amourduloup · 24 days
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youforgotmyname · 1 year
wait I am a bit disappointed that they had the Corpse Painting in Adam’s studio and that’s not what Jackie’s body ended up looking like,,,as the shock of s2e2 is wearing off I’m like hm. Maybe I would have done things a bit differently
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tits out!
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mama-scarebear · 3 months
Imagine how your helpless little girls have struggled in your absence, coated in drool, and little scraps of food they were too dumb to notice were still on their faces. They're completely addicted to your influence, struggle to do anything without your guidance. But they do know that regardless if mamas here or not, they need to get worse. So they follow their excited hearts down deeper holes of excess, and you come back to a bachannal pile of hungover toddlers, some still making out and practicing clumsy little humps on their half awake partners, little knots of semidominant pets indulging their worst desires with captive overwhelmingly willing victims. Two girls firmly latched to the breasts of a third, so deeply in bliss just to be used. An absolute carnival of perversion, but as you return, a pin could drop, a moment of reverent fear falls over your leigion of daughters, doe eyed and quivering at the prospect of possible punishment. A crowd of apologetic girls flocks around yousharing every single lurid thing they did while you were gone, hoping for whatever attention it might earn them~
Goodness a woman can only dream of such things. I'd absolutely adore to have my little harem go to chaos like this and then a new focused chaos when I return. You're descriptions of the depravity got me absolutely soaked. A gold star well earned ⭐️
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bacchanal-if · 7 months
This Week In Development
Once again, I am sick, so I had to work half-days and sleep the rest.
Current Wordcount In Twine: 24,821
I went back and added the romantic spectrum options to Chapter 1, so you may now choose to be aro, flux, or allo, which already changes some of the text and options available to the MC. The stat "Romantic/Pragmatic" changes to "Companionable/Solitary" if the MC is not allo, and likewise, the "Courtships" section changes to "Connections". I'm open to changing these terms if they are not clear enough, though.
The choices for your feelings towards T no longer affect their meters, but are stored more as something to be referred to later on. The choice "your heart continues to beat in $ro.their direction." changes to a more vague "you have never stopped loving $ro.them." if you are not allo.
Writing (May Contain Spoilers)
The scene with T is completely written! I've gone back to the process I used for Chapter 1, and the writing feels much smoother. I was relieved to find that in the process I'd experimented with, I actually had a bit more of the reactions fleshed out than I had anticipated.
The hobby interlude is in progress, and I'm truly enjoying the nuances when it comes to how the MC actually spends their time with it. As I've mentioned before, some hobbies may not seem like they get good "screen-time" at the moment, but I hope to have them pay off later. It's mainly the mundane creative ones (writing, drawing, needlework), which will be more vague during this time. But the research I have done for the reading, music, and singing hobbies is particularly exciting! At the moment, which scene you get depends on how the MC is reacting to the betrothal, but there haven't been many personality-affecting options in a while, so I may just have you choose the scene instead of me choosing for you. It makes me a little sad, as I thought it would be fun to have all these little variations depending on the MC thus far, but it does have sense to it and I can still sneak in some nuances, particularly if the MC chooses a scene contrary to what they've felt so far.
I did a tiny bit more editing for Chapter 1 🥺 It was hard not to when I had to change the code around it a bit and then test it.
I fleshed out some of the nsfw encounters you can have at the Bachannal in my notes.
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mino2aur · 8 months
i want cillian murphy to do some ancient greek shit to me like some fucking bachannal limb from limb shit. who said that. ive been hacked
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powerbottomblake · 1 year
ok I have compiled a list of greek mythos couple I'd like to throuple with:
1/ odysseus and penelope: the original manipulate mansplain manwhore and gaslight gatekeep girlboss they are SO sexy and big brained and would also orchestrate my death
2/ artemis and callisto: i love a good feudal lord/handmaiden pairing
3/ dyonisus and ariadne: good vibes only! bachannals year round babey also dyonisus definitely gets pegged!!
4/ whatever the fuck is going on with hephaestus/aphrodite/ares like this is the most polycule of greek myth and it's messy and I love mess
5/zeus and hera but strictly in the sense that I make zeus discover he is as much into being cucked as doing the cucking. i can treat hera right. if she doesn't turn me into a cow first but I'll take the risk
i hear y'all asking but what abt hades and persephone listen those two are way too obsessed with each other to let in a third persephone fucked that old man and from then on he won't take anyone else's strap or whatever and if you make a move on perse you'd probably be turned into old pal prometheus' roommate so no. out of the question. thank you for coming to my ted talk
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whimsipunk · 2 years
Okay I’m making my own post because I have One Fear and that’s being percieved by big blogs but like
I cannot stop thinking about the metaphysical significance of record stores.
If you already subscribe to the belief that things and, most importantly here, places have “energy”, then everywhere and everything has that and any of them can be used in a metaphysical way. Like, any doorframe is a liminal space. You don’t need to seek out the supernatural. The supernatural and the mundane are the same thing.
And the idea of record stores is fascinating to me because not only am I witch, but music plays a very big and important role in my life. And when I think about the energy of record stores, I think about reverence. People who love music gather there to collect artifacts that their favourite musicians have poured pieces of their hearts and souls into. It’s a place where people with love and adoration for the thing gather but it’s not like the somber, serious worship spaces I was exposed to in childhood. It’s impassioned. It’s not quite a drunken punk gig, but there’s still a touch of the bachannal to it I think.
It’sa very intriguing vibe. I’m not sure what I’d use it for but I might have to tie a knot in some string next time I walk past a record store.
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ticketgatewaycanada · 12 days
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Islandvibez Entertainement is organizing Carnival Is Bachannal - Caribana Sunday Cruise event by Islandvibez Entertainement on 2024–08–04 04 PM in Canada, we are selling the tickets for Carnival Is Bachannal - Caribana Sunday Cruise. https://www.ticketgateway.com/event/view/carnival-i-bachannal
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djfloops · 4 months
Mical Teja's DNA wins the Trinidad Tobago Road March 2024
Mical Teja's DNA wins the Trinidad Tobago Road March 2024 #chutneymusicdotcom
Lyrics When we outside is a ocean of love All of we align to stars up above Lewwe dance nuh, take a chance nuh with me And we go jam till morning Look moon gone sleeping Tell them we not leaving Till the last drop of bachannal Is madness in the capital so I feel I could run in town again, jump and shake the ground again Wave with all my friend and them, no place like home, home, home I feel I…
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chutneymusic · 4 months
Mical Teja's DNA wins the Trinidad Tobago Road March 2024
Mical Teja's DNA wins the Trinidad Tobago Road March 2024 #chutneymusicdotcom
Lyrics When we outside is a ocean of love All of we align to stars up above Lewwe dance nuh, take a chance nuh with me And we go jam till morning Look moon gone sleeping Tell them we not leaving Till the last drop of bachannal Is madness in the capital so I feel I could run in town again, jump and shake the ground again Wave with all my friend and them, no place like home, home, home I feel I…
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amourduloup · 3 months
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artofmydreams1 · 1 year
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Whoa, whoa, whoa, anon. If anything, Bachannal is really good so far. It already gives me major project eden garden vibes, which I LOVE! Let's not shit on a tumblronpa that seemed like a lot of work went into it, and just started, okay? The mod worked hard to include their own uniqueness and features into it, be nice
Yeah! Bacchanal is trying their best to be a good tumblronpa, and it shows! So let's take a chill pill, mkay ^^?
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In song and in dance man expresses himself as a member of a higher community; he has forgotten how to walk and speak and is on the way toward flying into the air, dancing. His very gestures express enchantment. Just as the animals now talk and the earth yields milk and honey, supernatural sounds emanate from him, too: he feels himself a god, he himself now walks about enchanted, in ecstasy, like the gods he saw walking in his dreams. He is no longer an artist, he has become a work of art.
Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy.
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elistudies · 4 years
i’m this close to just dropping everything and going on a wild frenzy of madness and drunkenness
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