#ballroom e youkosou
anamor00 · 2 years
Hola chicas y chicos, chicos y chicas. Esta es una selección de fanfics del anime/manga Ballroom e Youkosou que he leído o estoy leyendo y que me han gustado.
-> En esta lista va a haber YAOI/BL.
-> Intento que los fics que recomiendo estén bien escritos y la trama sea interesante.
-> La fecha que hay en el título es el dia-mes-año en el que he actualizado la lista, después de todo los fics que están muy bien no dejan de aumentar, aunque sea poquito a poquito.
(Si algún enlace falla, decídmelo por favor e intentaré solucionarlo)
Para evitarme problemas voy a decir desde ya que ninguno de estos fics (a menos que diga lo contrario) son míos. Las historias están ordenadas por web o aplicación en la que están publicados y por el autor (todo por orden alfabético para facilitar su búsqueda y porque creo que es más cómodo de esta forma). Si sois el autor o la autora y el usuario que hay no es el vuestro, comprobad que la historia es o no vuestra y solucionarlo con el plagiador si se da el caso (hay que tener en cuanta que la gente cambia su usuario a veces y puede que yo no me de cuenta de esto, no me lapidéis antes de tiempo. Esta aclaración es para los lectores puesto que imagino que un autor sabrá reconocer sus posibles antiguos usuarios).Por último espero que disfrutéis tanto como yo leyendo estas fantásticas historias.
En este sitio la mayoría de fanfics están en inglés, así que voy a proporcionar dos opciones que hay que tener en cuenta.
1. Si posees un nivel de ingles suficiente no vas a tener ningún problema para seguir lo que se narra a la perfección. Este tipo de lector no va ha tener ningún problema relacionado con el idioma del fic.
2. Para aquellos y aquellas cuyo ingles está un poco deteriorado os proporciono una solución. Se puede configurar el navegador Google para que te traduzca el texto. De esta forma cada vez que te aparezca un texto escrito en ingles se traducirá automáticamente (en los móviles) o te dará la opción de traducirlo (ordenador). Es muy útil y solo tienes seguir tres simples pasos:
Pulsar Configuración
Entrar en Idiomas
Añadir el idioma que deses que se traduzca e indicar ofrecer traducción
Pero hay que tener en cuenta que en ocasiones el traductor se confunde y no proporciona la traducción óptima. Por ejemplo:
- Right [El autor quiere decir “tienes razón” o “es verdad”] (1)
- Fine [El autor quiere decir “bien”]
- Derecha [te lo traduce de forma errónea] (1)
- Multa [lo traduce mal].
Para intentar conseguir una traducción de los fanfics publicados en FANFICSTION.NET es necesario leerlos desde un navegador y no desde la aplicación. Después solo hay que seguir los pasos anteriores para que el móvil te traduzca el texto.
Antes de que empecéis a clicar en los enlaces quiero que tengáis en cuenta de que la gente cambia sus nombres de usuario. Así que habrá veces, bastantes me imagino, que no pondrá el mismo nombre en esta publicación y en el sitio web, no os preocupéis.
In the Stalls (Fujita Tatara x Hyoudou Kiyoharu, acabado, 1 capítulo, EXPLICITO)
[publicado: 07-08-2022]
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tellmybodyidied · 5 years
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forotakustootakus · 5 years
Lista de ANIME
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AUTOR/A: @anamor00
{publicado: 05-07-2019, actualizado: 06-07-2019}
Hola, chicos y chicas, chicas y chicos. Como prometí ayer (04-07-2019), voy a publicar la lista de los animes que he visto y que me han gustado. Algunos con el tiempo dejan de gustarte tanto, pero al final creo que todos son en cierta forma algo especiales.
Algunos de los animes son yaoi, espero que no haya nadie por aquí que se sienta ofendido porque dos chicos o más se estén besando, porque no voy a soportar a ningún o ninguna intolerante. Aunque también es cierto que hay algunos de ellos que tratan de temas que son más fuertes (violación, venta de personas, asesinatos, etc) así que estos animes o mangas les voy a colocar un distintivo. Para aclararnos todos, antes de empezar voy a colocar una pequeña leyenda para que podáis ubicaros.
(Los títulos, en japones, de los animes están ordenados alfabéticamente)
🔞 — El contenido es definitivamente adulto. Hay escenas sexuales explicitas o implícitas, violencia, asesinato, violación y cualquier otra situación desencadenante para personas sensibles o que han padecido alguna de ellas.
📍 — Hay que ser cuidadoso con lo hay hay. Pude haber referencias a violencia o el acto sexual, pero sin imagines explícitas, o imágenes violentas.
Ai no Kusabi  🔞
Akagami no Shirayuki hime
Akatsuki no Yona
All Out
Ao Haru Ride
Ao no Exorcist 1 & 2
Baby Steps
Ballroom e Youkosou
Banana Fish  🔞
Blood Lad 📍
Boku no hero Academia
Brothers Conflict
Bungou Stray Dogs 📍 /  🔞 
Cher Dasnshi
Daiya no Ace / Ace of Diamond
Dance in th vampire Bund 📍
Dance with the Debils
Diabolik Lovers 📍
Diabolik Lovers: More Blood 📍
Dramatical Murder
Dramatical Murder: Ovas  🔞
Free (1)
Free!: Dive to the future (3)
Free Especials (OVA)
Free: Eternal Summer (2)
Fruits Basket 📍
Fruits Basket 2019 📍
Fugiken na Mononokean 1&2 📍
Gekkan shoujo Nozaki-kun
Golden Time
Hana Yori Dango 📍
Haru wo Daiteita 🔞
Hey, class president! / Seitokaichou ni kuro Chuukoku 🔞
Honoo no Mirage 🔞
Hoozuki no Reitetsu 1&2
Howl no ugoku shiro
Hybrid Child
Inu x Boku SS
Itazuna na Kiss
Junjou Romantica 📍
Kagami no Asobi
Kaichou wa maid-sama
Kamisama Hajimemashita
Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru
Kaze to Ki no Uta
Kekkai Sensen 📍
Kekkai Sensen & Beyond 📍
Kimetsu no Yaiba  🔞
Kimi ni Todoke
Kiniro no Corda
Kiniro no Corda: Blue Sky
Kirepapa 🔞
Koisuru Boukun 🔞
Kono Danshi, ningyo hiroumashita
Kono Danshi, Mahou ga Oshigoto Desu
Kono Danshi, Sekka ni Nayndemasu
Kono oto Tomare!
Kuroko no Basket
Kuroshitsuji 🔞
Kyou kara Maoh
Love Stage 🔞
Lovely Complex
Maiden Rose / Hyakujitsu no Bara 🔞
Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist
Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch
Miira no kaikata / How to keep a Mummy
Mimi wo Sumaseba / los susurros del corazón
Monochrome factor
Mononoke hime 📍
Nana 📍
Natsume Yuujinchou
Natsume Yuujinchou Go
Natsume Yuujinchou San
Natsume Yuujinchou Shi
No.6 📍
Nodame Cantabile
Nodame Cantabile: Paris
Nodame Cantabile: Finale
Noragami Aragoto
Okane ga Nai 🔞
One punch man 📍
Ooharu x Kikanjuu
Ookami shoujo to kuro ouji
Ore monogatari
Orenchi no furo jijou
Ouran high school host club
Over Drive
pandora Hearts 🔞
paradise Kiss
Peach girl
Piano no Mori
Ristorante Paradiso
Rokuhoudou Yorsuiro Biyori
Sakamichi no Apollon
Sekaichii Hatsukoi: Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai 🔞
Sekaichii Hatsukoi 🔞
Sex pistols 🔞
Shounen Maid
Shugo Chara!
Skip Beat
Soredemo sekai wa Utsukushi 📍
Spice and Wolf 📍
Spiritpact 1&2 📍
Starmyu 1,2&3
Sukitte Ii na to
Super Lovers 📍 -  🔞
Tenku no shiro raoyuta / El castillo en el cielo
Tokyo Ghoul  🔞
Tokyo Ghoul RE  🔞
Tonari no Kaibotsu-kun
Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudoubu
Uragiri wa Boku no namae o shitteiru 📍
Uta prince-sama 1000% & 2000%
Vampire Night 🔞
Vassalord 🔞
Viewfinder 🔞
Watashi ha motete sousunda
Yamato nadeshiko shichi henge
Yami no Matsuei
Yarichin Bitch Club 🔞
Yowamushi Pedal (1)
Yowamuchi Pedal: Glory Line (2)
Yowamuchi Pedal: New Generation (3)
Yuri on ICE
Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou
— Esta es mi lista de animes, cualquier nuevo miembro puede hacer su propia lista, o bien añadiendo todos o solo los que son diferentes —
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hannycho12 · 6 years
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A little preview for saboace week After watching ballroom e youkosou, I feel like I need to draw ace and sabo doing a latin dance 'cause that dance is hot af
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mekarunes · 7 years
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Haven't done any fanart lately. So here's some Ballroom e Youkosou! pieces. Had @nazoh on board for Hyoudou.
☞DeviantArt ☞Instagram ☞Twitter
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sorensenpaixd · 7 years
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Source: AhmedxAdel
Fujita Tatara from Ballroom e Youkosou
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vamosashippear · 5 years
Los FANDOMS que yo controlo
Bueno,bueno. Hola chicas y chicos, chicos y chicas.
He aquí (después de mucho tiempo y de que casi se acabe el verano) la lista de todos los FANDOMS de los que yo ( @anamor00 ) voy a publicar cositas.
A cualquiera que quiera participar también, puede publicar de cualquier FANDOM que le guste.No importa demasiado si esta repetido o no, aquí lo que se trata es de nutrir los FANDOMS que nos gustan y shipear a las parejas que tanto amamos.
Es posible que una mayoría de dichas parejas sean gays, pero esto no quita que puedas shipear a dos chicas o una pareja heterosexual. Yo amo a todos mis chiquinines. Por ejemplo en FRUITS BASKET, no junto ni por asomo a Yuki y Ryo, hay gente que si; yop no. Est no quita que no podáis animaros a colaborar y publicar una imagen de la pareja.
Lo que si voy a pedir y creo que ya comente en la primera publicación es que se le falte el respeto a ninguna pareja ni a ninguna persona. Las opiniones se dan amablemente no luchando entre nosotros como cabritas. Oh, y nada de fanarts super pornosos. A todos nos gustan, pero este no es el lugar para dejar suelto vuestra alma calenturienta.
Después de toda esta chachara voy ha dejaros al fin los FANDOMS que amo tanto y los ships de cada uno de ellos (si hay muchoooos voy a indicar que cualquier otra combinación de los personajes también me gusta)
{publicado: 13/08/2019; actualizado: ... }
Hana yori Dango: Makino Tsukushi x Domyoji Tsukasa
All Out (cualquier pareja): Gion Kenji x Iwashimizu Sumiaki
Skip beat: Mogami Kyouko x Tsuruga Ren
Ballroom e Youkosou (cualquier pareja)
Ace of Diamond/ Daiya no Ace (cualquier pareja - gay): Sawamura Eijun x Kominato Haruichi,  Sawamura Eijun x Miyuki Kazuya,  Sawamura Eijun x Takigawa Chris Yuu,  Sawamura Eijun x Yuuki Tetsuya, Miyuki Kazuya x Kuramochi Youichi, Kuramochi Youichi x Kominato Ryosuke, Yuuki Tetsuya x Isashiki Jun, Sawamura Eijun x Okumura Koushuu
Kuroko no basket (cualquier pareja - gay): Kagami Taiga x Kuroko Tetsuya,  Kagami Taiga x Aomine Daiki,  Kagami Taiga x Murasakibara Atsushi,  Kagami Taiga x Akashi Seijuuro,  Kagami Taiga x Himuro Tatsuya,  Kagami Taiga x Kise Ryouta,  Kuroko Tetsuya x Aomine Daiki, Kuroko Tetsuya x Akashi Seijuuro, Midoriya Shintorou x Kazunari Takao, Murasakibara Atsushi x Himuro Tatsuya, Murasakibara Atsushi x Akashi Seijuuro, Aomine Daiki x Kise Ryouta, Kise Ryouta x Kasamatsu Yukio, Kise Ryouta x Kuroko Tetsuya
Kimi ni todoke: Kuronuma Sawako x Kazehaya Shouta, Sanda Ryu x Yoshida Chizuru
Peach girl: Adachi Momo x Okayasu Kairi
Paradise Kiss (cualquier pareja)
Banana Fish: As Lynx x Okumura Eiji
Honoo no Mirage / Mirage of Blaze: Ougi Takaya (Uesugi Kagetora) x  Yoshiaki Tachibana (Naoe Nobutsunaga)
Uragiri Wa Boku no namae o Shitteiru: Gio Yuki x Zess (Crossxeria Luka)
Chihayafuru (cualquier pareja) 
Sekaichi hatsukoi: Takano Masamune x Onodera Ritsu, Hatori Yoshiyuki x Yoshino Chiaki, Yukina Kou x Kisa Shota
Junjou Romantica: Usami Akihito x Takahashi Misaki, Kamijou Hiroki x Kusama Nowaki, Miyagi Yo x Takatsuki Shinobu
Sex pistols (cualquiera pareja)
Fruits Basket: Honda Touru x Souma Kyou, Souma Shigure x Souma Akito, Souma Ayame x Souma Hatori, Souma Shigure x Souma Hatori, Shouma Hatori x Souma Ayame x Souma Shigure.
Nodame Cantabile: Chiaki Shinichi x Noda Megumi
BECK, Mongolian Chop Squad: Tanaka  (Koyuki)  Yukio x Minami (Ray) Ryusuke, Taira Yoshiyuki x Chiba Tsunemi, Sakurai (Saku) Yuji x taira Yoshiyuki, Sakurai (Saku) Yuji x Tanaka (Koyuki) Yukio,  Tanaka  (Koyuki)  Yukio x Minami (Ray) Ryusuke x Taira Yoshiyuki x Chiba Tsunemi x Sakurai (Saku) Yuji
No.6: Shion x Nezumi
Natsume Yuujinchou: Natsume Takashi x Tanuma Kaname
Fugiken no Mononokean: Ashiya Hanae x Abeno Haruitsuki
Over Drive: Shinozaki Mikoto x Fukazawa Yousuke, Shinozaki Mikoto x Yamato Takeshi, Fukazawa Yousuke x Terao Koichi,
Kekai Sensen (cualquier pareja)
Yuri on ICE (cualquier pareja)
Boku no Hero Academy: Midoriya Izuku x Todoroki Shoto, Midoriya Izuku x Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku x Iida Tenya, Iida tenya x Todoroki Shoto, ida tenya x Todoroki Shoto x Midoriya Izuku x Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shoto x Midoriya Izuku x Bakugou Katsuki, Yaoyorozu Momo x Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki x Kirishima Eijirou, Kirishima Eijirou x Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya izuku x  Hitoshi Shinsou, Midoriya izuku x Shigaraki Tomura, Midoriya izuku x Shigaraki Tomura x Dabi, Shigaraki Tomura x Dabi, Aizawa Shouta x Yagi Toshinori, Aizawa Shouta x Yama Hizashi, Yagi Toshinori x Aizawa Shouta x Yama Hizashi, Aizawa Shouta x Yagi Toshinori x Midoriya Inko, Yagi Toshinori x Midoriya Inko.
DAYS (cualquier pareja)
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (cualquier pareja)
Spiritpact: Yo Keika (Yang Jing-hua) x Tanmoku Ki (Duanmu XI)
Soredemo sekai wa utsukushii: Lemercier Nike x Orvinus Livius
One punch man (cualquier pareja)
Bungou stray dogs (cualquier pareja)
INUYASHA: Inuyasha x Higurashi Kagome, Seshomaru x Higurasi Kagome, Miroku x Sango.
NARUTO (cualquier pareja)
Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge: Ohta x Tanaka
Kono Oto Tomare! (otras parejas): Kudou Chika x Hotsuki Satowa, Kurata Takezo x Kudou Chika, x Kurusu Hiro, Kudou Isaki x Takaoka Tetsuki.
Given: Sato Mafuyu x Uenoyama Ritsuka, Kaji Akihito x Nakayama Haruki.
HAIKYUU!! (cualquier pareja - gay)
Devil’s Line: Anzai Yuuki x Taira Tsukasa (me gusta más el manga que el anime)
Series TV:
Sherlock bbc: Sherlock Holmes x John Watson, Mycroft Holmes x Greg Lestrade, John Watson x Mycroft Hokmes, Sherlock Holmes x Greg Lestrade,  Sherlock Holmes x Greg Lestrade x John Watsson x Mycroft Holmes, Mycroft Holmes x Sherlock Holmes.
Elemntary cbs: Sherlock Holmes x Joan Watson, Sherlock Holmes x Jaime Moriarty,  Sherlock Holmes x Jaime Moriarty x Joan Watson, Joan Watson x Jaime Moriarty
House M.D.: Greg House x James Wilson, Greg House x Robert Chase, Greg House x James Wilson x Robert Chase.
SUPERNATURAL: Castiel x Dean Winchester, Gabriel x Sam Winchester, Gabriel x Dean Winchester.
Películas de Marvel Comics: Anthony “Tony” Stark x Steven Grant Rogers, Steven Grant Rogers x James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes, Steven Grant Rogers x James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes x Anthony “Tony” Stark, Thor Odinsonx Loki Laufeyson, Natatlia Alianovna “Natasha” Romanoff x  linton “Clint” Francis Barton, Peter Parker x Wade Wilson, Charles Xavier x Erik Lehnsherr (acepto alguna pareja más, pero estas son las que suelo buscar)  
Películas de DC Comics: Clark Kent / Kal-El x Bruce Wayne, Oliver Queen x Barry Allen, Oliver Queen x Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen x Hal Jordan (acepto cualquier otra pareja)
Howl no Ugoku Shiro/ Howl’s Moving Castle: Sophie Hatter x Howl Pendragon
Mimi wo Sumaseba / Susurros del corazón: Tsukishima Shizuku x Amasawa Seiji
0 notes
belgianjournalists · 7 years
Ballroom e youkosou is gonna get an anime *O* COOL. MORE DANCING STUFF TO THE PEOPLE.
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anamor00 · 3 years
Mi bienvenida a TUMBLR
Lista de FANDOMS que estoy siguiendo
¿Alguna preguntita?
Enlaces de otros lugares: Enlace_1 ...
Noticias: Noticia_1, Noticia_2 ...
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MIS fanfics:
Nuestra pareja: Cap1, Cap2, Cap3, Cap4 ...
Mi pequeña bola de pelos lila
Lista de FANFICS:
Fanfics de ACE FO DIAMOND (BL)
Fanfics de AI NO KUSABI (BL)
Fanfics de ALL OUT (BL)
Fanfics de BANANA FISH (BL)
Fanfics de BECK (BL)
Fanfics de DAYS (BL)
Fanfics de DC COMICS (BL)
Fanfics de DEVIL'S LINE
Fanfics de FAIRY TAIL
Fanfics de Fruits Basket
Fanfics de HAIKYUU!! (BL)
Fanfics de Hana Yori Dango
Fanfics de INUYASHA
Fanfics de MO DAO ZUSHI (BL)
Fanfics de NARUTO (BL)
Fanfics de No.6 (BL)
Fanfics de ONE PUNCH MAN
Fanfics de SHERLOCK (BL)
Fanfics de SKIP BEAT
Fanfics de SPIRITPACT (BL)
Fanfics de YURI ON ICE (BL)
[publicado: 03-01-2021; actualizado (última vez): 07-08-2022]
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anti-yuri-on-ice · 7 years
essay on why katsuki is a very generic character and is just as overrated as the anime itself
hello people today i wrote an essay on why ya boi pork katsuki is only a very generic and mary sue character and isn’t reall that Big Of A Deal as so many people insisted. im doing a comparison of him and 4 other sports anime protags, which is a fucking disgrace bc yo/i isn’t even a sports anime. but since so many people think it is i might as well cater to their taste.
now before you send me hate and ask me why dont i spend my time elsewhere or that i dont have a life, yes, i want to spend my time hating on this anime, and second, i really do not have a life. if i had to bear with the y/oi fandom for 4 fucking months, you can deal with a small meta which you dont even have to read if you dont click ‘keep reading’
i wont go far into defining what exactly is a sports anime but here is a link for you to check it out yourself https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Sports_anime_and_manga. this page contains almost every sports anime/manga.
imo sports anime/manga tend to focus 50/50 on the actual sport and character development. while they spend a lot of time explaining/portraying certain tactics and skills, or having characters monologue through a montage, they often focus on one character at a time (at most two) when giving character development, and such development is often done through realisation during a game/competition/practice. apart from these, sports anime/manga is also about teamwork and friendship. the ultimate goal is often set to be the ‘national champion’ and the whole team works together towards this dream. either they do achieve the goal or not varies in different anime/manga.
so, lets go back to our beloved katsuki shall we. since y'all like to think that yoi is a ‘serious ice-skating anime’ *coughs* *false advertisement*, let’s do a comparison between him, and the other sports anime/manga characters from actual sports anime/manga.
I have chosen a few popular/well-known characters from recent sports anime/manga
Hinata Shouyou from Haikyuu
Onoda Sakamichi from Yowapeda
Fujida Tatara from Ballroom e Youkosou
Sawamura Eijun from Diamond no Ace
And I’m going to do a compare and contrast by listing out their
ability and skills
supporters (people who support him throughout the story)
Hinata Shouyou
personality: ray of sunshine, positive, cheerful, very determined, wants to play volleyball more than anything else, and doing so also gives him the utmost joy. may be a bit of a nuisance sometimes but the goods of this child still weighs out all the bads.
ability and skills: starts off as a 60% rookie, grows up as a strong player and a valuable member of the team. again, he achieved this by being determined. has stamina through extensive training, can jump very high.
supporters: his family, his middle school friends, and now his teammates
hardships: being at disadvantage because he is too short, being teased because of it, having doubts about himself and whether or not he can really be the next chiisana kyojin or not. losing his first competition (cries forever) (now i haven’t read the manga in a while or watched the third season of the anime so i don't want to add inaccurate details)
2. Onoda Sakamichi
personality: easily intimidated, has very low self-confidence and is very shy so he doesn’t have friends in middle school at all. can talk for hours about his favourite anime/character, very loyal to friends and is also helpful to others. genuinely enjoys being in a road racing team after mastering it.
ability and skills: again, starts off as a 100% rookie, grows up to be the national champion (sheds a tear). wins through sheer determination and the will to chase after others.
supporters: his mother, his two best friends in high school, his rival, and his senpais (especially Makishima, who is a great inspiration and role model to him)
hardships: having no friends before high school, zero self confidence, his mother has shown little knowledge in what he’s actually doing (tho she is still very supportive), nearly losing his first race because his bike broke down, chasing a hundred people in a race because he fell, and now holding the weigh of being a national champion and meeting people’s expectations and his own expectations.
3. Fujida Tatara
personality: very socially awkward, doesn’t really know how to express himself and gets teased/bullied because of it. starts dancing by chance and has no former interest/experience in it but learns to enjoy it and wants to master it.
ability and skills: starts of as a 100% rookie and now he is picking up skills here and there and has great potential in winning future competitions.
supporters: his teachers, his dance partners and the friends he met at the dance studio
hardships: still not yet very skilful in dancing and there is still a lot for him to learn. wants to ace every competition but at the same time knows it is impossible. had a big fight with his current dance partner and might cause collaborative problems with her.
4. Sawamura Eijun
personality: OVERHYPED all the time, shouts very loud, sometimes very annoying but is tolerated by his friends and teammates. at the same cares and encourages people all the time, very friendly, isn’t afraid to speak up, recognises rivals’ strengths and works hard to surpass them
ability and skills: he is scouted into a very good baseball team and has great skills and more potential yet to be discovered. trains hard, runs hard, and shouts a lot too.
supporters: his family, his childhood friends from his hometown, his teammates, and himself.
hardships: fear of being replaced mid-game, not being competitive enough in such a strong team, being very far away from home, very frustrated to why he can’t control the ball as he wish, fights with his catcher/captain a couple of times.
Now we look at katsuki
personality: very anxious all the time when he is a professional sportsman and should have a great deal of experience when dealing with defeat, low self-confidence, whiney, but sometimes is also weirdly positive and upbeat and non-whiney (inconsistent characterisation which is read as ‘unreliable narrator’ by the fandom)
ability and skills: is literally an international-level skater but somehow is not good at his job (?) idk because he is an ~unreliable narrator~ and has a lot of ~depth~
supporters: his family and friends back home (whose support is often neglected), and ofc, victor-senpai uwuwuwuwuwu
hardships: self-inflicted drama and inferiority complex and ‘omg what should i do victor-senpai will leave my ass if i dont win ;;;;;;;;;’
From this we can see
katsuki is a very generic character personality wise, and his personality isn't even charming. it’s just fucking annoying.
he only values support from victor-senpai because his family and friends doesn't mean shit to him. they exist to run the onsen hotel where victor-senpai can flash him in front of everybody.
he hardly went through any real hardships as far as i can see. like i get that at first he was unfit to skate but then he magically can again and then everything was just great for him. everyone loves him (for some reason mmm do i sense a mary sue here) and he got noticed by victor-senpai through pole dancing and he hardly even practiced bc he spent all his time dating victor-senpai and won silver. lmao.
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seven-deadly-simps · 4 years
Ballroom e Youkoso E.1
Slight spoilers for the anime version of “Ballroom e Youkose” !
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ok !! right off the bat i am lowkey in love with the look ? rminds me of haikuu a bit??? I would def have not noticed the long necks if it were not for reading some comments before gettin into the anime
the intro was average, we meet our MC who i do not remember the name of and will be calling Deku until further notice, and how he has no aspirations in life. Then, we get the intro song.
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Cool Cat Saves The Kids! (2017, colorized)  Deku is vibing along the sidewalk, when he gets pushed in an alley and attempted mugging by the goon squad over here. Motorcycle dude tells them bullying is not good and they scram. 
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After this, motercycle dude pushes deku down the stairs and cute pokemom introduces herself. Her name? I don’t remember.
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she looks like my mom from pokemon which one doesnt matter Deku tries to explain the misunderstandinf and how he wasnt here to dance and we get a really pretty ss of motercycle dude
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aww now isnt he just so pretty?? Just,, one thing to fix him,,��
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thank u seteh very sexy of u to show up in my ballroom dance anime
After this, seteh will noe be named kachan because Kachan punches a at most 15 yr old in the guts, and holds him up by his face.
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thank u kachan very sexy of u.
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only putting these SS here because I love her. 
some more dialogue and basically Deku is hesitant to join ballroom dancing so he goes home, when he finds Pokemom slipped a little something something in his bag.
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It’s a vid of Kachan winning a professional dancing comp, and it genuinely excites him to watch it, even before he turns it on. its so nice 2 see a protag actually being int rested in the thing the anime is about for once. like in most sport anime there’s a whole arc of getting over being begrudgingly being there
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The next day to return the tape, he sees pokemom and Kachan. They ask if he wants to join, which he is genuinely exited to say yes. the problem is money though, and he says it in the least effective way possible. Kachan recommends to throw him in the Boomer class, when Deku asks for one on one lessons. The very important part is that at this moment Kachan accepts. 
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u guys aren't following along word for word but generally this is very out of place for what we know of this character at the time. kachan is saying it, but he was thw one trying to get deku into doing dance the most. when deku said he could't afford it, he told pokemom to put him into the dance class with the ladies , proving he wanted the boy to still continue. I dont think of the character of doing everything for money, and i do understand right now these are free one on one lessons hes giving Deku, but it seems strange he would try to discourage him now. esp bc he let him have the one on one in the first place instead of telling him no
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I knew I spoke too soon, but even this motivation seems a little off with how myuch he pushed Deku into doing dance. and now that he wats to be a pro like kachan then adult male over here is throwing a fit. 
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the episode ends with Deku doing the Box dance all night, Kachan not thinking he would. Kinda resolves the conflict above but even then I believe the motivation switch was purely for conflict. 
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winsirius · 7 years
Music Feature: Can't stop the FEELS
Music Feature: Can’t stop the FEELS
Yay! This feature is back! After its long hiatus, I am going to revive this. I am going to post more music content here on my blog. Ooohohohohoh. As always, I am going to share to you most of the music I am currently listening to, nonstop. You might find them weird, and pretty much don’t understand my taste in music. Well, it can’t be helped. HAhahahahha. I am a type of person who listens to…
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thecircusfreaks · 7 years
Question of the dat: will I be a trendsetter with all my ballroom e youkosou fc's now that the anime is out?
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sohryuuasuka · 5 years
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winsirius · 7 years
My Top 12 ED Anime Songs this Fall Season
My Top 12 ED Anime Songs this Fall Season
Yay! It’s time for me to share to you guys my top 12 ED anime songs this fall season. Here are the songs: 12. Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou ED More One Night – Chito & Yuuri 11. Black Clover ED Aoi Honoo – Itowokashi 10. Mahou Tsukai no Yome ED Wa-cycle – Hana Itoki…
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anamor00 · 5 years
Lista de FANDOMS  que estoy siguiendo
Hola chicas y chicos, chicos y chicas.
Como he mencionado en mi anterior y primera publicación quiero dar a conocer los fadoms en los que me muevo. Me gustaría recibir enlaces a fanfics de los fadoms que voy a enumerar a continuación. Si has leído una historia interesante de ese fandom (aunque la pareja no se una de mis preferidas, NO SE A QUE ESTAS ESPERANDO PARA ENVÍAME ESE BENDITO ENLACE).
- con el tiempo iré actualizando, si veo alguna película, serie, anime o manga, los añadiré -
-> Ahora la lista se encuentra ordenada por orden alfabético (solo en los animes como es más largo he indicada las letras del abdecedário).
[Publicado: 11-3-2019; actualizado: 18-06-2019; actualizado: 19-12-2021]
Ace of Diamond/ Daiya no Ace (cualquier pareja - gay): Sawamura Eijun x Kominato Haruichi,  Sawamura Eijun x Miyuki Kazuya,  Sawamura Eijun x Takigawa Chris Yuu,  Sawamura Eijun x Yuuki Tetsuya, Miyuki Kazuya x Kuramochi Youichi, Kuramochi Youichi x Kominato Ryosuke, Yuuki Tetsuya x Isashiki Jun, Sawamura Eijun x Okumura Koushuu
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (cualquier pareja)
All Out (cualquier pareja): Gion Kenji x Iwashimizu Sumiaki
Ballroom e Youkosou (cualquier pareja)
Banana Fish: As Lynx x Okumura Eiji
BECK, Mongolian Chop Squad: Tanaka  (Koyuki)  Yukio x Minami (Ray) Ryusuke, Taira Yoshiyuki x Chiba Tsunemi, Sakurai (Saku) Yuji x taira Yoshiyuki, Sakurai (Saku) Yuji x Tanaka (Koyuki) Yukio,  Tanaka  (Koyuki)  Yukio x Minami (Ray) Ryusuke x Taira Yoshiyuki x Chiba Tsunemi x Sakurai (Saku) Yuji
Boku no Hero Academy: Midoriya Izuku x Todoroki Shoto, Midoriya Izuku x Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku x Iida Tenya, Iida tenya x Todoroki Shoto, ida tenya x Todoroki Shoto x Midoriya Izuku x Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shoto x Midoriya Izuku x Bakugou Katsuki, Yaoyorozu Momo x Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki x Kirishima Eijirou, Kirishima Eijirou x Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya izuku x  Hitoshi Shinsou, Midoriya izuku x Shigaraki Tomura, Midoriya izuku x Shigaraki Tomura x Dabi, Shigaraki Tomura x Dabi, Aizawa Shouta x Yagi Toshinori, Aizawa Shouta x Yama Hizashi, Yagi Toshinori x Aizawa Shouta x Yama Hizashi, Aizawa Shouta x Yagi Toshinori x Midoriya Inko, Yagi Toshinori x Midoriya Inko.
Bungou stray dogs (cualquier pareja)
Chihayafuru (cualquier pareja) 
DAYS (cualquier pareja)
Devil’s Line: Anzai Yuuki x Taira Tsukasa (me gusta más el manga que el anime)
Fruits Basket: Honda Touru x Souma Kyou, Souma Shigure x Souma Akito, Souma Ayame x Souma Hatori, Souma Shigure x Souma Hatori, Shouma Hatori x Souma Ayame x Souma Shigure.
Fugiken no Mononokean: Ashiya Hanae x Abeno Haruitsuki
Given: Sato Mafuyu x Uenoyama Ritsuka, Kaji Akihito x Nakayama Haruki.
HAIKYUU!! (cualquier pareja - gay)
Hana yori Dango: Makino Tsukushi x Domyoji Tsukasa
Honoo no Mirage / Mirage of Blaze: Ougi Takaya (Uesugi Kagetora) x  Yoshiaki Tachibana (Naoe Nobutsunaga)
INUYASHA: Inuyasha x Higurashi Kagome, Seshomaru x Higurasi Kagome, Miroku x Sango.
Junjou Romantica: Usami Akihito x Takahashi Misaki, Kamijou Hiroki x Kusama Nowaki, Miyagi Yo x Takatsuki Shinobu
Kekai Sensen (cualquier pareja)
Kimi ni todoke: Kuronuma Sawako x Kazehaya Shouta, Sanda Ryu x Yoshida Chizuru
Kono Oto Tomare! (otras parejas): Kudou Chika x Hotsuki Satowa, Kurata Takezo x Kudou Chika, x Kurusu Hiro, Kudou Isaki x Takaoka Tetsuki.
Kuroko no basket (cualquier pareja - gay): Kagami Taiga x Kuroko Tetsuya,  Kagami Taiga x Aomine Daiki,  Kagami Taiga x Murasakibara Atsushi,  Kagami Taiga x Akashi Seijuuro,  Kagami Taiga x Himuro Tatsuya,  Kagami Taiga x Kise Ryouta,  Kuroko Tetsuya x Aomine Daiki, Kuroko Tetsuya x Akashi Seijuuro, Midoriya Shintorou x Kazunari Takao, Murasakibara Atsushi x Himuro Tatsuya, Murasakibara Atsushi x Akashi Seijuuro, Aomine Daiki x Kise Ryouta, Kise Ryouta x Kasamatsu Yukio, Kise Ryouta x Kuroko Tetsuya
NARUTO (cualquier pareja - gay)
Natsume Yuujinchou: Natsume Takashi x Tanuma Kaname
No.6: Shion x Nezumi
Nodame Cantabile: Chiaki Shinichi x Noda Megumi
One punch man (cualquier pareja)
Over Drive: Shinozaki Mikoto x Fukazawa Yousuke, Shinozaki Mikoto x Yamato Takeshi, Fukazawa Yousuke x Terao Koichi,
Paradise Kiss (cualquier pareja)
Peach girl: Adachi Momo x Okayasu Kairi
Sekaichi hatsukoi: Takano Masamune x Onodera Ritsu, Hatori Yoshiyuki x Yoshino Chiaki, Yukina Kou x Kisa Shota
Sex pistols (cualquiera pareja)
Skip beat: Mogami Kyouko x Tsuruga Ren
Soredemo sekai wa utsukushii: Lemercier Nike x Orvinus Livius
Spiritpact: Yo Keika (Yang Jing-hua) x Tanmoku Ki (Duanmu XI)
Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge: Ohta x Tanaka
Uragiri Wa Boku no namae o Shitteiru: Gio Yuki x Zess (Crossxeria Luka)
Yuri on ICE (cualquier pareja)
Elemntary cbs: Sherlock Holmes x Joan Watson, Sherlock Holmes x Jaime Moriarty,  Sherlock Holmes x Jaime Moriarty x Joan Watson, Joan Watson x Jaime Moriarty
House M.D.: Greg House x James Wilson, Greg House x Robert Chase, Greg House x James Wilson x Robert Chase.
Sherlock bbc: Sherlock Holmes x John Watson, Mycroft Holmes x Greg Lestrade, John Watson x Mycroft Hokmes, Sherlock Holmes x Greg Lestrade,  Sherlock Holmes x Greg Lestrade x John Watsson x Mycroft Holmes, Mycroft Holmes x Sherlock Holmes.
SUPERNATURAL: Castiel x Dean Winchester, Gabriel x Sam Winchester, Gabriel x Dean Winchester.
Howl no Ugoku Shiro/ Howl’s Moving Castle: Sophie Hatter x Howl Pendragon
Mimi wo Sumaseba / Susurros del corazón: Tsukishima Shizuku x Amasawa Seiji
Películas de Marvel Comics: Anthony “Tony” Stark x Steven Grant Rogers, Steven Grant Rogers x James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes, Steven Grant Rogers x James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes x Anthony “Tony” Stark, Thor Odinsonx Loki Laufeyson, Natatlia Alianovna “Natasha” Romanoff x  linton “Clint” Francis Barton, Peter Parker x Wade Wilson, Charles Xavier x Erik Lehnsherr (acepto alguna pareja más, pero estas son las que suelo buscar)  
Películas de DC Comics: Clark Kent / Kal-El x Bruce Wayne, Oliver Queen x Barry Allen, Oliver Queen x Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen x Hal Jordan (acepto cualquier otra pareja)
[publicado: 11-03-2019; actualizado: 13-08-2019; actualizado: 19-12-2021]
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