#basicallyido407 fic
chinxino5-blog · 6 years
basicallyido407 fic - [ fluff request ] warnings: flirting, pick up lines. 1481 words
anon request. prompt: “office workers not-so-subtly flirting and the whole building ships them” [ sorry i forgot to do the building shipping them ^^”, but have a frustrated tyler ]
Tyler dreaded working Mondays to Thursdays. His job at the station wasn’t hard, it wasn’t annoying, it wasn’t tedious - he was fine working on Fridays and Sundays. But getting asked to work all day Tuesday and Wednesday was the worst thing he’d ever agreed to.
He got there nice and early, punctual and hopeful that maybe one of the pair would call in sick. Maybe he won’t have to worry about it. Maybe he’ll have a painless day where he could just get his work done and talk to Craig.
Marcel was the first of the two to arrive, perfectly on time with a face that told the entire building he was not a hundred percent awake. He sat at his desk, opened his computer and allowed his head to find rest on his keyboard.
Tyler returned his focus to reading through the file Evan had dropped on his desk when he’d arrived. He paid only half of his attention to the paperwork as he watched the numbers of his digital clock tick through. When the screen flashed 8:23am, the glass doors swung open and Tyler’s head dropped to his desk in disappointment.
Scotty walked in, late like every other day, Starbucks coffee in hand and grin on his face. He was naturally attractive and charming and strolled through the station with ease and confidence. His tardiness was expected and the most anyone did was roll their eyes. At Tyler’s upset glare, he just winked, and continued up to Marcel’s desk.
The black man didn’t even look up as the drink was set down on the table beside him. Tyler watched as Scotty leant back against his co-worker’s desk, smirk one they’d all seen before. “Good morning, Sleeping Beauty. Tired, are we?” he asked, tease in his voice as Marcel pushed himself upright.
Dark brown eyes seemed to study the Caucasian man for a second before his focus fell to the coffee. After a few sips, he found the energy to offer a flirty smile to the man and Tyler slammed his head down on his desk, preparing for the worst.
“Do you work at Starbucks, Scotty?” he asked, sipping his drink again in acknowledgement. A grin crawled across his face and he leant closer to his co-worker. “Because I like you a latte.”
Scotty’s smile didn’t falter, focussed on no one but Marcel. He rolled his eyes, grin soundless and lacking any sort of response that could incorporate his humour and pretend boredom. Instead, he pushed away from the desk and walked across the aisle to his own. Marcel shamelessly watched his butt as he walked away, taking another sip.
“Did you sit in a pile of sugar?” he offered, ever persistent, and Scott’s gaze slowly slid back to his as he opened up his laptop and pulled the papers on his desk towards him. There was nothing anyone could do to take the amused little smile from his lips. He could tell Marcel was happy with himself, his lips pulling back to show shiny white teeth in a grin. “Because you’ve got a sweet ass.”
Scott shook his head, unlocking his laptop. “Got anything original in that big head of yours?” he inquired and the other let out a chuckle as he finished off the last of his drink and leant on the closed file sitting on his desk.
He wiggled his eyebrows at Scott who pretended to focus on his job. “I’ll show you something original if you let me take you home,” he fired back, not a second of hesitance or thought. It was natural for him to flirt with the man who pretended he didn’t care. He could see the amusement in his co-worker’s eyes, could see the interest that he barely tried to hide. There was always a glimmer of hidden laughter in those swirls of blue that showed itself with each dorky line Marcel delivered.
His stare didn’t stray for a long few moments before Scotty turned, lips pouted in thought. He pointed a thin finger at Marcel and tilted his head. “Are you my appendix?” he asked
“Why, do you have a funny feeling in your stomach that makes you want to take me out?”
Scotty hummed in thought before shaking his head. “No… No, I think it’s because you’re absolutely useless and all you do is cause me pain.” He smiled sweetly as Marcel threw his head back with a laugh. He obviously meant nothing that he’d said, knowing his co-worker wouldn’t listen to him even if he did. His subtlety was never that great, not that it ever mattered when it came to being attracted to Marcel: he was an even worse flirt than Scott.
The back door opened, Luke walking in with a stack of files beneath his arm. He dropped several on each desk, ignoring Scott because of the pile he already had waiting for him. The boss stopped between the two flirting workers and eyed Marcel’s charming grin with distrust. He dropped several files beside his laptop. “Get some shit done today, Cunningham. If you’re going to flirt, don’t do it in my station.”
“Yes Sir,” he said respectfully, Luke shaking his head as he walked away. Marcel leaned to the side, winking at Scotty. “How about I take you on a date and we can flirt there?” he offered with a grin.
“Cunningham!” He flinched, sitting back in his seat and opening the file in front of him. His focus sharpened, typing on his laptop as he wrote down information and sorted through the papers clipped in together between the folded piece of weathered yellow card.
Tyler thought for a second that the storm may have passed, that possibly the rest of his day would be one of peace and silence for once. His hopes lasted ten minutes until Scotty cleared his throat.
“Alright.” The simple word had both Tyler and Marcel looking to him in confusion. The black man blinked, brows furrowed.
“Alright-what?” he asked.
“Alright,” Scotty paused, turning to him, “pick me up at seven.” Marcel’s brows raised. “You can take me on a date and we’ll flirt there.”
It took the shocked man a few seconds before his look of confusion and surprise morphed into one of excitement and satisfaction. His grin was blinding and it spread to Scotty’s own lips too as the other couldn’t hide his smile. “You’re serious?” Marcel asked, nodding hopefully. Scott nodded too, filling out the page with data from his screen. “Does this mean I can call you my boyfriend?”
Scotty laughed, shaking his head. It was no surprise the other would instantly be pushing for a little bit more. “We’ll see how I think of tonight,” he commented, knowing full well he was going to accept.
“How about ‘Babe’, can I call you ‘Babe’?” he suggested. His eyes sparkled at the smile Scotty wore.
“Yeah, alright; ‘Babe’ is tolerable,” he sighed, acting like it was more of a burden than anything. Both he and Marcel knew how awful an actor he was when he couldn’t pull the smile off his lips.
“Awesome, babe. I can’t wait for tonight,” Marcel said, licking his lips to try and get rid of the big grin on his face. He shot Scotty a glance before adding, “babe.”
Blue eyes rolled and the two smiled for the entirety of the day. Tyler suffered through the little smiles and lingering stares that weren’t just of longing and attraction, but more of excitement and anticipation. When Scotty got up to leave, things packed and bag over one shoulder, Marcel leaned across and smacked his ass, making him jump in surprise.
“Marcel, I swear to fucking Christ,” he uttered, cheeks pink in embarrassment as he glared at his to-be boyfriend.
“Sorry, babe,” he whispered back, grin completely unfazed and obviously not sorry in the slightest. “Can’t help myself.” He winked, collecting his own things as Scott rolled his eyes and walked past Tyler and out of the station.
Marcel followed a few minutes later, head high and walk proud with his success of the day. Both men were too caught up in their own little worlds of excitement and happiness that neither noticed Tyler’s glare and the fed-up co-worker just sighed, rubbing his eyes. Relief filled his lungs at the thought that his Tuesday was over and he could go home and sleep off the migraine his co-workers had given him.
That was, until of course, he realised it was only Tuesday and he had a whole day tomorrow to deal with both men again. He knew that after their date they would only be ten times worse. There were definitely not tears in his eyes on his drive back home; no, definitely not tears. They were… uh… he got something in his eye! In… both eyes! Yeah. That’s, uh… That’s definitely what happened.
anon’s ask
note: sorry it’s so short and sorry I didn’t include the whole building shipping them. i’ve had the first page of this opened on a window since xmas and i’ve just been avoiding it because im awful with dialogue but here it is! finally finished. it was fun to write and just a short thing, hope you enjoy it! 
thanks anon for the cute request of the cute ship <3
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bananabusboys · 2 years
All my time is wasted holding onto you
Chapter 50: Basicallyido407 - One Small Step, One Giant Leap
Although relieved at his best friend’s return, Marcel can’t help but notice something off about Scotty.
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vanosslirious · 2 years
UPDATE | CH 13 — The Dreamwalker.
summary: Jonathan & Luke are trying to figure out what is wrong with them and their magic.
fandom: Banana Bus Squad.
pov: H2ODelirious.
words: 2.261
“Just a peek inside the room, right?” he asked her, getting to his feet.
Sara nodded, “That’s all I ask.”
“You don’t need to do this,” said Luke.
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cooper-ation · 3 years
Chapters: 1/8 Fandom: Banana Bus Squad Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Marcel | BasicallyIdoWrk/Scotty | fourzer0seven, Brock Barrus/Brian Hanby, other relationships are open to interpretation tbh Characters: Marcel | BasicallyIDoWrk, Brock Barrus, Brian Hanby, Evan Fong, Daithi De Nogla, Jonathan | H2ODelirious, Anthony | BigJigglyPanda, Tyler | I AM WILDCAT, Scotty | fourzer0seven, Original Antagonist Character(s) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Magic, Government Experimentation, Orphanage, Friendship, Memory Alteration, tagging is hard I’ll do more later Summary:
Marcel and his friends are superhuman children with extraordinary abilities, and training to become the worlds first superhumans. What will happen once he uncovers the Institute’s darkest secrets?
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poly-bus · 5 years
Basically407: wanna be
it’s kinda a song fix except it’s just based off a song ??
song title: i wanna be your girlfriend
genre: fluff
I don’t wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your lips.
Everyone was sat around a table, the sky casting a warming light orange glow through the window.
“Cards against humanity always makes great content.”
Craig always put forth this suggestion, grinning at J (Smitty) and John from across the table.
“We could move back to Minecraft ?”
Brian grinned, “A game where i get to kill you guys and prank you. I’m good with Minecraft.”
“Veto that, right the fuck now”
The darker colored friend of the group was in the midst of an argument, fixated solely on finding possible videos to record while they wasted away at Tyler’s for the week.
He missed the longing gaze casted on him from a few chairs away.
“How about Dave and Busters? Everyone likes Evan being in the vlogs, and we all need to get the fuck out of my house sometime this week anyway.”
“His house, his rules,” J spoke out, John nodding his approval.
Tyler glanced around the table, spotting Scotty and glancing to Marcel curiously.
“What do you think, Marcel?”
The male nodded, following Tyler’s gaze to Scotty and peeking up a moment, “Scott.”
The group turned to him, some shrugging and others chuckling.
“What do you think?”
“About what?”
The group burst into laughter, Tyler glancing at Scotty uneasily.
The dark blonde male felt his skin crawling and stepped outside for a break, shrugging, “Do whatever, i don’t care.”
The dark skinned male sat up and grunted, “I’m gonna go... check on him.”
He slipped from his chair and fled the room, heading out into Tyler’s backyard in hopes of talking to his best friend.
The male was found casually leaning against the porch railing and looking out at the sunset.
Marcel let a joke fly through his lips, “You look ready to be fucked.”
Scott jolted, glancing warily behind him with a snort, “What?”
“I meant fucked up.”
“Yeah, yeah, sure bud.”
“You make it so easy to sneak up on you.”
Scott grinned, “I guess so. But your pretty damn sneaky.”
“Is it cus i’m black?”
The two paused before hooting with laughter.
Their laughter seemed to reach the sun, the light glowing slightly brighter as a couple of trees were out of its beam.
They finally calmed down, Scott giving a fond smile before leaning against the railing once more.
“What’s up, Scotty?”
Marcel moved closer and leaned against him, chuckling when the other shrugged and it bobbed his head a bit.
The two sat in silence a little longer before Scott straightened a bit and looked at the other.
He opened his mouth to speak before timidly glancing back down, “Uh”
Marcel looked him up and down briefly, “What?”
Scott huffed, biting his lips before sighing a quick “fuck it”.
Marcel cocked his head questionably as the other turned to him fully, the both of them straightening up.
“I hate you,” the other muttered, “but I love you.”
“What, Scotty?”
“I said- I-“
The others face grew a little pink and he huffed again, “I don’t wanna be your friend.”
Marcel furrowed his brow, lifting a hand to pull the others chin up so they were eye to eye, “What do you mean?”
“I wanna..”
Scotty’s eyes drifted down momentarily, catching at the others lips before they fluttered back up to meet the others gaze.
He groaned internally before surging forward and pressing his lips to the darker males, a hand reaching up to grip the side of his neck.
Marcel was confused for a moment before muffling his laughter in the kiss, a hand curling at Scotty’s waist and the other gripping his chin still.
Scotty pulled away and mumbled an apology, their foreheads resting against one another as they gained their breath back.
“I wanna kiss your lips...”
“Ask me out first.”
Scotty’s blue eyes flicked up, half lidded and shy but still staring at him all the same.
Marcel flashed him a grin, “Dave and Busters, yeah?”
The white male flushed before huffing and resting his nose in the crook of his neck, “Whatever.”
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cuddlysmii7y · 7 years
Sing (Basicallyido407)
Marcel danced around the kitchen, not caring if he made a mess or not as he jammed to his 80’s playlist. He was right in the middle of belting out a note when someone interrupted him.
“Marcel! What the hell are you doing?” Scotty turned down the volume.
“What does it look like? Cookies and karaoke!”
“Well, it doesn’t have to be alone… if you know what I mean.” Marcel winked at him.
“Oh no, you’re not getting me to sing.” “Is that a challenge?” “No, its a statement.” “Well its a challenge now, boi.” “Marcellll.” Scotty groaned. “Its Brittany, bitch.” Marcel sang as he changed the song. Marcel started to move his hips in rhythm to the beat. “Oh gawd no.” Scotty laughed. Marcel continued to dance “seductively” around the kitchen. Scotty rolled his eyes as Marcel tries to grind on him as if they were drunk at a club. Scotty let him slaunter around for a minute or so before finally he reached over and hit the skip button on Marcel’s phone. “Hey!” Marcel whipped around as a commercial started playing. “Sorry, that was the worst dancing I’ve ever experienced.” Scotty giggled. “Excuse you! I was killing it!” “Sureee you were, Marcel. Sure you were.” Then a familiar tune came on. “Wait, is this-” Scotty “OooOooOohhh, I,” Marcel started singing along. “Don’t want a lot forrr Chrisstmasss.” “Its too early in the year to listen to Mariah Carey!“ Scotty groaned. “Its the extra festive version too.” Marcel grinned. Marcel shimmied in time with the bells in the music. Scotty hopped up on the counter, watching Marcel prance around the kitchen. As Marcel sang a line about mistletoe, Scotty started eating the waiting cookie dough. “All I for ChristmaaaaAaaaAAAaaaaAAaa-” Marcel started singing an obnoxiously long run. He moved up in Scotty’s face, in between Scot’s legs that were swinging in time with the music. Marcel ran a finger across Scotty’s jaw as he slowly ran out of breath. Scotty hushed him by placing a finger on Marcel’s lips. “Youuuu.” Scotty said in rhythm before replacing his fingertip with his lips. “I won.” Marcel smiled into the kiss. ~Fin~
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vanoriser · 3 years
idk if anyone else remembers this shit from when the bbs fandom was at its “peak” years ago but here’s some miscellaneous stuff that i recall:
- basicallyido407 was considered a rarepair
- moo being the “mom” of the group 🤨
- the main popular ships were h2ovanoss & m/nicat for the most part (daithide/lui & terrornuckel were more so considered side ships if they were included in a fic)
- moo was always the medic in gang fics??? j bc he’s nice doesn’t mean he’s always gotta be the medic 🗿
- vanoss was always the leader in gang au fics which. doesn’t make much sense considering the group’s dynamics but it was probably always him since he was the most popular
- the h2ovanoss video nogla made then privated,,, does anyone remember that BDHDJDJ
- the clip of vanoss, o/hm, and delirious in dead by daylight and vanoss yells smth like “delirious if we make it out alive will you kiss me?” that only o/hm included in his video
- the constant jokes of smit & kryoz being the same person due to ppl in the comments lmao
- people mischaracterizing/feminizing the shit out of the group???? mainly delirious, m/ni, and moo i think, and not in the way of “oh they’re wearing skirts” but in the way that completely changed their personality 💀
- vanoss privated or deleted his als ice bucket video for some reason (it was from 2015 i believe)
that’s all i can remember rn but if anyone else has any or if i can think of anything else i’ll add it or smth lmao
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hella-slow-writer · 6 years
basicallyido407 and daithi de wildcat smut fic thingy
So the other day me and my homie @miniladdclutch1 had this really random talk
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which turning into a steamy ‘’’fanfic’’’ bits/hc thingy lol. I made the daithi de wildcat, she made the basically407. Keep in mind that this is unedited and NOT A FULL FANFIC that’s why i said this is just a ‘fanfic’ bits/hc.
WARNING: Nsfw. smut, my poor english skills, unedited
Marcel notices what is going on and looks at Scotty as if to say “aren’t they ridiculous?” That’s when he sees Scotty’s eyes are wide as he stares at the other couple, blush on his cheeks and a hand moving over so slowly over his crotch.Seeing Scotty’s reaction makes Marcel aroused so he decides to help his boyfriend out
Things starts heating up when Nogla and Tyler starts kissing in front of them, and it's not just a regular peck on the lips, it's a slow and passionate kiss.The Irish soft lips we on the American's, a wet tongue entering his mouth as he closing the gap between their bodies. Tyler's hands tangled themselves on Nogla's hair, deepening their kiss. Ecstasy running though their veins as a soft moans can be heard from both of them.
Scotty and Marcel just stares at them, they both are too... stunned to tell their friends to get a room, and to be honest, it's kinda turn them on too. Seeing both of their friends making out made lust ran through their mind. Especially Scotty, who is now staring at Marcel, hands hiding 'something' that had 'woken up' after saw Tyler and Nogla going at it. 
"M-Marcel..." the pale boy tried to hold his whimper, but failed. Red blush across his face, and his breath getting heavier, he stares at Marcel with eyes showing desire and yearning for his boyfriend.
As soon as Marcel heard the whimper from Scotty’s mouth, he didn’t care about telling the others to get a room. He grabbed Scotty’s arm and pulled him into his lap. He kissed Scotty, hard enough to bruise his lips, and started touching his boyfriends crotch, causing Scotty to moan in time with Nogla.
Marcel and Tyler looked at each other and had the same idea, both pulling their partners pants down to give them access to what they needed.
Tyler starts licking his lips when he sees that Nogla's hard member standing proudly underneath the green underwear he wore. He pulled one of Nogla's long, slender legs onto his shoulder and planting kisses on that. Soft kisses turned into tongue as he trails his over his thigh, then softly bite his skin. Soft groans coming out from the tall Irishman, he grabbed Tyler's wrist. 
"P-Please... i can't wait anymore..." the man said between his heavy breaths.
Marcel started lightly trailing his fingers over Scotty’s cock, just enough to tease with the thought of his touch as he thrusted his tongue into the younger mans mouth. Scotty ground his hips into Marcel’s lap. 
“Shit you do want this don’t you?” 
“P-p-please Marcel. Stop teasi- FUCK!” Scotty’s words were lost as, in one almost seamless motion, Marcel flipped them over in the game chair and sunk his mouth over Scotty’s member, taking him too the root immediately.
After a few minutes of Marcel’s work, Scotty was on the edge. “Marcel I’m so close. Please!” 
With a smirk, Marcel pulled away. “Not yet baby.” He spit on his fingers and put one in Scotty’s hole, causing his boyfriend to arch up at the contact. As he added more fingers, Marcel kept giving a few quick pumps with his hand to keep Scotty edged. 
“Fuck... you...” Scotty panted. 
“Nope. That’s what I’m about to do you you.” Marcel said as he picked Scotty up, sat himself back in the chair, and lined himself up with Scotty’s prepped hole. 
Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, Tyler had unzip his own pants and kneeled on the couch where Nogla 's laying, Nogla’s hands starts rubbing and then grabbing Tyler sides as the American thrust his clothed erection towards the Irishman's hands. Soft growl coming out from Tyler's mouth while he running his fingers through Nogla's dark hair. 
Nogla know what that means. He pulled Tyler's underwear down with his mouth, then jumped back a lil bit when his boyfriend's erection sprung up. He stares at it for a second, hot breaths blowing on the twitching, hardening member which caused Tyler to let out a small moan. He had seen Tyler's cock before, it's not their first time having sex after all, but it's always surprised him about how... big, and thick his boyfriend's member is. And that is one of the reason why is he falling hard over the American.
Without further a do, Nogla's lips open up and his tongue starts licking the tip of the head. He then flattened his tongue under it then slowly trails it up and down the twitching member. That's not all though, because seconds later, the tall Irishman starts taking all of Tyler's huge cock slowly, and the American moans at that. 
"Yeah, keep going, slut. You look real good like this, Nogla." Tyler smirks. He tried to stop himself from thrusting forward into his boyfriend's tight cavern, so he just grabbing a fist full of Nogla's hair.
Once Nogla is able to relax, he starts bobbing his head up and down Tyler's length. His tongue licking around the length each time he sucked it, and moan of approval comes out from his boyfriend's mouth. Wet slurping sounds travel across the room, from both couple. 
From the corner of his eye, he saw Marcel taking Scotty's cock on his mouth, and a small question appeared in his mind about why won't Marcel told Scotty to suck him instead. But eh, he had sucked Nogla's cock (which is long, although not as big as his) before so he put his attention back toward his boyfriend who looks like he really enjoying himself sucking on his cock.
"God, Nogla. You really love my cock, are you? Aren't you ashamed that your friends over there now know that you can turned into a slut because of me?" the comments made muffled moan coming from Nogla's mouth, which sent a pleasurable vibration through his cock. Tyler slowly moved his hips forward, his member hitting his boyfriend's throat which made the Irishman gagged a couple of times.
Not until minutes later, the American decided to pull his dick out from that sweet, pleasurable caven of his boyfriend. While he wants to come all over Nogla's face or down his throat, he wanted to have more fun with his boyfriend. His cock slick with saliva as he pulled out, and Nogla gives a disappointed sound. 
In the other side of the room, Scotty knew that he would be able to control his release, now that he was going to ride Marcel. He began to lower himself onto Marcel’s cock as quickly as he felt possible. It didn’t take long due to the prep he had received. He raised and lowered himself a couple of times, getting the friction and movement he craved and Marcel moaned from. Then, he felt Marcel holding him up and keeping him from taking the cock again.
“No way baby. You didn’t think that I would let you finish that quickly did you?”
“Get off me!” 
“Nope. I’m staying here.” 
“If you don’t move, no sex for a month.” Scotty reluctantly moved, only to have Marcel stand up, grab his shoulder, and bend him over the chair. Marcel started to enter him, slowly. “You prick. Fuck me!!!” 
“Oh I will. I’ve just got to make you last as long as Nogla.”
Seeing that Scotty who is now on Marcel's lap, Tyler wants to do the same. He sit on the couch and then one hand gesturing toward his lap, ordering Nogla to sit on his lap. The Irishman obliged after pulling down his green underwear, hands then wrapped around the American's toned back. He gave the taller man a gentle peck on his lips, before chucking against his breath.  
"We really doing this with our friends watching over there?" 
"You started it." Tyler slowly moved his lips down his jaw, then towards his neck. The Irishman tried to hold back his whimper and moan, but failed when Tyler's planting a soft kisses and bites on his neck and his collarbone. 
The pleasure he felt made him moving slowly, grinding his erection against the other's. This action earns a loud smack across his ass, and Nogla gives a surprised gasp. 
"Did i say you could do that, slut?" Tyler asked, deepening his voice. Nogla shake his head, mumbling 'sorry' as more loud smack filling the room. Tears forming around his eyes, and that made Tyler felt that was enough. 
"Tell me what do you want from me." the American asked again, enjoying the whimpering mess in front of him. "Let them hear what do you want from me." 
If this is his 'usual' self, Nogla would have reject the idea and just throwing swear words at his boyfriend. But not now, not when he feels that his boyfriend has teasing him enough and not giving him what he wants. He really wants to feel his boyfriend's length inside him, brushing against his prostate which will send a huge amount of pleasure through his body before filling him with his hot seed. He will make Tyler do that to him, even if that means he will throw his pride away.
"P-Please fuck me, Tyler... I-I want you to fuck me so hard, i’m turning into your sex toy! I want you to fill my ass with your hot seed!" The tall Irishman yelled between his heavy breaths, tried to holding back his whimper.
Tyler smirked, satisfied with the answer. His hand reached for lube from his pants' pocket before Nogla grabbed his wrist. 
"I-I already prep myself before... you can go in now. I need it so badly, Tyler. Please." his boyfriend begs, face red and sweaty. Brown eyes staring at blue eyes with lust, which made Tyler chuckled. 
"You really are a slut." he said before he finally entering quickly, taking Nogla by surprise as he trows his head back in pleasure, mouth opening in a silent scream.
Tyler slowly pushed in and out before he starts doing a faster pace. His dick brushing against Nogla's bundle of nerves which made pleasure zaps thrill through the Irishman's body. Constant moan, whimpers, groans, and skin slapping against skin, along with various other noises filling the entire room as both couple actively going at it. Sometimes, Nogla will moans at the same time as Scotty. 
The pleasure and tightening coil in his stomach from how hard and fast Tyler fucking him made him lose his mind real quick. He didn't care that Marcel and Scotty can heard him whimpering, moaning, telling Tyler to fuck him even faster and deeper, as well some degrading names to refer himself. He can't help it, his mind is filled with how good he feels and how much he loves Tyler and his dick.
Meanwhile, Scotty had no control over Marcel’s actions now, as his boyfriend started pounding him from behind. Noglas moans heightened his arousal, leading him to feel closer to the edge than before. He began to push himself back into Marcel’s thrusts, trying to get to his orgasm. 
By this point, he hears Nogla panting and moaning all kinds of dirty things, making him hope that Nogla is close so he can finally finish. Marcel’s moans tell him that he is close too. He arches his back and pulls Marcel to him. 
“Let me cum... please...” he says between thrusts. Marcel reaches around and grabs his cock, jerking Scotty off to the timing of his thrust. With a shout, Scotty finds his release, shaking and falling into the chair that had supported him earlier. 
The pressure of Scotty’s walls clenching around him in combination from the pride of seeing his boyfriend fall apart and hearing Nogla shouts of release was too much for Marcel. He followed Scotty into release, falling on top of his boyfriend. 
Nogla writhed in front of him as he nearly reaching his peak, he pulls Tyler close into tight embrace as he bounced on time with Tyler's thrust. Tyler himself nearly comes at the beautiful sight in front him. The sight of Nogla red faced, eyes rolling into the back of his head as Tyler constantly hitting his pleasure spot, tongue out with saliva dribbling out from the side of his mouth, along with the tightness of Nogla's clenching and unclenching around Tyler's length so good... it drives him crazy. 
It didn't take long for both of them to come, with various noises coming from Marcel and Scotty on the other side of the room, they both reached their climax. Nogla's holds Tyler for dear life as his cock twitching, shooting semen towards his chest while Tyler tightly grabbing his ass cheeks while he rode out his orgasm. Thick ropes of semen continued to shot inside and outside of the Irishman, even after the American pulls out. The action made his load slid out from his boyfriend's hole, as he filled him with so much load before.
Both of them panted and shaking after that intense orgasm, before Tyler drew his lips towards Nogla's, giving him a slow yet passionate kiss. Nogla went limp afterwards, he literally feels like all of his energy had been drained and all he wants now is sleep. He shares a look towards Scotty, who is also looks so tired and worn out over his sex with Marcel, before they both close their eyes.
A sense of pride running through The American body as he basically fucking his boyfriend so good, he made him 'fainted'. And, he didn't need to jerk him off to came like Marcel did with Scotty, only with his great-fucking skill that Nogla came with a loud moan. He gave his friend an annoying smirk as he glance at Marcel, basically saying "I am better than you."
Marcel, who caught that expression from Tyler just glares at him in return. He swear to wipe that big ass smirk from Tyler’s face later, not now though because he prefer to just bring Scotty into a bedroom and cuddle with him there. Which Tyler will probably do the same to his boyfriend.
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chinxino5-blog · 6 years
hi! long time no see, i hope you’ve all been doing well thanks for 700, thats incredible even though i havent been here i just wanted to drop in and let you guys know i have a new writing blog: 
[ @mssjynx ]
so here im going to be writing both gay baby gang and banana bus squad content. i ALSO have just begun a story i talked about a lot on this blog before i moved
apocalyptic. remember the zombie apocalypse story i ranted about here and there? i finally got started on that thing and i’m about three parts in, with the introduction just posted on my new blog and my ao3.  i just wanted to let you guys know because a lot of you were here for my bbs content, specifically my long chapter fics like Cute, I Want To Paint Your Lips and It’s A Package Deal. 
apocalyptic is going to be like this, except far more planned, far longer and with a lot more content, characters and relationships. (as well as a lot of loss and pain). i really think a lot of you will enjoy it and i want to make sure that you guys are aware i have indeed started it finally and i intend to get a lot of it done over my summer break. 
so here is a link to the introduction on my new blog: Experiment 32, mssjynx
and here is a link to the novel on my ao3: apocalyptic, ao3 (mssjynx)
please if you are still interested in my writing, go follow my new blog where i will (once exams pass) be posting a lot more on. i will be mixing the two fandoms, and working with both because the characters are all too good to ignore. 
i hope you guys check out apocalyptic too and i hope you find it interesting! i will have two more parts published by the end of this week if you want to wait until they are up before deciding whether you are interested enough to follow. 
otherwise, thank you for your time. thank you for 700 again on this blog - and i hope to see you guys elsewhere :D
- grace (or jynx)  @mssjynx
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bananabusboys · 2 years
All my time is wasted holding onto you
Chapter 54: making deals
Evan, Marcel and Brian make a deal.
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vanosslirious · 2 years
Update | CH 14 — Advice & Clarification
Fandom: Banana Bus Squad.
Pairing: Krii7y.
Words: 1.703.
“How’s your wound?” Marcel asked once Jaren had walked back into the kitchen.
Jaren was taking painkillers when he asked, drinking the rest of his coffee. “I can walk…and talk…I’ll be fine.”
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fayfictions · 6 years
Partners in Crime
Based off of the song Partners In Crime by Set It Off. I hope you enjoy this long and angsty fic!
Pairing: Basicallyido407
It started as a small little hobby.
They'd sneak into parties (mostly college ones that were hosted by some snotty rich kid) and distract people as they pickpocketed them. Scotty was more discreet, being able to take a wallet from a pocket and he was talking to the person who owned said wallet. Marcel wasn't as discreet; he couldn't pickpocket for his life. But he was an excellent get away driver if they were caught (which barely happened, but still), and if everyone was distracted enough, he could take a couple of wallets (and every once in a while he would take some really expensive vase he found that they would sell later for some mad cash).
And as they got older, their hobby became less if a hobby and more of a job. Of course, they didn't work for anyone but themselves. They only trusted each other.
Marcel whistled as Scotty walked out, now wearing a suit. "Damn, you look good." Scotty's immediate reaction was to pose ridiculously while twirling his tie around his fingers.
"I know I do, baby," he said, making his voice lower than it normally was. They both were set into a fit of giggles for a minute.
"Alright, don't mess up your tie now," Marcel said, walking over to him and fixing it.
Scotty swatted him away, "I know how to fix my tie!" Marcel rolled his eyes and handed him the earpiece.
"Here you go. You do know the plan here, correct?"
"Get as much money as you can, and target the lady named Chrissy, right?"
Marcel nodded and smiled. "Look at you, you finally remembered something!"
Scotty rolled his eyes. "Of course I would remember, the target is supposedly a pretty lady, how could I forget?"
"You better not run away with her or I will be coming for your ass, Scott."
Scotty rolled his eyes again and kissed Marcel. "Like I would ever leave you."
Marcel grinned and gave Scotty a peck on the lips. "Alright, let's go steal some shit."
Scotty made sure to get one last good luck kiss from Marcel before he left the car. He made sure he fixed his appearance as he walked up to the door. He flashed his fake invitation (it was very easy to replicate, but he wasn't about to tell them that) and got in.
The place was way fancier than he expected. It looked as if the walls were made of gold, with the chandelier putting the icing on the cake. He looked around at all the people in fancy clothes and grinned.
This was gonna be fun.
Purse after purse, wallet after wallet, Scotty was getting it all. He even found a bracelet in one purse, a bracelet that he knew was gonna cost a lot. He still hadn't found this Chrissy, though. Or maybe he had, and he had already pickpocketed her. Either way, he was getting a little bored. He was about to let Marcel know that he was done when he bumped into someone. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry," the woman said, gasping.
"It's okay," Scotty assured, laughing a little. He was about to excuse himself when she grabbed his arm.
"... You don't look familiar... Do I know you?"
Well that wasn't good. She must have been close to the person who sent the invitation. "Uh, I'm a friend of a friend; he couldn't go and I came instead. That's okay, right?"
She blinked and then smiled.
"Oh, okay. Yeah, that's totally fine. I'm Chrissy."
No wonder she got suspicious for a second, he thought. But this was the special challenge, and he was going to nail it if he played his cards right. "Scott."
She smiled a smile that Scotty knew all too well; she liked him. He glanced at the door, and hoped that Marcel wasn't getting worried about him. She saw the glance and frowned slightly. "Were you about to leave? I'm sorry for holding you up-"
"Well I was going to go," Scotty cut in, before smiling sweetly at her, "but I think I can stay a little longer." She blinked and blushed a little.
"Oh. Well, uh, in that case, would you like me to get you a drink?"
"That would be lovely, thank you." Her smile widened as she quickly left to get a drink.
"Scotty, remember what I told you," he heard Marcel say through the earpiece. Scotty sighed.
"Babe, I got this, trust me," he mumbled as he scanned the room. He saw Chrissy coming back with the drink, still beaming.
"Here you go," she said cheerfully, handing him the drink. Scotty took a sip.
"Huh. Fruity." She giggled as Scotty took another sip.
"So, mister Scott," she said, catching his attention, "what do you do for a living?"
He froze. Why did she have to ask him that? He finished off his drink and thought of something real quick.
"It's a pretty boring job, you wouldn't want to know what it is," he said, sighing. Chrissy raised an eyebrow,
"Oh really? Try me."
He sighed again. "I work at a bank. Does that seem exciting to you?"
"A bank? Really Scott? Really?" Scotty fought the urge to snap back at Marcel.
Chrissy giggled, "How does someone like you get a job at a bank?" Scotty shrugged.
"I don't know, honestly. But hey, it makes due."
She nodded.
There was a bit of an awkward silence after that. It seemed as though one of them wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say, or couldn't. Scotty knew it was caused by Chrissy; he just wanted the opportunity to get into the purse she had been carrying the entire time.
Someone in the crowd called out Chrissy's name. Scotty couldn't tell what direction it was from or who's voice it was. But Chrissy seemed to recognize the voice pretty well. She turned to Scotty. "Can you hold my purse real quick?" Scotty blinked and nodded. Chrissy smiled and handed him the purse before quickly going to whoever had called her name.
"Did... Did she seriously just give you her purse? Dude, just take it and run!"
"We can't do that, it'll cause suspicion. Besides, remember you gave me the counterfeit money?"
"I thought you left that at home?"
"Nope." A grin grew on Scotty's face as he heard Marcel gasp.
"You sly dog, you."
"You know it, baby."
He saw Chrissy come back and shut up, smiling at her. He handed her the purse. "Here's your purse. Nobody touched it, I promise." She smiled and took the purse. Scotty looked at his watch and sighed. "Damn, I gotta go, sweetheart."
Chrissy frowned, "You can't stay?"
Scotty shook his head, pretending to be sad. "No, I can't. Sorry sweetheart. But," he lifted her head with his finger. "It was nice to meet you." He winked and she blushed.
"It was nice to meet you too, Scott. Maybe we can meet up again?"
"Maybe." He turned around and walked in the direction of the door.
"Have a good night," the man at the door said. Scotty waved him goodbye before taking the earpiece out of his ear and getting into the car. Marcel looked as if he was pouting. Scotty rolled his eyes and pulled Marcel closer, giving him a long, passionate kiss.
"I told you I wouldn't run away with her," Scotty teases when he pulled back. Marcel blushed (which Scotty enjoyed seeing very much) and crossed his arms.
"Did you get the money?" Scotty grinned and pulled out a wad of dollar bills.
"Hell yeah I did. And we're gonna need more counterfeit money."
"We'll get some."
Marcel started the car and started driving away.
"... A bank though, really Scotty?"
"Oh my god, shut up!"
Aside from simple pickpocketing, they had more complex robberies.
This time they were planning on a robbery at a new jewelry store that opened up near them. They were gonna go during the night, where it would be easier for them to steal mass amounts of diamonds and such.
Both of them were going to go inside, seeing that they could get more if the both of them were there.
These missions were quiet ones; they only talked before and after it was all done and over with. Neither of them knee why they did it, telnet just did.
Marcel took the front of the store while Scotty took the back. They were able to do this because this store was huge. It was the size of a damn mall, and it was filled with all kinds of riches.
There was a second floor to this building, but that was the manager's office. There wasn't any need to go up there.
They made sure to cut the security cameras so that they couldn't be caught. They came in the day before, secretly turning them off. They knew security only checked the cameras once a week and on Monday's. It was Friday.
It was all going so smoothly. Both had yet to reach the other, and they were filling up on the jewelry. They made sure not to trip any wires and they went along.
But out of nowhere, the fire alarm started ringing. Both jumped, very confused as to what the hell was going on. Scotty accidentally tripped a wire, and that siren was going off too. Both were now very scared.
"Marcel!" Scotty screamed, making his way through the glass cases. He could smell smoke now, and began coughing as he tried to find Marcel.
"Scotty!" Marcel screamed, looking desperately for his lover. He could see the smoke now, and it was making his eyes water. He was beginning to cough and well.
They found each other in the middle and hugged each other. "Shit, are you okay?" Scotty coughed out.
"Yeah, are you?"
Scotty nodded, coughing again. The smoke was getting heavier, and they could see the fire now.
"We have to get out of here!" Scotty yelled over the roar of the flames. He grabbed Marcel's hand and went for the front of the store, but that was blocked by the fire. Marcel tried going to the back, but fire blocked them there too.
They were trapped.
Scotty squeezed Marcel's hand hard. "Baby I'm scared," he whispered.
Marcel squeezed his hand back, "I'm scared too."
"Boss, you might want to come in and look at this." The tired policeman sighed, looking at the young cop.
"What now?"
He followed the young cop into the burnt building, stopping when they got to the middle. "Oh my god..."
There were two badly burnt bodies laying on the ground, holding each others hand.
"Who are they?"
"Robbers, sir. More specifically, Marcel and Scott Cunningham. They must've been trying to steal some goodies when the fire broke out."
"Marcel and Scott? You're kidding. We've been trying to catch them for years now!"
"Yeah, well it looks like they got caught by the flames. At least they died together."
"Yeah, I guess. Bag the bodies." He sighed again as he walked off.
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mssjynx · 5 years
One more for good measure! 39 for bido407 pls ❤️❤️
kinds of kisses
basicallyido407 drabble39. when person A is grumpy but person B kisses them and they really can’t stay grumpy at that
“Marceeeellll,” Scotty cooed, slinging his arms over his boyfriend’s shoulders and leaning heavily against his back. “I’m sorrryyy.” He pressed the whiny words to the back of the man’s shoulders, pouting at the silence he received in return. “I didn’t know! I didn’t think it was that big of a deal and I wouldn’t have done it if I had known how far you’d gotten!” 
At that, he received a careless grunt. “Go away, Scott. I’m busy.” The tapping on the keyboard became more intense, as if Marcel was punching his frustration into every press of a key. 
Scott leaned against his back further, swinging from side to side so Marcel’s chair would sway with him. “I’m sorryyyyy,” he whined, placing his chin on his boyfriend’s head. 
With a huff, Marcel spun around, sending his boyfriend back a step and glaring. “Fuck you,” he said, standing and Scott gave a gasp of disbelief. 
“You would? For me!? Awe,” he cooed and his grin only broadened when he saw Marcel’s lip twitch. He was good at maintaining a poker face but three years of dating meant Scott could see right through him. 
“Shut the fuck up, you asshole. Leave me to mourn in peace.” Scott let him walk past but followed close behind as Marcel dragged his feet to the kitchen. 
“I’ll play up the level you were at,” he offered. 
“It’s not the same.” 
“I can make it the same.” 
“Scott, you’re shit at this game.” 
At that, Scott gave him a dirty look and Marcel showed a hint of a smirk. Within seconds, his forgot his insult, bounding after his boyfriend and throwing his arms around him in a tight hug. “I love you,” he cooed and Marcel turned his head. “I love you sooo much, and I’m sooo sorry for deleting your game file.” 
An irritated huff brushed over Scott’s hair and he pushed up onto his tippy-toes in order to catch Marcel by the chin and kiss at his frown. 
“Marcellll,” he whimpered, kissing at his still lips and humming sadly at the lack of response. 
With a big sigh, Marcel swept a hand around his boyfriend’s waist. “God, you’re a pain in my ass,” he muttered and Scott grinned with glee. 
“You can be a pain in my ass later if you want,” he purred, walking his fingers up Marcel’s chest and drawing a laugh from the other. 
“Do you ever stop saying stupid things?” he teased, his anger melting away beneath Scott’s hands as Scott pinned him to the counter. 
“Only when my mouth is occupied,” he whispered against Marcel’s jaw and before he could laugh at his own dirty joke, Marcel caught him by the jaw and kissed him, just the way Scott wanted. 
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poly-bus · 7 years
Basicallyido407: Not A sNoMan
Marcel was keen on sleeping the morning away. He had a warm teddy bear cuddled up against his chest, thick, fluffy blankets covering him and his lover, and a free week from work for Christmas break. Besides YouTube of course.
YouTube was without Scotty’s thoughts though. His channel still survived the long Halloween month break and the 2016′s downfall of two months. It could survive a little bitty week of joy and holiday jolly.
But Scotty awoke more active than Marcel did. He turned and wrapped his arms around Marcel’s shoulders instantly. He gave a large, hefty squeeze and pecked Marcel’s protesting lips.
“Geez, Scott. Let a man sleep...” Marcel groaned in weak, exhausted protest.
“You’re fault for staying up all night past our routine bedtime, mother fucker. Besides, I wanna go on a walk! Come with me, you know it’s not safe out there alone.” Scotty kissed Marcel deeply, their lips combining swiftly and departing within seconds with a trail of warm sensations.
“Is it cold outside?”
Scott smiled and nodded, “It’s snowing.”
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imbero · 7 years
I have few fics almost ready but I kinda don't want to post them as they are not so good (꒪⌓꒪) theres like basicallyido407, ohmtoonz and h20vanoss fics waiting for me to finish them but euuugh idk man
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bananabusboys · 3 years
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Banana Bus Squad Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Brock Barrus/Brian Hanby, Marcel | BasicallyIdoWrk/Scotty | fourzer0seven, Daithi De Nogla/Tyler | I AM WILDCAT Characters: Brian Hanby, Marcel | BasicallyIDoWrk, Tyler | I AM WILDCAT, Evan Fong, Anthony | BigJigglyPanda, Jonathan | H2ODelirious, Daithi De Nogla, Brock Barrus, Chris | BigPuffer, SMii7Y (Video Blogging RPF), Nelson | Grizzy, Arlan | SilentDroidd Series: Part 2 of Now we’re so young (but we’re probably going to die) Summary:
After escaping the Institute and the evil clutches of the Doctor, the group finds themselves lost. That is, until someone finds them.
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