#bars tribe
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Makhan/Macan (DV2) - 42 - Bars Tribe
Former member of the Bars Tribe, Makhan is known by many in the Bars Tribe as their greatest warrior, only being exiled into the mountains due to challenging the elders. After being exiled, he began training in the woods, yearning to one day find someone with the same power as him.
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dont-leafmealone · 10 months
So! Finished Legacy Of Yangchen yesterday, and hoo boy. Here are my thoughts (spoiler warning):
amazing. awesome. 10/10
really though I think this is the best of any of the novels so far. Like I really liked the others but this one was really good
love that there was no forced romance or pointless will-they-won't they, Kavik and Yangchen *aren't at that point* (and you know might never be, we don't know) so while there's potential and a lot of chemistry (and a fake-dating plot), they don't have a big kiss moment or anything resembling a love confession - their closing interaction is a pledge of companionship. Frankly I think aang/katara should've been handled this way. But alas...
absolutely loved all the parts where it would show the present happening, get to a really tense moment, then cut away to show the build-up to that event - helped keep the suspense up while also giving the necessary set-up. Very cool.
Love Chaisee. She's horrible and I love her bc she's also really smart? And there's moments where you almost feel like she genuinely wants to help even though she's doing all this terrible stuff behind the scenes. But it never feels like inconsistent writing
That said. The fact that she supposedly invented Lake-Laogai-esque brainwashing felt a little forced yk. Like cool reference, why'd it have to be here? Now you've created questions like, how does this technique get all the way to Ba Sing Se 800 (give-or-take) years from now?
That's basically my only complaint though, and other people have covered that issue better than I could
I liked getting some more info on how combustion-bending happens, we already knew it was a rigorous training but yikesss
kalyaan also is such a cool villain. like, Avatar has done 'villain is the hero's relative' before but it's always been 'well, they're an abusive monster who'd let their family die as easily as anyone'. The scene where they got Kalyaan to confess by 'torturing' Kavik? Wouldn't have worked with Ozai or any of Korra's or Kyoshi's villains; iirc even the lady from Imbalance wasn't terribly concerned about her kids. Same goes for Chaisee and her genuine concern for her family; I liked the departure from the typical villain formula.
Absolutely cruel to kill off Nujian?? That was uncalled for. I'll be suing for emotional damages. Rude.
Jujinta my little guy <3 (i have a lot of thoughts on Jujinta but mostly I just think he's pretty cool. Would still love to know how the whole Yuyan thing works, since the Legends RPG says they were established in Roku's era a whopping six centuries or so in the future? Was archery just like a family trade until that point when they formed an Organization of it or is it just inconsistent lore?)
didn't expect Akuudan and Tayagum coming back for this book, but I'm glad they were included. Love 'em
That's about all the thoughts I have right now lol
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zendieya-8 · 1 month
Bro know who he is🙇🏿‍♀️
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muddypolitics · 2 months
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(via Kristi Noem, South Dakota Governor and Trump VP Contender, Is Barred by Tribes - The New York Times)
Four of South Dakota’s federally recognized Native American tribes have barred the state’s governor, Kristi Noem — a Republican whose name has been floated as a potential running mate for former President Donald J. Trump — from their reservations. The latest blocked Ms. Noem on Thursday.
Three of them barred Ms. Noem this month, joining another tribe that had sanctioned the governor after she told state lawmakers in February that Mexican drug cartels had a foothold on their reservations and were committing murders there.
Ms. Noem further angered the tribes with remarks she made at a town hall event last month in Winner, S.D., appearing to suggest that the tribes were complicit in the cartels’ presence on their reservations...
“Gov. Kristi Noem’s wild and irresponsible attempt to connect tribal leaders and parents with Mexican drug cartels is a sad reflection of her fear-based politics that do nothing to bring people together to solve problems,” Janet Alkire, the chairwoman of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, said in a statement this week.
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thistaleisabloodyone · 7 months
Something I've noticed - at least with RMPG, FANTA and BBZ - is that the by-age baby of the group is not the functional baby of the group. At least in my observations.
Like, Takuma is the youngest RMPG member, but if I had to pick a baby of the group, it would be Ryu.
For BBZ, Masa is the youngest member, but I'd argue for Riki being the actual baby of the group.
And for FANTA, the age difference is admittedly two days, but I'd pick Keito as the baby over Sota, who is the youngest member.
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nemouris · 2 years
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Twin Tribes // ATX 2022
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jazzy-tzw · 1 year
Cody did eat Roman up with that line I fear
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qualitist-music · 2 years
Guest Mix 004 - RAW MAIN
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We are excited to introduce our new guest - RAW MAIN
Raw Main is a multifaceted artist. Musician, DJ and sound designer. He is with a groove maker, with numerous releases being widely praised on key labels such as Lost Miracle, Saisons, Abracadabra, Bar 25, When We Dip, A Tribe Called Kotori, George V, Sirin Music, Wayu to name the most recents. His goals is to spread his sound all around the world, get to discover new cultures and habits. Raw Main is closely watch by the likes of Sebastien Leger, Lee Burridge, Roy Rosenfeld among others.
He partially takes inspiration from his origins to transcribe his vision of music – which might be ethnic, electronic or belonging to a completely different genre. Whatever the sound is, Raw Main’s purpose is to take you on a trip, for the duration of a track or a whole set. Forget about samples... He’s all about live performances.
Early 2022, he released an masterpiece EP on Lost Miracle: ‘Sacré Coeur’ who received an overwhelming welcome by the industry and public, and maintained itself in the Beatport top100 for almost 3 months ! Lee Burridge keeps a close eye on this fresh talent, made him part of the All Day I Dream crew, with an appearance on a V.A. release last year, and a series of trimestral podcasts.
Raw Main will also provide an exclusive selection of his actual favorites, occasionally updated on Spotify : spoti.fi/3NBwv3t
Qualitist. · Qualitist. Podcast | Guest Mix 004 - RAW MAIN
Raw Main on Soundcloud : @rawmain
More about us on : linktr.ee/qualitist
Playlist :
George X - Frame
Raw Main - ID
Mathew Jonson & Quenum - Cyclops (Volen Sentir & Izhevski Remix)
Francesca Lombardo - Sofiel
Enamour - Hang In There
Nehli, Souto - Lost Inside (HAFT Remix)
Dulus - Discordia
Sébastien Léger, Tim Green - Duel
Dani Zavera - Waves (Raw Main Remix)
Raw Main - ID
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9 (but ganon doesnt count)
Background Character Drabbles - Accepting
The others had fled - Good, they needed to more than she did. Nabooru may have been the leader of the raid, but she could generally be trusted to talk her way out of situations. Or, hopefully, sneak her way out.
She clung to the damp rock, moss pushing against her neck and weaving its way into her hair. Someone had told on them, but who? She had an idea, and she was going to make sure she knew for sure.
The Gerudo tried not to raid the Zora or Gorons very often. For one, they were both situated defensively, with the Zora only accessible behind a waterfall (in theory, anyway. On closer inspection, there were quite a few places an enterprising robber could get in) and the Gorons high up on Death Mountain. For another, well... Most Gerudo tried to only steal from those who could afford it, and neither tribe was exactly flourishing under Hyrulean rule. They were also amenable to trade (despite certain hypothetical regulations from the crown), so most things they needed, they could barter.
However, the Gerudo were desperate. The Wassan River had been low for months, and Hylian forces had gotten a bit too zealous over guarding it. The next nearest water source was Zora's domain which, as it turned out, wasn't doing much better during the drought. It wasn't easy to steal water, but given no other choice, Nabooru led the charge.
She hadn't told anyone outside of the tribe. She was no idiot. But there had been a trader, one she talked with whenever conducting large trade transactions, who she thought might lend a sympathetic ear. All she'd said was that they were starting to hurt, that it was difficult to water their goats with the low water table. She hadn't thought he would snitch.
She found her way behind the waterfall. Most of the domain was either tucked away safely in their water beds or off searching for her sisters, so it was easy to access the man's shop. He was always there - married to his work, as she was to hers.
A scimitar being held to one's throat is an unplesant wakeup call in the best of times, but when one is aware that he's already made an enemy of a very dangerous woman with such a sword, it's enough that he nearly screamed.
"Not a damn word, Treant," she whispered, holding the blade just a bit closer to his gills.
"I know it was you. Nobody else outside the valley knew we were coming - and look, what have we taken? Fifteen, twenty gallons? It's a long way back to the valley, how much did you honestly think we would take?"
She willed her voice under audible level. She could have taken his life there and been justified. It was bad enough they had to steal what kept them alive, but being hunted for it? They weren't animals!
"You will act like this didn't happen in future. You'll speak to the next in my chain of command. And if you ever, ever spill another word to your king, this blade won't be so kind."
The Zora gasped, sharp teeth biting down on his lip as Nabooru sharply turned the curved blade up within milometers of his skin. She sheathed the weapon and, before he could call for aid, had disappeared back into the night to find first her horse and then the rest of the party.
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"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt
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dragoncharming · 1 year
Tantai Jin: I modeled myself on you because you were what I wanted to be: loved.
Xiao Lin: You love me?
Tantai Jin: what
Xiao Lin: 😊
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Running Man Championships - Origins
Soul Tree. It’s fruit became the energy source of civilization, but it also brought disaster by causing the tribes to wage war in pursuit of it’s power.
In the midst of these endless and painful times, the Gold family of the Pikok Tribe stepped up like a savior and put an end to this war.
And as compromise to put an end to all this torment, the leaders of the tribes finally came to a peace agreement that they would instead open a competition.
Players, equipped with special watches and shields, compete against each other as winner’s tribe would be awarded with Materion, the sacred fruit of the Soul Tree. These brave players, who throw themselves in this fierce fight for the fate of their tribes, we call them the Running Man.
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fishystuff · 1 year
Trisha brings the big mermaid fountain outside. Trisha: This is my favorite place to chill at night.( that concludes the tour) so what do you losers want do now?
Before the tour ends, Robin and Brenda are marveling at the intricate design of the fountain. It is very detailed, and Robin is wondering if there is a story behind it. She'll need to buy a few books on the relationship between merfolk and fishwomen later.
At Trisha's question, Brenda jumps forth and asks "How about we have lunch? It's about the correct time right? I Would love to try the cuisine!" To that, Robin adds pleasantly, "We can also discuss our activities for the rest of the day over lunch"
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I need each and every person who sees this to pay attention to what is going on with the Indian Child Welfare Act.
The same SCOTUS that refered to tribal land as a territory of the state is about to hear a case that might overturn ICWA.
ICWA allows Alaska Natives and Native Americans control over the adoption and foster care placement of Native American and Alaska Children. In practice what this ensures is that if a Native American or Alaska Native child cannot be raised with their parents', the extended family will be given custody. If the extended family cannot care for the child, the child is placed with a family in their tribe or, barring that, with a family who is Native American or Alaska Native.
This act is important for two reasons:
For centuries, Native Americans and Alaska Natives were forcibly assimilated into White culture. From the 1800s to the late 1900s, children were taken from their families and either adopted out to White people or put in boarding schools. If parents refused, they were sometimes incarcerated, and they could lose custody of their other children. There are cases where tribes would hide their children and tell people who came that they had none...so the white people started showing up uannounced. The children sent to these schools were abused. Some were murdered. And survivors still live with the trauma. ICWA was passed to stop this...but not even 50 years after it being passed, it's at risk.
Native Americans and Alaska Natives are constitutionally guaranteed sovereignty. We all know the government picks and chooses when it wants to honor that, but Native Americans and Alaska Natives are supposed to have sovereignty. The idea that one country can step in and tell sovereign tribes and nations that they are not allowed to control the placement of their own children should be absurd. The U.S. doesn't tell Britain what to do with their foster care system...but the SCOTUS knows that Native Americans and Alaska Natives don't have an army or navy like Britain does. Because of this the SCOTUS believes it has the right to violate years of precedent and treaties. It knows that it will be protected no matter what it decides.
So I'm asking people to keep an eye on ICWA. I'm asking them to boost the signal. And I'm asking them to protest if it falls.
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73itsolutions · 2 years
RsquaredSound | Luv-Flex Sounds Presents
RsquaredSound | Luv-Flex Sounds Presents
Ghetto youths talent showcasing part1. 1669464000  days  hours  minutes  secondsuntilRsquaredSound | Luv-Flex Sounds 73itsolutions Digital Marketing 73itsolutions Draw73itsolutions Skill SetAbout 73itsolutionsContactHomeServicesAbout 73itsolutions
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lolita-lollipop · 5 months
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The king of the most violent and powerful tribe in the eastern world is captured during battle by a small farmers village. What does a violent man like katsuki bakugo do upon meeting a kind servant girl like you?
WARNINGS: reader gets hurt by villagers (bakugo saves her)
He couldn't remember how long he had been here, he just knew it was cold, dark, unsanitary, and painful. He remembered the battle that put him here, getting shot with a poison-laced arrow, feinting on the field. Heh. imagine it, the great barbarian Bakugo, the children's slayer, the village burner, the soldier slaughterer falling because of one puny arrow from one puny kingdom. When he first had woken up he could feel the slick of his blood under him mixed with the dirt and grime of the cell, he had giant iron cuffs wrapping his wrists and legs, binding him to the floor. He couldn't blame these people, truly, they knew that once he woke up if he were to get out they were all as good as slaughtered.
It was a small stone dungeon, with only a couple of stalls, he occupying one of them. There was a small barred window, along with a wall of iron bars serving as protection from him and the rest of the world. Iron, he hated the stuff, and banned it from his country, it burned him, burned his people. There was a thick, damp smell of blood and rust, a musty smell he could easily recognize as death. He would carve every person in this building up, then burn every building in the village, and he would let the fire spread to their fields and watch as their lives work shrivels up into ash. But for now, He would wait for the perfect time to strike, all he could do was wait really, watch the guard rotation, see which ones were talkative, and which ones were cruel.
Many of the guards would beat him, carve his skin, and watch him bleed, they know of all the gruesome things he has done to so very many people, and supposedly the bastards feel some kind of idiotic vengeance or justice for those people. They would pay in the long run, who exactly do they think they are? he is a king, royalty, the highest of the highest, the strongest too. If he doesn't kill them his people will, they'll see. All the king could do was watch, wait, and plot the splattering of this village.
That was, until you came along.
Little you, in your flowy little skirt that was all torn up, with no shoes and a dirt-covered face. Little you with your oh-so-innocent smile, and your callused hands. Little you with your malnourished body, frail and sickly. Little you, who had no idea who he was. Little you who snuck in when no guard was on duty, a small bowl of soup in your hands, and a cup of water.
“I-im sorry that this is all I have, I know you haven't eaten in a long time I just- I’ll have more tomorrow” you whispered, and he swore he fell in love right then and there, you were too frail, too weak to be giving out food that you surely needed. Yet here you were, shakily handing him the bowl and the cup. He stared at you for a solid second, not even his own mother was this selfless, and you don't even know him. Who were you? You did not seem like aristocracy, too kind, maybe a farmer? Maybe a maid, a servant even.
He hadn't realized how hungry he was, not until the entire bowl and cup were gone, and he was left to stare at you. You were ethereal, dirt-covered and all, your eyes, your hair, your hands, everything, absolutely stunning. You had a look in your eyes. Something hungry and fearful told him that you were not happy, not safe and sound, not as you should be.
“I don't have anything to treat your wound, but- I'm sorry. Nobody should be treated this way, not even prisoners. I'll be back tomorrow, please don't tell the guards that I've done this. They will kill me.” you whispered, cautiously reaching to grab the glassware from his grip, waiting to see if he would snap at you. He didn't, only stared, grunting in response to your plea. You stared back with those sympathetic globes of yours, as if you could see the anger in his soul. Before turning on your heel, and quietly sneaking out of the dungeon room, you gave him one last glance before disappearing.
He was left in the quiet, in the cold, falling head over heels in love with you, a mere human. A peasant at that. Strange. You were too sweet, too kind, you clearly needed the food, clearly were starving and malnourished, yet you still stood here and offered your only food to him, a prisoner of war, you were so sweet. So kind. His people were not like you, they were not soft or sweet, he loved them for it, but you, oh you. You were soft and supple and sweet andso sickeningly kind. He would protect you, he has too.
The next couple of nights went similarly, you sneaking in during the dead hours following midnight with varying foods, sometimes a stale loaf of bread with milk, sometimes some leafy soup and water. He was grateful every time, thankful that he wasn't starving, still burning with absolute rage towards the mere peasants who believed that they could contain him. But you, in the very few days that he had known you, had wormed your way into his heart with your soft hands and pretty smile.
He can just imagine you adorned in stolen jewels and furs, dressed in the finest silk, or better, the clothes of his people. something soft like you, something pretty and supple and shiny and light. Something that reflects you, he would take you out of those rags, clean you up, teach you what luxury truly is. and you wouldnt have to lift a finger. he dreamed about your future everyday that you would visit, asking your favorite color or season or jewel.
That was, until you stopped showing up. No more quiet hours gazing at each other, no more shared food and drink, no more listening to you quietly talk about your life, no more sympathetic glances, no more questions about him from you, no more answers from him. It was like you had disappeared entirely, and back to his old routine of watching and observing the guards had begun once more. He had to admit it kind of hurt, having the only good thing here disappear entirely, he resented this place more, resented you.
He hated you, how could you leave him? You, a servant girl abandoning a king. Funny, hilarious, he sat in a pool of blood and hatred thinking about you, about this town, about the people who put him here, who chained him to the floor and watched him bleed out, this city will burn. And burn and burn and burn and burn and burn, his people would tear it apart until it was nothing but ash and blood-
What tore him out of his internal monologue was a pained scream, but not just anybody, he didn't know anybody in the town, it was yours. With that whispery rasp that you had from overexertion, and that neverending fear that dripped from your tone. He stood up to stare through the small window, only to see you on the ground, surrounded by many people, all bigger and stronger than you, yelling and screaming.
“It's her, the traitor!”
“She has been feeding the enemy, treason, treason I say!”
“She should be beheaded, the traitor.”
You let another scream ring out through the town center as one of the men brought their boot down on your bare foot, he could hear the crunch followed by another scream. The first kick sparked more from other men as they brought their feet down on frail little ou, you slowly reverted into a fetal position, lying in the dirt as they beat you relentlessly. He saw red, crimson blinding him and overflowing all of his senses. How could they? You did nothing, you knew nothing. You were just a sweet, innocent little human who knew no better, who were they to punish you, to beat you so cruelly? You were thin and frail and he could hear each one of your bones cracking and breaking into pieces.
He saw bright ruby red, anger wasn’t the word, absolute rage is a better way to put it.
Red red red red red red red red red
He didn't even realize he had broken from his chains till his legs were moving,
He didn’t even feel the burn of the iron till the bars holding him were bent out of shape and twisted
He didn’t realize they were all dead till his hands were stained with that bright crimson color he loved so much- you guessed it, red
He killed them all, so painfully, knuckles crunching skulls and tearing off limbs, pulling people apart faster than any wolf or bear could even try to. The thrill of freedom mixed with rage and pure anger let him revert to the ways of his homeland, back to the thrilling violence and electrifying feeling of tearing another apart. He enjoyed it, enjoyed tearing them limb from limb and watching them bleed as they had done to him. He cackled as they screamed in terror, relishing in their fear.
You watched deliriously, you had lost too much blood in too short of a time, and you were positive that you had many many broken bones, pain overcame you as you watched the bloodshed in front of you, your vision was blurry and shaking but you could tell that somebody was strong, and enjoying violence. Fear budded in the back of your brain, he was enjoying this, enjoying their pain, he would hurt you just the same, kill you, and relish in it.
You hadn’t known who he was, you swore to the village leaders, swore that you just felt bad for the poor starving man in the dungeons who seemed to gentle and sweet, they hadn’t cared. You were to be burned or drowned or noosed they said. But a death like this, at the hand of a man you had been fooled to be sweet? That was worse. Oh god, oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god you were going to die
Your breath became shallow, both because of what was surely a punctured lung, but also because of the slowly approaching footsteps crunching on the dirt. A small whimper escaped you as the figure towered over you, and your hands came up to shield your face from the blow that was surely to come.
But Instead of a painful ending blow, arms wrapped under you and hoisted you up, you never realized how tall this man was. Naturally, you curled into his warmth and tried not to think about how sticky his hands were with blood. your breath hitched as he squeezed you closer with calloused rough hands. Tears washed down your face, you were quivering, shaking in fear.
“P-please-“ you quivered out. Hand moving up to push him away, your statement had many meanings, to beg for your life, to beg him to put you down, to beg him to leave you and your village alone, to beg him to forgive you. He stared down at you with crimson eyes, a sudden softness overcoming them, more than he thought he could have.
“Don’t you worry baby,
I’ll take good care of ya”
Anyway enjoy, I noticed a lack of barbarian bakugo content on here so I figured I would add some fuel to the fire.
Love you all, make sure to have a great day!
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