids flutter shut. She takes a steadying breath.
"There are already times when I can't quite reel myself in," Siuan continues. Her mouth is parched and her words lie thick on her tongue, a struggle to work free, "when I find myself mirroring you without a thought. If I had to cope with twice that? How do Greens manage? Light, how do you manage?"
Moiraine stares at her, eyes narrowed, and then she — laughs? The nerve of the woman. Moiraine schools her face to an expressionless mask, but the bond still resonates with mirth. Then she catches Siuan's aggrieved glare and dissolves into giggles all over again.
"Well?" Siuan presses.
"It's–" Moiraine shakes her head. The corners of her mouth keep jumping as though she's holding down a smile. "It's not– Whether we didn't get it quite right, or if it's that we both channel, or that we're both women…" She leans forward, her hands grounded on the mattress, bracketing Siuan's head. "The bond with Lan is nothing like this. I feel him… Not more distantly, not less strongly, but differently. I can always separate out which emotions are his and which are mine. We don't feed off each other in the same way." Her eyes narrow. "And don't you dare turn that into some filthy comment."
"The thought hadn't crossed my mind." Faintly pleased with herself at the truth of the statement, she lets her hands fall to the curve of Moiraine's waist. "That's a relief, at least." She lapses into silence, thumbs stroking Moiraine's sides.
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amyrlinegwene · 2 years
Some interesting info we get from the first Aes Sedai camp part:
-healing doesn’t seem to tire patients out as much as it does in the books. We see Moiraine is well enough to go out and shield logain. We don’t see her pass out or eat a feast worth of food despite the fact that she was almost dead before finding the AS
-the AS are shielding Logain individually while (I believe) in the books they are often linked when more power for a shield is needed
-also I feel like two powerful AS is actually not that much, although they maybe are trying to set up the contrast where Rand will need 13 (a full circle) to shield him in the future
-Moiraine is very cagey with the other Aes Sedai (per Kerene) and this is seen to be in contrast to the relationships other AS have with each other. Very likely it’s because of her being so wary of the black Ajah
-We also see the furniture-filled elaborate tents which reminds me of the AS at the last battle
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kousuisanka · 10 months
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Enomoto Setsuna, saniwa muda dari Bizen no Kuni, dan hubungannya dengan beberapa touken danshi dalam benteng besarnya.
— Sebuah rambling (lagi)
Kasen Kanesada
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Hajimari no hitofuri alias first summonnya Setsuna :D.
Karena dia first summon (+ hasil capcipcup aka Setsu ngambilnya ngasal😭) dari Setsuna yang belum belajar banyak (iyh meski keturunan saniwa pun bukan berarti Setsuna bisa langsung mahir), sebenernya Kasen punya satu kekurangan yang kurang dinotis orang lain—tpi ini bagian dari lorenya honmaru Setsuna yg belum komplit jadi ga bakal kuspill di sini hmch.
Setsuna kadang suka nganggep Kasen kayak mendiang ibunya, soalnya sifatnya rada mirip—bahkan karena Kasen juga Setsuna bisa mengobati rasa rindunya pada rumah dan Mama, karena tiap liat Kasen, Setsuna jadi teringat Haruko. Karena itu juga biasa Setsuna nurutnya ke Kasen doang wkwk 😭😭😭☝ sama yg lain bandel tapi begitu Kasen dateng langsung diem (kalo Hasebe menyerah mnghadapi Setsuna maka solusinya adalah mmanggil Kasen 👍).
Setsuna kalo lagi kangen Haruko biasanya meluk Kasen diem2 (as in ngga ngomong apa2 tau2 meluk aja). Kasen awal2 digituin bingung sih, tapi makin lama makin terbiasa aja.
Setsuna sayang Kasen, Kasen sayang Setsuna juga duns 🏃‍♂️ meski kadang capek soalnya arujinya badung banget demi apapun tpi gapapa blio kuat 😔👍
Yagen Toushirou
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Second summonnya Setsuna, sudah dianggap sperti adik sendiri (kalo kata Setsuna dianggep adek soalnya Yagen pendek WKWKWK 😭😭😭).
Setsuna suka clingy ke Yagen—kadang2 kalo gabut dia suka mampir ke ruangannya trus tau2 aja meluk Yagen dari belakang. Kadang juga suka nawarin konpeito kalo habis jajan dari yorozuya (Yagen suka concern sama ini soalnya Setsuna sering banget makan konpeito (dan manisan lain in general) hmahskshsjs kdang takut arujinya lupa sikat gigi lalu berujung giginya sakid). Mereka berdua paling sering keliatan bareng soalnya selain Kasen, Yagen suka dijadiin kinji sama Setsuna wqwqwq.
Btw Setsuna di sini selalu keliatan pake plester di hidungnya, itu buat nutupin bekas luka sayat wkwkwk. Bekasnya dari Yagen, ga sengaja kesayat waktu mereka berdua sparing pake bilah pedang asli dan sayatannya rada dalem makanya sampe ninggalin bekas (tldr Setsuna yang ngajakin dan Yagen setuju2 aja. Jadilah sejak kejadian itu dibuat peraturan kalo mau sparing dilarang keras pake pedang beneran (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)). Yagen aga merasa bersalah sih gara2 kejadian itu, tapi Setsuna ketawa aja (katanya gara2 pake plester gini dia jadi keliatan makin keren 😎☝ bocil banget memang awokwokwowk).
Azuki Nagamitsu
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Setsuna suka manis, dan Azuki suka memasak makanan manis :D.
Hubungan mereka berdua awalnya sama kayak Setsuna ke pedang2 lain, tpi makin ke sini makin improved yang mana sekarang Azuki ada pada titik dia bener2 ngeliat Setsuna sebagai adiknya sendiri (udah kayak dia ke Kenshin atau ke Koryuu atau ke Daihannya, gitu2) (kalo Setsuna sendiri mmang terang2 menganggap Azuki sbagai kakaknya sih, sama kayak dia ke Yagen www).
Udah pernah bilang ini tpi Azuki suka nitipin manisan buat Setsuna kalo anaknya lagi begadang. Kinda concerned by Kasen Kanesada (soalnya bukannya disuruh tidur malah didukung dngan mmberi makanan bergula 😭😭😭) tpi ujung2nya Kasen maklumin aja (Setsuna keras kepala agaknya mmang sulit nyuruh dia buat jangan-nunda-nunda-laporan-mingguan-supaya-ngga-bergadang).
Azuki juga ngerti banget sama kebiasaan Setsuna. Dia tau kalo Setsuna ga bisa diajakin ngobrol kalo ngantuk (soalnya nnti malah lebih gampang ketiduran kalo begitu), jadilah kalo misalnya lagi nemenin Setsuna yang bergadang buat ngebut laporan mingguan buat disetorkan ke Seifu, Azuki stay di sana sambil diem2 aja. Diemnya sambil merhatiin Setsuna, ato kadang sesekali nawarin, "Makan dulu, Aruji."
Also kalo udah kelar sudah siap sedia menyuruh Setsuna gosok gigi dulu sbelum tidur wwww.
Izuminokami Kanesada
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Izuminokami nih summoned by drops, aka suatu waktu pas kelar battle di Ikedaya nemu pedang yang begitu dibangkitkan di honmaru, ternyata itu dia 😭👍. Waktu perkenalan kesannya rada sengak di mata Setsuna—jadinya Setsuna langsung ngeledek, trus tau2 Izuminokami malah bales ngeledek (ga terima) dan berujung mereka adu mulut sampe dilerai Kasen 😭☝
Iyh mereka enemies at the first sight. Tiap hari ada aja berantemnya, bahkan TIAP PAGI kelar sarapan mereka sparing dulu di dojo (sparing hanyalah kedok agaknya kalo mengingat mostly ujung2nya mereka berantem beneran 😭😭😭). Awalnya kalo udah berantem pasti dilerai toudan lain (bahkan Kasen udah sering banget ngomelin mereka berdua) tpi karena tiap hari masih aja gelud akhirnya pada pasrah.
Setsuna kalo gedek banget ujungnya ngadu ke Kasen. Nah Izuminokami juga ngadu ke Kasen. Kasen capek ngurusin ni dua bocil egonya sama2 selangit (aka gaada yg mau ngalah) 😭😭😭😭
(kalo kata Yagen yang lagi makan popcorn, "Maklum remaja, hobinya gelud. Diemin aja, kali besok2 jatuh cinta.")
Tpi gitu2 sbenernya both of them sama2 peduli satu sama lain sih (cuman denial 👎👎). Also sebenernya Setsuna suka kalo Izuminokami nge-patpat dia ... (Ngakunya ga suka tapi jadinya Izuminokami malah makin sering nge-patpat kepala dia 😭😭😭😭 gaada sopan2nya memang ni toudan satu ke arujinya).
Ningen Mukotsu
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Aslinya Setsuna memang rada deket sama Kanesada in general :D. Doi kedatangan Mukotsu waktu umurnya 17 jalan 18, semangat banget waktu tau dapat yarinya Nosada karena berarti Mukotsu punya relasi sama Kasen (dan Izuminokami) 🏃‍♂️
Setsuna sebenernya aga kagok waktu pertama kali denger Mukotsu ngomong (kalo bagi Setsuna aga sulit dipahami makna ucapannya, dia takut salah mengerti 😭😭😭). Tapi makin ke sini Setsuna makin paham2 aja Mukotsu ngomong apaan 🤝
Kalo lagi jadi kinji biasanya Mukotsu nemenin Setsuna di ruangannya (apalagi kalo anaknya lagi begadang speedrun laporan—iyh otw tiga tahun berjalan dan kebiasaannya makin ke sini makin ke sana). Sama kayak Azuki, Mukotsu biasanya diem aja selagi Setsuna ngebut laporannya—kadang sambil latihan nulis biar tulisan tangannya ngga jelek2 amat, kadang sambil merhatiin gimana Setsuna nulis di atas kertas supaya bisa nyontoh buat belajar juga.
Kalo Setsuna ketiduran, dia nyelimutin Setsuna dulu sebelum beresin kertas2 di atas meja dan pergi keluar :(<3
Koryuu Kagemitsu & Kenshin Kagemitsu
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Temen main 👍 Karena Setsuna deket sama Azuki otomatis dia deket juga sama Kenshin-Koryuu—hubungan prtemanan tiga orang ini bisa diibaratkan sperti pertemanan dua orang bocil dan satu orang remaja gede yang hobi ngebolang/nyari belalang dngan Oyu (remaja gedenya) sbagai pemimpinnya dan Kenshin-Setsu (the bocils meski aslinya Setsuna ga bocil2 amat awokowkowk) ngintilin dia dari belakang.
Shizukagata Naginata
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Kalo ngeliat data tkrb!Setsuna di carrd (yg udah gue perbarui), di situ ada namanya Shizukagata as best kinjinya Setsuna. Setsuna sering milih blio jadi kinji juga aslinya, karena kadang Setsuna ngerasa aman aja gitu kalo di dekat Shizukagata.
Shizukagata sbenernya khawatir ke Setsuna sih (khawatir as in takut kesenggol soalnya bagi dia Setsuna rada mungil dan rapuh (karena kecil kalo dibandingin sama badannya sendiri) 😭😭😭 kalo kesenggol dia ngeri sndiri). Tapi ngeliat tuannya percaya sama dia, Shizukagata pelan2 mengurangi rasa khawatir dia.
(Smoga dia segera sadar kalo aslinya Setsuna tahan banting wkwk, kesenggol dikit ga bakal bikin dia kenapa2 😭😭😭).
The Seifu Swords (minus Bungou Yukihira toudanshis)
For some reasons (sekaligus udah masuk spoiler lorenya Setsuna makanya dispill tipis2 aja) Setsuna cuman ikut special investigation bagian Keichou Kumamoto. Selain itu, toudan seifu lain datang sendiri ke honmaru dia (dan semua udah pada kenal Setsuna bahkan sebelum dia ngenalin diri). Setsuna ga begitu dekat sama mereka, but at some point sebenernya dia penasaran, kenapa dan gimana bisa mereka (selain Kokin-Jizou yg kenalnya lewat SI) pada kenal sama Setsu dari awal, tapi gamau nanya soalnya bingung (?) (Setsuna somehow punya firasat itu bukan semata-mata gara2 mereka pedang seifu, kek ada sesuatu yang lebih dalam dari itu tapi dia ngga bisa menerka apa).
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yasarfirdaus · 10 months
Nabi Palsu
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Telinga gue masih bisa belum lepas dengan album Menari Dengan Bayangan. Satu-satunya CD yang ada di mobil gue cuma itu. Tinggal memindahkan sumber musik ke-CD album itu langsung terputar secara otomatis. Melakukan single song repeat pada lagu Rumah ke Rumah dipagi hari atau pulang dari kantor sambil emndengar berulang kali lagu Evaluasi dan Secukupnya. Album ini umurnya sudah hampir 3 tahun, tapi masih sangat relevan. Entah karena kehidupan gue yang statis atau lirik dialbum ini yang visioner.
Tahun 2023 lahir album kedua, yang buat gue memiliki emosi yang lebih dalam. Album ini rasanya lebih dark, namun disisi lain terasa lebih jujur. Mungkin dialbum Menari Dengan Bayangan, Hindia terasa seperti duta kesehatan mental, tapi dialbum ini rasanya seperti orang yang ingin berhenti memotivasi dan menekankan konsep Thanks yourself for saving you yang kerap ia pakai sebagai visual saat manggung.
Lima juta lagi untuk botol minum keras
Tiga juta kosmetik dalam game terus ku kuras
Hanya segelintir uang yang terus keluar deras
Ku sekarang bernafas tanpa tujuan jelas
Karena tak ada lagi yang kucari di sini
Mimpi menjadi besar tak menggiurkan lagi
Anganku hanya sampai sejauh tanah sendiri
Hanya ingin mengeluh tak bisa bijak lagi
Dalam sebuah wawancara Hindia mengaku kalau dia sebagai pecandu alkohol dan gamers yang tidak sehat. Gue tahu rasanya menjadi orang yang selalu dicap baik. Menunjukan diri dengan sisi yang tidak bisa diterima semua orang kadang seperti sebuah ekspresi yang penuh dengan konsekuensi. Mengambil lirik lagu Kunto Aji gue percaya kalau yang harus gue jaga adalah diri sendiri. Gak perlu berbicara terhadap kepedulian dengan sesama jika diri sendiri saja tidak bisa kamu tolong. Terdengar seperti egois, tapi piramida Marslow mengatakan hal itu. Ada dimana tingkatan gue, gue paham jelas. You do not have to win every single battle.
Mencoba menjadi orang yang peduli pada lagu Kami Khawatir Kawan, lalu body positivity pada lagu Perkara Tubuh dan menjadi orang yang penuh kecemasan pada lagu Masalah Masa Depan, Janji Palsu serta semua wawancara Iyaz Lawrence dan monolog-monolog lainnya. Lihat begitu jujurnya dan realistisnya pada setiap lirik lagu ini.
Gue tidak bisa memungkiri jika gue gak bisa menahan diri untuk tidak sing along jika mendengar lagu Cincin, di Part I gue rasa tidak ada yang lebih besar dari lagu ini. Percintaan tak ada habisnya, tapi lagu ini seakan menggambarkan bahwa semua orang tidak ada yang sempurna. Dan menjaga hidup seperti saat ini dalam kondisi yang baik-baik saja rasanya sudah cukup. Yang menyakiti, benahi lagi. Kita Kesana dan Bayangkan Jika Kita Tidak Menyerah mungkin bisa memberikan semangat setelah lagu Iya Sebentar yang sangat gloomy.
Bunuh Idolamu, Pesisir, Ibel, dan Alexandra mungkin tidak terlalu bisa gue nikmati. Tapi punya lirik yang bagus. Rasanya seperti mendengar lagu Membasuh untuk pertama kalinya. Lagu yang buat gue cukup nimkati saja liriknya.
Maka ia berpesan, pada dasarnya semua orang hipokrit
Percaya hanya pada dirimu, bukan idolamu yang liriknya berbelit
Juga dengan mereka, yang menjual air mata setiap menit
Atau dengan pelaku skena, yang bagimu keren selangit
Pada akhirnya gue akan berterimakasih pada Hindia dengan lirik yang dia tulis. Terimakasih telah jujur dalam berkarya tanpa harus merangkai kata indah yang mendayu-dayu.
This is my lovely part :
Bayangkan jika kita tidak menyerah
Tantangan apa pun dari Ayah atau dunia
Kita hadapi, kita lewati, kita ikuti, kita nikmati
Pemanasan global dan perbedaan agama
Kita hadapi, kita lewati
Bayangkan jika kita tidak menyerah
Bayangkan jika kita tidak menyerah
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champion-of-thedas · 1 year
WoT Reread New Spring Chapter 7: The Itch
·The moment this chapter title popped up, I assumed it was about them putting itching powder in Elaida’s clothes and her getting back at them for it. I’m probably wrong, but that would be hilarious.
·Moiraine is definitely trying to think several steps ahead about this baby thing.
·I kind of wonder if it was this sort of experience that led Siuan to making the wonder girls her Black Ajah hunters. This is a random thought for this chapter, but here she thinks she’s perfectly capable of finding the Dragon Reborn and saving the world (or at least Moiraine does) as Accepted. Later, the two of them would have to deal with the Black Ajah as newly minted Aes Sedai, which might as well mean that they are Accepted. She probably saw their potential and decided that if she could do it, so could they.
·I’m just going to say this: making lists also help settle me. I’m sure Moiraine doesn’t actually mean it, but sometimes if I get antsy, I start organizing weird things (like finding out all of the stuff I need to gather for crafting every item in a video game, or trying to plan out a writing schedule or when I will play a video game in what order; a lot of it has to do with video games, I’ll admit). I won’t always follow through, but it settles me. If this is actually the case with Moiraine, we can bond over it.
·KERENE! I know you’re going to die, but I’m excited to see you!
·More reminding me that the Green Ajah don’t actually go to battle. Seriously, why not just say they help out in the Borderlands occasionally? I don’t think this is actually true, because the Borderlanders get so excited when Moiraine shows up in Eye of the World, and I recall believing that it meant Aes Sedai came by every now and then to help out. This is definitely one of those times where I like the tv show more, because (while I get the commentary on resting on laurels or a standing military that isn’t actually necessary means nothing) the fact that this organization is made up of exclusively women means that instead of equating it with the institution, it is equating it with women.
·It is also because of the above thing that I believe the Ajah best prepared for the Last Battle was the Red. They have the most experience in battle and fighting channelers. I’m not sure that I don’t believe it even in the show because Green still don’t fight against channelers, but at least the gap is smaller.
·Rena or Rina or Reena? Hafton is Elyas’s Aes Sedai! We know he still seems to be a warder in the book series so I’m trying to figure out if Rina is in the main series at all. It is possible that he was released and it is just not mentioned. It’s so strange that the beginning of the series made it sound like releasing the bond was practically impossible and then towards the end people just… do it. This is without having communicated it with someone that discovered it, which makes it more confusing.
·I’m guess the lacquer on the doors represents their ranks, since they seem to follow military ranks.
·Stepin! Narrow shoulders and sad brown eyes. That makes sense.
·Also, the implication of the items in the room is that Kerene has seen combat. Maybe it’s just not in battle. So much about the Green Ajah just doesn’t make sense.
·It felt like about halfway through the series itself, women were fainting and crying and vomiting left and right so it’s nice to see an Aes Sedai receive what is probably extremely terrifying news (about the Dragon being reborn) and remaining unflappable like they were presented at the beginning of the series.
·Okay so she wasn’t told about that but being told to visit the Amyrlin urgently is probably worrying.
·All of these people being sent to search are going to be killed and probably tortured by the Black Ajah.
·This Keeper is not going to be important. Why am I getting an extensive description of her clothing and jewelry.
·The itch being Moiraine’s curiosity is adorable.
Baby Moiraine is so tenacious and adorable. She is going to be trying to leave a lot sooner after Tamra dies and the next Amyrlin starts pushing for her to become Queen. I’m also wondering what Tamra thinks Siuan and Moiraine are doing and how she would deal with it if she knew or what would change if she didn’t. I’m pretty sure the Black Ajah are going to kill her any time now, so I’m kind of waiting for the next big plot point. It is either Tamra’s death or the Aes Sedai test. The order those two fall in will alter a lot of the framing of how my story goes depending on if I decide to follow New Spring’s timeline. A lot of this part of the story will be gone, since the search is gone, which is changing a lot more than I remember.
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Other minor character name and relationship post. CAUTION: May contain minor spoilers. This is straight up a reference point just for me in the future - like a rough draft of some ideas I've tossed around.
Parents: Teman, a healer/pharmacist, and Sarai, an accountant
Students: Donatella, Farhana Junon Zuri and Yusra (Summer), Anahita (Dawn), Agape Lenotia Onoe Charis and Keren.
Parents: Noora and Sabinus, who own a smithy.
Grandmother: Lucretia, a retired priestess.
Friends from the Stables: Durans, Pastor, Taras.
Step-family: Eadwulf, a merchant, Solveig and Oonagh (half sisters). Currently living in the Winter Court.
Mother: Theano. A changeling who dies before the story begins.
Friends on Thira: Anthe, Lueke, Galatea, Calliste.
Mirche: Former business partner [and amicable ex] of Helion, currently running the winery.
Phoebus: Minister of the treasury. A real pill but good at his job.
Heba and Menae: married couple, ranked members of Court.
Alkyone: Myrtle's wife. She is the Architectural Minister.
Martialis: Captain of the royal guard.
Otho: Commander of the city watch.
Valerian: General of Day. A powerful magic user.
Indrani: Mother of Jocasta and Penelope, a retired merchant from Bharat.
Janus: Head of the banking guild. Worst enemy of Phoebus and Helion both.
Yasrin: The counterpart of Nomi, who was persuaded to lead his charges into battle, and their doom.
Municipalities of Day:
The Day Court is highly beaureacratic, divided into five major administrative legions, each with its own minor court. The largest court, in the capital, is presided over by the High Lord.
Rhodes: the capital and surrounding lands. Ruled by Helion Isidoros. It's library is known as the Hall of All Worlds.
Dodona: the westernmost region. Famously the birthplace of the last known Seer in Prythian. Ruled by Mithras. It's library is known as the Hall of All Eyes.
Zominthos: shares the largest portion of the border with the Night Court. A mountainous region. Ruled by Lipara. It's library is known as the Hall of All Tongues.
Hesperia: The region closest to Dawn. Largely agricultural. Ruled by Memnon. It's library is known as the Hall of the Lost.
Cyme: the easternmost region. Ruled by Teispes. Known for its gold and its poetry. It's library is known the Hall of the Travelers.
Cyme also contains numerous semi-autonomous islands with their own governments - Thira, Helion's former home, is one of them.
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earhartsease · 5 days
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so when we were around 5, our older brother started getting this weird monthly magazine sent by our dad's parents called Look & Learn - now this magazine was weird in numerous ways, including: it was kind of christian evangelist and our family was jewish (including said grandparents) - it was very militaristic, meant for boys who are assumed to dig warships and battles and suchlike - and it was also weirdly homoerotic, lots of art and cartoon strips about strapping fellas doing heroic stuff
anyway, it also hosted a serialised version of this extraordinary work of art, The Trigan Empire, which ran apparently from 1965-82 and follows the tales of a planet who based their culture around found manuscripts from earth covering greek and roman history - and it's this mixture of classical art and architecture, magic, and technology, and was absolutely fascinating to 6 year old us when we discovered it
we've just got hold of a compendium volume (which is huge at 14" tall) - you can buy the full thing but it's in many volumes and they're very expensive so we'll make do with this one - and we opened it at random to take a photo and landed on exactly the page we were hoping would be included, where Salvia sings alongside the slave ship hoping to find Trigo, the deposed emperor, and rescue him and his brother and son (incidentally her companion Keren has green skin and we had a major crush on him)
so we just thought you'd like to see some of the lush artwork by Don Lawrence - there's also lots of almost naked wrestling and suchlike sprinkled about in the stories so all in all it's a good time for anyone who appreciates such aesthetics (even if we are ace)
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lafie-rocket-puncher · 2 months
Spill Or Drink With Manhattan St.
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1. Yora (@kajhuha) Miu (bdanielle) Clairene (cyizhuo) kak Rofen (markplee) kak Moses (sJoehnny) kak Clarine (reuby) Bene (hanini) kak Kajin (yeeusn) Richelle (ningninz) Cerine (yaukarina) | Semua yang aku sebutin itu orangnya bener-bener cheerful and so talkative. Kalau ngobrol sama mereka, bawannya jadi kebawa positive
2. Pernah nemu kalimat "No one will ever fully be able to understand the internal battles you had to endure just to neal, just to grow, just to make it here today" abis baca itu jadi paham kalo yang bisa memahami kita tuh cuma diri kita sendiri
3. Karina! bener-bener nyaman banget, karna kepribadian dia yang cheerful banget
4. Gaada....
5. Ini, wajib dengerin pokonya
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6. Ada orang yang jbjb tuh pilih-pilih... misal aku jbjb dia, tapi dia tuh ngejbjb yang dia kenal doang dan menurut dia orang itu tuh familliar sama banyak orang. nyebelin sih itu
7. Gimana yaa 😭 paling aku banyak asbun aja sih ngobrolnya... atau ngga tanya-tanya gitu sesuatu yang random biar suasana awkwardnya ilang
8. Dia suka kucing tapi dia alergi kucing huhu T___T
9. Menggambar, nonton film, masak, main sama temen. Pokonya menghindari sosmed yang ngebuat kita bisa bikin lupain kesedihan
10. Anaheim NIKI
11. This
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12. Kalau dikasih kesempatan dan dikasih waktu luang yang banyak. MAAUU MAAUU!
13. All member pls 🥹 karna sepengen bisa seakrab gitu sama semua member yang ada di gdm
14. Alcy (@seunchae) Bene (@hanini) Yora (kajhuha) Clairene (cyizhuo) kak Rofen (markplee) kak Moses (sJoehnny) kak Clarine (reuby) kak Gijav (@vousery) Pokonya semua anak Manheattan itu cocok meranin musenya!
15. TBH, SEMUANYAAA! tapi kalo disuruh pilih 2 Blair sama Serena
16. Brietta, Yora, kak Sabina, Kezia, Miu, Bilong, Karyn, Yenef, Lala, Kiyel, Qistal, Teyis, Chez, Cacamarica... dan fambest-fambestku yang paling tersayang, banyak banget kalo disebutin 😭
17. Berkah Jomblo
18. Fi : Classy, misterius && kreatif! Desc : semua para CT-nya bener-bener berbaur banget sama semua member yang ada di gdm, selalu fast respon banget kalo ada hal kendala dari diriku sendiri, mengutamakan kenyamanan gdm. Pokonya keren-keren semuaaaa! 🩷
19. WKWKWK HAVIAN (hyuqk)
20. Siapa ya..?? kayanya Athla karna baru putus jadi masih keliatan aura sadgirlnya dan galau-galau klub. Kalo sadboynya siapa yaa...? KAYANYAA GAADA DEH????
21. kak Elxy (jwnnei) sama Fano (Jehno) karna sangat cool city namja sekali. Tapi semua member itu cantik-cantik dan ganteng-ganteng! 😍
22. Aku jarang begitu merhatiin... Tapi aku selalu mergokin kaya Cesel, kak Azel, kak Gijav, kak Yosep, Cerisha, kak Obed, Havian, Clairene, Cherine, kak osi, dan masih banyak lagi
23. SEMUA MEMBER GA SIH?? kaya ga mungkin gapunya sisi jamet...
24. Ngga
25. kak Elxy pls dia lucu banget karna pengepul meme 😭
26. Gimana ya... soalnya aku ga bakat juga buat deketin orang, apalagi runtuhin snd T___T tapi cobain aja buat banyak-banyak interact sama dia dan ngobrol-ngobrol gitu, siapa tau nanti lama kelamaan jadi tertarik sama kita
27. PERNAH BANGET HSGAVSH. aduh agak rumit ya... hmm yang paling penting tuh percaya diri dulu sih, kalo kita percaya diri pasti kedepannya kita gabakalan tau kaya gimana
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29. Pengen jadi Yora! karna dia anaknya bener-bener energinya tuh semangat terus gatau kenapa 😭☝🏻
30. Gatau apa, karna aku tipe yang males banget buat ngamatun drama atau war gitu :]
31. talkative, sopan, positive vibes. pokonya masih banyak lagi
32. Pernah deh(?) kayanya aku gabakalan terlalu naro dia dihatiku
33. Tempat pelampiasan juga iya, templat bermain juga iya
34. Kezia sama kak Sabina
35. Ngga. Tapi gitunya aku ada rasa senengnya bisa kenal yang namanya rp, karna bisa ketemu sama orang yang super duper baik yang aku kenal
42. kak Clarine, kak Kaiden, kak Marvion
36. Main game sama beberapa sq, terus upchar juga ternyata menyenangkan, dan interact sama mutual
37. Keributan
38. Liat orang yang nimbrung war tuh jadi kaya sebel gitu liatnya T___T
39. Waktu itu lagi samaan layout sama anak nolep, terus abis itu semua acc kita kena sapu 😅
41. Fi-nyaa itu bawel-bawel!
42. Solid, saling respon kalo ada orang yang lontarin topic, ngga kacang pokonya
43. kak Clarine, kak kaiden, kak marvion. pokonya semua member Manheattan!
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45. Hypocrisy, dishonesty, arrogance.
46. Karna kalo dirl lagi gaada kerjaan aku suka bermain rp 😭
47. Dideketin sama orang yang obsessed
48. Lingset sih, dulu tuh jaman-jaman 2020 orang-orang rp pada demen lingset
49. Ngaku gaakan back rp, padahal mah.. 😁
50. {...}
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51. Wakakak mantanku cuma 2 😁
52. Sebenernya akhir-akhir ini lagi ga merasa happy, karna ada beberapa hal yang aku pikirin T___T tapi ada hal yang buat aku happy, yaitu hal yang aku pikirin semua menjadi kabar baik
53. Dimsum!
54. Bilong, Lala, Yenef, Teyis, Kiyel, Karyn, Qistal
57. Bisa kenal sama orang-orang yang supa dupa baik!
58. Semua fambest-fambestku
59. Us
60. Kembali ke masa lalu dan memperbaiki semuanya
61. Makan, nonton, pergi keluar rumah terus main
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Events 2.5 (after 1940)
1941 – World War II: Allied forces begin the Battle of Keren to capture Keren, Eritrea. 1945 – World War II: General Douglas MacArthur returns to Manila. 1958 – Gamal Abdel Nasser is nominated to be the first president of the United Arab Republic. 1958 – A hydrogen bomb known as the Tybee Bomb is lost by the US Air Force off the coast of Savannah, Georgia, never to be recovered. 1962 – French President Charles de Gaulle calls for Algeria to be granted independence. 1963 – The European Court of Justice's ruling in Van Gend en Loos v Nederlandse Administratie der Belastingen establishes the principle of direct effect, one of the most important, if not the most important, decisions in the development of European Union law. 1967 – Cultural Revolution: The Shanghai People's Commune is formally proclaimed, with Yao Wenyuan and Zhang Chunqiao being appointed as its leaders. 1971 – Astronauts land on the Moon in the Apollo 14 mission. 1975 – Riots break out in Lima, Peru after the police forces go on strike the day before. The uprising (locally known as the Limazo) is bloodily suppressed by the military dictatorship. 1981 – Operation Soap: The Metropolitan Toronto Police Force raids four gay bathhouses in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, arresting just under 300, triggering mass protest and rallies. 1985 – Ugo Vetere, then the mayor of Rome, and Chedli Klibi, then the mayor of Carthage, meet in Tunis to sign a treaty of friendship officially ending the Third Punic War which lasted 2,131 years. 1988 – Manuel Noriega is indicted on drug smuggling and money laundering charges. 1994 – Byron De La Beckwith is convicted of the 1963 murder of civil rights leader Medgar Evers. 1994 – Markale massacres, more than 60 people are killed and some 200 wounded as a mortar shell explodes in a downtown marketplace in Sarajevo. 1997 – The so-called Big Three banks in Switzerland announce the creation of a $71 million fund to aid Holocaust survivors and their families. 2000 – Russian forces massacre at least 60 civilians in the Novye Aldi suburb of Grozny, Chechnya. 2004 – Rebels from the Revolutionary Artibonite Resistance Front capture the city of Gonaïves, starting the 2004 Haiti rebellion. 2008 – A major tornado outbreak across the Southern United States kills 57. 2019 – Pope Francis becomes the first Pope in history to visit and perform papal mass in the Arabian Peninsula during his visit to Abu Dhabi. 2020 – United States President Donald Trump is acquitted by the United States Senate in his first impeachment trial. 2021 – Police riot in Mexico City as they try to break up a demonstration by cyclists who were protesting after a bus ran over a bicyclist. Eleven police officers are arrested.
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belaanabils · 5 months
Mari akhiri tahun ini dengan, finally i survived. Terlalu banyak battle tahun ini. Kadang kala aku menang, tapi sering kali aku kalah. Namun, pada akhirnya aku bertahan.
Di tahun ini ga banyak ketemu org keren sebenernya, tapi ada. San dan dr. Sri salah dua nya. Mereka adalah manusia2 keren yg kebaikannya gaperlu diragukan lagi. Mereka juga sebuah ketidaksengajaan yg berjasa bgt saat masa2 survival mode.
San yg dateng tiba2 ternyata membawa banyak pelajaran yg sebelumnya ga aku ketahui. Dia banyak menyadarkan aku dalam hal apapun. Sampe bingung, ini beneran ada ya manusia yg kaya dia? Dan juga ada dr. Sri yg lembutnya masyaAllah bgt, jiwanya keibuan sekali. Bersyukur. Bersyukur bgt kenal sama manusia2 baik itu.
Tahun ini aku udah mulai bisa memaknai kata2 "cukup". Cukup dalam segala hal.
Kalo disuruh pilih lagu yg paling menggambarkan tahun ini udah pasti aku bakal pilih lagu anti hero dan yoyok.
Tahun ini juga aku ngedengerin langsung kata2 "Kita yg hari2 ketemu bela aja kelihatan perubahannya", di saat aku ga menemukan progress apapun di dalam hidup ku. The best compliment i've ever heard. Tapi, ya gitu, gabole sering2, cepet puas anaknya kalo udah dipuji. Jadi hidup serasa tyda ada tantangannya.
Timekasi diri sendiri. Mon maaf di tahun ini masih belum bisa sembuh. Ga. Di tahun depan gaada resolusi yg macem2. Harapannya cuma mau perlahan2 sembuh. Gamau cepet2, gamau yg instan. Dan tentu saja, selain sembuh aku juga pengen bisa lari, minimal 5k progressnya untuk tahun depan. Bisa ya bel. Kalo gabisa gapapa kok, masi ada tahun2 berikutnya kan. Hehe.
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michaelcosio · 6 months
By Ruth Marks Eglash
October 5, 2021
October could be a fateful month for the organized Jewish community as the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI), the quasi-governmental organization with a budget of nearly $400 million that makes funding decisions on some of the thorniest issues in Jewish life, is slated to select its next executive chairperson. The politically charged race for the sensitive post of bridge-builder between Judaism’s often warring religious and political factions is already heating up.
The previous head, Isaac Herzog, stepped down last July to become Israel’s 11th president, and the battle for his replacement is fierce, with a crowded and competitive field of nine candidates currently in the running. Jewish Insider spoke to each candidate about their vision and why they want to head the 91-year-old agency (see their comments below).
“The head of the Jewish Agency for Israel is basically the prime minister of the Jewish world,” Michael Jankelowitz, a commentator on world Jewish affairs and JAFI’s former international media spokesman, told JI. “It is the most prestigious position after being president or prime minister of the State of Israel.”
It might also be just as much of a political battle.
Deciding who will lead the agency, which was founded in 1929 with the aim of assisting and encouraging Jews worldwide to help develop and settle Israel, and take on the biggest challenges facing world Jewry today, is a 10-member selection committee representing the three factions that make up JAFI – the World Zionist Organization (WZO), the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) and Keren Heyesod.
Headed by Yaakov Hagoel, chairman of the World Zionist Organization and the acting chairman of the Jewish Agency, the committee also includes Harvey Blitz, chairman of the World Mizrachi Movement; WZO’s Racheli Baratz Rix; Helena Glazer, chair of the Zionist General Council and past chair of World WIZO; and Rabbi Meir Azari, executive director of Beit Daniel, a congregation in Tel Aviv affiliated with the Israel Movement of Progressive Judaism (IMPJ); as well as JFNA’s Michael Siegel, Mark Wilf, Jeffrey Schoenfeld; and Steven Lowy and David Koschitzky from Keren Hayesod.
To claim victory, the winning candidate must have the backing of nine out of 10 committee members, who will then make a recommendation to the Jewish Agency’s Board of Trustees at the end of this month when the board is scheduled to hold its annual meeting. If there is no consensus among committee members, the process will roll over into next year. The committee is expected to hold meetings with each contender in the coming weeks.
In the past, the individual backed by the Israeli prime minister stood the best chance of winning the committee’s support, but that changed during the last selection, when Herzog was favored over then-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s pick, former government minister Yuval Steinitz.
“This is Jewish politics of the highest order,” observed Jankelowitz. “The Jewish Agency has changed a lot since its inception. It is no longer just about aliyah, but about recognition and acceptance of all the streams of Judaism, as well as unity of the Jewish people in every corner of the globe.”
The post is also about being an effective fundraiser and manager of an often bureaucratic and bloated organization as it addresses the most potent challenges facing world Jewry. Whoever becomes the chairperson will be responsible for a core budget of some $365 million, including vast assets in Israel and abroad, as well as additional sums from the Israeli government for various targeted projects run jointly.
Backed by Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, Israeli Minister of Intelligence Maj. Gen. (res) Elazar Stern is said to have the best chance of garnering the nine-vote quota, though reports have emerged of some resistance from certain members of the committee, most notably Hagoel. The acting chairman hails from the opposition Likud party and is said to be loyal to another candidate: Israel’s former U.N. Ambassador Danny Danon, who is now chairman of World Likud.
Also considered a top candidate, according to analysts closely watching the race, is Jerusalem’s Deputy Mayor Fleur Hassan Nahum, who has worked hard to boost the city’s image and is known as an effective fundraiser. Former Minister of Diaspora Affairs Omer Yankelevitch, also vying for the position, has the backing of Blue and White party head and Defense Minister Benny Gantz. Former Knesset member and Israel National Security Advisor Maj. Gen. (res) Uzi Dayan, who flew to the U.S. last week to campaign, is supported by Netanyahu.
Non-political candidates include Irina Nevzlin, chair of the board of directors of ANU – The Museum of the Jewish People, formerly known as Beit Hatfutsot; Israel’s former ambassador to the United States Michael Oren; Michal Cotler-Wunsh, another former Blue and White Knesset member; and Bar-Ilan University law professor Yaffa Zilbershats, chairwoman of the Planning and Budgeting Committee of the Council for Higher Education.
In interviews, several candidates stressed the necessity of reaching out to “the next generation,” amid increasingly fraying ties between Israel and the Diaspora community, and especially among younger Jews.
What follows are the candidates, in their own words, discussing their visions for the Jewish world’s top post. (The list is in alphabetical order.)
“The Jewish Agency is the singular most important platform connecting Jews in Israel and throughout the world,” said Cotler-Wunsh, an expert in international law and human rights. “That was what it was founded to be, and remains its mission. Implementing, enhancing and advancing existing plans and programs, it has the ability and responsibility to bridge growing gaps and heal deepening rifts, uniting Jews worldwide.”
“At this tumultuous time, marking nearly a century of leadership, the Jewish Agency’s continued stability is an important asset, enabling it to transcend real or perceived divides — of politics, geography or denomination; to listen to all communities; and to represent their voices in Israel, ensuring the nation-state of the Jewish people, its leaders and general public, recognize and prioritize this relationship.”
“I am honored that my name is being considered for this position. I got to know the Jewish Agency very well when I was an emissary for JAFI in North America and also in my position as chairman of the Committee on Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs in the Knesset,” said Danon, who previously served as Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations and as a minister in the Israeli government.
“I believe the agency has a significant role in tackling the challenges facing the Jewish people, mainly in connecting the younger generation to Israel and Jewish life. We care a lot about promoting aliyah; at the same time we have to make sure that we bring the next generation of Jews who, according to recent polls and reports, are distancing themselves from Israel and their Jewish identity, into the Jewish life.”
“The Jewish Agency is vital for the survival of the Jewish people, and we must work to preserve the Jewish people at this very problematic time. Jewish education should be the main focus [as well as] Jewish identity, which serves as the basis of the unity and cohesion of the Jewish people,” said Dayan, a former chairman of Israel’s National Lottery and founder and chairman of the Sderot Socio-Economic Conference.
“It is important to do this work in Israel, as well as abroad, to bring the different communities around the world together with Israel and to let Israel take a leading role in promoting Jewish cohesion and unity.”
“I don’t differentiate between Israel and the Diaspora because we are all one family. Once we start with that premise, any disagreement is easier to solve.”
Hassan Nahoum, who made aliyah from Gibraltar and this year co-founded the UAE-Israel Business Council and the Gulf-Israel Women’s Forum, added: “As a former Diaspora Jew and new immigrant, I have a unique perspective. I understand what Diaspora Jews are looking for and what the challenges are for new immigrants to Israel. I am dedicated to helping improve the experience for both, building bridges and improving communication.”
Nevzlin, who immigrated as a child from the Former Soviet Union and authored a book on Jewish identity, said: “Being Jewish is a gift. We share the same roots and there is so much that unites us. I am a product of JAFI’s work, and I see this role as an opportunity to make sure that the Jewish people are united, and together, we can look forward to a shared future.”
“The most important work for anyone who becomes the chair of the executive is to engage the younger generation of Jews, to make sure they feel proud of being Jewish and to make sure they are connected to Israel. I know from my projects in the museum that this is possible to do.”
“The Jewish people are at a crisis point and we stand to lose a large segment of the Jewish people. There is no other organization that has the scope, staff and means to tackle this crisis,” said Oren, an author, historian and former deputy minister in the Israeli government who made aliyah from the United States.
“It is time to reexamine the ways we reach out to Jews in the diaspora with a Zionist message, particularly young Jews. We also need to reinforce the appreciation for aliyah among Israelis, this is a sensitive point and a huge challenge.”
“The Jewish Agency needs to look at the challenges of the Jewish world and needs the synergy to bring them together – this is essential. It is important to think outside the box and to do things that were not thought possible in the past,” said Stern, who headed the IDF’s Manpower Directorate, served as a commander of the IDF Officers Training School, and chief education officer.
“I want people to be proud of their Jewish identity. It is important, in this role, to be a bridge builder between different sectors in Israeli society, and also between Israeli society and the Diaspora,” said Stern, who initiated the army’s Nativ conversion project to assist immigrants from the FSU to convert to Judaism while serving.
“The Jewish Agency plays a critical key role in the alliance between the Jewish state and the Jewish people in the Diaspora,” said Yankelevitch, a lawyer by training who lived in the FSU as a child while her parents served there as emissaries for the State of Israel.
“For me, the issue of world Jewry is my mission, and this was reflected in my tenure at the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs and in the initiatives I led there. I was very involved in the connection between the different populations and communities, in Israel and in the Diaspora, and I think it is very important,” said the former minister, who has been deeply involved in the nonprofit world advocating for marginalized populations, particularly the Haredi sector.
“I think the Jewish Agency has an important role to connect all segments of Jewish people and connect the Jewish people in Israel and to Jews around the world,” said Zilbershats, formerly dean of the Faculty of Law at Bar-Ilan University and deputy president of the university.
“I believe that the Jewish people are one, and the State of Israel is a place not only for the Jewish people that live here but for all Jews,” she said.
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budayajaya · 6 months
Pesta Perusahaan yang Cocok untuk Bonding
Hai sobat-sobat sekalian! Gimana nih kabar kalian hari ini? Mimin harap semuanya baik-baik aja. Nah, kali ini mimin mau bahas tentang sesuatu yang pasti bikin sobat-sobat di kantor makin akrab dan seru, yaitu Pesta Perusahaan! Udah pada tau belum sih, kenapa pesta perusahaan tuh penting banget? Karena, selain bisa melepas penat setelah kerja keras, pesta perusahaan juga bisa jadi momen asyik buat bonding antar karyawan.
Pesta perusahaan sebenernya nggak melulu soal makanan enak atau dekorasi keren. Lebih dari itu, pesta ini bisa jadi wahana buat menghilangkan jarak antar rekan kerja dan membuka kesempatan buat kenal lebih dekat. Nah, supaya pesta perusahaan kalian benar-benar jadi ajang bonding yang oke, mimin punya beberapa saran yang mungkin bisa dicoba. Yuk, simak!
Pertama-tama, kalian bisa coba tema pesta yang unik dan menarik. Misalnya, tema retro yang bakal bikin semua orang flashback ke era 80-an atau tema kostum superhero yang pasti bakal bikin suasana makin seru. Dengan tema yang beda, suasana pesta bakal jadi nggak biasa dan kalian pasti bakal dapet kenangan yang nggak terlupakan.
Selain itu, jangan lupa untuk siapin games yang seru buat semua karyawan. Enggak perlu yang ribet atau susah, cukup yang sederhana tapi bisa bikin gelak tawa. Mungkin bisa coba games pictionary atau karaoke battle, siapa tahu ada bakat terpendam di antara rekan kerja kalian. Ingat, tujuan utama games ini bukan buat kompetisi, tapi lebih ke seru-seruan bareng!
Kalau bisa, ajak semua karyawan buat ikut serta dalam persiapan pesta. Misalnya, minta saran tentang tema atau games apa yang mereka pengen. Dengan melibatkan semua orang, pesta perusahaan jadi lebih bervariasi dan karyawan bakal merasa dihargai. Nggak cuma itu, persiapan bareng juga bisa jadi ajang ketawa-ketawa sebelum acara utama dimulai.
Ngomongin soal makanan, jangan lupa sediain menu yang enak dan bisa dinikmati semua orang. Nggak perlu yang mahal-mahal, yang penting bisa bikin perut kenyang dan senyum sumringah. Bisa juga coba konsep potluck, di mana setiap karyawan bawa makanan favorit mereka sendiri. Jadi, ada variasi menu dan semua orang bisa nyobain makanan kesukaan rekan kerja.
Terakhir, pesta perusahaan jangan lupa diabadikan lewat foto dan video. Siapa tahu, beberapa tahun ke depan, kalian bisa lihat lagi momen-momen seru dan lucu di pesta tersebut. Bisa pakai kamera profesional atau cukup pake smartphone, yang penting dokumentasi pesta jadi kenangan yang bisa dibagikan.
Nah, itulah beberapa tips dari mimin buat pesta perusahaan yang cocok buat bonding. Ingat, yang penting bukan seberapa mewah atau mahal pesta itu, tapi seberapa banyak kenangan yang bisa diciptakan bersama. Semoga saran-saran ini bisa jadi inspirasi buat sobat-sobat yang lagi mikirin pesta perusahaan. Have fun, sob!
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themmage · 7 months
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1. Halo prof! Kece banget webnya, udah aku pantengin! Makasih ya udah bikin oa secakep ini. Aku mau tanya, nanti missionnya relate sama sihir banget atau tipis tipis? Sama mau tanya, on convonya seminggu berapa kali prof?? Tia! 🥺🥺🤍
Halo, terima kasih AHAYYY MAKASIHHH YA UDH PANTENGIN AKUUUU, MAKASIHHH JUGA DH BLG OA INI CAKEP HIKSSSHHH (nangis ampe keluar ingus segudang) untuk mission relate ko sama sihir, kan you pasti kesini mau jadi penyihir kan? HMMMCCHH KEFOOOOO NANYA NANYAAAA, becanda. kita on convo seminggu sekali ya bisa setiap selesai mission atau sebelum mission atau pas lagi kerjain mission :P
2. Pertama mau apresiasi dulu kalau webnya cakep, aura sihir berasa.g Terimakasih udah bikin web yang bagus, Prof. Pertanyaan sih misinya bakal ada banyak atau berapa kali dalam seminggu gitu? Dah itu aja sih sekarang pertanyaannya
sebelummmmnyhhhh terima kasieee ya dh bilaaangg web kita cakepp JIAKKKHH kaya pantun ajh, misinya si ga banyakk koooooooooooo, kita si mikirnya mission seminggu sekali, tp gatau ya kalo berubah pikiran, siapa tauuu yakannn di tengah siang bolong ada drop mission :P tenang aja walaupun missionnya seminggu sekali, kalian setiap harinya bakal kita ajak main ko dengan adanya wekdul jiakh!!
3. First of all, WEB NYA CAKEUP PISAN AHSHHSHSHS. Terus untuk pertanyaan nya kita bakal ngapain aja? Apakah bakal ada kek kelas gitu? Atau ada misi hariannya?
WADUHHHH MAAKASIHHH BANYAKKKKK SJSJIEMSISMW, kita bakal ada wekdul anak gantengg, nah diwekdul itu bisa kita isi main games, challenge atau apapun sama aja kaya biasa. kaya kelas🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 mungkin bakal ada kelas juga dalam wekdul🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 misi si kita adain tiap minggu sekali ya, tp ya bisa jadi kalo kita mau bisa ad yang harian.
4. Kira-kira gdmnya on convo ga prof?
tidak, tapi kita bakal adain kooo jadi tenang ajaaa kalian bakal bondingggg!! beri aku kyu dong??
5. First of all thumbs up to Prof Gee! Web nya keren betul. Menurut kalian,kalian lebih prefer aktif jb jb tapi divingnya di rapel atau rajin diving tapi jarang untuk jb jb? Kira kira nanti kita ada on convo gak untuk gdm? Engga sabar untuk ikut berpetualang di dunia sihir😍 Inikan no event ya? Kira kira misinya tiap Minggu berkaitan satu sama lain atau ngga berkaitan tapi masih tetep sesuai konsep?Kalo kalian di pertengahan jalan liat anak kalian yang tiba tiba loyo atau menghilang apa yang bakal kalian lakuin? Apakah langsung di keluarin? Terakhir nanti ada battle sihir gak wiwkkwk
first of all.. pertanyaanmu panjang bgt bzirrr tafi gff akn ak jwab spenuh ginjal. mungkin gee si lebih aktif jbjb, tp divingnya dirapel tp divingnya jangan lama lama kesian yg nunggu mueheheh. untuk gdm bakal ada on convo ko biar kalian bisa ngobrol bahas sihir jiakkkk NOTES kalo nanti saatnya on convo PLS BGT AKU MINTA TOLONG buat jangan ada kacangin member lain, aku gamau diantara kalian ada yang merasa left out huhu, jadi pls sebisa mungkin kalian kalo ada temennya nanya, say hi, ajak ngobrol bisa ya untuk di reply bubblenya hikss, makasih ya sebelumnya! mungkin ga berkaitannya tapi tetep berkaitan sm sihir ko, tp bisa jadi juga berkaitan (karna kita buatnya bertahap). kalo kalian loyo dan tiba tuba hilang gitu aja, kita bakal tunggu sampai beberapa hari ko yang pastinya kita juga cari tauu kalian kemana dan kenapa, kalo udh melebihi yang kita tentuin ya kita bakal auto unver. tp pls ak mohon bgt sebisa mungkin bilang ya sksksk biar kita tau. battle sihirr… hmmmmccchhhhhhh 🤔🤔🤔
6. daily misi nya ada ga prof?? btw prof web nya bagus, ini diskusinya sambil nangkring dipoon? prof bee jgn gas gua ya 🙏
daily mungkin ada mungkin gaada ya mueheheheheh, MAKASIHHHHHH wkwkwkkwkw BUKAN ak tbtb ke inget anak anak sd KWKWKWKWK NAMAKU GEE BJIR
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budayanasional · 7 months
Event yang Seru dan Keren untuk Panggung Penari
Hai sobat, selamat datang di blog mimin yang penuh dengan ide-ide kreatif untuk acara yang tak terlupakan! Kali ini, mimin punya beberapa saran acara yang pastinya akan membuat panggung penari semakin berkilau dan memukau. Yuk, kita bahas bersama!
1. Dance Battle Extravaganza
Siapa yang tak suka dengan pertunjukan tari yang penuh energi dan semangat? Sobat bisa menggelar Dance Battle Extravaganza di atas panggung, di mana berbagai grup penari bersaing dalam pertunjukan tari terbaik. Buat kategori-kategori menarik dan berikan hadiah-hadiah seru untuk memotivasi semuanya.
2. Theme-based Dance Showcase
Mengusung tema pada pertunjukan tari bisa memberikan sentuhan khusus yang membuat acara semakin menarik. Misalnya, sobat bisa memilih tema musik tertentu, era tertentu, atau genre tari tertentu. Setiap grup penari dapat berkreasi sesuai dengan tema yang ditetapkan.
3. Dance Workshop and Collaboration
Mengadakan workshop tari dan kolaborasi antarpenari adalah cara yang hebat untuk membangun komunitas yang solid. Undang instruktur tari terkenal atau penari profesional untuk memberikan workshop. Selanjutnya, biarkan para penari berkumpul, berkolaborasi, dan menampilkan karya mereka.
4. Outdoor Dance Festival
Bawa pertunjukan tari ke luar ruangan dengan mengadakan Outdoor Dance Festival. Pilih tempat yang luas dan nikmati pertunjukan di bawah langit terbuka. Tambahkan elemen-elemen seperti panggung yang inovatif, pencahayaan yang memukau, dan hiasan yang menciptakan atmosfer festival yang seru.
5. Flash Mob Surprise
Ciptakan kejutan yang tak terlupakan dengan menyelenggarakan flash mob di tengah-tengah acara. Ajak beberapa penari untuk bersiap-siap melakukan flash mob yang akan membuat penonton terkesan. Pastikan untuk merekam momen ini agar bisa dikenang selamanya.
6. Dance Awards Night
Berikan penghargaan kepada para penari yang telah memberikan penampilan luar biasa. Tentukan kategori-kategori seperti "Penari Terbaik," "Choreographer Terbaik," atau bahkan "Penari Pendatang Baru Terbaik." Acara ini bisa menjadi kesempatan untuk merayakan dan mengakui bakat-bakat di dunia tari di tenda acara.
7. Tari Kolaboratif Multigenre
Jembatani kesenian dengan mengadakan pertunjukan tari kolaboratif multigenre. Gabungkan berbagai jenis tarian, mulai dari tradisional hingga modern, dan persembahkan pertunjukan yang menceritakan kekayaan kebudayaan dan perkembangan seni tari.
Nah, itulah sobat, beberapa ide event yang seru dan keren untuk panggung penari. Apapun pilihannya, yang terpenting adalah menciptakan momen yang penuh inspirasi dan kegembiraan. Semoga acaramu sukses dan memberikan kesan mendalam bagi semua penonton dan penari yang terlibat! Terima kasih sudah mampir di blog mimin, dan sampai jumpa di artikel berikutnya! 💃✨
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